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Dissertationen zum Thema "Géothermie – Modèles mathématiques"
Voillemont, Jean-Charles. „Caractérisation par micro-sismicité induite des milieux poreux fracturés : modélisations par la méthode des lignes de courant d'un site géothermique HDR (Soultz-sous-Forêts, France)“. Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAudigane, Pascal. „Caractérisation microsismique des massifs rocheux fracturés : modélisation thermo-hydraulique : application au concept géothermique de Soultz“. Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2000.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLertsrimongkol, Suthep. „Faisabilité technico-économique d'un système géothermique pour la production d'électricité et de froid et le séchage du tabac dans la région du nord de la Thaïlande“. Nice, 1990.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCopol, Cédrick Nicolas. „Etudes mathématiques et numériques pour la modélisation des systèmes hydrothermaux. Applications à la géothermie haute énergie“. Thesis, Antilles, 2016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe purpose of our study is to model a geothermal reservoir. When geothermal reservoirs are assumed to be composed of pure water, the transfer of mass and energy is classically described by two balance equations: the mass balance equation and the energy balance equation. In addition to those equations, fluid velocity is classically given by the Darcy law while thermodynamic properties, inferred from theoretical or empirical equations of state, are used to close the mathematical system. Once this system is closed, there exist different solutions. The first one is to solve for pressure and temperature with a variable switch to saturation in the two-phase region (e.g. TOUGH2). The second one is to solve for pressure and enthalpy to increase the stability of phase transition between single and two-phase states (e.g. Hydrotherm). We adopted the second option. We solve the system by using a splitting method — to get rid of the complexity of coupling equations — and a finite volume method for the spatial discretization. We offer some freedom to users thanks to the implementation of several methods like explicit or implicit Euler, Runge-Kutta or BDF2 for time solvers or GMRES and BICGSTAB for the linear solver. We can handle several boundary conditions like no-flow — describing a boundary which cannot exchange matter withthe exterior — or like a mixed-therm condition — a Dirichlet condition to the pressure and a Dirichlet or an outflow condition to the temperature in order to describe a recharge or a discharge zone — …Selecting object-oriented languages, we developed a multi-language framework, combining Python, Fortran and a C++ implementation of IAPWS (from the freesteam project) including the supercritical equations. To close the system physical propertiesare determined by the IAPWS- IF97 thermodynamic formulation. We’ve applied this simulation model to the dogger in Paris, France, to several onedimensional systems and a two-dimensional one made by Coumou with the CSMP++platform. The dogger is a reservoir exploited to produce heat by pumping water at 70 _C and reinjecting it in the reservoir at 40 _C. In the one-dimensional systems we wanted to observe the process of heat transfer from a higher temperature boundary to a smaller one in a high-energy domain. The last simulation shows the natural convection of water in a fault. For every simulation we compared the solutions we found with another code (TOUGH2 or CSMP++) and they agreed
Baujard, Clément. „Modélisation de l'écoulement de deux fluides non miscibles dans des milieux fractures ; application à l'injection d'eau à grande profondeur et à la recherche d'eau douce en milieu côtier“. Paris, ENMP, 2005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work is focused on interpretation of data obtained on the hot fractured rock geothermal research site of soultz-sous-forêts, during reservoir development and forced circulation tests. The density contrast between fresh cold injected water and hot salted formation fluid implies complex field observations that could be treated by considering the two fluids as immiscible fluids. It was consequently decided to enhance the numerical code fracas, based on a discrete fracture network approach, in order to allow multiphase flows in fractures. The final purpose of this study is to underline eventual density driven flow and to evaluate the invaded reservoir volume during circulation tests
Bataillé, Arnaud. „Modélisation de la circulation thermoconvective en milieu fracturé : application à la géothermie des roches chaudes et fracturées à Soult-sous-Forêts (France)“. Toulouse 3, 2004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMaya, Fogouang Laurez. „Transport of fine particles. Application to injectivity in geothermal reservoirs“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWhen exploiting renewable resources, such as geothermal energy, the injection of fluids into underground reservoirs can drastically impact the permeability of the porous medium near the injection wells. Fine suspended particles (colloids), whether initially present in the injected fluids or detached from the porous matrix by the pressure gradient, are transported, aggregated, irreversibly or reversibly deposited,and/or lead to pore clogging. The consequence of this pore-clogging (filtration, bridging, or particle aggregation) on permeability results in a drastic decrease in injectivity in the wells, potentially leading to their abandonment. Studying clogging phenomena is crucial to control injectivity better and propose effective unclogging solutions to maintain well exploitation. Thus, this work aims to understand the evolution of the permeability of a porous medium during the injection of a suspension, to predict the injectivity drop, and tooptimize injection processes through numerical models. At the scale of exploitation sites (macroscopic), classical approaches for modeling particle transport and clogging rely on heuristic parameters and restrictive assumptions that limit their predictive capabilities. Notably, considering electrochemical effects on particle deposition, aggregation, and detachment and their feedback on flow can be improved. This thesis aims to provide a solution for modeling colloidal transport in porous media. The strategy adopted is based on a cascade modeling approach across spatio-temporal scales of the porous medium. First, we focus on microscopic scales (molecular, pore, and porenetwork scale) where particle-fluid and fluid-matrix interfaces, the sites of hydromechanical and electrochemical phenomena controlling clogging mechanisms, are well described. We have developed and validated a new numerical approach to simulate colloidal transportat the pore scale. It is based on an Euler-Lagrange method of the CFD-DEM type, where a continuous phase describes the fluid, and particle transport is represented by a discrete phase (individual tracking). In particular, our approach overcomes the classical limitations on the size of computational cells relative to the size of particles. The developed model is a foundation for studying the predominance of physicochemical variables on clogging (infiltration velocity, particle concentration, solution pH and salinity, pore and particle size,etc.). Subsequently, and in a logic of upscaling, we no longer consider particles as discrete elements but as a concentration field. Todo this, we revisit the theory of colloidal deposition around a cylinder to analytically determine macroscopic deposition kinetic laws. Finally, the numerical model simulates particle retention in porous media. It captures the three main clogging mechanisms (size exclusion,arch formation, and aggregation). It allows for determining porosity-permeability relationships and retention kinetics depending on flow regimes, solution chemistry, and suspension properties represented by appropriate dimensionless numbers. The advances brought by this work improve the understanding of clogging mechanisms and guide the development of models on larger scales
Robert, Félix. „Optimisation techno-économique d'un champ d'échangeurs géothermiques verticaux“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis master thesis presents the method used and the optimization results for a ground coupled heat exchangers borefield. The content is divided into two papers submitted for publication to scientific journals. The first paper reports a study on soil stratigraphy impact on performance evaluation for a geothermal heat pump. The study reveals that the results obtained from simulation predict the same energy consumption of heat pump system for stratified soil and for homogenous soil defined by an average thermal conductivity. It confirms the assumption that a ground coupled heat exchanger system can be modeled using an average value of thermal conductivity. The second paper presents an optimization method of geothermal borefield design to minimize the cost of the system. Results show that number of boreholes in the grid, and their depth, are two influential parameters having strong effect on total cost.
Tang, Fu-Jiao. „Investigation numérique sur l'échangeur de chaleur installé dans des sols peu profonds“. Thesis, Strasbourg, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleShallow geothermal energy is an energy that can help humanity to reach the goal of sustainable development. Ground-Coupled Heat Pump system is traditionally used to benefit this energy. As a main element of the system, ground heat exchanger performance directly influences its energy efficiency. The shallow ground heat exchangers are normally installed in soils, which show high heterogeneity of hydrothermal properties along the soil profiles. The main objective of this project is identifying how ground heat exchanger behaves in the soil. In summary, the following investigations were conducted: the first is introducing hydrothermal transfer in the numerical modeling of Borehole Heat Exchanger installed at a site in Alsace region (France); the second is identifying the factors influencing the performance of a shallow Borehole Heat Exchanger installed in soils; the third is conducting sensitive analysis of Thermal Response Tests for Borehole Heat Exchanger installed in soils; the fourth is identifying the performance difference of a numerical simulation model with Neumann and Dirichlet boundaries on the ground surface for a Horizontal Ground Heat Exchanger
Rosener, Michel. „Etude pétrophysique et modélisation des effets des transferts thermiques entre roche et fluide dans le contexte géothermique de Soultz-sous-Forêts“. Phd thesis, Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg I, 2007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAu cours de cette étude, les propriétés physiques de la zone endommagée (porosité, perméabilité, surface spécifique, conductivité thermique) ont été mesurées à différentes échelles et sur des échantillons présentant des structures et des faciès d'altération variés. La combinaison de ces mesures, et leur intégration dans différents modèles numériques, a notamment permis de mettre en évidence l'impact de la zone endommagée sur les transferts de chaleur et de matière, ainsi qu'une évolution particulière de la géométrie du réseau poreux avec l'altération.