Auswahl der wissenschaftlichen Literatur zum Thema „Haugianere“

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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Haugianere"


Seland, Bjørg. „«utilladelige Taler for Almuen»: en studie av forsvar og lovanvendelse i rettssaker mot haugianere i Råbyggelaget, Kristiansand stift“. Heimen 59, Nr. 3 (11.11.2022): 199–220.

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Moe, Merete Prestegård, und Steinar Moe. „Mitt «kjære Haugianske Vennesamfunn». Matheus Holte og Den Haugianske Bevegelse i det 20. århundre“. Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke 74, Nr. 04 (19.11.2003): 269–84.

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Elstad, Hallgeir. „Trygve Riiser Gundersen: Haugianerne. Enevelde og undergrunnTrygve RiiserGundersenHaugianerne. Enevelde og undergrunnISBN 9788202529246Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2022“. Kirke og Kultur 127, Nr. 4 (24.11.2022): 390–94.

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Klasson, Magne. „Trygve Riiser Gundersen: Haugianerne. 1: 1795–1799. Enevelde og undergrunnTrygve RiiserGundersenHaugianerne. 1: 1795–1799. Enevelde og undergrunnCappelen Damm, Oslo, 2022, 704 s.“ Historisk tidsskrift 102, Nr. 2 (09.06.2023): 158–61.

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Bücher zum Thema "Haugianere"


Arnesen, Daniel. Haugianske vennebrev. Trondheim: P. Øverland, 2001.

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Sjursen, Finn Wiig. Den haugianske periode, 1796-ca. 1850. 2. Aufl. Bergen: NLA-forlaget, 1993.

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Lavik, Nils Johan. En haugianer på teaterscenen: Dore Lavik, skuespiller og teaterdirektør. [Oslo]: Unipub, 2008.

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Golf, Olav. Religiøse minoriteters utvandring: Kvekere og haugianerne fra Rogaland i pionértida. Oslo: O. Golf, 1999.

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Vekkerrøst fra kvinner i Hans Nielsen Hauges fotspor. Oslo]: Kolofon, 2006.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Haugianere"


Nymark, Kristian H. „Ideologiske skillelinjer og politiske konfliktarenaer mellom haugianere, liberale bønder og bønder flest i tiårene etter 1814“. In Nye perspektiv på Hans Nielsen Hauge, 183–201. Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP, 2023.

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In the Norwegian constitution of 1814, farmers, both land-owning and tenants who paid taxes, were granted the right to vote and to represent their constituency in Parliament. During the first turbulent years of the independent Norwegian state, the farmers were largely quiet. But nearing the end of the 1820’s, the farmers became more vocal, and political campaigns to encourage farmers to vote for each other were set in motion. This mobilisation effort manifested itself in the Norwegian parliaments of 1833 and 1836/1837, where the majority of the representatives belonged to the extended oppositional grouping, often labelled “the farmer’s opposition.” However, this group of oppositional farmers was not homogenous. A significant part of the group were not, in fact, farmers at all. They were rather civil servants or members of the bourgeoise with a liberal political outlook, finding common ground with the oppositional farmers. In addition, the farmers themselves differed in their political goals and ambitions. This article highlights the divisions and tensions between two factions within. On the one hand, there were farmers who wanted a far-reaching liberal platform combined with a program of political enlightenment of the peasantry. They wanted to educate the farmer class, transform them into conscious citizens, thus empowering them and making them ready to take charge of the state. One the other side of the oppositional spectrum, there were the members of the Haugean movement, together with the great majority of the farmers, who were almost exclusively engaged in policies that directly affected their own estate and stayed out of discussions regarding other matters of state. The tensions between these two factions contributed to the lack of a united leftist movement in Norway until the 1860’s.
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de Presno, Jostein Garcia. „Vekkelsens vokabular. Smakebiter fra haugianernes religiolekt ca. 1800–1840“. In Møter og mangfold: Religion og kultur i historie, samtid og skole, 175–98. Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP, 2022.

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In the first part of the 19th century, the Haugeans constituted a distinct religious grouping in Norway, characterized by a marked use of religiously influenced language. In their internal communication, certain words and expressions acquired different meanings from those of common speech. This redefinition of words based on the Haugeans’ specific religious context can be said to have been a feature of their “religiolect”. In this article, I explore the well-developed vocabulary of the Haugeans related to their depiction of religious emotions and experiences. Some of the vocabulary showed little development over time, while other parts developed with the Haugeans’ changing position in society.
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