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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "French movement"


Neveu, Erik. „Trend Report: The Contentious French“. Mobilization: An International Quarterly 7, Nr. 3 (01.10.2002): 325–34.

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Anglophone scholars often miss the important contributions to social movement studies by French researchers. This is especially true since the early nineties when numerous books and articles presented findings that are highly relevant to the international community of social movement researchers. Although the variety of fieldwork, topics, and approaches challenges efforts to synthesize, this report organizes recent trends in French social movement research by four thematic groupings: (1) the question of violence—its demise as a repertoire and the "civilizing of policing"; (2) changes in activism and militant behaviors—which focuses on new styles of commitment; (3) new social movements—referring less to a perspective than to movement types, such as immigrant, expert, and transnational movements; and (4) the biographical turn—a shift toward the subjective and "micro" dimensions of ideologies, life stories, and lived experiences.
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Authier, J. Marc, und Lisa A. Reed. „French Tough-movement revisited“. Probus 21, Nr. 1 (Januar 2009): 1–21.

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De Cat, Cécile. „French dislocation without movement“. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 25, Nr. 3 (23.10.2007): 485–534.

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Baudchon, Gerard P. „Movement in the French Pacific: Recent Situation and Prospects“. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 1, Nr. 2 (Juni 1992): 333–49.

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Population movements in the French Pacific territories (French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna) are discussed. The local government of French Polynesia and the French authorities have tried since the beginning of the 1980s to prevent migration to Tahiti by retaining the population on the outer islands and by encouraging return migration. In New Caledonia, though the internal migration problem has been overshadowed by political turmoil, the 1988 Matignon Agreement addresses regional development and migration. The future of movement in the French Pacific is partly linked to the political status and economic prosperity of each territory because the actual policies are very expensive and cannot be maintained without external financial assistance.
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Holland, Michael. „Translating Mouvement, Translating Movement“. Paragraph 43, Nr. 1 (März 2020): 84–97.

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A particular problem arises for the translator when a word has no equivalent in the target language, because what it refers to is something that the speakers of that language simply do not think. The French term mouvement is a case in point. All French dictionaries give prominence to a definition of the term which relates it to impulse, sentiment and passion and characterizes it positively as a ‘sign of life’. By contrast, although the OED records that movement may refer to ‘a “moving” of the mind’, ‘an impulse of desire or aversion’, it defines this usage as now obsolete. The article begins by tracing the problem as it arose during the translation of some of Maurice Blanchot's early writings, before going on to show that, in Blanchot's use of it, the term mouvement eventually parts company with all of its received meaning in French, and refers to the movement whereby language itself becomes writing when image is allowed priority over rational thought. From having been a problem, therefore, the interruption of exchange between French and English for the translator of mouvement foregrounds translation itself as the site of an original mode of writing.
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Vincent, Anne. „The "French Doctors' Movement" and Beyond“. Health and Human Rights 2, Nr. 1 (1996): 25.

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Ayoun, Dalila. „Verb movement in French L2 acquisition“. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 2, Nr. 2 (August 1999): 103–25.

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This study investigates the acquisition of verb movement phenomena in the interlanguage of English native speakers learning French as a second language. Participants (n=83), who were enrolled in three different classes, were given a grammaticality judgment task and a production task. The French native speakers' results (n=85) go against certain theoretical predictions for negation and adverb placement in nonfinite contexts, as well as for quantification at a distance. The production task results, but not the grammaticality judgment results, support the hypothesis that the effects of parameter resetting successfully appear in the interlanguage of adult L2 learners.
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Wall, Irwin M. „The French Workers' Movement since 1945“. International Labor and Working-Class History 29 (1986): 83–91.

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Zhu, Yifan. „The Influence of the French New Wave Movement on Contemporary World Art Film Creation“. Communications in Humanities Research 3, Nr. 1 (17.05.2023): 670–74.

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The French New Wave is one of the three major aesthetic movements in the world film history. The "New Wave" films shocked the world, causing the "New Wave" film movements in America, Europe, Asia and other countries to emerge one after another, triggering a worldwide film aesthetic revolution. The French "New Wave" has a profound impact on modern films. This paper focuses on grasping the emergence, development, prosperity and decline of the French "New Wave" film aesthetics, paying attention to live broadcast and process documentaries, analyzing the artistic skills of the New Wave film to shape characters, effectively summarizing the influence of the French New Wave movement on contemporary world artistic film creation, so as to find out some rules of film development and provide a necessary reference system for contemporary world film art creation, And explore the development direction of Chinese film in the future.
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Williams, Gwyn. „Cosmopolitanism and the French Anti-GM Movement“. Nature and Culture 3, Nr. 1 (01.03.2008): 115–33.

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This paper explores the rights-based cosmopolitanism of French anti-GM activists and their challenge to the neoliberal cosmopolitanism of the World Trade Organization and multinational corporations. Activists argue that genetic modification, patents, and WTO-brokered free trade agreements are the means by which multinationals deny people fundamental rights and seek to dominate global agriculture. Through forms of protest, which include cutting down field trials of genetically modified crops, activists resist this agenda of domination and champion the rights of farmers and nations to opt out of the global agricultural model promoted by biotechnology companies. In so doing, they defend the local. This defense, however, is based on a cosmopolitan discourse of fundamental rights and the common good. I argue that activists' cosmopolitan perspective does not transcend the local but is intimately related to a particular understanding of it.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "French movement"


Roza, Joseph P. „French languages and French nationalism : the Félibrige, Occitan, and the French identity of southern France, 1854-1914 /“. Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2003.

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Carboni, Andrea <1994&gt. „Movement in the American and French Novel, 1830s - 1920s“. Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020.

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Possiamo considerare il movimento e le dinamiche spaziali come un elemento distintivo della letteratura americana e francese? Il rapporto di ciascun paese con il movimento è una costante culturale? Mentre i francesi sono radicati nella loro tradizione e vedono il movimento come un mezzo per spostarsi dalla provincia a Parigi, ad esempio, gli americani hanno un rapporto molto più dinamico con lo spazio. Esplorano, fuggono, si muovono e vagano per diventare e crescere. Analizzerò quattro paia di romanzi: "Illusions perdues" di Balzac e "Martin Eden" di London; "La Bête humaine" di Zola e "The Ambassadors" di James; "A rebours" di Huysmans e "A Moveable Feast" di Hemingway; "A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleur" di Proust e "The Great Gatsby" di Fitzgerald. Cercherò non solo di dimostrare che i romanzi americani sono più dinamici, ma anche di riflettere sulle implicazioni che tale costante ha sulla trama. Utilizzerò il lavoro di Gilles Deleuze, in particolare i suoi saggi su movimento, segmentarietà e ripetizione, come filo conduttore per supportare ulteriormente la mia analisi. Intendo studiare l'argomento nella sua rilevanza generale: come evolve da una corrente letteraria all'altra, se e come può cambiare e perché è importante nella discussione di un secolo di letteratura.
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Watson, David. „The martyrology of Jean Crespin and the early French evangelical movement“. Thesis, St Andrews, 1998.

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Minney, James David. „The Flemish movement of French Flanders and the maintenance of Vlaemsch“. Thesis, University of Southampton, 2000.

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Archer, N. „Autopia : space, movement and identity in the French road film since 1968“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2010.

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This thesis argues that, in the years since 1968, the road film has played a significant part in French cinematic culture. Against much criticism which has tended to view the road film merely as an imported American genre, I argue for its specificity and pertinence to this modern French context. Central to this reading is a conception of the road film as expressing what I describe as autopia. Acknowledging Foucault’s concept of the heterotopia, the autopia of the road film represents the perfected but unrealisable no-place of the utopia, and at the same time, the often dystopian movement of individual rebellion and social fragmentation. The thesis situates the road film as a particular tendency within French cinematic production; and in turn, one through which broader cultural and political concerns may be read. 1968, and more particularly its contested historical legacy, forms the core for this thesis. I argue that the autopia of the French road film is in part determined by the perceived utopian ‘failure’ of May ’68, yet a failure that we see constantly revived and re-explored in these films. My introduction locates the road film in its immediate pre- and post-’68 context, with a focus on new forms of cinematic space and identity. Chapters one and two address the place of the individual within the community, and the attendant, problematic questions of liberty and identification as filmic properties. Chapter three considers a body of road films relating to men and work, focusing on the condition of masculinity within modern capitalism; while chapter four, in response, considers the viability of a ‘feminine’ road film, looking at a new kind of road film pertinent to contemporary concerns. Chapter five takes up the concerns of chapter four to think about the role of the modern travel film, considering the situation of modern France within a transnational world.
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Milner, Susan. „The dilemnas of internationalism : French syndicalism and the international labour movement, 1900-1914 /“. New York : Berg, 1990.

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Texte remanié de: Th. Ph. D.--Aston University, 1987. Titre de soutenance : The French Confédération Générale du Travail and the international secretariat of national trade union centres (1900-1914).
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Boyington, Mary. „« Esprit de Maupassant » : Henry James and the French realist movement, a re-evaluation“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017.

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En 1888, le romancier américain Henry James écrit dans ses carnets intimes «Ô esprit de Maupassant, aidez-moi.» Cette invocation de l’écrivain français qu’il avait rencontré lors d’un séjour à Paris en 1875-1876, marque un changement important dans l’œuvre de James et présage de l’évolution de sa production de récits brefs pendant les années 1890. L’objectif de cette étude est d’exposer et d’explorer les connections entre ces deux auteurs du 19ème siècle en analysant les essais critiques de James sur le réalisme français, ainsi que ses romans et nouvelles inspirées par l’œuvre de Maupassant.Cette analyse comporte cinq chapitres ainsi qu’une introduction faisant état d’un angle mort dans le champ critique des études sur le sujet. Le premier chapitre traite, selon une perspective historique, de l’évolution de Henry James en tant que critique littéraire dans ses essais sur le réalisme français de 1865 à 1878. Le chapitre deux relate l’année que le jeune auteur passe à Paris parmi les auteurs du cercle flaubertien. Le troisième chapitre démontre l’évolution de l’esprit critique de James en analysant ses essais critiques sur Guy de Maupassant (1888,1889) et une présentation de sa philosophie sur sa propre production de nouvelles. Le chapitre quatre explore la réception critique et la traduction des œuvres de James et de Maupassant. Le cinquième et dernier chapitre présente une analyse d’œuvres de James influencées par les contes et nouvelles de Maupassant.Grâce à l’influence de Maupassant, James poursuivra pendant une décennie l’esprit de cet auteur sans jamais vraiment y parvenir. Cette quête l’amènera néanmoins à une redéfinition significative de son propre style
In 1888, Henry James wrote in his notebooks, "Oh spirit of Maupassant, come to my aid!" This invocation of the French writer whom he met in Paris in 1875-76 marked a major change in James' work and introduced an evolution in his production of short fiction during the 1890s. The purpose of this study is to present the connections between these two authors by analyzing James's critical essays on French realism as well as his short fiction inspired by Maupassant's work.This critical study consists of five chapters as well as an introduction which points to a "blind spot" in the critical field of Henry James studies in relation to Maupassant. The first chapter analyzes Henry James as a literary critic in his essays on French realism published from 1865 to 1878. Chapter two relates the year spent in Paris during James's youth among the literary giants of Flaubert's circle. The third chapter demonstrates the evolution of James' critical thinking by analyzing his essays on Guy de Maupassant (1888, 1899) and a presentation of his philosophy on his own literary production of short fiction. Chapter four explores the critical reception and translation these authors' works of fiction in country the language of the other. The fifth and final chapter presents a textual analysis of works by Henry James influenced by Maupassant's contes and nouvelles.Following his encounter and his reading of Maupassant, James will pursue the spirit of this writer during the decade of the 1890s. However, James does not fully succeed in his attempts to imitate Maupassant. This quest will nevertheless lead to a significant redefinition of his own style
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Wright, Julian. „The regionalist movement in France, 1890-1914 : Jean Charles-Brun and French political thought /“. Oxford : Clarendon, 2003.

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Krass, Charlotte Rebecca. „Challenging the Republic : French Roma policy in an enlarged EU“. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2018.

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This thesis explores the relationship between the colour-blind public philosophy of republicanism and the French state's policies targeting the Roma. It addresses one core research question: how did political actors use neo-republican ideas to communicate and justify policies targeting the Roma? To do this, it examines the discourse of French and European Union (EU) actors involved in the formulation and implementation of polices targeting the Roma from 2010 to 2016. This discourse comprised political speeches, policy reports, memos, media clippings and 50 in-depth interviews with French and EU actors. Building on Christina Boswell and James Hampshire's theory of discursive strategies, this thesis focuses on the strategic deployment of republican ideas, notably the ways in which political actors were able to exploit their polyvalence. This thesis argues that political actors used four key republican ideas to communicate and justify policies targeting the Roma in France. First, a commitment to universalism allowed political actors to deny accusations of ethnic targeting while pursuing policies that disproportionally targeted Roma migrants. Second, political actors deployed the idea of a 'neutral' public sphere to justify the eviction and deportation of residents living in so-called Roma camps. Third, political actors used a logic of administrative selection to predetermine which evicted 'Roma' migrants were worthy of state support. Fourth, recipients of this support were subject to a state-led process of assimilation akin to a modern 'civilising mission', which political actors defended as a necessary step towards integration. This thesis concludes that it was precisely the polyvalence of republican ideas that allowed actors to deploy them to communicate and justify discriminatory policies. In doing so, it builds upon a growing literature on the role of republicanism in contemporary French politics and provides a rich empirical study that captures the influence of a general public philosophy on specific policy decisions. Additionally, it extends recent scholarship on the treatment of the Roma in Europe and contributes to debate about the challenges of free movement in an enlarged EU.
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Rosen, M. S. „An anonymous commentary on Job : Jewish Theological Seminary NY; an analysis of its authorship and an assessment of its contents“. Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1995.

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Bücher zum Thema "French movement"


Smith, W. Rand. Crisis in the French Labour Movement. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1987.

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Riddle, Nicola. The charismatic movement and French Protestantism. [S.l: The Author], 1998.

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Neogy, Ajit K. Decolonization of French India: Liberation movement and Indo-French relations, 1947-1954. Pondichéry: Institut français de Pondichéry, 1997.

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Berry, David. A history of the French anarchist movement, 1917-1945. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.

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Smith, W. Rand. Crisis in the French labor movement: A grassroots perspective. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987.

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David, Berry. A history of the French anarchist movement, 1917-1945. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003.

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Duchen, Claire. French connections: Voices from the women's movement in France. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1987.

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Cyrille-Thomas, Odile. Object que interrogatives in French without Agr-to-C movement. Salford: University of Salford European Studies Research Institute, 2000.

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Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities of MESHAR, Hrsg. Freedom movement in French India: The Mahe revolt of 1948. Tellicherry: IRISH, 2001.

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Cyrille-Thomas, Odile. Object que interrogatives in French without Agr-to-C movement. Salford: University of Salford, European Studies Research Institute, 2000.

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Buchteile zum Thema "French movement"


Gaspard, Françoise. „The French Parity Movement“. In Has Liberalism Failed Women?, 55–66. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2001.

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Henry, Jacques. „The Louisiana French Movement“. In French and Creole in Louisiana, 183–213. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1997.

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Gaspard, Françoise. „The French Parity Movement“. In Has Liberalism Failed Women?, 55–66. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2001.

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Rowland, Robyn. „Claire French“. In Women who do and women who don't join the women's movement, 102–8. London: Routledge, 2024.

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Smith, W. Rand. „‘Crisis’ in the French Labour Movement Reconsidered“. In Crisis in the French Labour Movement, 199–208. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1987.

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Smith, W. Rand. „‘Crisis’ in the French Labour Movement? A Grassroots’ Perspective“. In Crisis in the French Labour Movement, 3–33. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1987.

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Smith, W. Rand. „Grassroots’ Unionism in Grenoble: Four Firms“. In Crisis in the French Labour Movement, 34–55. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1987.

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Smith, W. Rand. „The Union Militant: Roots of Union Activism“. In Crisis in the French Labour Movement, 59–82. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1987.

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Smith, W. Rand. „Inside the Local Union: Explaining Organisational Growth and Decline“. In Crisis in the French Labour Movement, 83–128. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1987.

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Smith, W. Rand. „The Local Union and the Workers: Mobilising Discontent“. In Crisis in the French Labour Movement, 131–55. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1987.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "French movement"


Hamadi, Abdelkader, Gabriel Papaiz Garbini, Tarik Hammi, Ali Kabalan, Annie Ho, Katia Amer Yahia, Ayad Tilleli et al. „Exploiting Meta AI's object segmentation model on distributed acoustic sensing data for spatio-temporal train localization“. In 3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications, JF2A.12. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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Train tracking is an essential need for railway companies. Indeed, monitoring train movements is crucial for safety and traffic management issues. Although train tracking solutions already exist, they are still expensive and have some limitations. The French railway company (SNCF) is investing efforts to exploit emerging state-of-the-art results to develop its own train tracking solution. We present in this article an approach that exploits “Meta’s Segment Anything model” for spatio-temporal train localization on data sensed by a distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) system. We tested our approach on a traffic platform situated in Paris. While we achieved promising results, we also identified certain limitations to this solution.
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Ivanov, Marin, und Evelina Damyanova. „INVESTIGATION OF SEAWATER INTRUSION IN SHABLA-KRAPETS REGION, NE BULGARIA“. In 24th SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference 24, 177–84. STEF92 Technology, 2024.

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The present study aims to investigate the current conditions of saltwater intrusion in the Shabla - Krapets area, a long-known area of groundwater salinization. The main objectives of this investigation are (i) to find the interface (boundary) between fresh and salty (brackish) water and (ii) to study the seasonal dynamic of saltwater movement in the aquifer (intrusion). The results were obtained from July 2022 to the end of 2023. In the area of investigation (aquifer), there is a fresh groundwater layer which thins towards the sea. The interface between fresh and saltwater was found in 3 boreholes. The interface dynamics of seawater intrusion have been studied for one and a half years. The obtained results can be a reasonable basis for continuing and improving the monitoring of the seawater intrusion area and can be used as a base for groundwater modeling
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Buisson, Marcellin, Isabelle Sallagoïty, Sylvie Athènes und Christophe Mertz. „From human movement analysis to interface design“. In the 15th French-speaking conference on human-computer interaction. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2003.

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Nikitina, M. Yu, und S. I. Garagulya. „Actional Verbs of Movement as Basic Means of the Actualization of Spatial Relationships in French“. In International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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BACIU, Ana-Maria, und Angela BODEA. „Realism and naturalism in romanian literature“. In Învățământul superior: tradiţii, valori, perspective. "Ion Creanga" State Pedagogical University, 2023.

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Realism and Naturalism are two of the main literary movements in the XIX-th century European Literature. In fact, Naturalism is a form of radical Realism, which appears towards the end of Realism.The most important realis is Honore de Balzac, as Realism appeared in France at the end of the XVIII-teen century due to many political and social events, such as:The French Revolution from 1789, The Revolution between 1830-1831, the impact of Restauration, The Revolution from 1848 and the Industrial Revolution in England. The main goal of realism is to reflect reality as in a mirror. On the other hand, Naturalism is a literary movement developped from Realism as a more brutal reflection of reality, the impact of society and genetic pathologies upon human being.
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MUȘAT, Liliana. „The manifestation of the symbolism in Romania“. In Învățământul superior: tradiţii, valori, perspective. "Ion Creanga" State Pedagogical University, 2023.

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The Symbolist literary movement emerged in Romania in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, heavily influenced by French Symbolism and the works of poets like Baudelaire and Rimbaud. Romanian Symbolism was characterized by a focus on subjective experience, mysticism, and the use of symbols and metaphors to convey deeper meanings. Prominent Romanian Symbolist poets and writers included George Bacovia, Ion Minulescu, and Alexandru Macedonski.
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BERDOUZ, Karima. „The vernacular facade as a contemporary urban issue case of the Bâlima hotel in Rabat“. In Vernacular Architecture: Support for Territorial Development, 98–102. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2025.

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Abstract. Moroccan vernacular architecture is much more than a simple object, it is a process of continuous evolution, where spatial, human, and temporal dimensions intersect. Anchored in its geographical and cultural context, it reflects the lifestyles, available materials, and ancestral techniques of a community. Vernacular architecture is not decoration, it is the result of an ingenious adaptation of man to his environment. Between 1912 and 1940, Morocco experienced a new period in designing public space [1,2,3] the urban facade became the main vector of a new image of the city, exposing the know-how of local crafts while opening up more to the public space as imagined by the administration of the French protectorate present in Morocco at this period. This movement of "staging" of architecture has sparked rich debates, between preservation of vernacular identity and adaptation to the demands of modernity. Architecture evolved, gradually abandoning traditional Moroccan styles to adopt more modern European influences. However, this transition also gave rise to an architectural movement specific to Morocco: the "Arabisance movement" [4], which attempted to create a "hybrid" architectural style, seeking to adapt Moroccan vernacular forms and details to European requirements. The study of the Bâlima hotel in Rabat, through the prism of its emblematic facade, invites us to reflect on the means of reconciling progress and preservation, of bringing the past and the present into dialogue to shape cities in the image of rich Moroccan traditions. The facade is not a simple object, but the reflection of an energy in constant metamorphosis, of an identity in perpetual reinvention. Our reflection will revolve around Moroccan vernacular architecture. Architecture perhaps never has truly completed form. It is becoming a perpetual movement, where matter and spirit constantly intertwine. The vernacular is a process in progress, a complex alchemy where spatial, human, and temporal dimensions combine. Vernacular architecture, in its very essence, embodies the most authentic expression of the constructive traditions and local know-how of a given region. Anchored in its geographical and cultural context, it reflects the lifestyles, available materials, and ancestral techniques specific to a community. Far from being a simple decoration, this vernacular architecture is the result of an ingenious adaptation of man to his environment, guided by practical, social, and aesthetic imperatives. Moroccan vernacular architecture was profoundly reinterpreted and reinvented to respond to the urban challenges of the pivotal period of the French Protectorate, between 1912 and 1940. This transition marked an important turning point in the way of thinking and shaping public space, confronting Moroccan vernacular architecture as new influences and aspirations. While the traditional medinas kept an introverted and intimate approach to housing [5], the urban facade of the new city became the main vector of a new image of the city, exposing local artisanal know-how while opening more onto public space. This movement of "staging" of architecture has sparked rich debates, between preservation of vernacular identity and adaptation to the demands of modernity. This period was marked by the arrival of French architects and town planners responsible for reorganizing urban space according to the principles of modern planning. Cities like Rabat, Casablanca, and Fez have seen the birth of new districts designed according to orthogonal plans, facade alignments [6], and public spaces inspired by Haussmannian town planning.
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Kuru, Ahmet T. „CHANGING PERSPECTIVES ON ISLAMISM AND SECULARISM IN TURKEY: THE GÜLEN MOVEMENT AND THE AK PARTY“. In Muslim World in Transition: Contributions of the Gülen Movement. Leeds Metropolitan University Press, 2007.

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The debate between secularists and Islamic groups, a conspicuous feature of Turkish politics for decades, changed in the late 1990s when the political discourse of mainstream Islamic groups embraced secularism. The establishment elite advocate the existing French model of an ‘assertive secularism’, meaning that, in the public domain, the state supports only the ex- pression of a secular worldview, and formally excludes religion and religious symbols from that domain. The pro-Islamic conservatives, on the other hand, favour the American model of ‘passive secularism’, in which the state permits the expression of religion in the public do- main. In short, what Turkey has witnessed over the last decade is no longer a tussle between secularism and Islamism, but between two brands of secularism. Two actors have played crucial roles in this transformation: the Gülen movement and the Justice and Development (AK) Party. Recently the Gülen movement became an international actor and a defendant of passive secularism. Similarly, although the AK Party was originated from an Islamist Milli Görüş (National Outlook) movement, it is now a keen supporter of Turkey’s membership to the European Union and defends (passive) secularist, democratic regime. This paper analyses the transformation of these important social and political actors with regard to certain structural conditions, as well as the interactions between them.In April 2007, the international media covered Turkey for the protest meetings of more than a million people in three major cities, the military intervention to politics, and the abortive presidential election. According to several journalists and columnists, Turkey was experienc- ing another phase of the ongoing tension between the secularists and Islamists. Some major Turkish newspapers, such as Hürriyet, were asserting that the secularists finally achieved to bring together millions of opponents of the ruling Adalet ve Kalkınma (Justice and Development) (AK) Party. In addition to their dominance in military and judicial bureauc- racy, the secularists appeared to be maintaining the support of the majority of the people. The parliamentary elections that took place few months later, in July, revealed that the main- stream Turkish media’s presentation was misleading and the so-called secularists’ aspira- tions were unrealistic. The AK Party received 47 percent of the national votes, an unusual ratio for a multiparty system where there were 14 contesting parties. The main opposition, Cumhuriyet Halk (Republican People’s) Party (CHP), only received 21 percent of the votes, despite its alliance with the other leftist party. Both the national and international media’s misleading presentation of Turkish politics was not confined by the preferences of the vot- ers. Moreover, the media was primarily misleading with its use of the terms “Islamists” and “secularists.” What Turkey has witnessed for the last decade has not been a struggle between secularism and Islamism; but it has been a conflict between two types of secularism. As I elaborated else- where, the AK Party is not an Islamist party. It defends a particular understanding of secular- ism that differs from that of the CHP. Although several leaders of the AK Party historically belonged to an Islamist -Milli Görüş (National Outlook)- movement, they later experienced an ideational transformation and embraced a certain type of secularism that tolerates public visibility of religion. This transformation was not an isolated event, but part of a larger expe- rience that several other Islamic groups took part in. I argue that the AKP leaders’ interaction with the Gülen movement, in this regard, played an important role in the formation of the party’s new perspective toward secularism. In another article, I analyzed the transformation of the AK Party and Gülen movement with certain external (globalization process) and internal (the February 28 coup) conditions. In this essay, I will focus on the interaction between these two entities to explore their changing perspectives. I will first discuss the two different types of secularism that the Kemalists and conservatives defend in Turkey. Then, I will briefly summarize diverse discourses of the Milli Görüş and Gülen movements. Finally, I will examine the exchanges between the Gülen movement and the AK Party with regard to their rethinking of Islamism and secularism.
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Cherif, Sabrina, Ouassila Menouer und Safia Benselama-Messikh. „Reading the process of formation of military fortifications on the Algerian coast in the nineteenth century“. In FORTMED2024 - Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. Valencia: Universitat Politàcnica de València, 2024.

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expansion was accompanied by a multitude of fortification projects, reflecting the divergent conceptions of French occupation.The Algerian towns of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries then, were formed in various hectic contexts, starting first with their control by the Military Engineering Department, which relied on a strategy of war of movement to transform the territory into a network of fortified towns, whose tracing is often faced with constraints concerning the topography of the terrain. To understand the process of their formation, it is important to consider the logic behind the establishment of these military fortifications during the French colonial period, particularly those located in the north on the coastal strip, the first interface that military engineers faced in colonizing the country.This article proposes a reading of the possible development of these artefacts on the Algerian coastline, and their capacity to be thought of at once as means of defense, instruments of development and symbols of domination at the time, but which is also a question today of recognizing them, reappropriating them in a new meaning and then valorizing them as potentialities and added value in the territorial and urban development of cities.
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Windisch, Rudolf. „The Romanian language in historical, literary and linguistic context in the 20th century, until 1989“. In Simpozion Internațional de dialectologie, 308–29. Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2024.

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After the peace treaties of Saint-Germain and Trianon (1919, 1920), Romania was able to significantly increase its borders as compared to the pre-war period, becaming „Great Romania”, which inspired writers, such as Liviu Rebreanu, Camil Petrescu or Cezar Petrescu, to an artistic and literary movement, emphasizing national identity. Lucian Blaga triggered a philosophical-poetic current. Mihail Sadoveanu should not be forgotten either. Tristian Tzara proclaimed „Dadaism”, which also influenced the French avant-garde. Iorgu Iordan, the grammarian, attem¬pted to align the innovations of Romanian by imposing the culture of the language on grammarians, which resulted in a sort of mythical language of the socialist society, a „wooden language” (Zafiu 2009) .
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "French movement"


Raulet, Gérard. What Happens is Unimaginable! About the „Yellow Vests“. Association Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Februar 2021.

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The French ‘yellow vests’ movement is anything but an episodic protest movement. It questions both the liberal and the republican conception of political representation. The reason for this radicalism is that it shakes the foundations of a neo-capitalist order, for which shortterm financial sales have become more important than the long-term maintenance of the system itself. From the financial crisis of 2008, neoliberalism only seems to have learned that,despite everything, the model on which it is based holds up. This creates a profound crisis of legitimacy that reveals a break in political culture that no policy of consensus or even recognition can remedy. This essay examines the theoretical approaches that can take this phenomenon into account.
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Hunter, Fraser, und Martin Carruthers. Iron Age Scotland. Society for Antiquaries of Scotland, September 2012.

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The main recommendations of the panel report can be summarised under five key headings:  Building blocks: The ultimate aim should be to build rich, detailed and testable narratives situated within a European context, and addressing phenomena from the longue durée to the short-term over international to local scales. Chronological control is essential to this and effective dating strategies are required to enable generation-level analysis. The ‘serendipity factor’ of archaeological work must be enhanced by recognising and getting the most out of information-rich sites as they appear. o There is a pressing need to revisit the archives of excavated sites to extract more information from existing resources, notably through dating programmes targeted at regional sequences – the Western Isles Atlantic roundhouse sequence is an obvious target. o Many areas still lack anything beyond the baldest of settlement sequences, with little understanding of the relations between key site types. There is a need to get at least basic sequences from many more areas, either from sustained regional programmes or targeted sampling exercises. o Much of the methodologically innovative work and new insights have come from long-running research excavations. Such large-scale research projects are an important element in developing new approaches to the Iron Age.  Daily life and practice: There remains great potential to improve the understanding of people’s lives in the Iron Age through fresh approaches to, and integration of, existing and newly-excavated data. o House use. Rigorous analysis and innovative approaches, including experimental archaeology, should be employed to get the most out of the understanding of daily life through the strengths of the Scottish record, such as deposits within buildings, organic preservation and waterlogging. o Material culture. Artefact studies have the potential to be far more integral to understandings of Iron Age societies, both from the rich assemblages of the Atlantic area and less-rich lowland finds. Key areas of concern are basic studies of material groups (including the function of everyday items such as stone and bone tools, and the nature of craft processes – iron, copper alloy, bone/antler and shale offer particularly good evidence). Other key topics are: the role of ‘art’ and other forms of decoration and comparative approaches to assemblages to obtain synthetic views of the uses of material culture. o Field to feast. Subsistence practices are a core area of research essential to understanding past society, but different strands of evidence need to be more fully integrated, with a ‘field to feast’ approach, from production to consumption. The working of agricultural systems is poorly understood, from agricultural processes to cooking practices and cuisine: integrated work between different specialisms would assist greatly. There is a need for conceptual as well as practical perspectives – e.g. how were wild resources conceived? o Ritual practice. There has been valuable work in identifying depositional practices, such as deposition of animals or querns, which are thought to relate to house-based ritual practices, but there is great potential for further pattern-spotting, synthesis and interpretation. Iron Age Scotland: ScARF Panel Report v  Landscapes and regions:  Concepts of ‘region’ or ‘province’, and how they changed over time, need to be critically explored, because they are contentious, poorly defined and highly variable. What did Iron Age people see as their geographical horizons, and how did this change?  Attempts to understand the Iron Age landscape require improved, integrated survey methodologies, as existing approaches are inevitably partial.  Aspects of the landscape’s physical form and cover should be investigated more fully, in terms of vegetation (known only in outline over most of the country) and sea level change in key areas such as the firths of Moray and Forth.  Landscapes beyond settlement merit further work, e.g. the use of the landscape for deposition of objects or people, and what this tells us of contemporary perceptions and beliefs.  Concepts of inherited landscapes (how Iron Age communities saw and used this longlived land) and socal resilience to issues such as climate change should be explored more fully.  Reconstructing Iron Age societies. The changing structure of society over space and time in this period remains poorly understood. Researchers should interrogate the data for better and more explicitly-expressed understandings of social structures and relations between people.  The wider context: Researchers need to engage with the big questions of change on a European level (and beyond). Relationships with neighbouring areas (e.g. England, Ireland) and analogies from other areas (e.g. Scandinavia and the Low Countries) can help inform Scottish studies. Key big topics are: o The nature and effect of the introduction of iron. o The social processes lying behind evidence for movement and contact. o Parallels and differences in social processes and developments. o The changing nature of houses and households over this period, including the role of ‘substantial houses’, from crannogs to brochs, the development and role of complex architecture, and the shift away from roundhouses. o The chronology, nature and meaning of hillforts and other enclosed settlements. o Relationships with the Roman world
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