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Wagey, Billy Theodorus. „COMMON GARDEN OF SEAGRASSES Halodule uninervis (Forsskål) Aschershon AND Halodule pinifolia (Miki) den Hartog“. JURNAL PERIKANAN DAN KELAUTAN TROPIS 8, Nr. 2 (01.08.2012): 37.

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A simple culture system ‘common garden’ has been set up in Institute of Environmental and Marine Science (IEMS) Dumaguete City Philippines (N 09° 19' 52.8" and E 123° 18' 34.1") at the running seawater outdoor experiment tank aimed to monitor the variation of shoot density, leaf morphology and growth rates of marine plant genus Halodule. The mean shoot densities of Halodule pinifolia were varied and tend to decrease after the three month period of common garden. Using one-way ANOVA tests, significant differences were detected on the comparison among the months of common garden (F=6.400; p=0.005), mean leaf growth rate (mm/day) of H. pinifolia (F=13.510; p=0.000), and the mean leaf widths from Siquijor (F=9.274; p=0.001) among the three month period of common garden. Meanwhile, there were no significant differences detected on leaf width (mm) of H. pinifolia origin from Bantayan site, on mean leaf widths of H. uninervis from Bantayan, on mean leaf widths of H. uninervis from Banilad, and on mean leaf growth rate (mm) of H. uninervis among the three month period of common garden. The result suggests that the ‘common garden’ procedure could have possibly given a clearer pattern of genus Halodule leaf width, shoot density, and growth rate if the could be prolonged. It could also be suggested that an adequate number of shoot density on the initial procedure for ‘common garden’ should be properly determined. This is to avoid overcrowding of the samples later, when growth rate will tend to increase without compromising the leaf width and shoot density measurements. Keywords: common garden, seagrasses, shoot density, leaf width, growth rate, Halodule pinifolia, Halodule uninervis. Sistem kultur Common Garden sederhana telah dibangun di Institute of Environmental and Marine Science (IEMS) Dumaguete City Philippines (09° 19' 52,8" LU dan 123° 18' 34,1" BT) dalam tangki penelitian di luar ruangan untuk memantau variasi kepadatan tunas, morfologi daun dan laju pertumbuhan rumput laut genus Halodule. Kepadatan tunas rata-rata Halodule pinifolia bervariasi dan cenderung menurun setelah periode tiga bulan. Menggunakan uji ANOVA satu arah, perbedaan nyata terdeteksi pada pembandingan bulan (F = 6.400, p = 0,005), rata-rata laju pertumbuhan daun (mm/hari) H. pinifolia (F = 13,510, p = 0,000), dan rata-rata lebar daun dari Siquijor (F = 9,274, p = 0,001) antara ketiga bulan common garden. Sementara itu, tidak ada perbedaan nyata yang terdeteksi pada lebar daun (mm) H. pinifolia asal Bantayan, pada lebar daun rata-rata H. uninervis dari Bantayan, pada lebar daun rata-rata H. uninervis dari Banilad, dan laju pertumbuhan daun rata-rata (mm) dari H. uninervis dalam periode tiga bulan dari common garden. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa prosedur 'common garden' mungkin bisa memberikan pola yang lebih jelas tentang lebar daun, kepadatan tunas, dan laju pertumbuhan genus Halodule jika waktu bisa diperlama. Juga dapat disarankan bahwa kepadatan tunas pada prosedur awal common garden harus ditentukan dengan baik untuk menghindari kesesakan sampel di kemudian hari, karena laju pertumbuhan cenderung meningkat sehingga ukuran lebar daun dan kepadatan tunas tidak terpengaruhi. Kata kunci: common garden, lamun, kepadatan tunas, lebar daun, laju pertumbuhan, Halodule pinifolia, Halodule uninervis.
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Swain, P. „Two interesting seagrasses of Cymodoceaceae from Chilika Lagoon – Additions to the flora of Orissa, India“. Indian Journal of Forestry 30, Nr. 4 (01.12.2007): 483–85.

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Survey of Seagrasses of Chilika Lagoon revealed two interesting angiosperms, Halodule pinifolia (Miki) Hartog and Halodule uninervis (Forsk.) Asch. of the family Cymodoceaceae and are reported for the first time from Orissa State.
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Ningrum, Kiki Pebli, Hadi Endrawati und Ita Riniatsih. „Simpanan Karbon pada Ekosistem Lamun di Perairan Alang – Alang dan Perairan Pancuran Karimunjawa, Jawa Tengah“. Journal of Marine Research 9, Nr. 3 (16.07.2020): 289–95.

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ABSTRAK : Emisi gas CO2 berkontribusi tinggi terhadap pemanasan global. Karbon merupakan unsur yang berasal dari pengikatan CO2 oleh tumbuhan melalui fotosintesis. Hutan mengalami penurunan sehingga sektor laut perlu di berdayakan. Kemampuan lamun mengikat karbon dikenal sebagai blue carbon. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui estimasi karbon ekosistem lamun di Perairan Alang – Alang dan Perairan Pancuran Pulau Karimunjawa, sehingga dapat mengurangi pemanasan global. Metode penelitian di lapangan yaitu metode SeagrassWatch dan di laboratorium yaitu Metode Loss of Ignition (LOI). Hasil spesies lamun di lokasi penelitian yaitu Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule ovalis, dan Halodule uninervis. Kerapatan lamun pada Lokasi 1 berkisar 84,00 tgk/m2 – 202,91 tgk/m2 dan pada Lokasi 2 berkisar 105,09 tgk/m2 – 285,09 tgk/m2. Biomassa lamun terbesar pada Lokasi 1 yaitu Enhalus acoroides dengan nilai 1811,38 gbk/m2 dan biomassa lamun terkecil Cymodocea rotundata dengan nilai 25,72 gbk/m2. Biomassa lamun terbesar pada Lokasi 2 yaitu Enhalus acoroides dengan nilai 733,20 gbk/m2 dan biomassa lamun terkecil Halodule uninervis dengan nilai 0,47 gbk/m2. Karbon lamun terbesar pada Lokasi 1 yaitu Enhalus acoroides dengan nilai 35.538,12 gC/m2, dan terkecil Cymodocea rotundata dengan nilai 473,24 gC/m2. Karbon lamun terbesar pada Lokasi 2 yaitu Thalassia hemprichii dengan nilai 14.309,39 gC/m2 dan terkecil Halodule uninervis dengan nilai 5,80 gC/m2. Karbon sedimen pada Lokasi 1 berkisar 1,581 gC/m2 – 1,871 gC/m2 dan Lokasi 2 berkisar 0,841 gC/m2– 1,45 gC/m2. Kandungan terbesar karbon terdapat pada bagian bawah substrat, karena bagian atas substrat karbon mudah hilang oleh faktor lingkungan (gelombang, arus, dan ulah manusia), sedangkan pada bawah substrat karbon terakumulasi baik. ABSTRACT: CO2 contribute high to global warming. Carbon is an element derived from binding of CO2 by plants through photosynthesis. Forests have declined so the marine sector (blue carbon) needs to be priority. The purpose this study was to determine the carbon seagrass ecosystem estimation in Alang - Alang and Pancuran Waters Karimunjawa Island, so can to reduce global warming. The research method in the field is SeagrassWatch method and in the laboratory is Loss of Ignition Method. The results species at location were Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule ovalis, and Halodule uninervis. The density seagrass Location 1 is 84.00-202.91 tgk/m2 and Location 2 is 105.09-285.09 tgk/m2. The largest seagrass biomass at Location 1 is Enhalus acoroides with a value 1811.38 gbk/m2 and the smallest seagrass biomass Cymodocea rotundata with a value 25.72 gbk/m2. The largest seagrass biomass at Location 2 is Enhalus acoroides with a value 733.20 gbk/m2 and the smallest seagrass biomass Halodule uninervis with a value 0.47 gbk/m2. The biggest seagrass carbon at Location 1 is Enhalus acoroides with a value 35,538.12 gC/m2, and the smallest Cymodocea rotundata with a value 473.24 gC/m2. The biggest seagrass carbon at Location 2 is Thalassia hemprichii with a value 14,309.39 gC/m2 and the smallest Halodule uninervis with a value 5.80 gC/m2. Sediment carbon at Location 1 1.581-1.871 gC/m2 and Location 2 0.841-1.45 gC/m2. The largest carbon content in bellow substrate, because on above substrate easily lost by environmental factors, while in the bellow substrate carbon accumulates well.
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Hesty Rombe, Katarina, Dwi Rosalina, Khairul Jamil, Agus Surachmat und Ali Imran. „Pola Sebaran dan Keanekaragaman Jenis Lamun di Perairan Tanjung Pallette dan Tangkulara, Kabupaten Bone, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan“. Jurnal Airaha 9, Nr. 02 (15.12.2020): 164–70.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola sebaran dan keanekaragaman lamun di perairan Pallette dan Tangkulara. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama dua bulan, mulai Agustus hingga September 2019. Pengumpulan data dilakukan di dua titik dengan masing-masing tiga ulangan. Pengambilan data lamun menggunakan metode transek garis dan kuadran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 5 jenis lamun yang ditemukan di perairan Pallette dan Tangkulara, yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule uninervis, Cymodocea rotundata, dan Halophila sp. Keanekaragaman jenis lamun di perairan Pallette dan Tangkulara masuk dalam kategori rendah. Pola sebaran jenis lamun Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule uninervis, Cymodocea rotundata, Halophila sp. memiliki nilai pola distribusi yang mengelompok sedangkan untuk Enhalus acoroides pola distribusinya yang seragam.
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Runturambi, Melinda, Febry S. I. Menajang, Khristin I. F. Kondoy, Unstain N. W. J. Rembet, Fransine B. Manginsela und Alex D. Kambey. „Seagrass Community in the Coastal Waters of Sapa Village, Tenga District, South Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province“. Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX 11, Nr. 2 (10.11.2023): 657–61.

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Sapa Village, Tenga District, South Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province has a seagrass meadow ecosystem, but there is still a lack of information about the seagrass community in the waters of Sapa Village, which is the reason for researching the presence of seagrass in these waters. With the aim of knowing the types of seagrass, environmental conditions, species density, relative density, domination index, and species diversity index. Based on the results of observations at the location, it showed a temperature of 30OC, salinity of 30‰, pH 8, and sandy substrate and coral rubble. The results of the identification there are 4 types of seagrass namely Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, and Halodule uninervis. The type with the highest number of individuals vizThalassia hemprichii with a total of 694 individuals, Halodule uninervis 557 individuals, Cymodocea rotundata358 individuals andSyringodium isoetifolium 324 individuals. Density index type (10,80 – 23,13 individuals/m2), relative density (16.76 - 35.90%) dominance index D = 0.32, and diversity H = 1.33. Keywords: seagrass, sapa village, community structure Abstrak Desa Sapa Kecamatan Tenga Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara memiliki ekosistem padang lamun namun masih kurangnya informasi mengenai komunitas lamun di perairan Desa Sapa ini menjadi alasan untuk meneliti tentang keberadaan lamun di perairan tersebut. Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis lamun, kondisi lingkungan, Kepadatan spesies, Kepadatan Relatif, Indeks Dominasi, dan Indeks Keanekaragaman Spesies. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di lokasi menunjukan suhu 30oC, salinitas 30‰, pH 8 dan substrat berpasir serta pecahan karang. Hasil identifikasi terdapat 4 jenis lamun yaitu Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, dan Halodule uninervis. Jenis dengan jumlah individu terbanyak yaitu Thalassia hemprichii dengan jumlah 694 individu, Halodule uninervis 557 individu, Cymodocea rotundata 358 individu dan Syringodium isoetifolium 324 individu. Indeks kepadatan jenis (10,80 – 23,13 individu/m2), kepadatan relatif (16,76 - 35,90%) indeks dominasi D=0,32 dan keanekaragaman H= 1,33. Kata kunci: lamun, desa sapa, struktur komunitas
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Tohari, Hafid, Dafiuddin Salim und Nursalam Nursalam. „DISTRIBUSI DAN KERAPATAN LAMUN BERDASARKAN KARAKTERISTIK PERAIRAN DESA SUNGAI DUA LAUT KABUPATEN TANAH BUMBU PROVINSI KALIMANTAN SELATAN“. Marine Coastal and Small Islands Journal - Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan 3, Nr. 2 (28.01.2024): 1.

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Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei – November 2020 di Perairan Desa Sungai Dua Laut Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi, kerapatan, dan tutupan lamun, serta menganalisis hubungan parameter lingkungan perairan Desa Sungai Dua Laut dengan kerapatan lamun. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan menggunakan transek kuadran 1x1 m yang dibentangkan menggunakan line transek sepanjang 50 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola sebaran lamun di wilayah perairan Desa Sungai Dua Laut pada Stasiun 1, 2, dan Stasiun 3 Mengelompok (Cluster). Kerapatan tertinggi ditemukan pada jenis lamun Halodule uninervis dengan jumlah individu 124 individu/m2, dan kerapatan terendah terdapat pada jenis lamun Halodule pinifolia dengan jumlah rata-rata individu 54 individu/m2. Tutupan jenis tertinggi ditemukan pada Stasiun 2 dengan persentase 65% terdapat pada jenis Halodule uninervis sedangkan tutupan terendah terdapat pada jenis lamun Halodule pinifolia dengan persentase tutupan 34,04%. Parameter lingkungan yang mempengaruhi tingkat kerapatan menunjukan nilai yang tidak jauh berbeda dan masih dalam kondisi optimum untuk pertumbuhan lamun. Namun tingginya kandungan nitrat fosfat perairan yang melebihi batas baku mutu air laut mengindikasikan perairan mengalami pencemaran, sehingga memberikan dampak bagi perbedaan kerapatan maupun kelimpahan ekosistem lamun.
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Surabi, Astevi, Khristin I. F. Kondoy und Gaspar D. Manu. „Seagrass Community At Kampung Ambong’s Water East Likupang Subdistrict, North Minahasa Regency“. JURNAL ILMIAH PLATAX 6, Nr. 1 (01.11.2017): 12.

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This Research is done at Kampung Ambong’s Water East Likupang Subdistrict, North Minahasa Regency. The aim of this research is to know the type composition of seagrass and to analyzed soliding, dominatting index, various index, index of spreadness. The data taken with the line transect method. The transect placement divided become 3 transect line that located it uphold straight of beach line each of them 95 meter long. Meanwhile the space between one transect to another (second and third) each 100 m.Meanwhile the space between one transect to another (second and third) each 100 m. All of them identified as : Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halophila decipiens, Halodule pinifolia, Cymodocea serrulata, Enhalus acoroides, Halphila minor, Thalassia hempricii, Halodule uninervis, Halophila spinulosa. From the soliding each species show the highest score which is Cymodocea rotundata 2608 individu/m2, Syringodium isoetifolium 816 individu/m2, Halophila decipiens 420 individu/m2, Halodule pinifolia 292 individu/m2, Cymodocea serrulata 268 individu/m2, Enhalus acoroides 260 individu/m2, Halophila minor 224 individu/m2, Thalassia hempricii 160 individu/m2, Halodule uninervis 124 individu/m2, Halophila spinulosa 20 individu/m2.Whereas dominatting index be obtained 0.3 be in low category. its mean there is no species that to dominate in that water. Various index be obtained 1.65 be in mid category. it show that species community almost in spread condition, because it has the same opportunity.Index of spreadness be obtained 0.72 be in high category, because it has a mixing seagrass field.Keywords: community, composition, seagrass soliding. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan di Perairan Kampung Ambong Kecamatan Likupang Timur Kabupaten Minahasa Utara.Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui komposisi jenis lamun dan menganalisis kepadatan, indeks dominasi, indeks keanekaragaman, indeks kemerataan. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode garis transek. Penempatan transek di bagi menjadi 3 garis transek yang di letakkan tegak lurus garis pantai dengan panjang masing-masing garis transek 95 meter. Sedangkan jarak antara transek 1 dengan transek yang lain (2 dan 3) masing-masing 100 m. Dari hasil penelitian komposisi jumlah spesies lamun (seagrass) adalah 10. Kesepuluh spesies yang teridentifikasi yaitu: Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halophila decipiens, Halodule pinifolia, Cymodocea serrulata, Enhalus acoroides, Halphila minor, Thalassia hempricii, Halodule uninervis, Halophila spinulosa.Kepadatan masing-masing spesies diperoleh menunjukkan nilai tertinggi yaitu Cymodocea rotundata 2608 individu/m2, Syringodium isoetifolium 816 individu/m2, Halophila decipiens 420 individu/m2, Halodule pinifolia 292 individu/m2, Cymodocea serrulata 268 individu/m2, Enhalus acoroides 260 individu/m2, Halophila minor 224 individu/m2, Thalassia hempricii 160individu/m2, Halodule uninervis 124individu/m2, Halophila spinulosa 20 individu/m2. Sedangkan indeks dominasi diperoleh 0.3 berada dalam kategori rendah, artinya tidak ada spesies yang mendominasi di perairan tersebut. Indeks keanekaragaman diperoleh 1.65 berada dalam kategori sedang. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa komunitas spesies dalam kondisihampir merata, karena memiliki peluang yang sama. Indeks kemerataan diperoleh 0.72 berada dalam kategori tinggi, karena memiliki padang lamun campuran.Kata kunci : komunitas, komposisi, kepadatan lamun.
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K Ruksana, S. „Effectiveness of Halodule uninervis Powder Supplementation on Obese Diabetic Subjects“. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 13, Nr. 7 (05.07.2024): 1055–62.

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Aragones, Lemnuel, und Helene Marsh. „Impact of Dugong grazing and turtle cropping on tropical seagrass communities“. Pacific Conservation Biology 5, Nr. 4 (1999): 277.

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The impact of grazing by two megaherbivores, the Dugong Dugong dugon and the Green Turtle Chelonia mydas on the community structure of intertidal seagrasses was investigated experimentally over two time frames (shorterterm: 1?4 months; longer-term: 10 and 13 months), at three levels of grazing intensity (leaf cropping, light grazing, intensive grazing), at two seagrass meadows in tropical Queensland, Australia: (1) a mixed species bed of Zostera capricorni, Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis, Cymodocea rotundata and Cymodocea serrulata, and (2) a monospecific bed of Halodule uninervis, From the perspective of the megaherbivores, grazing improved the structure and dynamics of the tropical seagrass communities by altering their biomass, volume of detritus, net aboveground biomass productivity and the species composition of the mixed-species bed, Recovery from grazing disturbance occurred after several months to a year.
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Kamal, Eni, Japar Sidik Bujang und Muta Hara Zakaria. „New Records of Seagrass Flora in Air Bangis West Sumatera“. Jurnal Natur Indonesia 13, Nr. 1 (21.11.2012): 77.

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Seagrasses in the Air Bangis Archipelago, west coast of Sumatra were found growing in sandy muddy substratesof the shallow coastal waters at depth of 0.3-2.5 m, dominated by degraded coral reefs around the off-shoreislands. Two species; Enhalus acoroides (L.f) Royle and Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb) Aschers were observed atPulau Unggas, Pulau Pasir Panjang and Teluk Tapang. Halodule uninervis (Forssk) Aschers was observed in twolocations; Pasir Panjang and Teluk Tapang. The occurrence of this species is unknown previously and therefore itis a new flora record for Sumatra. With this new record, Sumatra has six species of seagrasses, contributing tohalf of total number of seagrasses occurring in Indonesia. According to leaf width measurements, two morphologicalvariants (narrow and wide leaved) can be distinguished for Halodule uninervis. In addition, descriptions of thespecies and their habitat characteristic are provided.
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Wehbe, Nadine, Mikhael Bechelany, Adnan Badran, Ali Al-Sawalmih, Joelle Edward Mesmar und Elias Baydoun. „A Phytochemical Analysis and the Pharmacological Implications of the Seagrass Halodule uninervis: An Overview“. Pharmaceuticals 17, Nr. 8 (27.07.2024): 993.

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Seagrasses are marine angiosperms that inhabit tropical and subtropical regions around the world. They play a vital role in marine biodiversity and the ecosystem by providing habitats and food for several marine organisms, stabilizing sediments, and improving water quality. Halodule uninervis from the family Cymodoceaceae has been used in traditional folk medicine for the treatment of many ailments. Additionally, several identified bioactive metabolites have been shown to contribute to its pharmacological activities, including anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. As such, H. uninervis could contribute to the development of novel drugs for various diseases. This review aims to compile the phytochemical composition and pharmacological activities of H. uninervis. Furthermore, details about its botanical characteristics and ecological significance are also discussed. By providing valuable insights into the role of H. uninervis in both the marine ecosystem and biomedicine, this review helps to highlight its potential as a therapeutic agent for future drug discovery and development.
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Poiner, IR, DJ Staples und R. Kenyon. „Seagrass communities of the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia“. Marine and Freshwater Research 38, Nr. 1 (1987): 121.

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The seagrass communities of the Gulf of Carpentaria were mapped and classified in terms of their species composition, their areas of shoot surface and their above-ground biomass. A total of 906.4 km2 of seagrass habitat, fringing 671.1 km of coastline was identified, mapped and sampled. Eleven seagrass species (approx. 20% of all known species) were recorded. In all, 74% of the seagrass communities occur along open coastlines and are characterized by depth-zoned species distributions (intertidally and subtidally), variable shoot-surface areas and variable above-ground biomass values. Each zone was dominated bfone or two of the following species: Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis and Halophila spinulosa. Of the remaining seagrass, 10% occurred on reef flats in mixed-species communities, !3% in a regionally restricted monospecific community of Halodule uninervis, and 4% in communities dominated by Enhalus acoroides.
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Herianto, Herianto, Dafiuddin Salim und Nursalam Nursalam. „STUDI KERAPATAN DAN PENUTUPAN JENIS LAMUN DI PULAU KARAJAAN DAN PULAU TEPIAN MATAJA KABUPATEN KOTABARU KALIMANTAN SELATAN“. Marine Coastal and Small Islands Journal - Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan 5, Nr. 1 (28.01.2024): 1.

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis lamun, mengetahui kerapatan dan persentase dan mengetahui hubungan kerapatan parameter lingkungan. Adapun kegunaan penelitian ini sebagai bahan informasi dalam pengolahan lingkungan pesisir dan sebagai bahan referensi untuk melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut terhadap ekosistem padang lamun. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di perairan Pulau Karajaan dan Pulau Tepian Mataja pada bulan April - Oktober 2021. Adapun jenis lamun yang didapat ada 5 jenis yaitu Cymodocea serrulata, Halophila minor, Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis dan Thalassia hemprichii. Nilai kerapatan lamun di Pulau Karajaan dan Pulau Tepian Mataja Kabupaten Kotabaru untuk Cymodocea serrulata adalah 48 ind/m², Halophila minor 397 ind/m², Halophila ovalis 42 ind/m², Halodule uninervis 115 ind/m² dan Thalassia hemprichii 4 ind/m². Persentase tutupan lamun di Pulau Karajaan dan Pulau Tepian Mataja Kabupaten Kotabaru adalah 41,38% termasuk dalam kategori “Sedang”.
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Pasanea, Krisye, Frijona F. Lokollo, Rahman Rahman, Junita Supusepa und Degen E. Kalay. „Asosisasi Inter-Spesies Lamun di Perairan Pulau Maginti Sulawesi Tenggara“. Journal of Coastal and Deep Sea 2, Nr. 1 (06.06.2024): 37–43.

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Asosiasi inter-spesies merupakan kemampuan suatu spesies dalam hal bergabung atau memiliki keeratan atau tidak diantara spesies-spesies tersebut. Penelitian terkait asosiasi inter-spesies pada lamun masih sedikit dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis asosiasi antar spesies lamun di Perairan Pulau Maginti. Pengambilan data lamun dengan menggunakan metode transek garis. Pengamatan lamun menggunakan frame kuadrat dengan ukuran 50 cm x 50 cm. Pengukuran asosiasi dua jenis menggunakan tabel kontingensi 2x2. Asosiasi inter-spesies lamun di perairan Pulau Maginti bersifat positif dan negatif. Asosisasi positif terbesar yaitu pada pasangan spesies Halodule uninervis dan Halophila minor dengan nilai 0,264 serta Enhalus acoroides dan Thalassia hemprichii dengan nilai 0,410. Sedangkan asosiasi negatif terbesar yaitu pada pasangan spesies Enhalus acoroides dan Halophila minor dengan nilai -0,642 serta Enhalus acoroides dan Halodule uninervis dengan nilai -0,730.
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Santoso, Safira Nurlita, und Ratih Ida Adharini. „Biomassa dan Stok Karbon pada Ekosistem Padang Lamun di Pulau Pamegaran, Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu“. Jurnal Kelautan Tropis 25, Nr. 3 (02.09.2022): 391–400.

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Seagrass is one of the important ecosystems in coastal areas. This study aims to determine the biomass and carbon stock in the seagrass ecosystems of the Pamegaran Island, Seribu Islands National Park, Jakarta. Data collection was conducted on December 2021 to January 2022 is done by using SeagrassWatch method and carbon data sampling results were analyzed by Kurmies method / SNI 13-4720-1998 method. Cymodocea rotundata has the highest biomass value, while Halodule uninervis has the lowest biomass value. The seagrass biomass value at the bottom of the substrate was higher than the top of the substrate in all the species found was because the rhizome contained carbohydrates and nutrients produced in the photosynthesis process and stored at the bottom of the substrate. The total value of seagrass carbon stock in the entire area is 1,932,151.36 ± 265,280.90 g C or 1.932 ± 2.652 t C with an area of 3.63 ha of seagrass beds. Thalassia hemprichii has the highest carbon stock value, while Halodule uninervis species has the lowest biomass value. The carbon stock value of the bottom of the substrate was higher than that of the top of the substrate in all species found. Lamun adalah salah satu ekosistem penting yang ada di daerah pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biomassa dan stok karbon pada ekosistem padang lamun di Pulau Pamegaran, Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2021 hingga Januari 2022 menggunakan metode SeagrassWatch dan analisis data karbon menggunakan metode Kurmies / metode SNI 13-4720-1998. Cymodocea rotundata memiliki nilai biomassa yang tertinggi, sedangkan Halodule uninervis memiliki nilai biomassa terendah. Nilai biomassa lamun bagian bawah substrat lebih tinggi dari bagian atas substrat pada semua spesies yang ditemukan hal ini karena rhizome mengandung karbohidrat serta zat hara yang dihasilkan pada proses fotosintesis dan tersimpan pada bagian bawah substrat. Nilai total stok karbon lamun pada keseluruhan luas wilayah sebesar 1.932.151,36 ± 265.280,90 g C atau 1,932 ± 2,652 t C dengan luas wilayah padang lamun sebesar 3,63 Ha. Thalassia hemprichii memiliki nilai stok karbon tertinggi, sedangkan Halodule uninervis memiliki nilai biomassa terendah. Nilai stok karbon bagian bawah substrat lebih tinggi dari bagian atas substrat pada semua spesies yang ditemukan.
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Akbar, N., I. Marus, R. Ridwan, A. Baksir, R. E. Paembonan, Y. Ramili, I. Tahir et al. „Feeding ground indications are based on species, seagrass density and existence of Dugong dugon in Hiri Island Sea, North Maluku, Indonesia“. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 890, Nr. 1 (01.10.2021): 012058.

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Abstract Seagrass ecosystems are located between mangrove ecosystems and coral reefs. Seagrass ecosystems are habitats and foraging area for many marine organisms. Eco-biological cycles in seagrass ecosystems are important for maintaining populations of many organisms. Seagrass at Hiri Island is distributed horizontally along the coast. This island is also a location where Dugong dugon is found North Maluku. Dugong dugon is a vurneable species that has been included in the IUCN and Appendix I Cites. This study aimed to identify species, density of seagrass and existence of Dugong dugong. The survey method used quadratic transect method to collect seagrass data. The Results found 6 species of seagrass at Hiri Island. Five species of those seagrass (Cymodocea serrulata, Cymodecea rotundata, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pinifolia, Halophila spinulosa) are known as food of Dugong dugon. The highest species density was shown by Halodule uninervis. The presence of Dugong dugon and its feeding trail was found during field survey. Information on seagrass species and Dugong dugon sightings location can be used for endangered species conservation policies. Management and conservation efforts need to be done to maintain seagrass ecosystem and Dugong dugon potential habitat at Hiri Island.
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Aprilya, Francischa, Farikhah Farikhah, Andi Rahmad Rahim und Dwi Rosalina. „ANALISIS HISTOLOGIS LAMUN Halodule uninervis dan Cymodocea serrulata YANG YANG BERASAL DARI PERAIRAN TERCEMAR LOGAM BERAT TIMBAL (Pb) DI KEPULAUAN BANGKA“. Jurnal Perikanan Pantura (JPP) 3, Nr. 2 (13.10.2020): 49.

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Bangka Islands is a coastal area which has many coastal activities such as tin mining activities, ports/docks boatand ship transportation and residential areas. This can provide pollutant input into the water. Seagrass Halodule uninervis and seagrass Cymodocea serrulata is a flowering plant that live in the sea have extensive deployment in the waters of Bangka. One of the marine plants that can be used as a bioindicator of water pollution is seagrass. Seagrass is in the water column and the body parts interact directly with the water. This research was conducted from December 2019 to January 2020. The research sites were in the Laboratory of Muhammadiyah Gresik University and the Laboratory of Pathology, Anatomical Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya Malang. The purpose of this study was to study the anatomical changes in root tissue, rhizome and leaves of Halodule uninervis seagrass andseagrass Cymodocea serrulata in response to contamination of heavy metal lead (Pb). This research was conducted in a descriptive qualitative manner with 3 body parts: roots, rhizome and leaves. The results of this study indicated that the epidermal,cells cortex and endodermalin the roots were thickened. Cell wall thickening occurs in the epidermis Rhizome. Likewise in the leaves, the phloem occurs thickening. In general, changes in the anatomical features of roots, rhizomes, and leaves were observed in response to an increase in lead concentration. The results showed that Halodule uninervis seagrass andseagrass Cymodocea serrulata developed several levels of tolerance to heavy metals, especially lead (Pb).
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Fajeri, Fajeri, Febrianti Lestari und Susiana Susiana. „Asosiasi gastropoda di ekosistem padang lamun Perairan Senggarang Besar, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia“. Akuatikisle: Jurnal Akuakultur, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil 4, Nr. 2 (17.10.2020): 53.

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This study aims to determine the type and density of gastropods, the density of seagrass, seagrass closure. It also knows the association gastropods in seagrass ecosystem in the waters of the Senggarang Besar. The research was conducted by random sampling method using a point 31 transect squares measuring 1x1 meters for observation gastropods and seagrass. Results of the study were found 12 species of gastropods. Gastropod density values range between 0.35-2.94 individual/m2. Results of research on the type of seagrass found 4 species of seagrass that is, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule uninervis and Syringodium isoetifolium. A density value of seagrass species Enhalus acoides 14.32 individual/m2, Thalassia hemprichii 86.39 individual/m2, Halodule uninervis 21.58 individual/m2 and Syringodium isoetifolium 3.87 individual/m2. Total density of all seagrass 126.16 individual/m2. The closure of the Seagrass Enhalus acoides 12,63%, Thalassia hemprichii 50,96%, Halodule unnerves 13,40% and Syringodium isotifolium 0.29%. Total closure of all seagrass is 77,29%. The level of association between species of gastropods as many as 11 species have negative associations of which is Leavistrombus turturela, Strombus urceus, Planaxis sulcatus, Cerithium nesioticum, Cerithium Aluco, Cerithium zonatum, Pugilina cocholidium, Cronia margariticola, Muricodrupa fiscela, Pyrene epamella, Otopleura auriscati. While 1 species has a positive association level is kind of Rhinoclavis aspera.
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HUSODO, TEGUH, SAHBUDDIN DG PALABBI, OEKAN S. ABDOELLAH, MOHAMAD NURZAMAN, NURULLIA FITRIANI und RUHYAT PARTASASMITA. „Short communication: Seagrass diversity and carbon sequestration: Case study on Pari Island, Jakarta Bay, Indonesia“. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 18, Nr. 4 (07.10.2017): 1596–601.

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Husodo T, Palabbi SDG, Abdoellah OS, Nurzaman M, Fitriani N, Partasasmita P. 2017. Seagrass diversity and carbon sequestration: Case study on Pari Island, Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 18: 1596-1601. Pari Island is located in Kepulauan Seribu chain. As a tourist destination, the seagrass ecosystem at the island is constantly under pressure from time to time. An effort to prevent widespread damage is to designate parts of the coastline as a limited access research centre. Efforts to study seagrass ecosystem on Pari Island are ongoing, including studies on seagrass' ability to sequestrate carbon. This quantitative study was conducted in December 2014. Surveys are done on the abundance and density of seagrass in 122 plots (area = 50 × 50 cm2) which spread in 6 research stations. Biomass measurements were performed by extractive method on 4 types of seagrass (Cymodocea serrulata, Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis and Syringodium isoetifolium). The assessment of seagrass capability in storing carbon has been done by measuring the primary productivity of above ground and below ground, while the amount of carbon released is measured from littered leaves and the leaves eaten by herbivores.The findings show that there are 7 of 12 species of seagrass identified in Indonesia, i.e. Cymodoceae rotundata, Cymodoceae serrulata, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule uninervis and Halophila ovalis. The dominant species is Thalassia hemprichii (density 200±153, 261±107 and 117±52 stands/m2) and Halodule uninervis (82±59 stands/m2).Seagrass’ carbon sequestration capacity in the waters surrounding Pari Island, Jakarta Bay, is approximately 0.006-1.048 gC/m2/day whereas carbon reserves are between 0.24-346.10 gC/m2.
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Ghandourah, Mohamed, Usama W. Hawas, Lamia T. Abou El-Kassem, Munir Bamkhrama und Hanan A. A. Taie. „Antioxidant and Antitumor Metabolites of Saudi Red Sea Seagrasses Halodule uninervis and Thalassia hemprichii“. Letters in Organic Chemistry 16, Nr. 1 (04.12.2018): 50–58.

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The present study aimed to investigate the chemical constituents, and antioxidants and antitumor activities of the seagrasses Halodule uninervis and Thalassia hemprichii. Seventeen compounds were isolated from both seagrasses, and identified as flavonoids, phenolic acids, nitrogen compound, steroids and fatty acids. Their structures were established by spectral analysis (UV, MS, and 1D- and 2D-NMR) and chemical investigation (for glycosides). The total metabolites of each seagrass and the isolated flavonoids tested in different in vitro assays (DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, Fe2+ chelating, reducing power, and Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell line) showed significant antioxidant and antitumor activities. H. uninervis extract revealed good antioxidant activities compared to water and butanol extracts of T. hemprichii, while quercetin 3-O-β-glucoside from H. uninervis revealed potent antioxidant activity at concentration of 25µg/ml. Moreover, the seagrasses extracts were displayed mild antitumor activity against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells in mice with less undesirable side effects compared to vincristine as a drug control.
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Isnaini, Isnaini, und Riris Aryawati. „Kerapatan Lamun dan Hubungan dengan Parameter Lingkungan di Perairan Pesisir Teluk Lampung“. Buletin Oseanografi Marina 12, Nr. 3 (30.08.2023): 331–39.

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Ekosistem lamun memiliki peranan sangat penting di wilayah pesisir. Seiring waktu wilayah pesisir menghadapi ancaman yang cukup besar akibat dari meningkatnya dan berkembangnya kegiatan pembangunan, seperti disebagian besar yang terjadi di ekosistem laut di Teluk Lampung. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan parameter lingkungan perairan yang mempengaruhi kerapatan lamun. Penelitian ini terdiri dari delapan stasiun yang ditentukan secara purposive sampling. Pengukuran parameter lingkungan perairan dilakukan secara insitu dan pengambilan contoh air. Pengambilan data kerapatan lamun menggunakan metode transek kuadrat. Analasis hubungan kerapatan lamun dengan parameter lingkungan perairan dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (Principal Component Analysis/PCA). Hasil penelitian ditemukan sebanyak enam jenis lamun, yaitu Oceana serrulata, Enhalus acoroides Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule ovalis, Halodule pinifolia dan Halodule uninervis. Hubungan kerapatan lamun dengan parameter lingkungan perairan menunjukkan di kolom air kerapatan lamun dipengaruhi oleh nitrat (NO3), fosfat (PO4) dan salinitas, sedangkan untuk sedimen tempat tumbuh lamun, kerapatan lamun lebih dipengaruhi oleh kandungan C-organik dan tekstur sedimen lanau. Seagrass ecosystems have a very important role in coastal areas, but over time face considerable threats as a result of the increase and development of development activities in coastal areas, such as most of the marine ecosystem areas in Lampung Bay. This study aims to determine the parameters of the aquatic environment that affect the density of seagrass. This study consisted of eight stations determined by purposive sampling. Measurement of aquatic environmental parameters was carried out in situ and water samples were taken. Seagrass density data retrieval using the quadratic transect method. Analysis of the relationship between seagrass density and aquatic environmental parameters was analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results of the study found as many as six types of seagrass, namely Oceana serrulata, Enhalus acoroides Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule ovalis, Halodule pinifolia and Halodule uninervis. The relationship between seagrass density and aquatic environmental parameters shows that in the water column the density of seagrass is influenced by nitrate (NO3), phosphate (PO4) and salinity, while in sediments the density of seagrass is more influenced by organic C content and silt sediment texture.
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Khalafallah, Ahmed A., Yasser A. Geneid, Soad A. Shaetaey und Basma Shaaban. „Responses of the seagrass Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Aschers. to hypersaline conditions“. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 39, Nr. 3 (2013): 167–76.

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Penelitian mengenai komposisi komunitas padang lamun di perairan pantai sukaerlaran telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober sampai bulan Desember 2018. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi mengenai komposisi komunitas padang lamun. Pengamatan lamun di lapangan meliputi identifikasi jenis-jenis lamun, menghitung jumlah individu/tegakan dari setiap spesies. Selain itu juga, untuk menghitung komposisi komunitas padang lamun yang dianalisa meliputi Indeks Keanekaragaman, Indeks Kemerataan yang dihitung berdasarkan rumus dari Shannon Weanner (Krebs, 1999) dan Indeks Dominansi dari masing-masing spesies pada titik pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah ditemukan 6 jenis lamun, yaitu Halodule pinifolia, Cymodocea rotundata, Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis, Cymodocea serrulata, dan Halophila decipiens. Komposisi jenis dan distribusi padang lamun bervariasi pada setiap titik pengamatan dan didominasi oleh spesies Halodule pinifolia yang kehadirannya mencapai 34,61%. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis berkisar antara 0,03 – 0,16; indeks kemerataan antara 0,04 - 0,002 dan indeks dominasi antara 0,99. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa komposisi komunitas padang lamun di perairan Pantai Sukaerlaran dalam keadaan labil dan dapat menunjang kehidupan biota laut.
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Sando, Fatria, Supratman Okto und Sudirman Adibrata. „Struktur Komunitas Padang Lamun Di Perairan Desa Sadai Kabupaten Bangka Selatan“. Journal of Tropical Marine Science 5, Nr. 2 (05.11.2022): 149–54.

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Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai kondisi ekosistem padang lamun dalam bentuk data base Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kondisi padang lamun dan kondisi fisika kimia perairan di perairan Desa Sadai Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2019. Data yang dianalisis mencakup: Tutupan lamun, Kerapatan lamun, Frekuensi lamun, dan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP). Nilai tegakan lamun di Perairan Desa Sadai tergolong jarang. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh jenis lamun Enhalus acoroides yang merupakan jenis lamun yang memiliki kemampuan beradaptasi pada berbagai kondisi perairan dengan baik sehingga tersebar cukup merata di lima stasiun pengamatan. Jumlah persentase tutupan keseluruhan di Perairan Desa Sadai berkisar antara 5.66%-27.37%. Diketahui bahwa nilai INP tertinggi juga didapatkan pada jenis lamun Halodule uninervis. Dengan demikian artinya jenis lamun Halodule uninervis di perairan Desa Sadai memiliki arti penting sebagai jenis kunci terkait dengan kondisi komunitas lamun di Perairan Desa Sadai tersebut. Ekosistem lamun di Perairan Desa Sadai dimanfaatkan oleh warga sekitar sebagai tempat mencari ikan, siput dan kerang-kerang. Aktivitas manusia yang berlebihan di lahan atas dapat meningkatkan muatan sedimen pada badan air akan berakibat pada tingginya kekeruhan sehingga berpotensi mengurangi penetrasi cahaya. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan gangguan terhadap produktivitas primer ekosistem padang lamun karena lamun membutuhkan intensitas cahaya yang tinggi untuk berfotosintesis.
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Rosalina, Dwi, Irwan, Katarina Hesty Rombe, Khairul Jamil, Agus Surachmat und Eva Utami. „Diversity, Ecological Index, and Distribution Pattern of Seagrass in Coastal Waters of North Bali“. Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences 49, Nr. 9 (30.09.2022): 1–10.

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The coastal ecosystem that has high biological productivity is seagrass. Seagrass has ecological functions, namely as nursery, foraging, and spawning areas for organisms. Identification of seagrass species using the transect method in the waters of Penimbangan Beach, North Bali, was conducted in 2020, aiming to identify seagrass species and seagrass cover conditions in the coastal waters of Penimbangan, North Bali. The method used in this activity was the quadratic transect method, which consisted of a transect (straight line) and a quadratic frame (a rectangular frame placed on a line). The seagrass species found consisted of six species, which belonged to two families: the Hydrocharitales family with three species, namely Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila ovalis, and Halophila decipiens, and the Potamogetonaceae family with three species, namely Halodule uninervis, Cymodocea rotundata, and Syringodium isoetifolium. The density of seagrass varied but did not exceed 25 stands/m2, indicating very rare density of seagrass in these waters. Halodule uninervis species played an important role in seagrass communities in the waters of Penimbangan Beach with an Important Value Index of 89.36% at station I and 73.43% at station II. The novelty of this research is that there has not been any research on seagrass at the coast of Penimbangan, North Bali.
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Michelle Frisca Angellin Tana und Inggrid Nortalia Kailola. „Keanekaragaman Jenis-Jenis Lamun Di Indonesia“. Journal of International Multidisciplinary Research 2, Nr. 7 (05.07.2024): 80–86.

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Lamun adalah tumbuhan berbunga (Angiospermae) yang hidup terendam dalam kolom air dan berkembang dengan baik di perairan laut dangkal dan estuari. Tumbuhan lamun terdiri dari daun, batang menjalar yang biasanya disebut rimpang (rhizome), dan akar yang tumbuh pada bagian rimpang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu dengan literature review. Literature review merupakan istilah yang digunakan untuk merujuk pada metodologi penelitian atau riset tertentu dan pengembangan yang dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan serta mengevaluasi penelitian yang terkait pada fokus topik tertentu. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis lamun yang tredapat di Indonesia berdasarkan hasil dari beberapa penelitian. Hasilnya didapatkan sekitar 9 jenis lamun dari 3 family, yaitu: Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulate, Halodule pinifolia, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, Halophila minor, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassodendron ciliatum.
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Wehbe, Nadine, Adnan Badran, Serine Baydoun, Ali Al-Sawalmih, Marc Maresca, Elias Baydoun und Joelle Edward Mesmar. „The Antioxidant Potential and Anticancer Activity of Halodule uninervis Ethanolic Extract against Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells“. Antioxidants 13, Nr. 6 (14.06.2024): 726.

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Natural remedies have been indispensable to traditional medicine practices for generations, offering therapeutic solutions for various ailments. In modern times, these natural products continue to play a pivotal role in the discovery of new drugs, especially for cancer treatment. The marine ecosystem offers a wide range of plants with potential anticancer activities due to their distinct biochemical diversity and adaptation to extreme situations. The seagrass Halodule uninervis is rich in diverse bioactive metabolites that bestow the plant with various pharmacological properties. However, its anticancer activity against invasive triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is still poorly investigated. In the present study, the phytochemical composition of an ethanolic extract of H. uninervis (HUE) was screened, and its antioxidant potential was evaluated. Moreover, the anticancer potential of HUE against MDA-MB-231 cells was investigated along with the possible underlying mechanisms of action. Our results showed that HUE is rich in diverse phytochemicals that are known for their antioxidant and anticancer effects. In MDA-MB-231 cells, HUE targeted the hallmarks of cancer, including cell proliferation, adhesion, migration, invasion, and angiogenesis. The HUE-mediated anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic effects were associated with the downregulation of the proto-oncogenic STAT3 signaling pathway. Taken together, H. uninervis could serve as a valuable source for developing novel drugs targeting TNBC.
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Prisilia, Sania, Wahyu Adi und Arief Febrianto. „STRUKTUR KOMUNITAS IKAN PADA EKOSISTEM LAMUN DI PANTAI PUDING KABUPATEN BANGKA SELATAN“. Akuatik: Jurnal Sumberdaya Perairan 12, Nr. 2 (15.11.2018): 35–44.

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Seagrass beds have a variety of roles in fish life, which can be used as nurseries, as a place for feeding ground, and for areas to seek protection. This study aims to analyze the structure of fish communities and seagrass communities and analyze the relationship of fish abundance with seagrass ecosystems. This research was conducted in March 2018 on the beach of Puding Air Banten II, Pasir Putih Village, Tukak Sadai District, Bangka Selatan Regency. Line transect method for seagrass data collection and fish data retrieval using fixed gill nets (gill net). The results of the study found that the total number of individual fish as much as 409 ind / m2 consisted of 25 species. The highest abundance of fish found in Station I with Ambassis interrupta species as many as 241 ind / m2. There were six types of seagrass found on the coast of Puding, namely Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halodule uninervis, Halophila spinulosa, Halophila decipiens and Cymodocea serrulata. The highest seagrass density was found at Station I with the seagrass Halodule uninervis species of 2541 ind / m2. Correlation coefficient analysis shows that the abundance of fish with seagrass density has a significant value of 0.956 which is classified as having a very strong relationship. Fish have higher abundance with seagrass meadows which vegetate with mangroves
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de Iongh, H. H., B. Bierhuizen und B. van Orden. „Observations on the behaviour of the dugong (Dugong dugon Müller, 1776) from waters of the Lease Islands, eastern Indonesia“. Contributions to Zoology 67, Nr. 1 (1997): 71–77.

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A small population of dugongs was discovered in coastal waters of the Lease islands in eastern Indonesia. Studies on behaviour and feeding ecology revealed information on the interaction with seagrass meadows, modes of surfacing and submergence times and behaviour in the presence of scuba divers. Regular concentrated feeding was observed in a grazing sward at a subtidal monospecific Halophila ovalis meadow, confirming earlier observations of regular recropping by dugongs of grazing swards, covered by monospecific Halodule uninervis, inside an intertidal multi-species meadow.
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Apte, Deepak, Dishannt Parasharya und Bhavik Patel. „Feeding trails of Dugong Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) (Mammalia: Sirenia: Dugongidae) in the Gulf of Kachchh, western coast of India“. Journal of Threatened Taxa 11, Nr. 1 (26.01.2019): 13151–54.

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Dugong Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) is the only herbivorous marine mammal distributed along the tropical and subtropical oceans of the Indo-Pacific regions. The record of the species in India is mainly from the east coast including Andaman and Gulf of Mannar. In this note the authors have recorded feeding trails of Dugong on the Halodule uninervis meadow in the Gulf of Kachchh, i.e., northwestern part of India. Most of the records of this species from this area are stranding records. This is the second record of the trail from this region.
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Ong, Glendon Hong Ming, Samantha Lai, Siti Maryam Yaakub und Peter Todd. „Depauperate seed banks in urban tropical seagrass meadows“. Marine and Freshwater Research 71, Nr. 8 (2020): 935.

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Seagrasses need to be resilient if they are to persist in the long term. Being able to build up a dormant seed bank in sediments is a key strategy that some species employ to regenerate from large-scale degradation. Much of the research on seed banks has focussed on temperate species, and little is known regarding the status of seed banks in tropical meadows. In the present study, we examined the seed bank status of three common seagrass species at six sites in Singapore and attempted to identify potential drivers of seed abundance. Our results indicated depauperate seed banks with few species setting viable seed and low seed densities. Halophila ovalis seeds were found at four sites and Halodule uninervis seeds at two sites, but Cymodocea rotundata seeds were absent from all six sites. Whereas H. ovalis seed viability ranged from 20% to 68.8%, none of the H. uninervis seeds was viable. Halophila ovalis seed densities (33–334m–2) were much higher than those of H. uninervis (9–21m–2). Of the variables examined, only H. ovalis cover was positively correlated with the number of seeds. Our study has highlighted the vulnerability of seagrass meadows in Singapore’s urban waters to future disturbances.
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Nugraha, Aditya Hikmat, Ilham Antariksa Tasabaramo, Udhi E. Hernawan, Susi Rahmawati, Andri Irawan, Juraij Juraij, Muta Ali Khalifa, I. Wayan Eka Dharmawan, Risandi Dwirama Putra und Devia Hartono Puteri. „Relationship of Distribution Seagrass Species with Dugong (Dugong dugon) Sighting at Liki Island-Papua“. Omni-Akuatika 15, Nr. 2 (09.12.2019): 92.

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Dugong dugon is a herbivorous marine mammal. One of Dugong's favorite foods is seagrass. This study examines the distribution of seagrass species to dugong sighting in Liki Island. The study was conducted in November 2018. Observation of seagrass conditions was carried out using a line transect method and a 50x50 cm transect with a distance interval between 10 m plots. Interviews were also conducted with the community to find out the location of Dugong presence in Liki Island. There are seven species of seagrass found in Liki Island :Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pnifolia and Syringodium isoetifolium spread over four observation stations. The results showed that Dugong in Liki Island is often found during the eastern season, they often appear in seagrass ecosystem area to do eating activities. Dugong is often found in the eastern part of Liki Island (Station 4) and sometimes also found in the western part of Liki Island (Station 3).Keywords:biodiversity,Dugong dugon, liki, papua, seagrass
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Awadh, Asma, Maarifa Mwakumanya und Mohamed Omar. „The viability of seagrass ecosystems for supporting dugong recovery in Kenya“. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 23, Nr. 1 (25.03.2024): 19–26.

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Seagrasses are the primary source of food for dugongs and a good indicator of marine ecosys- tem health. The East African dugong (Dugong dugon) population is listed as critically endan- gered under the IUCN Red List. This study aimed to document the status of seagrass beds and evaluate their potential for supporting dugong recovery in Kenya. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in December 2016 to March 2017, with data gathered through desktop reviews, inter- views, beach surveys and aerial surveys. Seven seagrass species were found at sampled sites, namely Syringodium isoetifolium, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Halophila ovalis, Zostera capensis, Thal- assia hemprichii, Cymodocea serrulata, and Halodule uninervis. Halodule and Halophila seagrass spe- cies are important in the diet of dugongs. Two dugongs were sighted during the aerial survey. The spread of sea urchins, unplanned infrastructure development, Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing, and boat anchors negatively affected seagrass ecosystems and hence dugong distribution in Kenya.
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Tolule, Kurnia, Alex D. Kambey und Ari B. Rondonuwu. „Community Structure of Seagrass in Coastal Waters of Bahoi Village, West Likupang Sub-district, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province“. JURNAL ILMIAH PLATAX 3, Nr. 2 (18.01.2016): 63.

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This study was aimed at revealing the structure of seagrass community in the coastal waters of Bahoi Village, West Likupang Sub-district, District of North Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province. Samples collection was conducted during the lowest tide period by deploying line transect and quadrate. Eight species of seagrasses were identified on this study, including species as follow: Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hempricihii, Cymodocea rotundata, C. serrulata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Hlodule pinifolia, H. uninervis and Halophila ovalis. The highest density value ( 112.16 individual/m2) was calculated from transect III data on S. isoetifolium species. In term of relative density value, S. isoetifolium also has the highest value (35.176 %). Index dominance (C) was calculated as well from transect III data (0.477) while the highest diversity index (H’) was calculated from transect I data (1.724). Keyword : structure, Analysis, seagrass ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji struktur komunitas lamun di perairan pantai Desa Bahoi Kecamatan Likupang Barat Sulawesi Utara.Pengambilan sampel dilaksanakan sekali pada saat surut terendah, data dikumpulkan berdasarkan garis transek dan kuadrat. Jenis lamun yang ditemukan dalam keseluruhan kuadrat di lokasi penelitian berjumlah 8 spesies yaitu : Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule pinifolia, Halodule uninervis, dan Halophila ovalis. Kepadatan individu tertinggi terdapat pada transek III yaitu spesies Syringodium isoetifolium 112,16 ind/m2. Kepadatan relatif tertinggi terdapat pada spesies Syringodium isoetifolium (35,176 %). Indeks dominasi (C) yang tertinggi terdapat pada transek III 0.477 indeks keanekaragaman spesies (H’) yang tertinggi pada transek I 1.724. Keyword : structure, Analysis, seagrass 1Mahasiswa Program Studi MSP FPIK-UNSRAT 2Staf pengajar Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi
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Rawung, Stevani, Ferdinand F. Tilaar und Ari B. Rondonuwu. „The Inventory of Seagrasses in Marine Field Station of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science in Subdistrict of East Likupang District North Minahasa“. JURNAL ILMIAH PLATAX 6, Nr. 2 (31.07.2018): 38.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
This study was conducted in Marine Field Station of Faculty of Fisheries and Science of Sam Ratulangi University, Sub-district of East Likupang, North Minahasa. This study aims to identified the seagrasses in the water of Marine Field Station. The benefits of this study are for the database of seagrasses ecosystem management and comparative for other studies. The Observation and data collection was using random survey technic by analyzed the areas to collecting all the seagrass species found. Furthermore, the seagrass samples were categorised into each species. The result showed the amount of seagrass species in Marine Field Station are 8 species from 6 genera and 2 families: Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Syringodium isoetifolium, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, dan Halophila minor.Keyword: Inventory, Seagrass, Marine Field Station ABSTRAKPenelitian dilakukan di perairan Marine Field Station Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Unsrat Kecamatan Likupang Timur Kabupatan Minahasa Utara. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi lamun yang ada di Perairan Marine Field station. Manfaat penelitian dapat menjadi data pengelolaan ekosistem padang lamun dan dapat menjadi perbandingan untuk penelitian-penelitian selanjutnya. Pengamatan dan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik survei jelajah, yaitu dengan menjelajahi wilayah pengamatan sambil mencari semua spesies lamun. Lamun yang diambil adalah semua jenis yang ditemui. Selanjutnya, sampel lamun dikelompokan berdasarkan spesies. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan jumlah spesies lamun pada lokasi penelitian di Perairan Marine Field Station adalah 8 spesies dari 6 genera dan 2 famili yaitu, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis, Syringodium isoetifolium, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, dan Halophila minor. Kata kunci: Inventarisasi, Lamun, Marine Field Station
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Namadevan, Pushpa Bharathi, und Vanitha V. „PHYTOCHEMISTRY AND ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY OF THE SEA GRASS CYMODOCEACEA FAMILY– A REVIEW“. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 10, Nr. 6 (01.06.2017): 19.

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Cymodoceaceae is a family of flowering plants, sometimes known as the “manatee-grass family,” the family Cymodoceaceae includes only marine species. The angiosperm phylogeny II system, of 2003 (unchanged from the APG system, of 1998), does recognize Cymodoceaceae and places it in the order Alismatales, in the clade monocots. They are marine hydrophytes that grow and complete their life cycle in a submerged condition, in a saline environment. Like terrestrial plant they obtain their energy from light through photosynthesis thus, they grow only in clear and shallow water, and at the suitable condition, they form beds or meadows. The family includes five genera, totalling 16 species of marine plants occurring in tropical seas and oceans (so-called seagrasses). Cymodoceaceae consist of five genera such as Amphibolis, Cymodocea, Halodule, Syringodium, and Thalassodendron. In this genera Cymodocea rotundata Ehrenb. and Hempr. Ex Asch. Cymodocea serrulata, (R.Br.) Asch. and Magnus, Halodule pinifolia (Miki) Hartog, Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Asch and Syringodium isoetifolium (Asch.) are the species mostly adopted in Indian coastal region. These seagrass species have unique nature and wide application to the environment including human being. In this article botanical aspects, phytochemistry and ethnopharmacology of these five seagrass species belong to Cymodoceaceae family will be discussed.
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Bujang, Japar Sidik, Norhapizah Ahmad Nazri, Muta Harah Zakaria, Azis Arshad und Hisao Ogawa. „MORPHOLOGIAL PLASTICITY OF HALODULE SPECIES IN RESPONSE TO DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS“. Marine Research in Indonesia 33, Nr. 1 (30.06.2008): 11–16.

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Halodule species is widely distributed along the south and east coasts of Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. Five locations were selected for the study based on different habitat characteristics; sub-tidal shoal (Merambong-2 sites; Tg. Adang Laut-2 sites), coastal lagoon (Merchang-2 sites), inter-tidal beach front (Lawas-l site) and reef atoll lagoon (Pulau Layang-Layang-l site). Samplings and collections of Halodule plants were conducted from August 2002 until May 2004. The result of the study found that Halodule species are found at depth.of -1.5 to-2.7 m in various habitats with substrates from sandy, coralline sand, calcareous sandy-mud, sandy-mud to muddy substrates and can survive in a wide range of salinity, 18-34 psu. They adapt in th,e different environmental conditions through changes in morphology. Water depth (associated with ambient light), sediment type and sediment depth have an influence on the morphology of vegetative components e.g. leaf length, leaf width, erect stem length and rhizome growth pattern. Leaf tip morphology was not affected by habitat types and the environmental characteristics. Leaf tips for H. uninervis are similar in morphology between young and mature leaves. Leaf tips for H. pinifolia varied with an obvious differences between young and mature leaf tips.
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Nugraha, Aditya Hikmat, Imam Pangestian Syahputra, I. Wayan Eka Dharmawan, Ucu Yanu Arbi, Bambang Hermanto, Fajar Kurniawan, Syofyan Roni, Ganang Wibisono und Anggia Rivani. „Sebaran Jenis dan Kondisi Tutupan Lamun di Perairan Kepulauan Riau“. Journal of Marine Research 12, Nr. 3 (23.05.2023): 431–38.

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Perairan Kepulauan Riau yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau kecil umumnya memiliki ekosistem pesisir yang tersusun dari ekosistem mangrove, ekosistem lamun dan ekosistem terumbu karang. Ekosistem lamun merupakan bagian dari ekosistem pesisir yang memiliki peran tidak kalah penting seperti habitat biota, area pengasuhan, regulasi karbon dan lain sebagainya. Monitoring terkait kondisi ekosistem lamun penting untuk dilakukan dalam rangka mengetahui status ekosistem sehingga kedepan dapat menentukan langkah pengelolaan ekosistem yang baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2021 di Perairan Kepulauan Riau meliputi Perairan Kota Batam, Perairan Pulau Bintan, Perairan Lingga, Perairan Natuna dan Perairan Anambas. Metode pengamatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan transek garis yang dibantu dengan transek kuadrat dalam mengamati tutupan lamun di setiap lokasi penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan ditemukan 11 jenis lamun di Perairan Kepulauan Riau, meliputi spesies Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halophila ovalis, Halophila minor, Halophila spinulosa, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pnifolia dan Syringodium isoetifolium. Nilai tutupan berada pada kisaran 20,68%-54,44%, Berdasarkan tutupannya secara umum ekosistem lamun di Perairan Kepulauan Riau berada dalam status sedang.The waters of the Riau Archipelago which consist of small islands generally have coastal ecosystems consisting of mangrove ecosystems, seagrass ecosystems and coral reef ecosystems. Seagrass ecosystems are part of coastal ecosystems that have no less important roles such as biota habitat, nurturing areas, carbon regulation and so on. Monitoring related to the condition of seagrass ecosystems is important to do in order to determine the status of the ecosystem so that in the future it can determine steps for good ecosystem management. This research was conducted in 2021 in the waters of the Riau Archipelago including Batam City Waters, Bintan Island Waters, Lingga Waters, Natuna Waters and Anambas Waters. The observation method was carried out using line transects assisted by quadratic transects in observing seagrass cover at each research location. Based on the results of the research conducted, 11 species of seagrass were found in the waters of the Riau Archipelago, including species of Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halophila ovalis, Halophila minor, Halophila spinulosa, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pinifolia and Syringodium isoetifolium. The cover value is in the range of 20.68%-54.45%, based on seagrass cover in general the seagrass ecosystem in the Riau Islands waters is in a poor status.
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Nugraha, Aditya Hikmat, Imam Pangestian Syahputra, I. Wayan Eka Dharmawan, Ucu Yanu Arbi, Bambang Hermanto, Fajar Kurniawan, Syofyan Roni, Ganang Wibisono und Anggia Rivani. „Sebaran Jenis dan Kondisi Tutupan Lamun di Perairan Kepulauan Riau“. Journal of Marine Research 12, Nr. 3 (23.05.2023): 431–38.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Perairan Kepulauan Riau yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau kecil umumnya memiliki ekosistem pesisir yang tersusun dari ekosistem mangrove, ekosistem lamun dan ekosistem terumbu karang. Ekosistem lamun merupakan bagian dari ekosistem pesisir yang memiliki peran tidak kalah penting seperti habitat biota, area pengasuhan, regulasi karbon dan lain sebagainya. Monitoring terkait kondisi ekosistem lamun penting untuk dilakukan dalam rangka mengetahui status ekosistem sehingga kedepan dapat menentukan langkah pengelolaan ekosistem yang baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2021 di Perairan Kepulauan Riau meliputi Perairan Kota Batam, Perairan Pulau Bintan, Perairan Lingga, Perairan Natuna dan Perairan Anambas. Metode pengamatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan transek garis yang dibantu dengan transek kuadrat dalam mengamati tutupan lamun di setiap lokasi penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan ditemukan 11 jenis lamun di Perairan Kepulauan Riau, meliputi spesies Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halophila ovalis, Halophila minor, Halophila spinulosa, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pnifolia dan Syringodium isoetifolium. Nilai tutupan berada pada kisaran 20,68%-54,44%, Berdasarkan tutupannya secara umum ekosistem lamun di Perairan Kepulauan Riau berada dalam status sedang.The waters of the Riau Archipelago which consist of small islands generally have coastal ecosystems consisting of mangrove ecosystems, seagrass ecosystems and coral reef ecosystems. Seagrass ecosystems are part of coastal ecosystems that have no less important roles such as biota habitat, nurturing areas, carbon regulation and so on. Monitoring related to the condition of seagrass ecosystems is important to do in order to determine the status of the ecosystem so that in the future it can determine steps for good ecosystem management. This research was conducted in 2021 in the waters of the Riau Archipelago including Batam City Waters, Bintan Island Waters, Lingga Waters, Natuna Waters and Anambas Waters. The observation method was carried out using line transects assisted by quadratic transects in observing seagrass cover at each research location. Based on the results of the research conducted, 11 species of seagrass were found in the waters of the Riau Archipelago, including species of Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Halophila ovalis, Halophila minor, Halophila spinulosa, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pinifolia and Syringodium isoetifolium. The cover value is in the range of 20.68%-54.45%, based on seagrass cover in general the seagrass ecosystem in the Riau Islands waters is in a poor status.
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Luong, Cao Van, Dam Duc Tien und Nguyen Thi Nga. „Hydrophyte communities in the Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoon“. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ biển 20, Nr. 2 (22.05.2020): 199–208.

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The Tam Giang - Cau Hai lagoon in Thua Thien-Hue province is the largest lagoon in South East Asia and also one of the places having the largest area of seagrass in Vietnam. The study results from 2009 to 2017 showed that 6 seagrasses species were identified (Halodule uninervis is a newly recorded species, however, Halophila minor is not recorded) and there were 8 freshwater grass species (with the exception of Potamogeton maackianus), with a total area of 2,840 ha. In particular, the area of seagrass has been recovering significantly from 1,000 hectares in 2009 to 2,037 hectares in 2017.
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Baehaki, Ace, Herpandi Herpandi H, Susi Lestari, Muhammad Hendri und Febri Ariska. „Antidiabetic Activity with N-Hexane, Ethyl-Acetate and Ethanol Extract of Halodule uninervis Seagrass“. Pharmacognosy Journal 12, Nr. 4 (18.06.2020): 805–8.

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Liu, Mingzhong, Rongrong Shan, Jiaxin Wu, Yunfeng Shi und Muqiu Zhao. „The first complete chloroplast genome of Halodule uninervis (Forssk.) Boiss. 1882 (Cymodoceaceae)“. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 9, Nr. 11 (November 2024): 1564–68.

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Chen, Kuan-Yu, und Hsing-Juh Lin. „High-Resolution Mapping of Seagrass Biomass Dynamics Suggests Differential Response of Seagrasses to Fluctuating Environments“. Diversity 14, Nr. 11 (19.11.2022): 999.

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Seagrass beds are major blue carbon ecosystems. Climate change-associated factors may change the seagrass community and affect the capacity of carbon sequestration. To explore the possible effects of warming, higher precipitation levels and/or sea level rise on seagrasses, the spatial and seasonal dynamics in shallow seagrass beds comprising the late-successional seagrass Thalassia hemprichii and the early-successional seagrass Halodule uninervis were tracked. The high-resolution mapping of seagrass biomass dynamics showed that T. hemprichii was the dominant species in the study sites year round, as the space occupation by the larger seagrass T. hemprichii was more efficient than that by the smaller seagrass H. uninervis. The space occupation by both species in the low-elevation site was more efficient than in the high-elevation site. In the low-elevation site, while the dominance of the faster growing seagrass H. uninervis was increasing, the dominance of T. hemprichii was decreasing. This suggested that the carbon sequestration capacity of the seagrass beds will decrease, as T. hemprichii was capable of storing more carbon in the sediments. In the high-elevation site, however, the distribution of both species was distinct and showed a clear seasonal succession. The dominance of H. uninervis moved to shallower water in the wet season and then moved back to deeper water in the dry season. Our observations suggested that four possible mechanisms might be involved in the dominance shift in the shallow seagrass beds: (1) the deeper water in the low-elevation site or the higher precipitation levels in the wet season might reduce the drought stress of H. uninervis at low tide and enhance the competition of H. uninervis over T. hemprichii; (2) the growth of H. uninervis might be stimulated more by the flushing of land-based nutrients caused by the higher precipitation rates in the wet season; (3) in the high-elevation site, the faster flow velocity and frequently disturbed sediments in the dry season might constrain the further expansion of H. uninervis to shallower water; (4) the faster flow velocity in the high-elevation site might reduce the impacts of periphyton overgrowth on T. hemprichii and maintain the dominance of T. hemprichii in the community. Our results suggest seagrasses will not necessarily respond to fluctuating environments in the same way in the coming decades.
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Septiani, Salmia, Irma Akhrianti und Aditya Pamungkas. „Pemanfaatan Citra Sentinel 2A Untuk Pemetaan Sebaran Ekosistem Lamun Di Perairan Pulau Panjang, Bangka Tengah“. Journal of Tropical Marine Science 5, Nr. 2 (04.11.2022): 131–39.

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Teknik penginderaan jauh dengan memanfaatkan citra satelit dapat memberikan banyak keuntungan dalam mengkaji informasi mengenai sebaran komunitas lamun di Perairan Pulau Panjang. Dengan mengunakan citra satelit Sentinel 2A yang beresolusi spasial 10 m, penelitian ini akan memberikan informasi mengenai kondisi ekosistem lamun yang berada di Perairan Pulau Panjang. Tahapan lanjutan yang dilakukan adalah penerapan algoritma Depth Invariant Index (DII) atau pengoreksian kolom air dengan algoritma lyzenga pada citra. Berdasarkan hasil klasifikasi supervised pada software ENVI 5.2, rona warna dari kelas masing masing menunjukan warna yang berbeda. Terdapat enam kelas yaitu daratan, lamun, rubble/ pecahan karang, terumbu karang, pasir, dan laut. Luasan lamun memiliki luas sekitar 70,24 ha. Jenis lamun yang ditemukan di Perairan Pulau Panjang terdapat 7 jenis lamun diantaranya yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis, Syringodium isoetifolium, dan Halodule pinifolia. Persentase tutupan lamun berdasarkan hasil survei lapangan memiliki rata-rata 9,84% yang dikategorikan Miskin/Rusak. Persentase terendah dengan nilai 3,48% terdapat pada stasiun 3 dan tertinggi dengan nilai 12,91% terdapat pada stasiun 2.
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Dwikasari, Ida Ayu Indira, I. Wayan Arthana und Ni Luh Watiniasih. „BIOMASSA DAN SIMPANAN KARBON PADA EKOSISTEM PADANG LAMUN DI WILAYAH NUSA LEMBONGAN“. ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science) 18, Nr. 1 (19.06.2024): 54.

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The Seagrass ecosystem is one of the important ecosystems in the ocean in mitigating global warming. This research aims to examine the potential for storing carbon stocks in seagrass biomass. The purposive sampling method was used at three location points. At each location, there are 9 quadrants for a total of 27 quadrants. The types of seagrass found were Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Enhalus acoroides, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, Halodule pinifolia with moderate diversity and moderate community stability. Seagrass conditions are relatively protected between the coast and coral reefs with the highest average density of 225 ind/m2. The type of seagrass with the highest density is Thalassia hemprichii. The types of substrates are sand, coral rubble, and sandy mud. The carbon stock in the Lembongan Beach area has an area of ??89.46 hectares of seagrass beds. Around 56.32% or 3,21 tons of carbon were stored as the bottom carbon stock of the substrate and 43.67% or 2,49 tons of carbon were stored as the top carbon stock of the substrate. Keywords: Thalassia Hemprichii, Seagrass, Substate, Global Warming
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Rahman, Ibadur, Nurliah, Edwin Jefri und Chandrika Eka Larasati. „Struktur Komunitas Padang Lamun Di Perairan Gili Air, Lombok Utara“. Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan Lesser Sunda 1, Nr. 2 (25.07.2021): 16–25.

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Seagrass is a coastal ecosystem that has important role as a feeding ground, a spawning ground and a nursery ground for various marine biota. This study aims to examine the biodiversity of seagrass at Gili Air, North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. This study was conducted to observe the cover percentage of seagrass, it's composition, the number of seagrass stands, canopy's height, frequency of seagrass presence, and index of importance of seagrass. Seagrass data was collected using a 50cm x 50cm quadrant transect, with a total area of 100 m2, referring to the monitoring standards set by SeagrassNet. Water quality analysis was carried out at the Bioecology Laboratory of the Aquaculture Study Program, University of Mataram, and at the Laboratory of the Marine Aquaculture Center (BPBL) of Sekotong, West Lombok. The results showed that the seagrass communities in Gili Air waters were composed of 5 (five) species: Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemperichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodulea pinifolia, and Halodule uninervis, with the percentage of coverage ranging from 26.88-39.17%, and the average coverage by 31.53%. Thalassia hemperichii is the species that has the highest contribution to the seagrass community at Gili Air.
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Yunita, Isnaini Dian, Niniek Widyorini und Supriharyono Supriharyono. „PENGARUH KERAPATAN LAMUN Thalassia hemprichii TERHADAP KELIMPAHAN BAKTERI HETEROTROF DI PANTAI PRAWEAN, JEPARA“. Management of Aquatic Resources Journal (MAQUARES) 7, Nr. 4 (15.10.2018): 415–22.

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Ekosistem lamun merupakan salah satu ekosistem yang memiliki kompleksitas dan keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi. Padang lamun merupakan hamparan vegetasi lamun yang menutupi suatu kawasan pesisir. Selain memiliki fungsi ekonomi, lamun juga memiliki fungsi ekologis yakni berperan penting sebagai pendaur zat hara oleh mikroorganime yaitu bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kerapatan lamun, kelimpahan bakteri heterotrof yang berasosiasi dengan lamun serta pengaruh kerapatan lamun dengan kelimpahan bakteri heterotrof di Pantai Prawean, Jepara. Metode yang digunakan yakni deskriptif eksplanatif dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive dan dianalisis dengan IBM SPSS Statistic 22. Jenis lamun yang ditemukan di Pantai Prawean ada 5 (lima): Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis dan Halodule pinifolia. Kerapatan tertinggi didapat dari jenis Thalassia hemprichii sebesar 78 Ind/m2 dan terendah adalah Enhalus acoroides 10 Ind/m2 dan kelimpahan bakteri heterotrof tertinggi diperoleh dari tingkat kerapatan rapat di stasiun 3 yakni 29,4x108 Upk/ml dan kelimpahan terendah diperoleh dari tingkat kerapatan jarang di stasiun 2 yakni 3,3x108 Upk/ml. Korelasi antara kerapatan lamun dengan kelimpahan bakteri heterotrof tinggi atau kuat yakni 0,896 dan korelasi ini dinyatakan sangat signifikan terbukti nilai sig. 0,001 dengan tingkat kesalahan 0,1%. Artinya bertambahnya kerapatan lamun dapat meningkatkan pula kelimpahan bakteri heterotrof. Seagrass ecosystem is one ecosytems that has high complexity and biodiversity. Seagrass beds are a stretch of seagrass vegetation that covers a coastal area. Beside its economic function, seagrass also have ecological function that play an important role of nutrient cycle for microorganism its bacteria. This study aims to determine the density of seagrass, the abundance of heterothropic bacteria and influence of seagrass density with abundance of heterotrophic bacteria at Prawean beach, Jepara. The method used in this study is descriptive explanative with purposive sampling and the data analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistic 22. There are 5 (five) species of seagrass that can be found in Prawean beach: Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis and Halodule pinifolia. The highest density obtained from Thalassia hemprichii species is 78 sprouts of seagrass/m2 and the lowest density obtained from Enhalus acoroides is 10 obtained from seagrass density at station 3 its value 29,4x108Cfu/ml and the lowest abundance of heterotrophic bacteria was obtained from rare seagrass at station 2 its value 3,3x108Cfu/ml. The corelation between seagrass density with abundance heterotrophic bacteria is high or strong that has value 0,846 and this correlation is very significantly proven has sig value 0,001 with error rate 0,1%, it can be conclude that increase of seagrass density can also increase the abundance of heterotrophic bacteria.
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Namoua, Dilivia J., Adnan S. Wantasen, Khristin I. F. Kondoy, Rene Ch Kepel, Febry S. I. Menajang und Wilmy Pelle. „Carbon Absorption in Seagrasses in Tongkaina Coastal Waters, Bunaken District, Manado City, North Sulawesi“. Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX 10, Nr. 2 (30.09.2022): 433.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
This study was conducted to determine the types of seagrasses and calculate biomass and calculate how much carbon absorption in seagrasses was found in the location of Tongkaina Beach, Bunaken District, Manado City, North Sulawesi. The sampling procedure in the field is the method of cruising surveys. A cruising survey is a sample collection method that is carried out by walking through the coastal area of all seagrasses found. After the sampling at the site is completed, the sample in the inventory is then photographed. The samples that have been obtained are analyzed in the laboratory using the loss on ignition (LOI) method. The results of the study on Tongkaina coastal waters covering an area of 25,000 meters with a coastal length of ±500 meters, in an area parallel to the coastline as wide as ±50 meters towards the sea and six types of seagrasses were obtained, namely: Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis, and Halodule pinifolia. The biomass in seagrasses found had an average value of 78.10% with the highest individual seagrass biomass found in seagrass type Enhalus acoroides with a biomass value of 87.23grams of dry weight (gbk)/individual and the lowest type of seagrass individual biomass value was found in seagrass type seagrass with a biomass value of 66.67grams of dry weight (gbk)/individual. The total carbon content calculated in the entire seagrass obtained was 46,0941gCKeywords: Tongkaina Beach; seagrasses; biomass; carbon absorptionAbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis lamun dan menghitung biomassa serta menghitung berapa serapan karbon pada lamun yang ditemukan dilokasi Perairan Pantai Tongkaina Kecamatan Bunaken Kota Manado Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Prosedur pengambilan sampel di lapangan menggunakan metode survei jelajah. Survei jelajah adalah metode pengumpulan sampel yang di lakukan dengan cara menyusuri daerah pantai terhadap semua lamun yang ditemukan. Setelah pengambilan sampel di lokasi selesai, sampel di inventarisir kemudian difoto. Sampel yang telah diperoleh dianalisa di laboratorium dengan menggunakann metode loss on ignition (LOI). Hasil penelitian pada perairan pantai Tongkaina seluas 25.000 meter dengan panjang pantai ±500 meter sejajar garis pantai dan lebar ±50 meter ke arah laut. Ditemukan enam jenis lamun yaitu: Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis dan Halodule pinifolia. Biomassa pada lamun yang ditemukan memiliki nilai rata-rata 78,53% dengan biomassa individu lamun tertinggi terdapat pada lamun jenis Enhalus acoroides dengan nilai biomassa mencapai 87,23gram berat kering (gbk)/individu dan nilai biomassa individu jenis lamun terendah terdapat pada lamun jenis Syringodium isoetifolium dengan nilai biomassa 66,67gram berat kering (gbk)/individu. Untuk total kandungan karbon yang dihitung pada keseluruhan lamun yang didapat sebesar 46,0941gC.Kata kunci: Pantai Tongkaina; Lamun; biomasa, serapan carbon
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Supratman, Okto, Wahyu Adi, M. Rizza Muftiadi, Henri Henri und Aditya Pamungkas. „Kondisi dan Status Kesehatan Ekosistem Padang Lamun di Pulau Bangka Bagian Selatan, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung“. Buletin Oseanografi Marina 13, Nr. 1 (28.12.2023): 91–99.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Ekosistem lamun di Bangka Selatan terjadinya gangguan dan ancaman dari beberapa aktivitas antropogenik. Akan tetapi data tentang kondisi dan kesehatan padang lamun sangat terbatas. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis kekayaan jenis, persentase tutupan dan kesehatan ekosistem padang lamun. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2022 hingga Desember 2022 di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan yang meliputi pesisir Tanjung Kerasak, Pantai Tukak, Pantai Penutuk, Pulau Anak Air dan Pantai Puding. Tahapan penelitian terdiri dari 1) Pengumpulan data lamun, makroalga, dan epifit, 2) Pengukuran parameter lingkungan, 3) Analisis data meliputi analisis kesehatan lamun dengan metode Indeks Kesehatan Ekosistem Lamun (IKEL). Hasil penelitian terdapat 8 jenis lamun yang ditemukan di lokasi penelitian yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Oceana serrulata, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila minor, Halophila ovalis, dan Halodule pinifolia. Nilai tutupan lamun berkisar antara antara 2,04% hingga 41,93% dengan rata-rata tutupan lamun yaitu 26,8 % yang dikategorikan miskin. Indek kesehatan ekosistem lamun (IKEL) di Bangka Selatan berkisar antara 0,60 sampai dengan 0,70 atau dikategorikan sedang sampai dengan baik. Kondisi kesehatan ekosistem lamun dikategorikan baik ditemukan di Pentuk (0,70), sedangkan dikategorikan sedang ditemukan di Tanjung Kerasak (0,68), Pantai Tukak (0,62), Pantai Puding (0,60), dan Pulau Anak Air (0,61). The seagrass ecosystem in South Bangka is experiencing disturbance and threats from several anthropogenic activities. However, data on the condition and health of seagrass beds is very limited. The aim of the research is to analyze species richness, percentage cover and health of the seagrass ecosystem. The research was carried out from February 2022 to December 2022 in South Bangka Regency which includes the coast of Tanjung Kerasak, Tukak Beach, Penutuk Beach, Anak Air Island and Puding Beach. The research stages consisted of 1) collecting data on seagrass, macroalgae and epiphytes, 2) measuring environmental parameters, 3) data analysis including analysis of seagrass health using the Seagrass Ecological Quality Index (SEQI) method. The research results showed that there were 8 spesies of seagrass found at the research location. Spesies founded is Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Oceana serrulata, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis, Halophila minor, Halophila ovalis, and Halodule pinifolia. The seagrass cover value ranges from 2.04% to 41.93% with average seagrass cover is 26.8% which is categorized as poor. The seagrass ecology quality index in South Bangka ranges from 0.60 to 0.70 which categorized as moderate to good. The health condition of the seagrass ecosystem was assessed as good in Pentuk (0.70), while moderate was found in Tanjung Kerasak (0.68), Tukak Beach (0.62), Puding Beach (0.60), and Anak Air Island (0. .60).
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Ilolu, Abdul D., Billy Th Wagey, Erly Y. Kaligis, Kurniati Kemer, Joshian N. W. Schaduw und Reiny A. Tumbol. „KONDISI PADANG LAMUN DI PANTAI DESA BASAAN SATU KECAMATAN RATATOTOK KABUPATEN MINAHASA TENGGARA (The Condition of Seagrass Beds on the Beach of Basaan Satu Village, Ratatotok District, Southeast Minahasa Regency)“. JURNAL PESISIR DAN LAUT TROPIS 11, Nr. 1 (15.02.2023): 63–77.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Seagrass is the main component of the seagrass bed ecosystem. The existence andproductivity of seagrass beds have a very important ecological role for life in the sea and on land. Thisresearch is to determine the type of seagrass, to determine the condition and structure of the seagrasscommunity and environmental parameters on the coast of Basaan Satu Village. The method that theauthor uses is the quadratic transect method. This method is usually used to observe the communitystructure of seagrass beds using a line transect of 50 m and a square of 50×50 cm². Seagrass speciesidentified in the coastal waters of Basaan Satu Village, Ratatotok District, Southeast MinahasaRegency, namely as many as 5 species including Syringodium isoetifolium, Thalassia hemprichii,Halodule uninervis, Halodule pinifolia, Enhalus acoroides and cymodocea rotundata. Seagrass coverper species was dominated by the species Syringodium isoetifolium, the highest density was for thespecies Syringodium isoetifolium, the highest important value index for seagrass was found for thespecies Thalassia hemprichii with a value of 102.26%, the diversity index value was 0.93 which wasclassified as moderate, and the index value dominance is equal to 0.53. low category. Environmentalparameters of seagrass beds at the study site have a range of values: temperature 31.47-33.39°C,salinity 29.08-30.49 ppt, dissolved oxygen 6.55-9.67, pH 9.23- 9.94, turbidity 0-2.6, and the substratefound was sand, muddy sand, crushed coral sand, and coral rubble.Keywords: Seagrass Conditions, Community Structure, Basaan Satu Village ABSTRAKLamun merupakan komponen utama penyusun ekosistem padang lamun. Keberadaan danproduktivitas padang lamun memiliki peranan ekologi yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan di lautmaupun di darat. Penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui jenis lamun, Untuk mengetahui kondisi dan strukturkomonitas padang lamun dan parameter lingkungan di pantai Desa Basaan Satu. Metode yang penulisgunakan yaitu metode transek kuadrat. Metode ini biasanya di pakai untuk mengamati strukturkomunitas padang lamun menggunakan line transek 50 m dan kuadrat 50×50 cm². Spesies lamun yangteridentifikasi di perairan pantai Desa Basaan Satu Kecamatan Ratatotok Kabupaten MinahasaTenggara, yaitu sebanyak 5 spesies diantaranya sebagai berikut Syringodium isoetifolium, Thalassiahemprichii, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pinifolia, Enhalus acoroides dan cymodocea rotundata.Tutupan lamun per jenis didominasi oleh spesies Syringodium isoetifolium, kepadatan jenis tertinggipada spesies Syringodium isoetifolium, Indeks nilai penting lamun tertinggi terdapat pada spesiesThalassia hemprichii dengan nilai sebesar 102,26%, nilai indeks keanekaragaman yaitu 0,93 yangtergolong sedang, dan nilai indeks dominasi yaitu sebesar 0,53. kategori rendah. Parameter lingkunganperairan padang lamun yang berada di lokasi penelitian memiliki kisaran nilai: suhu 31,47-33,39°C,salinitas 29,08-30,49 ppt, Oksigen terlarut 6,55-9,67, pH 9,23-9,94, kekeruhan 0-2,6, dan substrat yangditemukan pasir, pasir berlumpur, pasir pecahan karang, pecahan karang.Kata Kunci: Kondisi lamun, Struktur Komunitas, Desa Basaan Satu
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