Dissertationen zum Thema „Gestion des étangs“
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Bernard, Céline. „L' étang, l'homme et l'oiseau : incidences des modes de gestion des étangs piscicoles sur les ceintures de végétation et l'avifaune nicheuse en Sologne, Brenne, Bresse, Territoire de Belfort et Champagne humide“. Lyon, Ecole normale supérieure, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ENSF0054.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe piscicultural ponds are simultaneously economic areas of production by the intermediary of an extensive pisciculture, still strongly marked by traditions, and major ecosystems for the vegetation and the reproduction of water birds in France. The reception capacities of the ponds avifauna are obviously dependent on piscicultural practices which have to be replaced in their historical and socio-economic points of view. The adopted space approach tends to explore the existing interactions between three compartments of the piscicultural system, complex and variable from one area to another: - nesting of the avifauna - belts of aquatic vegetation - the piscicultural management, whose methods condition the economic and ecological potentialities. The comparative analysis of five piscicultural systems in the Sologne, Brenne, Bresse, Territory of Belfort and Wet Champagne has the aim of describing the specific adaptation of the piscicultural activity to their particular geohistorical contexts. It makes it possible to release the conditions under which piscicultural production and reception of the avifauna are set out, supplemented or compete with the possible use by hunting, on the same space: the pond, with its ambiguous and evolutionary definition. The various methods thus described, of balances between practices or possibly of user-conflicts, are used as a framework on a reflexion on the complementarity of the multiple functions of ponds. They pose the topical question of the multifonctionality of spaces largely in debate in the agricultural and forest world
Girard, Léo. „Étangs piscicoles et services écosystémiques : Relations entre pratiques de gestion, maintien de la biodiversité et stockage de carbone“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, AgroParisTech, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024AGPT0008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEurope is home to a large number of “pond landscapes”, many with origins dating back to the Middle Ages and a historic vocation for fish farming. Despite their man-made nature, these environments are known for their capacity to harbor significant biodiversity, with rare, even endemic or endangered species. With the abandonment of fish farming, combined with other threats such as climate change, a significant number of these ponds have disappeared in recent decades. Until recently, and despite the important role they can play, these small water bodies have been neglected in research, but also in public policies.In this PhD thesis work, we looked at the effects of different fish farming management practices on ecosystem services provided by fish ponds. First, we analyzed the practice of drying-out ponds and its impact on both biodiversity and fish yields. Secondly, we explored the impacts of different fish density management on macrophyte community characteristics. And finally, we studied fish ponds as potential carbon sinks or sources, and the effects of management practices on these carbon balances.To contribute to the scientific knowledge on these topics, we capitalized on historical data collected in the Dombes region (Ain, France) since 2007, but also on data collected as part of the European PONDERFUL project, between 2021 and 2022, in Dombes and Midden-Limburg (Belgium). We analyzed data on water and sediment physico-chemistry, as well as biodiversity (macrophytes, phytoplankton and macroinvertebrates), carbon storage and emissions, and fish farming management practices (time since the last dry year, fish stocking, fertilization).Our results show that drying-out is a major agroecological practice for extensive pond fish farming. This voluntary draining facilitates the recolonization of macrophytes and their diversity when the pond is re-watered. The second year in water is characterized by an "unstable state" of equilibrium between the two primary producers. This state appears to be favorable to biodiversity, production and carbon storage. Intensification of production, through increased fish densities, nevertheless has negative effects on macrophyte species richness. It also impacts community structure. Ponds used for fish farming have subsets of species that nest in the richer communities of ponds managed without fish. We were also able to show a very high degree of variability in the carbon balances of 20 fish ponds. On average, monitored ponds appear to be carbon sinks, with around 4 tonnes of CO2 equivalent stored per hectare over 6 months. The dry year, on the other hand, is characterized by high greenhouse gas emissions.All these elements confirm that fish ponds, combined with extensive practices, can provide numerous ecosystem services. Fish production is not incompatible with biodiversity conservation. The sustainability of these environments in European landscapes, and of the ecosystem services they provide, depends on the maintenance of these management practices. Even if it seems possible to reconcile provisioning and support services, in the future it will be necessary to establish a hierarchy of desired services, particularly in view of the inverse effects that certain management practices may have
Lutz, Marc. „Les étangs de pisciculture en Europe centrale. Typologie des systèmes d'exploitation et impacts des modalités de gestion sur l'avifaune“. Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001STR1GEO8.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRegions where fishponds are common represent major wetland surfaces in Central Europe. Ponds are mainly used for carp production, but the aquatic vegetation also provides important habitats for nesting birds. The study took place in four representative regions : Oberlausitzer Teichgebiet in Saxony, Southern Bohemia in the Czech Republic, Upper Silesia in Poland and Aischgründ in Bavaria. The objective was to characterize fish-farming systems, to document changes in farming practices, and finally, to build a model of pond management that would balance economic imperatives (profitable for fishermen) with the ecological requirements of nesting birds. Collectivization during communism times had led to a global intensification of fish-farming, but the privatisation that took place after the political changes in the 1990s involved new ways of farming. These new approaches included diversifying farming activities because of less consumer demand for fish in Europe, and placing more emphasis on nature conservation in the management of ponds. The results revealed that bird species richness is correlated with the size (area) of ponds and with the presence of a certain minimum area of reed beds. Fish yields over 500kg/ha can have a negative impact on the area of reeds. Other management practices have lesser effects on nesting bird species richness
Colas, Hubert. „Modélisation intégrée bassin versant - Activités humaines - Milieux hydriques : application au bassin versant du Lez et des étangs palavasiens“. Montpellier 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991MON20195.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSouchon, Yves. „Reproduction du brochet (Esox lucius,L. 1758) et développement des brochetons en Dombes : éléments d'optimisation des modes de gestion extensive“. Lyon 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985LYO10514.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSaber, Er-Riyahi. „Approche de la dynamique spatio-temporelle des géosystèmes forêt et mares temporaires de la province de Benslimane (Maroc occidental)“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AIX10050.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSarrazin, Caroline. „Les pokhari dans la plaine du Népal : des étangs à usages multiples ou passant à la pisciculture exclusive dans le contexte tendu des transformations territoriales du Téraï oriental“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020PA100032.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleResource management is one of the major contemporary challenges for rural societies. In the Eastern Terai plain (Nepal), with high population densities (larger than 500 inhabitants/ km²), the territorial restructurings force local population to deal with high pressures on land and on water. In particular, they lead to deep modifications in the practices of pokhari users. These ponds have various sizes (from 0.01 to 6 hectares or more) are defined as multi-purpose ecosystems. According to their tenure, public or private, a pokhari is either collectively managed by Tharu or Madhesi village communities, which have their origin in the plain, or are administrated individually, by Pahari independent harvesters, who favour personal initiatives. Despite the fact that they are ubiquitous in the Saptari and Sunsari districts, which are the two fields of study of the present Ph.D. work, pokhari have become the target of government policies only since the 90’s and these policies have aimed at increasing the Teraï plain economic productivity by developing intensive fish farming in pokhari and by auctioning licenses for a private management of the pokhari. In their practices, local populations are confronted to new stakes of individualization and of privatization: these processes strengthen social and economical inequalities between powerful landowners on the one side, and on the other side lower-caste populations of Terai which defend multi-purpose uses of the pokhari. The combination of the typology, established in the present Ph.D. work, of 232 ponds located in the Saptari and Sunsari districts, and of an analysis of the time-and-space evolution of the surfaces of the water bodies, shows that the recent productivist logic defended by the Nepalese State do not yield a uniform modification of the uses. Yet, some of the Madhesi communities mobilize against additional social exclusions, thereby reconsidering the power balance in the governance of the Terai plain ponds
Degorce, Jean-Noël. „Les milieux humides dans la Loire“. Saint-Etienne, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991STET2014.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research undertakes, on the scale of the departement of Loire, a list of eleven typical forms of continental wetlands. The geographical purpose is based on the measurement of shapes, places and stretches. This makes a previous to the survey of environment. This review fits into a space-time scale complex from which three soils can be distinguished. First, the mountain terrace ecosystems (springs and peat-bogs) are generated in a snowy and rainy context. Forez and Roannais plains include a great number of marshy lands : wet meadows, pools and ponds. The extensive research upon theses latest forms describe an improved system of water planning, closely linked with the evolvement of the country life. At least, the bank of the river Loire conceals many ox-bows and gravel extractions, as two impounded lakes which belong to the global planning policy of the Loire basin. The last part of this study points out the main characteristics of wetland planning draining, collecting and impounding water. Theses means imply three water entities, the space of water (marshes, peat-bogs and water spaces), water as a support of activities, and water as a bearing. On a long term, the recurrent survey of means of management tends to show that the marginalisation of theses ecosystems, characterized by drainage attempts, is not quite mastered
Selbach, Gérard. „Les musées d'art américains : mission et gestion en conflit ?“ Rennes 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999REN20001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research work has shown that the mission of American art museums - collecting, conserving, interpreting, educating -, the pillar of the museum system, is getting second ranking in the concern of most directors because of the mounting financial difficulties they are meeting. Art museums are looking for ways of achieving financial independence. A statistical survey, a series of interviews with museum staff members, as well as several case studies prove that financing has gained the upper hand and has led museums to diversify their cultural and mainly commercial activities. The cultural offers are designed as self-sustained and autonomous projects aimed at satisfying targeted publics, funders and granters. Marketing and communication are the main tools used by fundraisers. The quest for funds has even brought some museums to implement commercial practices whose excesses are close to infringing their fiscal statutes as well as the code of professional ethics
Ansart, Sylvain. „Les outils de gestion des Pharmaceutical benefit management“. Paris 5, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA05P118.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNgoran, Nguessan. „Introduction et gestion de l'environnement dans la politique de coopération des états francophones“. Paris 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA010271.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKurpiel, Adam. „Valorisation et gestion d'options : modèles à volatilité stochastique“. Bordeaux 4, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000BOR40048.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePierrat, Christian. „Traduction en monnaie nationale des états financiers de filiales établis en devises étrangères : analyse épistémologique, théorique, et expérimentale“. Paris 9, 1986. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1986PA090004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePreliminary analysis : balance sheet translation methods. Exchange risk representation, conformity with accounting principles, economis value measurement, effect on investors. Translation'objectives, translated financial statements'users choosing between exchange rate or purchasing power parity index. Taking inflation into consideration, combination of translation and restatement methods. Theoretical analysis : building a model, perfect and complete markets, multiperiod case. Accounting, translation, optional restatement; certainty and incertainty analysis; case of an investment with equity financing, case with a debt financing. Consequences of withdrawing the purchasing power parity hypothesis. Experimental analysis : empirical evidence on the problem. Interpretation of translated statements by students and financial analysts; case of an investment decision in a foreign firm. Information-decision connections, place of translated balance sheets in decision procress. Comparing the effects of different methods
Savard, Jean-François. „Approche comparative de la gestion des politiques autochtones au Canada et aux États-Unis“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk3/ftp04/mq33750.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLouy-Moise, Anne Carrol. „Management inter culturel : gestion des différences de cultures et aspects franco-américains contemporains“. Metz, 1998. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/prive/UPVM_T_1998_Louy_Moise_Anne_Carrol_LMZ9807_1.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe global economic situation has seen american investment in europe double over the past six years ; besides, there is also a strong trend towards the acquisition of existing french firms or the expansion of american mncs, particularly in some specific sectors. Different attitudes originate in culture, and organizational behaviors can lead to misunderstandings. This empirical study aims at checking and analysing how values, ethics, mental and social structures, as well as communication styles and working practices may vary according to cultures. We have focused on the individual perspective and chosen a specific research-field in order for us to highlight the interactions between individual behaviors and national cultures. The research-paper first puts into perspective the different studies pertaining to the cross-cultural field and defines a theoretical research frame which explains the terminology used and sheds light on the speciflcity of the french-american contexts ; it then proceeds to emphacize the behavioral differences within a sample consisting of french and american managers working in americain mncs in alsace. Our approach is partly inductive : it enables us to analyse data according to different categories that have emerged in the course of research ; it results in mapping out clearly different patterns based on the perceptions of the sample. Our next part is interpretative : we show how the hidden meaning of speech is being evidenced, since attitudes are not objective data, but mere reflections of fugitive impressions. Last but not least, we suggest a few strategies in order to anticipate contextual cultural reactions and save time in managing them
Mard, Yves. „Déterminants et instruments de la gestion des résultats comptables : étude empirique sur un échantillon d'entreprises françaises cotées“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002AIX32045.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleStudies on earnings management analyse managers'decisions that influence earnings. The purpose of our research is to study determinants and instruments of earnings management, and to draw practical teachings from this study. Our processes consists of three stages. First, a survey leads to hypotheses about determinants of earnings management. We then test the hypotheses on a sample of 294 french listed firms during the period 1990-1998. Two methodologies are used : the study of earnings distributions and the study of accruals from firms. Aggregate and sector-based analyses show the diversity of determinants (financial policy, performance, control) and instruments of earnings management. We finally propose some ways to reduce earnings management : the renforcement of governance structures, the growth of auditors'independance, the evolution of accounting and financial regulation
Janin, Rémi. „Gestion des chiffres comptables, contenu informationnel du résultat et mesure de la création de valeur“. Grenoble 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000GRE21033.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleForclaz, Bertrand. „Les Borghèse et leurs fiefs aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles : gestion économique, stratégies sociales et enjeux politiques“. Paris, EHESS, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003EHES0066.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleI study here the exercise of feudal power belonging to the papal nobility and the relationship between the lords, their officers in the fiefs, the local elites and the central magistratures of the papal state. The first part is focused on the constitution of the patrimony, the feudal rights the Borghese disposed upon and the management of the fiefs. In the second part, I show the the extent of the juridictional powers of the Borghese -which denies the thesis of an efficient administrative centralization in the papal state- as well as the strategies of the feudal officers and the recourse of the vassals to the feudal jurisdiction. In the third part, I analyse the changing relationships between the lords and the other institutions, the conflicts and alliances between officers and the local factions and the transformations of this situation in the 18th century, when the control of the papal magistratures over the fiefs becomes more efficient
Heude, Jacques. „Les tremblements de terre dans la baie de San Francisco : perception, prévention et gestion du risque sismique : une étude géographique“. Paris 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA010695.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePalpacuer, Florence. „Stratégies compétitives, gestion des compétences et organisations en réseaux : étude du cas de l'industrie new-yorkaise de l'habillement“. Montpellier 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996MON10045.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNew york garment firms meet the objectives of quality, flexibility and cost by adopting organizational forms based on the development of core competencies, the externalization of standardized competencies, and the quasi-internalization of complementary competencies within inter-firm networks. These strategies allow dominant strategic groups to control international production networks, characterized by complex segmentation and a dynamic balance between competition and cooperation. These results show the relevance of studying firms' strategies within the context of their competitive, social and institutional environments. The complementarities between core and peripheral positions within networks also highlight the difficulties of improving firms' performance and regulating competition within the industry
Gespach, Francine. „La gestion déléguée des plans 401 (K) : un modèle organisationnel“. Paris 11, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA111011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGuibert, Quentin. „Sur l’utilisation des modèles multi-états pour la mesure et la gestion des risques d’un contrat d’assurance“. Thesis, Lyon 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO10256/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWith the implementation of the Solvency II framework, actuaries should examine the good adequacy between models and data. This thesis aims to study several statistical approaches, often ignored by practitioners, enabling the use of multi-state methods to model and manage individual risks in insurance. Chapter 1 presents the general context of this thesis and positions its main contributions. The basic tools to use multi-state models in insurance are introduced and classical inference techniques, adapted to insurance data with and without the Markov assumption, are presented. Finally, a development of these models for credit risk is outlined. Chapter 2 focuses on using nonparametric inference methods to build incidence tables for long term care insurance contracts. Since there are several entry-causes in disability states which are useful for actuaries, an inference method for competing risks data, seen as a Markov multi-state model in continuous time, is used. In a second step, I compare these estimators to those conventionally used by practitioners, based on survival analysis methods. This second approach may involve significant bias because the interaction between entry-causes cannot be appropriately captured. In particular, these approaches assume that latent failure times are independent, while this hypothesis cannot be tested for competing risks data. Our approach allows to measure the error done by practitioners when they build incidence tables. Finally, a numerical application is considered on a long term care insurance dataset
Maltais, Stéphanie. „La gestion résiliente des crises sanitaires dans les États fragiles : étude de la crise d’Ebola en Guinée“. Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/39855.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMahnic̆, Maja. „Le statut juridique des activités jure gestionis des états en droit international“. Paris 10, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA100067.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleJure gestionis activity is the State activity of the same nature as the activity of private persons : its accomplishment does not imply the exercise of sovereign authority. The legal status of this activity has been essentially defined in the internal legal order, where the municipal tribunal defined the criteria of qualification and the rules applicable to this activity, in the field of State immunities. However, the limitation of the latter to the jus imperii has not been able to guarantee the efficiency of State responsibility for the jus gestionis, as numerous obstacles remain. The problem of the jus gestionis therefore shifted to the international legal order, where the rules of State responsibility and, above all, the settlement of disputes by arbitration, led to the adequate solutions and thereby completed the legal status of the jus gestionis. Still, the willingness of the parties may play an important role in this field
Boucher, Jean-Christophe. „LA PARTICIPATION DES ÉTATS À LA GESTION DES CRISES INTERNATIONALES (1946-2001). Entre raison d'État et raison humanitaire“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28576/28576.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBillard, Gérald. „Gouvernement des villes et citoyenneté urbaine à l'épreuve de la gestion de l'aménagement des aires résidentielles aux Etats-unis : San Diego, Seattle et San Francisco“. Le Mans, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999LEMAA001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLeon, Mojarro Benjamin de. „Contribution à l'amélioration de la gestion des périmètres irrigués“. Montpellier 2, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986MON20182.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleZrihen, Robert. „Rôles informels du contrôle budgétaire : le cas d'une entreprise multinationale nord-américaine“. Paris 9, 2002. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2002PA090037.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleQuestions about the roles and functions of budgetary management control arose from our day-to-day practice in the European subsidiary of a multinational company. Even though methods had lost some of their relevance in a changing context, they were still being used. Why ? Besides the traditional technique objectives of budgetary management control, new informal roles appear, participating to the making of a new organisational reality. The budgeting systems contribute to maintain and distribute power. They also develop a more coherent and identity team through budgetary practices and rituals. The object of this research is to understand the evolution and the articulation of informal roles of budgetary management control through a longitudinal case study. We develop a multidisciplinary approach using theoretical and methodological results of human sciences
Begne, Jean-Marie. „Les stratégies de diversification "hétérogène" en période de crise : le cas des États-Unis (1978-1983)“. Bordeaux 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992BOR1D017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe purpose of this study is to analyse the behavior in crisis situations of the firls diversified into unrelated businesses. The research is based on a sample of 45 u. S. Large corporations over the period 1978-1983 and is organized as follows. - in a first part, this work examines the impact of crisis situations of this period in the strategic and organizational behaviors of these corporations, just as their consequences on the different combinations strategy structure used by reacting of this disrupted environment. Our main conclusion minimizes the effect of the economic climate fluctuations all at once on the strategies and the structures adopted by these firms over the reference period. The general trend is to the strategic and organizational status-quo. - in a second part, this study attempts to assess in terms of financial and stock market performance the actions which are setted by these corporations against their environment disruptions. Finally, we find that there was no evidence that specialized firms and related diversification were more successful than unrelated diversification
Galactéros-Luchtenberg, Caroline. „Analyse critique de la gestion des crises balkaniques de l'après-guerre froide“. Paris 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA010317.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCollette, Elodie. „Motivations et incitations dans les politiques de gestion des ressources humaines : le cas des entreprises à but non lucratif, non-profit organizations, aux États-unis“. Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe purpose of this research is to propose a positive analysis of motivations and incentives in npo in the usa. We define motivation as a result of four forces in interaction (individual needs and expectations, collective atmosphere, organization characteristics, and environment constraints). We have also define two incentives' methods, one at given preferences and one which has a direct effect on the manipulation of preferences. While studying wages and compensations in npo, we try to test the accuracy of two hypothesis (wage donation and discrimination). In term of organizational differenciation, npo are specific in their attention to loyalty (as a combination of exit and voice) and the importance of the role of the entrepreneur
Naudin, Edith. „Problèmes de tournées de véhicules avec contraintes de ressources : modélisations par arcs-états et techniques de résolution adaptées“. Paris 6, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003VERS0038.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSouid, Slim. „Gestion du résultat comptable : une étude réalisée après l'introduction du référentiel IAS / IFRS dans le contexte français“. Paris 13, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA131020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEuropean listed firms have adopted in the 1rst of January 2005, International Accounting Standard of IASB. The adoption of these standards offers firms many accountings options. Such offered options come to strengthen accounting choices those leaders have disposed to manage the earnings of their firms. Firstly, this research deals with followings question: Did listed firms manage their results? Then, earnings management constitute one stake of firm government, the second question with which deals this research is: Do governance structures allow to reduce earnings management? So, the present research includes two parts. The first one develops theoretical foundations of earnings management. It exposes its motivations, incitations and constraints. When the second part is an empirical validation of the determinants earnings management. Factor model is held to measure the earnings management, where this latest is considered as latent variable. The method of structural equations is used to validate the research hypothesis
Salaber, Julie. „L'éthique dans la gestion de portefeuille : Comportement des investisseurs et rentabilité de l'investissement politiquement incorrect“. Paris 9, 2008. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2008PA090055.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis doctoral thesis deals with the risk and return of sin stocks – stocks of companies involved in producing tobacco, alcoholic beverages and gambling – and the impact of addictive consumption on asset pricing. Sin stocks exhibit abnormal risk adjusted returns after controlling for market risk and traditional investment style. Through the study of sin stocks across different countries and the use of several asset pricing models, we are able to find new determinants of their performance, depending on the firm environment. First, there exist risk factors that are specific to sin companies and are priced on the European market: the risk of litigation and the risk of an increase in excise duties. Second, sin companies in the United States earn positive risk adjusted returns only over recession periods, because of higher earning growth than average. Third, the religious environment of sin firms has an impact on their stock returns, since Protestants are more “sin averse” than Catholics and thus neglect these companies when investing. All above determinants are related to the addictive nature of sin consumption and we show that addiction has an effect not only on sin stock risk and return but also on asset pricing in general. Therefore we are able to explain the poor predictability power of the CCAPM as well as the equity premium puzzle with the stability of addictive consumption growth
Kolomvos, Georges. „Résolution de grands problèmes stochastiques multi-étapes : Application à un problème de dimensionnement de capacités et de gestion de flux et de stocks“. Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00275775.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKolomvos, Georgios. „Résolution de grands problèmes stochastiques multi-étapes : application à un problème de dimensionnement de capacités et de gestion de flux et de stocks“. Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007ECAP1044.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn a deterministic setting, data input are considered to be known. However, in real-world applications one may face problems whose parameters are partially or totally uncertain. The approach where one considers a single scenario, which is supposed to represent a mean case, shows quickly its limits. We consider working on a discretized uncertainty space spreading over several time periods; we therefore consider scenario trees and introduce the multistage models associated. Problems dimensions rise exponentially with the number of stages which renders direct solution methods inappropriate. What has motivated our work is an industrial application arising in a gas market, concerning more precisely capacity reservation in the context of a contractual agreement that has to hold over a certain time horizon. Spot prices and clients' demands are considered to be uncertain and are modeled using a scenario tree. The problem structure presents strong similarities with a wide family of problems, where variables are coupling with each other in a very characteristic manner. After a literature survey focusing on (but not limited to) solution methods for multistage models, the Nested Decomposition (ND)method has been chosen. Over very large cases, even decomposition methods show their limits; this concerns in principle convergence times. This work is mostly devoted to the development of new procedures inside the ND method in order to work with larger scenario trees in less time. Other aspects, concerning time reduction over a single iteration are also studied. Comparisons between the classic and the newly presented approaches revealed the superiority of the latter over the former
Dubuc, Julien. „Coopération interlocale et gestion des eaux transfrontalières entre le Canada et les États-Unis le cas du site d'enfouissement de Coventry“. Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/5638.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMawonou, Kodjo. „Développement d’algorithmes adaptatifs embarqués et débarqués du système de gestion batterie pour l’estimation des états de la batterie en usage automobile“. Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPASC028.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEnvironmental issues are increasingly concerning to public opinion and authorities. Accordingly, Automobile manufacturers have to propose more environmental friendly vehicles. This thesis project goes to the general scope of battery-driven vehicles. The energy of the electric and hybrid vehicles is stored in batteries pack made of numerous electrochemical cells. Lithium-ion cells are the most commonly used, and are one another connected in series and parallel. These batteries packs, require an enhanced surveillance assured by a dedicated controller called Battery ManagementSystem (BMS).The first part of the work deals with computational burden reductionin the BMS when several battery cells are utilized in battery packs. To improvethe precision of batteries state of charge (SoC) estimation, we have studied and implemented a fractional order model (FOM) based state estimator for Li-ionbatteries.The second part of the study is dedicated to Li-ion batteries health management. First, new state of health (SoH) indicators were designed. Furthermore, a datadriven SoH predictor was designed using EVs data collected over time. The model training was conducted based on extracted user’s behaviors. Finally, a tool is provided for ageing factors ranking
Koutchkine, Jean-Rémi. „Transférabilité en France d'un mode de management américain : le BPR, un cas d'application“. Paris 8, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA081070.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe research conducted in this thesus considers the transferability of american models. It begins by presenting the environment of the ninetees and their impact on how companies operate. The various management systems aiming at preserving competitivity by optimizing of the value are scanned and their unability to deal with the challenge is pointe d out. A new management model, the business process reengineering appears in the united-states. The question of his transfert to various cultures, national or company ones is increasingly put forward as bpr audience is increasing. This analysis allows to identify the success parameters for succeeding in doing a bpr in france including the taking into account of cultural specificities and the conclusion is that it is possible to transfer without changing it's essence by creating a set of models
Sauvage, Emmanuelle. „Coopération internationale et intercompréhension culturelle : approche ethnographique d’un cas franco-latino-américain“. Paris 10, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA100071.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis PhD dissertation in cross-cultural management relies on an ethnographic study of a Florida-based Franco-Latino-American company producing perfume oils. The study indicates a long-lasting, well-balanced situation between social well-being and economic wealth. The research questions the link between intercultural understanding and business efficiency, due notably to a deep analysis which shows differences between the interpretations of the product, the market, and the client by the people involved. This study reveals that a similar language pattern can indicate different realities and an identical behavior can be determined by different logics. These observations could cause difficulty given that they contrast with the apparent easiness and simplicity of the efficient, as well as successful, business organizational structure. By studying individuals’ sense-making processes and the underlying meanings given to each item, the research demonstrates that success lies upon compatible positive understanding of a similar situation rather than upon similar visions. Mutual adjustments between people from different cultural backgrounds are complex and generally performed without their being aware of it. Beyond a so-called understanding of the “other”, the real foundations of relation and adaptation mechanisms differ from what people think they are; finally, efficiency seems to be obtained not in spite of misunderstandings but thanks to them. We contend that multicultural team members’ cultural “reading” of the product should be shared and compared beforehand at the strategic level. This research highlights the relevance of frameworks of meanings to shed light on cooperation
Leboulanger, Christine. „Analyse technométrique des relations ago-antagonistes entre le Japon et les Etats-Unis : cas de l'industrie des matériaux supraconducteurs“. Caen, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993CAEN0549.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe "technometric" study focusing on supraconductor materials significantly shows the more and more international nature of the phenomenon of patent. Great industrial nations such as the United-States and Japan get more and more inclined to project their techniques and new products overseas in order to create broader markets. The globalisation of technology - thus appearing with superconductivity - espresses multiple and complex realities which seemingly have to be managed. Apparently the Japanese industrial strategy is to cover the whole industrial field while focusing the means of action on some essential poles. The american indutrial strategy aims keeping a worldwide leadership, which she thinks is on the way to escape her. Japan appears like a country where technology originates while a very creative country such the United-States loses ground. This expresses a tendency to a levelling between both countries. This research shows that ago-antagonism approach prevails in the supraconductor materials industry. In fact the actors are seeking for a balance between competition and cooperation to cope with the specificities of the field concerned
MacKillop, Fionn. „Vers une gestion de l'eau plus "durable" ? : les enjeux des mutations de la planification de l'eau et du foncier dans la métropole de Los Angeles“. Marne-la-Vallée, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007MARN0363.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis dissertation analyzes the current debate in Southern California on water supply and land use planning in major development projects. Developers and local authorities claim that these developments are more “sustainable” than the traditional urbanism of the region. Numerous opponents, who argue that current practices are still characterized by excessive water use and other environmental damages, contest these claims. These controversies take place against the backdrop of perceived growing political, environmental and economic threats to the region’s water supply. We discuss the changes and elements of continuity in the current evolutions, and analyze their environmental, political and social consequences. We thus build a critique of “sustainability” and “environmental protection”, by showing how these notions are socially and politically shaped in given geographical contexts
Vitali, Delphine. „La question de la transversalité dans la gestion des hydrosystèmes fluviaux. Analyse des bassins versants de l'Etang de Berre et de l'Ouvèze“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000AIX10105.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDiane, Fatou. „Gestion des risques de crédit et stabilité financière dans les pays de l'UEMOA“. Aix-Marseille 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009AIX24021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis tries to measure the impact of the risk management of credit in the financial stability of the countries of the WAEMU. After a detailed this thesis focuses on measuring the impact of credit risk management on the financial stability of WAEMU countries. A detailed analysis of the financial sector leading to a better command of existing financing methods in the zone, a better understanding of financial institutions funding reveals the common point of these components : the credit. The WAEMU financial sector dominated by the banking sector is under the control and supervision of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO). It is in charge of the financial stability management and as a result the risk attached to credits. Commercial banks also play their part in this risk management. The search for reasons behind the failure and high banking costs within the union lead to revisiting the WAEMU banking experience characterized by high transactions costs and rigidities and which tends to exclude low income people who represent a non negligible part of the population. Microfincance institutions therefore constitute an appropriate substitute to formal bank. Other financing sources add up to the financial system especially with the rise of migration leading to the financial sector expansion
Vézina, Catherine. „LA GESTION DE LA MIGRATION MEXICANO-AMÉRICAINE: INTÉRÊTS NATIONAUX ET RÉPONSES RÉGIONALES À UN PROBLÈME BILATÉRAL CROISSANT (1947-1952)“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/29207/29207.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCastillo, Vaquera Jorge Galileo. „Administrer et judiciariser la gestion des conflits électoraux au sein des institutions électorales : Etats-Unis 2000-Mexique 2006“. Thesis, Paris 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA030070.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe intervention of the judiciary power to solve a ballot in last resort, arise several problems concerning the progress of the representative democracy, and even a paradox: the principle of the democratic representation by an indirect vote of the citizens can be put forward by the judiciary interpretation on the meaning of the ballot's votes. At the same time, the intervention of the judiciary as an independent power constitutes a guarantee of impartiality for the political resolutions, seeking to reinforce the trust of the main social and political protagonists about the electoral administration. We are also faced with the problem of the political rationality versus the legal rationality, constantly put forward during electoral conflict contemporary processes as essential protagonists but nearly antagonistic ones, by the fact that they pursue close but distinct interests
Girard, Clément. „Diagnostic des Dysfonctionnements des Plans de Secours pour la Gestion des Risques Majeurs“. Thesis, Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EMSE0763/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe increase in frequency and intensity of major disasters make a consensus. In France, the state imposes to local administrations to be prepared to face such events by describing their local organizations in a Local Emergency Response Plan (LERP). However, there are no existing tools for decision-Makers at this authority scale to a priori assess functioning capacity of the organization described in their plans. This research work proposes an a priori assessment method of Local Emergency Response Plans, to allow local authorities to identify organizational vulnerabilities of their plans, and thus giving to them an aid to decision-Making. This assessment method is laid on an established formalism of modelling methods. This allows, in one hand, to catch the complexity of elements’ stakes in emergency management and in another hand to lay assessment mechanisms for this one. These mechanisms are supported by Fault-Tree formalism. However, this is restricting because the failure of modelled elements can only be assessed on two discrete levels: complete functioning or complete dysfunctioning. This is why this work aims to build an assessment method based on Multi-Level Fault-Tree. This means that new gates have to be described according to the assessed object (LERP). Furthermore, modelled elements have to be improved to take into account Multi-Level considerations in the chosen modelling method. According to that, a questionnaire has been developed to collect information from local authorities about failure states of modelled elements. The results of this assessment are presented in a dashboard format. The purpose is first, to guide local authorities by having a quick overview of the overall organization system represented in the LERP. Secondly, it helps them to plan the vulnerabilities reductions in a management program
Voisin, Laure. „Les american depository receipts (ADR), une alternative à la double cotation des titres étrangers sur le marché américain : concepts et techniques : modélisation et étude analytique“. Aix-Marseille 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX24002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBardet, Romaric. „Approvisionnement en eau et gestion de la ressource en milieu urbain : le cas des cités-états grecques de Crète (VIIIe s.-67 av. J.-C.)“. Thesis, Paris 4, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA040193.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe water supply and the management of this resource in the urban areas of the Greek cities of Crete is a recent research theme, which raises the question of the efficiency of the Cretan hydraulic civilization of the first millenium B.C. in general. Borrowing from the sciences of the nature, from the geography, as well as from the history, the study intends to put the archaeology back in the heart of the debate, to illustrate in particular the contribution of the Cretan hydraulic techniques to the development of the new conurbations led by the emergence, and then the blooming of city-states on the island between the eigth century B.C. and the conquest of the island by Rome, in 67 B.C. It seems that most of the current forms of answer to water supply issues of cities were known in Crete from the Iron Age
Zareba, Wioletta. „L’élaboration de la Politique européenne de voisinage et la gestion du problème des frontières : le rôle des nouveaux États membres (notamment celui de la Pologne)“. Thesis, Paris 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA030070.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was developed in order to insure a zone of stability and prosperity on the borders of the European Union (EU). It aims at strengthening political, economic, cultural, and security cooperation between the EU and its neighbours. Its objective is to engage neighbouring States into a mutually beneficial cooperation with the EU. The present doctorate thesis focuses on the Eastern dimension of the ENP which includes Eastern States like Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. These countries have an important role to play in the EU international straetegy. New Eastern European countries adhering in 2004 brought in a new frailty yet creating a strong pressure group asking for a strong commitment of the EU in matters related to immediate neighbourhood. Those countries are thoroughly aware of the economic situation of the region and have a wide experience cooperating with Belarus, Russia and Ukraine; they sought to have an influence on the Community's foreign affairs policy by means of new paths of action. The aim of this research concerns the global evaluation of the new Members States' - and Poland's in particular - part in and the contribution to jointly elaborating the Eastern European Union's eastern policy for the years 2004-2007