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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Gorham Company"


Dehan, Amy Miller. „Back to the Future: Gorham's “Circa ′70” Service“. Gastronomica 11, Nr. 4 (2011): 11–13.

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Donald Colflesh's sterling silver and ebony “Circa 70” line, designed in 1958 for the Gorham Manufacturing Company, was conceived and produced during the height of the space race. It was one of the first luxury, Space Age–styled lines for the home to hit the market. Many Space Age products mirrored the styling of satellites, spacecraft, orbit patterns, or astronaut helmets, but none as gracefully as these. This article places the “Circa 70” line, principally its anchor tea and coffee service, in historical context and discusses the psychology of futurism and Space Age utopia that developed after war time and the “look” that grew out of the fervor for the future—a “look” that extended from candy and toys to housewares, luxury goods, and architecture.
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Rai, Ram Prasad. „Battling and Rescuing as Double Heroism in Ayo Gorkhali: A History of the Gurkhas by Tim I. Gurung“. SCHOLARS: Journal of Arts & Humanities 3, Nr. 2 (28.08.2021): 37–44.

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The main aim of this paper is to study the dual heroism of the Gorkhas: ‘battling’ and ‘rescuing’ in the book Ayo Gorkhali: A History of the Gurkhas by Tim I. Gurung from the evolutionary perspective. The book is about the Gorkhas’ bravery in battling as well as rescuing exhibited in wars around the world because of which they brought victory and power to Britain. Despite their defeat in the Anglo-Nepal War (1814-1816), the Gorkhas were able to impress the British authority for their bravery, dedication and discipline. The British East India Company began to recruit the Gorkhas in their army. They succeeded to suppress robberies, banditries and mutinies and establish peace and order in the society. In every theatre of war including the First and Second World Wars, the Gorkhas battled bravely for Britain and kept her name always high in the world. In this paper, the researcher has consulted books, journal articles and documentaries related to the Gorkhas and their heroic performance in wars. The Gorkhas are found to be brave in both ‘fighting’ as well as ‘making rescue’ of their co-warriors, officers and civilians during the wars. They have been known as the ‘bravest of the brave’ in the world. This paper will be new insights for the future researchers in the particular area of study.
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Carroll, Brian D. „“Savages” in the Service of Empire: Native American Soldiers in Gorham's Rangers, 1744–1762“. New England Quarterly 85, Nr. 3 (September 2012): 383–429.

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Gorham's Rangers, initially an all-Indian ranger company, was instrumental in Britain's conquest of Nova Scotia (Acadia) during the eighteenth century. In the process of uncovering that story, the essay assesses New England Indians’ role in shaping colonial frontier warfare as well as the impact of military service on Native American communities.
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Conway, J. E. „A Circumnuclear HI Disk in the Compact Symmetric Object 4C31.04?“ Symposium - International Astronomical Union 175 (1996): 92–94.

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Compact Symmetric Objects (CSO's) are strong, compact (< lkpc) objects with radio structure and luminosity similar to classical double radio sources (i.e. two lobes and a weak core), but thousands of times smaller (Wilkinson et al 1994). It has been proposed that CSO's are either young radio sources which will later evolve into classical sources, or sources whose growth is ‘frustrated’ by dense surrounding gas. In a recent survey of z < 0.1 CSO's searching for HI absorption, approximately 50% were detected (see Conway et al 1996), a much higher percentage than found in surveys of general radio loud ellipticals with similar sensitivity (see van Gorkom et al 1989).
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Babic, B., R. M. Price und K. Jones. „HI Image Synthesis of Southern Compact Groups“. International Astronomical Union Colloquium 174 (2000): 132–35.

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AbstractFour southern compact groups, the Hickson Compact Groups HCG 22 and HCG 26 (Hickson 1982), and the groups AM 1238–396 and ESO 410-G(024—026) have been imaged in HI, along with 12cm continuum using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The initial findings for the latter two groups are presented here. While ESO 410-G is not in fact a physical group, due to the discordant redshifts amongst the members, it is however presented here.Overall for all the groups we find no other sources of HI in the field that might indicate that these are part of a larger loose group structure. This is not always the case, as with HCG 23 (Williams 1995) and HCG 95 (Hutchmeier 1999), both of whom find additional Hɪ sources within the primary beam accordant with the compact group’s velocity.The HI is also clearly associated with each of the individual member galaxies in all cases, except for HCG 26, which envelopes the whole group as was also shown by Williams and van Gorkom (Williams 1995).
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Ibort, A., A. López Yela und J. Moro. „A new algorithm for computing branching rules and Clebsch–Gordan coefficients of unitary representations of compact groups“. Journal of Mathematical Physics 58, Nr. 10 (Oktober 2017): 101702.

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Edwards, S. A., und M. D. Gould. „A projection based approach to the Clebsch-Gordan multiplicity problem for compact semisimple Lie groups: I. General formalism“. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 19, Nr. 9 (21.06.1986): 1523–29.

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Burtenshaw, D. „Book reviews: Van der Cammen, H., editor 1988: Four metropolises in western Europe. Assen: Van Gorcum and Company BV. viii + 244 pp. Dfl.85“. Progress in Human Geography 14, Nr. 2 (Juni 1990): 306–8.

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Gould, M. D., und S. A. Edwards. „A projection based approach to the Clebsch-Gordan multiplicity problem for compact semisimple Lie groups. III. The classical limit“. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 19, Nr. 9 (21.06.1986): 1537–44.

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Edwards, S. A., und M. D. Gould. „A projection based approach to the Clebsch-Gordan multiplicity problem for compact semisimple Lie groups. II. Application to U(n)“. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 19, Nr. 9 (21.06.1986): 1531–36.

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Bücher zum Thema "Gorham Company"


Tompkins, George. The handbook of Gorham salt dishes. Rockport, Me: Archimedes Press, 1987.

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Pristo, L. J. Martelé: 950-1000 fine Gorham's nouveau art silver. [Phoenix, Ariz: Heritage Antiques], 2002.

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Gorham Silver: Designing Brilliance, 1850-1970. Rizzoli Electa, 2019.

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Gorham Manufacturing Company. Ecclesiastical Department. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2021.

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Gorham, Eleazor. Dear Child: The Civil War Letters of Eleazer Gorham and Selected Stories of the Fourth Independent Company Ohio Volunteer Sharpshooters. Independently Published, 2021.

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Gorham Manufacturing Company. Soul of Alaska: A Comment & a Description to Which Is Added a Catalogue Raisonné of a Series of Bronze Statuettes Illustrative of Alaskan Indian Characteristics & Social Habitudes, Modelled by Louis Potter & Cast into Bronze by the Gorham Company. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Keefe, John Webster, und Samuel J. Hough. Magnificent, Marvelous Martele: American Art Nouveau Silver. New Orleans Museum of Art, 2002.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Gorham Company"


McCulloch, Jock, und Pavla Miller. „Lifting the Ban on the Recruitment of Tropical Labour: 1933–1945“. In Mining Gold and Manufacturing Ignorance, 111–40. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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AbstractThe ban on the recruitment of Tropical labour, imposed in 1913, was arguably the single most important state intervention in the mines’ history. It was the only intervention aimed specifically at protecting migrant labour—and it was strongly opposed by the industry. To have the ban lifted, the Chamber commissioned the international experts Almroth Wright, William Gorgas and Lyle Cummins to find a solution to deaths on the mines. Wright failed to develop an effective vaccine, and the expert recommendations of Gorgas and Cummins were largely ignored. Improved conditions on the mines did lead to a reduction of deaths from infectious pneumonia. What proved most effective in lifting the ban, however, was relentless lobbying, led by the company actuary William Gemmill and the Chief Medical Officer of Rand Mines, Dr A.J. Orenstein. Despite persistent evidence to the contrary, by 1938 the Chamber of Mines succeeded in persuading the South African government, the Colonial Office and the ILO that conditions on the mines were safe and that oscillating migration was beneficial to labour.
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Ho, Look Chan. „The Debenture Holder’s Liability In Unjust Enrichment After Spectrum“. In Company Charges, 173–88. Oxford University PressOxford, 2006.

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Abstract The declaratory theory of judicial decision has it that, when the judges state what the law is, their decisions have a retrospective effect. The retrospective effect of the House of Lords ruling in Re Spectrum Plus Ltd means that many charges previously characterized as flxed on the basis of Siebe Gorman & Co Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd were in fact floating. Payments made in reliance on this characterization were payments made in reliance on a mistake of law. Charge holders who received such payments stand the risk of having to disgorge their receipt now.
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Burke, Lol, Matthew Millings und Gwen Robinson. „Is constructive practice still possible in a competitive environment? Findings from a case study of a community rehabilitation company in England and Wales“. In Evidence-Based Skills in Criminal Justice. Policy Press, 2017.

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The Transforming Rehabilitation policy in England and Wales, involving the separation of the Probation Trusts into a publically National Probation Service (NPS) and 21 privately financed Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRC), was promoted as being an opportunity to stimulate innovation and develop new working practices within probation. Drawing on an ethnographic case study of the implementation of Transforming Rehabilitation the authors will consider some of the key challenges and opportunities for staff working in a Community Rehabilitation Company and what they might suggest in terms of the longer-term impact upon the working practices of probation staff as they move into a more competitively structured environment. Using Gorman et al’s (2006:21) assertion that constructive probation practice is ‘more artistic than technical, more creative than procedural, more collaborative than instrumental’, the authors explore what skills, qualities and values will be required in this new practice environment and whether or not it will lead to further deprofessionalisation?
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Iliopoulos, J., und T. N. Tomaras. „Elements of Group Theory“. In Elementary Particle Physics, 51–110. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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The mathematical language which encodes the symmetry properties in physics is group theory. In this chapter we recall the main results. We introduce the concepts of finite and infinite groups, that of group representations and the Clebsch–Gordan decomposition. We study, in particular, Lie groups and Lie algebras and give the Cartan classification. Some simple examples include the groups U(1), SU(2) – and its connection to O(3) – and SU(3). We use the method of Young tableaux in order to find the properties of products of irreducible representations. Among the non-compact groups we focus on the Lorentz group, its relation with O(4) and SL(2,C), and its representations. We construct the space of physical states using the infinite-dimensional unitary representations of the Poincaré group.
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Lawrence, Dan, und Tony J. Wilkinson. „The Northern and Western Borderlands of the Sasanian Empire: Contextualising the Roman/Byzantine and Sasanian Frontier“. In Sasanian Persia, 99–125. Edinburgh University Press, 2017.

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This chapter investigates the archaeological landscapes of the frontiers of the Sasanian Empire. Drawing on evidence from current and archived archaeological surveys, in combination with high-resolution remote sensing datasets such as CORONA spy photography, we compare the organisation of settlements and defensive structures of the Sasanian frontier zones in response to a variety of external pressures. These varied from the Roman Empire in the west to less centralised entities, including nomadic groups, in the south-west and north-east. Following a general discussion of the multiple manifestations of Sasanian frontiers drawn from southern Mesopotamia (Iraq), northern Syria and north-eastern Iran, the main focus of the chapter is on the complex frontier landscape of the southern Caucasus, particularly the area of modern Azerbaijan, Georgia and Daghestan. We discuss the role of linear barriers, including the Gorgan Wall in north-eastern Iran and the Ghilghilchay and Derbent Walls in the Caucasus, irrigation systems, and alignments of fortifications and settlements in shaping their local landscapes. By placing the archaeological remains of the Sasanian Empire in a wider context we are able to examine the relationships between military installations, settlement patterns, infrastructure and geographical features such as mountain ranges and rivers. Comparing the different case studies allows us to conclude with some general statements on the nature of Sasanian power in the frontier territories of the empire.
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