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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Gracw after meals"


Weinfeld, Moshe. „Grace after Meals in Qumran“. Journal of Biblical Literature 111, Nr. 3 (1992): 427.

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Kimelman, Reuven. „A Note on Weinfeld's "Grace after Meals in Qumran"“. Journal of Biblical Literature 112, Nr. 4 (1993): 695.

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Inzhumarzhan, Erlankyzy, und Oksana A. Khrushcheva. „SYNTACTICAL MEANS OF EXPRESSING EMOTIONS IN BERNARD MACLAVERTY’S NOVEL GRACE NOTES“. Sovremennye issledovaniya sotsialnykh problem 14, Nr. 2 (22.09.2022): 116–25.

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The paper presents the results of the analysis of B. McLaverty’s novel Grace Notes, in particular, those text fragments that reflect the emotions of the main character. The authors focus on the study of syntactic means of expressing the emotional state of the character. Background. The range of emotions experienced by the heroine is shown by the writer with unique depth and with the help of a variety of expressive means. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the predominant number of language means are syntactic. Purpose. The purpose of this work is to identify and consider the syntactic means of expressing Catherine McKenna’s emotions, as well as to analyze them. Materials and methods. The material of the survey is found in the works of linguists on style and the category of emotiveness. When analyzing the material, the method of content analysis was used. Results. In the course of the study, we identified and analyzed 24 examples from the text of B. McLaverty’s novel Grace Notes, that is, 24 cases of using the syntactic means of expressing the emotions of the main character. The results of the study showed that out of the total number of examples, 11 express the emotion of grief, 5 express sadness, 4 – interest, 2 syntactic means express a sense of satisfaction, 1 – a feeling of surprise. Thanks to the identification of the syntactic means used by the author, we can trace the change in the emotional state of the main character of the novel, her recovery after the loss of a person close to her, namely the following range of emotions: grief, sadness, interest, satisfaction, surprise. Practical implications. The study of the syntactic means of expressing emotions used in the novel can serve as a source for further work in a similar aspect by other researchers and might improve the quality of the analysis of means at all language levels.
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Barthel, Petra, Alexander Müller, Daniel Sinnecker, Michael Dommasch, Marek Malik und Georg Schmidt. „PREDICTION OF LATE MORTALITY AFTER MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION BY MEANS OF THE GRACE SCORE IN CONTEMPORARILY TREATED PATIENTS“. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 63, Nr. 12 (April 2014): A52.

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Dahle, Christoph, Michael Murböck, Frank Flechtner, Henryk Dobslaw, Grzegorz Michalak, Karl Neumayer, Oleh Abrykosov et al. „The GFZ GRACE RL06 Monthly Gravity Field Time Series: Processing Details and Quality Assessment“. Remote Sensing 11, Nr. 18 (11.09.2019): 2116.

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Time-variable gravity field models derived from observations of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission, whose science operations phase ended in June 2017 after more than 15 years, enabled a multitude of studies of Earth’s surface mass transport processes and climate change. The German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), routinely processing such monthly gravity fields as part of the GRACE Science Data System, has reprocessed the complete GRACE mission and released an improved GFZ GRACE RL06 monthly gravity field time series. This study provides an insight into the processing strategy of GFZ RL06 which has been considerably changed with respect to previous GFZ GRACE releases, and modifications relative to the precursor GFZ RL05a are described. The quality of the RL06 gravity field models is analyzed and discussed both in the spectral and spatial domain in comparison to the RL05a time series. All results indicate significant improvements of about 40% in terms of reduced noise. It is also shown that the GFZ RL06 time series is a step forward in terms of consistency, and that errors of the gravity field coefficients are more realistic. These findings are confirmed as well by independent validation of the monthly GRACE models, as done in this work by means of ocean bottom pressure in situ observations and orbit tests with the GOCE satellite. Thus, the GFZ GRACE RL06 time series allows for a better quantification of mass changes in the Earth system.
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Kashchuk, Oleksandr. „Droga doskonalenia chrześcijańskiego w nauczaniu Grzegorza Wielkiego“. Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny 61, Nr. 2 (30.06.2008): 143.

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The main purpose of the article is to look at the doctrine of Gregory the Great and explore his teaching on the means, through which a Christian can advance spiritually, i.e. achieve a spiritual unity with God. According to the teaching of Gregory the Great, a hu- man being in his/her nature constantly pursues God. To realize human natural longing, the human needs the assistance of God’s grace. The human should consent to the cooperation with God’s grace. First of all, one should discover and wake up in one’s self the longing for God, which is the force d’être of every spiritual development. This longing for God is a state of the introductory unity with God. To improve and solidify this longing human’s should purify it from the earthly devotion, then spiritually improve one’s self in the reading of the Holy Scripture, model one’s self after the life of just people, pray, make use of sacramental grace, observe the commandments of God, and do good deeds.
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Deggim, Simon, Annette Eicker, Lennart Schawohl, Helena Gerdener, Kerstin Schulze, Olga Engels, Jürgen Kusche et al. „RECOG RL01: correcting GRACE total water storage estimates for global lakes/reservoirs and earthquakes“. Earth System Science Data 13, Nr. 5 (21.05.2021): 2227–44.

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Abstract. Observations of changes in terrestrial water storage (TWS) obtained from the satellite mission GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) have frequently been used for water cycle studies and for the improvement of hydrological models by means of calibration and data assimilation. However, due to a low spatial resolution of the gravity field models, spatially localized water storage changes, such as those occurring in lakes and reservoirs, cannot properly be represented in the GRACE estimates. As surface storage changes can represent a large part of total water storage, this leads to leakage effects and results in surface water signals becoming erroneously assimilated into other water storage compartments of neighbouring model grid cells. As a consequence, a simple mass balance at grid/regional scale is not sufficient to deconvolve the impact of surface water on TWS. Furthermore, non-hydrology-related phenomena contained in the GRACE time series, such as the mass redistribution caused by major earthquakes, hamper the use of GRACE for hydrological studies in affected regions. In this paper, we present the first release (RL01) of the global correction product RECOG (REgional COrrections for GRACE), which accounts for both the surface water (lakes and reservoirs, RECOG-LR) and earthquake effects (RECOG-EQ). RECOG-LR is computed from forward-modelling surface water volume estimates derived from satellite altimetry and (optical) remote sensing and allows both a removal of these signals from GRACE and a relocation of the mass change to its origin within the outline of the lakes/reservoirs. The earthquake correction, RECOG-EQ, includes both the co-seismic and post-seismic signals of two major earthquakes with magnitudes above Mw9. We discuss that applying the correction dataset (1) reduces the GRACE signal variability by up to 75 % around major lakes and explains a large part of GRACE seasonal variations and trends, (2) avoids the introduction of spurious trends caused by leakage signals of nearby lakes when calibrating/assimilating hydrological models with GRACE, and (3) enables a clearer detection of hydrological droughts in areas affected by earthquakes. A first validation of the corrected GRACE time series using GPS-derived vertical station displacements shows a consistent improvement of the fit between GRACE and GNSS after applying the correction. Data are made available on an open-access basis via the Pangaea database (RECOG-LR: Deggim et al., 2020a,; RECOG-EQ: Gerdener et al., 2020b,
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Pinckston, D. Robert, und Dorian G. W. Smith. „Mineralogy of the Lake zone, Thor Lake rare-metals deposit, N.W.T., Canada“. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 32, Nr. 4 (01.04.1995): 516–32.

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The Proterozoic (ca. 2.1 Ga) Blatchford Lake suite hosts significant concentrations of rare metals at the core of a peralkaline granite–syenite pluton. After emplacement of the Grace Lake Granite and the Thor Lake Syenite within it, bodies of nepheline syenite, ijolite, and urtite were intruded beneath the present-day Lake zone. This is the largest of five zones of mineralization and lies close to the apex of the Thor Lake Syenite, a region which was then subjected to albitization, microclinization, and, finally, rare-metal mineralization. The underlying silica-undersaturated rocks contain clots of rare-metal-bearing minerals, including cerianite-(Ce), britholite-(Ce), thorite, and calcium catapleiite, interstitial to nepheline and aegirine. The Lake zone itself contains major quantities of Zr (in zircon), Nb (in ferrocolumbite, pyrochlore group minerals, aeschynite group minerals, and fergusonite-(Y)), and Ce (in allanite-(Ce), monazite-(Ce), and bastnäsite group minerals). Lesser amounts of Ta, Y, heavy rare earth elements, U, Th, and Ga are also present, mainly as minor components of rare-metal-bearing minerals. Electron microprobe analyses of the major rare-metal-bearing minerals are presented.
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Juričková, Martina. „Death—The Gift of God to Man“. Religion and the Arts 27, Nr. 5 (19.12.2023): 597–612.

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Abstract In his Middle-earth lore, Tolkien presents death as a special gift that Eru gave to Men alone, and not any other beings. This paper tries to answer why death can be understood as a gift even by us, even though this idea seems to contradict the traditional belief that death is a punishment for the sin of the first people in Paradise. As unorthodox as it may seem, this paper suggests that it might have been inspired by Aquinas, who presented death as an essential attribute of the human body given to it from the moment of creation, but which in Paradise was only suppressed by a special grace from God. Aquinas suggests that after the introduction of sin to the world, this grace was removed and death regained its appointed effect. Death actually became a necessary means through we are able to come back to God’s presence—thus in a sense, it is a gift.
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Samosir, Bofry Wahyu, und Bernadus Dirgaprimawan. „PEREMPUAN KANAAN DAN DAYA JUANGNYA: SEBUAH TINJAUAN NARATIF ATAS MATIUS 15:21-28 DAN RELEVANSI TEOLOGISNYA BAGI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER KRISTIANI“. JPAK: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katolik 23, Nr. 2 (11.10.2023): 144–64.

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This article aims at examining a fighting spirit that characterizes the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:21-28 as a source of inspiration for Christian education addressed to the youth. It focuses on her choice of actions and of words, especially shown in verses 25 and 27. In order to do so, it employs a narrative method that takes seriously every detail related to her performance. It tries to understand how her struggle emerges and why Jesus says that she has a great faith. After discussing the subject matter in several points, this article comes to a conclusion that the element of faith first of all lies on the human side, namely a fighting spirit, a spiritual entrance to receive God's mercy. Pope Francis states that a fighting spirit is visible when Christian believers, especially young people "always try to find their true identity, be themselves, and be creative in pursuing holiness in living life in the world. (CV, art. 161)”. The second theological message is that God understands and cares for everyone, especially those who ask for His help. The third theological message is that God's grace gives changing for everyone. It means that God's grace makes our identity in life more pleasing to Him
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Bücher zum Thema "Gracw after meals"


Blayer, Mordekhai Yehudah ben Yitsḥaḳ, Hrsg. Sefer Ketsad mezamnin. 2. Aufl. London: Mordekhai Yehudah ben Yitsḥaḳ Blayer, 2002.

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Ḳornbliṭ, Avraham. Sefer Zimun ke-hilkhato: Ṿe-hu liḳuṭ hilkhot zimun mi-Shu. ʻa. u-Mishnah berurah ... Yerushalayim: Mishpaḥat Ḳornbliṭ, 1998.

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Rubin, U. M. Sefer Berukha ṿe-hilula: ʻal ʻinyene Birkat ha-mazon ṿe-Halel ha-gadol : ... liḳuṭe halakhah ... perushim. Bruḳlin, N.Y: Asher Mordekhai Rubin, 2001.

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Rozenṭal, Avraham Yiśraʼel ben Shabtai Dov., Hrsg. Śaś anokhi ʻal imratekha ke-motse shalal rav: Peninim niflaʼim me-otsaram ha-ganuz shel mefarshe ha-Shas, sifre shut, kitve yad ... ʻal birkat ha-mazon u-zemirot Shabat ḳodesh. Yerushalayim: Makhon ha-Rav Franḳ, Mifʻal "Ginze ḳedem", 2003.

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Hakohen, Avraham Tsevi. Ketsad mevarkhim: Shiʻurim be-hilkhot birkhot ha-nehenin halakhah le-maʻaśeh ... Bene Beraḳ: Mekhon Mayim Ḥayim, 1998.

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Epshṭain, Binyamin Tsevi Ḥayim ben Reʼuven. Sefer Birkat Reʼuven: Liḳuṭim ʻal birkat ha-mazon. Yerushalayim: ʻEṭ sofer, 1998.

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Ḥayim, Shṿarṭts Neḥemy Tsevi, Hrsg. Sefer Imre shefer: ʻal seder birkat ha-mazon : otsar beʼurim, perushim u-feshaṭim, minhagim ... ṿe-dinim ʻal birkat ha-mazon u-virkhoteha ... meluḳaṭ mi-sifre ḳodesh, midreshe Ḥazal, sifre rishonim ṿe-aḥaronim, sifre musar ṿe-sifre Ḥasidut u-mesudar be-seder yafeh. Monroe, N.Y: N. Ts. Ḥ. Shṿarṭts, 1990.

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Blum, Eri. Sefer Birkat Yitsḥaḳ: ʻal birkat ha-mazon, halakhot u-minhagim ... Brooklyn: Uri Blum, 2000.

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Unger, Naftali. Hilkhot birkat ha-mazon: In Idish. Brooklyn, N.Y: Hotsaʼat sefarim "Yofi", 1998.

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Yosef, Gabai, Hrsg. Sefer Or ha-berakhah: Otsar nifla shel perushim ʻal birkat-ha-mazon me-rabotenu ha-rishonim ṿeha-aḥaronim, meḳorah ṿe-hishtalshelutah ... sipurim ṿe-ʻod! Yerushalayim: Yeshivat "Or ha-Ḥayim", 2001.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Gracw after meals"


Shmidman, Avi, und Uri Ehrlich. „“We shall glorify You, our King”: A Poetic Passage in the Second Benediction of the Grace after Meals“. In On Wings of Prayer, herausgegeben von Nuria Calduch-Benages, Michael W. Duggan und Dalia Marx, 317–36. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019.

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Shalev-Eyni, Sarit. „The 1514 ‘Grace after Meals, Sabbath Hymns and Qiddush’ and the Experimental Beginnings of Woodcut Illustration in Prague“. In Premodern Jewish Books, their Makers and Readers in an Era of Media Change, 151–73. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2024.

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„Grace After Meals“. In Literature of the Synagogue, 89–94. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2006.

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„V. Grace After Meals“. In Studies in Jewish Liturgy, herausgegeben von Abraham I. Schechter, 92–94. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2010.

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„XVI. Short Grace After Meals“. In Studies in Jewish Liturgy, herausgegeben von Abraham I. Schechter, 113–14. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2010.

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„LAWS CONCERNING THE GRACE AFTER MEALS“. In Laws and Customs of Israel, herausgegeben von Gerald Friedlander, 180–89. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2010.

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„Chapter 6 Grace After Meals: Daily and Festive Occasions“. In Thy Father’s Instruction, 164–222. De Gruyter, 2021.

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„LAWS CONCERNING THE WASHING OF THE HANDS AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE MEAL AND AT THE GRACE AFTER MEALS“. In Laws and Customs of Israel, herausgegeben von Gerald Friedlander, 168–80. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2010.

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Bierma, Lyle D. „Works from after the Consensus Tigurinus to Calvin’s Death (1550–64)“. In Font of Pardon and New Life, 114–37. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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Chapter Abstract: This chapter explores the fifth and final developmental phase in Calvin’s doctrine of baptismal efficacy by examining three clusters of documents from the time between the Consensus Tigurinus (1549) and Calvin’s death (1564): his commentaries on Titus (1550), 1 Peter (1551), Isaiah (1551), and Acts (1552, 1554); two treatises from his polemical exchange with the Lutheran Joachim Westphal, Defence of the Sane and Orthodox Doctrine of the Sacraments (1555), and Second Defence of the Pious and Orthodox Faith concerning the Sacraments (1556); and the final edition of the Institutes (1559). The chapter concludes that any new developments in Calvin’s doctrine of baptismal efficacy in this last phase of his life are few, relatively minor, and rather subtle. What we do find now is a greater equilibrium between baptism as a means of knowledge/assurance and a means of grace and a clearer connection between these two instrumental roles.
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Beani, Laura. „Lek-like courtship in paper-wasps:‘a prolonged, delicate, and troublesome affair’“. In Natural History and Evolution of Paper-Wasps, 113–25. Oxford University PressOxford, 1996.

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Abstract Courtship may be ‘a very tedious affair, going on hour after hour.’ With these words two American experts on spiders, George and Elisabeth Peckham (1889, quoted in Cronin 1991), remarked on the long wait for successful matings that characterizes much research on sexual behaviour. Their study was one of the early detailed attempts to test Darwin’s theory of sexual selection by means of a female ‘aesthetic’ choice. They concluded that ‘the males vie with each other in making an elaborate display, not only of their grace and agility, but also of their beauty, and that the females, after attentively watching the dances and tournaments (...), select for their mates the males that they find most pleasing.’ One century later, ‘dancing’ and 'athletic ability' of males in the courtship of fruitflies has been explained as a costly, therefore an honest, signal of mate quality; females mate ‘only with those males that are able to keep up’ with them during the courtship dance (Maynard Smith 1991).
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