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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "États (....-1789)"
Bastien, Pascal, und Guillaume Mazeau. „Faire peuple“. Études françaises 54, Nr. 3 (18.01.2019): 83–106.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNiélidow, Philippe. „La préparation des états généraux de 1789 à Albi“. Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale 101, Nr. 185 (1989): 27–37.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMazeau, Guillaume. „Décélérer, soumettre le temps (États généraux, mai-juin 1789)“. Écrire l'histoire, Nr. 16 (15.09.2016): 83–89.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRouquette, Alain. „Préparation des états généraux et cahiers de doléances dans la sénéchaussée de Nîmes (1788-1789)“. Annales historiques de la Révolution française 299, Nr. 1 (1995): 45–56.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMoreil, Françoise. „L’assemblée des communautés de la principauté d’Orange (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles)“. Annales du Midi : revue archéologique, historique et philologique de la France méridionale 130, Nr. 302 (2018): 195–209.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCUBELLS, MONIQUE. „Les États de Provence en 1788 et 1789: représentants et représentés dans une province française à la veille de la Révolution“. Parliaments, Estates and Representation 16, Nr. 1 (Januar 1996): 151–62.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleZink, Anne. „Une niche juridique. L'installation des Juifs à Saint-Esprit-lès-Bayonne au xvne siècle“. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 49, Nr. 3 (Juni 1994): 639–69.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFischer, Daniel. „Éclairer l’Assemblée nationale sur les particularités alsaciennes par l’écrit :“. Revue d’Alsace 149 (2023): 103–25.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLepetit, Bernard. „L'échelle de la France“. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 45, Nr. 2 (April 1990): 433–43.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBoroumand, Ladan. „La nation contre le peuple. Le débat sur la vérification commune des mandats aux États généraux de 1789“. Revue française de science politique 40, Nr. 3 (1990): 309–38.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "États (....-1789)"
Augé, Bertrand. „Les états de Basse-Navarre de 1665 à 1789“. Thesis, Pau, 2015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe history of the administrative construction of France in the XVII and XVIII centuries is the history of the establishment of the political machinery of state and, in those provinces most recently integrated, the upholding of an assembly of representatives of 3 orders who managed a part of the countries affairs, specifically that of tax collection. Separated from its Spanish states in 1512, the Basse-Navarre also conserved, at the moment of its union with the kingdom of France in 1620, its state assembly and above all its title of realm. Our initial work consisted of retranscribing the record of yearly deliberations of the navarraise assembly, from the beginning of the personal reign of Louis XIV until the Revolution. Following this, the quantitative and qualitative study of the texts shed light on the particular dialogue between Versailles and the outer lying province. In the face of the Bourbons, the navarrais representatives defended their customs, their distinctiveness and also their dominance over the affairs of the province
Corbière, Françoise. „La politique fiscale des États du Languedoc : 1750-1789“. Toulouse 1, 1999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSlonina, Jérôme. „La politique routière des États de Languedoc de 1753 à 1789“. Toulouse 1, 1999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThierry, Patrick. „Tocqueville, Jefferson, Burke : les révolutions américaine et française“. Paris 10, 1999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleToudic, Hugo. „Inventer la république. L'héritage de Montesquieu dans la controverse constitutionnelle entre Antifédéralistes et Fédéralistes (1787-1789)“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCould it be that the influence of Montesquieu on the Founding Fathers' ideas has been largely overlooked? That is what this dissertation aims at both proving and correcting. A mere historiographic study of influential philosophical thought in the late eighteenth century shows that the predominant importance of Montesquieu's philosophy is not met with extensive and careful academic works capable of finding and then analyzing the way in which the Founding Fathers borrowed from his philosophy. Yet, such an analysis would permit us to understand why Montesquieu was considered an authority and even, according to the very words of the Founding Fathers, an oracle of the science of politics. Furthermore, this research would finally allow to lend cachet within the European academic world to a masterpiece of political philosophy, the Federalist papers, whom no less than Tocqueville once praised and which remains the very secular bible of the American Republic
Marcadé, Cédric. „La presse francophile anglophone au miroir de la France en révolution : les exemples des journaux d'opposition anglais, irlandais et américains et leurs représentations de la République française de l'été 1791 à l'été 1798“. Rouen, 2011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe study is on the American Francophile press and its representations about the republican France from 1791's summer to 1798's summer. Newspapers are those of the English, Irish and American opposition. This thesis tries to show the collective imagination of Francophile populations in that press towards the French Republic. It tries too to prove the existence of common representations. The fact that during the 1790's decade newspapers had in the Anglophone world a community of mind permits to catch sight a Francophile network in the sphere of the opposition press
Moreau, Bernard. „L'élection des députés de la sénéchaussée de Nîmes aux États-Généraux de 1789“. Paris 12, 1994.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn 1788 summer, the call for the states-general rose a strong excitement in nimes district. Political pamplhiels seem to have benn lesser than elsewhere, if the resolutions voted by the parishes have benn quite numerous. The poor clergy claims to may in, the nobility were open minded and the economic forces mainly preoccupied with their own interests. In diocesan assemblies a committee was selected in order to prepare the vote and the cioolection of complaints. In the district assembly a strong opposition was evident between the clergy, which elected conservatives deputies, and the two other orders which elected liberals, often protestants. The vote keeps its part of mistery. Nevertheles, on the occasion of the elction, the first manifestations of modern public opinion can have benn observed, as well as the first use of "nation" concept. At last, due to the selected geographical limits of the constituency, it is easier to understand the creation of the gard department, as well as some aspects of its modern political life
Lounissi, Carine. „La notion de philosophie politique dans l'oeuvre de Thomas Paine et son rapport à la pensée européenne et américaine dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle“. Paris 3, 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIt is during the age of Revolutions that the career of Thomas Paine (1737-1809) as a political writer unfurled. His first significant writing, Common Sense, published in January 1776, put forward a programme which was revolutionary in two ways : he established representative democracy as the only legitimate political regime, and thus, he altered the meaning of the concepts of revolution, constitution and republic, relying on an interpretation of the social contract theory which excluded all monarchical or aristocratic, in a word, hereditary elements from the political sphere. Studying his thought in relation to the theories of his time enables one to get the full measure of its originality. A pioneer, therefore, at the same time liberal and republican, he defended the equality of political rights, especially universal suffrage. His conception of revolution was that of a moderate who did not yield to anarchism or to communism. However, he was more successful in the theorization of revolution than in the historiography of the Revolutions, as Rights of Man notably proves. A foe of royalty, he nonetheless remained faithful to his humanism which led him to ask for the banishment of Louis XVI and his family in America. He was part of the circle of the Girondin thinkers and he was a victim of the Terror, though he escaped the guillotine. In 1802, he went back to the United States, disappointed by his European revolutionary experience, with France groaning under new chains and Great Britain having refused to follow the example of the men of 1789, but his hostility to Edmund Burke's views never ceased, so convinced he remained that the enjoyment of liberty for all was a perpetual political horizon
Covo, Manuel. „Commerce, empire et révolutions dans le monde atlantique : la colonie de Saint-Domingue, entre métropole et Etats-Unis (ca. 1778-ca. 1804)“. Paris, EHESS, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis dissertation addresses the question of the links between the commercial revolution and the political revolution at the end of the eighteenth century. In particular, it analyses the connected issue of the colonial exclusif and of liberty of trade; as a problem of political economy, as a sum of legal norms and as commercial practices. This enables to shed light on the variety of political associations that emerged in the Age of Revolutions. The case study is the political and economic relationships between the wealthiest colony in the world, Saint-Domingue, the metropole and the United States, From the 1778 French-American alliance to the birth of Haiti i 1804. This dissertation aims at questioning the so-called rise of the nation-state. It disputes the idea that the French Revolution exclusively created a unitary and centralized nation-state, founded on national sovereignty and defined as the political expression of the community of citizens. It also places the United States in its postcolonial history and reminds that independence was not the only possible end to the revolution in Saint-Domingue. This illuminates the multiplicity of imperial experimentations that took place in the Atlantic World at different scales, both within and beyond national borders and in the framework of a globalized economy. Thus, it becomes possible to follow the sinuous paths and crossings of intertwined revolutions
Soleymani, Dagmar. „Les échanges commerciaux entre la France et les États allemands : 1834-1869“. Paris 4, 1991.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe trade between France and Germany in the mid-19th century expresses the passage from traditional to industrial society. The generalization of machinery and the transport revolution determined the evolution of the foreign exchange characterized by the bigger sale of traditional goods and by the conquest of new markets with new products. This diversity and the growing mobility of goods and persons contributed towards the progress of trade unknown till then
Bücher zum Thema "États (....-1789)"
1883-, Régné Jean, Assier de Valenches, Pierre-Marie d' und Association Vendée militaire, Hrsg. Le Vivarais aux États généraux de 1789. Ingrandes sur Loire: Association Vendée militaire, 2014.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenPierre-Paul] [Le Mercier de La Rivière. Canevas d'un code constitutionnel: Oeuvres politiques, 1787-1789. Genève: Slatkine Érudition, 2011.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenArnaud, G. Mémoire sur les États de Foix (1608-1789). Nîmes: C. Lacour, 1998.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenArbaumont, Jules d', 1831-1916, author und Association Mémoire des Bourbons, Hrsg. La noblesse aux états de Bourgogne de 1350 à 1789. Ingrandes-sur-Loire: Association Mémoire des Bourbons, 2018.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenCentre national du livre (France), Hrsg. La première contre-révolution: 1789-1791. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2010.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenGasquet, André de. Étienne Cathalan, 1757-1819: Vice-consul des États-Unis à Marseille de 1789 à 1819. Marseille: Comité du vieux Marseille, 1998.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenGasquet, André de. Étienne Cathalan, 1757-1819: Vice-consul des États-Unis à Marseille de 1789 à 1819. Marseille: Comité du vieux Marseille, 1998.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenautres, Simon Hélène, Hrsg. Les cahiers de doléances des pays de l'Oise en 1789: Baillage principal de Senlis et baillages secondaires. Beauvais: Archives départementales de l'Oise, 1999.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenArnould, Jean. Les cahiers de doléances dans le bailliage secondaire de Saint-Calais pour les États-Généraux de 1789. Vendôme: J. Arnould, 1998.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenB, Boyle Diane, Hrsg. Senators of the United States: A historical bibliography : a compilation of works by and about members of the United States Senate, 1789-1995. Washington, DC: U.S. G.P.O., 1995.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBuchteile zum Thema "États (....-1789)"
Astoul, Guy. „Le ralliement du clergé au Tiers État en juin 1789 et ses conséquences“. In Seignelay Colbert de Castlehill (1735-1811), 147–60. Toulouse: Presses de l’Université Toulouse Capitole, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBoisson, Didier. „Les débats entre État, Église catholique et Églises réformées autour de l'édit de tolérance de 1787“. In Religious minorities, integration and the State, 179–205. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDonnadieu, Jean-Pierre. „Cours souveraines et états de Languedoc (1787-1789)“. In Les Parlements de province, 555–75. Presses universitaires du Midi, 1996.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMézin, Anne. „Un Rouennais aux états généraux de 1789 : Pierre Nicolas de Fontenay“. In La communication littéraire et ses outils : écrits publics, écrits privés, 107–21. Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKermoal, Christian. „Chapitre V. L’émergence de la « grande politique » : les charges pour les États de Bretagne (1788-1789)“. In Les notables du Trégor, 169–215. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLemarchand, Laurent. „Noblesse normande ou noblesse française ? La noblesse de Rouen face à la crise des états généraux (1788-1789)“. In Les noblesses normandes, 317–31. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Traité d’union des États Belgiques (1790) / Tractaat van vereniging van de Verenig de Nederlandse Staten (1790)“. In Constitutional Documents of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands 1789–1848, herausgegeben von Horst Dippel, Fred Stevens, Philippe Poirier und Peter A. J. van den Berg. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter – K. G. Saur, 2008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRuimi, Jennifer. „La Mère rivale dans tous ses états“. In Charles Collé (1709-1783), 119–32. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDe Santis, Vincenzo. „Une communauté de lecteurs à l’aube de la révolution : Dom Bougre aux États Généraux (1789)“. In Il lettore per amico, 93–106. Ledizioni, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePoussou, Jean-Pierre. „8. La Révolution française commence le 17 juin 1789 : les états généraux deviennent « Assemblée nationale »“. In Les grandes décisions de l’histoire de France, 159–77. Perrin, 2018.
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