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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Framework"


Emmons, Robert A. „A Systems Framework or Systems Frameworks?“ Psychological Inquiry 9, Nr. 2 (April 1998): 148–50.

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Pohl, Christian, und Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn. „Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research: Framework #1“. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 26, Nr. 3 (01.01.2017): 232.

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Bergmann, Matthias, und Thomas Jahn. „Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research: Framework #2“. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 26, Nr. 4 (01.01.2017): 304.

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Mitchell, Cynthia, Dena Fam und Dana Cordell. „Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research: Framework #3“. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 27, Nr. 1 (01.01.2018): 112.

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Cabrera, Derek, und Laura Cabrera. „Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research: Framework #4“. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 27, Nr. 2 (01.01.2018): 200.

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Muhar, Andreas, und Marianne Penker. „Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research: Framework #5“. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 27, Nr. 3 (01.01.2018): 272.

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Weyrauch, Vanesa, und Leandro Echt. „Frameworks for Transdisciplinary Research: Framework #6“. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 27, Nr. 4 (01.01.2018): 344.

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Honsell, Furio, Marina Lenisa und Luigi Liquori. „A Framework for Defining Logical Frameworks“. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 172 (April 2007): 399–436.

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Makal, Trevor A., Andrey A. Yakovenko und Hong-Cai Zhou. „Isomerism in Metal–Organic Frameworks: “Framework Isomers”“. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2, Nr. 14 (28.06.2011): 1682–89.

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Smith, Paul Alan. „Stakeholder Engagement Framework“. Information & Security: An International Journal 38 (2017): 35–45.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Framework"


Smallwood, Brian. „Framework“. Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1994.

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As Bergson says, we do not perceive the thing or the image in its entirety, we always perceive less of it, we perceive only what we are interested in perceiving or rather what it is in or interest to perceive, by virtue of our economic interests, ideological beliefs, and psychological demands. We therefore normally perceive only cliches. But if our sensory-motor schemata jam or break, then a different type of image can appear, because it no longer has to be "justified." - Gilles Deleuze, "Cinema and Time," in The Deleuze Reader, ed., C. Bouncas (New York: Columbia University, 1993), p. 182.
Master of Architecture
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Koščo, Ján. „Porovnanie PHP frameworkov Symfony 2 a Zend Framework 2“. Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2013.

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Master thesis deals with a comparison of two web application frameworks in PHP. The aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive view of the possibilities, differences and advantages of the selected frameworks. The main source for comparison is sample web applications that demonstrate these possibilities. For a comprehensive comparison, various criteria were chosen to analyze the properties of frameworks. These criteria are divided into five categories. Technology support examines the compatibility of framework for different versions of the platform. The most important and most widespread category is the analysis of options for creation of web applications, which discusses the most common tasks in developing applications and how frameworks approaches it. Other categories are design and architecture of framework, testing and general support for developers, which analyzes both online and offline sources of information used to learn and solve problems using the selected framework . Comparison results based on above mentioned criteria can help developers when choosing a modern web development framework for PHP platform.
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Bauer, Mitra. „Hello Framework! A heuristic method for choosing front-end JavaScript frameworks“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2021.

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This thesis investigates how to decide what JavaScript framework to use when the front-end world is constantly changing and new technologies are added. Choosing the right framework can save a developer or company time, money and reduce complexity. An interview study with developers was done to extract what is important in a framework. The interview study concluded in six themes regarding what to investigate when choosing a framework along with a checklist and in-depth questions. Based on the results from the interview study together with a test application design, four web applications were implemented in the JavaScript frameworks React, Angular, Vue and Svelte. This was followed by a qualitative evaluation to see if this investigative approach provided meaningful insights. The test application results show that the combination of in-depth  questions and design specification gave a basic technical understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the frameworks together with an understanding of their history and current development. The goal of this thesis is to provide more ways of comparing frameworks in the front-end communities and academic world.
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Kutišová, Magda. „Zend Framework“. Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012.

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The diploma thesis compares first and second version of the PHP framework Zend Framework. It examines framework architecture and technology changes that were brought about by its second version released stable in September 2012. It demonstrates the changes using a practical example application and evaluates them by a set of diverse criteria. The introductory part of the thesis characterizes and classifies web frameworks and determines their place among other software frameworks. In the subsequent part the thesis looks into fundamental characteristics and history of Zend Framework and puts it into its place among web frameworks based on their previous classification. The practical part, that represents the majority of thesis, demonstrates the differences between the first and the second version of Zend Framework using the example application, starting with framework installation and configuration, describing its architecture and ending with evaluation of its speed and security.
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Kořistková, Barbora. „Framework RichFaces“. Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2013.

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The thesis is concerned with an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the JBoss RichFaces component framework with regards to its particular strengths and weaknesses. The framework is examined both from the theoretical and practical point of view and also subjected to comparative analysis with other similar products on the market. Apart from the theoretical background and profound subject explanation, the practical part of the thesis offers a full-fledged referential application with fragments of commented code and thorough exploration of the framework's professional usage.
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Bjørnsgård, Tommy, und Kim Saxlund. „The Improved Peer2Me Framework : A flexible framework for mobile collaboration“. Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2006.

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This master thesis presents a new and redesigned version of Peer2Me, a framework for developing mobile collaborative applications on mobile phones. The first version of Peer2Me was designed and created by Carl-Henrik Wolf Lund and Michael Sars Norum in 2005, which was presented in their master thesis, The Peer2Me Framework, [31]. We evaluated their framework in our depthstudy [5], fall of 2005. The evaluation showed that the framework lacked some desired and necessary functionality, had some bugs and was a bit hard to use. This thesis also describes the history of Peer2Me along with cental concepts regarding peer-to-peer networking in an mobile ad hoc environment. There are a lot of on going and finished projects that can be related to Peer2Me. We have chosen to investigate the most interesting and relevant projects, which are presented in Chapter 11, State of the Art. Since a redesign of the Peer2Me framework was necessary, we have performed a research in the most recognized architectural tactics, design patterns and architectural patters. Before embarking on the task of designing the framework, a research in the latest technology was necessary. In our depthstudy [5], we had already performed such a research, so we only had to obtain the latest development in the related areas. Special attention was given to the Bluetooth wireless network technology. All created packages, classes and interfaces are thoroughly described along with their roles in the framework. We felt that a mere description of the modules was not enough, so we wrote Chapter 16, Design Decisions, which discusses the different crossroads we faced with during development, and the path we chose. To give the reader an impression of how the framework can be used, we also developed some applications that utilizes the new framework. Lastly we evaluated our work, compared the old and new framework, discussed the problems we encountered, answered our research questions and summarized the thesis. All source code, javadoc and a functional, new version of Peer2Me are attached along with this report.

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Heinrich, Kai. „Influence Potential Framework“. Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2011.

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In diesem Beitrag wird ein Framework vorgeschlagen, mit dessen Hilfe eine Aussage über das Referenzpotenzial einer Person auf Basis ihres Kommunikationsverhaltens in Microblogs getroffen werden kann. Innerhalb des Gestaltungszieles werden zunächst passende Determinanten des Referenzpotenzials identifiziert und beschrieben. Darauf aufbauend wird das Influence Potencial Framework mit drei Indikatoren ausgestaltet um diese Determinanten zu operationalisieren. Anschließend wird ein Portfolio zur Einordnung von Personen nach ihrem Referenzpotenzial aufgestellt. Abschließend wird ein Fazit gezogen und ein Ausblick auf weitere Forschungsziele gegeben.
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Balmaceda, Celedón Álvaro Mauricio Cristián. „Framework E-Commerce“. Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2016.

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Ingeniero Civil en Computación
Una de las actividades más populares en la web es comprar. Los sitios web dedicados al comercio tienen una oportunidad única totalmente nueva para desarrollar negocios. Existe la oportunidad de desarrollar vetajas competitivas significativas en sus respectivos mercados creando experiencias gratas para el usuario. El éxito dependerá en perfeccionar los esfuerzos para abordar las expeciencias de clientes centrados en el usuario. Los Frameworks Open Source disponibles permiten desarrollar una gran variedad de soluciones e-Commerce, además de tener grandes comunidades que las respaldan así como muchísimos usuarios satisfechos. Sin embargo, todas estas opciones fueron construidas en un contexto en donde el poder de procesamiento de los clientes era limitado. Muy distinto al actual panorama, en donde la web ha madurado alcanzando una serie de características que mejoran las experiencias de los usuarios. El presente trabajo propone una solución tecnológica base para apoyar el desarrollo de diferentes soluciones e-Commerce donde es posible (en comparación a los Frameworks actuales): resultados más rápidos, ideal para prototipos y productos entregables mínimos; una solución integral que desarrolla características para servidores, browsers y dispositivos móviles; contruido nativamente con capacidades tiempo-real para minimizar el esfuerzo en desarollo; e integración de herramientas de desarrollo para hacer que la configuración, desarrollo, e instalación sea extremadamente rápido. Durante el trabajo de título se logró desarrollar una plataforma con base sólida construida a partir de las buenas prácticas obtenidas por la experiencia de los actuales sitios web e-Commerce, pero con características de las aplicaciones web modernas tales como reactividad y tiempo-real, lo que le entrega ventajas competitivas. El mayor aporte de este trabajo fue el desarrollo de una arquitectura genérica útil para cualquier aplicación web. Finalmente se plantean transformaciones útiles en la arquitectura que beneficiarán también al framework.
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Han, Li. „Program slicing framework“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.

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Olsson, Joel, und Junior Asante. „5G Simulation Framework“. Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Kommunikationssystem, 2018.

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From the first generation, 1G, to the fourth generation, 4G, the development and technological advancements in telecommunications network systems have been remarkable. Faster and better connections have opened up for new markets, ideas and possibilities, to that extent that there now is a demand that surpasses the supply. Despite all these advancements made in the mobile communications field most of the concept of how the technology works and its infrastructure has remained the same. This however, is about to change with the introduction of the fifth generation (5G) mobile communication. With the introduction of 5G much of the technology introduced will be different from that of previous generations. This change extends to include the entire infrastructure of the mobile communications system. With these major changes, many of the tools available today for telecommunications network evaluation do not really suffice to include the 5G network standard. For this reason, there is a need to develop a new kind of tool that will be able to include the changes brought by this new network standard. In this thesis a simulation framework adapted for the next generation telecommunication standard 5G is set to be developed. This framework should include many of the characteristics that set 5G aside from previous generations.
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Bücher zum Thema "Framework"


Gosling, P. E. Framework & Framework II. London: Pitman, 1986.

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Gerry, Howard. Framework. Toronto: Gallery 44, 1993.

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Paul, Willemen, Hrsg. Framework. London: Comedia, 1986.

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NG, Chee Keong, Lei Pan und Yang Xiang. Honeypot Frameworks and Their Applications: A New Framework. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Capewell, David. Framework maths. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.

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Clark, David. Organisational framework. London: Certified Accountants Educational Projects, 1993.

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Agency, Social Security. Framework document. Belfast: The Agency, 1991.

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McKenney, Mark, und Markus Schneider. Map Framework. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Pree, Wolfgang. Framework patterns. New York: SIGS Books & Multimedia, 1996.

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Harrison, Bill. Framework III. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1989.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Framework"


McKenney, Mark, und Markus Schneider. „Concepts of Maps“. In Map Framework, 1–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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McKenney, Mark, und Markus Schneider. „A Formal Model of Maps as a Fundamental Type“. In Map Framework, 15–26. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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McKenney, Mark, und Markus Schneider. „PLR Partitions: Extending Maps to Include Point and Line Features“. In Map Framework, 27–43. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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McKenney, Mark, und Markus Schneider. „Foundational Operations for Maps“. In Map Framework, 45–57. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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McKenney, Mark, und Markus Schneider. „Constructing Map Operations Using the Fundamental Map Operations“. In Map Framework, 59–67. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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McKenney, Mark, und Markus Schneider. „Extended Operations Over Maps“. In Map Framework, 69–79. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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McKenney, Mark, und Markus Schneider. „Topological Relationships Between Maps“. In Map Framework, 81–94. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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McKenney, Mark, und Markus Schneider. „A Discrete Model of Maps“. In Map Framework, 95–106. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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McKenney, Mark, und Markus Schneider. „Implementing Maps: Map2D“. In Map Framework, 107–40. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Harrison, Bill. „Denkarbeit mit Framework III“. In Framework III, 3–8. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1989.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Framework"


Knoepfel, Kyle. „Meld: Exploring the feasibility of a framework-less framework“. In Meld: Exploring the feasibility of a framework-less framework. US DOE, 2023.

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Flumerfelt, Eric. „The DUNE DAQ Application Framework“. In The DUNE DAQ Application Framework. US DOE, 2024.

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Jusic, Samir, und Lee Sai Peck. „PersistF: A Transparent Persistence Framework with Architecture Applying Design Patterns“. In InSITE 2007: Informing Science + IT Education Conference. Informing Science Institute, 2007.

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Persistence is the term used in computer science to describe a capability to store data structures in non-volatile storage such as a file system or a relational database (Wikipedia, 2003). There is a growing need to simplify the interactions among separate systems and to build complex software systems that are made out of components with well-defined services. At the base-level of such complex systems lies a persistence framework - a set of classes tailored to save, retrieve, update and delete objects to and from their persistence stores, such as databases and flat files. This paper presents the design, and implementation of the transparent persistence framework called PersistF. Design patterns (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, & Vlissides, 1995) have been widely accepted in the software engineering community as the recommended approach to developing software. Part of the research effort of this work included the application of well-known design patterns in order to build the framework. We present how consistent application of design patterns allowed us to build a fully working persistence framework. In order to support development of modern complex applications, some recent application development environments for different programming languages are built in with some kind of persistence framework. To use these frameworks in target applications, the developer often must go through a steep learning curve as each framework is specific in some way, but namely in respect of configuring the framework’s runtime engine with enough information about the domain application. This configuration is often time consuming and error prone. Most of the existing frameworks require complicated configuration steps that are imposed onto the developer. Our aim with this work was to present a framework that will not require such complicated configuration steps and would provide its service to the target application with virtually no configuration of the framework's handling of domain classes.
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Romanov, Aleksandr. „Beam optics tuning with 6dsim framework“. In Beam optics tuning with 6dsim framework. US DOE, 2023.

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Arndt, Michael, Karsten Berns, Sebastian Wille, Norbert Wehn und Luiza de Souza. „Combining robotic frameworks with a smart environment framework“. In the 2012 ACM Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012.

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Franke, Ulrik, David Hook, Johan Konig, Robert Lagerstrom, Per Narman, Johan Ullberg, Pia Gustafsson und Mathias Ekstedt. „EAF2- A Framework for Categorizing Enterprise Architecture Frameworks“. In 2009 10th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligences, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing. IEEE, 2009.

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Thongsukh, Sirin, Smitti Darakorn Na Ayuthaya und Supaporn kiattisin. „Startup Framework based On Scrum Framework“. In 2017 International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT). IEEE, 2017.

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Chithirasreemadam, S., Sophie Middleton und Simone Donati. „Mu2e Event Display Development – Using the TEve Framework“. In Mu2e Event Display Development – Using the TEve Framework. US DOE, 2021.

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Sanih, Fatima, Kevin Hill und Jeny Teheran. „A General Framework for Modernizing Logging and Monitoring“. In A General Framework for Modernizing Logging and Monitoring. US DOE, 2024.

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„COMMON SERVICES FRAMEWORK - An Application Development Framework“. In 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2010.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Framework"


Petersen, Rodney, Danielle Santos, Matthew C. Smith, Karen A. Wetzel und Greg Witte. Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework). National Institute of Standards and Technology, November 2020.

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This publication from the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) describes the Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework), a fundamental reference for describing and sharing information about cybersecurity work. It expresses that work as Task statements and describes Knowledge and Skill statements that provide a foundation for learners including students, job seekers, and employees. The use of these statements helps students to develop skills, job seekers to demonstrate competencies, and employees to accomplish tasks. As a common, consistent lexicon that categorizes and describes cybersecurity work, the NICE Framework improves communication about how to identify, recruit, develop, and retain cybersecurity talent. The NICE Framework is a reference source from which organizations or sectors can develop additional publications or tools that meet their needs to define or provide guidance on different aspects of cybersecurity education, training, and workforce development.
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Aldrich, Susan. Emerchandising Framework. Boston, MA: Patricia Seybold Group, Januar 2006.

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Scarlett, Harry Alan. NFO Framework. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Mai 2020.

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Marshak, David. Portal Framework. Boston, MA: Patricia Seybold Group, Dezember 2002.

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Larson, Aaron, Jeff Clark, John Kimball und Bob Schrag. KBSA Framework. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Dezember 1990.

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Bojanova, Irena. Bugs Framework:. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2024.

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Bojanova, Irena. Bugs Framework:. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2024.

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Bojanova, Irena. Bugs Framework:. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2024.

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Bojanova, Irena. Bugs Framework:. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2024.

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Bojanova, Irena. Bugs Framework:. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2024.

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