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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act respecting the Eclectic Medical Society. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal. [Toronto]: S. Derbishire & G. Desbarats, 2002.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the St. George's Society of Ottawa. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the St. George's Society of Montreal. Quebec: Thompson, 2002.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the Ladies' Protestant Relief Society of Quebec. Toronto: J. Lovell, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the British and Canadian School Society of Montreal. Toronto: J. Lovell, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend "An act respecting the Law Society of Upper Canada". Quebec: Thompson, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to legalize certain proceedings of Agricultural Society of the county of Arthabaska. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend the charter of the Society of the Montreal General Hospital. Toronto: J. Lovell, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act further to amend the charter of the Natural History Society of Montreal. Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the Church of England Female Orphan Asylum of Quebec. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the Annuity a[nd] Guarantee Funds Society of the Bank [of] Montreal. Quebec: Thompson, 2002.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend the act incorporating the members of the Natural History Society of Montreal. Toronto: J. Lovell, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the Benevolent and Mutual Aid Society of Industrie and the County of Joliette. Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend the charter of the Annuity and Guarantee Funds Society of the Bank of Montreal. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to constitute but one agricultural society in and for the united counties of Chicoutimi and Saguenay. Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to constitute but one agricultural society in and for the united counties of Chicoutimi and Saguenay. Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to remove doubts concerning the validity of marriages solemnized in Lower Canada by the Religious Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, and for other purposes. Quebec: Thompson, 2002.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to authorize the Church Society o[f] the Diocese of Toronto to sell certai[n] parts of the rectory lands of Peterborough, and for other purposes. Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to explain and amend the act intituled "An act to enable the members of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada, to meet in Synod". [Toronto]: S. Derbishire & G. Desbarats, 2002.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to confirm and legalize a certain agreement entered into between the Church Society of the Dioceses of Toronto and Huron, relative to certain church lands in the Diocese of Huron. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act respecting donations inter vivors, and testamentary donations. Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money required for defraying certain expenses of the civil government for the year 1860, and for certain other expenses connected with the public service, and also for raising a loan on the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. [Québec]: S. Derbishire & G. Desbarats, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to enable the fusion of certain railway companies. [Québec]: S. Derbishire & G. Desbarats, 2002.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend the acts incorporating the St. Lawrence Warehouse Dock and Wharfage Company. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend chapter six of the Consolidated statutes of Canada, intituled, An act respecting elections of members of the Legislature. Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act for quieting titles to real estate, and to authorize the issue of debentures chargeable on land in Upper Canada. Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the Sisters of St. Joseph, Guelph. Quebec: Hunter, Rose and Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend chapter fifty-four of the Consolidated statutes for Upper Canada, intituled "An act respecting the municipal institutions of Upper Canada". Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to charge the corporation of the city of Toronto with the payment of the expense of taking care of, supporting and maintaining, certain prisoners in the common goal of the united counties of York and Peel. Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2002.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend the Lower Canada game act. Quebec: Thompson, 2002.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend chapter twenty-two, 28th Victoria "for the punishment of persons selling intoxicating liquors without license, and for other purposes" and also, to amend chapter thirty-eight, 23rd Victoria, intituled, "An Act to amend the act respecting the civilization of Indians". Quebec: Hunter, Rose, 2004.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate "Morrin College," at Quebec. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend chapter 63 of the Consolidated statutes of Canada. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend the Act 24 Vic., cap 29, intituled, "An act to amend the Lower Canada consolidated municipal act". Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act for more adequately securing the health of localities in Upper Canada against risk from infection arising from bodies of persons who die of malignant infectious diseases lying uninterred. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act for the protection of settlers in certain cases, in Lower Canada. Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act concerning the inspection of flour and meal. [Québec]: S. Derbishire & G. Desbarats, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill [from the Legislative Council]: An act to restrain municipalities from issuing debentures beyond a certain amount. [Québec: Thompson, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to authorize Dame Ann Corse to erect and maintain an enclosed iron gallery across Fortification Lane in the city of Montreal. Toronto: J. Lovell, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act for the consolidation of the debt of the city of Hamilton, and for other purposes. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to incorporate the Montreal City Passenger Railway Company. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend the law of replevin in Upper Canada. Quebec: Thompson, 2002.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend the act intituled "An act respecting the consolidated municipal loan fund". Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act for more adequately securing the health of localities in Upper Canada against risk from infection arising from bodies of persons who die of malignant infectious diseases lying uninterred. Quebec: Thompson, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to establish a more expeditious means of deciding controverted elections. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend the act intituled, "An act to diminish the number of licenses issued for the sale of intoxicating liquors by retail". Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend the Act 22 Vic., cap. 89, respecting the treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, for the apprehension and surrender of certain offenders. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act to amend chapter 19 of the Consolidated statutes of Upper Canada, intituled, "An act respecting division courts". Quebec: Hunter, Rose & Lemieux, 2003.

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Assembly, Canada Legislature Legislative. Bill: An act respecting forfeited estates in Upper Canada. Quebec: Thompson, Hunter, 2003.

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