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Dissertationen zum Thema "Galaxies : matière noire"
Kieffer, Matthieu. „Recherche indirecte de matière noire avec l'expérience H.E.S.S“. Thesis, Paris 6, 2015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe Universe is full of gravitational evidence of a dominant invisible Dark Matter (DM) component at the Galactic and cosmological scales. Although its nature is still one of the major puzzles of the 21st Century, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are an excellent scenario for matching theoretical predictions with observations and simulations. In particular, their self-annihilations would give rise to characteristic spectral signatures in γ-rays, detectable at Very High Energies (VHE) with the H.E.S.S. telescope array in regions such as the Galactic Centre (GC) and Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies (dSphs). The standard ON-OFF analysis method is applied in the observation of the Sagittarius dSph where a ~3σ hotspot is observed above 300 GeV, although more statistics is required to conclude on its potential DM origin. The second part of the work is focused on the search for monochromatic γ-ray line signatures in the GC region. A Full Likelihood method has been developed, calibrated with Monte-Carlo simulations and applied to a sub-sample of a 20h dataset acquired in 2014. No excess signal is found, thus leading to limits on the DM annihilation cross-section down to a 100 GeV mass range, the sensitivity at the lowest energies being achieved by the 5th H.E.S.S. telescope added in 2012. These limits efficiently fill the gap in mass between results from Fermi-LAT and the first phase of H.E.S.S. On the other side the analysis of the complete dataset is expected to exclude the 130 GeV line-like feature recently reported in the Fermi-LAT data, with more than 95% CL, and to provide the most constraining DM limits so far on γ-ray line emission in the VHE range
Lavalle, Julien. „Modèle effectif de matière noire fermionique - Recherche de matière noire supersymétrique avec le télescope gamma CELESTE“. Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLasserre, Thierry. „Mesure de l'abondance des astres sombres de masse stellaire dans le halo galactique par la recherche de phénomènes de microlentilles vers les Nuages de Magellan“. Paris 6, 2000.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePeirani, Sébastien. „Aspects dynamiques et physiques de la matière noire“. Nice, 2005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work aims to study the dynamics of dark matter halos as well as the possibility of detection of gamma-rays resulting from the annihilation of neutralinos, supposed to be the constituent of dark matter (DM). In a first step, numerical simulations have been performed in the context of the Lambda-CDM cosmology and we have studied the effects of merger/accretion on the angular momentum evolution of halos and their dynamical relaxation. Our results indicate that halos acquire angular momentum essentially by the transfer of orbital angular momentum to spin during merger/accretion events rather than by tital torques. In a second step, we have studied the effects of the inclusion of a cosmological constant term in the spherical Tolman-Lemaître collapse model and re-derived masses for some nearby groups of galaxies, in particular the Local Group and Virgo. Our procedure yields a new evaluation of the Hubble constant in quite agreement with recent determination by other methods. Finally, we have predicted gamma-rays fluxes from different sources as M31, M87, Draco and Sagittarius and their detectability by the forthcoming GLAST satellite. The analysis of detection or not at different energy thresholds allows to constraint the neutralino mass and the spatial distribution of DM in those objects
Maurin, David. „Rayonnement cosmique et détection indirecte de matière noire“. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Grenoble, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTiret, Olivier. „Dynamique des galaxies : gravité newtonienne & gravité modifiée“. Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCette expression de la gravitation est non-linéaire et impose une méthode différente de celle utilisée dans les systèmes avec matière noire. J'ai écrit un code permettant la résolution des deux modèles de gravité, ce qui a permis de les comparer. J'ai testé ainsi l'évolution de galaxies spirales isolées puis en interaction. Ces simulations modélisent aussi la dissipation du gaz froid et la formation d'étoiles. Celles-ci ont montré que les galaxies sont moins stables en gravitation modifiée qu'en gravitation newtonienne, elles forment des barres plus rapidement. Ces simulations ont aussi révélé des différences importantes sur les transferts de moment angulaire lors des formations des barres et sur les effets de friction dynamique qui ralentissent les barres. Ce travail a permis de réaliser, pour la première fois en gravité modifiée, des simulations de galaxies en interaction du type des Antennes. Là encore, les effets de friction dynamique ont un rôle majeur sur la durée du temps de fusion, plus long en gravitation modifiée. Ceci ouvre des horizons vers des simulations cosmologiques qui pourraient valoriser un modèle en analysant la formation hiérarchique des structures à partir des fluctuations de densité primordiales. Par ailleurs, la modélisation de la cinématique des galaxies (naines, spirales et elliptiques) est aussi approfondie. En particulier, l'analyse des courbes de rotation des galaxies spirales montre que celles-ci peuvent contenir un composant de gaz moléculaire froid deux fois plus massif que le composant atomique.
Arbey, Alexandre. „Matière Noire Astronomique et Champs Scalaires“. Phd thesis, Chambéry, 2002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDans les quatre premiers chapitres sont exposés succinctement le Modèle Standard Cosmologique, les observations démontrant la présence d'énergie et de matière noires, les modèles de matière noire les plus étudies, et diferents modèles cosmologiques ou astrophysiques reposant sur des champs scalaires. Dans les trois chapitres suivants est détaillé un modèle de matière noire bosonique basé sur l'existence d'un champ scalaire complexe et chargé dans U(1). Nous verrons que couple a un potentiel quadratique, un tel champ est susceptible d'expliquer les courbes de rotation des galaxies, tout en conservant depuis la recombinaison un comportement cosmologique de matière. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite au cas du potentiel quartique, et nous montrerons d'une part que son comportement cosmologique est lui aussi relativement bon, et d'autre part qu'il explique bien les courbes de rotation des galaxies spirales de petite taille, si problématiques pour de nombreux modèles de matière noire.
Wolk, Melody. „Evolution of the galaxy distribution in large cosmological surveys“. Paris 6, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe main objective of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between the dark and the luminous part of the Universe. Within the standard cosmological model framework, we will use galaxies as our probes to study the matter distribution in the Universe and its evolution. In order to achieve this goal, we use statistical tools to characterize the way objects are distributed in the sky. We model our measurements using a phenomenological description: the ``halo model''. However, to make robust estimations, we need to have access to a large amount of data which is made possible by the use of photometric redshift surveys. First, we look at the redshift dependence of the hierarchical amplitudes of the galaxy distribution up to order 5 using a wide photometric survey, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS), from present day up to intermediate redshifts. We interpret these measurements in the perturbation theory framework. We found that in the weakly non-linear regime, our measurements are marginally consistent with the predictions. However, these latter slightly over-predict our measurements, which suggests the existence of higher-order bias terms. Using the halo model, we also showed that the position of the transition between the non-linear and the weakly non-linear regime is fully compatible with theoretical expectations. Then, using two-point statistics on data from the UltraVISTA-COSMOS survey, we investigate the way galaxy clustering depends on the stellar mass and the redshift beyond a redshift of one. We found that, on average, samples with higher stellar mass thresholds have higher mean clustering amplitude meaning that rarer populations are more strongly clustered. We also interpreted these measurements in the context of the halo model. Furthermore, we consider the stellar mass to halo mass ratio and follow the evolution of the peak in this quantity up to redshift z \sim ~2 trying to interpret it in terms of galaxy formation. We showed that, for the full sample, M_{h}^{peak} shifts progressively to higher halo masses at higher redshifts, an effect known as ``anti-hierarchical''. Finally, we summarize our main results and present some of our future projects
Le, Guillou Laurent. „Recherche de matière noire galactique par détection de microlentilles gravitationnelle en photométrie différentielle“. Paris 6, 2003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBecquaert, Jean-François. „La géométrie 3D des halos de matière noire par les disques d'hydrogène atomique Hi“. Observatoire de Paris (1667-....), 1997.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKnowing the flattening of dark matter halos surrounding the galaxies is of cosmological relevance since it will give some insight in the true nature of dark matter and in the processus of galaxy formation. The 3D geometry of Dark Matter Halos is studied here through an analysis of the thickness of the atomic hydrogen diak (Hi) of spiral galaxies. We test the flattening of the global gravitational potential locally, using the equatorial rotation curve and the Hi disk thickness. A method consisting in a 3D kinematical analysis of the thickening of Hi layers (“flaring”), inserting explicitly the modelling of warps, is presented. In parallel, it is shown that the thickness is generally predictable as a function of the halo flattering q = c/a, a galaxy mass model solution of a fit of the rotation curve, the vertical velocity dispersion of the gas, and the self-gravity of the gas. A comparison with the previously modelled thickness will finally determine q. We show that the problem is in fact dominated by the external mass in the galaxies (i. E. The mass after the last radius of the measured rotation curves). The mass external to the disk, if not spherical, has a negative contribution to the inner rotation curve (since the radical force is opposite to the radial force due to the mass inside the galactic disk) : the dark matter outside the last radius of the curve is shown to modify the inner dark matter densities up to a factor 3. The method roughly corrected from the “external mass” problem is applied to a sample of edge-on spiral galaxies : K 884, NGC 4013, NGC 891 and M31. In every case, the dark halos with the corrected method are found much more flattened than when they are determined with the classical infinite isothermal profile and can ever be inferior to q 0. 1 for NGC 891
Buchteile zum Thema "Galaxies : matière noire"
DI MATTEO, Paola. „Notre galaxie, la Voie lactée“. In Galaxies, 59–113. ISTE Group, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLASOTA, Jean-Pierre. „Disques d’accrétion des AGN“. In Noyaux actifs de galaxie, 105–63. ISTE Group, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle