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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Gueule (the word)"


Lee, JaeWon. „The pain and scars of war : World War I and french ‘Gueules cassées(Broken Face)’“. HISTORY JOURNAL 49 (31.08.2023): 41–74.

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Bause, George S. „Wood’s and Guedel’s Legacies Return to the Heartland“. Anesthesiology 134, Nr. 1 (05.11.2020): 11–14.

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Pioneering anesthesiologists Paul Wood, M.D., and Arthur Guedel, M.D., were Hoosiers who migrated from America’s Heartland to opposite coasts. Dr. Wood moved east to New York in 1913; Dr. Guedel, west to California in 1928. By 1962, each pioneer had been honored with a namesake anesthesia museum. Fast-forwarding 55 yr, two young anesthesia historians, California’s Jane Moon, M.D., and Pennsylvania’s Melissa Coleman, M.D., met at the 2017 International Symposium of the History of Anesthesia in Boston. Today, these women are chairs of the Wood Library-Museum’s Archives and Museum Committees, respectively. As the newest authors of “Anesthesiology Reflections,” Drs. Coleman and Moon leave their coastal states semiannually for board meetings at the Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology, returning as legacies of Drs. Wood and Guedel…back to the American Heartland.
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Veniard, Marie. „Lexique et point de vue : l’angle syntagmatique“. Revue Romane / Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures 46, Nr. 2 (31.12.2011): 177–201.

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This article tackles the question of point of view carried by lexicon. Whereas this subject is often considered from a paradigmatic perspective, this article proposes to describe it from a syntagmatic perspective. The word guerre (war) and the three syntagms la guerre (de X) avec Y, la guerre (de X) contre Y or la guerre entre X et Y are described in a press corpus. It appears that these syntagms configure a way of seeing the conflict relation (as reciprocal or not). Whereas at a paradigmatic level, the locutor is often considered as an explanatory factor for point of view, this study of point of view at a syntagmatic level points out different factors regulating occurrences: at a linguistic level, the characteristics of the prepositions, from which depend how far away X is from Y, and at a mixed textual and referential level, the salience of the event.
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Mvogo, Ernest Messina, und Zakaria Beine. „Cameroon in the First World War From the dominant geostrategic challenges to environnemental impact ignored“. Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 10, Nr. 7 (15.07.2022): 1–14.

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La présente étude se propose, à travers une double approche empirico-descriptive et déductive, de montrer que le Cameroun à la fois une « colonie » productrice et consommatrice de la Première Guerre mondiale. À la faveur des enjeux géostratégiques qu’il représentait, ce territoire du Golfe de Guinée fut la matérialisation ostensible de l’exportation de la Grande Guerre européenne en Afrique, depuis les origines jusqu’aux conséquences. Bien plus, cet article aborde un aspect non moins important de cette guerre, mais oublié : son impact environnementale sur le Cameroun. Sur la base de témoignages oraux, du matériel de guerre serait enfoui dans certaines localités ayant fait l’objet de champs de bataille entre les forces alliées et l’armée allemande. Ainsi, cette étude fait – tout en ouvrant des pistes de recherche approfondies – un inventaire non exhaustif des sites susceptibles de subir les effets polluants liés cette guerre au Cameroun.
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Jones-Davies, Margaret. „‘The word of war’ : vers une rhétorique de la guerre“. Actes des congrès de la Société française Shakespeare, Nr. 8 (01.11.1990): 11–24.

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Bernard, Amaury. „When «the strange war» triggers the World War I: cultural images of years 1914-1918 by French veterans - September 1939 to May 1940“. Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature 39, Nr. 1 (16.08.2015): 76.

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Kind-Kovács, Friederike. „The “Other” Child Transports: World War I and the Temporary Displacement of Needy Children from Central Europe“. Revue d’histoire de l’enfance « irrégulière » N° 15, Nr. 1 (01.01.2013): 75–109.

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On a beaucoup écrit sur les transports d’enfants, les fameux « Kindertransport » associés à la période nazie et à la seconde guerre mondiale. Pourtant, on sait peu de choses des déplacements d’enfants durant la première guerre mondiale. Cet article entend combler ce vide historiographique, en faisant l’histoire de ces migrations juvéniles pendant et après la guerre, en Europe centrale. Ce type de migration était originellement prévu pour offrir une aide temporaire, mais il a parfois résulté dans le placement de longue durée à l’étranger. L’objectif premier des associations et des familles était d’améliorer le bien-être physique des enfants, en ignorant largement leur ressenti. L’apparence physique d’un corps d’enfant, la maladie ou la malnutrition était une condition pour être admis au départ. L’iconographie, incluant les dessins, les affiches photographiques et les objets du quotidien, étaient essentiels pour justifier, illustrer et documenter la souffrance enfantine et leur exode. En prêtant une attention particulière aux sources graphiques de cette activité caritative, cet article entend dévoiler le passage des pratiques austro-hongroises de déplacement d’enfants du début du siècle à l’aide humanitaire internationale des lendemains de guerre.
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Sandy, James. „“Stop The War, I Want to Get Out”: DC Comics’ Sgt Rock and Complicating Images of America’s Second World War“. Revue française d’études américaines N° 177, Nr. 4 (23.10.2023): 48–66.

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Cet essai retrace l’évolution de la bande dessinée intitulée Our Army at War publiée par la maison d’édition DC Comics et en particulier la trajectoire de son personnage vedette, Sergeant Rock, depuis son apparition en 1952 jusqu’à sa disparition canonique en 2010. Anthologie phare, Our Army at War a contribué au développement d’un récit et d’une mythologie de la « guerre juste », appliquée à la Seconde Guerre mondiale aux États-Unis, tout en proposant une interprétation plus complexe des dynamiques de la guerre. En effet, un portrait simpliste à la gloire d’une nation toujours victorieuse y est brossé, tout en insérant au récit une réflexion sur des enjeux de société plus larges, ce qui place une telle bande dessinée dans la position particulière d’influencer, de façon non univoque, le mode de remémoration collective de la guerre et les contours de sa mythologie.
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Drsková, Kateřina. „Czech translations of Jean-Arthur Rimbaud's poem the Drunken Boat after the Second World War“. Romanica Olomucensia 29, Nr. 2 (30.12.2017): 203–22.

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Rizoiu, Camelia. „Guerre et Parole dans La Chanson d’Antioche“. Revista Cercurilor studenţeşti ale Departamentului de Limba şi Literatura Franceză, Nr. 9 (November 2020): 5–14.

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La Chanson d’Antioche is an epic poem from the twelfth century which sings the deeds of the European army during the First Crusade, called by Pope Urban II in 1095. In this text, we can see the interaction between the Franks and the Saracens, at a greater scale than anything before, in a new territory, with a new purpose, with an enemy presented in a different, yet more detailed manner. As such, the aim of this article is to present a glimpse of this special character from two points of view, that of the war and that of the word, a character seen by the poet through a mirror, a rather deformed one, which will eventually present the Saracen in a distorted image.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Gueule (the word)"


Novick, Ben. „Conceiving revolution : Irish nationalist propaganda during the First World War /“. Dublin : Four Courts press, 2001.

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Van, Wienen Mark W. „Partisans and poets : the political work of American poetry in the Great War /“. Cambridge [GB] : Cambridge university press, 1997.

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Westerfield, Lillian Leigh. „"This anguish, like a kind of intimate song" : resistance in women's literature of World War II /“. Amsterdam ; New York : Rodopi, 2004.

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BEURIER, Joëlle. „Images, violence et masculinités : les presses illustrées française et allemande en Grande Guerre“. Doctoral thesis, European University Institute, 2007.

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Defence date: 10 December 2007
Examining Board: Prof. Regina Schulte, EUI (Supervisor) ; Prof. Annette Becker, Université de Paris X-Nanterre (External Supervisor) ; Prof. Christian Delporte, Université de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines ; Prof. Heinz-Gerhard Haupt, EUI.
PDF of thesis uploaded from the Library digital archive of EUI PhD theses
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Trémoureux, Carl. „La Première Guerre mondiale, l'artillerie et l'industrialisation de la guerre“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022.

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Avant le déclenchement des affrontements armés, l'Artillerie est équipée en cohérence avec une doctrine inadaptée au regard des conflits récents et des possibilités techniques. Lorsque la guerre courte imaginée se mue en une guerre longue offrant la possibilité d'adapter les armements et nécessitant des consommations massives de projectiles, la gouvernance de la fonction de production entre en crise. Une évolution des schémas mentaux s'impose. L'institution d'un Sous-secrétariat d’État de l'artillerie et des munitions constitue une première manifestation de cette transformation. Albert Thomas adapte la gouvernance de la fonction de production des matériels d'artillerie en mettant en place une programmation des besoins, des fabrications et des facteurs de production, une politique industrielle, ainsi que des instruments de pilotage et de contrôle. Cette nouvelle gouvernance constitue le cœur de l'activité gouvernementale de pilotage de l'économie de guerre, mais cette dernière ne s'y limite pas : elle comprend aussi l'administration de toutes les ressources de la nation, qu'il s'agisse de la main-d'œuvre, des matières premières, de l'énergie, des transports ou des capacités d'innovation. Dans le contexte du parlementarisme de guerre, il est loisible d'affirmer que la concrétisation de l'idée d'une guerre industrielle conduit le pays à se doter peu à peu d'un nouveau régime politico – économique. En contrepoint de cette évolution, les entreprises adaptent leurs modes de fonctionnement pour produire en grandes séries ; les Armées industrialisent leurs fonctions de destruction, de protection, de logistique et de restauration des forces
Before the outbreak of the militarily clash, the Artillery was equipped in accordance with a doctrine ill-suited to recent conflicts and technical possibilities. When the imagined short war turns into a long war offering the possibility of adapting armaments and requiring massive consumption of projectiles, the governance of the production function enters into crisis. A change in mental patterns is needed. The establishment of an Under-Secretary of State for Artillery and Ammunition is a first step in this transformation. Albert Thomas adapts the governance of the production function of artillery equipment by setting up a program of needs, manufacturing and production factors, an industrial policy, as well as steering and control instruments. This new governance constitutes the heart of the governmental activity of steering the war economy, but the latter is not limited to this: it also includes the administration of all the nation's resources, whether labour, raw materials, energy, transportation or innovation capabilities. In the context of wartime parliamentarianism, it can be said that the realization of the idea of an industrial war gradually leads the country to establish a new political and economic regime. In parallel with this evolution, companies are adapting their operating methods to produce in large series; Armies are industrializing their destruction, protection, logistics and force restoration functions
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Reyburn, Karen Ann. „Blurring the boundaries, images of women in Canadian propaganda of World War I“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Prasad, Yuvaraj Deva. „The Indian Muslims and World War I : a phase of disillusionment with British rule, 1914-1918 /“. New Delhi : Janaki Prakashan, 1985.

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King, John. „"Wann hat dieser Scheisskrieg ein Ende ?" : writing and rewriting the First World War /“. Schnellroda : Ed. Antaios, 2003.

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Waquet, Arnaud. „Football en guerre : l’acculturation sportive de la population française pendant la Grande Guerre (1914-1919)“. Thesis, Lyon 1, 2010.

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La Première Guerre mondiale est une période de développement sportif intense qui marque une rupture dans l’histoire culturelle et sportive de la France. La rencontre sur le front Ouest des soldats alliés, porteurs d’une culture sportive moderne, avec la population civile et militaire française, majoritairement éduquée par les méthodes de gymnastique conscriptive, provoque en effet une acculturation sportive qui participe à la modernisation du modèle culturel et sportif français. A travers l’étude du football et à l’aide d’un cadre d’analyse anthropo-historique, l’objet de notre travail doctoral est d’étudier l’impact de l’interpénétration de groupes de cultures différentes dans la transformation du « sport en guerre ». A la suite d’un état des lieux du mouvement sportif français avant-contact, sept études rendent compte du résultats des contacts primaires, symboliques et de l’en-groupe sur l’acculturation sportive des français, à savoir : a) l’analyse de la construction d’un creuset interculturel et sportif dans la France en guerre, b) de la diffusion du football chez les Poilus, c) du développement du football dans les villes de garnisons britanniques, d) de la légitimation et de la médiatisation du football en guerre, e) du renforcement de la dimension internationale du football, f) de la construction de la masculinité sportive en guerre et g) de la ruralisation du football dans la zone des armées. Les résultats ont été obtenus par la consultation de sources très diverses. Les archives militaires britanniques et françaises, complétées par plusieurs carnets personnels de soldats et des historiques régimentaires, constituent le socle de notre étude. Toutefois, suivant le cadre théorique emprunté et pour obtenir des informations plus précises sur le football en guerre, nous avons aussi procédé à la consultation de la presse sportive nationale, de la presse locale de la zone des armées et de la presse de tranchées. Enfin, les fonds d’archives audio-visuels des armées britanniques et françaises ont été consultés afin de donner de la chair à nos propos et vérifier, à travers les photos, les vidéos et les archives sonores, l’engouement sportif de la France en guerre. Pour conclure, notre travail doctoral consacre le football comme un construit de la culture de la Grande Guerre mais également comme le grand vainqueur sportif de la guerre 1914-1918
During the First World War, France knew an intense development of sport who marked a turning point in French sport and cultural history. Indeed, on the Western front, the interpenetration between Allied soldiers, who had a modern sporting culture, and the French civilians and soldiers, educated by patriotic gymnastic, elicited a sporting acculturation and a modernization of the French cultural and sporting model. Through the study of football and using an anthropo-historic analysis framework, this doctoral work focused on the effects of the interpenetration of different cultural groups in the transformation of “sport in war”. After describing the French sporting trend before contact, seven studies showed the results of primary, symbolic and in-group contacts on the French sporting acculturation. We analysed a) the construction of an intercultural and sporting melting pot during war in France, b) the dissemination of football within the Poilus, c) the development of football in British garrison towns, d) the legitimatization and mediatization of football during the war, e) the reinforcement of international dimensions of French football, f) the construction of sporting masculinity during the war, and g) the ruralisation of football in army zones. A wide-range of sources were consulted to obtain the current results. The British and French military archives, several personal notebooks of soldiers, and regimental registers were the basis of our study. Moreover, the national sporting press, the local press of army zones and the press of the trenches were consulted to follow the theoretical framework and to obtain additional information about football during the war. Finally, audio, photo and video recordings of British and French armies were analysed to support our comments and attest the French passion for sport during the war. To conclude, this doctoral thesis defined football as a feature of the culture of the Great War, and the sporting winner of the First World War
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Sigalas, Clément. „La guerre manquée : Représentations de la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le roman français (1945-1960)“. Thesis, Paris 4, 2015.

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Cette thèse porte sur les représentations de la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le roman français, de 1945 à 1960. Elle vise à mettre en lumière un corpus de la « guerre manquée », opposé à la vision épique dominante dans l'après-guerre. Elle analyse dans leurs dimensions esthétiques, éthiques et politiques, une vingtaine de romans dont le point commun est de donner à voir une guerre irréelle ou insaisissable, qui a pu constituer pour bien des Français une expérience commune.La première partie analyse la façon dont s’écrit le combat manqué. Ces romans dessinent l’image d’une guerre à la fois fantomatique et violente : observée à distance, presque toujours médiatisée, dissimulée sous des semblants de paix, mais invariablement destructrice.Les romans mettent également en lumière l’échec de la communauté. Par opposition au récit fondateur et unificateur qu’est l’épopée, ils dénoncent très tôt le mythe d’une France tout entière unie dans la lutte. La deuxième partie montre comment se construit l’image d’une nation déchirée ou passive, dont ils incarnent la mauvaise conscience.On s’intéresse enfin à la « pensée du roman », en montrant comment ce dernier a été le vecteur d’une réflexion spécifique sur la communauté. Contre les positions de la Résistance littéraire, puis de l’existentialisme, il a interrogé le primat du rationnel en l’homme ; contre la vogue du document, il a revendiqué la fiction pourexplorer les zones d’ombre ; contre la demande d’exemplarité, enfin, il a constitué un espace d’investigation autonome, attaché à contester les failles et les limites du discours épique
This thesis deals with the representations of the Second World War found in the French novels published between 1945 and 1960. It aims to shed light on a body of works that depict a “failed war”, unlike the epic vision which prevails in the post-war period. It analyses from an aesthetic, ethical and political perspective twenty novels or so which portray war as an unreal, elusive experience shared by French people.The first part of this work scrutinizes the way writers depict the failure of war. These novels portray the conflict as both spectral and brutal – seen from a distance, almost always mediated, concealed under the appearance of peace, yet unescapably destructive.These novels also throw light on the failure of community. A far cry from the seminal, unifying narrative of the epic, they start attacking the myth of France as unified in the war effort very soon after the end of the conflict.The second part of this thesis looks at the ways they construct the image of a torn or passive nation, as if they were France’s guilty conscience.This study will finally examine the way the novel “thinks”, how it was specifically used to convey a specific reflection on community. Against the discourses of literary Resistance, then Existentialism, it questioned the primacy of rational thinking in men; against the prominence of documents, it embraced fiction as a means to explore dark territories; against the calls for exemplariness, it constituted itself as an autonomous space to investigate the war, as well as to challenge the failures and shortcomings of the epic discourse
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Bücher zum Thema "Gueule (the word)"


Delaporte, Sophie. Les gueules cassées: Les blessés de la face de la Grande Guerre. Paris: Editions Noêsis, 1996.

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Monestier, Martin. Les gueules cassées. [Paris]: Le Cherche Midi, 2009.

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Richard, Guy. La Deuxième Guerre mondiale: La guerre, 1939-1945. Paris: Masson, 1987.

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Malbosc, Guy. Guerre des codes & guerre navale: 1939-1945. Rennes: Marines éditions, 2012.

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Delpech, Thérèse. La guerre parfaite. [Paris]: Flammarion, 1998.

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Julien, Hervier, Poncet François und Mercier Pascal, Hrsg. Journaux de guerre. Paris: Gallimard, 2008.

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Vespignani, Renzo. Tra due guerre. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004.

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Francis, Balace, und Crédit communal de Belgique, Hrsg. Jours de guerre. Bruxelles: Crédit communal, 1990.

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Loustau, Henry-Jean. Flashes de guerre. Paris: Publisud, 1997.

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Jünger, Ernst. Journaux de guerre. [Paris]: Gallimard, 2008.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Gueule (the word)"


Kolias, Taxiarchis G. „The Horse in the Byzantine world“. In Le cheval, animal de guerre et de loisir dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge, 87–97. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2012.

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Young, Robert. „La Guerre De Longue Durée: Some Reflections on French Strategy and Diplomacy in the 1930s“. In General Staffs and Diplomacy Before the Second World War, 41–64. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Conti, Fulvio. „Giuristi ed economisti nella massoneria italiana fra le due guerre“. In Studi e saggi, 141–62. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2020.

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The article focuses its attention on a list of jurists and economists, all university professors, who were active in Italy in the period between the two world wars and were affiliated with Freemasonry. The survey is based on a sample of 27 individuals belonging to the Grand Orient of Italy (16 jurists and 11 economists or statisticians) and using a prosopographic approach reconstructs their scientific and professional activity. The article highlights that many of them had important positions in universities or held political and institutional roles of national importance. The author carries out some reflections on the reasons that led such a large number of teachers to join the Freemasonry and on the influence that through them it could exercise on the political and cultural life of Italy.
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Branach-Kallas, Anna. „Palimpsests of Disaster, Maroonage and the French Republican Discourse in Le Bataillon créole (Guerre de 1914–1918) by Raphaël Confiant“. In Decolonizing the Memory of the First World War, 45–77. London: Routledge, 2024.

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Matulli, Giuseppe. „I cattolici e la politica fra le due guerre. Dalla lotta fra popolarismo e clerico-fascismo alla nascita della Democrazia cristiana“. In Studi e saggi, 1–22. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2020.

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In 1870 Rome was conquered without military resistance by the young Italian State, causing the Pope to react by organizing “the Catholic opposition” to the State (which lasted until 1929); it was modified in 1919 when Don Luigi Sturzo founded the “Italian Popular Party”, which was independent from the Church and immediately antifascist. The Pope exiled Don Sturzo, and the Catholic world split into the anti-fascist Popular Party and a prevailing party of clerical-fascist leaning. With the rise of the fascist dictatorship in 1926 the popular experience came to an end. In the fight for liberation, De Gasperi stands out as a figure who would lead, together with the Christian Democracy, the birth of the new republican democracy.
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Donaghy, Greg. „C’est la Guerre“. In Mike’s World, 88–106. University of British Columbia Press, 2017.

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Carlton, Sally. „La grande guerre“. In Writing the First World War after 1918, 70–83. Routledge, 2018.

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James, Kevin. „The British Hotel in the First World War“. In Tourisme et Grande Guerre, 171–82. Éditions Codex, 2019.

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Durie, Alastair J. „Tourism in Scotland during the First World War“. In Tourisme et Grande Guerre, 31–40. Éditions Codex, 2019.

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Gregor, Simon. „Battlefields and cemeteries : the changing face of First World War battlefield tourism 1914-1929“. In Tourisme et Grande Guerre, 283–96. Éditions Codex, 2019.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Gueule (the word)"


Zammit, Sarah-Jane. „Notre-Dame as the Memory of Paris: Hugo, the Historical Novel and Conservation“. In The 39th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand. PLACE NAME: SAHANZ, 2023.

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Controversies surrounding the restoration and representation of the narrative and memory of Notre-Dame de Paris are not new. The latest debates remind us that the building has been at the centre of conservation controversies since the nineteenth century. But why is Notre-Dame de Paris central to these debates? The answer appears to lie in its function as a mnemonic device for Paris and the French nation. This paper focuses on the four literary pieces published by Victor Hugo in the period between 1823 and 1832 – ‘Le Bande Noir’ (‘The Black Band’), ‘Note sur la Destruction des Monuments en France’ (‘Note on the Destruction of Monuments in France’), ‘Guerre aux Démolisseurs!’ (‘War on the Demolishers!’) and Notre-Dame de Paris (also known as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame). Through an analysis of these four texts, the paper will attempt to understand Hugo’s convictions about the role of buildings – especially Notre-Dame de Paris – in establishing the memory of the city and the nation, and how these in turn underpinned his arguments for conservation. Whilst these texts were all written in a period before the development of key contemporary concepts in the psychology and neuroscience of memory, this paper nevertheless uses the concepts of memory, imagination and Mental Time Travel to try to understand the kind of memory work that the Cathedral performs, and that Hugo suggests it performs in his writing. By examining how Hugo’s literature augmented and engaged the reader’s memory and imagination of the past, this paper will explain how Hugo romanticised the idea that the building was a witness to history. The paper ultimately argues that Hugo positioned Notre-Dame de Paris not only as the centrepiece in his own fiction, but as a beacon of memory for Paris and France, and as such the building came to represent Paris, and indeed the nation as a whole.
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P., BASTIAENSEN. Triage in the trenches, for the love of animals : a tribute to veterinarians in the First World War. O.I.E (World Organisation for Animal Health), Oktober 2018.

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On the occasion of the centenary of the First World War, remembered across the world from 2014 until the end of 2018, many aspects and experiences of this global conflict have been re-examined or brought to light for the first time, as we honour the memory of those estimated 16 million soldiers and civilians who perished in what was then known as the ‘Great War’, or the ‘War to End All Wars’. So many of these died on the infamous fields of Flanders, where Allied and Central Forces dug themselves into trenches for the better part of four years. Over the past few years, new research has brought to light many insights into the plight of animals in this War, which – for the younger readers amongst you – was fought at the dawn of motorised warfare, using anything powered by two or four feet or paws, from the homing pigeons delivering secret messages across enemy lines, to the traction provided by oxen and mules to pull cannons and other heavy artillery, to the horses of the cavalry. Not least among these roles was the supply of animal protein to the troops, whether this came through the specific designation of animals for this purpose or as the result of a failed attempt at delivering any of the above services. Several leading publications today have documented the role (and suffering) of animals in ‘La Grande Guerre’. Less so the role of veterinarians in the ‘War to End All Wars’. Who were they? How many? How were they organised? What did they do, on either side of the enemy lines? The present article is a humble attempt to shed some light on these veterinary colleagues, based on available, mostly grey, literature…
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