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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "German Economic situations"


Eib, Constanze, und Steffi Siegert. „Is Female Entrepreneurship Only Empowering for Single Women? Evidence from France and Germany“. Social Sciences 8, Nr. 4 (23.04.2019): 128.

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Entrepreneurship has been suggested as an alternative career model for women to gain economic empowerment while maintaining caring obligations. In this study, we investigate how gender and living situation affect entrepreneurs’ engagement in their business, home, well-being and business success in both France and Germany. Data from the European Social Survey were used, which included 470 French and 622 German self-employed people. For the French, women reported more working hours when living alone but there were no gender differences for the other living situations. For the Germans, there were no gender differences when the self-employed person lived alone; for the other living situations, men reported more working hours. Women reported working more household hours than men in both countries. There were no gender differences in life satisfaction for German self-employed people regardless of living situation; for the French, gender differences varied by living situation. Men reported more business success than women in both countries. Results suggest that self-employed people in Germany follow a traditional breadwinner model, whereas in France, self-employed women do more paid and unpaid work at the same time. In sum, entrepreneurship may only be empowering for self-employed women living alone.
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Yu, Wanlin. „The Role of German Economy in Europe“. Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media 24, Nr. 1 (20.11.2023): 151–55.

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This paper details the role that Germany and the German economy have played in Europe over time. The timeline is divided into three parts, namely the period of World War II, the period before and after German reunification, and the German economy today, and each timeline is analyzed in the context of Germany, Europes overall history, and the world situation at the time, with different examples and comparative analyses of individual country situations. The main reason why this article was able to get at what kind of role Germany plays in Europe is because of the gradual conclusions drawn through comparisons with the economic development of different but contemporaneous countries and Germanys own GDP growth. In every period of Europes development, the German economy has had a greater influence and guidance on Europe as a whole and on some countries, and in most cases has played a dominant, leading role, despite the blows and impacts of World War II on the development of the economy.
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Riddell, Linda. „Shetland's German Trade – on the Verge of Colonialism?“ Northern Scotland 10, Nr. 1 (Mai 2019): 1–19.

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From the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries, German merchants dominated the import/export trade of Shetland. It has been suggested that this was a ‘pre-colonial’ trade; no settlement or political control was involved, but the success of the trade encouraged Scots to establish ‘full colonialism’ in the eighteenth century. This paper argues that the people who succeeded in controlling the socio-economic structure in the eighteenth century through combining land-owning with fishing and trade, were native Shetlanders (though often descended from immigrants), who traded for their own profit not for the benefit of Scotland or particular inhabitants of mainland Scotland. Colonisation can in some situations be primarily economic, and settlement or governmental change are not prerequisites. But the situation in Shetland was more complex than a purely economic perspective would imply; by the time the change in the operation of trade occurred, it was about 250 years since the transfer from Norwegian to Scottish political control and the time of greatest immigration from Scotland had passed. Scotland had no more colonised Shetland by the end of the eighteenth century than at the beginning.
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ÇAM, Gül Ecem. „Exporting Workers: The Turkish Case“. Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies 1, Nr. 2 (30.09.2021): 162–64.

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Since 1961, worker export flows have been a prominent aspect in most European countries, notably Germany, in the case of Turkey (p. 111). These flows mainly occurred from less developed countries to developed countries (p. 13) and most foreign workers were temporarily imported with no promise of permanent settlement (p. 5). Exporting Workers: The Turkish Case by Suzanne Paine uses surveys and reports to examine the social and economic situations of workers who migrated to Germany as guest workers under the Gastarbeiterprogramm labor migration contract signed between Turkey and the Federal Republic of Germany. The book widely reviews the process of migration and contains aspects of before, during, and after their migration. The German Federal Labor Office and the Turkish State Planning Organization are the two main reference sources. This research aims to analyze the impact of the worker export contract between Turkey and Germany on Turkey’s economic development and on the life of migrant workers (p. 8). The research combines quantitative and qualitative analysis with coherent methodology throughout its five chapters.
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Kirchner, Stefan. „Between East and West? East Germany’s Employment System in a Dynamic Comparison“. ILR Review 73, Nr. 5 (13.02.2019): 1046–69.

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This article investigates how working conditions in East Germany differ from those in West Germany as well as from those among its Central and Eastern European (CEE) neighbors (Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland). Building on repeated International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) survey data (1989, 1997, 2005, and 2015), the author compares key elements of East Germany’s employment system with West Germany and its CEE neighbors over time. The results show that, initially, East Germany’s conditions resembled a logic reflecting the need for economic survival that was distinct from West Germany and from the emerging general patterns of its CEE neighbors. By 2015, East and West German working conditions nearly converge. This article develops and extends the employment system approach to address situations of transformation and substantial institutional change, and contributes to the ongoing debate on regional diversity in Germany’s economy.
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Pohlan, J. „Processes of Suburbanisation and its Effects on the Finances of Cities in West Germany: The Example of Bremen and the Surrounding Communities“. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 14, Nr. 1 (März 1996): 25–37.

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This paper is an analysis of the effects of suburbanisation processes on the finances of cities in West Germany, taking the metropolitan area of Bremen as an example. The main thesis is that, under the present socioeconomic conditions, the German system of public finance and public responsibilities has led to a growing gap between the financial situations of central cities and of their surrounding communities in urban agglomerations. For the purpose of describing the differences in developments in the central city of Bremen and its suburban area, the main local tax revenues, as well as some indicators of ‘fiscal stress’, and their developments between 1982 and 1992 were analysed. The empirical results verify a significant shift of economic and financial strength to the suburban belt during the period under investigation. Although since the beginning of the 1970s a severe imbalance between the development of revenue and of expenditure needs has generated a dramatic budget situation in Bremen, in the surrounding communities in Lower Saxony budgetaty situations were sound in every respect. Similar processes, which have led to a relative weakness of revenues and increasing debts, have been observed in other central cities in Germany. Obviously the negative effect of suburbanisation processes on the financial situation of the central city is not a problem specific to Bremen. Generally, the larger cities are convinced that their functions for the hinterland and the resulting burdens have not been adequately taken into account in the systems of municipal finance and fiscal equalisation.
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Souza, Marcelo José Lopes de. „"Urbanofilia" e "urbanofobia" na geopolítica: as cidades e a urbanização no pensamento geopolítico alemão do entre-guerras e na geopolítica brasileira do regime de 64“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências 17 (01.12.1994): 65–72.

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This paper results from two short sections of the author's PhD thesis. The main purpose of this article is to focus a subject almost unknow in Brazil: The view of the German geopoliticians of the 30s on the urbanization and the cities, in relation to the thought of the German geographer Friedrich Ratzel and the Brazilian geopolitics during the military rule. One can only understand the "urbanophilia" of Ratzel, the "urbanophobia" of the German geopoliticians, and the more complex view of the Brazilian geopolitics of the Post-64 period, within their respective sociohistorical contexts. Despite there are doctrinal similarities among Ratzel's work and the thought of German geopoliticians of the 30s, and among the German geopoliticians and the Brazilian geopolitics of the Post-64 period, the different socio-historical situations explain the different views in relation to the urbanization and its significance in terms of "progress" and "development".
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Schneider, Hans Joachim. „Crime, Criminological Research, and Criminal Policy in West and East Germany before and after Their Unification“. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 35, Nr. 4 (Dezember 1991): 283–95.

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In October 1990 the two German states united after 40 years of separation. Since crime rate figures had been manipulated and empirical studies had not been carried out for decades, criminological research needs to be started afresh in the new federal states. This is because in consequence of the differing standards of living and economic situations criminality is almost certain to climb and change its structure and appearance. The population must learn to trust the newly emerging judicial and criminal justice system.
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Herbst, Jan Peter. „The Work Realities of Professional Studio Musicians in the German Popular Music Recording Industry: Careers, Practices and Economic Situations“. IASPM@Journal 8, Nr. 2 (Dezember 2018): 18–37.

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Classen, Dr Albrecht. „The Humorous Treatment of Prostitutes by an Early Modern German Franciscan Preacher Poet: Johannes Pauli (1522)“. New Literaria 04, Nr. 02 (2023): 165–73.

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Irrespective of our comfort level, the topic of prostitution assumes an important role also within late medieval and early modern history, literature, law, and art history. While many scholars have already engaged with this issue drawing from legal or social-economic sources, the literary evidence also deserves to be considered in this context. The German-Swabian Franciscan preacher and poet, Johannes Pauli, is famous for his extensive discussion of everyday-life situations in his close to 700 prose narratives. There is hardly any aspect in human existence left out, whether we think of truth, fools, gender, peasants, judges, clerics, women, or the many different vices and virtues. Practically overlooked by scholarship, however, in one section, Pauli also turns his attention to prostitutes and entertains his audience with humorous narratives about various situations in the lives of those women, certainly an important sliver of human society during the pre-modern world.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "German Economic situations"


Petersen, Hans-Georg. „The polit-economic situation in germany : chances for changes in resource and energy economics“. Universität Potsdam, 2002.

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Regional Management, Land Use and Energy Production
-Biophysical View
-First Hypothesis
-International and Interregional Cooperation
-Second Hypothesis
-Partnership with Nature

Sustainability and the Agricultural Sector
-Traditional Farming
-Mono-cultural Bio-industry
-Liquid Manure Problems
-Clean Drinking Water
-Integrated Agro-industrial System
-Ecological Farming
-Ecotones and Bio-manipulation

Regional Economic and Agricultural Policy
-New Roles for the Agricultural Sector
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Wiedemann, Hartmut. „Cliometrische Untersuchungen zur Bildungsökonomie in Deutschland“. Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät IV, 2013.

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Das primäre Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, Belege für die zentrale Hypothese der Humankapi-taltheorie zu finden, dass Investitionen in Bildung, Forschung und Entwicklung einen erhöh-ten Output für die Gesellschaft und für das Individuum generieren. Die dafür notwendige Untersuchung wird anhand langer Zeitreihen für Deutschland mit Hilfe cliometrischer und ökonometrischer Methoden durchgeführt und das Ergebnis einer kritischen Würdigung unterzogen. Zur Einstimmung und zum besseren Verständnis des Untersuchungshintergrundes werden die Initiativen der in Deutschland bildungspolitisch Verantwortlichen beschrieben und an der Bildungssituation der früheren Bundesrepublik und des wiedervereinigten Deutschlands ab 1990 gespiegelt. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Arbeit ist es, die Genese der Bildungsökonomie, ihre wichtigsten Aussagen und mathematischen Modelle zu skizzieren. Außerdem werden die in der Literatur schon veröffentlichten wichtigsten statistischen Ergebnisse, z. B. über Kosten und Renditen von Bildungs- und Forschungs-investitionen, wiedergegeben. Im Ergebnisteil dieser Dissertation werden die Interdependenzen der Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsausgaben u. a. mit den Schul- und Studienabschlüssen und dem Bruttoinlandsprodukt mit Hilfe der Zeitreihenanalyse untersucht. Bei kointegrierten Variablen werden die Schätzungen einer Fehlerkorrekturrechnung unterzogen, um eine Scheinregression zu vermeiden. Die Interdependenz der Variablen im Sinne der Humankapitaltheorie wird bestätigt; allerdings zeigen die Schätzgleichungen unterschiedlich große Ergebnisse bzgl. der Bestimmtheitsmaße.
The primary objective of this thesis is to provide proof for the central hypothesis of Human Capital Theory, that investment in education, research and development generates an increase in output for society and for the individual. Analysis will be made on the basis of long time series for Germany by making use of cliometric and econometric methods. The findings will then be thoroughly discussed and critically compared. To begin with, and to give a better understanding of the issue the initiatives of the educational-policy-makers will be described and put into relation to the educational situation in former West Germany and reunited Germany since 1990. The main aspect of this piece of research is to outline the genesis of economics of education, its core statements and underlying mathematical models. Furthermore, important statistical data which has already been published regarding (for example) the costs and return of investments in education, research and development will be presented. In the conclusion of this thesis, the interdependences of spending in education, research and development with inter alia graduation and gross domestic product (GDP) will be analysed by the means of time series analysis. When variables are cointegrated, estimates will be subjected to an estimate correction in order to avoid a spurious regression. The interdependency of the variables in the Human Capital Theory is affirmed, although the estimating equations give different results for the coefficients of determination.
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Bücher zum Thema "German Economic situations"


Planbureau, Netherlands Centraal, Hrsg. Challenging neighbours: Rethinking German and Dutch economic institutions. Berlin: Springer, 1997.

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European Commission. Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs., Hrsg. The economic and financial situation in Germany. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1994.

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Saul, C. Die wirtschaftliche Situation bildender Künstler: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage des ifo Instituts : Gutachten im Auftrag des Bundesminsteriums für Wirtschaft. München: Ifo-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, 1994.

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1946-, Kuhrt Eberhard, Buck Hannsjörg F, Holzweissig Gunter 1939- und Germany Bundesministerium des Innern, Hrsg. Die Wirtschaftliche und ökologische Situation der DDR in den 80er Jahren. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1996.

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Inoue, Yuriko. Bildende Künstlerinnen und Künstler auf dem Weg in die neue Gesellschaft: Eine Studie zur Veränderung der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Situation von Kunstschaffenden im Zeitraum von 1985 bis 1995 im Gebiet der neuen Bundesländer. Köln: Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag, 1998.

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Axyonova, Vera, Florian Kohstall und Carola Richter, Hrsg. Academics in Exile. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, 2022.

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Restrictions on academic freedom, persecution and armed conflict have forced many scholars into exile. So far, the professional trajectories of these scholars and their contributions to knowledge exchange have not been studied comprehensively. The contributors to this volume address the situations and networks of scholars in exile, the challenges they face in their host countries and the opportunities they use. These issues are highly relevant to discussions about the moral economies of higher education institutions and support programs. Although the contributions largely focus on Germany as a host country, they also offer telling examples of forced mobility in the Global South, including both contemporary and historical perspectives.
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Frauen in den neuen Bundesländern: Auswirkungen der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Einheit auf die Situation der weiblichen Bevölkerung Thüringens. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1998.

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At the very least she pays the rent: Women and German industrialization, 1871-1914. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1985.

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Gender and rural modernity: Farm women and the politics of labor in Germany, 1871-1933. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2009.

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Europe, United States Congress Commission on Security and Cooperation in. Implementation of the Helsinki accords: Hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, One Hundreth Congress, second session, the current situation in Poland, September 23, 1988. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1988.

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Buchteile zum Thema "German Economic situations"


Bender, Stefan, und Wolfgang Seifert. „On the Economic and Social Situations of Immigrant Groups in Germany“. In Germans or Foreigners?, 45–67. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2003.

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Della Misericordia, Massimo. „Signorie e relazioni interstatali. Pratiche, legittimazione e contestazione del potere locale lungo la frontiera alpina dello stato di Milano (XV secolo)“. In La signoria rurale nell’Italia del tardo medioevo. 3 L’azione politica locale, 67–87. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2021.

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This essay analyzes the ways in which rural lordship was legitimized, maintained and sometimes contested in the late Middle Ages. The focus is not on the local societies and the political competition within the regional state, but rather on the position of seigneurial power in the interstices of international relations. Specifically, the dynamics of the frontier allowed the lords to enforce their power, but produced situations that put their authority in risk, providing opportunities for their subjects to contrast it. Political brokerage is the key to exploring the competition and the relationship between a variety of local actors and the state authorities. The source I selected is the Carteggio sforzesco, consisting of the written correspondence between these protagonists. From this viewpoint and thanks to records rich in narrative and descriptive contents, I will try to reconstruct economic tensions, military instability, the need for diplomatic agreements and for individual protection, that define the relationship between the Duchy of Milan, Valais, Switzerland and Grisons. Finally I will go into depth in the case-study of Val Formazza, where the domination of the lords family was in decline during the 15th Century, while local protagonists of this diversified local world – highlanders of lower social conditions settled in a peripheral valley forming an ethno-cultural minority of German speakers – were capable.
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Moebius, Stephan. „Sociology in the German Democratic Republic“. In Sociology in Germany, 123–39. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractIn the GDR (German Democratic Republic), sociology did not emerge until the 1960s. In 1963, the party program of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED, Socialist Unity Party of Germany, SUPG) explicitly called for the establishment of sociological research. GDR sociology developed under completely different conditions than in West Germany. It was overshadowed by Marxist-Leninist philosophy and political economy as well as instrumentalized by economic policy. Its focus was on the basic categories of work and production. The connection to economic policy and historical materialism promoted the tendency to economic reductionism in sociology. Sociology in the GDR was not based on the general tradition of sociology, which was understood as “bourgeois.” Besides Marx, the founding figures of sociology were avoided; not only were they seen as “bourgeois sociologists,” but many of them had also focused on meaningful action and the understanding of social processes rather than on the analysis of the laws of social development. Methodologically, the main focus was on quantitative methods. Sociology had the function of confirming the social laws whose theoretical interpretation was then reserved for historical materialism. It was not until the late 1980s that the situation changed somewhat and the relative autonomy of the social came increasingly into focus. This also led to first approaches to study the social position of women and gender relations. Overall, sociology in the GDR remained committed to a canonizing interpretation of Marxism-Leninism. In addition, it placed itself largely at the service of political power. Because of this its performance was limited enormously. Only when the social processes and dynamics could no longer be adequately described within the conventional ideological framework did certain changes occur.
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Malíř, Jiří. „Morava jako multietnický organismus: problémy jazyka a identity v letech 1848–1918“. In Filosofie jako životní cesta, 158–70. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2019.

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The study deals with the development of linguistic, ethnic and international relationships in Moravia in 1848–1918 and their specific features. The focus is mainly on the complex relationships between Czech-speaking and German-speaking inhabitants of Moravia and the aspects that played a key role in them. These included a complicated settlement situation given by the mixing of Czech and German inhabitants (the numerous ‘German linguistic islands’), the economic influence of Jewish inhabitants on international relations in linguistically diverse cities, the impact of social and economic status of various groups of inhabitants on their voting and political participation, the unevenness in the promotion of national identity and the effects of Czech-German international compromise of 1905. The application of the principle of personal autonomy led to alleviation of international tensions as well as an increased demand for legal determination of nationality.
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Kraus, Blahoslav. „Socioeconomic Situation and Satisfaction in the Family Life“. In Contemporary Family Lifestyles in Central and Western Europe, 49–63. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractIn this chapter, the attention is paid to two fields which are linked with family lifestyle. The first one concerns socioeconomic situations in a family and shows that the economic side of family functioning is actually very essential these days. The importance of family economic situation is affirmed also in the results of our international survey. We asked what was the main family income, experience with unemployment and whether our respondents had possibility to save some money. Furthermore, we were interested in expenditure items and in evaluation of an overall standard of living by respondents. The Germans and then Czechs evaluated it as the best, the worst was found in families in Latvia. The second part monitors life satisfaction as a subjective feeling of well-being and is understood as a part of quality of life. To the question “How do you imagine a satisfied family?”, the most frequent response was—harmonic coexistence without conflicts, well-being, good health of all family members and material security. For the question “What do you lack to your satisfaction?” respondents stated—financial security and lack of free time for the family. However, there were specific differences among individual surveyed countries.
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Wagener, Hans-Jürgen. „Inefficiency and Lack of Transparency in GDR Foreign Trade“. In Roadblocks to the Socialist Modernization Path and Transition, 147–72. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractEast German foreign trade was one of the least productive sectors of the economy. Its institutional organization, based on the foreign trade monopoly, isolated the economy from the international markets. East German firms traded with their foreign trade firms, but not with their suppliers and clients. Its theoretical foundation was weak. Ricardian comparative cost was its starting point. The insistence on the labor theory of value, from which Ricardo deviated in this context, made it difficult to calculate comparative cost advantage and the gains from trade. In addition, a price equalization scheme obscured specialization possibilities and thus inhibited rational foreign trade planning. Trade was executed on two separate markets, with the socialist world and with the non-socialist world. Pricing idiosyncrasies with multiple effective exchange rates made it impossible to obtain consistent aggregate statistics. Finally, foreign trade performance was camouflaged and kept secret in order to hide the true situation from the outside world.
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Tönsmeyer, Tatjana. „Supply Situations: National Socialist Policies of Exploitation and Economies of Shortage in Occupied Societies During World War II“. In Coping with Hunger and Shortage under German Occupation in World War II, 3–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Hanewinkel, Marc, Andrey Lessa Derci Augustynczik und Rasoul Yousefpour. „Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Germany“. In Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change, 197–209. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractForests cover approximately one-third of Germany’s territory. They are among the most productive forests in Europe and in a position to contribute considerably to climate change mitigation. Germany has set national targets for climate mitigation via forests and measures such as conversion towards mixed and climate-adapted forests; a stronger control on the sustainability of imported solid biofuels; an increase in forest area; a reduction in the emissions related to forest soils, especially on drained peatlands; and a reduction in land take to less than 30 ha day−1. Climate change is already exerting severe economic, environmental and social impacts on German forests and the forest-based sector, and this trend is likely to continue and intensify in the future. The key question for future is: how best to optimise the mitigation potential of the forests while at the same time adapting the forests to deal with ongoing climate change. This situation calls for a very careful balancing of strategies and a holistic approach, which the CSF framework can provide. Our simulation indicated that the opportunity costs of using high-valued and productive species, such as Norway spruce, for mitigation purposes (i.e. by the in-situ accumulation of carbon) produces high opportunity costs, while species of less value, such as European beech, would be better suited for this purpose. In order to follow a systematic approach combining mitigation and adaptation, we propose a generic framework for adaptation that takes into account the cost efficiency of all measures, and includes this in suggesting the most efficient ways to increase the mitigation potential of the forests in Germany. Current and emerging forest bioeconomy products also offer significant potential for the future mitigation potential via substitution and carbon storage.
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Gailhofer, Peter, David Krebs, Alexander Proelß, Kirsten Schmalenbach und Roda Verheyen. „Synthesis“. In Corporate Liability for Transboundary Environmental Harm, 505–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractBuilding on a comprehensive study commissioned by the German Federal Environmental Agency in 2018, this book seeks to identify the legal preconditions of the liability of private enterprises for transboundary environmental damage. This goal required an accurate description of the situation de lege lata, i.e. an examination of whether and if so, to what extent existing norms and institutions in international and national law can adequately and effectively address transboundary environmental damage caused by economic actors. However, such an examination would be both incomplete and soon outdated if current and emerging legal developments along with their implications were not also considered in appropriate depth. In addition to the stated goal of identifying existing legal norms and principles, this book has simultaneously endeavoured to focus on current scholarly debates, legal controversies and policy discussions about how liability for environmental damage could and should evolve de lege ferenda.
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Moebius, Stephan. „Reconstruction and Consolidation of Sociology in West Germany from 1945 to 1967“. In Sociology in Germany, 49–84. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThis chapter will focus on the two decades after 1945, the period of the “post-war society” (1945–1967), which in the historical sciences is also characterized as a period of boom (keywords: “Wirtschaftswunder” (“economic miracle”), expansion of the welfare state, expansion of the educational sector, certainty about the future) and which comes to an end in the 1970s. Germany was undergoing a profound process of change: socio-structural changes in an advanced industrial society, structural changes in the family and a retreat into the private sphere, new opportunities in the areas of consumption and leisure due to the “Wirtschaftswunder,” urbanization and changes in communities, “Western Integration” (“Westbindung”), the ban on the KPD (Communist Party of Germany) in 1956, remilitarization, the development of the mass media and mass motorization, and the repression of the Nazi past were central social and sociological issues. At the same time, fascist tendencies were still virulent during the 1950s and 1960s. After 1945, sociology had to be rebuilt. Journals were refounded or newly founded, the German Sociological Association was restored and sociology was re-established as a teaching subject. Different “schools” and regional centers of sociology emerged. The so-called Cologne School centered around René König, the Frankfurt School around Adorno and Horkheimer, and the circle around Helmut Schelsky should be mentioned in particular; but also, Wolfgang Abendroth, Werner Hofmann, and Heinz Maus (Marburg School), Otto Stammer (Berlin), Arnold Bergstraesser (Freiburg i.Br.), and Helmuth Plessner (Göttingen). Despite their theoretical and political differences, up until the 1950s, they all had in common the decisive will for political and social enlightenment regarding the post-war situation. Furthermore, the particular importance that empirical social research and non-university research institutions had for the further development of sociology after 1945 is worth mentioning.At the end of the 1950s, field-specific dynamics gained momentum. The different “schools” and groups tried to secure and expand their position in the sociological field and their divergent research profiles became increasingly visible. The so-called civil war in sociology drove the actors further apart. Additionally, disciplinary struggles and camp-building processes during the first 20 years of West German sociology revolved around the debate on role theory and the dispute over positivism. By the end of the 1950s, an institutional and generational change can be observed. The so-called post-war generation, which included Ralf Dahrendorf, Jürgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann, Erwin K. Scheuch, Heinrich Popitz, Hans Paul Bahrdt, M. Rainer Lepsius, and Renate Mayntz, assumed central positions in organizations, editorial boards of journals, and universities. While the early “schools” and circles (König, Schelsky, Adorno, and Horkheimer) initially focused on the sociology of the family and empirical research, the following generation concentrated foremost on industrial sociology, but also on topics of social structure and social stratification as well as on social mobility.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "German Economic situations"


Yaprak, Şenol. „Turkish Labor Migration to Germany and its Socio-Economic Impacts in the Context of International Labor Migration“. In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2013.

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Germany being encountered great destruction during the World War 2 has gone through a process of reconstruction and development. However, as it could not be able to find sufficient labor force during this process, Germany has signed subsequent labor migration agreements with Italy, Greece and finally with Turkey in the year of 1961. From this date onwards, a constant labor migration has started in Germany and currently it can be concluded that 3 million Turkish origin people are living in Germany. This study aims to analyze socio-economically the point that the situation has reached in 50-year period of time. As opposed to the existing aged German population, Turkish people having relatively younger population provides support to necessary labor force. Recently, Turkish people are not only laborers in the context but also with their increasing number they began to become employers in Germany whereby contributing to Germany economy. The number of Turkish entrepreneurs in Germany is estimated to be 70-80 thousand; they operate in diverse sectors and employing approximately 400 thousand laborers. It is estimated that the Turkish businesses are making annual return of 35-40 billion Euros in Germany. More and more, a new Turkish generation has been formed there, which embraced Germany as home country and they form plans about future around Germany values. Turkish population living in Germany is crucial in terms of improving the relationships with Germany; therefore importance should be given to this issue and establishment of novel policies by the central authorities in both countries.
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Feldhoff, Jan Fabian, Carina Hofmann, Stefan Hübner, Jan Oliver Kammesheidt, Martin Kilbane, Julie Bachmann Kulik, Siva Pilli, Franco Schubert, Waterloo Tsutsui und Charlene Tung. „Shaping Our Future With Sustainable Energy: A Direction From Young Engineers“. In ASME 2012 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated with the ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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It is broadly accepted that current energy systems should become more sustainable in both a global and local context. However, setting common goals and shared objectives and determining the appropriate means by which to get there is the subject of heavy debate. Therefore, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the German Association of Engineers (VDI) initiated a joint project aimed at providing a young engineers’ perspective to the global energy conversation. The young engineer project teams set a common goal of assembling a completely sustainable energy system for the U.S. and Germany by 2050. This includes not only the electricity market, but the overall energy system. Based on the current global energy paradigm, a completely sustainable energy system seems very ambitious. However, multiple analyses show that this path is possible and would in the medium to long run not only be desirable, but also competitive in the market. This future ‘energy puzzle’ consists of many important pieces, and the overall picture must be shaped by an overarching strategy of sustainability. Besides the many detailed pieces, four main critical issues must be addressed by engineers, politicians and everybody else alike. These challenges are: i) Rational use of energy: This uncomfortable topic is rather unappealing to communicate, but is a key issue to reduce energy demand and to meet the potentials of renewable energy carriers. ii) Balancing of electricity demand and generation: This is a challenge to the electricity markets and infrastructures that are currently designed for base-load, mainly fossil power plants. The overall mix of renewable energy generation, storage technologies, grid infrastructure, and power electronics will decide how efficient and reliable a future energy system will be. iii) Cost efficiency and competitiveness: It is a prerequisite for industrialized countries to stay competitive and to establish RE in the market. Developing economic technologies while at the same time establishing a strong RE market is the secret of success. iv) Acceptance of the system and its consequences: The best energy strategy cannot be realized without broad public acceptance for it. Therefore, the understanding of the energy technologies and an objective discussion must be promoted — without old fashioned emotionalizing of certain risks. The paper will present details on the four mentioned aspects, compare the situations between the U.S. and Germany, and propose solutions for appropriate political frame conditions to achieve a sustainable energy system.
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Yaman, Kemal. „A Critical Review of Private Pension System in Turkey Considering the German System“. In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2014.

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Private pension system includes various measures met to continue existing living standards without any restrictions in old age, i.e. after the end of employment. High life expectancy, low birth rate, and institutional deficiencies in societies are major drivers for private pension. To understand seriousness of the topic mostly state pension claims are considered as being insufficient in old age. That’s why, necessity of private pension products results. In the first part, theoretical approaches to the explanation of savings behavior of people are described. In the second part of the study, the situation concerning precautions taken in Turkey is examined. In the following part, the retirement arrangements in Germany are depicted for comparison. The financial situation of elderly people in both countries is analyzed. Financial sector is the key beneficiary of developments in both countries. Governmental regulations concerning retirement system play crucial role to achieve high level of prosperity in the national economy of many developed countries. It is also seen in the study that industrialized nations are characterized by considerable private pension funds. Finally; some conclusions are drawn from the analyses performed in the study. .
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Đorđević, Ana, und Marija Jovic. „The current situation and prospects for German as a foreign and technical language at universities of applied sciences in Serbia“. In 1st International Scientific Conference on Economy, Management and Information Technologies – ICEMIT 2023. Toplica Academy of Applied Studies, Department of Business Studies Blace, 2023.

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The five main language policy issues at EU level were conceived in the Barcelona target as conclusions of the Council of Europe on foreign language teaching: (1) foreign language canon; (2) quality of foreign language teaching with a focus on the teachers and their stay abroad; (3) bilingual education as a teaching concept; (4) the expected level of achievement in the foreign language; (5) language support for migrant learners (European Commission, 2017a; European Commission, 2017b; European Commission, 2017c: 5-8). The objective of Barcelona is to support foreign language teaching, and thus it could represent a basis for the legal regulations in the field of language policy in the broader sense of foreign language teaching and also specifically of technical language teaching.The European Commission supports multilingualism at various levels, such as at the legal level, language policy guidelines and with concrete proposals for the adequate training and further education of teachers and also for the entire teaching process. The desired multilingualism is mostly realized through English lessons, which is the result of the fact that the EU initiatives and recommendations are often not directly and fully applied at the national level.In this lecture, the current situation of the teaching practice of technical language teaching in the German language at universities of applied sciences in Serbia will be presented. Finally, recommendations are made for the implementation of technical language classes in Serbia. The aim of the work is to present the current problems and challenges of teaching the technical language German in Serbia.
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Zulmane, Linda. „Communication and Loneliness in Student Environment Nowadays and in Andrievs Niedra’s Prose“. In 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. University of Latvia Press, 2022.

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The theme of communication and loneliness is currently emerging as one of the main themes affecting everyone in the existing political, economic, social, etc. situation. The research reflects one of the most important questions of today (compared to Andrievs Niedra’s texts written more than a century ago): how to communicate in the conditions of the transition period in the student environment, how to recognize, compare, solve the feelings of loneliness. The aim of the research is to describe and compare communication models and the presence of loneliness in today’s student environment and in Niedra’s prose. To carry out the research, various studies of different countries (Latvia, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, etc.) on loneliness in the student environment have been reviewed, as well as the analysis of Niedra’s prose texts from the perspective of psychoanalytical, postcolonial, new historicism and comparative approaches has been implemented, a survey has been conducted at Liepāja University. When surveying students on the current topic, results have been collated and conclusions have been drawn in a comparative aspect, which allows us to propose a hypothesis that communication models and perceptions of existential crisis situations related to loneliness issues always repeat, but especially in times of change.
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MARKS-BIELSKA, Renata, und Agata ZIELIŃSKA,. „FARMLAND ACQUISITION BY FOREIGNERS IN POLAND IN YEARS 2000–2013“. In Rural Development 2015. Aleksandras Stulginskis University, 2015.

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The present study aimed at identification and evaluation the issue of agricultural land acquisition by foreigners in Poland in the years 2000–2013. The authors have used secondary data from: the Ministry of Interior, the Agricultural Property Agency (APA) and the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food Economy. The issue of farmland acquisition regulation in UE countries was also mentioned. The area of agriculture land acquired in the analyzed time is 5 0833, 98 hectare. The phenomenon most intensively affects legal persons (with permission of Minister of Interior) who purchase 68.7 % of it. Having considered the analyzed issue from the perspective of the country of origin, Germany and Austria dominate in natural persons (49.04 %) and in the case of legal entities leaders are: Germany and the Netherlands (58.27 %).Significant for interest of polish agricultural land by foreigners was Poland’s accession to the European Community, when in the real estate market a recovery from the foreigners side happened. The future situation in the agricultural land market in Poland is determined by the political decisions and public opinion pressure, especially before 1 May 2016. Present prepositions of changes in the regulation will rather do not limit requirements in land acquisition by foreigners like in Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania or Bulgaria.
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Maus, Christoph. „The Heterogeneous Accentuation of Economic Content in Vocational Education: A Starting Point for Occupation-Specific Human Resource Development“. In Interdisciplinarity Counts. University of Maribor, University Press, 2023.

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Since the successive introduction of “learning field“ oriented curricula in Germany, teaching at vocational schools has been based on concrete actions. The underlying curricula describe business-oriented learning fields. The translating of these learning fields into pedagogical learning situations is the responsibility of the vocational curriculum conferences at the individual vocational school level. This means that, despite there being an identical curricular basis, it is possible for individual schools to apply heterogeneous content emphases within the education programmes for commercial vocations. This study examines the correlation between such heterogeneous content with regard to the subject of economics and the person characteristics of the relevant teachers. In order to determine the individual significance of economics curricula as part of the education programme for commercial occupations on a learning field basis, an online survey was conducted among commerce teachers. The findings for the correlations indicate a relationship between the relevance of economics content and individual experience of teaching staff with regard to that particular academic discipline, because a high relevance rating correlates with individual tangencies within the teacher’s educational biography.
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Zaporojan, Veaceslav. „Budget Balance Within The Constitutional Framework Of The Member States Of The European Union“. In 27th International Scientific Conference “Competitiveness and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy”. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2024.

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The constitutional regulation of the budgetary balance requirements, from the lack of numerical fiscal rules to the institutional constraints regarding the rationalization of decision-making processes and budgetary procedures within the European Union, varies in different member states. It depends on the economic situation and the economic context both nationally and internationally. Classical constitutionalism aims at the established limits of political power through the supreme norms of the constitution, it becomes insufficient for the establishment of legal norms to limit economic excesses. The constitutional norms set further limits, a fact that sets limits to the budget decision-making process and public spending. The economic requirement of the budget balance is taken over at the constitutional level in the EU member states, it is applied through the internal legal regulation based on the constitutional norms according to the European legislation. In the perspective of the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU, the legislation of the Union cannot be implemented immediately in the national constitutional framework, especially the budgetary one. The European regulatory package required member states to form institutions modelled after the Fiscal Council in Germany, specialized in formulating macroeconomic forecasts and monitoring compliance with the budget balance established by the European Union, coordinated by the European Fiscal Board, mandated to independently evaluate the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact.
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In many EU countries economic and social development stagnates. The reasons are various and depends on the country. Some countries are still leaders (Germany, Great Britain, France), but depending on political events and complicated issues in each of them common EU internal market is kept as rather passive and not expanding in terms of consumption and investments. Especially it is related to countries suffering their internal business problems. The research problem of this paper is related to the issues how to provide some innovative solutions to traditional enterprises in Lithuania and Poland for their prosperous development. The aim of the paper is to analyse the situation and problems of traditional business in rural areas of Lithuania and Poland and propose development possibilities applying social initiatives and becoming social enterprises. The research object of the paper is traditional and social enterprises in rural areas. The research discloses that in Lithuania and Poland the situation in rural areas has a lot of similarities in terms of development and problems. Social entrepreneurship in both countries is kept as possibility but still problems and specificity exist in the countries.
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Covalenco, Marina. „Medical Tourism And Health Worker Migration In Developing Countries“. In 27th International Scientific Conference “Competitiveness and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy”. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2024.

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Medical tourism is a growing economic sector with a $272.70 billion market. In the last ten years, especially after the Pandemic, the health tourism market has increased for Estland with tourists from developed countries. Germans, French people, citizens from the US, and the UK are interested in medical services after the border with low-cost medical care, high technologies, and specialized health workers. This study analyzes factors pushing health migrants to travel abroad: working conditions, salary revenue, poor life conditions, lower education system, and desire to have opportunities to gain better experience, and specialization. This study shows the migration source countries, international agreements, and mutual arrangements that manage this phenomenon. The research methodology is a literature review. The study's goal is to analyze the situation of migration health workers from Romania and the Republic of Moldova and to respond to questions: how this phenomenon affects the public healthcare sector, what is their desire, and is this a national or international problem? The globalization era is an opportunity for health workers to choose quickly actual job requirements, obtain a higher work position, and receive professional reviews and skills evaluation. Artificial intelligence, Virtual reality, and the Metaverse are the instruments proposed to resolve this phenomenon by the government. The migration of healthcare workers is not just an economic strategy for authorities. World Health Organization proposes a reform for Romania and the Republic of Moldova according to educational and social instruments. Today this phenomenon is influenced by refugees from Ukraine.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "German Economic situations"


Mahdavian, Farnaz. Germany Country Report. University of Stavanger, Februar 2022.

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Germany is a parliamentary democracy (The Federal Government, 2021) with two politically independent levels of 1) Federal (Bund) and 2) State (Länder or Bundesländer), and has a highly differentiated decentralized system of Government and administration (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, 2021). The 16 states in Germany have their own government and legislations which means the federal authority has the responsibility of formulating policy, and the states are responsible for implementation (Franzke, 2020). The Federal Government supports the states in dealing with extraordinary danger and the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) supports the states' operations with technology, expertise and other services (Federal Ministry of Interior, Building and Community, 2020). Due to the decentralized system of government, the Federal Government does not have the power to impose pandemic emergency measures. In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to slowdown the spread of coronavirus, on 16 March 2020 the federal and state governments attempted to harmonize joint guidelines, however one month later State governments started to act more independently (Franzke & Kuhlmann, 2021). In Germany, health insurance is compulsory and more than 11% of Germany’s GDP goes into healthcare spending (Federal Statistical Office, 2021). Health related policy at the federal level is the primary responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Health. This ministry supervises institutions dealing with higher level of public health including the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute (PEI), the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Federal Centre for Health Education (Federal Ministry of Health, 2020). The first German National Pandemic Plan (NPP), published in 2005, comprises two parts. Part one, updated in 2017, provides a framework for the pandemic plans of the states and the implementation plans of the municipalities, and part two, updated in 2016, is the scientific part of the National Pandemic Plan (Robert Koch Institut, 2017). The joint Federal-State working group on pandemic planning was established in 2005. A pandemic plan for German citizens abroad was published by the German Foreign Office on its website in 2005 (Robert Koch Institut, 2017). In 2007, the federal and state Governments, under the joint leadership of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Ministry of Health, simulated influenza pandemic exercise called LÜKEX 07, and trained cross-states and cross-department crisis management (Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk, 2007b). In 2017, within the context of the G20, Germany ran a health emergency simulation exercise with representatives from WHO and the World Bank to prepare for future pandemic events (Federal Ministry of Health et al., 2017). By the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, on 27 February 2020, a joint crisis team of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) was established (Die Bundesregierung, 2020a). On 4 March 2020 RKI published a Supplement to the National Pandemic Plan for COVID-19 (Robert Koch Institut, 2020d), and on 28 March 2020, a law for the protection of the population in an epidemic situation of national scope (Infektionsschutzgesetz) came into force (Bundesgesundheitsministerium, 2020b). In the first early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Germany managed to slow down the speed of the outbreak but was less successful in dealing with the second phase. Coronavirus-related information and measures were communicated through various platforms including TV, radio, press conferences, federal and state government official homepages, social media and applications. In mid-March 2020, the federal and state governments implemented extensive measures nationwide for pandemic containment. Step by step, social distancing and shutdowns were enforced by all Federal States, involving closing schools, day-cares and kindergartens, pubs, restaurants, shops, prayer services, borders, and imposing a curfew. To support those affected financially by the pandemic, the German Government provided large economic packages (Bundesministerium der Finanzen, 2020). These measures have adopted to the COVID-19 situation and changed over the pandemic. On 22 April 2020, the clinical trial of the corona vaccine was approved by Paul Ehrlich Institute, and in late December 2020, the distribution of vaccination in Germany and all other EU countries
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Arzheimer, Kai. To Russia with love? German populist actors’ positions vis-a-vis the Kremlin. European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), März 2003.

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Russia’s attack on Ukraine and its many international and national repercussions have helped to revive the fortunes of Germany’s main radical right-wing populist party, the “Alternative for Germany” (AfD). Worries about the threats posed to Germany’s traditional export-led industries by spiking energy prices, the country’s historical anxieties over becoming involved in armed conflict in Europe, and hundreds of thousands of refugees arriving in Germany seem to have contributed to a modest rise in the AfD’s poll numbers after a long period of stagnation. However, the situation is more complicated for the AfD than it would appear at first glance. While many party leaders and the rank-and-file have long held sympathies for Putin (and for Russia more generally), support for Ukraine among the German public remains strong, even if there is some disagreement about the appropriate means and the acceptable costs. At least some AfD voters are appalled by the levels of Russian violence against civilians. Like on many other issues, there is also a gap in opinion between Germany’s formerly communist federal states in the east and the western part of the country. The AfD’s leadership has responded by blaming the government and unspecified external actors for the economic crisis, calling for a “diplomatic solution,” and demanding a “return to normal.” While this policy has helped to keep the AfD’s base mobilized, the stated approach is scarcely feasible and has not led to a surge in support for the party among the general population.
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Werny, Rafaela, Marie Reich, Miranda Leontowitsch und Frank Oswald. EQualCare Policy Report Germany : Alone but connected? Digital (in)equalities in care work and generational relationships among older people living alone. Frankfurter Forum für interdisziplinäre Alternsforschung, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Oktober 2022.

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The policy review is part of the project EQualCare: Alone but connected? Digital (in)equalities in care work and generational relationships among older people living alone, a three-year international project involving four countries: Finland, Germany, Latvia and Sweden. EQualCare interrogates inequalities by gender, cultural and socio-economic background between countries, with their different demographics and policy backgrounds. As a first step into empirical analysis, the policy review aims to set the stage for a better understanding of, and policy development on, the intersections of digitalisation with intergenerational care work and care relationships of older people living alone in Germany. The policy review follows a critical approach, in which the problems policy documents address are not considered objective entities, but rather discursively produced knowledge that renders visible some parts of the problem which is to be solved as other possible perspectives are simultaneously excluded. Twenty publicly available documents were studied to analyse the processes in which definitions of care work and digital (in)equalities are circulated, translated and negotiated between the different levels of national government, regional governments and municipalities as well as other agencies in Germany. The policy review consists of two parts: a background chapter providing information on the social structure of Germany, including the historical development of Germany after the Second World War, its political structure, information on the demographic situation with a focus on the 60+ age group, and the income of this age group. In addition, the background presents the structure of work and welfare, the organisation of care for old people, and the state of digitalisation in Germany. The analysis chapter includes a description of the method used as well as an overview of the documents chosen and analysed. The focus of this chapter is on the analysis of official documents that deal with the interplay of living alone in old age, care, and digitalisation. The analysis identified four themes: firstly, ageing is framed largely as a challenge to society, whereas digitalisation is framed as a potential way to tackle social challenges, such as an ageing society. Secondly, challenges of ageing, such as need of care, are set at the individual level, requiring people to organise their care within their own families and immediate social networks, with state support following a principle of subsidiarity. Thirdly, voluntary peer support provides the basis for addressing digital support needs and strategies. Publications by lobby organisations highlight the important work done by voluntary peer support for digital training and the benefits this approach has; they also draw attention to the over-reliance on this form of unpaid support and call for an increase in professional support in ensuring all older people are supported in digital life. Fourthly, ageing as a hinderance to participation in digital life is seen as an interim challenge among younger old people already online.
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Russo, Margherita, Fabrizio Alboni, Jorge Carreto Sanginés, Manlio De Domenico, Giuseppe Mangioni, Simone Righi und Annamaria Simonazzi. The Changing Shape of the World Automobile Industry: A Multilayer Network Analysis of International Trade in Components and Parts. Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper Series, Januar 2022.

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In 2018, after 25 years of the North America Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the United States requested new rules which, among other requirements, increased the regional con-tent in the production of automotive components and parts traded between the three part-ner countries, United States, Canada and Mexico. Signed by all three countries, the new trade agreement, USMCA, is to go into force in 2022. Nonetheless, after the 2020 Presi-dential election, the new treaty's future is under discussion, and its impact on the automo-tive industry is not entirely defined. Another significant shift in this industry – the acceler-ated rise of electric vehicles – also occurred in 2020: while the COVID-19 pandemic largely halted most plants in the automotive value chain all over the world, at the reopen-ing, the tide is now running against internal combustion engine vehicles, at least in the an-nouncements and in some large investments planned in Europe, Asia and the US. The definition of the pre-pandemic situation is a very helpful starting point for the analysis of the possible repercussions of the technological and geo-political transition, which has been accelerated by the epidemic, on geographical clusters and sectorial special-isations of the main regions and countries. This paper analyses the trade networks emerg-ing in the past 25 years in a new analytical framework. In the economic literature on inter-national trade, the study of the automotive global value chains has been addressed by us-ing network analysis, focusing on the centrality of geographical regions and countries while largely overlooking the contribution of countries' bilateral trading in components and parts as structuring forces of the subnetwork of countries and their specific position in the overall trade network. The paper focuses on such subnetworks as meso-level structures emerging in trade network over the last 25 years. Using the Infomap multilayer clustering algorithm, we are able to identify clusters of countries and their specific trades in the automotive internation-al trade network and to highlight the relative importance of each cluster, the interconnec-tions between them, and the contribution of countries and of components and parts in the clusters. We draw the data from the UN Comtrade database of directed export and import flows of 30 automotive components and parts among 42 countries (accounting for 98% of world trade flows of those items). The paper highlights the changes that occurred over 25 years in the geography of the trade relations, with particular with regard to denser and more hierarchical network gener-ated by Germany’s trade relations within EU countries and by the US preferential trade agreements with Canada and Mexico, and the upsurge of China. With a similar overall va-riety of traded components and parts within the main clusters (dominated respectively by Germany, US and Japan-China), the Infomap multilayer analysis singles out which com-ponents and parts determined the relative positions of countries in the various clusters and the changes over time in the relative positions of countries and their specialisations in mul-tilateral trades. Connections between clusters increase over time, while the relative im-portance of the main clusters and of some individual countries change significantly. The focus on US and Mexico and on Germany and Central Eastern European countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) will drive the comparative analysis.
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Samochowiec, Jakub, Johannes C. Bauer und Kathrin Neumüller. Strategies for Dealing With the Labour Shortage – An Overview. Gdi-verlag, GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, Juni 2023.

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The Swiss labour market will shrink without immigration. But even with high immigrationnfigures, it will not be possible to maintain the previous growth of the labour market. Employers need to adapt to this situation. This study compiles and arranges different measures for dealing with the labour shortage, with the aim of showing different approaches to deal with the situation. The measures are arranged following the formula: Number of person-hours x efficiency = output The increase in the number of person-hours includes, on the one hand, measures to make employers more attractive. These are relative competitive advantages in the labour market. In a survey, 1,000 employees from German-speaking Switzerland were asked about their satisfaction with different aspects of their work and these areas of satisfaction were compared with their overall satisfaction, loyalty toward their employer and intentions of quitting their jobs. It showed that development opportunities (both personal and in terms of their career) and the appreciation by an employer who matches one’s values are the most important employer attributes for employees, but it is precisely the development opportunities that are often not offered to a satisfactory extent. The increase in the number of person-hours comprises, on the other hand, measures to expand labour market participation, which means that more person-hours are worked in the market. There are many options for this. Where remote working has become the norm, there are not many obstacles to offshoring work abroad. In addition, pensioners are open to working on a project-by-project basis and, if need be, could be recruited via “gig-economy” style platforms for individual tasks. A corporate platform could lower the hurdle for pensioners who worked for that company (in terms of psychology and also the bureaucracy) and create a broad but casual recruitment pool. Furthermore, career and pension advice could encourage women to increase their working hours or at least to not to give up their jobs completely despite high childcare costs. Political measures could also be introduced to lower the latter. It is probable that the labour market of the future will have to cope with fewer people, despite all efforts to increase person-hours. The formula suggests another factor: the increase in efficiency. Automation of work processes is one example of an efficiency measure. In a survey of managers, half of the respondents thought that about 20% of the work could already be automated today. However, there was a lack of competencies (also a consequence of the labour shortage), of a technology-savvy culture and of confidence that quality can be maintained. In addition, respondents to the employee survey also perceive about 20% of the work they do as unnecessary (excessive emails, meetings, administrative tasks, etc.). This is partly attributed to too much in-house bureaucracy and too many managers – which is the occupational group that has grown the most in the swiss labor market since 1991. The connection between wages and value generation seems to be restricted both within companies and in society as a whole. The labour shortage is often also caused by an allocation problem. Even measures to increase efficiency do not necessarily lead to less need for staff. Rather, the consequence of increased efficiency is often an almost automatic expansion GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute 5 of output. In order to cope with the labour shortage, it is necessary to deal with output carefully and to reflect on where output should be expanded, capped or even reduced so that any reduction in output is done in a controlled manner. Especially in the context of an increasing relevance of sustainability, there are services and products in all companies that need to be questioned and the elimination of which would promote the credibility of sustainability strategies and thus also increase the chance that the corporate values match those of young employees. Perhaps other legal forms are necessary in order to avoid the pressures for growth which are linked with a shareholder structure. Alternative models are possible.
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National report 2009-2019 - Rural NEET in Germany. OST Action CA 18213: Rural NEET Youth Network: Modeling the risks underlying rural NEETs social exclusion, Dezember 2020.

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This report outlines in detail the situation of rural Youths Neither in Employment, nor in Education or Training (NEET) aged between 15 and 34 years old, over the last decade (2009-2019) in Germany. To do this, the report utilised indicators of: youth population; youth employment and unemployment; education; and, NEETs distribution. The characte-risation of all indicators adopted the degree of urbanisation as a central criterion, enabling proportional comparisons between rural areas, towns and suburbs, cities and the whole country. These analyses are further divided into age subgroups and, where possible, into sex groups for greater detail. The statistical procedures adopted across the different selected dimensions involve: des-criptive longitudinal analysis; using graphical displays (e.g., overlay line charts); and, the calculation of proportional absolute and relative changes between 2009 and 2013, 2013 and 2019, and finally 2009 and 2019. These time ranges were chosen to capture the in-dicators evolution before and after the economic crisis which hit European countries. All data was extracted from Eurostat public datasets. The analyses show that the rural youth population aged 15 to 24 years significantly increa-sed between 2009 and 2012 and then decreased slightly until 2019. The youth employment rate in Germany is generally increasing, and is at all times significantly higher in rural areas than in cities, towns and suburbs. The reverse trend applies to youth unemployment, which generally decreased in the observed period and which is at all times lowest in rural areas. A look at educational attainment levels showed a slight decline in rural areas of low educated persons between 2009 and 2019, while the proportion of rural youth with medium and high education slightly increased. At the same time, the proportion of early school leavers in rural areas after an increase until 2011, fell sharply and reached the 2009 level again by 2019. Be-ing 9% in 2019, it remains, at least in rural areas, slightly below the 10% target defined by the Europe 2020 strategy. Finally, the proportion of NEETs in Germany is lower in rural areas in all age classes and as a whole decreased significantly from 2009 to 2019.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Implications of the Energiewende for the Power Sector. Universidad de Deusto, 2017.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
The Energiewende is the "political-technical-industrial" project of energy transition that Germany has initiated and that will foreseeably last for decades. This energy transition, a matter of considerable controversy, has its roots in the proposals of the seventies, reinforced in the nineties and launched "globally" in the last decade. This project was already the subject of a report by the Chair of Energy of Orkestra (Álvarez Pelegry & Ortiz Martínez, 2016). It addressed the energy situation in Germany and examined the objectives of the Energiewende from various points of view. The purpose of this report is to deepen the implications of the Energiewende in the electrical field advanced in the previous report. The content is divided into two basic chapters. In the first chapter, the energy and environmental implications of Energiewende are presented in three sections. The first is dedicated to the study of electricity generation and demand; the second analyzes the evolution and forecasts of the price of electricity in the wholesale market; the third analyzes the environmental implications of Energiewende, both in terms of greenhouse gases (GHG) and polluting emissions. For its part, the second chapter examines the economic implications for the electricity sector, in two sections. The first studies the price of electricity for consumers and the second studies the impact of Energiewende on electricity companies as well as the strategic changes they have addressed to adapt to the changes.
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