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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Greta Britain"


Macnicol, John. „Greta Jones, Social Hygiene in Twentieth Century Britain, Croom Helm, London, 1986. 180 pp. £25.00.“ Journal of Social Policy 16, Nr. 4 (Oktober 1987): 578–80.

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Ellis, Joyce, John Walton und Bill Luckin. „Greta Jones, Social Hygiene in Twentieth Century Britain. London: Croom Helm, 1986. 180 pp. Bibliography. £25.00.“ Urban History 14 (Mai 1987): 190–91.

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Benke, Jr., Ralph L., und Joseph E. Hollis. „Computer Needs In The Modern Academic Environment“. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR) 2, Nr. 2 (02.11.2011): 19.

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The industrial revolution, which began in Greta Britain around 1760, changed business as radically as Louis Pasteurs proof of the germ theory of disease changed medicine. The industrial revolution caused the transition from manual to machine techniques of production that resulted in the domestic system of production giving way to the factory system.Over two hundred years after the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, another upheaval is being visited on business. The Information Revolution spearheaded by the development of computers, is changing the way we do business, the way we educate business students, and even the way we think about business. Business faculty that are not up to date on computers or are not keeping their students up to date, are going to find that they and their students will be at a competitive disadvantage.
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Pickard, Sarah, Benjamin Bowman und Dena Arya. „“We Are Radical In Our Kindness”: The Political Socialisation, Motivations, Demands and Protest Actions of Young Environmental Activists in Britain“. Youth and Globalization 2, Nr. 2 (31.12.2020): 251–80.

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Abstract The year 2018 was a watershed in environmental activism, especially regarding young activists. Greta Thunberg started her School Strikes for Climate and the environmental movement Extinction Rebellion was founded. This article deals with young people’s involvement in these two global movements. It draws on 60 semi-structured interviews carried out with young environmental activists before, during and after protest actions under the auspices of the climate strikes and/or Extinction Rebellion in five British locations. The period of the political socialisation of this young generation is outlined and how it contributes to young people becoming environmental activists. The article then identifies the “radical” demands made by young environmental activists and their “radical” repertoire of contention in relation to their perceptions of the “radical” compared to hegemonic definitions. The interviews show that these young environmentalists are part of a generation of activists committed to obtaining significant change from powerholders through the use of deliberately non-violent direct action that challenges academic perceptions of radical repertoires of contention.
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Chibani, Daniel. „Great Britain’s Ulterior Motives in Abolishing Ottoman Slavery“. General: Brock University Undergraduate Journal of History 7 (11.04.2022): 35–46.

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This essay seeks to provide an alternative perspective of Great Britain’s involvement in the abolition of the Ottoman slave trade during the 19th and 20th centuries. Contemporary scholars often cite Britain’s involvement in the abolition of Ottoman slavery as a means of establishing moral superiority on the world stage. While there is some validity to this, a critical analysis of Britain’s motives towards abolishing the Ottoman slave trade reveals Britain’s vast economic, political, and territorial interests obtained from Ottoman abolition. Britain conquered vast regions in East and North Africa such as Egypt and Sudan which justified these conquests as necessary in the fight against slavery while simultaneously profiting from these regions through colonization and legitimate trade. Not only would Britain hinder the Ottoman slave trade through such territorial acquisitions, but they would simultaneously control and monitor strategic economic zones such as the Red Sea, Tunisia, the Persian Gulf, and the Gulf of Aden. While Britain is often portrayed as the morally superior emancipator and the Ottomans as the inferior enslavers, Britain’s facade of moral superiority is tainted when considering their ulterior motives.
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Daga, Sneha. „Standing up for a Healthier Future for the Next Generation“. Sushruta Journal of Health Policy & Opinion 15, Nr. 2 (09.03.2023): 1–6.

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Food poverty is a real issue in the modern United Kingdom and one that adversely affects children leading to a long-lasting impact on their future health. This has been further complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic,[1] the economic recession and the cost-of-living crisis. Increasing numbers of families are struggling to pay their bills whilst being forced to choose between buying essential food for their children. Many children are going hungry in schools with inadequate provisions for free meals. The concept of eating healthily is understandably low in priority, and healthy, affordable food is scarce. There is the additional element of the impact of an unequal society and inherent biases, which affects families and children from marginalised communities far more. What is our role as young people growing up in modern, multi-cultural Britain? What meaningful contribution can we make to achieving a fair and just society, that we read about in our school lessons? This opinion piece will explore some of the ways we as young people, can make a difference in our own communities and neighbourhoods. There are lessons to be learnt from such role models as young activists such as Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg and Licypriya Kangujam.
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Rodríguez González, Gilberto. „Gestión del patrimonio arqueológico en Gran Bretaña“. SPAL. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla, Nr. 5 (1996): 9–18.

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Slinger, Michael J. „Great Britain and the Confederacy“. British Journal of American Legal Studies 12, Nr. 2 (01.09.2023): 357–76.

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Abstract This essay describes the efforts of the Confederate States of America to convince Great Britain to support its secession from the United States. Although the South's leaders were confident that Britain's need for cotton would lead it to become an ally, numerous factors—including the British public's aversion to slavery—contributed to the country remaining neutral.
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Gao, Jie. „Compromise and Defence: Great Britain and the Burma Road Crisis“. China and Asia 3, Nr. 1 (29.09.2021): 5–34.

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Abstract China and Britain both found themselves in extremely precarious situations by the early summer of 1940, when Japan demanded that Britain close the Burma Road, a vital overland supply route for Chinese forces fighting against Japanese aggression. The British had just seen all of their continental European allies fall like dominoes to Hitler’s forces over the span of a few weeks, while China was fighting a losing defensive war against Japan with minimal outside support. China desperately needed to maintain its overland supply line to the British Empire, the Burma Road, but Britain feared that the very existence of this conduit of war materiel would provoke a Japanese attack on vulnerable British colonies in the Far East. American policy on Japanese aggression was ambiguous at this point and neither Britain nor China could realistically expect help from Washington in the short term. As a result, Britain signed a one-sided confidential memorandum to close the Burma Road to buy time and shore up its East Asian position to the extent that it was able. This deal, a lesser-studied counterpart to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement policy in Europe, compromised the Chinese war effort against Japan, paved the way for the Japanese conquest of Southeast Asia, and ultimately failed to prevent Britain’s defeat in East Asia. Recognizing that this temporary concession would not moderate Japanese behavior, Britain reopened the Burma Road three months later. This paper examines the vital role of the Burma Road in the Chinese war effort in 1940 and why Japan demanded that London close it, then explores the factors that led to Britain’s unavoidable capitulation on the issue and subsequent reversal three months later, along with the consequences for the Allied war effort in the Far East.
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Valdés, Juan Núñez. „WOMEN IN THE EARLY DAYS OF PHARMACY IN GREAT BRITAIN“. International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research And Studies 04, Nr. 12 (01.10.2018): 102–7.

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This paper deals with the beginnings and historical evolution of Pharmacy studies in Great Britain and on the role played by the first women who practiced the profession there, The circumstances of that time, which made very difficult for a woman to work in that area, the biography of the first English woman licensed in Pharmacy, Fanny Deacon, and the biographies of the women who followed her as graduates in Pharmacy in Great Britain are commented, detailing not only their personal data but also the impact they had on the evolution and development of Pharmacy studies in their country. These women were Alice Vickery, Isabella Skinner Clarke, Margaret Elizabeth Buchanan, Rose Coombes Minshull and Agnes Thompson Borrowman.The main objective of the paper is to reveal the figures of these first women in Pharmacy in Great Britain to society, To do this, the methodology used has been the usual in researches of this type: search of data on these women in bibliographical and computer sources, as well as in historic archives. As the main results, the biographies of these pioneers pharmacist women mentioned above have been elaborated
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Greta Britain"


Slade, R. D. „Faith and peacebuilding in UK community cohesion since 2001“. Thesis, Coventry University, 2012.

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The focus of this study is faith and peacebuilding in UK community cohesion since 2001. The central feature is a presentation of action research findings set in a collaborative relationship between the researcher and an inter-faith community dialogue project established to address divisive right wing extremism in the fieldwork locality of South Yorkshire. A decade of New Labour governance has seen community cohesion policy evolve from initial concerns regarding urban unrest to mainstream strategies targeted on violent religious extremism. Dialogue between ethnically diverse and white mono-cultural communities has been seen as the best way of helping people to get on better with each other. However community cohesion policy can be criticised for a significant failure to address issues of inequality and exclusion that are relevant to inter-community tensions. Since 2001, faith has been an increasingly prominent, albeit ambivalent, presence in UK society. Protagonists, arguing faith should have little or no role in public life, contest bitter disputes with those who perceive that an encroaching tide of secularism is attacking their faith beliefs and identity. Against this background right wing extremists have made astute use of faith identity, embedding their presence in some communities by utilising extremist discourses of Islamophobia that frame Muslims as a threat to the indigenous culture and resources of white communities. However some writers have identified the positive contribution that faith can make to public life. A commitment to social justice and addressing exclusion are examples of the resources faith can bring to addressing societal issues. Peacebuilding methodologies are similarly concerned with such issues. Processes for addressing protracted4 social conflict provide a framework within which faith and secular perspectives can cooperate to address these complex issues. The study’s action research found a strong relationship in the field work locality between electoral support of the extreme right wing BNP party and high levels of deprivation in white mono-cultural communities. Anger and resentment arising from industrial conflict and decline, and perceptions of being ignored by mainstream political parties, have been exploited by the BNP, opening a portal to hostile discourses of racism and Islamophobia. However the study’s research found that faith and faith values can bring rich and positive resources to inter-faith activity that aims to challenge divisive extremism that targets ethnic minority communities in general and Muslims in particular. In such circumstances it is usual practice to reduce hostile perceptions by arranging programmes of community interaction. However this study found that in communities where this strategy is not feasible, implementation of an intra-community dialogue framework may be effective in reducing hostile prejudice and stereotyping on which extremism feeds.
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Wong, Wendy H. W. „Paul Wittgenstein in Great Britain“. Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2016.

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Most of the existing research on Paul Wittgenstein (1887–1961) focuses on his performing career in central Europe as a left-hand pianist and his commissions from the most prominent composers of the 20th century such as Richard Strauss and Maurice Ravel, and his favourite composer, Franz Schmidt. His British performing career and the compositions Ernest Walker, Norman Demuth and Benjamin Britten composed for and dedicated to him, however, remain relatively unexplored. By examining a variety of primary sources that are disclosed here for the first time, this thesis offers the first scholarly research into Wittgenstein’s performing activities in Great Britain in the 1920s–50s and his British commissions in order to fill a major research gap in Wittgenstein studies. Chapter 1 explores Wittgenstein’s self-recognition as a member of the Viennese aristocracy and the shaping of his musical identity, conception and taste, followed by an overview of the related primary sources that are currently located in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, a detailed summary of his performing activities in Great Britain and a discussion of the British reception of him as a left-hand pianist. Chapter 2 focuses on Walker and the three compositions he wrote for piano left-hand, two of which he composed before meeting Wittgenstein and one after, and the pianist’s attitude towards them. Chapter 3 brings to light the much-neglected composer Demuth and the two works he composed for Wittgenstein and discusses possible reasons why the pianist never performed them. Chapter 4 examines Wittgenstein’s first and only official British commission, the Diversions, Op. 21 by Britten, and investigates the interaction between composer and pianist in the compositional process and their differing conceptions of the work.
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Finck, William Macy Ekelund Robert B. „English Seventeenth century colonial expansion as a form of rent-seeking“. Auburn, Ala., 2007.

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Dickson, Anne E. (Anne Elizabeth). „Judicial control of arbitration - Great Britain“. Thesis, McGill University, 1993. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=57006.

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This thesis examines the role of judicial control of arbitration with specific reference to the differing positions adopted in England and Scotland.
Chapter I examines the historical patterns in each of these jurisdictions in relation to judicial review of arbitration, concluding that current differences are largely due to divergent economic and social conditions persisting over a substantial period of time.
Chapter II outlines the thinking behind the UNCITRAL Model Law on International and Commercial Arbitration, contrasting the theories which attract support in other States with those in favour in England and Scotland.
Chapter III examines the conclusions of the Mustill and Dervaird Committees which considered implementation of the UNCITRAL Model Law in England and Scotland respectively. It is concluded that the historical factors outlined in Chapter I continue to play an influential role, leading to the rejection of the Model Law in England and its implementation in Scotland.
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Edwards, Steven. „Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in Great Britain“. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1989.

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Wilson, Oneta M. „The natural zeolites of Great Britain“. Thesis, University of Salford, 1994.

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Whelan, Gerard Andrew. „Modelling car ownership in Great Britain“. Thesis, University of Leeds, 2003.

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Draeger, Peter Hermann Heinz. „Great Britain and Hanover, 1830-66“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1998.

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Hoel, Helge. „Bullying at work in Great Britain“. Thesis, University of Manchester, 2002.

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Coulson, Sheila. „Middle Palaeolithic industries of Great Britain /“. Bonn : Holos, 1990.

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Bücher zum Thema "Greta Britain"


Sproule, Anna. Great Britain. 2. Aufl. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Silver Burdett Press, 1991.

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Tarchetti, Simona. Great Britain. Twickenham: Tiger Books International, 1993.

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Sheila, Tames, Hrsg. Great Britain. London: Franklin Watts, 2007.

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Philip, Steele. Great Britain. New York: Crestwood House, 1994.

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David, Else, Hrsg. Great Britain. Footscray, Vic: Lonely Planet, 2007.

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Oliver, Clare. Great Britain. Mankato, Minn: Sea-to-Sea Publications, 2009.

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Paul, Murphy. Great Britain. London: Michelin Apa Pub., 2012.

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Koumis, Matthew, 1964 Mar. 27-, Hrsg. Great Britain. Brighton, Eng: Telos Art, 1996.

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Richard, Tames. Great Britain. New York: F. Watts, 1995.

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Sproule, Anna. Great Britain. New York: Bookwright Press, 1988.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Greta Britain"


Mays, Wolfe, Joanna Hodge und Ulrich Haase. „Great Britain“. In Contributions to Phenomenology, 281–84. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1997.

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French, Nick, und Scarlett Palmer. „Great Britain“. In Real Estate Education Throughout the World: Past, Present and Future, 149–64. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002.

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Simpson, John. „Great Britain“. In A Survey of European Nuclear Policy, 1985–87, 131–46. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1989.

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Wood, Charlie, Charles Drayson, Jane Dye, Jill Thomasin, Phil McDonell, Matthew Dillon, Laurence Kaye et al. „Great Britain“. In E-Commerce Law in Europe and the USA, 239–306. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

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Griffiths, Mark. „Great Britain“. In Problem Gambling in Europe, 103–21. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2008.

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Brewer, John D., Adrian Guelke, Ian Hume, Edward Moxon-Browne und Rick Wilford. „Great Britain“. In The Police, Public Order and the State, 6–46. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Farrington, David P., David Utting und Nick Axford. „Great Britain“. In Delinquency and Substance Use in Europe, 21–39. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Nelson, Elizabeth. „Great Britain“. In Telephone Surveys in Europe, 47–57. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Edwards, Paul, und Carol Wolkowitz. „Great Britain“. In Worlds of Work, 253–73. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002.

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Roberts, B. C. „Great Britain“. In Industrial Relations in Europe, 100–136. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Greta Britain"


Bates, W. F. „Electrical incidents in Great Britain“. In IEE Colloquium Towards Safer Electrical Installations - Learning the Lessons. IEE, 1999.

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Bates, W. F. „Electrical incidents in Great Britain“. In IEE Colloquium on Towards Safer Electrical Installations - Learning the Lessons. IEE, 1998.

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Palmer, Rendel. „History of Coastal Engineering in Great Britain“. In 25th International Coastal Engineering Conference. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996.

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Pronina, N. I. „Development of legal terminology in Great Britain“. In ГУМАНІТАРНИЙ І ІННОВАЦІЙНИЙ РАКУРС ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ МАЙСТЕРНОСТІ: ПОШУКИ МОЛОДИХ ВЧЕНИХ. Liha-Pres, 2023.

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Qu, Y., B. Dodov, V. Jain und T. Hautaniemi. „An inland flood loss estimation model for Great Britain“. In BHS 3rd International Conference. British Hydrological Society, 2010.

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Lasitsa, Lubov. „Stereotypes Of Russian Students About Great Britain And France“. In Philological Readings. European Publisher, 2020.

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Hansell, Anna, Rebecca Ghosh, Ioannis Bakolis und David Strachan. „Geographical variation in the respiratory health of Great Britain“. In ERS International Congress 2016 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2016.

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Shamanaev, Vitalii S., Grigorii P. Kokhanenko, Ivan E. Penner, Geoff D. Ludbrook und Andrew M. Scott. „Lidar sensing of the North Sea near Great Britain“. In AeroSense '99, herausgegeben von Gary W. Kamerman und Christian Werner. SPIE, 1999.

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Wang, Zhimin, und Furong Li. „Developing trend of domestic electricity tariffs in Great Britain“. In 2011 2nd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on "Innovative Smart Grid Technologies" (ISGT Europe). IEEE, 2011.

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Tymenko, M. „Competencies and skills in modern education of Great Britain“. In Pedagogical comparative studies and international education – 2020: a globalized space of innovation. NAES of Ukraine; Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine, 2020.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Greta Britain"


Le Fevre, Chris. Gas Storage in Great Britain. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Januar 2013.

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Zhytaryuk, Maryan. UKRAINIAN JOURNALISM IN GREAT BRITAIN. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, März 2021.

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Professor M. Zhytaryuk’s review is about a book scientific novelty – a monograph by Professor M. Tymoshyk «Ukrainian journalism in the diaspora: Great Britain. Monograph. K.: Our culture and science, 2020. 500 p. – il., Them. pok., resume English, German, Polish.». Well-known scientist and journalism critic, Professor M. S. Tymoshyk, wrote a thorough work, which, in terms of content, is a combination of a monograph, a textbook and a scientific essay. This book can be useful for both students and practicing journalists or anyone interested in the history of the Ukrainian diaspora, Ukrainian journalism and Ukrainian culture. The author dedicated his work to Stepan Yarmus from Winnipeg, Canada – archpriest, journalist, editor, professor. As the epigraph to the book were taken the words of Ivan Bagryany: «Our press, born under the sword of Damocles of repatriation», not only survived and survived to this day, but also showed a brilliant ability to grow and develop. It was shown that beggars that had come to the West without money at heart can and know how to act so organized. It was also an example of how a modern «enbolshevist» and «denationalized» by the occupier man person is capable of a combined mass action».
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Wentworth, Jonathan. Plant biosecurity in Great Britain. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, Juni 2023.

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Zabel, Cordula. Employment experience and first birth in Great Britain. Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, August 2006.

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Shaw, Richard. Demonstrating the Cost of Invasive Species to Great Britain. Wallingford: CABI, 2014.

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Goodman, Alissa, und Andrew Shephard. Inequality and living standards in Great Britain: some facts. Institute for Fiscal Studies, Dezember 2002.

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Aassve, Arnstein, Simon Burgess, Carol Propper und Matt Dickson. Employment, family union, and childbearing decisions in Great Britain. Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Juli 2003.

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Hudson, Andrew, Andy Axon, Amelia Stoneley, Catherine Kane, Emma French Lauren Adams, Lucy Smythe und Pamela Iheozor-Ejiofo. Honey Risk Profile. Food Standards Agency, Juli 2024.

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Zabel, Cordula. Eligibility for materniy leave and first birth timing in Great Britain. Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Februar 2007.

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Stark, Sasha, Heather Wardle und Isabel Burdett. Examining lottery play and risk among young people in Great Britain. GREO, April 2021.

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Purpose & Significance: Despite the popularity of lottery and scratchcards and some evidence of gambling problems among players, limited research focuses on the risks of lottery and scratchcard play and predictors of problems, especially among young people. The purpose of this project is to examine whether lottery and scratchcard participation is related to gambling problems among 16-24 year olds in Great Britain and whether general and mental health and gambling behaviours explain this relationship. Methodology: Samples of 16-24 year olds were pooled from the 2012, 2015, and 2016 Gambling in England and Scotland: Combined Data from the Health Survey for England and the Scottish Health Survey (n=3,454). Bivariate analyses and Firth method logistic regression were used to examine the relationship between past-year lottery and scratchcard participation and gambling problems, assessing the attenuating role of mental wellbeing, mental health disorders, self-assessed general health, and playing other games in past year. Results: There is a significant association between scratchcard play and gambling problems. The association somewhat attenuated but remained significant after taking into account wellbeing, mental health disorders, general health, and engagement in other gambling activities. Findings also show that gambling problems are further predicted by age (20-24 years), gender (male), lower wellbeing, and playing any other gambling games. Implications: Results are valuable for informing youth-focused education, decisions around the legal age for National Lottery products, and the development of safer gambling initiatives for high risk groups and behaviours, such as scratchcard play.
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