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Reis Filho, Lucio. „Algo para lembrar os segredos dos dias estranhos: a cosmovisão de H.P. Lovecraft em Stranger Things“. Ícone 17, Nr. 3 (28.09.2019): 283. http://dx.doi.org/10.34176/icone.v17i3.240275.

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Coisas estranhas acontecem em Hawkins, Indiana. Em 1983, fenômenos sobrenaturais começam a assolar a pacata cidade do médio-oeste americano depois que uma agência governamental de fins escusos abre um portal para outra dimensão, libertando os horrores que lá habitam. Esta é a premissa de Stranger Things (2016-17), série original da Netflix criada pelos irmãos Duffer. Todavia, sabemos de qual dimensão esses fenômenos vêm: das páginas de Stephen King, dos filmes de Steven Spielberg e Ridley Scott; do tabuleiro de Dungeons & Dragons. A despeito dos mais óbvios canais de intertextualidade, observaremos a influência mais relevante para a criação da atmosfera de horror da segunda temporada: a obra de H.P. Lovecraft, notadamente o conto “A Cor que Caiu do Espaço” (1927) e os Mitos de Cthulhu. A inspiração em Lovecraft, declarada pelos criadores da série, transforma Hawkins em uma paisagem de horror, leva um dos protagonistas à beira da loucura e projeta a sombra mortal de uma abominação antiga.
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Valenzuela, Sandra Trabucco. „Os lobos dentro das paredes (Neil Gaiman) e a série de TV Stranger Things: o fantástico e a construção audiovisual“. Literartes 1, Nr. 7 (23.12.2017): 64. http://dx.doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9826.literartes.2017.134405.

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O objeto deste artigo é identificar possibilidades de leitura e correlações entre a graphic novel Os lobos dentro das paredes, de Neil Gaiman, lançado nos Estados Unidos em 2003 (no Brasil, o livro Os lobos dentro das paredes foi lançado em 2006, pela Editora Rocco), e a primeira temporada da série Stranger Things, criada pelos irmãos Matt e Ross Duffer, distribuída pela Netflix, veiculada a partir em 15 de julho de 2016. O livro de Gaiman narra a história de uma garota que ouve ruídos vindos de dentro das paredes de sua casa; ela tenta avisar os pais, porém, os lobos tomam a casa. Temática similar ressurge na primeira temporada da série de TV Stranger Things, cuja narrativa se desenvolve na cidade de Hawkins, Indiana, e gira em torno do desaparecimento do menino Will. Ao longo dos episódios, um ser monstruoso, sem rosto, surge das paredes da casa, aterrorizando os personagens. O presente trabalho, no âmbito da Literatura comparada, propõe, como referencial teórico, os estudos de Todorov sobre as estruturas narrativas e a literatura fantástica, e os pressupostos de David Roas em Ameaça do fantástico.
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Rhook, Nadia. „“Turban-clad” British Subjects“. Transfers 5, Nr. 3 (01.12.2015): 104–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.3167/trans.2015.050308.

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The late nineteenth century saw a wave of Indian migrants arrive in Victoria, many of whom took up the occupation of hawking. These often-described “turban-clad hawkers” regularly became visible to settlers as they moved through public space en route to the properties of their rural customers. This article explores how the turban became a symbol of the masculine threat Indians posed to the settler order of late nineteenth-century Victoria, Australia. This symbolism was tied up with the two-fold terrestrial and oceanic mobility of 'turban-clad' men; mobilities that took on particular meanings in a settler-colonial context where sedentarism was privileged over movement, and in a decade when legislators in Victoria and across the Australian colonies were working out ways to exclude Indian British subjects from the imagined Australian nation. I argue that European settlers' anxieties about the movements of Indian British subjects over sea and over land became metonymically conflated in ways that expressed and informed the late nineteenth-century project to create a settled and purely white nation. These findings have repercussions for understandings of the contemporaneous emergence of nationalisms in other British settler colonies.
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Khan, Afsheen, und Dr Mona Dandwate. „Contribution of the British To Develop Indian English Literature“. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Configuration 2, Nr. 1 (28.01.2022): 18–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.52984/ijomrc2102.

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Development of Indian English Literature in India gathered momentum with the consolidation of British imperialism in India. As we know the British sow the seed of Indian Writing in English during the period of the British rule in India. English language and literature in India starts with the advent of East India Company in India. It all started in the summers of 1608 when Emperor Jahangir, in the courts of Mughals, welcomed Captain William Hawkins, Commander of British Naval Expedition Hector. It was India's first tryst with an Englishman and English. Jahangir later allowed Britain to open a permanent port and factory on the special request of King James IV that was conveyed by his ambassador Sir Thomas Roe. English were here to stay. Indian writings in English were heavily influenced by the Western art form of the novel. It was typical for the early Indian English language writers to use English unadulterated by Indian words to convey experiences that were primarily Indian. The core reason behind this step was the fact that most of the readers were either British or British educated Indians. In the early 20th century, when the British conquest of India was achieved, a new breed of writers started to emerge on the block. These writers were essentially British who were born or brought up or both in India. Their writing consisted of Indian themes and sentiments but the way of storytelling was primarily western. They had no reservation in using native words, though, to signify the context. This group consisted likes of Rudyard Kipling, Jim Corbett, and George Orwell among others. In fact, some of the writings of that era are still considered to be masterpieces of English Literature. KEYWORDS: Contribution of British, Development, British works & strategy, English Literature.
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Usner, Daniel H., und Florette Henri. „The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796-1816“. Journal of American History 73, Nr. 4 (März 1987): 1024. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1904087.

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Grant, C. L., und Florette Henri. „The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796-1816“. Journal of the Early Republic 6, Nr. 3 (1986): 310. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3122927.

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Satz, Ronald N., und Florette Henri. „The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796-1816“. American Historical Review 92, Nr. 4 (Oktober 1987): 1031. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1864102.

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Green, Michael D., und Florette Henri. „The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796-1816“. Western Historical Quarterly 18, Nr. 4 (Oktober 1987): 450. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/969378.

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Ackermann, Eric G., und Florette Henri. „The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796-1816“. American Indian Quarterly 11, Nr. 2 (1987): 156. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1183702.

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Novak, Steven J., und Florette Henri. „The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796-1816.“ Journal of Southern History 53, Nr. 2 (Mai 1987): 322. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2209112.

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Tamaredo, Iván. „Syntactic complexity and language contact: A corpus-based study of relative clauses in British English and Indian English“. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, Nr. 30 (15.12.2017): 149. http://dx.doi.org/10.14198/raei.2017.30.06.

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The aim of the present paper is to test the claim that contact simplifies language (cf. Kusters, 2008) by comparing the domain of relative clause formation in British English, a L1 variety, and Indian English, a L2 variety. According to Hawkins (1999), the processing cost of relativizing a noun phrase increases down the Accessibility Hierarchy (Subject > Direct Object> Indirect Object > Oblique > Genitive> Object of Comparison) proposed by Keenan and Comrie (1977). Subject relative clauses are thus easier to process than direct object relatives, and so on. The results of a corpus study of the British and Indian components of the International Corpus of English show that the Accessibility Hierarchy has an indirect effect on the production of relative clauses in British English and Indian English: whereas the distribution of relative clauses with respect to the hierarchy is very similar in both varieties, the number of complex relatives, i.e., with coordination or further embedding, decreases in the lower positions in Indian English. These results thus suggest that language contact plays a significant role in relative clause use and accounts for certain differences between L1 and L2 varieties of English in this grammatical domain.
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Burton, John A. „Encyclopedia of Indian Natural HistoryR. E. Hawkins (editor) Oxford University Press, 1987, 620 pp., HB £25.00“. Oryx 22, Nr. 2 (April 1988): 126. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0030605300027642.

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Simpson, Ian. „‘Decent fellows, making an honest living’: Indian Hawkers in White Australia“. History Australia 13, Nr. 3 (02.07.2016): 321–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14490854.2016.1202324.

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Lindo, Karen U. „The Other Hybrid Archipelago: Introduction to the Literatures and Cultures of the Francophone Indian Ocean, by Peter Hawkins“. Research in African Literatures 39, Nr. 3 (September 2008): 217–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/ral.2008.39.3.217.

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Yeo, Penny Liu Qing, Xinyan Bi, Michelle Ting Yun Yeo und Christiani Jeyakumar Henry. „Energy Content and Nutrient Profiles of Frequently Consumed Meals in Singapore“. Foods 10, Nr. 7 (19.07.2021): 1659. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods10071659.

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Singapore is a multi-ethnic country with a great variety of traditional ethnic cuisines. In this modern society where there is an increasing prevalence of obesity, it is important to know the nutritional content and energy density of our foods. However, there have been little data on the nutritional content of our local foods. The energy density and nutrient content of 45 commonly consumed meals by three ethnic groups in Singapore (Chinese, Malay, and Indian) were assessed in this study. Chinese, Malay, and Indian cuisines had an average energy density of 661, 652, and 723 kJ/100 g, respectively. Moreover, the macronutrient content is different between the different ethnic groups. Compared to Chinese and Malay cuisines, Indian cuisine contained lower protein but higher fat and carbohydrate content (p = 0.03). From the mineral analysis of the ethnic foods, we found out that Chinese cuisines contain significantly higher sodium (average of 238 mg/100 g) than Malay cuisines (p = 0.006) and Indian cuisines (p = 0.03). Knowing the caloric density and nutrition content of local ethnic foods may aid hawkers and government officials in developing healthier options to tackle Singapore’s obesity epidemic.
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Karčić, Hamza. „Senator Richard Lugar and the Bosnian War“. Historijski pogledi 7, Nr. 11 (06.10.2024): 358–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.52259/historijskipogledi.2024.7.11.358.

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The 1992-1995 war in Bosnia generated a significant interest across the Atlantic. For three-and-a-half years, Bosnia was present in the American public life with continuous media reports of the war and the genocide being perpetrated in this part of the Balkans. American policymakers in the George H. W. Bush and the Bill Clinton Administrations grappled with formulating a response to the war. While the executive branch took hesitant steps in response to the war, a number of American legislators led the way in seeking an assertive US role in Bosnia. Before the war broke out in Bosnia in spring 1992, several American legislators had taken an interest in the crisis in the rapidly dissolving Yugoslavia. Bob Dole, the Kansan Republican, was a leading voice calling for a tougher response. From 1992 onwards, Dole was joined by a number of other senators and congressmen on both sides of the aisle in advocating for air strikes and a lifting of the UN-imposed arms embargo on Bosnia. These congressional Bosnia hawks led a sustained campaign aimed at keeping the US focused on Bosnia and adopted landmark legislation in support of the newly independent state in Southeast Europe. Senator Richard Lugar, an Indiana Republican and an influential voice on foreign affairs, did not belong to this core group of congressional Bosnia hawks. These hawks, including Senators Bob Dole and Joseph Lieberman, and Representative Frank McCloskey, along with a dozen other legislators, were at the forefront of congressional efforts to shape America’s policy towards Bosnia. Unlike these Bosnia hawks, Lugar did not lead the charge in seeking to steer US policy towards Bosnia. The Indiana Republican was neither a persistent advocate on Bosnia which was a characteristic of the congressional Bosnia hawks. But, he did weigh in on Bosnia starting in 1992 and advocated the use of American force in response to the war in Bosnia. Lugar also voted in favour of a series of legislative efforts aimed at supporting Bosnia from the Capitol Hill. This moderate support was still significant for Bosnia as the state mounted a determined defense of its statehood and citizens from 1992 to 1995. Lugar’s Senate papers located at Indiana University Libraries in Bloomington, IN offer insights into how the veteran senator viewed Bosnia and the policies that he advocated. To date, no study of Lugar’s policy towards Bosnia has been researched and his papers on Bosnia represent a first in-depth look at the senator’s views on the war. Drawing on these original documents, this paper seeks to piece together the story of how Senator Lugar reacted to the Bosnian War. It is a story of his support for Bosnia but one which was neither persistent nor forceful compared to Bob Dole and other pro-Bosnia voices on Capitol Hill. Still, as an independent and internationalist Republican, Lugar left a mark on his nation’s foreign policy including towards Bosnia. This paper, then, further seeks to contribute to the existing literature on the variety of America’s responses to the Bosnian War but also to shed light on Senator Lugar’s little-known effort to shape the US policy towards Bosnia in the early 1990s.
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Wallace, Mark. „Black Hawk's "An Autobiography": The Production and Use of an "Indian" Voice“. American Indian Quarterly 18, Nr. 4 (1994): 481. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1185393.

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Williams, Colin C., Anjula Gurtoo und Sara Nadin. „Evaluating Competing Theorisations of Informal Entrepreneurship: A Study of India's Street Hawkers“. Academy of Management Proceedings 2012, Nr. 1 (Juli 2012): 10093. http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2012.10093abstract.

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Vahed, Goolam. „Control and Repression: The Plight of Indian Hawkers and Flower Sellers in Durban, 1910-1948“. International Journal of African Historical Studies 32, Nr. 1 (1999): 19. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/220804.

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Kelderman, Frank. „Rock Island Revisited: Black Hawk's Life, Keokuk's Oratory, and the Critique of US Indian Policy“. J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists 6, Nr. 1 (2018): 67–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/jnc.2018.0007.

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Anjaria, Jonathan Shapiro. „Guardians of the Bourgeois City: Citizenship, Public Space, and Middle–Class Activism in Mumbai“. City & Community 8, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2009): 391–406. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6040.2009.01299.x.

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This article examines the new phenomenon of “citizens’ groups” in contemporary Mumbai, India, whose activities are directed at making the city's public spaces more orderly. Recent scholarship on Mumbai's efforts to become a “global” city has pointed to the removal of poor populations as an instance of neoliberal governmentality as espoused by the Indian state following the “liberalization” of the economy in the early 1990s. However, in this case, it is these civil society organizations, not the state—whose functionaries in fact benefit from a certain element of unruliness on the streets—who are the agents of increased control over populations and of the rationalization of urban space. This article, based on fieldwork–based research, argues that the way in which citizens’ groups exclude poor populations from the city is more complex than a straightforward deployment of neoliberalism, and is imbricated with transnational political economic arrangements in uneven and often inconsistent ways. in particular, this article explores how civic activists in these organizations envision their role in the city, and how their activism attempts to reconfigure the nature of citizenship. for instance, civic activists consider themselves to be the stewards of the city's streets and sidewalks, and wage their battles against what they consider unruly hawkers, a corrupt state, and a complacent middle–class public. Moreover, civic activists render street hawkers’ political claims illegitimate by speaking on behalf of the abstract “citizen”of Mumbai, thus implying that hawkers’ unions speak only on behalf of the vested interests of a single population. in this way, they mobilize a normative notion of civil society in order to exclude the vast segment of city residents who either sell or buy goods on the street. in doing so, the civic activists transform the discourse and practice of politics in the city, so that, ironically, while on one hand using the rhetoric of citizen participation, they in fact undermine the radically heterogeneous forms of democratic political participation the city offers.
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Alghamdi, Saleh Yahya, Sumeet Kaur, Karishma M. Qureshi, Ali Saeed Almuflih, Naif Almakayeel, Saleh Alsulamy und Mohamed Rafik N. Qureshi. „Antecedents for online food delivery platform leading to continuance usage intention via e-word-of-mouth review adoption“. PLOS ONE 18, Nr. 8 (17.08.2023): e0290247. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0290247.

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The focus of hospitality initially was on ambience and novelty to attract customers. With the rise of the digital revolution, the hospitality industry has also undergone significant change. Long-distance travel at the workplace, odd working hours, and a variety of food options have driven people staying in Indian metropolises towards online food delivery (OFD) services. The popularity of OFD services has risen because of their practicality, simplicity, and a rise in consumer confidence in digital payments. Specifically, for the food industry, digitalization has opened new horizons to capture customers. The competition is not among the big brands, but big brands are competing with homemakers who run tiffin services, and street food hawkers who claim to provide traditional Dhaba-style food and fast food. The customers are loaded with unlimited options to choose the food in terms of price, cuisine, quality, etc. The present research examines the associations between service quality of OFD services, perceived ease of use, and word-of-mouth review adoption, leading to expectation confirmation modeling. The path analysis was carried out using data from 500 Indian respondents residing in Tier-I cities who have been using OFD services regularly. The research outcome shows that servqual has a positive influence on perceived ease of use and confirmation. Additionally, it encourages continued usage intentions because of its favorable impact on the adoption of e-word-of-mouth reviews.
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KITLV, Redactie. „Book Reviews“. New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 80, Nr. 1-2 (01.01.2006): 105–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/22134360-90002492.

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Maximilian C. Forte; Ruins of Absence, Presence of Caribs: (Post)Colonial Representations of Aboriginality in Trinidad and Tobago (Neil L. Whitehead)Nick Nesbitt; Voicing Memory: History and Subjectivity in French Caribbean Literature (H. Adlai Murdoch)Camilla Stevens; Family and Identity in Contemporary Cuban and Puerto Rican Drama (Lydia Platón)Jonathan Goldberg; Tempest in the Caribbean (Jerry Brotton)Michael Chanan; Cuban Cinema (Tamara L. Falicov)Gemma Tang Nain, Barbara Bailey (eds.); Gender Equality in the Caribbean: Reality or Illusion (A. Lynn Bolles)Ernesto Sagás, Sintia E. Molina (eds.); Dominican Migration: Transnational Perspectives (Rosemary Polanco)Christine M. Du Bois; Images of West Indian Immigrants in Mass Media: The Struggle for a Positive Ethnic Reputation (Dwaine Plaza)Luis Raúl Cámara Fuertes; The Phenomenon of Puerto Rican Voting (Annabelle Conroy)Philip Gould; Barbaric Traffic: Commerce and Antislavery in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World (William A. Pettigrew)Laurent Dubois; Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution (Yvonne Fabella)Sibylle Fischer; Modernity Disavowed: Haiti and the Cultures of Slavery in the Age of Revolution (Ashli White)Philip D. Morgan, Sean Hawkins (eds.); Black Experience and the British Empire (James Walvin)Richard Smith; Jamaican Volunteers in the First World War: Race, Masculinity and the Development of National Consciousness (Linden Lewis)Muriel McAvoy; Sugar Baron: Manuel Rionda and the Fortunes of Pre-Castro Cuba (Richard Sicotte)Ned Sublette; Cuba and Its Music: From the First Drums to the Mambo (Pedro Pérez Sarduy)Frances Negrón-Muntaner; Boricua Pop: Puerto Ricans and the Latinization of American Culture (Halbert Barton)Gordon Rohlehr; A Scuffling of Islands: Essays on Calypso (Stephen Stuempfle)Shannon Dudley; Carnival Music in Trinidad: Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture (Donald R. Hill)Jean-Marc Terrine; La ronde des derniers maîtres de bèlè (Julian Gerstin)Alexander Alland, Jr.; Race in Mind: Race, IQ, and Other Racisms (Autumn Barrett)Livio Sansone; Blackness Without Ethnicity: Constructing Race in Brazil (Autumn Barrett)H.U.E. Thoden van Velzen, W. van Wetering; In the Shadow of the Oracle: Religion as Politics in a Suriname Maroon Society (George L. Huttar, Mary L. Huttar)In: New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids (NWIG), 80 (2006), no. 1 & 2
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KITLV, Redactie. „Book Reviews“. New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids 80, Nr. 1-2 (01.01.2008): 105–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/13822373-90002492.

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Maximilian C. Forte; Ruins of Absence, Presence of Caribs: (Post)Colonial Representations of Aboriginality in Trinidad and Tobago (Neil L. Whitehead)Nick Nesbitt; Voicing Memory: History and Subjectivity in French Caribbean Literature (H. Adlai Murdoch)Camilla Stevens; Family and Identity in Contemporary Cuban and Puerto Rican Drama (Lydia Platón)Jonathan Goldberg; Tempest in the Caribbean (Jerry Brotton)Michael Chanan; Cuban Cinema (Tamara L. Falicov)Gemma Tang Nain, Barbara Bailey (eds.); Gender Equality in the Caribbean: Reality or Illusion (A. Lynn Bolles)Ernesto Sagás, Sintia E. Molina (eds.); Dominican Migration: Transnational Perspectives (Rosemary Polanco)Christine M. Du Bois; Images of West Indian Immigrants in Mass Media: The Struggle for a Positive Ethnic Reputation (Dwaine Plaza)Luis Raúl Cámara Fuertes; The Phenomenon of Puerto Rican Voting (Annabelle Conroy)Philip Gould; Barbaric Traffic: Commerce and Antislavery in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World (William A. Pettigrew)Laurent Dubois; Avengers of the New World: The Story of the Haitian Revolution (Yvonne Fabella)Sibylle Fischer; Modernity Disavowed: Haiti and the Cultures of Slavery in the Age of Revolution (Ashli White)Philip D. Morgan, Sean Hawkins (eds.); Black Experience and the British Empire (James Walvin)Richard Smith; Jamaican Volunteers in the First World War: Race, Masculinity and the Development of National Consciousness (Linden Lewis)Muriel McAvoy; Sugar Baron: Manuel Rionda and the Fortunes of Pre-Castro Cuba (Richard Sicotte)Ned Sublette; Cuba and Its Music: From the First Drums to the Mambo (Pedro Pérez Sarduy)Frances Negrón-Muntaner; Boricua Pop: Puerto Ricans and the Latinization of American Culture (Halbert Barton)Gordon Rohlehr; A Scuffling of Islands: Essays on Calypso (Stephen Stuempfle)Shannon Dudley; Carnival Music in Trinidad: Experiencing Music, Expressing Culture (Donald R. Hill)Jean-Marc Terrine; La ronde des derniers maîtres de bèlè (Julian Gerstin)Alexander Alland, Jr.; Race in Mind: Race, IQ, and Other Racisms (Autumn Barrett)Livio Sansone; Blackness Without Ethnicity: Constructing Race in Brazil (Autumn Barrett)H.U.E. Thoden van Velzen, W. van Wetering; In the Shadow of the Oracle: Religion as Politics in a Suriname Maroon Society (George L. Huttar, Mary L. Huttar)In: New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids (NWIG), 80 (2006), no. 1 & 2
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Breman, Jan. „Industrial Labour in Post-Colonial India. II: Employment in the Informal-Sector Economy“. International Review of Social History 44, Nr. 3 (Dezember 1999): 451–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020859099000619.

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Rural–urban migration, which started long before Independence, has accelerated during the last half century. Only a small minority of that army of migrants has found work in the formal sector of the economy, however. The greater part of the urban population, both long-established and newcomers, are excluded from such employment. How, then, has this gradually increasing mass of people managed to earn a living? The answer is with work of very diverse character which provides very little stability taken over the year, even if continuous and full-time. The categorization of informal-sector employment is largely determined by the image evoked by Hart on launching the concept. Hart's description stressed the colourful cavalcade of petty trades and crafts that can be encountered while walking the streets of Third-World cities, including those of India: hawkers, rag-and-bone men, shoe cleaners, tinkers, tailors, market vendors, bearers and porters, drink sellers, barbers, refuse collectors, beggars, whores and pimps, pickpockets and other small-time crooks. In the 1970s and 1980s in particular, registration of this repertoire of work expanded enormously. A noticeable factor is that publications on the subject did not originate among conventional researchers into labour, who were interested mainly in formal-sector employment. The contents of leading professional journals, such as The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations and The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, show that, for the time being, that one-sided interest did not change.
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Agrawal, Deepak, Rajneesh Kumar Karn, Deepak Verma und Rakeshwri Agrawal. „Modelling and Simulation of Integrated Topology of DC/DC converter for LED Driver Circuit“. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS 11 (07.05.2020): 18–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.37394/232017.2020.11.3.

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With the increase in technological advancements and impetus to work for the reduction of electrical energy consumption among different types of consumers, there is a primary need to take into account all forms of energy efficiency improvement methods available for electric and electronic equipment been used. It has been noticed that in commercial lighting, in terms of efficiency light-lamps based on light-emitting diodes(LEDs) are far better as compared to those where traditional high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps which are still in use in major underdeveloped and developing areas worldwide in specifically street lighting. The LED have numerous advantages such as high luminous efficiency, life span and it has no mercury in its composition. Therefore, recently researchers of this area has been setting a goal to utilize LED as a good alternative to save electricity from major parts of this planet. In this paper simulation of LED driver circuit is presented to utilize the 12 V LED lighting strip which has been used in Indian hawkers/small shopkeepers since a long time.
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Tanmay, Mandala, P. S. Champawat, V. D. Mudgal und S. K. Jain. „Commercial Scope of Portable Corn Roaster Cum Boiler in Socio-economic Advancement of Indian Hawkers Who Sellroasted and Boiled Corn“. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 8, Nr. 06 (10.06.2019): 366–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2019.806.041.

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N R, Rakshitha, Bhavya D L, Swetha S A, Anusha M und Prof Sheema Kauser. „Microbiological Quality of Street-Vended Pani Puri Sold in Different Cities of India“. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 10, Nr. 10 (31.10.2022): 633–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2022.47068.

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Abstract: A major health issue across the world is the microbial contamination of ready-to-eat meals supplied by street vendors and hawkers. Each city in India has its own distinctive street cuisine and a big portion of the population enjoys these delights because of their taste and flavor. In addition to their deliciousness and flavor, these meals are affordable and widely accessible. Panipuri is the most consumed street food from north to south and east to west. The current investigation was conducted to evaluate the microbial and fungal composition of the masala pani and matar sold with panipuri in major Indian towns. Utilizing tainted raw ingredients and food components, dirty water, unhygienic preparation methods, and infected containers all contributed to the contamination. Nearly 100 samples or more are aseptically collected in a screw cap container from various sites in various Indian cities and then analyzed following the prescribed methods, the predominant bacteria and fungus were isolated and identified. After analysis, a significant amount of bacterial pathogens were found in the food sample. The majority of the time, fungi like Mucor and Rhizopus are found alongside bacteria like Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp., Enterobacter spp., and Bacillus spp. Fecal contamination of the processing wat, as well as ongoing unsanitary circumstances associated with the location of the food booths,hs, were both suggested by the detection of fecal Streptococci and Coliform. Consumption of contaminated foods harboring bacteria and their toxin leads to foodborne disease. Therefore, it has been listed that to ensure the safety of human health, street food qualities must be checked and microbiological load standards must have adhered to.
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Bellin, Joshua David. „How Smooth Their Language: Authenticity and Interculturalism in the Life of Black Hawk“. Prospects 25 (Oktober 2000): 485–511. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0361233300000739.

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Critics seeking a paradigmatic moment in the history of Indian-white encounter will find few more suitable than the following from the life of Black Hawk, the Sauk rebel, U.S. prisoner of war, and subject if not author of the Life of Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She-Kia-Kiak or Black Hawk (1833). The episode, reported by Thomas McKenney and James Hall in The Indian Tribes of North America (1836–44), occurred after Black Hawk's brief, spectacular resistance to removal had been violently quelled; after he had been taken on a humbling tour of the East; and after his rival, Keokuk, had been installed by the United States as tribal chief. McKenney and Hall pick up the story at the conference where Keokuk's ascendancy is announced:They were then told by major Garland, that the President considered Keokuk the principal chief of the nation, and desired he should be acknowledged as such; he expected Black Hawk would listen, and conform to this arrangement. … From some mistake of the interpreter, Black Hawk understood that he was ordered to submit to the advice of Keokuk, and became greatly excited. Losing all command of himself he arose, trembling with anger, and exclaimed: “I am a man — an old man. I will not obey the counsels of anyone! I will act for myself; no one shall govern me. …”Keokuk, in a low tone, said to him: “Why do you speak thus before white men? You trembled — you did not mean what you said.
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Mehrotra, Sonia, Smriti Verma und Ishani Chakraborty. „Samosa Singh: the fast food of India“. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies 8, Nr. 3 (26.09.2018): 1–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/eemcs-03-2018-0035.

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Subject area The subject areas are entrepreneurship, start-up ventures and business strategy. Study level/applicability The case is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate MBA. Case overview Shikhar Veer Singh (Singh), a post graduate in Medical Biotechnology, quit a cushy corporate job to start his own food venture WoknStove Foodworks Pvt. Ltd. (WSFL) in October 2015. WSFL sold the ubiquitous popular Indian snack food “Samosas” under the brand name of “Samosa Singh”. “Samosa” – a deep fried triangular in shape with conical edges crispy wrap with variety fillings of potatoes/vegetables – was part of unorganized sector and sold by small shops and road-side hawkers. Singh spotted an opportunity to “brand” the “Samosas” that as well was gaining momentum in the international convenience food markets. The company set up a central kitchen near Electronic city, Bangalore, and started experimenting with different fillings. In February 2016, WSFL opened its first quick service restaurant (QSR) in Electronic city, Bangalore. It was an instant hit with consumers of all age groups. Gradually, the company started supplying bulk orders to various other customer segments such as corporate customers, schools and movie theatres/event stalls, that resulted in revenue growth. By January 2017, his monthly annual revenues amounted to INR […] Singh had ambitious plans to expand his business from a single QSR to 15 QSRs across the city by 2018. However, to cater to the increasing demands and support his expansion plans, he was yet to find out the most suitable back-end processes. He had adopted few standard operating procedures (SOPs) for quality operations and implemented 30 per cent of automation for backend processes at his central kitchen. Singh was aware of the automated machinery available in international markets that had conveyor belt arrangements where one could place the flour dough and filling consecutively to get the end product in a shape, unlike the shape of the Indian “Samosas”. The triangular shape with conical edges of the Indian “Samosas” was of utmost importance for the Indian consumers, as the shape associated them with the favourite snack, the “Samosas”. Singh preferred the method of manual filling to maintain the shape and decided to focus on increasing the shelf life of the “Samosas” instead. He felt that an increased shelf life would better equip him to cater the increased market and seasonal demands. However, the question was that whether this was a feasible option to support his ambitious expansion plans (with only 30 per cent automation)? Was Singh’s thinking right with respect to the business operation? More importantly, whether WSFL venture would be able to make an attractive business proposition for investments from any future institutional/angel investor? Singh’s mood turned reflective as he pondered on the above questions. Expected learning outcomes The case is structured to discuss the structure of Indian QSR market and factors contributing to its growth, evaluate WSFL’s ability to leverage the Indian QSR market potential, its strengths and shortcomings, to highlight the steps of consumer decision making process in terms of selection of a QSR and discuss WSFL’s business model and its future sustainability. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email support@emeraldinsight.com to request teaching notes. Subject code CSS 3: Entrepreneurship
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Bernaisch, Tobias, Stefan Th Gries und Joybrato Mukherjee. „The dative alternation in South Asian English(es)“. English World-Wide 35, Nr. 1 (21.02.2014): 7–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/eww.35.1.02ber.

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The present paper focuses on the modelling of cross-varietal differences and similarities in South Asian English(es) and British English at the level of verb complementation. Specifically, we analyse the dative alternation with GIVE, i.e. the alternation between the double-object construction (John gave Mary a book) and the prepositional dative (John gave a book to Mary) as well as their passivised constructions with regard to the factors that potentially exert an influence on this alternation in seven varieties of English. The South Asian varieties under scrutiny are Bangladeshi English, Indian English, Maldivian English, Nepali English, Pakistani English and Sri Lankan English, while British English serves as the reference variety. The patterns of GIVE are annotated according to the following parameters including potential predictors of the dative alternation: syntactic pattern and semantic class of GIVE; syntactic complexity, animacy, discourse accessibility and pronominality of constituents (cf. Gries 2003b; Bresnan and Hay 2008). The choices of complementation patterns are then statistically modelled using conditional inference trees and a random-forest analysis. The results indicate that many of the predictors found to be relevant in British English are at play in the South Asian varieties, too. The syntactic pattern of GIVE is, in descending order, uniformly influenced by the predictors pronominality of recipient, length of recipient, semantic class of GIVE and length of patient. Interestingly, the predictor country is marginal in accounting for the dative alternation of GIVE across the varieties at hand. Based on this observation, we derive variety-independent protostructions, i.e. abstract combinations of (cross-varietally stable) features with high predictive power for a particular syntactic pattern, which we argue to be part of the lexicogrammatical “common core” (Quirk et al. 1985: 16) of English. The implications of the present paper are twofold. While the order of the predictors regarding their influence on the dative alternation is clearly compatible with earlier studies (cf. e.g. Green 1974; Ransom 1979; Hawkins 1994; Gries 2003b), the stability of the order across varieties of English calls for a) a more fine-grained gradation of linguistic forms and structures at the lexis-grammar interface as indicators of structural nativisation and b) a revision of earlier verb-complementational findings specific to individual or groups of varieties of South Asian English.
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Bhave, Sheila, Anand Pandit, Rajiv Yeravdekar, Vaishali Madkaikar, Trushna Chinchwade, Nasreen Shaikh, Tasneem Shaikh, Shraddha Naik, Ella Marley-Zagar und Caroline H. D. Fall. „Effectiveness of a 5-year school-based intervention programme to reduce adiposity and improve fitness and lifestyle in Indian children; the SYM-KEM study“. Archives of Disease in Childhood 101, Nr. 1 (29.09.2015): 33–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/archdischild-2015-308673.

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DesignNon-randomised non-blinded school-based intervention study.SettingTwo schools in the cities of Pune and Nasik, India.ParticipantsThe intervention group comprised children attending a Pune school from 7–10 years until 12–15 years of age. Two control groups comprised children of the same age attending a similar school in Nasik, and children in the Pune intervention school but aged 12–15 years at the start of the study.InterventionA 5-year multi-intervention programme, covering three domains: physical activity, diet and general health, and including increased extracurricular and intracurricular physical activity sessions; daily yoga-based breathing exercises; making physical activity a ‘scoring’ subject; nutrition education; healthier school meals; removal of fast-food hawkers from the school environs; and health and nutrition education for teachers, pupils and families.Main outcome measuresBody mass index (BMI), waist circumference, physical fitness according to simple tests of strength, flexibility and endurance; diet; and lifestyle indicators (time watching TV, studying and actively playing).ResultsAfter 5 years the intervention children were fitter than controls in running, long jump, sit-up and push-up tests (p<0.05 for all). They reported spending less time sedentary (watching TV and studying), more time actively playing and eating fruit more often (p<0.05). The intervention did not reduce BMI or the prevalence of overweight/obesity, but waist circumference was lower than in the Pune controls (p=0.004).ConclusionsIt was possible to achieve multiple health-promoting changes in an academically competitive Indian school. These changes resulted in improved physical fitness, but had no impact on the children's BMI or on the prevalence of overweight/obesity.
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Willard, William. „Never a Viable Coexistence:Cultures in Contact: The European Impact on Native Cultural Institutions in Eastern North America, 1000-1800 A.D.;The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins: 1796-1816.;The Western Apache: Living with the Land Before 1950.“ Anthropology Humanism Quarterly 15, Nr. 1 (Februar 1990): 35–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/ahu.1990.15.1.35.

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Kaj, Kanhai Hiren. „Exploring the Knowledge and Practices of Adverse Drug Reaction and Falsified Medicine Reporting Amongst the Community Pharmacists of India“. International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs 11, Nr. 3 (15.09.2023): 22–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.22270/ijdra.v11i3.612.

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Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and falsified medicines (FMs) pose significant threat to patient safety and public health. Understanding the knowledge, experiences, and perspectives of community pharmacists in India regarding ADRs and FMs is crucial for effective intervention and prevention strategies. Objective: This study aimed to assess the knowledge, experiences, and perspectives of community pharmacists in India regarding ADRs and FMs. It sought to gather information on pharmacists' familiarity with the threats posed by ADRs and FMs, their understanding of relevant legislation, their personal encounters with ADRs and FMs, and their views on the distribution of FMs and the adequacy of existing legislation. Method: A survey was conducted among community pharmacists in India, and data were collected using a questionnaire. The survey included questions related to knowledge, experiences, and perspectives on ADRs and FMs. The responses were analysed to identify trends and key findings. Results: The analysis revealed that a significant majority of pharmacists demonstrated a fundamental understanding of ADRs and FMs. However, a relatively low percentage reported encountering ADRs as well as FMs in their practice, with an equally low proportion reporting these incidents to the appropriate authorities Majority of pharmacists believed that they plan an important role in reporting of ADRs but only half of the pharmacists’ surveyed things that they plan an important role in tackling the issue of FMs. Conclusion: The research highlights that community pharmacists in India have a good understanding of Pharmacovigilance and ADR reporting, although knowledge of Indian legislation needs improvement. Pharmacists demonstrate a positive attitude towards ADR reporting and promptly report encountered ADRs and FMs. Patient education, convenience of the reporting system, and strengthening FM legislation are areas that require attention. Major sources of FM distribution are online pharmacies and street hawkers. These findings contribute to enhancing pharmacovigilance practices and addressing FM distribution in India.
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Gardner, Charlie J. „Birds of Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands: Seychelles, Comoros, Mauritius, Reunion and RodriguesBirds of Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands: Seychelles, Comoros, Mauritius, Reunion and Rodrigues by Frank Hawkins, Roger Safford, and Adrian Skerrett; illustrated by John Gale and Brian Small. 2015. Helm Field Guides, Christopher Helm, London, UK. 336 pp., 124 color plates. $45 (paperback). ISBN 9781472924094.“ Condor 118, Nr. 4 (November 2016): 864–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1650/condor-16-139.1.

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Quester, George H. „Avoiding Nuclear War: Hawks, Doves, and Owls . An Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War. Graham T. Allison, Albert Carnesale, and Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Eds. Norton, New York, 1985. xii, 282 pp. $14.95.; Preventing Nuclear War . A Realistic Approach. Barry M. Blechman, Ed. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1985. x, 197 pp. $22.50; paper, $9.95.“ Science 229, Nr. 4720 (27.09.1985): 1379–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.229.4720.1379.b.

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Quester, George H. „Avoiding Nuclear War: Hawks, Doves, and Owls . An Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War. Graham T. Allison, Albert Carnesale, and Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Eds. Norton, New York, 1985. xii, 282 pp. $14.95.; Preventing Nuclear War . A Realistic Approach. Barry M. Blechman, Ed. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1985. x, 197 pp. $22.50; paper, $9.95.“ Science 229, Nr. 4720 (27.09.1985): 1379–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.229.4720.1379-b.

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Helmholz, P., S. Zlatanova, J. Barton und M. Aleksandrov. „GEOINFORMATION FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT 2020 (Gi4DM2020): PREFACE“. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLIV-3/W1-2020 (18.11.2020): 1–3. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-xliv-3-w1-2020-1-2020.

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Abstract. Across the world, nature-triggered disasters fuelled by climate change are worsening. Some two billion people have been affected by the consequences of natural hazards over the last ten years, 95% of which were weather-related (such as floods and windstorms). Fires swept across large parts of California, and in Australia caused unprecedented destruction to lives, wildlife and bush. This picture is likely to become the new normal, and indeed may worsen if unchecked. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that in some locations, disaster that once had a once-in-a-century frequency may become annual events by 2050.Disaster management needs to keep up. Good cooperation and coordination of crisis response operations are of critical importance to react rapidly and adequately to any crisis situation, while post-disaster recovery presents opportunities to build resilience towards reducing the scale of the next disaster. Technology to support crisis response has advanced greatly in the last few years. Systems for early warning, command and control and decision-making have been successfully implemented in many countries and regions all over the world. Efforts to improve humanitarian response, in particular in relation to combating disasters in rapidly urbanising cities, have also led to better approaches that grapple with complexity and uncertainty.The challenges however are daunting. Many aspects related to the efficient collection and integration of geo-information, applied semantics and situational awareness for disaster management are still open, while agencies, organisations and governmental authorities need to improve their practices for building better resilience.Gi4DM 2020 marked the 13th edition of the Geoinformation for Disaster Management series of conferences. The first conference was held in 2005 in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami which claimed the lives of over 220,000 civilians. The 2019-20 Australian Bushfire Season saw some 18.6 million Ha of bushland burn, 5,900 buildings destroyed and nearly three billion vertebrates killed. Gi4DM 2020 then was held during Covid-19 pandemic, which took the lives of more than 1,150,000 people by the time of the conference. The pandemic affected the organisation of the conference, but the situation also provided the opportunity to address important global problems.The fundamental goal of the Gi4DM has always been to provide a forum where emergency responders, disaster managers, urban planners, stakeholders, researchers, data providers and system developers can discuss challenges, share experience, discuss new ideas and demonstrate technology. The 12 previous editions of Gi4DM conferences were held in Delft, the Netherlands (March 2005), Goa, India (September 2006), Toronto, Canada (May 2007), Harbin, China (August 2008), Prague, Czech Republic (January 2009), Torino, Italy (February 2010), Antalya, Turkey (May 2011), Enschede, the Netherlands (December, 2012), Hanoi, Vietnam (December 2013), Montpellier, France (2015), Istanbul, Turkey (2018) and Prague, Czech Republic (2019). Through the years Gi4DM has been organised in cooperation with different international bodies such as ISPRS, UNOOSA, ICA, ISCRAM, FIG, IAG, OGC and WFP and supported by national organisations.Gi4DM 2020 was held as part of Climate Change and Disaster Management: Technology and Resilience for a Troubled World. The event took place through the whole week of 30th of November to 4th of December, Sydney, Australia and included three events: Gi4DM 2020, NSW Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (NSW SSSI) annual meeting and Urban Resilience Asia Pacific 2 (URAP2).The event explored two interlinked aspects of disaster management in relation to climate change. The first was geo-information technologies and their application for work in crisis situations, as well as sensor and communication networks and their roles for improving situational awareness. The second aspect was resilience, and its role and purpose across the entire cycle of disaster management, from pre-disaster preparedness to post-disaster recovery including challenges and opportunities in relation to rapid urbanisation and the role of security in improved disaster management practices.This volume consists of 22 scientific papers. These were selected on the basis of double-blind review from among the 40 short papers submitted to the Gi4DM 2020 conference. Each paper was reviewed by two scientific reviewers. The authors of the papers were encouraged to revise, extend and adapt their papers to reflect the comments of the reviewers and fit the goals of this volume. The selected papers concentrate on monitoring and analysis of various aspects related to Covid-19 (4), emergency response (4), earthquakes (3), flood (2), forest fire, landslides, glaciers, drought, land cover change, crop management, surface temperature, address standardisation and education for disaster management. The presented methods range from remote sensing, LiDAR and photogrammetry on different platforms to GIS and Web-based technologies. Figure 1 illustrates the covered topics via wordcount of keywords and titles.The Gi4DM 2020 program consisted of scientific presentations, keynote speeches, panel discussions and tutorials. The four keynotes speakers Prof Suzan Cutter (Hazard and Vulnerability Research Institute, USC, US), Jeremy Fewtrell (NSW Fire and Rescue, Australia), Prof Orhan Altan (Ad-hoc Committee on RISK and Disaster Management, GeoUnions, Turkey) and Prof Philip Gibbins (Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU, Australia) concentrated on different aspects of disaster and risk management in the context of climate change. Eight tutorials offered exciting workshops and hands-on on: Semantic web tools and technologies within Disaster Management, Structure-from-motion photogrammetry, Radar Remote Sensing, Dam safety: Monitoring subsidence with SAR Interferometry, Location-based Augmented Reality apps with Unity and Mapbox, Visualising bush fires datasets using open source, Making data smarter to manage disasters and emergency situational awareness and Response using HERE Location Services. The scientific sessions were blended with panel discussions to provide more opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences, connect people and researchers from all over the world.The editors of this volume acknowledge all members of the scientific committee for their time, careful review and valuable comments: Abdoulaye Diakité (Australia), Alexander Rudloff (Germany), Alias Abdul Rahman (Malaysia), Alper Yilmaz (USA), Amy Parker (Australia), Ashraf Dewan (Australia), Bapon Shm Fakhruddin (New Zealand), Batuhan Osmanoglu (USA), Ben Gorte (Australia), Bo Huang (Hong Kong), Brendon McAtee (Australia), Brian Lee (Australia), Bruce Forster (Australia), Charity Mundava (Australia), Charles Toth (USA), Chris Bellman (Australia), Chris Pettit (Australia), Clive Fraser (Australia), Craig Glennie (USA), David Belton (Australia), Dev Raj Paudyal (Australia), Dimitri Bulatov (Germany), Dipak Paudyal (Australia), Dorota Iwaszczuk (Germany), Edward Verbree (The Netherlands), Eliseo Clementini (Italy), Fabio Giulio Tonolo (Italy), Fazlay Faruque (USA), Filip Biljecki (Singapore), Petra Helmholz (Australia), Francesco Nex (The Netherlands), Franz Rottensteiner (Germany), George Sithole (South Africa), Graciela Metternicht (Australia), Haigang Sui (China), Hans-Gerd Maas (Germany), Hao Wu (China), Huayi Wu (China), Ivana Ivanova (Australia), Iyyanki Murali Krishna (India), Jack Barton (Australia), Jagannath Aryal (Australia), Jie Jiang (China), Joep Compvoets (Belgium), Jonathan Li (Canada), Kourosh Khoshelham (Australia), Krzysztof Bakuła (Poland), Lars Bodum (Denmark), Lena Halounova (Czech Republic), Madhu Chandra (Germany), Maria Antonia Brovelli (Italy), Martin Breunig (Germany), Martin Tomko (Australia), Mila Koeva (The Netherlands), Mingshu Wang (The Netherlands), Mitko Aleksandrov (Australia), Mulhim Al Doori (UAE), Nancy Glenn (Australia), Negin Nazarian (Australia), Norbert Pfeifer (Austria), Norman Kerle (The Netherlands), Orhan Altan (Turkey), Ori Gudes (Australia), Pawel Boguslawski (Poland), Peter van Oosterom (The Netherlands), Petr Kubíček (Czech Republic), Petros Patias (Greece), Piero Boccardo (Italy), Qiaoli Wu (China), Qing Zhu (China), Riza Yosia Sunindijo (Australia), Roland Billen (Belgium), Rudi Stouffs (Singapore), Scott Hawken (Australia), Serene Coetzee (South Africa), Shawn Laffan (Australia), Shisong Cao (China), Sisi Zlatanova (Australia), Songnian Li (Canada), Stephan Winter (Australia), Tarun Ghawana (Australia), Ümit Işıkdağ (Turkey), Wei Li (Australia), Wolfgang Reinhardt (Germany), Xianlian Liang (Finland) and Yanan Liu (China).The editors would like to express their gratitude to all contributors, who made this volume possible. Many thanks go to all supporting organisations: ISPRS, SSSI, URAP2, Blackash, Mercury and ISPRS Journal of Geoinformation. The editors are grateful to the continued support of the involved Universities: The University of New South Wales, Curtin University, Australian National University and The University of Melbourne.
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Helmholz, P., S. Zlatanova, J. Barton und M. Aleksandrov. „GEOINFORMATION FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT 2020 (GI4DM2020): PREFACE“. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences VI-3/W1-2020 (17.11.2020): 1–2. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-vi-3-w1-2020-1-2020.

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Abstract. Across the world, nature-triggered disasters fuelled by climate change are worsening. Some two billion people have been affected by the consequences of natural hazards over the last ten years, 95% of which were weather-related (such as floods and windstorms). Fires swept across large parts of California, and in Australia caused unprecedented destruction to lives, wildlife and bush. This picture is likely to become the new normal, and indeed may worsen if unchecked. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that in some locations, disaster that once had a once-in-a-century frequency may become annual events by 2050.Disaster management needs to keep up. Good cooperation and coordination of crisis response operations are of critical importance to react rapidly and adequately to any crisis situation, while post-disaster recovery presents opportunities to build resilience towards reducing the scale of the next disaster. Technology to support crisis response has advanced greatly in the last few years. Systems for early warning, command and control and decision-making have been successfully implemented in many countries and regions all over the world. Efforts to improve humanitarian response, in particular in relation to combating disasters in rapidly urbanising cities, have also led to better approaches that grapple with complexity and uncertainty.The challenges however are daunting. Many aspects related to the efficient collection and integration of geo-information, applied semantics and situational awareness for disaster management are still open, while agencies, organisations and governmental authorities need to improve their practices for building better resilience.Gi4DM 2020 marked the 13th edition of the Geoinformation for Disaster Management series of conferences. The first conference was held in 2005 in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami which claimed the lives of over 220,000 civilians. The 2019-20 Australian Bushfire Season saw some 18.6 million Ha of bushland burn, 5,900 buildings destroyed and nearly three billion vertebrates killed. Gi4DM 2020 then was held during Covid-19 pandemic, which took the lives of more than 1,150,000 people by the time of the conference. The pandemic affected the organisation of the conference, but the situation also provided the opportunity to address important global problems.The fundamental goal of the Gi4DM has always been to provide a forum where emergency responders, disaster managers, urban planners, stakeholders, researchers, data providers and system developers can discuss challenges, share experience, discuss new ideas and demonstrate technology. The 12 previous editions of Gi4DM conferences were held in Delft, the Netherlands (March 2005), Goa, India (September 2006), Toronto, Canada (May 2007), Harbin, China (August 2008), Prague, Czech Republic (January 2009), Torino, Italy (February 2010), Antalya, Turkey (May 2011), Enschede, the Netherlands (December, 2012), Hanoi, Vietnam (December 2013), Montpellier, France (2015), Istanbul, Turkey (2018) and Prague, Czech Republic (2019). Through the years Gi4DM has been organised in cooperation with different international bodies such as ISPRS, UNOOSA, ICA, ISCRAM, FIG, IAG, OGC and WFP and supported by national organisations.Gi4DM 2020 was held as part of Climate Change and Disaster Management: Technology and Resilience for a Troubled World. The event took place through the whole week of 30th of November to 4th of December, Sydney, Australia and included three events: Gi4DM 2020, NSW Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (NSW SSSI) annual meeting and Urban Resilience Asia Pacific 2 (URAP2).The event explored two interlinked aspects of disaster management in relation to climate change. The first was geo-information technologies and their application for work in crisis situations, as well as sensor and communication networks and their roles for improving situational awareness. The second aspect was resilience, and its role and purpose across the entire cycle of disaster management, from pre-disaster preparedness to post-disaster recovery including challenges and opportunities in relation to rapid urbanisation and the role of security in improved disaster management practices.This volume consists of 16 peer-reviewed scientific papers. These were selected on the basis of double-blind review from among the 25 full papers submitted to the Gi4DM 2020 conference. Each paper was reviewed by three scientific reviewers. The authors of the papers were encouraged to revise, extend and adapt their papers to reflect the comments of the reviewers and fit the goals of this volume. The selected papers concentrate on monitoring and analysis of forest fire (3), landslides (3), flood (2), earthquake, avalanches, water pollution, heat, evacuation and urban sustainability, applying a variety of remote sensing, GIS and Web-based technologies. Figure 1 illustrates the scope of the covered topics though the word count of keywords and titles.The Gi4DM 2020 program consisted of scientific presentations, keynote speeches, panel discussions and tutorials. The four keynotes speakers Prof Suzan Cutter (Hazard and Vulnerability Research Institute, USC, US), Jeremy Fewtrell (NSW Fire and Rescue, Australia), Prof Orhan Altan (Ad-hoc Committee on RISK and Disaster Management, GeoUnions, Turkey) and Prof Philip Gibbins (Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU, Australia) concentrated on different aspects of disaster and risk management in the context of climate change. Eight tutorials offered exciting workshops and hands-on on: Semantic web tools and technologies within Disaster Management, Structure-from-motion photogrammetry, Radar Remote Sensing, Dam safety: Monitoring subsidence with SAR Interferometry, Location-based Augmented Reality apps with Unity and Mapbox, Visualising bush fires datasets using open source, Making data smarter to manage disasters and emergency situational awareness and Response using HERE Location Services. The scientific sessions were blended with panel discussions to provide more opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences, connect people and researchers from all over the world.The editors of this volume acknowledge all members of the scientific committee for their time, careful review and valuable comments: Abdoulaye Diakité (Australia), Alexander Rudloff (Germany), Alias Abdul Rahman (Malaysia), Alper Yilmaz (USA), Amy Parker (Australia), Ashraf Dewan (Australia), Bapon Shm Fakhruddin (New Zealand), Batuhan Osmanoglu (USA), Ben Gorte (Australia), Bo Huang (Hong Kong), Brendon McAtee (Australia), Brian Lee (Australia), Bruce Forster (Australia), Charity Mundava (Australia), Charles Toth (USA), Chris Bellman (Australia), Chris Pettit (Australia), Clive Fraser (Australia), Craig Glennie (USA), David Belton (Australia), Dev Raj Paudyal (Australia), Dimitri Bulatov (Germany), Dipak Paudyal (Australia), Dorota Iwaszczuk (Germany), Edward Verbree (The Netherlands), Eliseo Clementini (Italy), Fabio Giulio Tonolo (Italy), Fazlay Faruque (USA), Filip Biljecki (Singapore), Petra Helmholz (Australia), Francesco Nex (The Netherlands), Franz Rottensteiner (Germany), George Sithole (South Africa), Graciela Metternicht (Australia), Haigang Sui (China), Hans-Gerd Maas (Germany), Hao Wu (China), Huayi Wu (China), Ivana Ivanova (Australia), Iyyanki Murali Krishna (India), Jack Barton (Australia), Jagannath Aryal (Australia), Jie Jiang (China), Joep Compvoets (Belgium), Jonathan Li (Canada), Kourosh Khoshelham (Australia), Krzysztof Bakuła (Poland), Lars Bodum (Denmark), Lena Halounova (Czech Republic), Madhu Chandra (Germany), Maria Antonia Brovelli (Italy), Martin Breunig (Germany), Martin Tomko (Australia), Mila Koeva (The Netherlands), Mingshu Wang (The Netherlands), Mitko Aleksandrov (Australia), Mulhim Al Doori (UAE), Nancy Glenn (Australia), Negin Nazarian (Australia), Norbert Pfeifer (Austria), Norman Kerle (The Netherlands), Orhan Altan (Turkey), Ori Gudes (Australia), Pawel Boguslawski (Poland), Peter van Oosterom (The Netherlands), Petr Kubíček (Czech Republic), Petros Patias (Greece), Piero Boccardo (Italy), Qiaoli Wu (China), Qing Zhu (China), Riza Yosia Sunindijo (Australia), Roland Billen (Belgium), Rudi Stouffs (Singapore), Scott Hawken (Australia), Serene Coetzee (South Africa), Shawn Laffan (Australia), Shisong Cao (China), Sisi Zlatanova (Australia), Songnian Li (Canada), Stephan Winter (Australia), Tarun Ghawana (Australia), Ümit Işıkdağ (Turkey), Wei Li (Australia), Wolfgang Reinhardt (Germany), Xianlian Liang (Finland) and Yanan Liu (China).The editors would like to express their gratitude to all contributors, who made this volume possible. Many thanks go to all supporting organisations: ISPRS, SSSI, URAP2, Blackash, Mercury and ISPRS Journal of Geoinformation. The editors are grateful to the continued support of the involved Universities: The University of New South Wales, Curtin University, Australian National University and The University of Melbourne.
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Soni, Ritika, und Neelam Agrawal Srivastava. „VASTRAVIKAS: UNRAVELING INDIA'S SUSTAINABLE GARMENT LEGACY“. ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts 5, Nr. 2 (10.07.2024). http://dx.doi.org/10.29121/shodhkosh.v5.i2.2024.928.

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The clothing and textile industry, a cornerstone of India's rich heritage, is shifting towards sustainable practices by emphasizing reducing, reusing, and recycling materials. This approach ensures that waste decomposes naturally, promoting sustainability. The retail sector in India has grown significantly, evolving from a seller-driven to a buyer-driven market. Historically, India's retailing started with barter systems, exchanging goods of similar value without money, which played a vital role in the economy and offered solutions to modern cash flow issues.This study examines the recycling practices involving clothes collected by hawkers. Survey results show that urban respondents understand recycling as creating new items from old ones. Hawkers gather used garments, sort, inspect, clean, and then produce useful recycled products. These recycled garments are often bought by middle-class families at affordable prices for their housemaids.To promote sustainable practices in the textile industry, several strategies are recommended. Organizing workshops and training sessions on upcycling can help individuals repurpose old clothing creatively. Establishing community repair centers or providing resources for basic clothing repair techniques can emphasize the importance of repairing and modifying garments. Educational campaigns and community events can promote clothing donations, preserve cultural heritage, and reduce waste. Supporting sustainable textiles involves encouraging local artisans, weavers, and the textile industry, and urging designers to incorporate traditional techniques and fabrics. Awareness campaigns through social media and community events can educate people about the traditional Indian model of garment reuse, further promoting sustainability in the textile industry.
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E. Thamilarasan und Mr. Varun. S. „An Empirical Study on the Psychological Consequences of Child Hawking“. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, 11.08.2023, 283–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.48175/ijarsct-12446.

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Hawking is referred to as an occupation engaged by children and young adults which involves selling of items or goods in the street. Despite India's recent economic progress, more than a third of the population still lives in poverty. Any family, society, or nation that does not have a good agenda or adequate plans for its children is inevitably bound to fail to ensure its own survival and continuity. The ability of a society's children and youths to function effectively as members of that society depends on their ability to function effectively socially, politically, economically, and religiously. The quality of a child's connections with his or her primary caregivers has the biggest impact on his or her socio-emotional development . The early nurture, experiences, and interactions that a kid has have a tremendous impact on his or her socio-emotional development. . The main objective of study is based on the psychological consequences of child hawking. The method followed in the study is an empirical research method using a convenient sampling method. The sample size of the total number is 200. The independent variables used in the study are age ,gender, occupation and place of living. The dependent variable used in the study 1. Do you know about child hawking? 2. Agreeability to forcing children to sell things on the street. 3.factors constituting child hawking. 4. Results of child hawking. The Aim the study is that according to people’s view child hawking is to be considered as a serious maltreatment towards children and it completely violates the child’s fundamental rights. It also results bt causing mental stress, lack of education, rape and sexual abuse and lot more.
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Kayalı, Yalçin. „HISTORICAL FIGURES OF ARMENIAN DESCENT IN THE MUGHAL [INDO-TURKIC ISLAMIC EMPIRE] PALACE“. Doğu Dilleri Dergisi, 30.05.2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.61134/audodilder.1489327.

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Some sources date back to the first contact of Armenians with Indian geography until the Indian expedition of Alexander. In the history of the Middle Ages, it is known that the first mass arrival of Armenians, who had become famous for their mercantile skills, to the Indian subcontinent took place around the XVII century, i.e., during the Mughal era. This study provides a descriptive analysis of the emergence of bilateral relations with a deep-rooted history in the era of the Mughal (Indo-Turkic Islamic) Empire. In this context, historical figures of Armenian descent who served in high positions in the Mughal court or were even honored with imperial titles are discussed. These historical figures are Prince John Philip Bourbon, Captain William Hawkins, interpreter Domingo Pires, Mirza Zulkarneyn, and Mariam (Maryam) Zamani Begum. Prince John Philip Bourbon, a member of the French royal family of Armenian descent who had been exiled to India, served the Mughal dynasty in high positions at Akbar's court. William Hawkins was an agent of the British East India Company and captain of the first ship to dock in Surat, India. Domingo Pires, who had served as a translator and interpreter at the Mughal court, was personally appointed by Akbar to attend the negotiations with the Portuguese in Goa. Mirza Zulkarneyn and Mariam Zamani Begum held higher positions in the Mughal court than the others. While Zulkarneyn, as a member of the divan raised in the harem, served as faujdar and governor, Mariam Zamani Begum is known as the chief queen of Akbar. Although claims about her descent and religion differ, for this study the views in the literature that she was of Armenian descent will be emphasized. Thus, with this study, in which we present a cross-section of the Mughal era, we have attempted to provide a historical background to Indo-Armenian relations from the perspective of the discipline of Area Studies, as it reflects the development of present-day India-Armenia bilateral relations in the historical process
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-, Mayank Raj. „Legal Recognition and Social Equality for Street Hawkers in Urban India: A Spatial Study of Delhi & Patna“. International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research 6, Nr. 3 (17.06.2024). http://dx.doi.org/10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i03.22586.

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In India, cities are known for their markets that contribute to the dynamism and expression of culture and traditions. Street hawkers who are part of informal territorial occupations, offer a diverse range of goods and services. While they have a significant contribution to the economy and social fabric of Indian public spaces, their presence necessitates a nuanced understanding of the interplay between economic necessity and social justice. This dissertation not only seeks to critically analyse the existing legal framework related to informal business but also aims to seek an in-depth understanding of informal territorial occupation, how hawkers claim and utilise public spaces,, employing ethnographic observations and visual mapping in the context of Delhi and Patna, to determine the factors that contribute to the conflict on public streets resulting in the removal and harassment of hawkers. This paper also aims for a nuanced understanding of the difference between dynamism and conflict in the streets. The research advocates for a comprehensive understanding of conflicts that occur in such complex situations.
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Rana, Navreet Kaur. „The Song of Food“. Space and Culture, 09.03.2023, 120633122311553. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/12063312231155355.

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“The Song of Food” brings to light a relationship that exists between the soundscape and the foodscape of a geographical location. The research studies the rhymes or songs that are sung by food-selling hawkers in North Indian markets. The article establishes that the relevance of these songs is definitely beyond the transaction of buying, selling, and consuming food, and discovers the socio-economic and socio-cultural dimension that reflects from these songs. The findings reveal that how nativity, geography, and economic status are inherently adopted while composing these songs. Oblivious to the fact that how they have added another sense to food, beyond taste, vision and smell, the sense of sound, these hawkers have introduced social intimacy to a simple buying and selling process. The article talks about few such food products and their selling calls from Hindi- and Punjabi-speaking regions of North India.
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M S, Sree Lekshmi, und Aratrika Das. „Mental healthcare spaces, ambivalence of caregiving, and Indian memoirs of psychiatric patients“. Literature Compass 21, Nr. 7-9 (18.07.2024). http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/lic3.12765.

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AbstractMental healthcare facilities in hospitals and rehabilitation centres are crucial for providing medical treatment and care. These therapeutic environments manifest as both fulfilled, empathetic spaces of care and as sites tainted by denial of care and exploitation. This article utilises illness memoirs or ‘pathographies’ as an entry point to understand the intricacies of experiential facets of caregiving within mental healthcare spaces. Set against the backdrop of the evolving landscape of psychiatric facilities in India, transitioning from asylums in the pre‐independent era to mental hospitals in the post‐independent era and rehabilitation centres in the 1990s, this article analyses two important postcolonial Indian pathographies: Swadesh Deepak's Maine Mandu Nahin Dekha: Khandit Jeevan ka Collage, 2003 (I Have Not Seen Mandu: A Fractured Soul‐Memoir, 2021), translated by Jerry Pinto and Shreevatsa Nevatia's How to Travel Light: My Memories of Madness and Melancholia (2017). These memoirs allow us to explore the dynamics of caregiving practices within the evolving spatial modalities of mental healthcare spaces in India. Drawing on insights from theorists such as Anne H Hawkins, Sarah Ann Pinto, Arthur Kleinman, Michel Foucault, Erving Goffman and others, the article examines the complex dynamics and ambivalence inherent in the practices of care and denial within mental healthcare spaces. This nuanced analysis contributes to a deeper understanding of the experiential reality of care within distinct mental healthcare spaces of hospitals and rehabilitation centres in India, shedding light on the intricate interplay between individual narratives and broader sociocultural contexts.
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Ali, Iftikhar, und Jatswan S. Sidhu. „India’s Doctrinal Modifications: Counterforce Temptations in South Asia“. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 31.05.2021, 002190962110190. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00219096211019075.

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This paper assists in understanding contesting technological capabilities and doctrinal modification between India and Pakistan that are drifting South Asia towards instability, leaving the nuclear deterrence in a dark abyss. Hawks on both sides of the nuclear armed rivals are unprecedentedly chanting threats of nuclear war. More bothersome is the indications of shifting the Indian policy of No First Use (NFU), calls for doctrinal modifications and counterforce temptations. An Indian quest for escalation dominance and Pakistani quest for stability against India is in fact a mutual struggle beyond ‘minimum credible’ to ‘assured second strike’ capabilities.
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„florette henri. The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796–1816. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1986. Pp. xiii, 378. $24.95“. American Historical Review, Oktober 1987. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/ahr/92.4.1031-a.

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Verma, Lukeshwari, Mangal Chandra Yadav, Akshay Parmar und Sachchidanand Sinha. „SURVEY OF PREVALENCE OF NOISE INDUCED HEARING LOSS IN HAWKERS & SHOPKEEPERS IN NOISY AREAS OF INDORE, MADHYA PRADESH“. PARIPEX INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH, 15.05.2024, 22–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.36106/paripex/3004331.

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Background-Noise is defined as unwanted sound.It is also defined as sound,generally of a random nature,the spectrum of which does not exhibit distinct frequency component (Harris,1979).In the Indian perspective,like everywhere, road traffic noise is unique in comparison to the other pollutants,because unlike air or water pollution,noise has no residual evidence to serve as a continuing reminder of its unpleasantness. Aim of the Study is to measure the environmental noise levels and estimate the prevalence of noise induced hearing loss in road side hawkers & shopkeepers in Indore City.Objectives were to measure and to get prevalence of the noise exposure among the hawkers and the shopkeepers. Method - A total 100 subjects (94 males and 6 females) with noise exposure of 2 years and above was selected. This included the male subjects had age between 18 to 40 years with the mean age of 29 years and female subjects had age between 27 to 35 years. Results - The overall noise exposure level for this population is found to be 82.49 dB (A) with minimum noise level 77 dB (A) and maximum 90 dB (A). The Average year of noise exposures to these individuals are found to be 7.2 years. 63% population had primary education, 34% had not completed their secondary education and only 3% had matriculation and above. For prevalence there is no significant difference in % of Hearing Loss cases in Hawkers & Shopkeepers.Conclusion - Thus,the study infers that the measured environmental noise level is increasing significantly to the damaging level and remains at hazardous level for most of the time during the studied hours.
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Bhalerao, Shital Kiran. „Padabhyanga: Kansa Thali Foot Rub“. A and V Pub International Journal of Nursing and Medical Research, 15.03.2024, 50–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.52711/ijnmr.2024.10.

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Ayurveda may be a treasure for all-encompassing well-being. It incorporates an arrangement for nearly all well-being issues that an individual may experience. Indian treatments are utilized for an encompassing mending approach… With a history of over 5,000 a long time, this old framework permits us to lead a mentally, sound and disease-free life. It has got a wide extent of mending procedures to attain physical, mental, and mental well-being benefits. Individuals title the issues and Ayurveda offers an arrangement for it. ...Foot Rub boosts your circulation, makes a difference with recuperating, and keeps your muscles and tissues solid. The accentuation is on the marma or acupressure focuses which are known to adjust the chakras. ‘Foot rub and reflexology’ is one of the most common strategies of complementary treatments. Run treatment and reflexology are manual restorative approaches utilized to encourage healing. Foot reflexology is a treatment that’s been practiced for centuries. It involves applying pressure to different points on the bottom of the foot. "Illness does not go close one who rubs his feet sometime recently resting, fair as snakes don't approach hawks." - A superb antiquated Indian saying Foot rub is called "Padabhyanga", and it encompasses an exceptionally uncommon put inside the Ayurvedic convention. The feet are an imperative portion of our body, as numerous nerves from numerous organs end within the feet. So kneading makes a difference in fortifying these nerves and reestablishing well-being in numerous parts of the body. The marma (imperative) focuses are kneaded which gives adjust to your doshas and is exceptionally supportive for individuals with sleep deprivation, weakness, and cramps.
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Harle, Rob. „In Conversation with D.C. Chambial“. Writers in Conversation 4, Nr. 1 (19.01.2017). http://dx.doi.org/10.22356/wic.v4i1.1.

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D.C. Chambial is a poet, short-story writer, critic, reviewer, translator. He writes in English, Hindi and Pahari language of Himachal Pradesh. He has served HP Education Department at various places in Himachal Pradesh for about 38 years and retired as Associate Professor of English. The Muse attracted him when he was still at high school and began to bear fruits in his college days. His first poem appeared in Skylark, an international magazine of poetry in 1979. His first collection of poems, Broken Images (1983) has since been followed by seven more anthologies: The Cargoes of the Bleeding Hearts & Other Poems (1984), Perceptions (1986), Gyrating Hawks & Sinking Roads (1996), Before the Petals Unfold (2002), This Promising Age & Other Poems (2004), Mellow Tones (2009), and Words (2010). All these eight volumes have been published in one book – Words: 1979-2010 (2012) – by Aadi Publications from Jaipur. In 2014, he published Hour of Antipathy. Currently working on another anthology to be published later in 2017.His poems have also been translated into several languages; his English poems have been published world-wide. He participated in Word Congress of Poets in Madras and 6th World Poetry Day in Gangtok (Sikkim) besides many UGC Seminars of Indian English Poetry and Literature. Edits Poetcrit (since 1988), an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to literary criticism and contemporary poetry. Winner of several medals (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) and awards from USA, Australia and India including the Michael Madhusudan Academy Award (1995) and Lifetime Achievement Award from Intercontinental Poetry Academy (2009). Contact: editorpoetcrit@gmail.com
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