Dissertationen zum Thema „Gardanne“
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Ferreira, Soares Claude. „Le bassin minier de Gardanne : industrialisation et péri-urbanisation“. Aix-Marseille 2, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988AIX23003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFerreira, Soares Claude. „Le Bassin minier de Gardanne industrialisation et péri-urbanisation /“. Lille 3 : ANRT, 1989. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37613596j.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMumbwa, Mokongo André. „Développement d'un procédé d'oxydésulfuration des charbons : application au charbon de Gardanne“. Compiègne, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992COMPD461.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBertho, Christophe. „Contribution à l'étude de la pyrolyse basse température du charbon de gardanne“. Poitiers, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987POIT2306.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBertho, Christophe. „Contribution à l'étude de la pyrolyse basse température du charbon de Gardanne“. Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37602949p.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMechlouf, Harbi. „L'identité et la culture maghrébines des jeunes issus de la deuxième génération née en France de parents immigrés : le cas des Algériens dans le secteur de Gardanne“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007AIX10055.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNamjesnik, Dalija. „Origin of seismicity related to a flooded abandoned coal mining district at Gardanne, Provence, France“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021LORR0116.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe closure of mines and post-mining management nowadays present a major challenge as the problems that arise can greatly concern public security. When mines are abandoned, groundwater pumping systems are usually stopped and the water which progressively fills the remaining voids can affect the mechanical stability of underground structures. In general, mechanisms of observed seismicity in flooded, post-mining districts have been poorly understood. As a case study, this thesis focused on the abandoned, flooded coal mine in Gardanne, France, which has been experiencing significant post-mining seismicity problems. Seismic activity in Gardanne mine seems to originate from an interaction between rocks and fluids, as spatio-temporal distribution of events suggests the link with intense rainfall events as well as the active pumping. The knowledge on the origin and the triggering mechanisms of the seismic activity in Gréasque and Regagnas sector is the key for seismic hazard assessment of the entire Gardanne basin. Thesis work focused on questions concerning precise identification of seismic source origin evaluating two hypothesis, determination of the mechanism behind the seismicity, link between seismicity and the hydrogeological system, as well as improving of the detection and location of microseismicity with a sparse network. The new developed detection and location methodology adapts the full waveform-based method BTBB by Poiata by overcoming the challenges of the sparse seismic monitoring network, and includes a novel approach for noise removal from continuous dataset as well as location quality-based classification system. The seismicity clustering behaviour was indicated by the new seismic catalogue 2014-2017, which was further analysed more thoroughly. All results are in favour of the origin of the seismic sources on the fault below the mine. Spatial and temporal characteristics of observed seismic events and multiplet and repeater occurrences provided a clearer image of the active geological structures and allowed a preliminary interpretation of possible mechanisms affecting the initiation and driving of the repeating or after-shock like behavior of seismic events, based on comparison with available hydrological data. Despite the general understanding of the mechanism behind the seismicity, the maximum magnitude of the events that can be triggered is at this moment is difficult to quantify and predict due to limitations of available data. As a prospective, in order to better understand the seismic hazard, more accurate observations of the seismicity, mechanical parameters and water level changes in the seismically active zone are required to improve the understanding and the interconnection between these factors
Hupé, Claire. „Identification des mécanismes de rupture des évènements microsismiques induits par une exploitation minière : approche méthodologique“. Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999INPL053N.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe Gardanne coalmine, is accompanied by an important seismic activity : 50 to 80 microseisms per day, inducing sometime dangerous rockbursts. The microseismic registering that was placed 1977, is aimed at forecasting and prevention. Based on classical seismograms analysis, a methodology is developed with this database. It consists of demonstration of the existence of different types of mechanisms, and their identification. This methodology allows the identification ofshear-fracture, the rupture of rock behind the face and complex mechanisms for with numerical models where necessary. We although observe that events associated with different mechanisms have different spectral analysis. But it was not possible to define simple discrimination types
Diaw, Mody. „De Boké à Gardanne, l’expérience des travailleurs de la bauxite au prisme de la justice environnementale“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0265.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFor several years now, the issue of liquid and solid discharges from the extraction of alumina from bauxite by the Alteo Gardanne plant (France) has been a public issue, thanks to the mobilization of environmental associations, user groups in the Calanques and local residents of the plant and the solid waste storage site, who denounce the impacts on the environment and the health of local residents. The way in which the problem is defined by these mobilizations gives it a local dimension (Deldrève and Metin, 2019, while, since the depletion of Provence’s bauxite mines, the Alteo alumina plant (previously owned by Pechiney and then Rio Tinto), continues its production by sourcing bauxite from Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG), which mines deposits in the Boké region, where communities living near the mines are also denouncing the socio-environmental and health consequences of the national bauxite mining policy. Thus, the trajectory of bauxite gives the problem an international and generic dimension. What’s more, while environmental and health issues for communities living close to bauxite mining and processing sites or transport routes are widely publicized from Guinea to Gardanne, those relating to the health and working conditions of the workers who extract, transport and process bauxite remain invisible. Epidemiological studies that have addressed the situation of bauxite workers generally focus on measurements of their exposure to gamma radiation and concentration levels of inhaled dust components in mines and refineries (Brian et al., 2012; Dennekamp et al., 2015). The conclusions of these studies on workers’ exposure to risk have given rise to controversy, and their approaches of measuring averages rather than actual exposures have been widely criticized (G. Hecht, 2012), on the grounds that they fail to take into account differences in exposure linked to different work situations. The aim of this sociology thesis, which is part of a multidisciplinary social science research project (Justbaux), is to understand workers’ relationship with bauxite and their experience of work and risks. Who are the workers on the bauxite trajectory? What issues of environmental justice and inequality are at stake in their relationship with bauxite? What are their positions with regard to the mobilization of local residents (of which they are sometimes a part) and environmentalists? How do they describe the material and define the problems associated with its use? I hypothesize that people’s relationship with bauxite and their experience of the risks associated with its extraction, processing and transport are a function not only of their work situation, the techniques employed and the regulations applied, but also of the status of the workers, their precariousness and their dependence on the company that employs them. To test this hypothesis, I use an analytical framework that borrows concepts from the sociology of work and environmental justice. My approach is qualitative. It includes semi-structured interviews with workers at different stages of the bauxite trajectory, as well as observations of their work situations and activities. This ethnography of work in the mines in Guinea, alongside the transporters, at the bauxite pre-processing plant in Kamsar and at the alumina production plant in Gardanne, will be combined with archive and documentation work
Gonzales, Jean-François. „La déformation cassante dans le bassin de Gardanne (Provence) : aspect microtectonique de l'influence structurale du pli du Regaignas“. Aix-Marseille 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989AIX11205.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNheili, Adnan. „Evolution de quelques propriétés physicochimiques du solide (permittivité complexe, diffusivité thermique, RMN C13) aux cours de la pyrolyse du charbon de Gardanne, en relation avec les dégagements gazeux“. Poitiers, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991POIT2282.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSimard, Marie-Lyliane. „Caractéristiques sociodémographiques et psychologiques des individus gardant secrète leur infidélité“. Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26849.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAhmed, Samar. „Numerical modeling of stress redistribution to assess pillar rockburst proneness around longwall panels : Case study of the Provence coal mine, France“. Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LORR0248/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRockburst is a violent explosion of rock that can occur in underground mines. In the current research, the main objective is to demonstrate the causes that may influence the rockburst proneness by using the numerical modeling tool. However, firstly, the pre-mining stress state and the induced stresses due to surrounding excavations have to be studied precisely. The Provence coal mine, where a rockburst took place in its shaft station that is surrounded by many longwall caving panels, has been chosen as a case study. A large-scale 3D numerical model has been constructed to include the shaft station area with its small-scale pillars and galleries, and the large-scale longwall panels with their accompanying goaf area. Many problems appeared while developing such large-scale numerical model, the first problem was the initialization of stress state at a large-scale, where the measured vertical stresses are in disagreement with the overburden weight, and the in-situ stresses are highly anisotropic. The second problem was the simulation of the goaf area accompanying longwall panels. The third problem was the assessment of pillars instability in terms of its strength/average stress ratio, and its volume. The Fourth problem was the assessment of rockburst proneness in the shaft station based on different rockburst criteria. Five methods were developed to initialize the heterogeneous pre-mining stress in the large-scale numerical model. These methods are based on the Simplex Method, which is mainly based on optimizing the difference between the in-situ measured stress values and the numerical stress values to develop stress gradients able to express the stress heterogeneity and compatible with the in-situ measurements. The method that is based on initiating the stress state with 3D stress gradients was found to be more efficient than the traditional method that is based on the horizontal-to-vertical stress ratios. Regarding the goaf simulation, three models were developed and implemented in the numerical model to express the mechanical behavior within the goaf area above longwall panels. Two of these models are based on an elastic behavior, and the third one is based on the strain-hardening elasto-plastic behavior that takes the consolidation phenomenon into consideration. It was found that the goaf area above longwall panels could reach up to 32 times the seam thickness, and the elastic modulus of caved area (the first few meters in the goaf area) did not exceed 220 MPa to fulfill the roof-floor convergence. But, with advance of the exploitation, this soft material consolidated under the pressure of the overlying strata. In case of critical and super-critical width, the vertical stress in the goaf area exceeded the overburden weight, and it increased up to 4 times the overburden weight on the rib-sides. The vertical stress increased in the shaft station pillars as a result of exploiting the nearby longwall panels. It was found that the pillar volume plays an important role in its stability. And, the strength/stress ratio was found to be insufficient to quantify the rockburst proneness in underground mines. Many rockburst criteria were implemented in the numerical model to assess the rockburst proneness. It was found that the criteria that are based on stress and strain changes were able to assess the rockburst proneness
Bucharles, Sérgio Gardano Elias. „Relaçoes entre níveis sérisoc de 25 - hidroxivitamina D, achados ecocardiográficos e marcadores inflamatórios em pacientes de hemodiálise com níveis baixos de paratormônio / Sérgio Gardano elais Bucharles ; orientador, Roberto Pecoits-Filho ; co-orientador, Silvio Henrique Barberato“. reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_PR, 2009. http://www.biblioteca.pucpr.br/tede/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=1698.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleInclui bibliografias
Introdução: Deficiência de vitamina D (25(OH)D) tem recentemente se destacado como um fator de risco cardiovascular na população em hemodiálise (HD), não somente por seu papel nas desordens do metabolismo mineral, mas também por sua potencial participação
Introduction: Vitamin D (25(OH)D) deficiency has recently emerged as a cardiovascular risk factor in the hemodialysis (HD) population, not only due its role on mineral metabolism disorders, but also in the immune dysfunction and the myocardiopathy. We hyp
Bucharles, Sérgio Gardano Elias. „Hipovitaminose D e sua suplementação com colecalciferal : efeitos em marcadores de metabolismo mineral, biomarcadores inflamatórios e em variáveis ecocardiográficas de pacientes em hemodiálise / Sérgio Gardano Elias Bucharles ; orientador, Roberto Pecoitts-Filho ; co-orientador, Silvio Henrique Barberato“. reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_PR, 2010. http://www.biblioteca.pucpr.br/tede/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHipovitaminose D (25(OH)D) é fator de risco para doença cardiovascular (DCV) na população em hemodiálise (HD). Pelos efeitos desta vitamina na ativação de receptores sistêmicos no sistema imune e miocárdico, pacientes com hipovitaminose D apresentariam in
Background: Hypovitaminosis D (25(OH) D3 deficiency) is a cardiovascular risk factor in chronic kidney disease hemodialysis (HD) population, for its potential actions on systemic vitamin D receptors present in immune system and myocardium. We hypothesize
Gardanis, Konstantinos [Verfasser]. „Wirkungen der Diadenosinpolyphosphate auf den Gefäßtonus von isolierten perfundierten Koronararterien / vorgelegt von Konstantinos Gardanis“. 2000. http://d-nb.info/961807539/34.
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