Dissertationen zum Thema „Expérience des risques“
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Guehi, Calixte Haba Hebane. „Facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire chez les patients avant et après initiation des antirétroviraux en Afrique Sub-Saharienne, expérience de l’Essai Temprano ANRS 12 136“. Thesis, Bordeaux, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016BORD0324/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe international initiatives for promoting access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) have reduced HIV- related morbidity and mortality. Meanwhile, there are growing cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in developing countries, which are witnessing an epidemiological transition. Our objective was to assess the significance of CVRF before and after initiating antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected people in Africa. Temprano trial aimed to assess the benefits and risks of early antiretroviral therapy and 6-month isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) after 30-month follow-up. This study concluded that both interventions are effective to reduce severe morbidity, what led WHO, in 2015, to recommend starting ART immediately if CD4 count drop below 500 cells / mm3. In this study, we assessed the prevalence of CVRF and the significance of obesity and overweight at baseline and after 24 months of ART in particular. We then assess the cardiovascular risk score according to the Framingham equation, with and without lipids, at baseline and at the end of follow-up. There were: (i) a positive correlation between the 2 equations (ii) a sharper increase in cardiovascular risks among women and (iii) no difference in the risk increase according to treatment strategies. Finally, in the long-term follow-up of Temprano trial, we are showing the efficacy of IPT on the reduction of mortality, which brings hope in a context where, despite the on-going epidemiological transition, the causes of deaths are still dominated by Tuberculosis in sub- Saharan Africa
Saulière, Guillaume. „Analyse du rapport bénéfices/risques et des déterminants de la performance dans les sports collectifs“. Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLS594/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleData has massively invaded the world of high-level sport. Team sports such as football and rugby union, which are among the most publicized sports, are particularly concerned by this phenomenon. In addition, performance in a team sport is multifactorial and multidimensional and are deeply linked to the injuries. Sports scientists seek to understand and contextualize these performances as well as possible. To do so, a lot of data are needed and consumed. Those data are coming from many sources as they are the results of a global thinking between staff members surrounding the athletes. The participation of all the staff, and players, makes sports science answering the call of interdisciplinary research. In this context, biostatistics naturally find their place in direct collaboration with sports scientist, at the interface between data produced and the issues raised by the staff in order to help decision-making.Team sports involve individuals who play as a team. By definition, analyzing these sports requires both individual and collective assessment. It is this double analysis that was carried out during this thesis. The individualization of performance monitoring and health condition of players is clearly essential and it involves the development of statistical tools adapted to the issues raised. Z-score-based methods development for the analysis of biomarkers derived from longitudinal monitoring is an example of the reciprocal contribution that a collaboration between biostatistics and sports science can produce: a better understanding of players' state of health, which is essential for optimizing their performance and minimizing exposure to injury risk factors, and the prospects for optimizing existing statistical tools. The correction of a widely used test, the Mann-Whitney test also finds its place in the will to compare individual performance evolving over time, an issue encountered in detection, selection or rehabilitation protocols.Then, the collective dimension has been investigated. The individualization of the monitoring makes it possible to understand what is happening within each player and to personalize support by the staff. But what about team management? How can managing a group optimize its performance and impact the occurrence of injuries? Through two studies on rugby union, we have shown through the application of adapted statistical tools that the collective dimension of the analysis of the performance was essential to its understanding. Indeed, an optimized group management, favorable to the creation of collective experience, cohesion, and cleverly spreading playing time between the players contributes to better performance. The perspectives raised by these quantitative analyzes of collective experience in a collective sport were discussed. Including the impact on the occurrence of injuries which is a major issue raised by staffs because directly impacting the performance of the group. But the relationship between workforce management and injuries is poorly analyzed.Studies presented in this thesis illustrate some stapes of the necessary exchange between the different disciplines gathered around sports sciences and show how biostatistics fit into the decision-making process of the staffs
Compastie, Jean-Pierre. „Reconstruction de l’identité professionnelle et prise de risque lors d’une réorientation en prévention : le cas des chargés de prévention des risques professionnels (CPRP) dans les armées“. Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017CNAM1157/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFor many years, state institutions have undergone major organizational changes (relocation, restructuring). In their operation mode, they had to integrate the theory of "new public management" (NGP), a pragmatic approach to the division of labor, to improve the management the cost effectiveness of their services. These changes have compelled some agents to reorganize their career path. Besides, other agents are in a dynamic not constrained, but voluntary choice of orientation. This thesis endeavors to investigate the identity dynamics and the processes developed by the agent in the accomplishment of his reorganization project, which expose him to the risks associated with his choice and function in the reconstruction of his professional identity, and allow him to invest in his work and to acquire skills, professionalism and recognition.It aims at contributing to the understanding how the CPRP engage in this new function and the obstacles that hinder the identity reconstruction of these agents. The collected and processed data are uprooted on a questionnaire of thirty staff members followed by fifteen in-depth interviews. The analysis focuses on the risk taking in the commitment related to the function, and in the case of the performance of this function, the encountered difficulties and the set-up strategies, the risk management, and the identity reconstruction. It has made it possible to characterize the different identity configurations. In the report, we have represented these configurations from six monographs among the most significant developed ones.We thus show that the initial choice is a choice that can be made by default, the awareness takes place when the CPRP is confronted to the reality of the activity and that the function of "advisor" includes a risk taking that can prevent the process establishment of building professional identity and self-reconstruction, inseparable from the realization of missions
Fernandez, Fabrice. „Usages et usagers de drogues dans les mondes de l'errance urbaine et de la prison : une "expérience totale" ? : sociologie du sens endogène des pratiques de consommation de produits toxiques associées à des prises de risques pour la santé“. Toulouse 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TOU20061.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePreventive public health policies and harm reduction policies (AIDS, hepatitis C) have been focusing increasingly on rendering drug “addicts” more responsible, while substitution treatments have been made more readily available ; they are indeed, distributed massively by general, as well as psychiatric, health agencies and practitioners. Nevertheless, high risk practices remain common among the most precarious of drug users. Through the notion of total experience, a framework that permits intelligibility, and through inductive methodology applied to extensive and varied fieldwork in the Parisian and Toulouse areas (prisons, hospitals, non-profit organizations, unorganized squats, streets), the present dissertation focuses on drug uses and drug users who are caught in a circulatory movement between urban vagrancy and carceral experience. What kind of adjustments occur at each end of the movement and how do these adjustments impact the relationship to one's own body and health ? Facing a society that deals with social issues in an increasingly penal and medicalized way, a heterogeneity of practices emerges : heterogeneity of the logics behind drug use, of life trajectories, of adaptation techniques and of the narrativization of these experiences. The analysis of various forms of total experience reveals some of the modes of resistance and self-preservation users develop in order to respond to the apparatuses proposed -and even imposed- to them, at the same time as it raises the question of what it means to limit one's control over one's self and body
Lampach, Nicolas. „Essays on risk management in the presence of ambiguity“. Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016STRAB009/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe thesis aims to establish an optimal technological risk management to ensure hazard reduction of new emerging risks without impeding the innovation path. The research work contributes to ex-ante and ex-post risk management strategies and provides theoretical and empirical evidence to address the management of new emerging risks. The first part of the thesis examines, from the perspective of Law and Economics, the effectiveness of the tort liability rule for the situation where the decision maker is lacking information about the probability of an event to occur. The second part of the thesis pays particular attention to the environmental energy transition in France and focus on the insurability of the energy performance in the housing sector. The theoretical and experimental findings from the first part of the research convey strong validity that tort law cannot provide ex-ante optimal incentives when there is lacking information about the probability of accident. The regime of unlimited and limited liability leads to overinvestment in prevention in regard to new emerging risks. The empirical results of the second part of the thesis reveal that 23.75% of households participated in the weatherization program "Je Rénove BBC" do not achieve the required energy target but the severity of the energy performance gap is relatively low. The findings of the research work imply several policy recommendations to manage new emerging technologies in the future
Morand, Ophélie. „Hyperconnexion numérique au travail : de la compréhension des activités et vécus à la transformation par le théâtre-forum“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020IPPAT035.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDigital connection is essential in today's working world. It allows workers to be fast, efficient and to access a wide range of information. Since 2016, french labour law requires companies to initiate negotiations on the “right to disconnect” for their employees. Indeed, many studies show the risks of extended connection and the consequences of overuse of communication technologies on employees’ wellbeing, work/life balance and collective organization. This awareness of the need for effective regulation of the connection led us to conduct this thesis in ergonomic psychology in three phases. First, we focus on connection practices and uses of technologies in a large company through a quantitative study (questionnaire). We then focus on the actual activity and the lived experiences of connection using Explicitation Interviews with employees (Vermersch, 1994). The aim was to get a first-person perspective to define the elements that lead to what might be termed "over-connection" (a connection that is subjectively experienced as too painful or distressing). The third part explored the effects of the creation of a deliberation space (based on forum-theater technics) on the regulation of collective connection.In conclusion, we propose a discussion about the contributions of this thesis to connection at work knowledge and to the forum-theater method effects, about the perspectives of this work and recommendations for limiting over-connection and developing discussion forums in the companies
Ditzler, Cédric. „Attitude face au risque et choix d'assurance : théorie et expériences“. Strasbourg 1, 2005. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2005/DITZLER_Cedric_2005.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe work of the thesis consists in testing several theories of decision under risk starting from the predictions of two simplified insurance models: a model of choice of insurance contract for a given coverage and a model of choice of insurance coverage for a given insurance scheme. Our framework makes it possible to discuss the empirical validity of two central theorems of the economy of insurance: the theorem of Arrow and the theorem of Mossin. The confrontation of the theories of decision is carried out 1) by the study of the correspondence between attitudes to risk which are determined by the Tradeoff elicitation method (Deneffe and Wakker (1996)) and the insurance choices and 2) according to the insurance choices using a deterministic approach and a stochastic one which takes into account the errors made by the subjects. We show that it is difficult to infer insurance choices from the elicitation results because of a great instability of the attitude to risk between two successive elicitation phases of preferences. In addition, our experimental data do not support the predictions of the Arrow and Mossin theorems. These results show the low descriptive validity of the expected utility theory compared to other alternative theories like the dual theory of Yaari (1987) or the cumulative prospect theory of Tversky and Kahneman (1992). However, even if the alternative models manage to explain more insurance behaviours in our experiments, the stochastic analysis shows all the same that the expected utility theory is less sensitive to the modifications carried out on the variables of treatment like the format of presentation of the questions or the monetary incentives which influence considerably the subjects' attitudes to risk
Desruisseaux, Bernard. „Étude des représentations utilisées par les élèves à risque d'abandon dans leur expérience scolaire“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape3/PQDD_0017/NQ56467.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTouil, Abdellah. „Modélisation des jets diphasiques liquide vapeur et du "Rain-Out"“. Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00012084.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleUne campagne expérimentale a permis de mesurer le débit du jet, le diamètre et la vitesse des gouttes qui résultent de sa fragmentation , ainsi que la fraction de « rain-out ». Fluide : eau surchauffée ; températures de réservoir : 110 à 160°C ; pressions de réservoir : 3 à 10 bar abs ; géométries de la brèche : orifices -diamètres 2 et 5 mm- et conduites -diamètre 2 mm, longueur 100 mm et diamètre 5 mm, longueur 250 mm-.
Les mesures nous ont permis de valider le modèle proposé pour le débit de l'écoulement dans une conduite ou un orifice, ainsi que pour le jet de brouillard. Les mesures de distribution granulométrique des gouttes nous ont permis de mettre en évidence une population de « grosses gouttelettes » (150 µm < d < 600 µm), très minoritaires en nombre, mais qui représentent plus de 80 % de la masse. Même si l'existence de ces « grosses gouttelettes » n'a jamais encore été signalée dans la littérature et si le mécanisme physique qui les génère n'est pas élucidé, elles nous paraissent nécessaires pour comprendre le caractère hétérogène du « rain-out » : l'observation montre clairement des gouttes qui tombent sous le jet de brouillard.
Partant d'un échantillon parmi nos mesures et celles du CCPS sur d'autres fluides (CFC-11, Cyclohexane, Méthylamine, Cl2), nous avons proposé une corrélation pour le diamètre « nécessaire » des gouttelettes (celui qui conduit le modèle à prévoir le « rain-out » correct). Notre modèle, complété par cette corrélation, permet de prévoir la fraction de « rain-out » à [-10 %, +30 %] près, soit une amélioration significative de l'état de l'art.
Baudin, Grégoire. „Facteurs de risque environnementaux des troubles psychotiques : focus sur les expériences infantiles traumatiques“. Thesis, Tours, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOUR2005/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis article thesis aimed to identify environmental risk factors (ERF) that are associated with the onset and the prognosis of non-affective psychotic disorders, in a French context. We based our work on Howes and Murray’s sociodevelopmental-cognitive model, and the sensitization model. Our results showed that one area-level environmental risk factor, namely the economic deprivation, and several aspects of childhood traumas, an individual ERF, are associated with an increased risk to develop psychotic disorders. Furthermore, we identified childhood traumas and cannabis consumption as modifier factors for these disorders. Finally, we sought to link our previous results, the two original models, and conceptual inputs from the theory of structural dissociation of personality in a coherent, clinically useful, and biopsychosocial framework. Our results suggest that both arealevel and individual environmental risk factors are involved in the onset and poor prognosis of psychotic disorders. They open perspectives for new therapeutic strategies
Leclerc, Frédéric. „Effet de sélection du mode de rémunération basé sur l'aversion au risque : une expérience sur le terrain“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2007/24422/24422.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChartain, Laura. „Dans les mailles d’un coton agroécologique. Sociologie d’une filière entre le Brésil et la France“. Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019EHES0007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis doctoral thesis examines the interaction between various actors of an agroecological cotton production and supply chain. In France, young entrepreneurs who graduated from selective higher education establishments offer an attractive price for cotton. In the Northeast Region of Brazil, producers practice a non-mechanized form of agriculture on family farms, while NGO members act as intermediaries between farmers and buyers. Faced with the fragility of their small-scale organizations, some actors have come to hire more workforce or to take risks in order to try to sustain the cotton chain in the name of the project’s original threefold promise: “becoming a model,” “ecological,” and “social.”Conducted over several months in both countries, the qualitative survey enabled me to observe various problems that the actors are faced with as equipment is implemented to meet the quality expectations of the French market. Among the collected data, I have focused on content analysis to examine interviews and meeting transcripts between the actors.I therefore question the nature of the relations and forms of solidarity taking place in the cotton chain. The first part of the thesis outlines the implementation of equipment (production, certification), highlighting the practical nature of the resulting issues (fixing failures, evaluating prices), as well as the forms of moral assessment at work. Tracing life and work experiences both within the chain and before its existence, the second part shows how several worlds are brought together within the chain, as well as the institutional origin (state, the UN, large NGOs) of the equipment formats. I demonstrate how a process of individualization of risks and responsibilities, implicitly encouraged by large institutions, develops alongside the actors’ normative work.The thesis thereby contributes to a clearer understanding of how networks and worlds composed of diverse elements (production, family farming, market, social movements, Churches, states, development aid) collide in concrete experiences
Grandazzi, Guillaume. „De Tchernobyl à la Hague : la vie quotidienne entre expérience de la catastrophe et épreuve de l’incertitude“. Caen, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004CAEN1411.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHallem, Yousra. „Le rôle paradoxal d’Internet dans le développement d’un service de croyance : cas du tourisme de chirurgie esthétique en Tunisie“. Thesis, Strasbourg, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012STRAB009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAlthough it is a service of high credence attributes, medical tourism was surprisingly grown thanks to the Internet. Treating the specifie case of cosmetic surgery, and through an exploratory study, the research enabled us to stress on the important role of Internet in contracting a medico-touristic service and to specify the main functions of Internet in the context of medical tourism. These functions are informational, social and relational. The confirmatory analysis shows that enhancement of trust in the service provider through the impact of the informational and relational functions reduce the perceived risk of the medico-touristic service. We considered trust as being an antecedent of perceived risk. The informational and social functions of Internet enable medical tourists to access to huge information and to live and indirect experience of a medico-touristic service through vicarious experiences. The access to information and to the experience of other medical tourists makes the process of evaluation of credence attributes simpler, which reduce the perceived risk. Trusting on the service provider and the simplification of the evaluation of the credence attributes lead to reduce the perceived risk inherent to the medico-touristic service. The risk reduction leads also the modification of medical tourists' perception of credence attributes which will be perceived as experience attributes. The modification of medical tourist's perception of credence attributes through Internet functions explain why and how a credence service is marketed on Internet while it should not be theoretically
Marsicano, Elise. „Genre, expérience migratoire et condition minoritaire. Les trajectoires sexuelles et préventives des migrant∙e∙s d'Afrique subsaharienne vivant en France“. Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00785964.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVillain, Marie. „Facteurs de risque et de protection pour la dépression post AVC : approche en vie quotidienne“. Thesis, Paris, EPHE, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016EPHE3058/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePost-stroke depression (PSD) is one of the most common psychiatric complications following stroke with detrimental consequences in terms of functional recovery and quality of life. Its identification and treatment at the earliest stages of care remains a clinical challenge. The aim of this thesis is to study risk and protective factors for PSD based on data collected in the contexts of daily life. In the first section, we present a study of the role played by social support and routinization on the severity of depressive symptoms three months after stroke by Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA). In the second section, we examine the voice as an early marker of PSD. We observed that patient perceptions of better support quality, and not quantity, immediately following mild stroke, are associated with better behavioral and emotional outcomes three months later. In addition, we observed a unidirectional pattern of association between mood and routines, whereby the occurrence of routines was associated with a higher level of depressive symptomatology over subsequent hours. Finally, voice analysis allowed us to identify PSD markers with longitudinal changes in fundamental voice frequency and discriminant analysis demonstrated that initial voice breaks coupled with shimmer are strongly predictive of subsequent PSD. Beyond commonly-recognized clinical risk factors such as stroke severity, these ecological investigations identified new markers for PSD whose detection could lead to new strategies for prevention and care
Poliquin, France. „Le réponse familiale au maintien à domicile d'une femme présentant une grossesse à risque élevé, une expérience temporelle où la famille vit l'attente réinventant le quotidien“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape9/PQDD_0004/MQ44939.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDiaw, Mody. „De Boké à Gardanne, l’expérience des travailleurs de la bauxite au prisme de la justice environnementale“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0265.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFor several years now, the issue of liquid and solid discharges from the extraction of alumina from bauxite by the Alteo Gardanne plant (France) has been a public issue, thanks to the mobilization of environmental associations, user groups in the Calanques and local residents of the plant and the solid waste storage site, who denounce the impacts on the environment and the health of local residents. The way in which the problem is defined by these mobilizations gives it a local dimension (Deldrève and Metin, 2019, while, since the depletion of Provence’s bauxite mines, the Alteo alumina plant (previously owned by Pechiney and then Rio Tinto), continues its production by sourcing bauxite from Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG), which mines deposits in the Boké region, where communities living near the mines are also denouncing the socio-environmental and health consequences of the national bauxite mining policy. Thus, the trajectory of bauxite gives the problem an international and generic dimension. What’s more, while environmental and health issues for communities living close to bauxite mining and processing sites or transport routes are widely publicized from Guinea to Gardanne, those relating to the health and working conditions of the workers who extract, transport and process bauxite remain invisible. Epidemiological studies that have addressed the situation of bauxite workers generally focus on measurements of their exposure to gamma radiation and concentration levels of inhaled dust components in mines and refineries (Brian et al., 2012; Dennekamp et al., 2015). The conclusions of these studies on workers’ exposure to risk have given rise to controversy, and their approaches of measuring averages rather than actual exposures have been widely criticized (G. Hecht, 2012), on the grounds that they fail to take into account differences in exposure linked to different work situations. The aim of this sociology thesis, which is part of a multidisciplinary social science research project (Justbaux), is to understand workers’ relationship with bauxite and their experience of work and risks. Who are the workers on the bauxite trajectory? What issues of environmental justice and inequality are at stake in their relationship with bauxite? What are their positions with regard to the mobilization of local residents (of which they are sometimes a part) and environmentalists? How do they describe the material and define the problems associated with its use? I hypothesize that people’s relationship with bauxite and their experience of the risks associated with its extraction, processing and transport are a function not only of their work situation, the techniques employed and the regulations applied, but also of the status of the workers, their precariousness and their dependence on the company that employs them. To test this hypothesis, I use an analytical framework that borrows concepts from the sociology of work and environmental justice. My approach is qualitative. It includes semi-structured interviews with workers at different stages of the bauxite trajectory, as well as observations of their work situations and activities. This ethnography of work in the mines in Guinea, alongside the transporters, at the bauxite pre-processing plant in Kamsar and at the alumina production plant in Gardanne, will be combined with archive and documentation work
Marsicano, Elise. „Genre, expérience migratoire et condition minoritaire. Les trajectoires sexuelles et préventives des migrant∙e∙s d’Afrique subsaharienne vivant en France“. Thesis, Paris 11, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA11T075/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMigrants from sub-Saharan Africa bear a disproportionate burden of HIV/aids infections in France with a growing proportion acquiring HIV after migration. Mobilizing a sociological approach of sexuality, we focus on sexual trajectories and sexual networks in order to investigate the structural processes that organize the sexual and preventive practices of these migrants. We analyse a French survey carried out on 1,874 individuals born in sub-Saharan Africa, aged 18-49 and living in Paris and its surroundings. Our results uncover the effects of sexual socialization and social context of the first intercourse on sexual debuts and on later sexual and preventive biographies, differentiated for women and men. We also examine how migratory trajectories and experiences of racism and discrimination organize their sexual and preventive practices within specific sexual networks. Our research provides evidence of the existence of African sexual networks over, and beyond, national origin, especially for women. This intra-African segregation of sexual networks is influenced by the living conditions of the migrants and sheds light on the epidemic spread within these populations in the French context
Souakri, Anna. „The distinctiveness of entrepreneurs’ experience role in investment screening decisions : what does really matter? : a venture capitalist – entrepreneur’ dyad inquiry“. Thesis, Paris 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PA01E073.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVenture capital is a critical source of funding and development of new ventures. The investment decision of venture capitalists (VCs) is a multi-stage assessment process where the entrepreneurs’ characteristics are the most important criteria. We undertook a threefold study to explore the distinctive role played by entrepreneurs’ experience among other characteristics. First, we aim to specify what types of experience really matter to VCs. How do they value different forms of human capital such as education and non-entrepreneurial work experience compared to entrepreneurial experience? Does it vary across VCs with different experience? Our second purpose is to investigate the influence of potential biases among VCs when they share the same experience as entrepreneurs. Third, we compare VCs’ to entrepreneurs’ evaluations with the goal to provide a complementary demand-side explanation – i.e. entrepreneurs - to the consistency of the reject rate, a still unexplored question.We ran a twofold conjoint analysis with active VCs and entrepreneurs. Our results show that if entrepreneurial experience drives primarily the screening decisions, personal VCs’ characteristics influence their evaluations, notably toward entrepreneurs the most similar to themselves. We also find that entrepreneurs with failures are not blacklisted and are preferred to entrepreneurs without failure under some circumstances. When comparing VC’s and entrepreneurs’ evaluations, we find a divergence. Entrepreneurs attribute a larger importance to the types of entrepreneurial experiences they can control than VCs. We suggest that biases caused by their exposition to hubris explained such divergence. Overall, our research points out the importance and the specificity of entrepreneurial experience of both VCs and entrepreneurs, their interactions and the cognitive biases shaped by their respective experiences in explaining the screening decisions and its highly selective nature. We contribute to narrow down the research gap about the relationship between entrepreneurial experience specificity and screening evaluations considering the interactions in the VC – entrepreneur dyad, and, more generally, heuristics in decision-making processes
Zein, Rowayda. „Contribution à l'identification des déterminants psychologiques et sociaux des risques de décrochage scolaire chez des collégiens de 5ème au Liban“. Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2015CNAM0967/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn Lebanon, the dropout rate is high between the primary and supplementary school (theequivalent of college in France). Our goal is to identify certain psychological and socialfactors involved in the risk of dropping out. We chose Albert Bandura's social cognitivetheory (2003) – which studied the dynamic interactions between contextual factors andindividual factors - as a framework for systematic analysis of the factors involved in the riskof dropping out.The study was conducted among 504 adolescent students (equivalent to a fifth term class inFrench college) in Lebanese public school in a poor neighborhood. Multivariate analyzesperformed on the data of our research showed that school anxiety, school learningexperiences, feelings of self-efficacy related to classroom learning, the expectations of theschool, the future intentions school and work, social support provided by family and teachers,are associated to the risk of dropping out of college in Lebanon.Our qualitative survey by individual interviews - conducted over 26 students (eight of whomhad two-school dropouts) - corroborated the quantitative data and provided additionalinformation. In addition, other factors involved in the dropout were identified and, inparticular, social representations of girls and boys on education and working life,representations that have significant involvement in their construction identity. Wehighlighted the fact that contextual factors have a little more stress than individual factors.Thus, the results for gender differences show that girls and boys seem to have the same causesthat explain the risk of dropping out
Lagana, Fabrice. „La chance dans l’œuvre de Georges Bataille“. Thesis, Paris 4, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA040065.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe notion of chance is similar to fortuity, but it is a critical concept, taking into accountthe death of God, thought by Nietzsche. It reverses values and representations. Fleeting,elusive, it refutes all the logic of labour and of action. It is accomplished in the moment. It leadsto a new ontology and a new morality, that of playing. Chance is an opportunity and a risk. Itappears as a demand, that of exceeding the limits of the given, and as a hazard, that of gettinglost in the night of ignorance. It takes shape in the 1930s in a context of war more and morethreatening. It is often expressed in the philosophy of Nietzsche that Bataille uses as a weaponagainst the Hegelian system. It appears as the residue or waste of only rational doctrines andpresents itself as a sensitive experience, rooted in the life of Bataille. It is a movement of excessleading the thinking process to excess. However, in the modern world, the extreme states havingno purpose (such as the atonement and salvation) and direct action having replaced sacrifice,art alone collects them. Bataille therefore transposes his research in an encounteredfragmentary writing that contravenes all standards of literature. He combines the forms and typesto showcase diversity, intensity and anxiety which characterise this experience. He invents atype of writing that never stops challenging itself to highlight the lack of certainty in a world whereall is unstable, threatened with extinction
Attallah, May. „Strategies of Information Acquisition Under Uncertainty“. Thesis, Rennes 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017REN1G023/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe objective of this thesis is to present four essays in behavioral and experimental economics on decision-making under risk and ambiguity. The first essay presents a synthesis and a point of view on the representativeness of experimental results regarding individual preferences: social preferences and risk and time preferences, in developed countries as well as in developing countries. The second essay explores experimentally the effect of risk and ambiguity on job search behavior in an infinite horizon. The results show that in risk and ambiguity, reservation wages are lower than the theoretical values and decrease during the search process. Similarly, subjects behave as ambiguity neutral agents. The third and fourth essay examine the effect of the social context and the correlation of payments on attitudes towards risk and ambiguity respectively in gain, loss and mixed domain. The results show that the introduction of the social context has a significant effect on attitudes towards risk in all three domains. Nevertheless, the correlation of risks has an effect on risk attitudes only in the mixed domain. As for ambiguity, ambiguity attitudes vary across domains. The correlation of payments decreases ambiguity aversion
Jouannaux, Elisabeth. „Internationalisation en pays à haut niveau de risque : trois essais sur l'engagement capitalistique des entreprises“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2022. http://theses.univ-amu.fr.lama.univ-amu.fr/220111_DIDIER_180smupva520q769pnx721nu_TH.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis examines the internationalization process of firms in high-risk countries (HNR). Indeed, the highly globalized and competitive environment of today’s business world requires many companies to consider these very specific markets as crucial to their growth. The main objective of this thesis is to contribute to the literature on the internationalization of firms and to study the extent to which companies are internationalizing in HNR countries by a progressive commitment of their resources. The Uppsala theory has been a reference in the field for more than 40 years, while other theories on the internationalization of firms criticize, amend or refute the merits of this progressive approach as the best option in minimizing the impact of risk. More specifically, this thesis studies the factors that trigger internationalization in HNR countries, the way companies manage risk, control their operations and build their commitment strategy. This study analyses the relationship between the level of risk, the experience and the influence of the age of firms at internationalization as part of their shift from a non-equity entry mode to an equity entry mode. It also observes the interaction between, acquisition of international experience and role of the business model (BM) in this process of internationalization in HNR. This thesis proposes, finally, strategic orientations for managers and opens up several avenues for the development of future researches
Freydier, Chloé. „Attention divisée en simulation de conduite automobile : Influence de l’expérience et Impact de l’alcool“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AIXM3043/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe aim of this thesis is to investigate the effects of driver distraction by a secondary task, alcohol consumption and their interaction on performance depending on driving experience. Objective and subjective measures are recorded. The first experience studies the determinants of risk-taking and the kind of risky driving behaviour recalled by young drivers. Differences depending on driving experience, sex, and initial training show an increment of driving risk-taking for young drivers with 3 years of driving experience and with traditional training. The aim of the second experiment is to study the effects of a divided attention task on performance depending on driving experience, age and initial training. Novice drivers have more difficulties to divide their attention between two tasks than experienced drivers, notably when one of these tasks is complex or located in peripheral vision. The third experiment studies the negative impact of alcohol (low and high doses) on young drivers' performances, novice and experienced, during a divided attention task. The classical detriment effect of alcohol on driving performance is replicated, and this effect is more pronounced for novice drivers who adopt a risky driving behaviour under the influence of alcohol, even with a low dose of alcohol. This research improves our fundamental knowledge on how distraction and alcohol impair drivers' performance, notably when they are novice
Mao, Lei. „Three essays on risk attitudes and social image“. Thesis, Lyon 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LYO22003/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis consists of one essay on the relationship between risk attitudes and migration and two essays investigating the importance of saving face and reciprocity in terms of social image.The first essay is based on a field experiment conducted in China to study whether the migration status is correlated with one's preferences regarding risk, ambiguity, and competitiveness. It shows that migrants and stayers exhibit no difference in their preferences over risk and ambiguity as elicited with standard lottery choices. In contrast, migrants are significantly more likely to enter competitive markets in the context of strategic uncertainty. The second essay studies whether individuals forego resources to avoid the public exposure of the worst performer in their group in a real-effort laboratory experiment. A majority of individuals are willing to pay to preserve both self- and others’ image. This finding is robust to a manipulation of group identity. While the threat of exposure encourages effort, public exposure and a feeling of shame crowd out future intrinsic motivation.The third essay investigates whether individuals reward kindness and punish selfishness in terms of image. It shows that people reward kindness and reciprocate to people who have saved their face or others’ face. However, selfish behavior in terms of image saving is not sanctioned
Garcia, Thomas. „A behavioral approach of decision making under risk and uncertainty“. Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSE2042/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis investigates how individuals make decisions under risk and uncertainty. It is composed of four essays that theoretically and experimentally investigate decision-making.The first two essays study situations where a decision maker has to decide whether an event has occurred using uncertain evidence. Accurately identifying that this event has occurred is more rewarded than accurately identifying that it has not occurred. This decision problem induces a divergence between two qualities of a decision: optimality and accuracy. Both essays reproduce such situations in a laboratory experiment based on perceptual tasks and analyze behavior using Signal Detection Theory to study the optimality-accuracy trade-off. The first essay confirms the existence of the trade-off with a leading role of accuracy. It explains the trade-off by the concern of individuals for being right. The second chapter finds that presenting perceptual evidence last contributes to the existence of the optimality-accuracy trade-off.The third essay studies how other-regarding preferences interact with attitude toward ambiguity. It reports the results of an experiment where subjects have to make donations to charities. Donations may have either ambiguous costs or ambiguous benefits. We find that other-regarding preferences are decreased under ambiguity. In other terms, we highlight that individual use ambiguity has an excuse not to give. This excuse-driven behavior is stronger for ambiguous costs than ambiguous benefits.The fourth essay challenges the external validity of laboratory risk preference measures using behavior in experimental risk tasks and naturally occurring behavior under risk. We find that risk preference measures are related with the former but that they fail to explain the latter
Benmihoub, Ahmed. „Formes sociales d'agriculture irriguée en Méditerranée occidentale, expériences des risques et "visions" du monde : étude de cas dans la plaine de la Mitidja en Algérie et comparaison entre plusieurs territoires irrigués du Nord et du Sud de la Méditerranée occidentale“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA100020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the Mediterranean area, irrigated agriculture is faces growing problems of physical scarcity and water pollution, increased competition from other uses, to fluctuations in agricultural markets and institutional constraints imposed by the economic and environmental crises. This thesis aims to analyze the links between social forms of agricultural farm and their report towards risks related to irrigation and to interpret these latter in the broader context of the reports of farmers to societal and to natural worlds. To this end, we construct a model of analysis, from elements borrowed mainly to theoretical approaches to vulnerability, to understand the complex and dynamic character of vulnerability associated to irrigation. The analysis results in the context of the plain of Mitidja in Algeria or in a comparative perspective between several irrigated areas in the western Mediterranean shows a significant differentiation of social forms of farming, based on unequal access to productive resources and social opportunities. Furthermore, in terms of relations to the risks associated to irrigation, the majority of farms are equipped with coping capacities rather high in the North, while vulnerable configurations dominate the South. These differences generally refer to the North / South division in relations to societal and natural worlds
Aissaoui, Souria. „Elaboration d'un outil pour l'évaluation et l'amélioration de la qualité de la prise de décision lors du Comité d'Onco-Génétique multidisciplinaire dans le cadre de prédisposition héréditaire au cancer colorectal. : une expérience française“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM5020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe most common diseases that predispose for colorectal cancers are Lynch Syndrome and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. The genes of MMR system, the APC gene and the MUTYH gene are respectively responsible. Genetic counselling is imperative for an optimal care making for patients and at-risk families. Multidisciplinary committees (MDC) are organized so as to help healthcare professionals for gene analysis decision and families' follow-up. Our aim is evaluation and improvement of quality decision-making for at-risk families. A disparate distribution of decisions from one familial case to another equivalent one has been suspected and observed. In Lyon region we created a database to analyse that and contribute to harmonize the different participants' work in MDC. Results: the 33 French oncogenetic main consultation centers described the organization of their MDC. Answering rate reached 100%. Among these centers, 76% developed a specific MDC, whereas 24% used standard consultation. About 3.75 different medical specialities are gathered by MDC. Among them, there are oncogeneticists (100%), gastroenterologists (76%), genetic counsellors (84%), surgeons (32%), and biologists (36%). Twenty percent of centers having a specific MDC evaluate all their patient cases, whereas 80% select them. In Lyon region, a computerized tool has been elaborated and will be widely disseminated to every collaborating partners of our MDC. It will enable us to standardize our decision-making and, by comparing decisions through quality criteria, to differentiate and categorize some patients/families groups. A better rationalization of care management, families' follow-up and prevention is targeted
Daudin, Kevin. „Contribution à la prédiction des effets réactions sodium-eau : application aux pertes de confinement dans un bâtiment générateur de vapeur d'un réacteur à neutrons rapides refroidi au sodium“. Thesis, Compiègne, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015COMP2212/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleStudy of sodium-water reaction (SWR) consequences in open air represents a challenge in the frame of safety assessments of sodium fast reactors (SFR). In case of major accident and to predict consequences of SWR, it is necessary to better appreciate phenomena and especially quantity and rate of the energy releasement. The objective is thus to strengthen the understanding of such reactions in order to predict with lore accuracy its consequences on mechanical equipment in the surroundings. This work focuses on three areas : research of accidental sequences, experimental investigation, and phenomenological analysis before the explosive contact. At first, a tree structure risk analysis with calculations of dangerous phenomena permitted to suggest how the contact between reactants may happen. Then, demonstrative experimental studies were performed to deepen some practical aspects of the phenomenology, like the influence of the way the reactants get in contact. Data analysis conducted to the development of a phenomenological model, implemented into a software platform for numerical simulations. Although numerous hypothesis, transient heat transfer consideration enables to reproduce experimental observations, especially the influence of mixing conditions (sodium mass and initial temperatures) on the phenomenology. This study of the premixing step of sodium-water explosion is relevant in the frame of current prediction methods of mechanical loadings on structures
Güneri, Fatma. „Hedonic consumption with suspense and specific curiosity in experiental marketing“. Thesis, Lille 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LIL12026.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBy Caplin and Leahy (1997), suspense is defined as a pleasure felt immediately prior to early resolution of uncertainty, and the assumption is that it is positively correlated with the amount of issues about the outcome of an event. In marketing, suspense is defined as an anticipatory global excitement associated with hope, fear and uncertainty which are felt and evaluated by a consumer according to probability of occurence of a significant and imminent consumption or event (Moulard, Kroff and Folse 2012). In this context, experiential marketing incorporates some emotions to create a hedonic connection with consumers. Emotions have a crucial role in modern and post-modern marketing. This role is not big enough in itself to determine the purchase of a product/service, but it's essential to question and to understand how consumers produce emotions during consumption. Nevertheless, suspense is not only used to build an emotional state. In theory, first of all, a stimulus needs to be aroused by four drivers which are uncertainty, novelty, complexity and conflict. These drivers have been identified as key variables of an object or an event to create an effect of curiosity (Berlyne 1960). In parallel, hope and fear are defined as well as the antecedents of suspense with uncertainty (Madrigal and Bee 2005; Moulard, Kroff and Folse 2012). The strong link between suspense and uncertainty leads this research to discuss about specific curiosity
Bensalem, Said. „Construction du rapport au risque professionnel et santé psychique au travail : une question de genre ? Le cas de conducteurs et conductrices de bus“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse 2, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023TOU20057.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the field of the social and occupational psychology, it is at the crossroads of two research themes - health at work and occupational risk - that our research is situated, with the aim of analysing, the as yet little-documented, issue of inequalities in health at work between men and women.Our thesis looks at a counter-stereotypical occupational integration for women - in this case, female bus drivers - to examine, firstly, whether it is possible to establish differences in psychological health between these female bus drivers and their male counterparts, and secondly, whether these differences can be linked to gendered relationships to occupational risk, which is omnipresent in this profession.This analysis is being conducted from the angle of a psychosocial approach to relationships between spheres of life, based on the model of plural socialisation developed in the LPS-DT Laboratory: the aim is to look beyond the subjects' professional sphere alone (by taking into account experiences of risk in other spheres of life) in order to understand both the construction of health at work and the construction of the relationship to occupational risk and their interrelationships.The clinical approach adopted for this research mobilizes several methodologies: observation of the activity in situation, on board the buses; a task of verbal association around the notions of risk and occupational risk; individual interviews (three per subject). This in-depth approach was applied to a sample of six bus drivers employed by the same transport company.Analysis of the data collected showed that the differences identified between men and women do not so much concern the level of psychological health at work as the processes by which it is constructed.We were also able to establish the existence of differences in the relationship to occupational risk, characterised on the basis of singular articulations between several of its dimensions (representation of risk; coping strategies with risk; risk-taking behaviour): we also identified a 'male consonance' and a 'female dissonance' within these relationships.The study of intersignification processes to account for the construction of such gendered relationships to occupational risk showed that the extension of the field of intersignification also differs between female and male bus drivers; an extended field for women, a field 'limited' to professional experience for most of the men, which can have an impact on attitudes towards occupational risk and mental health at work.However, beyond these gendered differences, it is also the singular positions towards risk, presented by this or that subject within each sub-group - men/women - that the processes of intersignification of risk experiences in different areas of life can shed light on; personalisation opens up perspectives here which – without denying the effect of gendered acculturation – make it possible to go beyond them.The results of this thesis invite us to reconsider the place of occupational risk in the bus driver's job, with the aim to developing preventive practices. As well as being an objective variable linked to the work situation, risk must also be considered in its subjective dimension - the relationship to risk -, constructed at individual level, as we have shown, but also at the level of the work group, where it could be the subject of specific work as part of a prevention approach
Auboyer, Audrey. „Contribution à l'évolution du retour d'expérience en tunnel routier vers un outil de compréhension du comportement humain (usager et exploitant)“. Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2009. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00005923.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGarcia, Thomas. „A behavioral approach of decision making under risk and uncertainty“. Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2019. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/132313/1/Thomas%20Jean-Christophe%20Lucien_Garcia_Thesis.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSkrzypek-, Wasmer Malgorzata. „Ageing, Productivity, and Earnings : Econometric and Behavioural Evidence“. Thesis, Lyon 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LYO20141.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe relationship between the age structure of workforce, earnings and productivity profiles is a key issue for the enterprises facing the phenomenon of ageing. The present thesis addresses these issues in the following order. The first chapter reviews different theoretical concepts and recent empirical findings concerning the profile of earnings and productivity by age. The empirical study presented in the chapter two aims at estimating the actual profile of labour productivity across different age groups. In this purpose, we differentiate the workforce simultaneously by skills (low-skilled, high-skilled) and by age (young, middle-aged, old). Using French firm-level data, we estimate a production function with a nested constant-elasticity-of-substitution (CES) specification in labour, which allows the imperfect substitution between different age and skill categories of workers. Among the main findings, labour productivity by age highly depends on skill category of workers and the sector of activity. The third chapter involves the behavioural analysis of the workforce composed of juniors and seniors. In particular, we study workers’ risk attitudes, self-confidence and propensity to enter the competition. In this purpose, we perform an artefactual field experiment with the employees of a Swiss bank. We find that, although there are no significant differences in attitudes towards risk and ambiguity between both generations, seniors have higher propensity to enter the competition. The information on age of others players clearly has an impact on this decision. Moreover, the profits of both generations are maximised, when a pool of competitors is balanced in terms of age
Surel-Meley, Marie. „Vivre avec un diabète au Burkina Faso : Pratiques de santé confrontées au modèle global d'autonomie du patient“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM3112.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis PhD dissertation proposes to examine local conditions of the insertion of a model of self-management of chronic disease in the context of the emergence of diabetes as a public health problem in Burkina Faso. The reflection is based on an ethnographic corpus that includes stories of illness experience, observation of medical activities and care practices, as well as the singular experience of the anthropologist involved in a therapeutic quest for his host. A socio-anthropological approach of a bwa village (Dédougou area) characterizes the local food social space and identifies the cultural and social dimensions of health and disease. Historical and political insights are invited to think about the relationship between patients and the local health system. The modalities of construction and practical purposes of lay knowledge about diabetes are questioned. Therapeutic itineraries of patients reveal the perception of social risks related to individualized eating behaviors. A logic of "resourcefulness" can "manage" diabetes in a context of uncertainty that increases the prohibitive cost of treatment. The current limits of medicalization of diabetes are analyzed with respect to patients’ quality of life. This contextualisation suggests that the local application of the global project to empower patients produces the emergence of new issues at the heart of care relationship. The thesis opens a reflection on the articulation between local practices, global model, and the paradigm of care, understood in the perspective of improving patients’ lives
Betelli, Laetitia. „Développement et évaluation d'une méthode fondée sur la PCR temps réel pour la caractérisation des bioaérosols : application au groupe des actinomycètes“. Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00935647.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAutixier, Cateline. „Vivre en libération conditionnelle au Québec : une expérience entre contrôle et accomplissement personnel“. Thèse, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/18680.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEvery year in Québec, about 1 000 detainees are released from prison on parole and go back into society whilst still being compelled to conform to some conditions. For many years, the penal philosophy underlying parole was one of reform and reintegration of the offender. Nowadays, a trend towards more control over the delinquent and risk management as guarantees of public safety seems to be replacing the former rehabilitation ideal. Living on parole bears some challenges. As for every person released from prison, parolees face difficulties regarding, amongst others, employment, housing and personal relationships. The success of their release is also an issue they have to address. This project aims to understand the experience people released on parole in Québec. In order to do so we conducted 14 semi-structured interviews with parolees. We found that despite some stressful and burdensome aspects, parolees indicate they are doing well on parole, mainly because they are not incarcerated anymore and because they feel assisted. They also indicate that they have to adjust and adapt to their new environment. Being highly motivated and willing to grow, they explain learning a lot and being involved in their reintegration into society. Parolees see parole as a beneficial opportunity for them to prepare their future.
Beaudoin, Isabelle. „Environnement dissuasif, risques et stratégies délinquantes“. Thèse, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/8472.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDeterrence theory has been rightfully challenged when changes in punishment probability or severity had no impact on crime rates, recidivism or risks' perception. We suggest that these unconclusive results are, in large part, caused by theoretical and conceptual flaws. First, changes in objective properties of punishment are assumed to be equally perceived across multiple spatial units or police jurisdictions. We have reason to believe that this is rarely the case. Second, the objective risks of being arrested are generally measured with a ratio between the number of arrests and the number of crimes reported. This conceptualization is problematic because numerous researchers found that people have little knowledge of these objective properties. Third, deterrence research have limited interest for adaptative strategies used by offenders to counteract the perceived increase in punishment severity or certainty. We believe that offenders' actively seek and adopt these avoidance tactics. Four propositions are developed to adress thoses limits: 1) to detect the potential local or micro effects of punishment on crime, different police jurisdictions are analysed separatly; 2) to detect the potential effects of punishment on crime, studies should be made only in jurisdictions where enforcement levels are objectively increasing; 3) observed deterrent stimuli should be regarded as vicarious experiences; 4) impunity must be viewed as an actively seeked experience. Two studies were conducted as part of this thesis. Using reports of crashes and statements of offense reports from the Montreal police traffic unit, the first study found that a sharp increase in the level of police activities had significant impact on the number of collisions. Over the same period, data from the second largest city in the province of Québec (the control area), showed no noticeable increase in punishment probility and consequently, no significant impact on collisions. The second study was based on the perception of risks and patterns of road delinquency for a sample of university students with a driver license. Results show distinctive effects of deterrence stimuli for drivers with different delinquency habits. For conformists drivers, the iv deterrent stimuli increase the perception of risk but had no impact on their (already low) levels of road delinquency. For the most motivated traffic offenders however, deterrence stimuli seem to motivate the use and diversity of arrest avoidance techniques that circumvent any increase in their perception of risks. These avoidance tactics do not provide total impunity but efficiently decrease punishment probabilities for those willing to maintain the same offending patterns.
Mami, Sana. „Risque et rendement du capital humain, chômage des immigrants et décision d'investissement en éducation : cas du Canada“. Thèse, 2012. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/5074/1/D2361.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRoy, Emmanuelle. „Intervention dans le processus de réinsertion sociale au Québec : une étude du point de vue des agents de réinsertion sociale en collectivité“. Thèse, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/13687.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis aims to understand the work experience of professionals involved in offender reintegration in a community monitoring context in Quebec. More specifically, this research aims to grasp their role, considering that they must both ensure public safety and promote reintegration. The study also attempts to bring to light their work practices, based on effective risk management logic. Finally, this thesis aims to understand the role of reintegration within their functions. To proceed, the qualitative approach was used to conduct fifteen (15) interviews with probation officers and community workers in charge of offender supervision in Quebec. Two (2) main themes emerged from these interviews. On one hand, Work is described in regards to role duality, legal and clinic responsibilities and intervention focused on risk and reintegration. On the other hand, the Work context refers to partnerships created with other professionals involved in the reintegration, actuarial assessment, as well as instances that may influence their work practices, such as the media, the Parole Board of Quebec and the Correctional Services of Quebec. It appears from our analysis that public safety through effective risk management results in rationalization of their practices as well as monitoring as a part of their role. However, it seems that these two (2) aspects are primarily motivated by a strong desire to help offenders. Our study shows that those implicated in the reintegration process must juggle with multiple goals within their duties. Reintegration is not the only objective pursued, as they must constantly adjust their actions to focus on the main character involved in their work: the offender.
Hirsch, Pierro. „The relationship between markers of risk-taking tendecies and the first year driving records of young drivers“. Thèse, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/17774.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle