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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Güell family"


Miquel, Mónica Piera. „Furniture from Antoni Gaudi’s Guell Palace and its Connection with the Design“. Res Mobilis 10, Nr. 13-1 (15.04.2021): 189–217.

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This paper offers new data on the furniture designed by Antoni Gaudí for the Güell palace in Barcelona (start in 1886) some integrated into the architecture and others exempt. The studdy offers new data about the furniture as well as an analysis of the connections between the decoration and the rest of the furniture, part of which came from the previous residence of the family. The relationships are shown in materials, forms and iconography. We discovered the architect’s interest in gilding, fabrics and trimmings. The focus of the study have been the furniture survived, the photos and the descriptions of the palace when the family Güell López lived there, since there is little proof in the practically empty building.
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Donchuk, T. V., und E. V. Polyakov. „BIONIC ASPECTS IN CREATIVITY OF ANTONIO GAUDI“. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta. JOURNAL of Construction and Architecture, Nr. 2 (26.04.2018): 9–30.

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The article is devoted to the creativity of the prominent Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi y Cornet (1852–1926). The individual stories of his life largely determined his choice of future profession. The main stages are described for his professional education at the University and the Higher School of Architecture in Barcelona. Shown are his stylistic preferences in the world architecture and design, the specific features of his construction activities. Only the two most famous projects by Antonio Gaudi y Cornet on the urban development are considered. Their design is performed in the Catalanian art Nouveau (Modernisme) in combination with elements of bionic architecture. Among them is the Park Güell in Barcelona (1900–1914) and Colonia Güell Crypt, Santa Coloma de Cervelló (1898–1917.). The latter playes the role of scientific and experimental laboratory, in which Antonio Gaudi y Cornet searched for the original bionic forms and made constructive decisions, including the Cathedral of the Holy Family in Barcelona, which was his career.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Güell family"


Daurel-Güell, Marie. „Le destin d'une lignée catalane illustre : Juan Güell y Ferrer, et sa famille“. Toulouse 2, 1997.

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Juan Güell y Ferrer a été un des pionniers de l'industrie textile catalane, au XIXème siècle. Fils d'un marchand de tissus, et petit-fils et arrière-petit-fils de paysans, journaliers puis exploitants d'un mas, du côté paternel, Juan Güell y Ferrer est né à Torredembarra (Tarragone), ville côtière proche de la capitale de cette province, le 3 mars 1800. La définition du berceau de la famille de Juan Güell y Ferrer a provoqué des contestations de la part de chercheurs, 250 ans après le mariage des arrières-grands-parents de Juan, quelqu'un doutant de l'authenticité des écrits du registre des mariages de Torredembarra de 1731. La vie publique de Juan Güell y Ferrer ayant été commentée par d'éminents auteurs, historiens, économistes, sociologues, le contenu de ce travail est tourné vers l'homme privé, afin de connaître ses ascendants et descendants. En premier lieu, cette étude a été orientée vers ses arrières-grands-parents originaires, d'une part, d'Alcover (Tarragone), ville de l'intérieur proche de la capitale de la province, et d'autre part, ceux de Torredembarra ; dans le but de savoir quels Güell étaient parents de Juan Güell y Ferrer, toutes les familles portant ce patronyme et ayant vécu dans les deux villes sus-nommées à partir de 1550 ont été "décortiquées", leurs généalogies, (cf. En annexes), étant un condensé de ces recherches. En second lieu, cette étude a examiné la descendance de Juan Güell y Ferrer jusqu'à ses arrières-petits-enfants, qui naissent à Barcelone au début du XXème siecle, Barcelone où Juan avait élu résidence et s'était marié, deux fois, a son retour des Caraïbes vers 1840
Juan Güell y Ferrer was one of the pioneers of the catalan textile industry in the 19th century. On his father's side, son of a fabric merchant and grandson and great-grandson of peasants, working first as labourers and later as farmers, Juan Güell y Ferrer was born in torredembarra (tarragon), a coastal town near the capital of this province on march 3rd, 1800. The definition of Juan Güell y Ferrer's family origins has been the object of much controversy among researchers. 250 years after the marriage of juan's great- grandparents, an individual questioned the authenticity of the entries in the 1731 torredembarra marriage registry. As the public life of Juan Güell y Ferrer has been documented by numerous authors, historians, economists, and sociologists, the object of this work is to focus on the private man in order to determine his predecessors and descendants. This study is first oriented toward his great-grandparents, natives on one side from alcover (tarragon), an interior town near the capital of the province, and on the other side from torredembarra. In order to determine which guells were related to Juan Güell y Ferrer all families bearing this patronymic and having lived in the above mentioned towns from 1550 on have been broken down and their genealogies (ref. Appendix) represent a digest of this research. Next, this study examines the descendants of Juan Güell y Ferrer down to his great-grandchildren who were born in barcelona at the beginning of the 20th century, and where juan had chosen to reside and was twice married after his return from the caribbean around 1840
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Bücher zum Thema "Güell family"


Sons d'una nissaga: La música dels Güell = Sonidos de una estirpe : la música de los Güell = Sounds of a lineage : the music of the Güell family. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona, 2019.

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Els Güell: La historia d’una de les famílies més influents a Catalunya els últims dos segles. Edicions 62, 2016.

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Els Güell: La història d'una de les families més influents a Catalunya els últims dos segles. labutxaca, 2017.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Güell family"


Barnolas Soteras, Anaïs. „Creando resiliencia en la comunidad a través de las plataformas digitales. El caso del Palacio Güell durante la pandemia“. In Congreso CIMED - I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Estrategias Digitales. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021.

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El Palacio Güell, edificio construido por Antoni Gaudí se vio obligado a trasladar sus actividades al formato digital durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Uno de los proyectos que el equipamiento, ubicado en el barrio del Raval de Barcelona, llevo a cabo fueron las videoconferencias, especialmente dirigidas a los usuarios de los centros de la tercera edad del entorno. El objetivo es el de mejorar el bienestar emocional de las personas mayores, una de los colectivos más afectados por el confinamiento. La actividad consiste en descubrir el edificio a través de una visita virtual guiada y con el soporte de fotografías antiguas de la familia Güell y del servicio. La visita está planteada para que sea entretenida y didáctica. Por eso, se ha potenciado la explicación de la vida cotidiana del espacio, así como las anécdotas relacionadas con las personas que vivieron o trabajaron en él. Esta actividad tiene el objetivo de garantizar la accesibilidad del equipamiento y ha permitido recuperar el vínculo con el público de gente mayor que no podía visitar el edificio físicamente.
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