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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Exprosure"
Kamila, Noer, Yudo Irawan und Hanny Nilasari. „DAMPAK PRE-EXPROSURE PROPHYLAXIS ANTIRETROVIRAL ORAL TERHADAP INFEKSI MENULAR SEKSUAL“. Media Dermato-Venereologica Indonesiana 49, Nr. 2 (20.02.2023): 117–22.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWulandari, Umianita Risca, und Alfadefi Khalifatunnisak. „Faktor Lingkungan dan Genetik penyebab Kejadian Overweight pada Balita Usia 3-5 Tahun di Kota Kediri“. Journal for Quality in Women's Health 2, Nr. 2 (20.08.2019): 55–58.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMuttakhidlah, Usmut, und Dyah Putri Aryati. „Gambaran Tingkat Stres Caregiver yang Merawat Lansia : Literature Review“. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kesehatan 1 (06.12.2021): 865–71.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWulandari, Umianita Risca, und Dian Kumalasari. „Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Status Gizi Anak Batita Dari Pernikahan Usia Dini Di Kota Kediri“. J-HESTECH (Journal Of Health Educational Science And Technology) 1, Nr. 2 (12.12.2018): 51.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTan, Yang, kaihang Lu, Jing Li, Qubo Ni, Zhe Zhao, Jacques Magdalou, Liaobin Chen und Hui Wang. „Prenatal caffeine exprosure increases adult female offspring rat’s susceptibility to osteoarthritis via low-functional programming of cartilage IGF-1 with histone acetylation“. Toxicology Letters 295 (Oktober 2018): 229–36.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSuwardianto, Heru, und Vitaria Wahyu Astuti. „Kompetensi Pengkajian Primary Survey dengan Pendekatan Metode Journal Sharing Of Critical Care (JSCC) pada Mahasiswa Profesi Ners“. (JKG) JURNAL KEPERAWATAN GLOBAL 5, Nr. 2 (22.12.2020): 74–81.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKafalia, Rusna Fiki, Muh Dian Firdausy und Arlina Nurhapsari. „PENGARUH JUS JERUK DAN MINUMAN BERKARBONASI TERHADAP KEKERASAN PERMUKAAN RESIN KOMPOSIT“. ODONTO : Dental Journal 4, Nr. 1 (09.08.2017): 38.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Exprosure"
Basquin, Élise. „Cartographie du risque de tsunami sur le littoral méditerranéen du Maroc : exemple de la plaine de Martil“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe risk of tsunamis in the Alboran Sea receives little media coverage and is little known to the general public. In this western basin of the Mediterranean Sea, the geological context is conducive to the occurrence of submarine landslides that has the potential to cause tsunamis. The consequences of these sudden, powerful events could be disastrous for the Moroccan and Spanish coastlines, given the short reaction time that such an event provides and the extreme nature of the disasters in 2004 (Indian Ocean) and 2011 (Japan).The need to anticipate their potential consequences on the northern Moroccan coastline, which is currently undergoing intense socio-economic development, is therefore justified by the weight of this latent threat and the importance of the issues at stake. In a context of strengthening natural risk management in Morocco, both in terms of prevention and crisis management, adequately calibrating the means to respond to the risk of a tsunami requires an assessment of the vulnerability of Moroccan society. Chosen as a case study, the town of Martil reflects the territorial changes and socio-economic dynamics of Morocco's northern coastline, where a tsunami would have dramatic consequences.This study assesses the tsunami inundation hazard and vulnerability of Martil using a cartographic atlas, the first of its kind for Morocco's Mediterranean coastline. It analyses inundation for two tsunami scenarios generated by submarine landslides of 0.9 km³ and 3.8 km³ using GIS and numerical modelling methods. Martil, located on a coastal plain, is particularly susceptible to flooding, especially on the seafront and in low-lying areas. A comparison of the results of the models with the local development plan shows that uncontrolled urban growth focused on tourism is increasing the town's vulnerability. Martil's crisis management system shows a limited capacity to deal with a disaster, with major potential dysfunctions in its social, cultural, educational, religious and economic activities. Using national databases, this study estimates potential business losses for each scenario, showing that the economic concentration on services in the tourism sector exacerbates the vulnerability of a city already suffering from socio-economic disparities. This study opens the possibility of applying this methodology to other towns on the northern Moroccan coast, where a tsunami risk assessment would also appear to be necessary