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Janssen, Anna Beatrice. „Healthy Competition: Multiplayer Digital Games in Health Education“. Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/18966.

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The focus of this dissertation is on the role of multiplayer digital games in adult education, with a particular emphasis on health education. Although interest in the use of digital games for serious applications has been increasing since the early 2000s, there is a significant gap in understanding on the use of multiplayer digital games in adult education. In the context of health education, there has been a large amount of research conducted in to the use of repurposed commercial games for predicting performance of trainees and health students on surgical simulators. However, beyond this niche research into game based learning is notably less cohesive. There has been some research into the use of digital games in areas such as for delivering insulin management training, but understanding of the processes for widespread application of games based learning in the health sector is limited. Additionally, almost no research has been undertaken into the use of multiplayer digital games in health education, whether it be for tertiary or adult learners. In this dissertation two digital games were developed, implemented and evaluated to explore the value of multiplayer games for supporting cooperation and collaboration in health education. The first game, They Know: Anatomy, was a real time team based strategy game designed to support anatomy revision by second year medical students. The second game, the Qstream: Cancer Cup Challenge, was a team based asynchronous online program designed to reinforce understanding of how to identify and manage adverse events by oncology registrars. A design research framework informed the methodology used in this dissertation. This framework emphasises the need to use multiple iteration cycles to develop a comprehensive understanding of player experiences with the digital games they encountered. Data on participant experiences with the digital games was collected using qualitative methods, including post-game surveys and semi-structured interviews. Between iterative cycles data on participant experiences with the digital games were analysed so that future implementations of the game could be modified to maximise cooperation and collaboration between players. At the conclusion of the study period data collected across all implementations of the digital games were analysed to increase understanding of how multiplayer digital games supported cooperation and collaboration between learners. Findings from this dissertation demonstrate that multiplayer digital games can be used to engage medical students in anatomy revision and medical oncologists in adverse events retraining. This is the first study to look at the use of digital games for either of these demographics. Additionally, this dissertation identified four ways through which multiplayer digital games foster collaboration between players: through the development of a team strategy to win the game, by facilitating !iii shared decision making, by working towards a shared goal, and by creating a sense of investment in a team. Finally, findings from this dissertation contribute to the literature on the implementation of game based learning in adult education. This is an under researched area, but one that warrants further focus in future if game based learning is going to be successfully incorporated into curricula and training activities for adult learners. This dissertation adds to the literature by presenting new knowledge on how and why multiplayer games support collaboration between learners. Additionally, it appears that multiplayer digital games offer diverse, flexible and immersive experiences to adult learners in a way that single player digital games may not. Finally, multiplayer digital games provide new avenues for support self-directed learning by encouraging cooperation between large groups of students in a manner that is not normally achieved in online learning environments
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Ellington, Renata Denise. „Sexual Health Education Policy: Influences on Implementation of Sexual Health Education Programs“. ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/2971.

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High school youth in Grades 9-12 who are in public schools without comprehensive sexual health education (CSHED) are more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behaviors and have higher rates of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases than are their peers in schools with CSHED. The purpose of this correlational study was to explore the statistical relationship between the consistent implementation of CSHED, before and after the enactment of the Chicago Public Schools' (CPS) sexual health education policy, and the sexual risk behaviors of Chicago high school youth in Grades 9-12. The study was based on Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health and wellbeing. CPS students' sexual risk behaviors were analyzed using data obtained from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) for the years of 2007 and 2013. Logistic regression was used to estimate prevalence and odds ratios of each sexual risk behavior. The findings showed a complex pattern of and variances across the sexual risk behaviors analyzed. The prevalence of sexual behaviors among all students remained relatively stable. The prevalence estimates for students who drank alcohol or used drugs before the last sexual encounter and who were never taught about AIDS or HIV increased from 2007 to 2013. The likelihood of not using birth control pills before the last sexual intercourse encounter decreased among Black students; the likelihood that Hispanic/Latino students ever had sex, and had sex with 4 or more people in their life, decreased. The decrease of sexual risk behaviors indicates a positive influence by CSHED, while the increases indicate continuing challenges to the promotion of healthy sexual behaviors. These findings show the need for legislators and school administrators to increase support for the enactment of CSHED policy to help mitigate the sexual risk behaviors of high school youth.
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Sawleshwarkar, Shailendra Nagorao. „Analysing a Global Health Education Framework for Public Health Education Programs in India“. Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/2123/25089.

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Academic global health is of increasing interest to educators and students in public health but competency domains as well as education pathways that deliver this training, are still being identified and refined. This thesis was undertaken using an education program development paradigm and aimed to analyse the factors shaping global health education in India by examining multistakeholder perspectives. The research framework consisted of four components: curriculum and content, students, faculty and key experts, and employers. Studies captured the perspectives of students through a survey and focus group discussions, faculty and other key experts through semi-structured interviews, and employers through job advertisement analysis. We identified eleven global health competency domains focussed on three aspects: foundational competencies, core public health skills and soft skills. Global health and public health were seen as interconnected, with global health having transnational context and public health having a more national focus. Global health was seen as a nascent concept in India and although integration of global health education into the public health curriculum was supported, there were concerns given that public health is still too new a discipline in India. Global health competencies were seen as a ‘step up’ from the public health competencies. Based on the results, a two-level approach to global health education is proposed for Indian public health institutions. The first approach, targeted at recent graduates, focuses on a ‘foundational global health education’ within public health programs such as an MPH. The second approach is an ‘Executive Global Health Certificate Program’, aimed at experienced public health professionals planning to enter the global health workforce. This thesis has outlined a framework for Indian and other LMIC institutions looking to expand the scope of public health education and intend to develop global health education programs.
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Halcomb, Kathleen Ann. „HEALTH PROMOTION AND HEALTH EDUCATION: NURSING STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES“. UKnowledge, 2010. http://uknowledge.uky.edu/gradschool_diss/13.

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The purpose of this study was to determine student nurses’ perceptions of (1) the role of the nurse in health promotion, and (2) how the concept of health promotion is presented in nursing curricula. Research questions for this study included the following: 1) Can nursing students explain the difference between health education and health promotion? 2) What have nursing students been exposed to within their curriculum regarding health promotion? 3) What health promoting behaviors are nursing faculty role modeling as perceived by nursing students? 4) What is the role of the nurse in implementing health promotion as perceived by nursing students? 5) How do nursing students define health? Attendees of the 57 Annual National Student Nurse Association (NSNA) Convention were asked to complete an anonymous survey. A total of n= 227 surveys were returned resulting in a participation rate of 47%. The findings from this study indicated that student nurses’ perceptions regarding the role of the nurse in health promotion revolve primarily around the concept of changing individual health behavior. While there are some indications that nursing students were exposed to the idea of health promotion as a socio-ecological approach that incorporates economic, policy, organizational and environmental changes, the majority of student nurses did not see faculty or nurses role-modeling a socio-ecological approach, nor did the students see themselves as participating in a more socio-ecological approach. For nurses to be recognized as health promoters, collaborate with health promotion leaders, and effectively teach nursing education, changes need to be made in the nursing curriculum to reflect appropriate and accurate health promotion concepts.
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Jarachovic, Jacquelyn Sarah. „Vocal Health Education for Preservice Music Education Students“. Miami University / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1588190950179913.

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Costin, Graham A. „Skeletal health education : effects of an educational intervention on health behaviour and health behaviour indicators of adolescent girls“. Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 1998.

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Education provides the critical link between the acquisition of knowledge about the determinants of skeletal health and the availability of that knowledge for application by the wider population. Hence it is one strategy with the capacity to reduce the increasing worldwide incidence of skeletal health problems, in particular osteoporosis. An expanding aged population requiring increasing care and support for osteoporosis-induced problems and suffering indicates the need for a concerted response incorporating education. Although osteoporosis is typically associated with old age, the nature of precipitating factors causing bone resorption to exceed that of accretion, and how these factors might be influenced to alter such outcomes are incompletely understood. However, there is increasing evidence, largely from cross-sectional studies, showing that environmental factors such as physical activity and nutrition play a significant role in optimising the genetic potential for the development of peak bone mass. There is also growing speculation that interventions which promote these factors during childhood and adolescence may increase peak bone mass, thus delaying the development of porotic bone. Al though the optimal dose levels for maximising the effects of these factors have yet to be established, there is sufficient evidence to support the manipulation of these factors to enhance bone accumulation. Therefore, the general aim of this thesis was to examine the effects of a skeletal health educational intervention on bone-enhancing lifestyle practices of adolescent girls. A definite association between skeletal health education and the adoption of lifestyle practices regarded as beneficial to bone growth and development had not been established in the literature. Therefore, the project needed to develop an original educational intervention program focused on these practices, prior to implementation and evaluation. Based on Social Cognitive Theory and current health education practice, this program emphasised the adoption of specific health behaviours and the outcomes, therefore, in addition to the intervention outcomes, the implementation process was assessed. Responses to this process were obtained from the adolescent girl participants and the teacher-observers using questionnaires and focus group discussions. The respondents found the program and its application very effective and beneficial. The effect of educational interventions on related interaction between mother /daughter couples who participate in the interventions together has not been established in the literature. Therefore, a small group of mothers and their adolescent daughters participated in a separate implementation of the program. Over the subsequent four weeks, they recorded the nature and frequency of interactions which related to the skeletal health program. This study revealed that joint participation in the program resulted in several forms of cooperative interaction. Although this involved moderate levels of active interaction in physical activity and food organization sessions, the dominant areas were verbal communication and shared eating experiences at meal times. In summary, health behaviours were maintained at or above recommended levels during the intervention and over the subsequent six months. Knowledge and body image satisfaction were the only health behaviour indicators which increased significantly during the intervention and this increase was largely retained six months later. From a curriculum evaluation perspective, the positive results for both the process and outcome measures of the intervention supported its utility. The substantial amount of mother/daughter interaction resulting from their joint participation in the intervention indicates the potential of this such initiatives to enhance educational outcomes,development of the knowledge, attitude, belief and skill indicators of these behaviours. The program was implemented in seven weekly sessions of 45 minutes to 13 year old adolescent girls in two similar girls catholic colleges. The intervention group of 97 girls from three year 8 classes at one college represented the total cohort of that age group. The comparison group comprised one year 8 class of 32 girls from the second college. Data on the health behaviour and health behaviour indicators were collected from this convenience sample of 129 adolescent girls using a pre-test/post-test/follow-up design. An examination of results from qualitative and quantitative data revealed differential intervention impacts. No significant intervention effects (P < 0.05) were found for the important bone influencing behaviours of calcium intake, physical activity participation, alcohol consumption, cigarette use and caffeine intake. However, the girls commenced the study with calcium intake and physical activity participation at or above recommended levels, and extremely low drug usage. This pattern of behaviour was maintained throughout the study. The health behaviour indicator results revealed that the intervention girls acquired significantly more skeletal health knowledge than their comparison group (P < 0.001) and that this knowledge was largely retained over the following six months. This finding suggests that the intervention was very effective in establishing knowledge needed as a foundation for any further skeletal health initiatives. Body image satisfaction also increased significantly (P < 0.05) and much of this increase was retained six months later. However, when an importance dimension was added to this measure of satisfaction, the significant, between-group difference was not sustained. Self-efficacy for physical activity and for sensible eating did not show significant between-group differences. Similarly changes in the expected outcomes and perceived barriers for these behaviours did not vary significantly between the two groups of girls.
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Gastaldo, Denise Maria. „Is health education good for you? : the social construction of health education in the Brazilian national health system“. Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1996. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/10021699/.

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This study is about the social construction of health education in the Brazilian national health system. Health education is examined as a social policy and as a health practice. The theoretical framework is based on the work of Michel Foucault, with special attention to the concepts of bio-power, bio-politics of the population and anatomo-politics of the human body. The thesis pursued is that health education represents a singular contribution to the exercise of bio-power through the health system. Its involvement with prevention and promotion of health, as well as its educational character, enhance the set of power techniques employed in the management of the individual and social body. The data presented are created by analysis of documents and surveys covering federal, state, and municipal levels of government in Brazil and also health centres. Interviews with policy-makers, health professionals, and users of the health system and the observation of two health centres as case studies are also sources of information. Health education policy contributes to expand the surveillance that the work of health professionals represents over any aspect of individual and community life. As a practice, health education can make use of prescriptive or participatory approaches to promote healthy life-styles. However, both of them discipline and normalize individuals and communities. This study also suggests in its conclusion that Foucault's concept of bio-power as power over life centred on the control of sex should be re-thought, focusing on health as the key element in the exercise of bio-power.
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Li, Ying. „Certified Health Education Specialists' opinions regarding direct third party reimbursement for Health Education services“. [Gainesville, Fla.] : University of Florida, 2006. http://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE0015409.

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Dowd, Courtney. „Sexual health education in the context of Quebec educational reform“. Thesis, McGill University, 2010. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=86998.

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Currently, Quebec's Ministry of Education is in the process of implementing broad curricular reforms that will fundamentally change the ways in which Quebec youth learn and come to develop academic, personal and social skills. As part of the broad reforms, the Ministry of Education has mandated that the delivery of sexual health education be reformed also. The former, more formal class allotment for sexual health education is being replaced by a more spontaneous and discussion based approach that spans across the curriculum and is the responsibility of the entire school community. Thus, there is a need to understand how both the educators and students are experiencing these changes. It is important to gain a better understanding of what these individuals believe is working and what they think needs improvement. In understanding better these realities, it will be possible to make suggestions for improvement or continued focus. Accordingly, this thesis is comprised of two main sections aimed at accomplishing these objectives. The first consists of an in depth literature review that looks closely at the context of sexual health education in both Quebec and Canada as well as the debate over best practices. The literature review also includes a document analysis that looks critically at the Ministry of Education document, Sex Education in the Context of Education Reform, intended to guide the reformation process. The second section of this thesis is a research article, which presents a phenomenological look at the experiences of educators and students as they adjust to sexual health curricular reforms at an independent secondary school in Quebec.
Actuellement, le Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec est en processus d'implémenter de vaste réformes curriculaires qui changeront drastiquement la façon dont les jeunes Québécois apprennent et développent leurs outils académiques, personnels et sociaux. Dans ce vaste réforme, le Ministère de l'Éducation a mandaté que l'éducation à la santé sexuelle soit aussi réformé. La façon plus formelle d'enseigner l'éducation à la santé sexuelle sera remplacée par une approche plus spontanée, qui sera basée sur la discussion et touchera à toute les facettes du curriculum. Elle sera aussi la responsabilité de toute la communauté écolière. Ainsi, il y a un besoin à comprendre comment les éducateurs et les étudiants vivront ces changements. Il est important d'acquérir une meilleure compréhension de ce que ces individus croient fonctionne bien, ainsi que ce qui ne fonctionne pas. En comprenant mieux ces réalités, il sera possible de d'émettre des suggestions d'amélioration ainsi que de continuer le focus établi. En ce sens, cette thèse comprendra deux sections principales visant à accomplir ces objectifs. La première sera une revue en profondeur de la littérature qui regarde étroitement le contexte de l'éducation à la santé sexuelle au Québec et au Canada ainsi que les débats sur les meilleures pratiques. La revue littéraire inclura aussi l'analyse d'un document critiquant le document du Ministère de l'Éducation, «Sex Education in the Context of Education Reform », qui a pour but de guider la réforme. La deuxième section de cette thèse est un article de recherche, qui présente un regard phénoménologique sur les expériences des éducateurs et des étudiants pendant qu'ils s'ajustent aux réformes curriculaires dans une école secondaire indépendante au Québec. fr
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Jones, DeShauna D. „Educational Parity, Health Disparities: Differential Health Returns to Education by Race/Ethnicity in Young Adulthood“. The Ohio State University, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1354653136.

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O'Connor, Vivienne. „Women's health in medical education /“. [St. Lucia, Qld.], 2004. http://www.library.uq.edu.au/pdfserve.php?image=thesisabs/absthe18450.pdf.

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Donchenko, V. „Health education in romanian shools“. Thesis, Sumy State University, 2015. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/48579.

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During two recent decades, health education became one of the critical issues in the context of modernization of education in Romania. Government as well as educators and healthcare professionals viewed health education as an investment in developing country’s human resources. Interest in quality assurance and development of standards for professional preparation of health educators emerged.
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Feilen, Sujung, und Karolina Seminova. „Educating health profession students about health disparities: a systematic review of educational programs“. The University of Arizona, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/623608.

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Class of 2012 Abstract
Specific Aims: Health disparities are contributing to differences in access to healthcare and health outcomes among diverse groups in the United States. Causes of health disparities are multifactorial. One approach to minimize health inequalities is through educating future health care professionals. The purpose of this review is to identify and describe approaches for developing health disparities curriculum for health professions programs in the United States. Methods: A systematic review was conducted in April of 2012 to identify articles describing medical and nursing school curricula, educational courses, and activities focusing on health disparities in the United States. The search was conducted by utilizing Medline PubMed database. Articles describing a specific educational course/curriculum in health disparities in medical and nursing undergraduate or graduate programs were included in the review. The review did not take into account continuing education programs. All articles describing educational programs focus on healthcare disparities in the United States. Main Results: The search identified 153 articles focusing on specific health disparities curricula or education programs. Out of those articles 30 were included in the analysis. Results are pending. Conclusions: Anticipated results will aid in identifying successful and effective health disparities curricula for health professions programs in the United States.
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Williams-Johnson, Lori Michelle. „Preventive Health Education Media and Older Worker Health Literacy“. ScholarWorks, 2016. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations/2388.

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The United States has experienced an increase in older workers as individuals born between 1946 and 1964 have remained in the labor force. Preventive health screening education, such as an immunization flyer, is necessary to avert preventable illness among older workers. Based on previous research, there is a gap regarding age-specific methods for educating the older worker about preventive health. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between various media providing preventive health screening information and the assessed health literacy of the older worker. Based on the health belief model, a quantitative, cross-sectional method was used. A population of older workers (n = 159), starting at age 45, of diverse racial groups and job types, was surveyed to determine their health literacy, preventive health screening knowledge, and frequency of exposure to diverse types of media that facilitate preventive health education. Analysis of variance was used to evaluate the relationship between the various media providing preventive health screening used by the older worker and the health literacy of the older worker. According to the study, the 45-54 age group had the lowest health literacy scores, and all age groups possessed comparable knowledge of preventive health screening education. Finally, 2 types of media 'television and radio' were effective in improving health literacy by exposure, and 4 types of media 'television, radio, newspaper, and Internet' were perceived effective in providing preventive health education. Implications for positive social change included age-specific methods for educating the older worker about preventive health, which could, in turn, reduce morbidity and mortality caused by preventable diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
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Davidson, Brad Robert. „Institutions of Higher Education Pre-Service School Health Education Practices“. Connect to full text in OhioLINK ETD Center, 2009. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=toledo1261595922.

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Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Toledo, 2009.
Typescript. "Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Education Degree in Health Education." "A thesis entitled"--at head of title. Bibliography: leaves 83-93.
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Tarro, Sanchez Lucia. „HEALTHY LIFESTYLES -EDUCATION AND HEALTH PROMOTION. EDUCACIÓ EN ALIMENTACIÓ (EDAL) COHORT“. Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/284707.

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L’Obesitat (OB) és un dels principals determinants de mortalitat evitable. L’objectiu és avaluar els efectes del programa escolar EdAl que promou estils saludables de vida, inclouen recomanacions dietètiques i d’activitat física (AF) en la prevalença d’OB, en nens de 7-8 anys, durant 28 mesos i dos anys després de la seva finalització. La intervenció del programa es basa en 8 objectius d’estil de vida desenvolupats en 4 activitats/any durant 3 anys (12 activitats; 1h/activitat) realitzat per estudiants universitaris en qualitat d’Agent Promotor de la Salut (APS). Les dades recollides inclouen nom, gènere, any i lloc de naixement, pes, alçada, Índex de Massa Corporal (IMC) i perímetre de cintura, cada any de seguiment i un qüestionari sobre hàbits d’alimentació i d’Activitat Física (AF) contestat pels pares/tutors. Després de 28 mesos d’intervenció, la prevalença d’OB en els nens intervenció va disminuir 4,39% (p<0.05) en comparació amb els nens control, i van tenir una reducció efectiva de -0,24 unitats en el canvi d’IMC z-score, en comparació amb els controls (p=0,02), però les nenes no; el 5,1% dels escolars del grup intervenció feien >5h/setmana d’AF extraescolar al final de la intervenció comparat amb el grup control (p=0,02). Després de 2 anys de finalitzar el programa, el grup intervenció va canviar el seu IMC z-score amb una efectiva reducció dels dos gèneres. Un 16% més dels escolars practiquen ≥4h/setmana AF extraescolar en el grup intervenció (p<0,01). El programa EDAL proporciona 12 activitats desenvolupades per APS, centrades en els conceptes d'estil saludables de vida que es poden aconseguir mitjançant la millora de la dieta i la pràctica d'AF; és una eina fàcil per ser implementat per APS com a part del currículum universitari per reduir la prevalença d’OB i incrementar l’AF en nens/es mantenint aquests beneficis durant 2 anys després de la seva finalització.
La obesidad (OB) es un determinante de mortalidad evitable. El objetivo es evaluar los efectos del programa escolar EdAl que promueve estilos saludables de vida, incluyendo recomendaciones dietéticas y de actividad física (AF) en prevalencia de OB, en niños de 7-8 años, durante 28 meses y dos años después de su finalización. La intervención del programa se basa en 8 objetivos de estilo de vida desarrollados en 4 actividades/año durante 3 años (12 actividades; 1h/actividad) realizado por estudiantes universitarios como Agentes Promotores de Salud (APS). Los datos recogidos incluyen nombre, género, año y lugar de nacimiento, peso, altura, índice de masa corporal (IMC) y perímetro de cintura, cada año de seguimiento y un cuestionario sobre hábitos de alimentación y de Actividad Física (AF) contestado por los padres/tutores. Después de 28 meses de intervención, la prevalencia de OB en los niños intervención disminuyó 4,39% (p<0,05) en comparación con los niños control, y tuvieron una reducción efectiva de -0,24 unidades en el cambio de IMC z- score, en comparación con los controles (p=0,02), pero las niñas no; el 5,1 % de los escolares del grupo intervención hacían >5h/semana de AF extraescolar al final de la intervención comparado con el control (p=0,02). Después de 2 años de finalizar el programa, el grupo intervención cambió su IMC z-score con una efectiva reducción de los dos géneros. Un 16 % más de los escolares practican ≥4h/semana AF extraescolar en el grupo intervención (p< 0,01). El programa EdAl proporciona 12 actividades desarrolladas por APS, centradas en estilos saludables de vida alcanzables mejorando la dieta y la práctica de AF; es una herramienta fácil para ser implementada por APS como parte del currículum universitario para reducir la prevalencia de OB e incrementar la AF en niños/as manteniendo estos beneficios 2 años después de su finalización.
Obesity (OB) is one of the main determinants of avoidable disease burden. The objective is to evaluate the effects of the EdAl primary-school-based program that promotes healthy lifestyle, including dietary and Physical Activity (PA recommendations on OB prevalence, in childhood aged 7-8-year-old, over 28 months, and 2-year post-cessation EdAl program. The intervention program is based on 8 lifestyles topics that are developed in 4 educational activities/year for 3 years (12 activities; 1 h/activity) performed by university students acting as Health Promoter Agent (HPA). Data collected include name, gender, date and place of birth, weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, each year of follow-up. Questionnaires on eating and PA habits are filled-in by the parents or guardians each year of follow-up. After 28-months of EdAl program, OB prevalence in intervention boys was decreased 4.39% (p<0.05) compared with control boys, but not in girls. The intervention boys had an effective reduction of −0.24 units in the change of BMI z-score, compared to control; 5.1% more intervention pupils undertook PA >5 hours/week than control pupils (p=0.02). Two-year follow-up, OB prevalence of intervention group was reduced (-5.5%; p<0.01) and BMI z-score (-0.25; p<0.01) in both genders; 16% higher scholars practice ≥4 after-school PA h/week in intervention group (51.7% vs. 34.9%; p<0.01). The design of EdAl program provided 12 activities developed by HPA and are designed to be entertaining but as well informative, and are focused on healthy lifestyle concepts that can be achieved by improving diet and PA practice. A regular, systematic, educational intervention that promotes healthy lifestyle, including dietary and PA recommendations is an easy tool implemented by HPA as part of their university curriculum to reduce the prevalence of OB and increase after-school PA practice in children and these benefits achieved are sustained at 2-year post-cessation intervention.
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Smith, Dennis Wesley. „Health education and the principal : an analysis of principals' health values, health behaviors and school health instruction components in selected schools /“. The Ohio State University, 1985. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1487259580264661.

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Giordano, Carolyn. „INTERPROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION IN HEALTH EDUCATION: A MIXED METHODS EVALUATION OF THE JEFFERSON HEALTH MENTORS PROGRAM“. Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2009. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/66119.

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Educational Psychology
In recent years the complexity and integrated nature of health care has increased. It has become accepted that the needs of patients are often greater than one single health profession can address and requires collaboration on the part of health care providers (Freeth, 2001). Interprofessional health education (IPHE) is the interactive educational process and cooperation among various health care professions. It is a valuable pedagogical approach for teaching health care students that they cannot work effectively without the use of a team, and is thought to be the first step in the direction of changing health care practice in the clinical setting. Using a two phase mixed methods approach, this dissertation investigated changes in student attitudes and measured interprofessional readiness as a result of a longitudinal interprofessional educational experience at Thomas Jefferson University called Health Mentors. The health care professions included in this program are: medicine, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and pharmacy. Together, these students visit an individual living in the greater Philadelphia, PA region with one or more chronic health conditions four times during the year. Of the five hundred and seventy-six students participating in the Health Mentors program, four hundred and ninety-six completed two surveys in September 2008 and again in April 2009. These were the Interprofessional Education Perception Scale (IEPS) and the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) which measured their attitudes and readiness toward interprofessional education. Analysis revealed slight significant differences in the means of the health programs and showed small significant decreases in attitudes and readiness over time. Two focus groups were conducted to better understand the quantitative results. Using grounded theory, the following themes emerged: preparation for future professional experience, personal enjoyment from working with their Mentor, logistical conflicts, unknown roles, and program assignments seen as an `add on' or `busy work'. The results from both the qualitative and quantitative methods indicate that students have a high opinion of the theory of IPHE but find the application difficult in practice.
Temple University--Theses
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Ward, Laura G. „Physical education teachers' engagement with health-related exercise and health-related continuing professional development : a healthy profile?“ Thesis, Loughborough University, 2009. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/33678.

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Over the past decade there have been increasing amounts of academic, political and media interest in Physical Education. teachers and their role in promoting healthy, active. lifestyles. Indeed, there is a long-standing assumption that schools play a fundamental role in producing 'a healthy nation' arid that Physical Education is responsible for promoting sport, physical activity and health amongst young people. This research was located within the context of Health-Related Exercise (HRE), a statutory component of the National Curriculum for Physical Education in England which aims to promote in pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to lead healthy, active lifestyles. An extensive and critical review of literature revealed that there were continuing concerns over the status, organisation and teaching of HRE within the curriculum, and that questions had been raised over Physical Education teachers' knowledge of HRE and the extent to which they have engaged with continuing professional development (CPD) in the area (HRE-CPD). The reasons underpinning these concerns have been relatively unexplored and this thesis represents a contribution towards understanding the social processes which have served to influence the nature and extent of Physical Education teachers' engagement with HRE and HRE-CPD.
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Daquin, Gertrude Nick Joseph. „The effects of health education on student health-related behaviors“. FIU Digital Commons, 2004. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/2734.

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During their transitional period from childhood to adulthood, adolescents engage in risk-taking behaviors that become public health concerns. It is important for school health education professionals to design instructional programs that focus on adolescents' developmental needs and foster healthier lifestyles. The goal of health education is to help students acquire health skills that are necessary to succeed in school and in life. This is especially important because the increase in teenagers' risky behaviors can affect their health, well being, and eventually the course of their lives. This study examined the effects of health education on health-related behaviors of public high school students. A multivariate analysis of variance was conducted to determine whether the comprehensive approach based on The Jessors' Problem Behavior Theory (PBT) had a greater impact on adolescents' risk-taking behaviors than the traditional approach. After 18 weeks of health instruction using one of these approaches, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) was administered to measure the level of subjects' self-reported behaviors in six categories of adolescent risky behaviors: the use of tobacco; the use of alcohol and other drugs; engagement in injurious activities; consumption of unhealthy diet; inadequate level of participation in physical activities; and engagement in risky sexual activities. The results of this study did not support the hypothesis that using the comprehensive health education approach was more influential than the traditional health education approach in improving students' health- risk behaviors. Further research studies based on bio-psychosocial theories are needed to develop and evaluate methods of instruction and delivery of health skills.
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Kimbrough, Jennifer Bennett. „Towards equity in health envisioning authentic health education in schools /“. Greensboro, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2007. http://libres.uncg.edu/edocs/etd/1393/umi-uncg-1393.pdf.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2007.
Title from PDF t.p. (viewed Oct. 22, 2007). Directed by H. Svi Shapiro; submitted to the School of Education. Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-169).
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Hooper, Oliver R. „Health(y) talk : pupils' conceptions of health within physical education“. Thesis, Loughborough University, 2018. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/36203.

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Schools, and in particular physical education (PE), have been increasingly recognised for the role that they play in promoting healthy, active lifestyles amongst children and young people in light of the public health agenda (Armour and Harris, 2013). However, whilst schools have been recognised for the role that they can play in promoting health to children and young people, concerns have been expressed with regard to the status of health in PE and the approaches and practices used to address health-related learning (Cale et al., 2016). A particular concern in this regard is what children and young people know and understand about health , and how they come to conceive this within PE, with a growing body of literature suggesting that pupils conceptions are relatively superficial and simplistic (see Harris et al. (2016) for an overview). Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to explore pupils conceptions of health within PE. The research was comprised of four phases which took place over an 18-month period within the East Midlands region of England. Phase one involved an online survey being distributed to all state secondary schools (n = 293) and with a total of 52 schools responding. Phase two involved semi-structured interviews being conducted with 13 PE teachers at two case study schools and focus groups with 117 pupils (aged 11-12) at the same schools. A participatory approach underpinned the study and relevant methods/techniques were employed within pupil focus groups to generate discussion and elicit pupils conceptions of health . Examples of the methods/techniques employed included: drawings, concept cartoons and statement sheets. Pupils worked interactively with one another to undertake and discuss tasks/activities in line with the youth voice agenda that underpinned the research. This agenda is often allied with participatory methods (Heath et al., 2009) and seeks to privilege the voices of younger participants, recognising that children and young people are competent social agents, capable of both understanding and articulating their own experiences (Christensen and James, 2008). Phase three involved follow-up focus groups with the same pupils who participated during the preceding phase, and a similar participatory approach was employed. Phase four involved semi-structured focus groups being conducted with the same PE teachers at each school. Data generated were analysed using a Foucauldian-inspired discourse analysis. The findings of the study highlight that the vast majority of pupils conceptions of health were reductive, limited and limiting. These conceptions of health were identified as being underpinned by: corporeal notions, aesthetic orientations and healthist influences. In addition, they aligned with normative conceptions of health , that were evidently influenced by public health discourses, which may well have been promulgated by and through PE. Whilst pupils did not necessarily consider that PE influenced their conceptions of health , there were evident links, which PE teachers themselves acknowledged and problematised. Positively, it was highlighted that there were some pupils who were able to disrupt normative conceptions of health and, in doing so, they demonstrated their capacity for criticality. As such, the challenge for PE is now to consider how it might support pupils to develop their capacities to receive, interpret and be critical of health-related information. If it can do so, it may well be that critically-inclined conceptions of health can be fostered within, through and by the subject.
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Bellés, Obrero Cristina Adelaida. „Essays in education and health economics“. Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/420875.

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This dissertation consists of three chapters that investigate students’ and teachers’ incentive programs, and the intergenerational infant health consequences of a labor market policy. In the first chapter, I perform a randomized control trial at a distance learning university to compare three different monetary incentive schemes varying students’ performance target in the same educational environment. I show that the performance target implemented interacts with some of the characteristics of the students incentivized, such as intrinsic motivation and experience with the incentivized task. Moreover, a novel finding of this study is that incentives foster students’ strategic behavior that is triggered by the way performance is measured. In the second chapter, I examine how tying teachers’ pay to students’ performance affects the latter’s achievements. I show that a nationwide program implemented in Peru giving monetary rewards to teachers conditional on their students’ performance, has a precisely estimated zero impact on students’ grades. Finally, in the third chapter I investigate the effect of a child labor regulation that increased the minimum legal age to work from 14 to 16 years old, on fertility and infant health outcomes. Using a difference-in-differences strategy, I find that the reform increased educational attainment, and decreased marriage and fertility. Interestingly, I show that the reform was detrimental for the health of the offspring at the moment of delivery.
Aquesta tesi s’estructura en tres capítols que investiguen els programes d’incentius per als estudiants i professors, i les conseqüències intergeneracionals per a la salut infantil d’ una política de mercat de treball. En el primer capítol vaig duu a terme un experiment de camp en una universitat d’educació a distància amb la finalitatat de comparar tres incentius monetaris diferents en el mateix entorn educatiu, variant l’objectiu de rendiment dels estudiants incentivat. Mostro que l’objectiu de rendiment implementat interactua amb algunes de les característiques dels estudiants, com ara la seva motivació intrínseca i l’experiència que tenen amb la tasca incentivada. D’altra banda, també trobo que els incentius fomenten el comportament estratègic dels estudiants com a conseqüència de la manera en la que es mesura el seu rendiment. En el segon capítol examino com afecta a l’assoliment dels estudiants el fet de que la retribució dels seus professors estigui lligada al seu rendiment acadèmic. A aquests efectes, analitzo un programa nacional implementat a Perú que dóna una recompensa monetària als mestres condicionada al rendiment dels seus alumnes. El programa té un efecte nul precisament estimat sobre les qualificacions dels estudiants. Finalment, en el tercer capítol investigo l’efecte sobre la fertilitat i la salut del canvi legislatiu que va augmentar l’edat mínima legal per treballar de 14 a 16 anys. Utilitzant una estratègia de diferències en diferències, arribo a la conclusió que la reforma va incrementar el nivell d’educació, alhora que va disminuir la fertilitat i probabilitat de contraure matrimoni. Addicionalment, mostro que la reforma va ser perjudicial per a la salut de la descendència en el moment del part.
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Wisener, Katherine Marie. „Aboriginal health education programs : examining sustainability“. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/33830.

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Despite evidence supporting the ongoing provision of health education interventions in First Nations communities, there is a paucity of research that specifically addresses how these programs should be designed to ensure sustainability and long-term effects. Using a Community-Based Research approach, constructivist theories, and Indigenous methods, a collective case study was completed with three Canadian First Nations communities to address the following research question: What factors are related to sustainable health education programs, and how do they contribute to and/or inhibit program success in an Aboriginal context? A university-community partnership titled the Community Learning Centres (CLC) provided the context for the collective cases. CLC involved the development of three learning centres (CLCs), each of which provided community members with a physical space and online resources pertaining to culturally relevant health education. Semi-structured interviews and a sharing circle were completed with 19 participants, including members of community leadership, external partners, and program staff and users. Document review served to verify information described by participants. Analysis included a description of each case (within-case analysis) and a thematic analysis across cases (cross-case analysis). Seven factors were identified to either promote or inhibit CLC sustainability, including: 1) community uptake (if and how users access the CLC); 2) environmental factors (conditions within the CLC and the community); 3) stakeholder awareness and support (presence and extent of support exhibited by stakeholder groups); 4) presence of a champion (passionate leaders dedicated to CLC success); 5) availability of funding (ability to identify and allocate program funding); 6) fit and flexibility (CLCs’ ability to address user needs and community priorities), and; 7) capacity and capacity building (capacity to sustain the CLC and use learned skills to address other health education issues). These findings were integrated into practical sustainability tools where each factor was provided a working definition, influential moderators, key evaluation questions, and their relationship to other factors. These tools represent the development of a sustainability framework that is grounded in, and builds on existing research, and can be used by First Nations communities and universities to support effective sustainability planning for community-based health education intervention.
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Monk, Courtney. „Health and education in developing countries“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2010. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.522771.

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Click, Ivy A., Abbey K. Mann, Morgan Buda, Anahita Rahimi-Saber, Abby Schultz, K. Maureen Shelton und Leigh Johnson. „Transgender Health Education for Medical Students“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1111/tct.13074.

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Background Transgender individuals face numerous health disparities and report negative experiences with health care providers related to their gender identity. Significant gaps in medical education regarding transgender health persist despite calls for increased sexual and gender minority content. The purpose of this student‐led study was to assess the effectiveness of a half‐day educational intervention on first‐ and second‐year medical students’ attitudes and knowledge of transgender health. Methods Students and faculty members collaborated to develop an educational session on transgender health. This content was presented to first‐ and second‐year medical students at Integrated Grand Rounds, a pedagogical method in which basic science and clinical faculty members co‐present didactic content interspersed between live patient interviews and student‐led small group discussions. Student participants (n = 138) completed voluntary 9‐item pre‐ and post‐session surveys assessing comfort with and knowledge of transgender medicine. Results Students’ comfort with and perceived knowledge about transgender patients increased significantly between pre‐ and post‐test. Students’ knowledge of transgender medicine standards of care also improved, though not all items reached significance. Discussion A half‐day educational intervention improved many facets of medical students’ attitudes and knowledge about transgender patients. The significant disparities in physical health, mental health and access to care currently experienced by transgender persons in the United States warrants the continued testing and refinement of educational interventions for future and practising providers.
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Bliss, K., D. Dey, H. Hudson und LeAnn E. Kesselring. „Skills-based Health Education – Instructional Strategies“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/4013.

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Presenters will discuss the academic and health-related importance of teaching skills-based health education, and will provide attendees with hands-on activities that can be used to teach four of the eight National Health Education Standards: interpersonal communication, decision-making, goal-setting, and practicing health-enhancing behaviors.
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Watson, Anne-Frances C. „Developing improved sexual health education strategies“. Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2014. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/78635/1/Anne-Frances_Watson_Thesis.pdf.

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This thesis examines knowledge levels and sources of information about sex and sexuality in young people in Australia today. This research established what information young people are receiving about sex and sexuality from their four main sources; schools, parents, media, and peers; and how they process that information and apply it to their own lives.
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Bruce, Rebecca. „Barren River District Health Department Health Education/Risk Reduction Demonstration Projects“. TopSCHOLAR®, 1989. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/2172.

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In July 1980, the Barren River District Health Department (BRDHD), serving eight counties (combined population approximately 204,000) in Southcentral Kentucky, was selected as a demonstration site under the auspices of the federal Health Education Risk Reduction (HERR) Program. With continued HERR funding for eight years, the BRDHD developed several successful health promotion projects. Major components of these projects include: 1) community health promotion, which serves to identify high -risk groups in the community and provide them with health education-health promotion services, 2) school health education which included the development of a preschool health education curriculum, 3) teacher education workshop, which instructs primary and secondary public school teachers in health education methods, 4) smoking cessation. and 5) a large industrial wellness program. This study reports on an eight year program evaluation of the HERR demonstration. Overall, the program evaluation suggests an increase in health knowledge and some attitude and behavior change for many of the participants ii BRDHD programs.
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McPartland, Patricia Ann. „Health education for fitness in the workplace : an adult education perspective /“. Access Digital Full Text version, 1988. http://pocketknowledge.tc.columbia.edu/home.php/bybib/10798997.

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Gherbrehiwet, Tesfamicael. „Lay logic : health conceptions, perceived health status , health locus of control, health value and health behaviour of Eritrean immigrants“. Thesis, University of Southampton, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.294691.

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Richards, Anika Tahirah. „Health Equity Education, Awareness, and Advocacy through the Virginia Department of Health Health Equity Campaign“. Diss., Virginia Tech, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/77312.

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This study showed that health equity must be achieved through education, awareness, and advocacy. A structured program must be put in place to provide accountability towards achieving health equity within organizations, communities, cites, and states. In Virginia, the Health Equity Campaign was a program put in place to provide such accountability to the citizens of Virginia. This study attempted to evaluate the Health Equity Campaign implemented by the Virginia Department of Health Office of Minority Health and Public Health Policy Division of Health Equity in order to get all Virginians to become advocates for health equity in their organizations, communities, neighborhoods. Organizational/group leaders were interviewed in addition to surveying various staff members. This study provides a detailed description of the strength of the Health Equity Campaign's ability to promote education and awareness about health equity and why many participants found it difficult to transition from motivation to advocacy.
Ph. D.
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Tansathitaya, Vimolmas. „Selected Health Related Factors and Behaviors among Southeast Asian Immigrants: Tobacco, Mental Health, Healthy Neighborhood Factors, and Health Care Utilization“. University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1552391701300341.

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Volpe, Lauren E. „"Health is Being Alive": Using Photovoice to Explore Adolescents' Conceptions of Health“. Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2017. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1489590155316717.

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Wuppermann, Amelie Catherine. „Empirical Essays in Health and Education Economics“. Diss., lmu, 2011. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-131875.

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Wallin, Rebecca. „Filter : Mokattam women's health and education center“. Thesis, Umeå universitet, Arkitekthögskolan vid Umeå universitet, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-71518.

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Iphofen, Ron. „Effective learning in health care professional education“. Thesis, Bangor University, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.327463.

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Tse, Chi-ying, und 謝智瑩. „A health education program for tuberculosis patients“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2012. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B4833926X.

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Although effective anti-tuberculosis agents have been available for over thirty years, tuberculosis (TB) is still a global health concern and the incident rate in Hong Kong remains high. Directly Observed Therapy, Short-course (DOTS) strategy, in combination with patient education are proved to be more effective in reducing TB incidence than the DOTS strategy alone. However, there is a lack of evidence based protocol to guide nurses through the implementation of health education for TB patients. This dissertation is a translational nursing research aims at developing an evidence-based health education guideline for nurses to deliver health education to TB patients to improve treatment adherence. The objectives are to gather evidence on the effectiveness of nursing health education in promoting treatment adherence among TB patients, conduct quality assessment of the reviewed articles, develop evidence-based health education protocol for TB patients, assess the implementation potential of the innovation and discuss its implementation and evaluation plan. In this dissertation, a systematic review of 8 relevant and up-to-date research papers was performed and a guideline was then generated based on the extracted data. The guideline consists of 3 components: effective individual health education, essential elements for health education booklet and training for nurses. The implementation potential of the guideline is considered to be high while the implementation and evaluation plan of the guideline are also discussed. With the implementation of the evidence-based protocol on TB health education, the treatment adherence of the TB patients is expected to be increased.
Nursing Studies
Master of Nursing
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Nguyen, Trang V. „Education and health care in developing countries“. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/45902.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Economics, 2008.
Includes bibliographical references.
This thesis is a collection of three essays on education and health in developing countries. Chapter 1 shows that increasing perceived returns to education strengthens incentives for schooling when agents underestimate the actual returns. I conducted a field experiment in Madagascar to study alternative ways to provide additional information about the returns to education. I randomly assigned schools to the role model intervention, the statistics intervention, or a combination of both. I find that providing statistics reduced the large gap between perceived returns and the statistics provided. As a result, it improved average test scores and student attendance. For those whose initial perceived returns were below the statistics, test scores improved by 0.37 standard deviations. Seeing a role model of poor background has a larger impact on poor children's test scores than seeing someone of rich background. The key implication of my results is that households lack information, but are able to process new information and change their decisions in a sophisticated manner. Chapter 2, joint work with Gerard Lassibille, evaluates several interventions in Madagascar that sought to promote top-down and local monitoring of the school to improve education quality. Randomly selected school districts and sub districts received operational tools to facilitate their supervision tasks. Randomly selected schools in these treated districts were reinforced with teacher tools and parent-teacher meetings centered around a school report card. We find little impact of targeting district and sub-district administrators.
(cont.) Meanwhile, the intervention implemented at the school level improved some of the teachers' behaviors and student attendance. Student test scores also improved by 0.1 standard deviations after two years. These results suggest that beneficiary monitoring is more effective than mediated control in the hands of government bureaucrats in this context. Chapter 3 studies informal payments to doctors and nurses for inpatient health care in Vietnam. Exploiting within-hospital variation, I find that acute patients, despite having a presumably higher benefit of treatment, are 8 percentage points less likely to pay bribes, and pay less, than non-acute patients. One plausible interpretation is that doctors might face existing incentives against neglecting acute cases. I find that the differential payment by acute status is larger in central locations (expected to be well-monitored) and at facilities that receive more audit visits. Overall, these findings may be a sign of bureaucrats responding to incentives, even in a highly corruptible environment.
b y Trang V. Nguyen.
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Anderson, Michael L. Ph D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. „Essays in public health and early education“. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/34507.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Economics, 2006.
Includes bibliographical references.
This thesis studies the long-term benefits of preschool interventions, the impact of promotions on heart disease, and the effects of light trucks on traffic fatalities. The first chapter examines the long-term effects of preschool interventions. Several influential experiments - Abecedarian, Perry, and Early Training - have convinced many economists that preschool interventions have super-normal returns. This chapter implements a unified statistical framework to present a de novo analysis of these experiments, focusing on core issues that received little attention in previous analyses: treatment effect heterogeneity by gender and over-rejection of the null hypothesis due to multiple inference. The primary finding of this reanalysis is that girls garnered substantial short- and long-term benefits from the interventions. However, there were no significant long-term benefits for boys. These conclusions change little when allowance is made for attrition and possible violations of random assignment. The second chapter, coauthored with Sir Michael Marmot, investigates the effect of promotions on heart disease. The positive cross-sectional relationship between socioeconomic status and health is well documented, but little evidence exists regarding the causal effect of social status on health.
(cont.) This chapter uses data on British civil servants from the Whitehall II study. It identifies differences in departmental promotion rates as a plausibly exogenous source of variation in promotion opportunities and exploits this variation to estimate the causal effect of promotions on heart disease. The results suggest that promotions can reduce the probability of heart disease by 3 to 13 percentage points over a 15 year period. The third chapter analyzes the traffic safety impact of the increasing popularity of light trucks. It combines estimates from a state-level panel data set with an accident-level micro data set. The results suggest that a one percentage point increase in light truck share raises annual traffic fatalities by 0.41 percent, or 172 deaths per year. Of this increase, approximately one-quarter to one-third accrue to the light trucks' own occupants, and the remaining two-thirds to three-quarters accrue to other roadway users. Using standard value of life figures, the implied Pigovian tax is approximately 4,650 dollars per light truck sold.
by Michael L. Anderson.
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Flowers, Lena Butler. „Health education in the Black Rural Church“. DigitalCommons@Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center, 2005. http://digitalcommons.auctr.edu/dissertations/3277.

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The purpose of this project was to develop a Health Education program for the Black rural church that would serve to educate and inform the Black church on the health disparities facing a community and to provide programs that lead to healthier lifestyles. The project for this dissertation has three components: 1. Health Fair 2. Health Education Bible Study 3. Enrichment Challenge ( Personal Development of Holistic Healing) Bellview African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME), located in Aragon, Georgia, was the site of the project. The participants were composed of members of varying denominations in Aragon and Rockmart, Georgia, These communities are know for having "good" church and for their ethnic fellowship meals consisting of fried chicken, seasoned collard greens with "fat back," macaroni and cheese, candied yams, potato salad, hot-buttered cornbread, chocolate and caramel cake, and sweet tea. These meals, typically served during the church fellowship, are high in fat, cholesterol, sugar, and salt. A steady diet like this can lead to hypertension and heart disease further resulting in strokes, heart attacks, and eventual death. It was the purpose of this project to provide meaningful health-related educational intervention that would result in healthier lifestyles. The program presented embraces the concept of holistic health. It provided six elements of health intervention: spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social environmental, and physical intervention strategies. The Health Fair model gave the participants the opportunity to check for high blood pressure, diabetes, body fat, and disorders of the feet. This provided the individuals with and awareness of various ailments. Small and large group discussions were held throughout the day. The health fair was a first step focused on eliminating the racial disparities in health in the Black rural church. Te Bible Study model gave the participants an opportunity to study health education with and emphasis on good nutrition. It was a blend of faith and health. Personal development is important to individual growth, therefore, a program of personal development with emphasis on holistic healing was used as a reinforcement activity to strengthen the participant in the area of social, environmental, physical, spiritual and intellectual health. This model of holistic healing with a biblical foundation helped the participant to understand that all six methods of intervention are essential for total healthy growth.
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Lutz, Wolfgang, und Endale Birhanu Kebede. „Education and Health: Redrawing the Preston Curve“. Wiley, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/padr.12141.

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Walden, Rachel R. „Incorporating Health Literacy Concepts in Medical Education“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2017. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/8832.

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BATTAGLIA, MARIANNA. „Migrants and minorities: health and education choices“. Doctoral thesis, Università Bocconi, 2013. https://hdl.handle.net/11565/4054339.

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Yalahow, Abdiasis. „Exploring the Reproductive Health Education of Health Service Professionals in Mogadishu, Somalia“. Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/36709.

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Somalia has recently come out of a two decade long civil war and is currently in a post-war and rebuilding phase. The national health system, largely crippled during years of conflict, is faced with a significant maternal mortality ratio and the debilitating effects of a high fertility rate. To combat these issues, the new Somali government is working toward creating a strong national health system that addresses some of these key indicators. With a lack of human resources in healthcare and the need for better reproductive health services, the need to invest in educating a new generation of health service professionals is evident. To address this gap in education, many educational institutions with health science faculties have opened in the last decade but the quality and accuracy of their curricula has yet to be examined. My thesis addresses this gap in knowledge. Through a multi-methods study that included reviewing curricula and curricular materials, conducting key informant interviews, and facilitating focus group discussions, I was able to learn about the quality and comprehensiveness of reproductive health topics in health service professionals‟ education and training. Religion, culture, logistical issues, and lack of oversight shape the way reproductive health is taught to health students. This study provides an important foundation to help inform key stakeholders working to improve the Somali health system.
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Angerer-Fuenzalida, Frances Marie. „Quality and Importance of Education on Health Policy and Public Health Topics: A Study in Physician Assistant Higher Education“. University of Dayton / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=dayton1481092978648499.

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Pack, Robert P., M. Kiviniemi und S. Mackenzie. „Liberal Education and Professional Education Approaches to Undergraduate Training in Public Health“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2017. https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu-works/1336.

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Frequently, educational approaches are considered as a dichotomy – liberal versus professional. However, perpetuating this dichotomy may not best serve students or the workforce. We are at the forefront of an educational movement and it is critical that we think intentionally about who we are training our students to be and how do we best do it. Baccalaureate public health education is occurring in a range of locations including community colleges, traditional liberal arts schools, and schools of public health. Faculty and staff have a diverse range of training and experience in educational frameworks, In addition, this educational movement is occurring at a time when the disciplinary boundaries of public health are expanding and becoming less defined.
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Howard, Shevon Naomi. „Health literacy program proposal for health care workers“. Thesis, Walden University, 2016. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10145339.

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Health information literacy influences patient health outcomes, yet almost 90% of adults struggle to understand health information. This study explored the impact of an education course in health literacy on healthcare professionals’ methods of providing information to patients in order to increase effective communication and improve patient outcomes. This study drew from an integrated theoretical framework that suggests development and validation of tools to measure health literacy. Access to and understanding of reliable, high-quality health care information equalizes many other variables that impact health outcomes, including age, economic class, and cultural background. This study analyzed survey data collected from 2 doctors, 2 nurse practitioners, and 1 staff nurse selected based on their expertise and experience working with patients. They completed a learner- centered course, in which learners interact and instructors provide feedback. Based on survey responses, the participants strongly supported implementing the proposed education module. Four of the 5 experts agreed that a course in health literacy will help health care workers recognize and address patients with low health literacy. Limited health literacy is associated with poor health outcomes and higher health care costs. This type of literacy requires a complex group of reading, listening, analytical, and decision- making skills, and the ability to apply these skills to health situations. The results of this study may guide educators to effectively communicate with patients, increase health literacy, and improve patient outcomes.

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Bertrand, Julie A. „New Brunswick approach to Comprehensive School Health: Healthy learners in schools and the community school“. Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/28173.

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In this thesis, a multiple case study methodology and semi-structured interviews are used to identify and describe the barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a Comprehensive School Health (CSH) initiative, Healthy Learners in Schools (HLS), in two elementary schools within the same Francophone school district in New Brunswick, Canada. The first article in this thesis identifies five categories of factors that influence the implementation of HLS in the two schools. The second article provides evidence that another initiative, the Community School, is an effective way of implementing the CSH approach in schools. Overall, there was found to be large differences pertaining to school health promotion in the two schools involved in this study; many refinements of the implementation process are necessary if the provincial government's goals are to be met.
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Sariyant, Tossaporn. „Sex education and women's health, attitudes of Thai people toward sex education“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp04/mq24236.pdf.

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