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Eib, Constanze, und Steffi Siegert. „Is Female Entrepreneurship Only Empowering for Single Women? Evidence from France and Germany“. Social Sciences 8, Nr. 4 (23.04.2019): 128. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/socsci8040128.

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Entrepreneurship has been suggested as an alternative career model for women to gain economic empowerment while maintaining caring obligations. In this study, we investigate how gender and living situation affect entrepreneurs’ engagement in their business, home, well-being and business success in both France and Germany. Data from the European Social Survey were used, which included 470 French and 622 German self-employed people. For the French, women reported more working hours when living alone but there were no gender differences for the other living situations. For the Germans, there were no gender differences when the self-employed person lived alone; for the other living situations, men reported more working hours. Women reported working more household hours than men in both countries. There were no gender differences in life satisfaction for German self-employed people regardless of living situation; for the French, gender differences varied by living situation. Men reported more business success than women in both countries. Results suggest that self-employed people in Germany follow a traditional breadwinner model, whereas in France, self-employed women do more paid and unpaid work at the same time. In sum, entrepreneurship may only be empowering for self-employed women living alone.
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Yu, Wanlin. „The Role of German Economy in Europe“. Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media 24, Nr. 1 (20.11.2023): 151–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.54254/2753-7048/24/20230686.

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This paper details the role that Germany and the German economy have played in Europe over time. The timeline is divided into three parts, namely the period of World War II, the period before and after German reunification, and the German economy today, and each timeline is analyzed in the context of Germany, Europes overall history, and the world situation at the time, with different examples and comparative analyses of individual country situations. The main reason why this article was able to get at what kind of role Germany plays in Europe is because of the gradual conclusions drawn through comparisons with the economic development of different but contemporaneous countries and Germanys own GDP growth. In every period of Europes development, the German economy has had a greater influence and guidance on Europe as a whole and on some countries, and in most cases has played a dominant, leading role, despite the blows and impacts of World War II on the development of the economy.
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Riddell, Linda. „Shetland's German Trade – on the Verge of Colonialism?“ Northern Scotland 10, Nr. 1 (Mai 2019): 1–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/nor.2019.0166.

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From the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries, German merchants dominated the import/export trade of Shetland. It has been suggested that this was a ‘pre-colonial’ trade; no settlement or political control was involved, but the success of the trade encouraged Scots to establish ‘full colonialism’ in the eighteenth century. This paper argues that the people who succeeded in controlling the socio-economic structure in the eighteenth century through combining land-owning with fishing and trade, were native Shetlanders (though often descended from immigrants), who traded for their own profit not for the benefit of Scotland or particular inhabitants of mainland Scotland. Colonisation can in some situations be primarily economic, and settlement or governmental change are not prerequisites. But the situation in Shetland was more complex than a purely economic perspective would imply; by the time the change in the operation of trade occurred, it was about 250 years since the transfer from Norwegian to Scottish political control and the time of greatest immigration from Scotland had passed. Scotland had no more colonised Shetland by the end of the eighteenth century than at the beginning.
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ÇAM, Gül Ecem. „Exporting Workers: The Turkish Case“. Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies 1, Nr. 2 (30.09.2021): 162–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.52241/tjds.2021.0029.

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Since 1961, worker export flows have been a prominent aspect in most European countries, notably Germany, in the case of Turkey (p. 111). These flows mainly occurred from less developed countries to developed countries (p. 13) and most foreign workers were temporarily imported with no promise of permanent settlement (p. 5). Exporting Workers: The Turkish Case by Suzanne Paine uses surveys and reports to examine the social and economic situations of workers who migrated to Germany as guest workers under the Gastarbeiterprogramm labor migration contract signed between Turkey and the Federal Republic of Germany. The book widely reviews the process of migration and contains aspects of before, during, and after their migration. The German Federal Labor Office and the Turkish State Planning Organization are the two main reference sources. This research aims to analyze the impact of the worker export contract between Turkey and Germany on Turkey’s economic development and on the life of migrant workers (p. 8). The research combines quantitative and qualitative analysis with coherent methodology throughout its five chapters.
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Kirchner, Stefan. „Between East and West? East Germany’s Employment System in a Dynamic Comparison“. ILR Review 73, Nr. 5 (13.02.2019): 1046–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0019793919831694.

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This article investigates how working conditions in East Germany differ from those in West Germany as well as from those among its Central and Eastern European (CEE) neighbors (Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland). Building on repeated International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) survey data (1989, 1997, 2005, and 2015), the author compares key elements of East Germany’s employment system with West Germany and its CEE neighbors over time. The results show that, initially, East Germany’s conditions resembled a logic reflecting the need for economic survival that was distinct from West Germany and from the emerging general patterns of its CEE neighbors. By 2015, East and West German working conditions nearly converge. This article develops and extends the employment system approach to address situations of transformation and substantial institutional change, and contributes to the ongoing debate on regional diversity in Germany’s economy.
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Pohlan, J. „Processes of Suburbanisation and its Effects on the Finances of Cities in West Germany: The Example of Bremen and the Surrounding Communities“. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 14, Nr. 1 (März 1996): 25–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1068/c140025.

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This paper is an analysis of the effects of suburbanisation processes on the finances of cities in West Germany, taking the metropolitan area of Bremen as an example. The main thesis is that, under the present socioeconomic conditions, the German system of public finance and public responsibilities has led to a growing gap between the financial situations of central cities and of their surrounding communities in urban agglomerations. For the purpose of describing the differences in developments in the central city of Bremen and its suburban area, the main local tax revenues, as well as some indicators of ‘fiscal stress’, and their developments between 1982 and 1992 were analysed. The empirical results verify a significant shift of economic and financial strength to the suburban belt during the period under investigation. Although since the beginning of the 1970s a severe imbalance between the development of revenue and of expenditure needs has generated a dramatic budget situation in Bremen, in the surrounding communities in Lower Saxony budgetaty situations were sound in every respect. Similar processes, which have led to a relative weakness of revenues and increasing debts, have been observed in other central cities in Germany. Obviously the negative effect of suburbanisation processes on the financial situation of the central city is not a problem specific to Bremen. Generally, the larger cities are convinced that their functions for the hinterland and the resulting burdens have not been adequately taken into account in the systems of municipal finance and fiscal equalisation.
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Souza, Marcelo José Lopes de. „"Urbanofilia" e "urbanofobia" na geopolítica: as cidades e a urbanização no pensamento geopolítico alemão do entre-guerras e na geopolítica brasileira do regime de 64“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências 17 (01.12.1994): 65–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/1994_0_65-72.

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This paper results from two short sections of the author's PhD thesis. The main purpose of this article is to focus a subject almost unknow in Brazil: The view of the German geopoliticians of the 30s on the urbanization and the cities, in relation to the thought of the German geographer Friedrich Ratzel and the Brazilian geopolitics during the military rule. One can only understand the "urbanophilia" of Ratzel, the "urbanophobia" of the German geopoliticians, and the more complex view of the Brazilian geopolitics of the Post-64 period, within their respective sociohistorical contexts. Despite there are doctrinal similarities among Ratzel's work and the thought of German geopoliticians of the 30s, and among the German geopoliticians and the Brazilian geopolitics of the Post-64 period, the different socio-historical situations explain the different views in relation to the urbanization and its significance in terms of "progress" and "development".
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Schneider, Hans Joachim. „Crime, Criminological Research, and Criminal Policy in West and East Germany before and after Their Unification“. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 35, Nr. 4 (Dezember 1991): 283–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0306624x9103500402.

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In October 1990 the two German states united after 40 years of separation. Since crime rate figures had been manipulated and empirical studies had not been carried out for decades, criminological research needs to be started afresh in the new federal states. This is because in consequence of the differing standards of living and economic situations criminality is almost certain to climb and change its structure and appearance. The population must learn to trust the newly emerging judicial and criminal justice system.
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Herbst, Jan Peter. „The Work Realities of Professional Studio Musicians in the German Popular Music Recording Industry: Careers, Practices and Economic Situations“. IASPM@Journal 8, Nr. 2 (Dezember 2018): 18–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.5429/2079-3871(2018)v8i2.3en.

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Classen, Dr Albrecht. „The Humorous Treatment of Prostitutes by an Early Modern German Franciscan Preacher Poet: Johannes Pauli (1522)“. New Literaria 04, Nr. 02 (2023): 165–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.48189/nl.2023.v04i2.018.

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Irrespective of our comfort level, the topic of prostitution assumes an important role also within late medieval and early modern history, literature, law, and art history. While many scholars have already engaged with this issue drawing from legal or social-economic sources, the literary evidence also deserves to be considered in this context. The German-Swabian Franciscan preacher and poet, Johannes Pauli, is famous for his extensive discussion of everyday-life situations in his close to 700 prose narratives. There is hardly any aspect in human existence left out, whether we think of truth, fools, gender, peasants, judges, clerics, women, or the many different vices and virtues. Practically overlooked by scholarship, however, in one section, Pauli also turns his attention to prostitutes and entertains his audience with humorous narratives about various situations in the lives of those women, certainly an important sliver of human society during the pre-modern world.
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Sirkeci, İbrahim. „Migration From Turkey to Germany: An Ethnic Approach“. New Perspectives on Turkey 29 (2003): 189–207. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0896634600006166.

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Ülkemin ırmakları dışarı akarNeden bilmem can havliyle akar…(Cemal Süreya, 1988)(The rivers of my country are flowing outFrightened to death they flow, I know not why…)The growth in the numbers of asylum seekers to Western European countries over the past decade (Castles and Loughna, 2002) has underlined the significance of “political” and other non-economic factors in shaping migration flows, drawing attention to the inadequacy of theoretical explanations based on socio-economic differentials. The need to reassess earlier research on labor flows to take into account the existence of migrants obliged to flee from situations involving political persecution has become apparent, whether the migrants be directly or personally a target of persecution or whether they feel threatened by association for reasons of ethnicity, geography, etc. My main aim in this article is to raise the issue of the role of “Kurdish ethnicity” as one instance of such political forces in shaping migration flows from Turkey to Germany. During the 1970s and 1980s, research on patterns of migration between the two countries was almost exclusively concerned with the “incorporation of guest workers” into German labor markets and the contribution of their remittances to the Turkish economy.
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Golec de Zavala, Agnieszka, Müjde Peker, Rita Guerra und Tomasz Baran. „Collective Narcissism Predicts Hypersensitivity to In–group Insult and Direct and Indirect Retaliatory Intergroup Hostility“. European Journal of Personality 30, Nr. 6 (November 2016): 532–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/per.2067.

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Results of five studies (N = 1596) linked collective narcissism—a belief in in–group exaggerated greatness contingent on external validation—to direct and indirect, retaliatory hostility in response to situations that collective narcissists perceived as insulting to the in–group but which fell well beyond the definition of an insult. In Turkey, collective narcissists responded with schadenfreude to the European economic crisis after feeling humiliated by the Turkish wait to be admitted to the European Union (Study 1). In Portugal, they supported hostile actions towards Germans and rejoiced in the German economic crisis after perceiving Germany's position in the European Union as more important than the position of Portugal (Study 2). In Poland, they supported hostile actions towards the makers of a movie they found offensive to Poland (Studies 3 and 5) and responded with direct and indirect hostility towards a celebrity whose jokes about the Polish government they found offensive (Study 4). Comparisons with self–positivity and in–group positivity indices and predictors of intergroup hostility indicated that collective narcissism is the only systematic predictor of hypersensitivity to in–group insult followed by direct and indirect, retaliatory intergroup hostility. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology
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Steffen, Anton, und Andreas V. Ledwon. „Textual Analysis to Empirically Assess the Impact of Economic Crises on Stakeholder Orientation“. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 9, Nr. 3 (01.03.2023): 16–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.18775/ijmsba.1849-5664-5419.2014.93.1002.

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This study uses textual analysis of annual reports to evaluate the presence of stakeholder theory in times of economic crises. Although the literature on stakeholder tendency in times of crises is scarce and predominantly focused on U.S. and Austrian data, it suggests that adopting the principles of a stakeholder model may lead companies to a more successful crises management outcome. Academic contributions to German-listed companies utilizing textual analysis are limited. Hence, we start by proposing a qualitative textual approach to analyze annual reports of German-listed companies in the DAX from the period 2000 to 2020 to extract relevant information on the tendency to apply shareholder- or stakeholder-theory-related aspects in times of economic crises such as the Global Financial Crises and more recently the COVID-19 crises. We examine our gathered word extractions with a well-found methodological approach based on a comprehensive literature review and perform a logit regression to test formulated hypotheses. By analyzing word frequencies in annual reports that refer to either shareholders or stakeholders we aim to assess the importance that the management of listed companies attaches to each management approach in times of crises. Based on existing literature, we formulate the central research question of whether the word frequency of shareholder-related words in years of economic crises increases compared to years without economic crises. In line with Asel, Posch, and Speckbacher (2011), our research reconfirms that there is no tendency or conflict of both shareholder and stakeholder management in times of economic crises. In a nutshell, our empirical results indicate that there is no statistically significant increase in word frequencies of either shareholder- or stakeholder-related words in years of economic crises present. Finally, we conclude by challenging the effectiveness of either the shareholder or stakeholder orientation in economic crises-like situations and encouraging further empirical research contributions on this field, and utilizing the proposed textual analysis for other essential research questions, such as the presence of AI-related aspects amongst German-listed companies or indications about price increases in times of high inflation.
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Heber, Caroline. „Article: The Interest Limitation Rule in the Light of European Constitutional Law“. EC Tax Review 31, Issue 2 (01.02.2022): 72–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.54648/ecta2022006.

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At the European level, the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD) introduced an interest limitation rule. The European legislature followed the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), according to which interest limitation rules are a suitable instrument to address schemes that aim to shift profits to other jurisdictions and thereby erode tax bases of Member States. The existing German interest limitation rule and the case law of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) had a tremendous impact on the drafting of the European rule and thus the European legislature decided to expose both cross-border and purely domestic interest payments to the interest barrier. The article shows that the extension of the interest limitation rule to purely domestic situations violates the European principle of equal treatment. Against this background, the article proves that the European internal market allows the application of a European interest limitation rule only in cross-border situations. Interest limitation rule, principle of equal treatment, ATAD, internal market, fundamental freedoms, ability-to-pay principle, market neutrality, economic efficiency, principle of subsidiarity, internal market competence
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Zhou, Shengxiang. „Investment and Economic Situation Analysis of Germany“. Learning & Education 10, Nr. 3 (07.11.2021): 113. http://dx.doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i3.2408.

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This article starts with the Preliminary Information of German investment and economic conditions, and then studies the financial markets at all levels in Germany, as well as government-ed fiscal issues, analyzes the German economic status through foreign debt, IMF programs and various indicators, and then introduces the status of German economic reforms. And the im pact of the international situation on the German economy, and then through risk analysis, the development of the German economy and investment can be obtained.
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Ritter, Monique. „Nursing shortage and migration: Insights into the current situation in the Federal State of Saxony, Germany“. Tudásmenedzsment 24, Nr. 4. különszám (07.11.2023): 31–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.15170/tm.2023.24.k4.3.

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This paper summarises two qualitative studies that examined the issue of recruiting migrant workers for the healthcare sector in the Federal State of Saxony, Germany. Given the shortage of skilled nursing staff, investigations were conducted to understand the situations and conditions that migrant caregivers are likely to encounter when working in the nursing and care work sectors in Dresden and in the district of Görlitz. These regions were characterised by sparse migrant populations and limited intercultural collaboration at the workplace until 2014/2015, when they witnessed an influx of refugees. To gather relevant data on the issue, problem-focused interviews were conducted with a number of white, German actors engaged in older people's care and in hospitals. A grounded theory-based approach and content analysis were used to analyse the responses. Findings highlighted the presence of racism in exchanges with migrant caregivers. Further, in a field of labour governed by economic constraints, racist practices fostered exclusions, especially when time and human resources were not invested in promoting teamwork. Thus, the working conditions of migrant caregivers can be potentially regarded as precarious, problematic and in need of anti-racist and employee-friendly practices. This work addresses a research gap by examining an issue that is relevant to labour sociology and nursing science in Germany from an anti-racist perspective while analysing specific working conditions. It also offers recommendations for a more promising collaboration that are based on the findings.
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Cooper, William. „INCOME DIVIDING AMONG FAMILY: INFORMATION FROM INPUT ON ICONOMIC PLEASURE“. CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGICS 02, Nr. 05 (20.05.2021): 1–3. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/pedagogics-crjp-02-05-01.

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This paper adds to the comprehension of sex viewpoints in the intra-household dividing of income. I gauge models of contrasts in monetary fulfilment between household partners utilizing board information from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, which permits one to account for family level fixed impacts. The paper adds to the writing a further convincing rejection of the equivalent dividing speculation. Also and novel, the outcomes suggest that unequal income dividing is topsy-turvy and set off by the relative business situations with the partners in male provider families, the ladies' prosperity is influenced by the dissemination factor; in double full-time couples, it is the man's prosperity.
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Motel-Klingebiel, Andreas, Jolanta Perek-Białas, Indre Genelyte und Susanne Kelfve. „Exclusion and Inequality in Late Working Life–On the Gendered Risks for Old-Age Exclusion in Sweden and Poland“. Innovation in Aging 4, Supplement_1 (01.12.2020): 65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igaa057.211.

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Abstract The labour market activity of older workers and their ability and disposition to maintain it depend on institutional conditions, age norms, labour demand and shifting overall economic conditions. The paper discusses exclusion and inequality in later working life from a European comparative perspective and emphasises shifts in late work and retirement patterns as well as later-life outcomes in Sweden and Poland. An emphasis is on changing institutional conditions on the national and branch level. Gendered risks for economic exclusion and later life precarity are stressed. Analyses for the two countries are contrasted with Germany and the UK. The analyses are part of the research program ‘Exclusion and Inequality in Late Working Life: Evidence for Policy Innovation Towards Inclusive Extended Work and Sustainable Working Conditions in Sweden and Europe – EIWO’ (2019-24). Analyses use data from SHARE and EU-SILC and address older workers of age 60 and older in Sweden, Poland, German and the UK. They find increasingly heterogeneous preretirement and transition patterns, new gender gaps and increasing risks of economic exclusion in retirement. Situations differ between countries with the prolongation of late working life in Sweden having a mostly positive effect on gender inequalities with low education and specific migrant groups as an exception. Poland is specific case due to unequally low retirement age for woman (60) and for men (65) with consequently large structural gender differences and increases in the process of increasing labour force participation of older workers and increasingly gendered risks for old-age economic exclusion.
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Milostivaya, A. I. „Features of the narrative «Covid-19» in the German quality and mass press“. Гуманитарные и юридические исследования 9, Nr. 4 (2022): 667–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.37493/2409-1030.2022.4.19.

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The article is devoted to the analysis of strategies for shaping public opinion, manifested at the linguistic level of mass media communication, in the narrative about COVID-19 from the German high-quality and mass press. The relevance of the study is due to the social relevance of a narrative analysis of the persuasive impact of the media during the COVID-19 pandemic, during which, through the prism of the relationship with coronavirus infection, the socio-political and economic problems of a state are brought to the fore in the high-quality and mass press. At the same time, the author’s special research interest is focused on the interpretation of frame models of authentic denotative situations in comparison with their interpretations in high-quality and mass German newspapers, which made it possible to characterize the axiological attitude of the subjects of narrative in the media to cognitive-discursive events in the geopolitical space not only in Germany and The European Union, but also the global world as a whole. The scientific novelty of the article is due to the fact that it is the first to characterize the persuasive impact of language strategies for shaping public opinion during the narrative of the coronavirus pandemic in the German high-quality and mass press in a comparative way. This article is based on the hypothesis of the correlation between factual information selection and its axiological interpretation by the subject of a communicative action in the journalistic newspaper narrative on the COVID-19, which takes place in both high-quality and mass press. Therefore, when studying strategies for shaping public opinion in the narrative on the pandemic, it is relevant to analyze the linguistic and logicalsemantic ways of denotative news content presenting. The main method for studying empirical material in this article is a frame analysis of the relationship between the prototypical described denotative situation and its textual representation in the narrative from the high-quality and mass press, which also indicates the scientific novelty of this study. At the same time, the attention of the researcher was focused on the interpretation of the asymmetry of the above phenomena as an axiologically marked constant, symmetry as an axiologically neutral interpretation of information and dissymmetry as a semi-marked case in terms of persuasive influence.
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Szymoniczek, Joanna. „Międzynarodowa pomoc humanitarna i rozwojowa jako instrumenty niemieckiej polityki zagranicznej“. Rocznik Polsko-Niemiecki, Nr. 19 (29.04.2011): 128–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.35757/rpn.2011.19.06.

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As far as both humanitarian and development aid are concerned, Germany is a major donor. Involvement in such activity is aimed most of all at building up Germany’s strong position in the international arena, creating a positive image of Germany’s presence abroad, gaining in influence on the formation of a specific world view and of attitudes in the social, political and moral spheres in the recipient countries, and obtaining tangible financial, political and economic benefits. Support from Germany flows to victims of disasters and catastrophes, forgotten armed conflicts and alarming humanitarian problems. To any appeals for assistance, Germany reacts extremely fast. This is possible because of a very efficient system established in the country, comprised of public institutions and non-governmental organisation and with its operations in the international arena regulated in a series of documents. What is characteristic of German aid is the speed with which at arrives to the aggrieved, its adequacy and its subordination to political objectives, particularly in cases of providing aid in armed conflict situations. The fact that Germany is involved, most of all, in bilateral aid operations, which makes it possible to make decisions on her own as to whom to provide with assistance and how, and where, and that, moreover, such assistance is not anonymous, as is the case with the multilateral aid provided by international organisation, which is both more efficient and preferred by its recipients, is evidence of such policy.
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Niehaus, Markus, und Marian Mocan. „Cultivating Design Thinking for Sustainable Business Transformation in a VUCA World: Insights from a German Case Study“. Sustainability 16, Nr. 6 (15.03.2024): 2447. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su16062447.

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Companies around the world are facing global challenges, such as internationally interwoven crisis situations and conflicts, climate change, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and technological disruptions. While the UN has developed a global agenda (namely, the SDGs) to drive sustainability, at a political and economic level, global players seem to have a rather heterogeneous understanding of the situation. How can companies successfully adapt to the resulting turbulent market environments? Design Thinking, a method for finding answers to complex and wicked problems, is experiencing a renaissance wherein it is being used not only as a tool for product innovation but also for organizational and strategic transformation. By incorporating the principles of Industry 5.0 into company visions and integrating Design Thinking and ecodesign at the level product innovation, Design Thinking can help strengthen the adaptability of companies and create sustainable innovations in these VUCA environments. However, the factors that are necessary to realize the full potential of Design Thinking for sustainable business transformation remain unclear in science. This paper presents a case study that shares key factors, including a company DNA that consists of a targeted orchestration of diversity and the company’s Love–Trust–Do mantra that, in combination, work transnationally in the company organization and can utilize the full potential of Design Thinking to foster sustainable innovation and thus strengthen the company’s resiliency in times of VUCA.
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Lahire, Bernard. „Specificity and independence of the literary game“. Nationalities Papers 40, Nr. 3 (Mai 2012): 411–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00905992.2012.674017.

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In developing his theory of the “literary field,” Pierre Bourdieu essentially had in mind the case of France from the second half of the nineteenth century, the use of which as a case undoubtedly contributed to his marginalizing numerous aspects of the national microcosm. Among its unstated and unrecognized particular qualities, France is mono-national (rather than multinational) and monolingual (rather than multilingual), and occupies the dominant position in the international Francophone world (much as Germany is at the heart of the German-speaking world). A state, a nation, a language, a territory, a literature — all of these make one unit and prevent one from considering situations more complex or tangled, such as those of many minority literatures. These allow the tackling of issues — among others, problems of their “autonomy” in relation to realities outside of literature such as the political, religious, linguistic, and economic. Rather than imposing constraints on a research agenda, the study of minority literatures allows one to shed light on the complex and contradictory relations between the political (the national, the communal, and sometimes the state), the market, and the literary game.
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Franz, Martin, Martina Fuchs und Sebastian Henn. „Othering practices toward new firm owners: empirical insights from South-North firm acquisitions in Germany“. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 62, Nr. 2 (25.05.2018): 108–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/zfw-2017-0037.

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Abstract By dealing with the process of othering in the context of acquisitions, this paper seeks to expand the concept of othering to Economic Geography. It argues that multinational companies should not only be viewed as victims of othering in that they suffer from obstructive policies and hostile public opinion, but rather that othering also matters within such firms. As a consequence of the links they establish between different countries, employees in such companies are constantly confronted with various socio-cultural backgrounds and frequently develop rather different expectations of how their counterparts should perform. This contribution analyses how and why managers and works councils in Germany practice distancing or othering towards owners of German firms located in China and India. It shows that othering can be critical within foreign direct investments. We approach the issue of othering by focusing on the sense of superiority of the involved parties, their positions in the company organisation and their related professional ethics, as well as the dynamics of othering that are mobilised in critical situations. The analysis is based on qualitative interviews from two different research projects.
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Kirchgässner, Gebhard. „On the Political Economy of Public Deficits and Debt“. German Economic Review 15, Nr. 1 (01.02.2014): 116–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/geer.12029.

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AbstractIn OECD countries, we have observed a considerable increase in public debt over recent decades caused by large and lasting deficits. What is the reason for this development and why is it rather different by country? There are two approaches to explain this. Traditional economic theory explains why it makes sense to allow deficits of public budgets in certain situations, which might result in a limited amount of public debt. It also shows the conditions for the sustainability of public finances namely that public debt stays below certain limits and, in particular, does not - in the long run - increase faster than GDP. Following the recommendations of this approach, public budget surpluses should be run in economic upswings to compensate for deficits in recessions. By contrast, politico-economic approaches explain why democratic governments have incentives to allow deficits even in periods of economic upswings. In the long run, this can lead to ever-increasing public debt. To prevent this, institutional provisions are necessary. In this respect, Swiss debt brakes at the national and cantonal levels as well as the new German rules are of particular interest.
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Innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages based on the use of online resources have the potential to solve this problem and prepare students for the challenges of today's competitive world. At the international level, interest in foreign languages is also growing. The importance of numerous profession-oriented language teaching is increasing and this is of course making ever higher demands foreign language (subject) teaching. The need for foreign language skills at work is rising very quickly and thus gaining adequate specialist language training in today's times is of importance. Communication skills play an important role here. A receptive specialist communicative competence in German is present, if he/she is able, on the basis of a technical text, to draw on the knowledge of his field of expertise to his information needs to be expanded accordingly. In this sense, the area of exploitation of Internet resources is of particular importance. The use of virtual reality creates animmersive learning environment that simulates real-life situations, promotes individualization, and ensures active learning. Online resources provide opportunities for targeted and practical use of the language, ensure effective student interaction, and support independent learning. These innovative methods allow teachers to create structured and dynamic lessons that keep students engaged. The purpose of the study was to investigate the problem of using modern Internet resources in teaching a foreign language for Specific Purposes. Specific research objectives were aimed at addressing the following questions: what types of online resources are most productive for effective linguistic work; whether the analyzed sources are suitable for use in ESP classes; how to adapt existing online resources for students of economic specialties.
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HOHMEYER, KATRIN, und TORSTEN LIETZMANN. „Persistence of Welfare Receipt and Unemployment in Germany: Determinants and Duration Dependence“. Journal of Social Policy 49, Nr. 2 (21.05.2019): 299–322. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0047279419000242.

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AbstractAlthough the German economy managed the last economic recession comparatively well, it suffers from high and stagnating long-term unemployment and benefit receipt. This article is the first to study the duration and determinants of welfare benefit (“unemployment benefit II”) receipt in Germany as a whole, with special attention on duration dependence. The recipients of the means-tested household benefit are not necessarily registered as unemployed, but are, for example, employed with insufficient earnings, in training measures or economically inactive. Due to the heterogeneous situations of welfare recipients, separately studying welfare receipt and unemployment is necessary. By using exceptionally rich administrative data on a 1% random sample of welfare recipients from between 2005 and 2014, we estimate discrete-time hazard rate models that control for unobserved heterogeneity. The first benefit and unemployment episodes for first welfare recipients between 2006 and 2012 (n = 26,163) are traced monthly until 31 December 2014. Recipients leave unemployment more quickly than welfare. Sociodemographic characteristics, labour market resources and the duration seem to affect both processes. Household composition is less important for leaving unemployment than for leaving welfare. Overall, the results indicate that leaving unemployment and leaving welfare receipt are two different processes that need distinct policies.
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Zacharias, Diana. „The Protection of Mothers in British and German Constitutional Law: A Comparative Analysis and a Contribution to the Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights in the Domestic Legal Area“. German Law Journal 9, Nr. 1 (01.01.2008): 27–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s2071832200006295.

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The universal and regional systems of human rights protection recognize that mothers find themselves in situations which require special protection. For instance, Article 10 para. 2 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights stipulates that special protection should be accorded to mothers during a reasonable period before and after childbirth and that during such period working mothers should be accorded paid leave or leave with adequate social security benefits.
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Baskan, Denis E., Daniel Meyer, Sebastian Mieck, Leonhard Faubel, Benjamin Klöpper, Nika Strem, Johannes A. Wagner und Jan J. Koltermann. „A Scenario-Based Model Comparison for Short-Term Day-Ahead Electricity Prices in Times of Economic and Political Tension“. Algorithms 16, Nr. 4 (24.03.2023): 177. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/a16040177.

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In recent years, energy prices have become increasingly volatile, making it more challenging to predict them accurately. This uncertain market trend behavior makes it harder for market participants, e.g., power plant dispatchers, to make reliable decisions. Machine learning (ML) has recently emerged as a powerful artificial intelligence (AI) technique to get reliable predictions in particularly volatile and unforeseeable situations. This development makes ML models an attractive complement to other approaches that require more extensive human modeling effort and assumptions about market mechanisms. This study investigates the application of machine and deep learning approaches to predict day-ahead electricity prices for a 7-day horizon on the German spot market to give power plants enough time to ramp up or down. A qualitative and quantitative analysis is conducted, assessing model performance concerning the forecast horizon and their robustness depending on the selected hyperparameters. For evaluation purposes, three test scenarios with different characteristics are manually chosen. Various models are trained, optimized, and compared with each other using common performance metrics. This study shows that deep learning models outperform tree-based and statistical models despite or because of the volatile energy prices.
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Kokeev, Alexander, und Maria Khorolskaya. „Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Economic and Political Situation in Germany. Part 1“. Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 21, Nr. 3 (30.06.2021): 110–09. http://dx.doi.org/10.15211/vestnikieran32021101109.

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The COVID-19 epidemic has become a major security challenge for Germany. The country was faced with the need to protect its own citizens, transform the health care system and support the economy. On the eve of the elections to the Bundestag, German elite concern how COVID-19 and restrictive measures will affect the electoral preferences of the population. At the same time, the pandemic has become a test for European solidarity. The first isolationist reaction of the EU member states gave way to attempts to find a solution at the supranational level. In a twopart article, the team of authors made an attempt to analyze how the German government solves the problems facing the country at the national and European levels, as well as to identify how citizens’ moods change under the influence of the pandemic, what predictions can be made about the results of the upcoming elections to the Bundestag. The first part is devoted to German anti-virus policy, as well as a study of economic damage and measures to support the economy. The second will analyze the FRG’s policy at the European level, as well as the impact of the pandemic on the mood in society and the political preferences of Germans.
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Dehn-Hindenberg, Andrea, Heike Saßmann, Verena Berndt, Torben Biester, Bettina Heidtmann, Norbert Jorch, Su-Jong Kim-Dorner et al. „Long-term Occupational Consequences for Families of Children With Type 1 Diabetes: The Mothers Take the Burden“. Diabetes Care 44, Nr. 12 (25.10.2021): 2656–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.2337/dc21-0740.

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the occupational and financial consequences for parents following the onset of type 1 diabetes in their child. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS A questionnaire assessing occupational and financial situations before and in the first year after the onset of diabetes was distributed to all families with a child ≤14 years of age at diagnosis with a diabetes duration of at least 12 months in nine German pediatric diabetes centers. RESULTS Data of 1,144 children (mean age at diagnosis 6.7 [3.6] years; 46.5% female) and their families were obtained. Mothers’ occupational status reflected in paid working hours was significantly reduced in the first year after their child's diabetes diagnosis (P < 0.001). Overall, 15.1% of mothers stopped working, and 11.5% reduced working hours. Mothers of preschool children were particularly affected. Fathers’ working status hardly changed (P = 0.75). Nearly half of the families (46.4%) reported moderate to severe financial losses. Compared with an earlier similar study in 2003, significant negative occupational consequences for mothers and financial burden on families remained unchanged in 2018 (P = 0.59 and 0.31, respectively). CONCLUSIONS Mothers of young children with newly diagnosed diabetes experienced negative consequences in their occupational situation. This inequality for mothers can have long-term negative consequences for their mental health and future economic situation. There is an urgent need for action to reduce the burden on families and to provide professional, social, and regulatory support, especially for mothers of young children with diabetes.
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Schopow, Nikolas, Georg Osterhoff, Nikolaus von Dercks, Felix Girrbach, Christoph Josten, Sebastian Stehr und Pierre Hepp. „Central COVID-19 Coordination Centers in Germany: Description, Economic Evaluation, and Systematic Review“. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 7, Nr. 11 (18.11.2021): e33509. http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/33509.

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Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, Central COVID-19 Coordination Centers (CCCCs) have been established at several hospitals across Germany with the intention to assist local health care professionals in efficiently referring patients with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection to regional hospitals and therefore to prevent the collapse of local health system structures. In addition, these centers coordinate interhospital transfers of patients with COVID-19 and provide or arrange specialized telemedical consultations. Objective This study describes the establishment and management of a CCCC at a German university hospital. Methods We performed economic analyses (cost, cost-effectiveness, use, and utility) according to the CHEERS (Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards) criteria. Additionally, we conducted a systematic review to identify publications on similar institutions worldwide. The 2 months with the highest local incidence of COVID-19 cases (December 2020 and January 2021) were considered. Results During this time, 17.3 requests per day were made to the CCCC regarding admission or transfer of patients with COVID-19. The majority of requests were made by emergency medical services (601/1068, 56.3%), patients with an average age of 71.8 (SD 17.2) years were involved, and for 737 of 1068 cases (69%), SARS-CoV-2 had already been detected by a positive polymerase chain reaction test. In 59.8% (639/1068) of the concerned patients, further treatment by a general practitioner or outpatient presentation in a hospital could be initiated after appropriate advice, 27.2% (291/1068) of patients were admitted to normal wards, and 12.9% (138/1068) were directly transmitted to an intensive care unit. The operating costs of the CCCC amounted to more than €52,000 (US $60,031) per month. Of the 334 patients with detected SARS-CoV-2 who were referred via EMS or outpatient physicians, 302 (90.4%) were triaged and announced in advance by the CCCC. No other published economic analysis of COVID-19 coordination or management institutions at hospitals could be found. Conclusions Despite the high cost of the CCCC, we were able to show that it is a beneficial concept to both the providing hospital and the public health system. However, the most important benefits of the CCCC are that it prevents hospitals from being overrun by patients and that it avoids situations in which physicians must weigh one patient’s life against another’s.
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Schopow, Nikolas, Georg Osterhoff, Nikolaus von Dercks, Felix Girrbach, Christoph Josten, Sebastian Stehr und Pierre Hepp. „Central COVID-19 Coordination Centers in Germany: Description, Economic Evaluation, and Systematic Review“. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 7, Nr. 11 (18.11.2021): e33509. http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/33509.

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Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, Central COVID-19 Coordination Centers (CCCCs) have been established at several hospitals across Germany with the intention to assist local health care professionals in efficiently referring patients with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection to regional hospitals and therefore to prevent the collapse of local health system structures. In addition, these centers coordinate interhospital transfers of patients with COVID-19 and provide or arrange specialized telemedical consultations. Objective This study describes the establishment and management of a CCCC at a German university hospital. Methods We performed economic analyses (cost, cost-effectiveness, use, and utility) according to the CHEERS (Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards) criteria. Additionally, we conducted a systematic review to identify publications on similar institutions worldwide. The 2 months with the highest local incidence of COVID-19 cases (December 2020 and January 2021) were considered. Results During this time, 17.3 requests per day were made to the CCCC regarding admission or transfer of patients with COVID-19. The majority of requests were made by emergency medical services (601/1068, 56.3%), patients with an average age of 71.8 (SD 17.2) years were involved, and for 737 of 1068 cases (69%), SARS-CoV-2 had already been detected by a positive polymerase chain reaction test. In 59.8% (639/1068) of the concerned patients, further treatment by a general practitioner or outpatient presentation in a hospital could be initiated after appropriate advice, 27.2% (291/1068) of patients were admitted to normal wards, and 12.9% (138/1068) were directly transmitted to an intensive care unit. The operating costs of the CCCC amounted to more than €52,000 (US $60,031) per month. Of the 334 patients with detected SARS-CoV-2 who were referred via EMS or outpatient physicians, 302 (90.4%) were triaged and announced in advance by the CCCC. No other published economic analysis of COVID-19 coordination or management institutions at hospitals could be found. Conclusions Despite the high cost of the CCCC, we were able to show that it is a beneficial concept to both the providing hospital and the public health system. However, the most important benefits of the CCCC are that it prevents hospitals from being overrun by patients and that it avoids situations in which physicians must weigh one patient’s life against another’s.
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Mannitz, Sabine. „Turkish Youths in Berlin: Transnational Identification and Double Agency“. New Perspectives on Turkey 29 (2003): 85–106. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0896634600006129.

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Migration research has often stressed the adverse circumstances of Turkish immigrants living in Germany. The situation of the so-called second and third generations in particular has been seen as entailing a problematic double-bind of living “between two cultures.” In this scholarship, the image of such youth trapped in a structural culture conflict creates the impression that serious personal and emotional crises are an inevitable part of Turkish migrant youths' coming of age in Germany. Moreover, former guest workers and their families have been treated with a less than hospitable attitude insofar as efforts to facilitate their incorporation, for example, by way of the German legal system. Although the hiring of foreign laborers undeniably contributed to the economic and social recovery of West Germany after National Socialism and World War II, immigration has never been treated as a favorable option in German politics. The project of hiring laborers from abroad on a temporary basis gradually developed into de facto immigration, unintended on the part of both Germans and Turks. The resulting demographic multi-nationalization has not (yet), however, become a self-evident ingredient of the German conscience collective (Schiffauer, 1993, pp. 195-98). The very ambivalence of this situation influences the prevalent conceptualizations of the various social groups, as the following brief account illustrates.
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Uebelmesser, Silke. „To Go or Not to Go: Emigration from Germany“. German Economic Review 7, Nr. 2 (01.05.2006): 211–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0475.2006.00153.x.

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Abstract This study analyses the qualitative aspects of emigration from Germany, taking account of economic and non-economic reasons. The reported willingness to emigrate from Germany in the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) is explained for men and women by three groups of variables: individual characteristics, household characteristics and regional characteristics. It transpires that the educational background and West German residency positively affect the willingness to emigrate, whereas German nationality, age and the family situation are mostly negatively correlated with it.
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Luttermann, Karin. „Verständliche Semantik in schriftlichen Kommunikationsformen“. Fachsprache 32, Nr. 3-4 (31.05.2017): 145–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.24989/fs.v32i3-4.1395.

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The paper Comprehensible semantics in written forms of communication deals with the comprehensibility of legal semantics in written legal communication for legal experts andlay persons. The Comprehensibility Model of Legal Language is in the tradition of linguistic pragmatics and exemplifies the language use in German product liability law which belongsto the core of consumer protection in everyday economic transactions. This includes lexemes such as ‘Fehler’ (error), ‘Produkt’ (product), ‘Sache’ (object) or ‘Mangel’ (defect) which occur both in expert as well as in non-expert situations of use.Intersections in the semantic explication between legal experts and laypersons as well as communicative problems of legal laypersons are determined. The linguistic problems must besolved in interdisciplinary committees of linguists and legal experts: e.g., in the editorial team Legal Language in the German Federal Ministry of Justice or in an European Competence Center for language and the law. The Comprehensibility Model aims at comprehensible communication of the law, in order to implement the concept of linguistic democracy. It works in the horizon of the recipient. This designates adequacy with regard to object and addressee for the production and reception of legal texts.The methodological basis is multiperspectivity: with the theory pattern, the empirical pattern, the results pattern and the comparison pattern. This leads to new possibilities for research on language for special purposes, transcending traditional disciplinary boundaries, as well as to new, practically relevant professional fields for students of Applied Linguistics (e.g., legal editor, executive consultant).
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Busch, Ulrich. „Abstieg West durch Aufbau Ost?“ PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft 34, Nr. 135 (01.06.2004): 321–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v34i135.636.

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14 years after the German unification East Germany is one of the largest European problem areas. Loss of population, economic stagnation and the dependence on transfers from the West determine the situation. With the expansion of the EU, East Germany can become the German mezzogiorno. In this situation a group of experts demands radical measures form the federal government. But these measures will worsen the living conditions in East Germany, which are already very different to those in West Germany.
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Martynenko, Volodymyr. „German Immigrants from the USSR in the Rural Sector of the Economy of the Third Reich at the Final Stage of the Second World War“. Ethnic History of European Nations, Nr. 63 (2021): 112–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/2518-1270.2021.63.14.

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Based on the involvement of a wide range of archival sources, the article reveals the peculiarities of German immigrants’ situation from the USSR involved in the rural sector of the economy of Nazi Germany at the final stage of the Second World War. Throughout the fall of 1943 – spring 1944, from the occupied Ukrainian regions by the authorities of Nazi Germany, about 350,000 ethnic Germans were evacuated. The bulk of the refugees were resettled on the territory of the imperial region of Warthegau, which included most of the annexed western Polish lands. This decision was not due to the region’s labor force’s objective needs but by the geopolitical plans of the Nazi leadership. In the foreseeable future, German colonists from the USSR were assigned the role of local settlers, contributing to the further Germanization of the conquered territories. As part of an extensive propaganda campaign, the local Nazi administration tried to present their arrival as a natural return to their historical homeland. Due to the lack of free land resources, most of the settlers were prepared for farm laborers’ role in the rural sector during the war. However, it was almost impossible to fully employ the new German contingent even as rural workers without large-scale deportations of the Polish population (this scenario threatened to turn into too serious not only economic but also political consequences). Another obstacle was the harsh pragmatism of many employers (primarily managers of large estates), who often sabotaged the Warthegau administration’s instructions regarding the recruitment and preferences of Soviet Germans. As a result, most migrants’ social and economic situation, despite the declared privileges, did not undergo any significant changes.
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Kreyenfeld, Michaela, Claudia Diehl, Martin Kroh und Johannes Giesecke. „Female employment and migration in European countries: Introduction to the Special Issue“. Journal of Family Research 33, Nr. 2 (06.09.2021): 230–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.20377/jfr-700.

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Objective: This chapter introduces the reader to the Special Issue "Female Employment and Migration in European Countries". Background: While there is a large body of research on the labour market performance of male migrants, women’s employment behaviour after migration has only recently moved into the focus of attention. Method: This Special Issue draws on various research methods and data sources, including register, census, and survey data. Some of the studies focus on specific national contexts, such as the German, Spanish, Dutch, and Belgian situations. Other studies compare female migrants across European countries and between origin and destination countries. Results: The contributions in this Special Issue help to disentangle the complex interplay of socio-economic factors, family and fertility behaviour, gender role attitudes, and institutional constraints and policies that shape the employment behaviour of migrant women after they migrate. Conclusion: In many European countries, the employment rates of first-generation female migrants, and particularly those of women from non-EU countries of origin, lag behind the employment rates of native women. While prior research has often reported that socio-economic and cultural factors play a role in shaping the employment behaviour of female migrants, the contributions in this volume also emphasise the strong relevance of institutional factors in the receiving country, including migration, family, and labour market policies.
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Kirilova, Ekaterina A., und Evgeny F. Troitsky. „The Cultural Interaction between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany from 2000 till 2020“. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Nr. 470 (2021): 154–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.17223/15617793/470/18.

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In the modern world, culture is an integral part of the state policy. The authors note the importance of cultural policy as a tool for countries to improve their relations, overcome crisis situations and build further development paths, in spite of political differences. The article deals with the cultural interaction between Germany and Russia during the 21st century. The chosen period is explained by the coming to power of Vladimir Putin in the Russian Federation and the beginning of significant changes in the state's foreign and domestic policies. During the examination of this topic, the research methods of classification, systemic approach, and historical analysis were used. With the help of historical analysis, the history of cooperation between the two states, starting from the 9th century, was considered. Common and different features in the historical past of Russia and Germany were also established. The systemic approach made it possible to define cultural policy as an integral element of the country's foreign policy. The classification method involves the division of cultural policy into several areas in which the Russian Federation and the FRG interact. The work on this article was carried out using laws in the field of international cultural cooperation, a large amount of information from official news portals (RIA Novosti, TASS, RBC), official websites of the Embassy of Russia in Berlin and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Moscow. The vectors of interaction between the two states are described in detail: scientific and technological cooperation; academic mobility; exchange programs for students, scientists, exchange of methodological literature; cross-years; forum campaign; preservation of historical memory in the territory of both states; support programmes for compatriots living in Russia and Germany; activities to promote and remain both Russian and German languages, etc. Within each direction, the forms and ways, in which countries work together, are described. This research allowed drawing conclusions about culture's significance in the formation of a positive/negative image of the state, as well as to highlight an important pattern: with the help of cultural policy, states can both improve relations and provoke conflict. Thus, the authors analyzed various forms and mechanisms of the cultural interaction between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany. There is a rich historical experience and economic basis for fruitful cooperation between the two countries and their nations. That is why two states have been able to maintain a dialogue at different levels, resolve conflict situations and restore contacts for many centuries. Therefore, both Russia and the FRG can continue to work in this direction in order to strengthen relations and bring them to a new level with the help of cultural policy.
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Kokeev, Alexander, und Maria Khorolskaya. „Impact of the Pandemic on the Economic and Political Situation in Germany. Part 2“. Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS 22, Nr. 4 (31.08.2021): 79–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.15211/vestnikieran420217987.

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The COVID-19 epidemic has become a major challenge for Germany. The authors set a goal to analyze how the German government solves the problems facing the country at the national and European levels, as well as to identify how public attitudes are changing under the influence of the pandemic. In the first part the rate of spread of the pandemic and the effectiveness of German restrictive measures were analyzed. It was concluded that during the first period of the spread of the virus, optimistic assessments of its success in the fight against the pandemic prevailed in Germany, but during the second wave, the FRG authorities faced significant difficulties. The authors also looked in detail at the economic damage from the pandemic. The second part of the study is devoted to changing public attitudes in society. The authors research in detail how the pandemic affects electoral preferences and make predictions about the upcoming elections to the Bundestag. Particular attention is paid to the German policy against COVID-19 and minimizing the consequences of the pandemic at the European level. After the first isolationist reaction of the EU countries gave way to attempts to find a join set of measures, the FRG authorities are making significant efforts to come to a compromise that satisfies the majority of the members of the European Union
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Martynenko, Volodymyr. „Organization of reception and accommodation of German refugees from the occupied regions of the USSR in Germany in 1944“. European Historical Studies, Nr. 17 (2020): 50–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/2524-048x.2020.17.4.

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Based on a wide range of sources, the article considers the process of organizing the reception and placement of German refugees from the occupied regions of Ukraine on the territory of Germany in 1944. According to archival sources, during the fall of 1943 – spring of 1944, about 350,000 ethnic Germans were evacuated from the occupied Ukrainian territories by the authorities of Nazi Germany. From February 1944, at the direction of Reichsführer SS H. Himmler, German refugees from the USSR were to be sent to the territory of the imperial district of Warthegau. Due to the lack of free land resources, most new settlers planned to be used as agricultural workers until the end of the war. The Nazi Party authorities were tasked with convincing the refugees that at this stage, they needed to think not about their interests, but about working for the good of Germany since their future fate depended on their victory. At the beginning of 1944, a network of special assembly camps was deployed to receive refugees in Warthegau. Many corporate events took place in an accelerated manner. Despite past years’ experience, the Nazi authorities were still not well prepared for the sudden influx of such a large contingent. Therefore, at the initial stage, they sought to meet refugees’ basic needs (for housing, food, medical care, clothing, etc.). Officials of local economic authorities were quite skeptical about the Soviet Germans. They considered them insufficiently adapted to the peculiarities of farming in the region. Some German officials occasionally openly demonstrated their contempt to the settlers. As a result, by the end of 1944, dissatisfaction with their situation began to grow among many evacuated Germans. The Nazi authorities tried to fight this tendency with the help of propaganda.
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Schalk, Peter. „The political suspension of ethics: proposals for a historical study of reversal of values in a situation of martial conflict in Lanka“. Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis 19 (01.01.2006): 312–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.30674/scripta.67321.

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The overall aim of this project is to focus on the general socio-economic and political conditions leading to martial conflict in relation to religious and secular values, value systems and ideologies in Īlam/Lankā, with special regard to their transformation. It deals with the extent of reversal and re-reversal in the course of the conflict and reconciliation respectively. These values are reversed through political decisions in a martial situation. It is true that martial conflicts arise over the distribution of resources and territory and not over theological issues. When, however, religion is placed in a martial context and related to the interests of one group, then even a sophisticated theology can take the form of an identity-bestowing ideology and adopt martial doctrines such as the concept of just war. Territorial and social definitions of citizenship are replaced by definitions relating to sacred boundaries. Christianity may turn into German Christianity or Serbian Christianity, Hinduism into Hindūtva and Buddhism into Sinhalatva. The overall martial context is finally symbolised in religion as an identity marker alongside sacralisation of language, history, and territory, etc. This martial context generates a religious surplus even within secular ideologies and leads both to a suspension and a reversal of values in established religions. The proponents are ideologues, including monks and priests, and politicians in the widest sense. They become warmongers in a martial situation, where they become ‘authentic’ and authoritative. In a non-war situation they are marginalised as extremists. During war, they suspend fundamental human values, but they ‘suspend’ in the specifically German (Hegelian) sense of aufheben, meaning to elevate, to save and to call off. They do not annihilate these values, only to recall and retrieve them during truces and cease-fires, in situations of non-war, and diplomatic or ecumenical encounters, or during academic conferences. In times of martial conflict, ideologues, as advocates of war, actualize ways of integrating violence into non-violent traditions. In this article five ways of rationalizing violence, which have global parallels in martial societies, are referred to. The first way is the well-known and popular reasoning about the holy ‘end’ that justifies the less holy ‘means’; the second line of reasoning points to an alleged connection between present and past ideal persons or events; the third way of rationalizing violence introduces a de-eschatologizing distinction between preliminary and final ‘ends’; a ourth way is to make a distinction between an elite and the common people; the latter are allegedly not capable of following the noble principles of the elite; a fifth a
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Chirko, B. „Ethnic Germans of Ukraine in the Context of Soviet-German Relations (1920-1950s)“. Problems of World History, Nr. 3 (16.05.2017): 166–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.46869/2707-6776-2017-3-9.

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The aim of the publication is the study of ethno-political, socio-economic, demographic and other processes taking place in the environment of the German ethnic group of Ukraine in the context of the Soviet-German inter-state relations during 1920-1950s. The author analyzes the attitude of governmental bodies to the German ethnic community, causes, mechanisms of realization, demographic, social and political consequences of political repressions of the Stalinist regime against ethnic Germans, mass deportation of the German population from the regions of traditional accommodation in the interwar period. The author emphasizes that the repressive actions were caused by and closely related to administrative-imperative methods of implementation of domestic policies, the militarization of the economy, collectivization of village, violent grain procurements, antireligious campaigns etc. Repressions of the “nationalists” (German, Polish, etc.) were linked with the international factor - the aggravation of the situation in the world. The deterioration of relations between the USSR and Germany and Poland as well as the corresponding strengthening of anti-German and anti-Polish propaganda campaign led in particular to a special bias of Soviet authorities towards the German and Polish population, which was considered as a potential base for “Nazi” activities in the country. This publication analyzes the social and legal status of “volksdeutsche” during World War II, the attitude towards “ethnic Germans” of Ukraine from Nazi occupation regime. The status and nature of ethnic Germans staying in the mode of special settlements, repatriation and problems of separated families in the postwar years have been considered. The author has paid special attention to the problems of lifting restrictions in the legal status of the majority of the German population of the USSR as a result of the German-Soviet negotiations in Moscow in 1955, the attempts of ethnic Germans and the government of Ukraine to ensure ethnic, social, cultural, religious and spiritual needs of the German ethnic community under conditions of modern Ukrainian state – building and deepening of democratic processes in Ukrainian society.
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Jurkowska, Barbara. „The Federal States of Germany – Analysis and Measurement of Development Using Taxonomic Methods“. Oeconomia Copernicana 5, Nr. 3 (30.09.2014): 49–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/oec.2014.019.

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This article presents an analysis of the socio-economic development of the 16 federal states of Germany as compared to the whole country. The main goals of the analysis are to measure the development with the use of selected taxonomic methods, to examine the similarities and differences between the states inasmuch as that development is concerned, as well as to illustrate the distance existing between the new eastern states (Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia) and the remaining states of Germany. The analysis is preceded by an illustration of the present socio-economic situation of the German states. Germany is characterized by internal diversity as regards the socio-economic development, and the policy of supporting the East German economy has failed to reach its goals. An unfavourable demographic situation is a factor that effectively inhibits the development of the new states. A falling birth rate, an increasing population beyond retirement age, as well as great numbers of people emigrating to West Germany all contribute to the depopulation of the eastern states. The taxonomic analysis of the level of socio-economic development of Germany has provided information about the diversity of that development level, but it has also made it possible to determine and set the direction of development for particular states.
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Petrova, Ekaterina I., und Oksana N. Naletova. „Translation of scientific and technical discourse terminology (on the example of instructions for operating agricultural machinery)“. Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin 1, Nr. 28 (2022): 176–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.20323/2499-9679-2022-1-28-176-185.

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This article is devoted to the analysis of techniques and methods of terminological units translation on the material of scientific and technical discourse texts. The rapid development of scientific and technological progress determines the practical need for the translation of scientific and technical documentation. Translation of texts and documents in scientific and technical discourse is an integral part of international economic relations and processes and is one of the factors of successful intercultural communication. In this case an important condition is compliance of the translated texts with the requirements of equivalence and adequacy. Scientific and technical texts, such as instruction manuals for agricultural machinery, are characterized by their rigor, logic, precision, conciseness, brevity, unambiguity and completeness, which all have an in-fluence on the translation of these texts. The increased density of information, as the most important feature of the texts of scientific and technical discourse, is achieved at the expense of a considerable number of terminological lexical units. The research shows that the lexical specificities of German and Russian and in particular the specificity of the terminological units are not identical and require special translation methods to be employed by the translator. This article examines the two main situations that arise when terminology is translated into a target language when an equivalent or equivalents are found in the respective dictionaries, and when no such equivalent is found. The analysis of translation techniques in the situation when there is no appropriate equivalent in the language to translate the term operating instructions has shown that the terminological units formed by hybrid type or using descriptive translation have been used most often.
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Lehn, Friederike, und Thomas Schmidt. „Sustainability Assessment of Food-Waste-Reduction Measures by Converting Surplus Food into Processed Food Products for Human Consumption“. Sustainability 15, Nr. 1 (30.12.2022): 635. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su15010635.

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Food waste is a major challenge for society as it causes economic, environmental and social problems. Many food-waste-reduction measures aim to prevent food waste at the source or by redistributing surplus food via donation. However, it would also be useful to evaluate surplus-food redistribution, where surplus food can be made available for human consumption by valorization (recycling). This paper evaluates food-waste-reduction measures, where surplus food is converted into processed food products for human consumption, which are then sold in a German retail store. The objective is to assess whether this kind of recycling of surplus food is effective in reducing food waste and how sustainable it is considering the economic, environmental and social impacts. The results of this pilot study show a total reduction of 19 kg of food waste within 17 weeks. Furthermore, all products were economically profitable, with a per product net revenue of sold upcycled products between EUR 0.42 and 0.70. The results of the environmental assessment varied from savings of 1.55 kg of CO2 equivalents/kg of product to the addition of 1.88 kg of CO2 equivalents/kg of product in product carbon footprint and the addition of between 0.42 and 0.70 mPt/kg of product in product environmental footprint. The social indicators could only be qualitatively described. The results, therefore, can only recommend this recycling option as an effective and efficient food-waste-reduction measure under optimal conditions. More research is needed to describe different recycling situations and to therefore improve the sustainability of the food supply chain.
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Lakishyk, Dmytro. „German Question in the Foreign Policy Strategy of the USA in the Second Half of the 1940s – 1980s“. European Historical Studies, Nr. 16 (2020): 73–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/2524-048x.2020.16.6.

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The article examines US policy towards West Germany after World War II, covering a historical span from the second half of the 1940s to the 1980s. It was US policy in Europe, and in West Germany in particular, that determined the dynamics and nature of US-German relations that arose on a long-term basis after the formation of Germany in September 1949. One of the peculiarities of US-German relations was the fact that both partners found themselves embroiled in a rapidly escalating international situation after 1945. The Cold War, which broke out after the seemingly inviolable Potsdam Accords, forced the United States and Germany to be on one side of the conflict. Despite the fact that both states were yesterday’s opponents and came out of the war with completely different, at that time, incomparable, statuses. A characteristic feature of US policy on the German question in the postwar years was its controversial evolution. The American leadership had neither a conceptual plan for development, nor a clear idea of Germany’s place in the world, nor an idea of how to plan the country’s future. However, the deterioration of relations between the USA and the USSR and the birth of the two blocs forced the US government to resort to economic revival (the Marshall Plan) and military-political consolidation of Western Europe and Germany (NATO creation). US policy toward Germany has been at the heart of its wider European policy. The United States favored a strong and united Western Europe over American hegemony, trying to prevent the spread of Soviet influence. Joint participation in the suppression of communism, however, could not prevent the periodic exacerbation of relations between the United States and Germany, and at the same time did not lead to an unconditional follow-up of the West Germans in the fairway of American foreign policy.
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Novotna, Tereza. „Hastily Arranged Marriage: Political Culture in Germany Twenty Years after Unification“. German Politics and Society 28, Nr. 4 (01.12.2010): 19–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.3167/gps.2010.280402.

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Explanations for the roots and cures of the continuous divergence between East and West German political cultures tend to fall into two camps: socialization and situation. The former emphasizes the impact of socialization before and during the GDR era and ongoing (post-communist) legacies derived from Eastern Germans' previous experience, whereas the latter focuses primarily on economic difficulties after the unification that caused dissatisfaction among the population in the Eastern parts of Germany. The article argues that in order to explain the persistence and reinvigoration of an autonomous political culture during the last two decades in the new Länder, we need to synthesize the two approaches and to add a third aspect: the unification hypothesis. Although the communist period brought about a specific political culture in the GDR, the German unification process—based rather on transplantation than on adaptation—has caused it neither to diminish nor to wither away. On the contrary, the separate (post)-communist political culture was reaffirmed and reinstalled under novel circumstances.
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Flejterski, Stanisław, und Lilianna Jodkowska. „German Economy as a Global Generator of Growth and Development - Trends and Prospects“. Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia 10, Nr. 1 (01.01.2011): 53–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/v10031-011-0010-5.

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German Economy as a Global Generator of Growth and Development - Trends and Prospects The main objective of this paper is to synthetically present primary sources and agents of Germany's leading position in the global economy at the turn of the I and II decade of the twenty-first century. Economic growth and economic development is the result of many factors of different nature: traditional and modern, objective and subjective, exogenous and endogenous, economic and non-economic, with institutional and cultural to begin with. This universal statement also fully applies to German economy. The German experience in the restructuring of the economy is valuable from the Polish point of view, despite many well-known differences of the two economies. Germany, despite all the economic disruption and the difficulties of a structural nature (with the demographics to begin with), and dilemmas as to the future of the so called social market economy will remain a powerful and rich country. The economic situation of Poland depended, depends and will depend on the global prosperity, and thus the prosperity of our closest partner, i.e. Germany.
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Golikov, Alexander. „Max Weber at the turn of the millennium: a new generation, new (epistemo) logics“. Filosofska dumka (Philosophical Thought) -, Nr. 1 (22.03.2021): 57–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/fd2021.01.057.

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The article is devoted to the study of the Max Weber’s position in sociology and philosophy and the position of sociology and philosophy in relation to Max Weber at the turn of the millennium. The author addresses a number of aspects of Weber’s theory (epistemology, axiology, ontology at the microlevel and at the macrolevel), well known and studied in sociology, in order to produce a holistic picture of Max Weber’s conceptual and methodological proposals in terms of their epistemological perspective. In addition, the article examines the currently missed opportunities of Weber’s concept and theorizing, in particular, the paradox of sociological and philosophical discourses, the study of economic action, etc. The author using a wide range of analysts and concepts of Western (E. Troeltsch, J. Habermas, J. Kaube, W. Schluchter, S. Kalberg, T. Schwinn, H. Joas, J. Vahland, K. Palonen) and post-Soviet (Yu Davydov, L. Titarenko, S. Zolyan, T. Dmitriev) sociologists and philosophers, as well as analyzing a number of works of the German philosopher and sociologist himself, demonstrates the heuristic potential of Weber’s developments in various dimensions. The topics of the origins and roots of the Weberian concept, its methodology of science, the social status of science from Weber’s point of view, the place of enchantment in social and epistemological processes, the relationship between motive and meaning, the problem of administrative power and utility, human rights in Weber’s optics and macrohistorical logic in his research are touched upon. The author also draws attention to the connection between Weber’s socio-political and worldview position with his epistemological developments, his scientific and academic activities. Analogies are drawn between the situations of the early XX and early XXI centuries with the demonstration of the possibilities of Weber’s experience in the modern socio-cultural and historical situation.
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