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Sagala, Kordin, und Ayub Rusmanto. „Hubungan Antara Anugerah dan Iman Serta Perbuatan dalam Keselamatan Berdasarkan Kajian Hermeneutik Efesus 2:8-10“. Veritas Lux Mea (Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen) 5, Nr. 2 (22.08.2023): 165–79.

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This research elaborates on the relationship between grace and faith and works in salvation based on a hermeneutic study of Ephesians 2:8-10. This research will focus more on how the concept of salvation remains relevant throughout the ages despite the many teachings of salvation that contradict the Word of God. The research method is based on a qualitative method built on a literature study approach and a biblical hermeneutic approach. This research uses inductive-descriptive biblical hermeneutic studies related to the subject matter as the basis of hermeneutic studies concerning the relationship between grace and faith and works in salvation. Based on the hermeneutic study of Ephesians 2:8-10, the author finds that every Christian needs to be reminded and taught about the grace of salvation so that they continue to grow in their spirituality by producing good fruit for the glory of God. Salvation by God's grace is the most fundamental teaching of the Christian faith and never changes throughout the ages. Grace and faith and works in salvation are inseparable parts of God's complete and holy design for sinful man who has saved him.AbstrakPenelitian ini mengurai seputar hubungan antara anugerah dan iman serta perbuatan dalam keselamatan berdasarkan kajian hermeneutik Efesus 2:8-10. Penelitian ini akan lebih memfokuskan pada bagaimana konsep keselamatan tetap relevan di sepanjang zaman di samping banyaknya ajaran keselamatan yang bertolak belakang dengan Firman Allah. Metode penelitian ini didasarkan pada metode kualitatif yang dibangun dengan ancangan studi literatur (literature study) dan ancangan hermeneutik Alkitab. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian hermeneutik biblikal secara induktif-deskriptif yang berkaitan dengan pokok bahasan sebagai dasar kajian hermeneutik yang menyangkut hubungan antara anugerah dan iman serta perbuatan dalam keselamatan. Berdasarkan kajian hermeneutik dari Efesus 2:8-10, penulis menemukan bahwa setiap orang Kristen perlu diingatkan dan diajarkan tentang anugerah keselamatan sehingga terus bertumbuh dalam kerohaniannya dengan menghasilkan buah-buah yang baik untuk kemuliaan Tuhan. Keselamatan yang bersumber dari anugerah Allah adalah pengajaran yang paling mendasar bagi iman Kristen dan tidak pernah berubah sepanjang masa. Anugerah dan iman serta perbuatan dalam keselamatan adalah bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan sebagai rancangan yang utuh dan kudus dari Tuhan bagi manusia berdosa yang telah menyelamatkannya.
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Lee, Sunryoung. „A Hermeneutic Study of Hymn Amazing Grace“. Bible & Theology 101 (25.04.2022): 99–125.

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Heeder, Megan. „Seeking Grace in the Chasm:“. Lumen et Vita 10, Nr. 2 (14.07.2020): 1–10.

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A hermeneutic of unity between beauty and virtue, inspired by the work of Gregory of Nazianzus, offers a way to seek the Holy Spirit’s presence in the apparent chasm between the church and the secular realm. This paper describes beauty’s role in Gregory of Nazianzus’ poetry and orations and analyzes how adopting Gregory’s hermeneutic of unity between beauty and virtue can strengthen the church’s relationship with the secular sphere. The paper’s second part draws on Karl Rahner’s conception of the anonymous Christian to detail how a willingness to recognize virtue’s beauty in the public sphere can open the ecclesial community to the Holy Spirit’s movement both within and beyond the church.
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Wolfe, Kyril. „“New Creation:” Grace and Experiences of a Renewed Nature“. Religions 15, Nr. 9 (27.08.2024): 1041.

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In everyday life, one encounters many experiences of affliction that, for whatever reason, nature (ours or others’) cannot resolve. Yet, when nature’s finite resources are exhausted and hope seems in vain, humans often experience extra-ordinary moments of renewal and resolution—breakthroughs, remissions, insights, and conversions. We experience these moments in our natural existence; yet, we feel they cannot originate, cannot be attributed to nature alone. Rather, these experiences, called “graces” in Christianity, are attributed to a divine power acting in us. How do we come to describe these experiences in this way? Is it possible to formulate a general theory of these experiences as “graces”? Is there an “experience” of grace in general, a “state of grace”, which serves as ground and unifying experience for the “graces” we receive? Working from the Catholic theological point of view, this paper examines such experiences of affliction and renewal, as well as the basic Catholic framework schematizing them as found in the Bible and Catholic religious writings. In doing so, this paper highlights the theme of impossibility (absolutely or in context) underlying each experience, and broadly categorizes them as happening within three regions of human life: the external, ethical sphere, the interior self-relationship, and the vertical relationship to the Divine. In dialogue with theologians and phenomenological thinkers, general formulations of the experiences are placed within their respective spheres, and certain problems in the identification or interpretation of these experiences are identified. The paper then explores how the experience of a “New Creation” can serve not only as a label for the totality of these experiences, but also as a totalizing and overarching ground-experience of “grace” and an interpretive hermeneutic for graces in general. As a result, a graced moment of total personal “rebirth” or “recreation”, prevenient with respect to any personal co-operation or experiences of grace as grace, is identified as a potential ground for all other graces considered. Finally, this paper considers some potential implications of this account of grace for both Catholic thought and Phenomenology more generally.
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Chandra, Herwindo. „The Experience of Grace in The Phenomenon of Interreligious Dialogue“. International Journal of Indonesian Philosophy & Theology 3, Nr. 1 (28.06.2022): 1–14.

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This paper explores the experience of grace in the interreligious dialogue activists. The involvement of Catholic activists in this movement can be a locus for the experience of grace. Several theologians have recently discussed grace in a historical dimension. One of the theologians of the Second Vatican Council, Karl Rahner, had the idea of the experience of grace. Martin Heidegger's phenomenological hermeneutic method explores the experience of the grace of Catholic activists. In-depth interviews were used as a data collection technique. The research subjects were two Catholics, the National Meeting of Indonesian Youth from the Youth Commission of the Indonesian Bishops' Conference and one Catholic Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community. The results' novelty shows that the research subjects did not recognize grace as an extraordinary phenomenon. Inspired by the Church's teachings, they understand that grace is experienced as a process of living life's roles, unique abilities, and gifts to become better. The study’s conclusion confirms that grace can be identified in everyday life and is not limited to a superstructure metaphysical idea.
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Surya, Alan. „Makna Tawakal Menghadapi Pandemi dalam Lagu ‘Tanpamu’ Karya Opick“. Bil Hikmah: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam 1, Nr. 01 (19.04.2023): 23–36.

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Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap makna didalam teks lirik lagu berjudul ‘TanpaMu’ karya Opick dengan menggunakan pendekatan Hermeneutik Schleiermacher. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik analisis hermenutik Schleiermacher yang berfokus pada analisis gramatis teks dan psikologis pembuat teks. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa dalam lirik lagu TanpaMu mengandung makna perlunya bertawakal kepada Allah Swt dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19, sebab manusia tidak memiliki daya kuasa sehingga bertawakal akan memberikan kekuatan, kesabaran dan ketenangan dalam menghadapi pandemic. Hasil ini diperoleh dari tanda gramatis berupa teks tanpaMu, lelah, bersujud, lemah, rapuh, jatuh, cinta, kasih dan rahmat. Serta data psikologis dibuatnya lagu ini saat pandemi Covid-19 tahun 2020-2021. Abstract: This paper aims to reveal the meaning in the lyrics of the song entitled ‘TanpaMu' by Opick using the Hermeneutic Schleiermacher approach. The method used is descriptive qualitative with Schleiermacher's hermeneutic analysis technique which emphasizes the grammatical and psychological analysis of the creator of the text. The results obtained are that the lyrics of the song Tanpamu contain the meaning of the need to rely on Allah SWT in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, because humans are weak, so tawakkal will give strength, patience and calm in life and in facing a pandemic. This result is obtained from grammatical signs in the form of text without You, tired, prostrate, weak, fragile, falling, love, compassion and grace. Also with the psychological data for making this song during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-2021. Keywords: Tawakkal, TanpaMu Opick, Hermeneutik Schleiermacher.
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Grossi, Vittorino. „Divinización y/o filiación adoptiva en la teología espiritual de San Agustín“. Augustinus 62, Nr. 3 (2017): 319–34.

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The article addresses the topic of the divinization of the human being in St. Augustine, presenting first of all, a summary of the reception of Augustinian thought in the Eastern world, highlighting the reductionist prejudice in this approach. Afterwards, a brief exposition of the role that grace plays in the thought of Saint Augustine is made, underlining the different nuances that this thought has in Augustine’s different stages. It also discusses the relationship between grace and divinization according to Augustinian thought, to also stress the importance of the idea of the Incarnation for St. Augustine as a hermeneutic criterion to understand divinization as a filiation, a filial quality that is diverse, for the Son of God and for the believer. The article finally presents grace as a divinizing justification, as a fullness of divine filiation according to Augustinian thought.
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Dickman, Nathan Eric. „A Hermeneutic for and from Reading Kierkegaard’s For Self-Examination“. Religions 11, Nr. 10 (27.09.2020): 491.

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This essay provides a close reading of Kierkegaard’s later signed text, For Self-Examination. While many of Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous texts often are selected for their philosophically explicit engagements with Hegelian philosophy, I use Hegel’s dialectic of lordship and bondage to draw out how Kierkegaard circumvents it in this one. I first provide historical context, noting how Kierkegaard turned to earnest works after his public humiliation in the Copenhagen newspaper, undermining his ability to deploy irony effectively. Second, I briefly develop Hegel’s lordship and bondage dialectic as a model for how selfhood is constituted through work and labor. Third, I dwell with a close reading of Kierkegaard’s book both in its composition and in its interpretation, bringing out how it donates grace rather than work (à la Hegel) to the reader’s attempt at self-realization. I conclude by noting one challenge to Kierkegaard’s ideal of addressing the “single individual” from the perspective of intersectional analysis.
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Chandra, Robby Igusti. „Analisis Tafsir Lintas Budaya Serat Suluk Samariyah atas Yohanes 4:4-42“. Jurnal EFATA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 6, Nr. 2 (23.11.2020): 89–113.

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Interpretation or analysis of John 4:5-42 is numerous. However, perhaps a few works are done to analyze the interpretation done in different cultures and faith contexts, especially in Java. One of them is Serat Suluk Pawestri Samariyah that was written in 1921 in central Java. This article explores this Christian Kejawen or local spirituality text to understand the nuances and concepts underlying the text to enrich future contextualization and cross-cultural hermeneutic process. The approach of the study is the narrative interpretation method for both the Serat Suluk Pawestri Samariyah and John 4:4-42 to uncover the similarities, differences, and local concepts. As the result, it is found that in both texts Christ is narrated as He who took initiative to approach the Samaritan woman and to offer God’s grace. However, after someone receives the grace of the Living Water or Salvation, on the one side, Serat Suluk Pawestri Samariyah gives a holistic and practical way to conduct his or her life. Yet, on the other side, the text gives the impression that it teaches a dualistic view.AbstrakKarya tafsiran dan telaah atas Yohanes 4:5-42 sangat kaya. Namun, bagaimana budaya yang dan kepercayaan yang berbeda menafsirkannya mungkin belum banyak digarap, khususnya untuk Indonesia. Salah satu karya adalah Serat Suluk Pawestri Samariyah yang ditulis di tahun 1921 di Jawa Tengah. Artikel ini menelusuri karya sastra Kejawen Kristiani ini untuk menangkap nuansa-nuansa serta konsep yang memperlengkapi proses kontekstualisasi dan hermeneutik lintas budaya. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah tafsir narasi baik terhadap Serat Suluk Pawestri Samariyah dan Injil Yohanes 4:4-42 sehingga dapat digali kesamaan, perbedaan, dan konsep-konsep budaya lokal. Sebagai hasilnya, didapatkan bahwa, konsep Kristus sebagai sosok yang berprakarsa mendekati sang wanita Samaria dan menawarkan anugerah Tuhan sangat nyata dalam kedua teks, namun pemahaman teks lokal ini mengenai konsekuensi mengenai hidup sesudah menerima air hidup yaitu pengampuan dan keselamatan terkesan sangat dualistis walaupun, sangat utuh dalam pedoman menjalani hidup baru.
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Tătaru-Cazaban, Bogdan. „The Inner Dimension of the Orthodox Tradition and Traditionalism According to André Scrima’s Hermeneutics“. Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu 12, Nr. 3 (01.12.2020): 485–96.

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Abstract A unique Figure in the Orthodox Church, André Scrima was a bridge-personality among Christians and between Christianity and other religions. In his early works, bearing witness to a “spiritual inheritance” and a “blessing of grace” that he had personally received, he stressed the inner dimension of Eastern Christianity represented by Hesychastic spirituality – a perennial divine inspiration manifested across history. But both as a spiritual figure and a professor of comparative religion, he oriented his reflection toward considering the religious plurality of the world from a Christian perspective. Searching for the “lieu théologal” of hospitality for others’ spiritualities became one of the main purposes of Scrima’s reflections which occasionally dealt in a sympathetic as well as critical manner with Traditionalism. This paper aims to highlight the interest raised by an Orthodox reflection on the so-called “esoteric” side of his Tradition which leads to a hermeneutic of religious diversity.
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Sharov, Konstantin S. „The Problem of Transcribing and Hermeneutic Interpreting Isaac Newton’s Archival Manuscripts“. Tekst. Kniga. Knigoizdanie, Nr. 24 (2020): 134–55.

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In the article, the current situation and future prospects of transcribing, editing, interpreting, and preparing Isaac Newton’s manuscripts for publication are studied. The author investigates manuscripts from the following Newton’s archives: (1) Portsmouth’s archive (Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK); (2) Yahuda collection (National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel); (3) Keynes collection (King’s College Library, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK); (4) Trinity College archive (Trinity College Library, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK); (5) Oxford archive (New’s College Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK); (6) Mint, economic and financial papers (National Archives in Kew Gardens, Richmond, Surrey, UK); (7) Bodmer’s collection (Martin Bodmer Society Library, Cologny, Switzerland); (8) Sotheby’s Auction House archive (London, UK); (9) James White collection (James White Library, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, US); (10) St Andrews collection (University of St Andrews Library, St Andrews, UK); (11) Bodleian collection (Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, UK); (12) Grace K. Babson collection (Huntington Library, San Marino, California, US); (13) Stanford collection (Stanford University Library, Palo Alto, California, US); (14) Massachusetts collection (Massachusetts Technological Institute Library, Boston, Massachusetts, US); (15) Texas archive (Harry Ransom Humanities Research Centre, University of Texas Library, Austin, Texas, US); (16) Morgan archive (Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, US); (17) Fitzwilliam collection (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK); (18) Royal Society collection (Royal Society Library, London, UK): (19) Dibner collection (Dibner Library, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., US); (20) Philadelphia archive (Library of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US). There is a great discrepancy between what Newton wrote (approx. 350 volumes) and what was published thus far (five works). It is accounted for by a number of reasons: (a) ongoing inheritance litigations involving Newton’s archives; (b) dispersing Newton’s manuscripts in countries with different legal systems, consequently, dissimilar copyright and ownership branches of civil law; (c) disappearance of nearly 15 per cent of Newton works; (d) lack of accordance of views among Newton’s researchers; (e) problems with arranging Newton’s ideas in his possible Collected Works to be published; (f) Newton’s incompliance with the official Anglican doctrine; (g) Newton’s unwillingness to disclose his compositions to the broad public. The problems of transcribing, editing, interpreting, and pre-print preparing Newton’s works, are as follows: (a) Newton’s complicated handwriting, negligence in spelling, frequent misspellings and errors; (b) constant deletion, crossing out, and palimpsest; (c) careless insertion of figures, tables in formulas in the text, with many of them being intersected; (d) the presence of glosses situated at different angles to the main text and even over it; (e) encrypting his meanings, Newton’s strict adherence to prisca sapientia tradition. Despite the obstacles described, transcribing Newton’s manuscripts allows us to understand Sir Newton’s thought better in the unity of his mathematical, philosophical, physical, historical, theological and social ideas.
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Jardine, David W., Graham McCaffrey und Christopher Gilham. „The Pedagogy of Suffering: Four Fragments“. Working Compassion 21, Nr. 2 (21.09.2020): 5–13.

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This paper is a collection of small, formal and informal writings and is part of the early groundwork we have been doing together on the topic of the pedagogy of suffering, a phrase that has certainly given pause to many colleagues we have spoken to. We are trying to understand and articulate how and why suffering can be pedagogical in character and how it is often key to authentic and meaningful acts of teaching and learning. We are exploring threads from both the hermeneutic tradition and from Buddhism, in order to decode our understandable rush to ameliorate suffering at every turn and to consider every instance of it as an error to be avoided at all costs. We also look to these traditions to begin to formulate how a pedagogy that turns away from suffering suffers a great loss, and how a pedagogy that turns towards suffering can become a locale of great teaching and learning, great wisdom and grace.
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Jędrzejko, Paweł. „Snapshots: On the Value of Photo/Sensitivity“. Review of International American Studies 15, Nr. 2 (31.12.2022): 5–18.

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The article offers an comparative insight into two, parallel, narratives concerning a nautical event: one visual, and one verbal. The argument is based on the juxtaposition of Robert Cushman Murphy's photographic rendition of the so-called Nantucket sleigh ride (the stage of a whale hunt, in which the harpooned animal, attempting to flee his oppressors, tows the whaleboat behind him) with his description of the same phenomenon, which he included in his diary A Logbook for Grace. Whaling Brig Daisy 1912–1913 (first published only in 1947). The reflections stemming from the analysis concern the importance of the Barthesian punctum in the context of the interpretive power of the image, which, ultimately, leads to conclusions concerning the significance of emotions in the hermeneutic process of filling the spots of indeterminacy. Ultimately, the article demonstrates how, through his glass lantern images, Robert Cushman Murphy offers his audiences the “realist” truth, employing “modernist means” to “romantically” emulate the emotions.
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Várady, Endre. „Jézus törvényértelmezésének hermeneutikai kulcsai a Máté 5 néhány tételében“. Sárospataki füzetek 28, Nr. 2 (23.08.2024): 143–51.

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Jesus did not come to dissolve or abolish (καταλυσαι) the Law but to complete (πληρωσαι) it. This fulfilling process is illustrated by six examples. However, while fulfilling the Law, Jesus did not lower the norm level; instead, he raised it to a much higher level. The analyzed sentences of Jesus set unrealizable expectations. He does not at all provide a more effective method of keeping the Torah but paralyzes the person in order to realize the futility of his efforts and that the only way to God is through the grace of Christ. Through the last three cases, the method of non-violent resistance is introduced. Hostile reactions lead to an escalation of violence, whereas evil can be stopped by wisely applied non-violent opposition. Interpreting the text with appropriate hermeneutic keys, the words of Jesus analyzed here no longer seem very radical, and the feasibility of following him is also much more realistic.
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Rizvi, Sajjad H. „The Existential Breath of al-rahmān and the Munificent Grace of al-rahīm: The Tafsīr Sūrat al-Fātiha of Jāmī and the School of Ibn cArabī“. Journal of Qur'anic Studies 8, Nr. 1 (April 2006): 58–87.

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It has become commonplace to observe that every exegete brings to his commentary his own skills, preunderstandings and preconceptions about the text. Thus, when one reads a commentary from a particular perspective one expects to find the discipline and method of the exegete explicit in his work. This is especially true of philosophical and mystical commentaries on the Qur'an. The current paper considers the case of the tafsīr of the famous Persian poet CAbd al-Rahmān Jāmī (d. 898/1492) on the Fātiha, as an illustration of the metaphysics of the school of Ibn cArabī. In particular I will analyse his understanding of the basmala in the light of the Akbarī doctrine of divine mercy, juxtaposing the famous chapter on Zechariah from the Fusūs al-hikam, which presents the doctrine along with famous commentaries on it including that of Jāmī, with Jāmī's interpretation of the Qur'anic verse. What emerges is a highly systematic hermeneutic of the word of God in terms of a human scheme of metaphysics, in this case the application of the doctrines of the school of Ibn cArabī to the understanding of the basmala.
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Dunn,, Dorothy J., und Dawn Rivas. „Transforming Compassion Satisfaction“. International Journal of Human Caring 18, Nr. 1 (Februar 2014): 45–50.

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Compassion in caregiving is a quality which nurses are expected to possess. Little is known in the professional literature that addresses the essences of compassion as experienced by nurses. The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of compassion in nursing practice. In this exploratory, qualitative secondary analysis study, grounded in hermeneutic phenomenology, textual data were obtained from an original study that revealed that intentional compassion energy (ICE) is what keeps nurses in nursing. This research study examined the archival data and de-identified anonymous text to understand the experience of compassion in nursing practice, and describes the usefulness, experience, and meaning of compassion in nursing practice through the lens of the theory of compassion energy. The findings revealed the emotional connection of caring for another who is suffering with the intention to care compassionately as the grounding of nursing practice. Compassion becomes the energy for caring and supports the relational process in connection between the nurse (caregiver) and patient (care recipient). The overall meaning of how nurses experience compassion was interpreted from 3 relational themes: Compassion as Emotion, Transforming the Compassion Occasion, and Connecting with Grace.
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Afandi, Nur Kholik. „Grateful Personality in The Development of Islamic Education (Hermeneutical Analysis of Verses About Gratitude in Tafsīr Al-Miṣbāḥ)“. QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama 14, Nr. 2 (21.12.2022): 355–82.

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This study aims to find out how the concept of personality gratitude in the development of Islamic education is described in the Quran. This research is included in the type of library research that uses qualitative data types. e main data source in this research is the Koranic verses that discuss gratitude. This study uses a subjective hermeneutic approach that emphasizes the interpreter's role in understanding and determining the meaning of the text about the verses of gratitude in Tafsr al-Misbah. According to the findings of the study, a grateful personality is synonymous with the term 'abdan syakuran. The term refers to a personality that always appreciates, recognizes, and uses God's grace in every situation. A person with a grateful personality has a noble character, which contains the character values of trustworthiness, qan'ah, tawadu', hard work, creativity, and prosocial actions. A grateful personality is needed to realize Islamic education's goals, namely the creation of religious and noble human beings. Therefore, we need the right strategy for instilling these values. The internalization of the gratitude personality in Islamic education can be carried out through several strategies, including tazkiyah, tazniyah, tadabburah, and tarabbutah.
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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan keefektifan metode hermeneutik dalam pembelajaran apresiasi puisi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja Kabupaten Barru. Penelitian ini digolongkan ke dalam penelitian eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja Kabupaten Barru yang berjumlah 160 orang yang terbagi ke dalam empat kelas. Penarikan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purpose random sampling, artinya penentuan sampel dilakukan secara sengaja dengan jumlah yang representatif pada kelas penelitian. Hal ini didasarkan atas pertimbangan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga, dana, dan karakteristik penelitian. Sampel penelitian ditetapkan kelas VIII-2 berjumlah 40 orang sebagai kelas eksperimen dan VIII-4 sebanyak 40 orang sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik yang digunakan mengumpulkan data penelitian adalah teknik tes. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik statistik inferensial statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jika guru menerapkan metode hermeneutik, maka pembelajaran apresiasi puisi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja Kabupaten Barru meningkat. Hal ini tampak berdasarkan temuan bahwa metode hermeneutik efektif diterapkan dalam pembelajaran apresiasi puisi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja Kabupaten Barru. Hal ini tampak pula pada nilai yang diperoleh siswa, yakni kemampuan siswa pada kelas kontrol belum memadai dengan tingkat ketuntasan hanya mencapai 57,5% yang mampu memperoleh nilai 70 ke atas. Hal ini berbeda dengan kemampuan siswa meningkat pada kelas eksperimen dengan kategori mampu dengan tingkat ketuntasan mencapai 92,5% yang memperoleh nilai 70 ke atas. Keefektifan strategi ini diketahui pula berdasarkan hasil perhitungan nilai t (tes signifikansi untuk desain 2). Perbandingan hasil kemampuan kelas kontrol dan eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa nilai t hitung sebanyak 4,29> nilai t tabel 2,02. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis penelitian yang diajukan diterima, yaitu metode hermeneutik efektif diterapkan dalam pembelajaran apresiasi puisi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja Kabupaten Barru (H1).Kata kunci: metode hermeneutik, apresiasi, puisi AbstracThis study was aimed to describe the effectiveness of teaching methods in hermeneutic appreciation of poetry eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja Barru . This research was classified into experimental research. The population of this study was overall eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja Barru totaling 160 people, divided into four classes. Sampling in this study was used the technique of random sampling purpose, meaning that sampling was done deliberately by the number of the class representative on the study. It was based on the consideration of the limitations of time, effort, money, and study characteristics . The research sample was set of class VIII - 2 of 40 students as a class experiment and VIII - 4 as many as 40 students as the control class. The techniques used to collect research data was a test technique. The data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics inferential statistics . The results showed that when teachers use hermeneutics method, the appreciation of poetry teaching eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja Barru increased. This was evident by the finding that effective hermeneutic method applied in the teaching poetry appreciation eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja Barru . It also appeared on the values obtained by the student, the student's ability to control the class was not sufficient to achieve the level of mastery only 57.5 % were able to obtain a score of 70 and above. This was in contrast with the ability of the students increased in the experimental class with category were able to achieve 92.5 % completeness level who scored 70 and above. The effectiveness of this strategy in mind also based on the calculation of the value of t ( test of significance for the design of 2 ) . Comparison of the results of the control and experimental class capabilities was indicated that as many as 4.29 t value > t table value of 2.02 . This was suggested that the hypothesis of the proposed research was accepted , the hermeneutic method effectively applied in learning poetry appreciation eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja Barru ( H1 ) .Key word: Hermeneutic method, appreciation, poetry
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-, Muhammad Fiqih Cholidi, und Safiya Fadlulah. „Pembacaan Rekontekstual At-Taubah 9: 123 dan Implikasinya terhadap Kehidupan Bernegara (Pendekatan Tafsir Maqashidi)“. Jurnal Bimas Islam 15, Nr. 2 (06.12.2022): 331–54.

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The righteous understanding of naș implicates Muslim’s application as a representation of Islamic teaching in society. If this understanding is flawed, the social value of Islam that reconstructs the social and national life of Muslims has no role, but it disrupts the social balance of society. Related to this, one of the verses in The n, Surah At-Taubah [9]: 123, is often used as evidence by some communities of Muslims to legitimate the exclusivity of Islam in social life dan shows how discrimination against the non-Islamist religion. This, of course, thwarts the value of Islamic universities and inclusivity in social and national life, especially in this modern era. By the maqāșidi interpretation approach, this article attempts to seek maqāșid from this verse based on a re-contextual reading of Ricoeur’s hermeneutic that is suitable with the nowadays context and reality. By reviewing the maqāșid of the verse, this article reveals the mission brought by the verse and its implication for Muslim social and national life. Therefore, it will be concluded that the order in this verse suits the micro context of this verse, but it does not match what we find nowadays. The interpretation maqāșidi approach helps to find the ontology of this verse which is the general maqāșid of this verse, that is, to bring universal grace and happiness.
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Mccann, J. Clinton. „The Hermeneutics of Grace“. Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 57, Nr. 1 (Januar 2003): 5–15.

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The Bible offers a unified portrayal of a God who is essentially gracious, merciful, and loving. The discernment of the Bible's “single plot”—the hermeneutics of grace—has profound social and ethical implications.
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Zheng, Yang. „V. V. Zenkovsky’s assessment of S. L. Frank’s attitude to the problem of the beginning of the world“. Философская мысль, Nr. 9 (September 2023): 54–64.

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The article deals with the views of S. L. Frank on the problem of the creation of the world, their critical assessment is given, made by V. V. Zenkovsky in his History of Russian Philosophy. The difference in the understanding of this problem by thinkers is stated. S. L. Frank accepted the pantheistic concept of the emanation of the Absolute. Accordingly, he made a conclusion about the essential connection between God and creation, V. V. Zenkovsky fundamentally rejected pantheism, insisting on the essential difference between God and creation. During the study, methods of comparative analysis were used, which involve a reasoned and consistent identification of similarities and differences in the philosophical positions of S. L. Frank and V. V. Zenkovsky. Hermeneutic methods were also used to better understand the semantic content of texts. It is argued that "antinomian panentheism", which S. L. Frank adhered to, is a modification of the pantheistic worldview. Therefore, his ideological position was rightly criticized by V. V. Zenkovsky from a Christian theistic point of view. The author makes an assumption that the reason why the philosopher, realizing the vulnerability of his views, nevertheless did not leave them, was the prevalence of the psychology of the Christian religion over its ontology in his religious experience. For S. L. Frank, the personal connection between God and man was extremely important, but he believed that church authority rejected its necessity. The author of the article considers this opinion of the philosopher to be inadequate, since at the Palamite Councils in Christian dogmatics a definition was developed on the synergistic interaction of God and man. This opened up for the latter the possibility of deification by grace.
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Herianah, Herianah. „Analisis Makna Lagu Bugis “Sajang Rennu” Ciptaan Yusuf Alamudi Melalui Pendekatan Hermeneutika“. ATAVISME 13, Nr. 2 (31.12.2010): 201–8.

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Tulisan ini bertujuan membahas makna lagu Bugis Sajang Rennu ciptaan Yusuf Alamudi melalui pendekatan hermeneutika. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik inventarisasi, baca-simak, dan pencatatan dalam pengumpulan datanya. Teknik analisis data melalui tahap identifikasi, klasifikasi, analisis, dan deskripsi. Analisis makna lagu dengan pendekatan hermeneutika ini dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu analisis kata dalam larik lagu, analisis larik dalam bait, dan analisis bait dalam lagu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna lagu Sajang Rennu ciptaan Yusuf Alamudi adalah adanya rasa sirik ‘malu’ dari seorang lelaki karena kekasih pujaan hatinya menikah dengan orang lain tanpa kabar berita. Konsekuensi dari rasa sirik ‘malu’ ini membuatnya berpikir untuk mengakhiri hidupnya. Abstract: This writing is intended to discuss the meaning of Buginese song Sajang Rennu by Yusuf Alamudi using hermeneutic approach. This research applies descriptive qualitative method by collecting data using inventory technique, reading-observing, and noting. The technique of data analysis is identification, classification, analysis, and description. The result of the research shows that the meaning of Sajang Rennu by Yusuf Alamudi is sirik or feeling embarassed of a man since his girl friend gets married to another man without any notification before. The consequence of sirik makes him think of suicide. It is figured by the statement that one day people will find a new grave, and he is in. Key Words: meaning; Buginese song; hermeneutic research
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Korkh, O. M., und V. Y. Antonova. „Formation of the "Self-Made-Man" Idea in the Worldview of the Renaissance and Reformation“. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, Nr. 21 (30.06.2022): 94–102.

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The purpose of this study is the reflection on ways of philosophical legitimation for the "Self-made-man" idea in the worldview of the Renaissance and Reformation. Theoretical basis. Historical, comparative, and hermeneutic methods became the basis for this. The study is based on the works of Nicholas of Cusa, G. Pico della Mirandola, N. Machiavelli, M. Montaigne, E. Roterodamus, M. Luther, J. Calvin together with modern researchers of this period. Originality. The analysis allows us to come to the conclusion that casts doubt on the still widespread belief according to which the emergence of the "Self-made-man" idea is localized by the process of forming the American cultural code and the ideological heritage of Benjamin Franklin. It is highlighted that the formation of this idea is the result of a long process that originated in the ancient world and gains a special impetus in the Renaissance and Reformation. Precisely in the cultural context of the latter, the ancient intention to recognize the individual’s right to self-determination and self-government, which in the depths of Christian theology acquires only a potentially universal character, becomes not only acceptable but also, in the context of Protestantism worldview, the only admissible, in fact, individual’s obligatory life guidelines. Conclusions. Humanistic and reformation thoughts quite naturally led to further ideological legitimation of the person’s idea of who is creating oneself. This legitimation was during the complex interaction of numerous factors of culture in the Late Middle Ages, as well as ideas and intentions inherited from Antiquity. Key among them was the gradual formation of a new social order, in essence, indifferent to paternalistic rudiments, together with the ethics of Protestantism corresponding to it. The latter does not only legalize but, de facto, sacralizes the individual’s reorientation from hopes for the synergy of God’s grace and own free will in personal salvation, toward the self-reliance and personal efforts, awareness of personal responsibility for the own fate as key principles of the "Self-made-man" concept.
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Elam, Diane. „Is feminism the saving grace of hermeneutics?“ Social Epistemology 5, Nr. 4 (Oktober 1991): 349–60.

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Berezina, Tamara I., Olga L. Kameneva und Elena N. Fedorova. „Children’s moral culture in the context of the Christian-anthropological worldview“. Perspectives of Science and Education 48, Nr. 6 (31.12.2020): 55–66.

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Introduction. The themes of good and evil, familiarizing the younger generation with the universal values of Good, Truth, and Beauty have been in the focus of the world pedagogical and ethical thought since ancient times, but are especially relevant in the modern era of the postmodern discrediting of all standards. The research purpose is to form a more complete theoretical understanding of the problem of the formation of children’s moral culture in the light of the Christian-anthropological worldview and the patristic doctrine of virtues. Materials and methods. The study was conducted using general scientific theoretical methods: hermeneutic analysis, generalization, synthesis, abstraction, induction and deduction, interpretation of results. Results. As a result of the study, the following definition of the phenomenon of “moral culture” in the context of the Christian-anthropological worldview was given. Moral culture is a system of moral and ethical guidelines and personality traits based on absolute moral values and Christian virtues: abstinence, chastity, mercy, meekness, joy, courage, humility, and love. Moral culture is manifested in the moral behavior and actions of a person and determined by the moral consciousness of an individual striving for self-improvement, heartfelt purity, and good deeds – through the feat of Christian life, overcoming vices and passions. Researchers come to the conclusion that the highest Christian virtue – sacrificial love for God and people – is impossible without the virtue of humility, which is considered in moral theology as a measure of holiness, the foundation of the entire structure of a person’s spiritual and moral life. Discussion and conclusion. Moral culture formation is of intimate and discrete nature, it continues throughout a person’s life, representing its highest goal and ideal. Morality cannot be formed, assimilated exclusively by external influence, it is based on the individual autonomy, the synergy of a person’s own efforts, and the action of Divine grace. Researchers conclude that moralization and moral terror are unacceptable in the formation of children’s moral culture. The research results can be taken into account in the practical activities of teachers working in Orthodox general education and weekend schools, as well as in family education.
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Baidhawy, Zakiyuddin. „Hibrida Paradigma Fondasionalisme Dan Hermeneutika Menuju Interpretasi Islam Multikultural“. DISKURSUS - JURNAL FILSAFAT DAN TEOLOGI STF DRIYARKARA 9, Nr. 2 (11.10.2010): 229–47.

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Abstract: This article tries to explain the foundational entrapment of the logic of modernism, which imprisons interpreters in only one truth. It elucidates a clash between foundationalism and hermeneutics, and offers an alternative to overcome it. This study concludes that foundational textualism (bayani), intuisionism (`irfani), and empericism (burhani) in the history of Islamic thought, claim their own truth. Contemporary chal- lenges presented by post-modernism have shocked social and cultural conventions, systems of belief, statism and foundationalism of thinking, cultures and outlooks, which have been sacralized by Moslem society for long time. In order to look for a way out from this crisis of Islamic thinking, which eventually affects its social praxis, multicultural interpretation should become an alternative for Moslems in promoting Islam as a uni- versal grace for the whole creation. Keywords: Fondasionalisme (foundationalism), hermeneutika (hermeneu- tics), pemikiran Islam (Islamic thought), multikulturalisme (multicul- turalism), interpretasi (interpretation).
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Бондар, Наталія Юріївна. „Своєрідність архетипу дитини в романі Едгара Л. Доктороу «Град Божий»“. Наукові записки Харківського національного педагогічного університету ім. Г. С. Сковороди "Літературознавство" 2, Nr. 98 (2021): 6–24.

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The article examines the originality of the child archetype in the novel City of God by Edgar L. Doctorow. The purpose of the article is to determine the originality of the archetype of the child in the novel City of God by E.L. Doctorow in an individual author’s interpretation, taking into account the historical content. The comprehensive research methodology has been used in the work: the synthesis of the comparative historical method, holistic analysis, elements of mythopoetic and hermeneutic methods. Poststructuralist approaches are taken into account, as well as the “close reading” technique. In the novel City of God, at the level of the child archetype, the idea of the existential tragedy of being is embodied as a traumatic but necessary reminder of the ethical imperfection of humanity. Also, the archetype of the child includes a biblical component, which gives it a symbolic significance in the literary paradigm of the early 21st century. The novel shows images of children not only in different time planes, but also with different archetypal loads. The name of the child standing at the center of the story, Yehoshua, is associated with a variant of the name of Jesus, but this is not the name given to him at birth. The real Yehoshua was sacrificed to the world Chaos, and his name saves the life of another boy, the future father of Sarah Blumenthal, that is, a rethinking of death and rebirth takes place “for his friends”. The archetypal components are also rethought, and by the grace of adults, the child loses his/her childhood and – often – even the life. The world appears to be cruel and ruthless towards the child. But thanks to the wise instructions of the “mentors” (firstly the parents, then the tailor, Barbanel) and the strength of his character, the boy experiences the horrors of war. Sarah Blumenthal’s children are the embodiment of the traditional understanding of the child as a carefully nurtured sprout of the future. In this case, the archetype of the child is presented in its general cultural meaning, which expresses purity and hope for the future. The author's intentions are aimed at revealing the tragic side of modernity, when even the wisest adult Mentor is not always able to save a child from the cruel trials of real life. God died, and the sacred interpretation of childhood died, too.
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Antonova, V. Y., und O. M. Korkh. „Formation of the "Self-Made-Man" Idea in the Context of the Christian Middle Ages“. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, Nr. 19 (30.06.2021): 117–26.

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The purpose of this article is to analyze the variability of the "Self-made-man" idea in the context of the Christian Middle Ages in its primarily historical and philosophical presentation. Research is based on the historical and philosophical analysis of the medieval philosophy presented foremost by the works of Aurelius Augustine, P. Abelard, Thomas Aquinas, and also by the modern researches of this epoch. Theoretical basis. Historical, comparative, and hermeneutic methods became fundamental for this research. Originality. The conducted analysis allowed to draw a conclusion that, despite the still existing view of the Middle Ages as a kind of an ideological gap in the formation of the self-determination idea, the Christian philosophy of this period not only does not reject but also gives essentially the universal character of the ancient intention to recognize the individual’s right to self-determination and self-government, makes it not only religiously acceptable but also obligatory. Conclusions. Despite to general theocentrism, providentialism and fatalism of Christian medieval philosophy and culture in general, at its epicenter there is a man of a special type, focused on preserving spiritual autonomy and identity in the social dimensions of their existence, and at the same time, on personal responsibility for their own destiny. Such focus became a logical and somewhat unexpected result of the complex interaction of numerous factors of medieval culture, as well as the ideas and intentions inherited from Antiquity. In particular, the idea that a person who does not act freely cannot be morally responsible for what he does, as well as the intentions of the ancient sage to autonomy, autarky, and apoliticism. In the Middle Ages, this intention became essentially universal, as it became a right, even an obligation of every Christian to be free, at least from the worldly, in determining and realizing his own destiny. The gradual compromise recognition that personal salvation is possible only as a result of synergy, i.e. the co-participation of God’s grace and human freedom, legitimizes and strengthens its focus on active personal efforts and personal responsibility for one’s own salvation, in fact for one’s own destiny. All this in historical perspective was found in its radicalized and purified from all sorts of mystical and religious layers of expression in the idea of "Self-made-man".
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Campbell, Douglas A. „Is Tom Right?: An Extended Review of N. T. Wright's Justification: God's Plan and Paul's Vision“. Scottish Journal of Theology 65, Nr. 3 (27.07.2012): 323–45.

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AbstractIn this extended review I first describe Wright's complex account of the doctrine of justification in Paul, which combines emphases on the covenant, the lawcourt, Christ and eschatology and includes, further, important translation claims concerning ‘the righteousness of God’ as God's covenant faithfulness, ‘justification’ as vindication in a lawcourt setting, ‘works of law’ as sociological boundary markers, and ‘faith’ as speaking not infrequently of Christ's fidelity rather than the generic Christian's (although these last two things are not separate; the former grounds the latter making it a badge of Christian membership). I then suggest, second, that Wright needs to recognise more clearly a particular danger in the traditional approach to justification that he is trying to move beyond – ‘foundationalist individualism’, or ‘forward thinking’. That is, the traditional reading of justification in Paul understands him to be arguing and thinking forward, from a nasty, legalistic, and essentially Jewish, plight, to a solution which is a gospel generously grasped by faith alone. This narrative, rooted in a certain reading of Romans 1–4, creates a large number of difficulties. (It begins with natural theology. It characterises Judaism unfairly. It asks a lot of sinful individuals unenlightened by grace. And so on.) And I am not convinced that Wright's complex revisionist account of justification has avoided them all. In particular, (1) he continues to emphasise a particular notion of the lawcourt in Paul's argument and thereby unleashes an account of God's character primarily in terms of retributive justice and hence in terms of Western politics. (2) He tends to define the covenant before he has taken full account of christology. The covenant should be defined by christology, rather than the other way around. One sign that things have not been tied together here as they ought to be is the number of different definitions of Israel that Wright supplies – as many as four. Moreover (3) even his revisionist sociological account of ‘works of law’ reproduces a key difficulty in the older approach, i.e. a jaundiced description of Judaism. And (4) his account of faith in Abraham does not explicitly link Paul's controversial reification of Genesis 15:6 to a christological hermeneutic, as it needs to in order to avoid crass reductionism. But Wright's definitive account of Paul is not yet fully articulated, so suitable adjustments might well allay my concerns here, with various aspects of foundationalism presently appearing within his theological description.
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van Oorschot, Frederike. „Common Grace as a Hermeneutical Approach to Globalization?“ Philosophia Reformata 80, Nr. 1 (26.05.2015): 78–98.

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The reformed theologian Max L. Stackhouse develops a differentiated analysis and interpretation of globalization as part of his public theology. He consistently refers to Kuyper's concept of common grace and transfers Kuyper's teaching into a hermeneutical approach to sociological analysis. First, the paper sketches Stackhouse's understanding of globalization as a theological process, then analyses the influences of Kuyper's theology of grace and finally shows the theological roots of Stackhouse's doctrine of grace and methodological problems associated with it. It closes with remarks on the opportunities and limits of Stackhouse's approach to the theological interpretation of globalization.
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Saragih, Febri Ando Pratama. „Tinjauan Teologis Terhadap Doktrin Soteriologi Hyper Grace“. Missio Ecclesiae 13, Nr. 1 (16.04.2024): 13–23.

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Konsep keselamatan (Soteriologi) dalam teologi Kristen merupakan suatu pengajaran yang krusial. Berdasarkan kajian hermeneutika, ada beberapa teori atau konsep yang berkaitan dengan Soteriologi yang ikut memberi warna dalam kajian teologi tentang doktrin keselamatan. Salah satunya adalah Hyper Grace, yang menempatkan posisi kasih karunia di posisi yang sangat tinggi, tetapi mengabaikan tanggung jawab orang percaya yang sudah diselamatkan. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji dan meninjau asumsi-asumsi dasar kelompok Hyper Grace tentang doktrin keselamatan, sehingga dapat menyajikan konsep keselamatan yang benar menurut pandangan Alkitab. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kepustakaan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa ajaran Hyper Grace ini memberikan pemahaman-pemahaman yang keliru, tidak alkitabiah, dan berakhir pada penyesatan terhadap analisanya kepada doktrin keselamatan, khususnya mengenai respon atau tanggung jawab manusia setelah diselamatkan. Hal ini disebabkan karena kajian hermeneutika kelompok Hyper Grace yang keliru dalam menafsirkan teks-teks kasih karunia dan keselamatan. Gereja dan orang percaya harus berhati-hati dengan konsep ini, supaya tidak jatuh ke dalam penyesatan mengenai doktrin keselamatan.
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Cohen, Charles L. „Two Biblical Models of Conversion: An Example of Puritan Hermeneutics“. Church History 58, Nr. 2 (Juni 1989): 182–96.

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Puritan religious experience centered around conversion, the soul's new birth in faith. Entry into the realm of the Spirit, the path to salvation, involved a protracted emotional confrontation with grace borne in God's Word. The injunction to begin life anew in grace is as old as John 3:3, which declares that one “cannot see the kingdom of God” without being “born again” but does not associate the event with any particular psychological experience; what one undergoes in becoming a child of the Spirit the gospel does not relate. Into this gap of possibility Puritan preachers insinuated their vision of holy passions; well known as physicians of the soul, they pieced together a compelling model of how the Spirit moves a human being as it translates individuals from the estate of damnation to that of grace.
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Ong, Yu Sing. „A Grace-Based Leadership Approach to Managing Gen A in the Digital Age“. Business Ethics and Leadership 3, Nr. 3 (2019): 88–98.

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This paper discusses a grace-based approach in managing the Gen A workforce in the digital age. It is a philosophical approach that covers grace, compassion, ethics, empowerment, and trust. On the basis of the conducted research the author proposes three theoretical lenses, organizational management, religious, and philosophical hybridism to conceptualize the grace-based leadership model that addresses the deterioration in ethical business behavior which gives rise to fraud, corruption, and loss of integrity. Specifically, this paper highlights the humanism aspect of organizations from the perspective of established philosophies and religions such as I Ching, Confucianism, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism. The methodological basis for this paper is found within the theological, philosophical, psychological, and managerial fields. This study uses both interpretative phenomenological and hermeneutics approaches to interpret and understand the divine and classical texts of I Ching, Confucian Analects, Sutras, Quran, and Bhagavad Gita. The main hypothesis of the research is the idea that qualitative inquiries in management and leadership contexts can be enriched through linkages to the study of interpretative phenomenology and hermeneutics. The practical significance of this paper lies in the potential for developing a theoretical framework in humanistic leadership. According to the findings, this paper concludes that the deciding factor for an organization’s success in the digital era will be its ability to evolve its corporate culture to not only take advantage of emerging technologies but also to embrace the principle of humanism in the workplace. Keywords: Gen A, grace-based leadership, I Ching, Islam, Confucian, Buddhism, Hinduism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, grace-based approach.
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Tseng, Paul. „Conquest of Mythos by Logos“. DIALOGO 10, Nr. 2 (20.06.2024): 138–46.

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In the beginning was the Word, the Word is with God, and the Word is God. The Word was incarnated into flesh, who is full of truth and grace. And Jesus, the core figure in the New Testament, shows forth the glory and power of the Supreme God. The Scripture is the covenant and testimony of the Word, which should be interpreted in proper way to avoid the mythos. This paper concisely list the key consideration of exegetical theology, that is, hermeneutics. Through these key considerations, we can get a better understanding of the Word, which can help with our experience of the living Word. In addition, the actual applications of the theoretical hermeneutics are also exhaustively introduced. And finally, how hermeneutics interacts with other religions and its potential future research directions are also pointed out
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This research is aimed to determine the ability to appreciate poetry by hermeneutic methods in mastering figurative language of students of MAN 2 Mataram in 2017/2018 academic year. This research is quantitative research. The data is collected by using observation and test. The research sample is students of grade X Mia consisting of 12 students of MAN 2 Mataram. Sample is selected by employing purposive sampling technique. Data analysis used is descriptive statistics. The result shows an average value of 76.25 with a standard deviation of 6.44, so that the ability to appreciate poetry with hermeneutic methods in mastering the figurative language of students Man 2 Mataram is high.
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Abstract - The string of words in poetry is a literary work that has a hermeneutic meaning with a broad interpretation or interpretation. Even as the process changes from something ignorance to understanding. This research aims to explain the learning process of students' ability to write literary works of poetry with inkuiri techniques. The methods used by class actions in cycles 1 and 2 are through planning, action, observation, and reflection, while the instruments required are test and nontest, data analysis techniques using quantitative and qualitative. The results showed that the ability of students to write poetry literary works using inkuiri techniques, training and guidance in grade VIII-A students of SMPN 1 Rancabali, Alamendah, Kecamatan Rancabali, Bandung Regency, in cycles 1 and 2 experienced improved learning and changed students' behavior towards significant writing interests. Abstrak - Untaian kata dalam puisi merupakan karya sastra yang mempunyai makna hermeneutik dengan penafsiran atau interpretasi yang luas. Bahkan sebagai proses perubahan dari sesuatu ketidaktahuan menjadi mengerti. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan proses pembelajaran kemampuan siswa dalam menulis karya sastra puisi dengan teknik inkuiri. Metode yang digunakan tindakan kelas pada siklus 1 dan 2 melalui perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi, sedangkan instrumen yang dibutuhkan yakni test dan nontest, model analisis data adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian terbukti bahwa kemampuan siswa menulis puisi karya sastra menggunakan teknik inkuiri, latihan dan bimbingan untuk siswa kelas VIII-A SMPN 1 Rancabali, Alamendah, Kecamatan Rancabali, Kabupaten Bandung, pada siklus 1 dan 2 mengalami peningkatan belajar dan mengubah perilaku siswa terhadap minat menulis yang cukup signifikan.
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Adamu, Cyril Osilama. „National Security and Good Governance in Nigeria: The Hermeneutical Imperative“. Ghana Journal of Religion and Theology 13, Nr. 2 (26.12.2023): 101–18.

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Nigeria is plagued with developmental problems and security challenges. Religion no doubt contributes a significant percentage to insecurity, despite its positives; and portends a grave danger which is highly inflammable. This is why any meaningful discourse on national security and good governance must consider the religious perspective as pivotal. The objective of this paper, therefore, is to examine how religious hermeneutics can contribute to national development, good governance, and security. Data were sourced using the qualitative phenomenological method, wherein the study seeks to investigate the religious lived experiences within the backdrop of religious hermeneutics. This paper adopts the antithesis of the philosophy of orthodoxy that does not present interpretations that fit in with the changed conditions of the world. The methodology of dynamic hermeneutics philosophy submits the findings that individuals or groups in specific historical situations can interpret their sacred texts in a way that facilitates violence and insecurity. The recommendation is that contemporary religious hermeneutics should at all times engender peace, security and good governance.
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HIRAKU, Norikazu, und Shoju TONISHI. „The Hermeneutic Circle and Teaching the Water Cycle in Nature to Grade 4 Students“. Journal of Research in Science Education 60, Nr. 2 (29.11.2019): 425–32.

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. The introduction to the paper outlines its aim to find ways of developing interpretative skills of the 5th-grade Suvorovites when teaching expressive reading. Materials and methods. The study is based on the analysis of psychological, pedagogical, and methodological literature, which help to teach the 5th-grade Suvorovites to deeply percept and understand literary text and subtext, and can foster the development of interpretative skills while teaching them to expressive reading. The research involves considering artistic interpretation as one of the most important directions of the literary development of reading Suvorovites. According to the study, the interconnection between the hermeneutic and axiological approaches to teaching expressive reading contributes to the development of recreational and creative imagination in the Suvorovites and reveals the deepest meanings of the work of fiction on a personal level. The results of the study. The study has determined the role of the hermeneutic and axiological aspects in the methodology of expressive reading. It has also considered the ways of building the interpretative competence in the younger adolescents of the Suvorov Military School through the work with the sounding word. Some features of the literary text perception by the Suvorovites have been analyzed, and the problems of the formation of the reader’s competence and interpretative skills have been identified, given a gender aspect. The paper also presents an interpretive analysis of the 5th-grade Suvorovites’ expressive reading of R. L. Stevenson’s ballad “Heather Honey” (translated by S. Ya. Marshak). This analysis of the Suvorovites work focuses on the development of emotional responsiveness, expansion of the intonation range, and teaching the empathetic principle in conjunction with the formation of ideas about the moral conceptual complex, which helps to deepen understanding of the ballad subtext and, therefore, not only improves the acting skills of the students but also cultivates their spiritual qualities (axiological aspect). Conclusion The study proves that the interconnection between the hermeneutic and axiological approaches to teaching expressive reading contributes to the efficient development of the interpretative skills of the Suvorovites-readers, allows them to penetrate the deepest meaning of the text, and forms the emotional intelligence and personal qualities of the first-year students of the Suvorov Military School. Keywords: expressive reading, interpretative abilities, hermeneutic approach, axiological approach, interpretative competence, acting analysis, emotional intelligence, text, subtext.
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Pirnajmmudin, Hossein, und Sanaz Bayat. „Charles Taylor’s ontological hermeneutics and the question of existence in Marilynne Robinson’s Lila“. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 7, Nr. 1 (12.09.2017): 34–45.

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Abstract Charles Taylor’s contribution (1964-2007) to the question of human existence expands across a wide range of areas to include ontological hermeneutics, linguistics, philosophy, and ethics. His Christian sensibility colors his philosophy of human existence which proposes that the self finds itself as a moral linguistic being who can exist only against a background of distinctions of moral worth and value and who is embedded in a world of meanings and dialogical relation with other linguistic beings. Marilynne Robinson’s acclaimed novel Lila (2015) is an account of the life of a young woman damaged by poverty, abandonment, and neglect and at the end healed by God’s grace. In fact, Lila is the story of how Lila, the title character, in her attempt to understand the meaning of existence through her being in the world and her linguistic awareness finds the answer to her questions in a higher sense of the good, the mystery of grace. In this study, first the dominant theses of Taylor’s philosophical anthropolo­­gy will be discussed followed by a discussion of Robinson’s stand ‒ which accords with that of Taylor – against the naturalistic theories of the self. Finally, the way the character’s interpretation of human existence accords with Taylorian framework is explored. Keywords: Charles Taylor, Marilynne Robinson’ Lila, existence, hermeneutics, self-interpretation, dialogical self.
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STARLING, DAVID I. „The Children of the Barren Woman: Galatians 4:27 and the Hermeneutics of Justification“. Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters 3, Nr. 1 (2013): 93–109.

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In Gal 4:27, Paul offers a citation from Isa 54:1 as proof for his assertion in v. 26 that it is “the Jerusalem above” that is “our mother.” The citation poses an obvious hermeneutical riddle: on what basis does Paul include uncircumcised Gentiles in Galatia among the children born to the restored Jerusalem? This article proposes a solution to that riddle, based on a reading of the salvation-historical hermeneutical framework constructed in the preceding chapters of the letter and suggests some implications for how we are to understand the relationship between Gentile inclusion and salvation by grace within the grand narrative that informs Paul's theology of justification.
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STARLING, DAVID I. „The Children of the Barren Woman: Galatians 4:27 and the Hermeneutics of Justification“. Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters 3, Nr. 1 (2013): 93–109.

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In Gal 4:27, Paul offers a citation from Isa 54:1 as proof for his assertion in v. 26 that it is “the Jerusalem above” that is “our mother.” The citation poses an obvious hermeneutical riddle: on what basis does Paul include uncircumcised Gentiles in Galatia among the children born to the restored Jerusalem? This article proposes a solution to that riddle, based on a reading of the salvation-historical hermeneutical framework constructed in the preceding chapters of the letter and suggests some implications for how we are to understand the relationship between Gentile inclusion and salvation by grace within the grand narrative that informs Paul's theology of justification.
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Okoń-Horodyńska, Ewa. „Kryzys i innowacje. Co jest grane?“ Optimum. Economic Studies, Nr. 1(115) (2024): 45–67.

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Purpose – Is to demonstrate theoretical and practical indeterminacies consequences resulting from imprecise and ambiguous definition of concepts in the sphere of innovative activity, especially in the period of multiplied crisis. Research methods – Hermeneutics, comparative and diachronic analysis, using primary and secondary sources and critical literature analysis, expert method. Results – The author juxtaposes the common understanding of the importance of innovation for economic development with the significant complexity in achieving a high level of economic innovation as a result of numerous institutional “assemblies” in conditions of multiplied crisis; shows the need to limit modifications in defining and measuring innovation in order to capture reliable results of innovative economic activity. Originality / value / implications / recommendations – Research shows new challenges for innovation to ensure security as the most desirable phenomenon in the 21st century, limiting the failures of innovation policy, they indicate the need to study these failures in order to rationalize research recommendations, they introduce new concepts of borderline and paroxysmal innovations in connection with the overlapping effects of a multiplied crisis.
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Poorman, Susan G., und Melissa L. Mastorovich. „Teacher Stories of Blame When Assigning a Failing Grade“. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 11, Nr. 1 (01.01.2014): 91–100.

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AbstractNurse educators are required to routinely evaluate students. While there is a plethora of information in the educational literature about how to write exams, develop rubrics, or evaluate clinical performance, there is a paucity of research related to teachers’ experiences of evaluation. Using a Heideggerian hermeneutical approach, this study sought to answer: (1) what are the experiences of nurse educators evaluating nursing students? and (2) what do these evaluative experiences mean to the nurse educator? Thirty nurse educators from 19 undergraduate programs were interviewed for this study. Implications for nurse educators are discussed.
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Kotz, P. P. A. „Die betekenis en konteks van genade en waarheid in Johannes 1:14-18“. Verbum et Ecclesia 8, Nr. 1 (17.07.1987): 38–51.

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The meaning and context of "grace and truth" in John 1:14—18 The meaning of a word or phrase must be determined in its immediate context. This is a very sound hermeneutical principle, but it cannot be absolutised as will be pointed out in this article where the principle is applied to the concept "grace and truth" in John 1:14—18. As will become clear this phrase gathers the wealth of its meaning from outside the text itself. Only from its extra-textual context can the true meaning, which focuses on the faithfulness of God to His covenant, be appreciated.
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Andemicael, Awet Iassu. „Grace, Equity, Participation: The Economy of God in 2 Corinthians 8:8–15“. Anglican Theological Review 98, Nr. 4 (September 2016): 621–38.

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This essay considers Paul's first-century “fundraising missive” in 2 Corinthians 8–9, focusing on 2 Corinthians 8:8–15. In it, Paul poses three hermeneutical puzzles around grace, equity, and participation that together establish the theological framework of his appeal and reveal the inner dynamics of the economy of God's kingdom. The Holy Spirit invites us into participation in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which liberates us to be vulnerable enough to enter into the collective engagement that is inseparable from the common good. Within that community, the superabundance of God's grace enables us to “finish doing” what we have started (2 Cor. 8:11)—what has been started in us—by living fully into the transformative economy of God, who promises to make all things new.
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Riley, Stephanie. „"First" and "Third" World Feminism(s): Does Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy Offer a Way to Bridge the Gap?“ Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 4, Nr. 1 (06.06.2013): 57–70.

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This essay considers how Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy, including his philosophical hermeneutics and narrative theory, could be employed to facilitate dialogue and understanding between feminists from different contexts. Authors such as bel hooks and Hélène Cixous frame feminist tenets of liberation from sexual oppression and validation of the body as a source of knowledge. Weaving together Ricoeur’s writing and theories with the work of two feminist scholars, Trinh T. Minh-ha and Grace M. Cho, illuminates the potential Ricoeur’s work has to play a part in feminist discourse.
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Asamoah-Gyadu, J. Kwabena. „Learning to Prosper by Wrestling and by Negotiation: Jacob and Esau in Contemporary African Pentecostal Hermeneutics“. Journal of Pentecostal Theology 21, Nr. 1 (2012): 64–86.

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Pentecostalism in Africa has evolved as different streams characterized by particular modes of articulating the Christian message. The older independent churches were known for their emphasis on healing and prophecy and the classical Pentecostals talked much about speaking in tongues and holiness. Although these themes are present in contemporary Pentecostal discourse the new churches are best known for their messages of empowerment and prosperity that are meant to address the aspirations of Africa’s upwardly mobile youth. Using the writings of two of the movements most influential leaders from Ghana, this article discusses the ways in which the story of the Patriarchs, especially Jacob, has been reinterpreted to fit into the message of upward mobility and the principles that are meant to lead up to it. It is argued here that although the authors did not intend to misapply Scripture, by reinterpreting the schemes of Jacob in terms of the principles of success, they fail to take account of the element of ‘grace’ which is able to turn the worst of sinners into saints. Jacob did not succeed because he applied the principles of success but because God touched him with his grace during the time of wrestling with the angel.
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Mwambazi, Chrspine Mulenga, Lombe Mubanga und Simui Francis. „Disablers Affecting Pupils Academic Performance in Linear Programming at Nkeyema Secondary School in Zambia: A Hermeneutic Perspective“. American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation 2, Nr. 3 (18.04.2023): 1–8.

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The study examines the effects of disablers on pupils’ academic performance in linear programming at Zambia’s Nkeyema secondary school. The study applied interpretivist views and was entirely qualitative. The lived experiences of fifteen (15) participants which included 8 girls and 7 boys were also extracted using a homogenous (purposive) sample technique. These were previous Nkeyema secondary school pupils who had completed grade twelve. In-depth interviews and group discussions produced the data, which was then thematically analysed. The findings of this research showed that a number of disablers affected how well pupils performed academically in linear programming. One of them was the travel time required for pupils, as well as the lack of quality teaching and learning tools like textbooks. Furthermore, inefficient teaching methods employed by some teachers, lack of parental support, and pupils’ lack of prior knowledge negatively affected performance in linear programming final examinations. In an effort to address the issues with teaching linear programming in grade twelve, the following suggestions were made: The Ministry of Education should build schools close to neighborhoods to minimise the distance that pupils must travel and also lower absenteeism. In order to ensure that pupils are learning properly, it should also make sure that universities and other educational institutions incorporate linear programming while training new teachers. Also, schools should receive enough funding to purchase instructional materials. Teachers should use learner-centered activities and 21st-century teaching techniques to impart the subject. To encourage pupils to attend class and learn, the government should build more boarding schools and school administration should arrange them meals. The study concluded that pupils in grade twelve performed poorly in linear programming. The lecture method of instruction and the prevalence of disablers in its delivery all led to the pupils’ subpar academic achievement.
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Witten, Derek. „Two Stigmatas in Ron Hansen's Mariette in Ecstasy“. Christianity & Literature 71, Nr. 3 (September 2022): 398–420.

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Abstract: Criticism on Ron Hansen's Mariette in Ecstasy has, with little hesitation and only one exception, readily accepted the veracity of Mariette's stigmata. Hansen, however, claims to have written the novel to support both belief and unbelief. Employing psychoanalytic and Foucauldian principles, this article demonstrates the subtle ways with which Hansen consistently provides alternative naturalistic explanation when depicting the supernatural. It argues that Hansen sows seeds of ambiguity not to produce doubt, but to offer a unique theological hermeneutics: he positions his text, as well as Mariette, as a stigmatic—willingly accepting the wounds of suspicious reading to create a more grace-infused sacramental text.
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