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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Heimatschau in Litzmannstadt (1941)"


Kershaw, Ian. „Improvised Genocide? The emergence of the ‘Final Solution’ in the ‘Warthegau’“. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 2 (Dezember 1992): 51–78.

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The ‘Warthegau’—officially the ‘Reichsgau Wartheland’, with its capital in Posen (Poznan)—was the largest of three areas of western Poland annexed to the German Reich after the defeat of Poland in 1939. In the genesis of the ‘Final Solution’ it plays a pivotal role. Some of the first major deportations of Jews took place from the Warthegau. The first big ghetto was established on the territory of the Warthegau, at Lodz (which the Nazis renamed Litzmannstadt). In autumn 1941, the first German Jews to be deported at the spearhead of the combing-out process of European Jewry were dispatched to die Warthegau. The possibility of liquidating ghettoised Jews had by then already been explicitly raised for the first time, in the summer of 1941, significantly by Nazi leaders in the Warthegau. The first mobile gassing units to be deployed against the Jews operated in the Warthegau in the closing months of 1941. And the systematic murder of the Jews began in early December 1941 in the first extermination camp—actually a ‘gas van station’—established at Chelmno on the Ner, in the Warthegau.
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Wichert, Wojciech. „„Exerzierplatz des Nationalsozialismus“ — der Reichsgau Wartheland in den Jahren 1939–1945“. Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem 40, Nr. 2 (16.08.2018): 79–102.

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The aim of the article is the analysis of German policy in Reichsgau Wartheland, an area of western Poland annexed to Germany in the years 1939–1945. In scientific literature German rule in Warthegau with its capital in Poznań is often defined as ,,experimental training area of National Socialism”, where the regime could test its genocidal and racial practices, which were an emanation of the German occupation of Poland. The Nazi authorities wanted to accomplish its ideological goals in Wartheland in a variety of cruel ways, including the ethnic cleansing, annihilation of Polish intelligentsia, destruction of cultural institutions, forced resettlement and expulsion, segregation Germans from Poles combined with wide-ranging racial discrimination against the Polish population, mass incarceration in prisons and concentration camps, systematic roundups of prisoners, as well as genocide of Poles and Jews within the scope of radical Germanization policy and Holocaust. The aim of Arthur Greiser, the territorial leader of the Wartheland Gauleiter and at the same time one of the most powerful local Nazi administrators in Hitler‘s empire, was to change the demographic structure and colonisation of the area by the hundreds of thousands of ethnic Germans Volksdeutschen from the Baltic and other regions in order to make it a ,,blond province” and a racial laboratory for the breeding of the ,,German master race”. The largest forced labour program, the first and longest standing ghetto in Łódź, which the Nazis renamed later Litzmannstadt and the first experimental mass gassings of Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe carried out from autumn 1941 in gas vans in Chełmno extermination camp were all initiated in Warthegau, even before the implementation of the Final Solution. Furthermore, some of the first major deportations of the Jewish population took place here. Therefore in the genesis of the of the Nazi extermination policy of European Jewry Wartheland plays a pivotal role, as well as an important part of ruthless German occupation of Polish territories.
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„Westjuden, Sinti e Rom nel ghetto di Litzmannstadt (1941-1942)“. PASSATO E PRESENTE, Nr. 116 (April 2022): 57–73.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Heimatschau in Litzmannstadt (1941)"


Raim, Edith. „„Teuerster Onkel und Tante!“ Korrespondenz vom Ghetto Litzmannstadt ins Ghetto Theresienstadt (1941– 1944)“. HATiKVA e.V. – Die Hoffnung Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur Sachsen, 2014.

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Bücher zum Thema "Heimatschau in Litzmannstadt (1941)"


Łodzi, Archiwum Państwowe w., Hrsg. Kronika getta łódzkiego/Litzmannstadt getto 1941-1944. Łódź: Archiwum Państwowe w Łodzi, 2009.

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Goldstein, Maria. Żydzi berlińscy w Litzmannstadt Getto 1941-1944: Księga pamięci. Łódź: Stiftung Topographie des Terrors, 2009.

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Baranowski, Julian. Zigeunerlager in Litzmannstadt 1941-1942 =: The gypsy camp in Łódź = Obóz cygański w Łodzi 1941-1942. Łódź: Archiwum Państwowe w Łodzi, 2003.

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Richard, Seemann, Židovské muzeum v. Praze und Archiwum Państwowe w. Łodzi, Hrsg. Ghetto Litzmannstadt, 1941-1944: Dokumenty a výpovědi o životě českých židů v lodžském ghettu. Praha: Ústav mezinárodních vztahů ve spolupráci s Terezínským památníkem, 2000.

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Düsseldorf, Getto Litzmannstadt. 1941. Essen: Klartext, 2010.

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Berliner Juden im Getto Litzmannstadt 1941-1944: Ein Gedenkbuch. Berlin: Stiftung Topographie des Terrors, 2009.

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Zigeunerlager in Litzmannstadt 1941-1942 =: The Gypsy Camp in Odz = Oboz Cyganski W Odzi 1941-1942. Bilbo Graficzne, 2003.

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