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Dissertationen zum Thema „Energetic budget“

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Bella, Adrien. „Étude de l’impact des interactions entre ondes de marée interne et circulation basse fréquence sur le budget énergétique de la marée interne à l’aide d’une simulation numérique à haute résolution sur l’Atlantique Nord“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Rennes (2023-....), 2024.

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Dans cette thèse, le cycle de vie de la marée interne et sa perte de cohérence par ses interactions avec les courants sont étudiés dans l’Atlantique Nord à l’aide d’une simulation d’un océan réaliste à haute résolution. Une décomposition en mode verticaux est utilisée pour obtenir le budget d’énergie des différentes échelles de la marée interne. La dispersion topographique est dominante à l’échelle du bassin et aux niveaux des reliefs, tandis que les interactions entre la marée interne et la circulation basse fréquence signent au niveau du Gulf Stream, de son prolongement Nord Atlantique et dans le Nord du Bassin. Enfin, une décomposition en partie cohérente/incohérente est utilisée. Les causes de la perte de cohérence de la marée sur des échelles de un à trois mois sont l’advection de la marée interne par l’écoulement lentement variable et le cisaillement horizontal de ce dernier. Cette perte de cohérence se fait majoritairement sans changement d’échelle pour la marée
The life cycle of the internal tide and its loss of coherence due to its interactions with currents are studied over the North Atlantic basin using a high-resolution simulation of a realistic ocean. A vertical mode decomposition is used to obtain the energy budget of the different scales of the internal tide. Topographic scattering is dominant at the basin scale and around topographic features, while interactions between the internal tide and the low-frequency circulation are significant in the Gulf Stream, its North Atlantic extension and in the northern part of the basin. Finally, a coherent/incoherent decomposition is used. The causes of the internal tide loss of coherence on scales of one to three months are the advection of the internal tide by the slowly varying current and the horizontal shear of the latter. Most of this loss of coherence occurs without any change of scale for the internal tide
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Maršík, Miroslav. „Energetická náročnost membránových procesů“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2013.

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The thesis deals with energy demands of wastewater treatment plants. The content is focused on inclusion of membrane modules to the wastewater treatment process. Two possible options of wastewater treatment are compared; first, convetional mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plants with activation and installable tank; on the other hand, plants with activation with membrane module. In the practical part, three possible options of intensification are suggested. In the first part, new mechanisms for the plant are projected, in the second part, the energy demands of this tecnological equipment are treated, and in the last point, the item bugget is processed. The comparison of investment and operating costs is made in the conclusion of the thesis.
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Drkošová, Dominika. „Porovnání vybraných cenových podílů u energeticky úsporných domů“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Ústav soudního inženýrství, 2018.

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Frank, Jaromír. „Analýza zhodnocení stavebního objektu při snížení jeho energetické náročnosti“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2013.

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The subject of this thesis is the analysis of the evaluation of a construction unit by reducing its energy intensity. The first part of the thesis is dealing with the theoretical explanation of the basic concepts that are necessary for understanding of the dealt problem. The next part is dealing with the methodics of calculation of a building energy efficiency, determination of market prices of the property by general methodology, solution of the budgets of the reconstruction possibilities and determination of payback time of the investment into the reconstructions. The result of the thesis is the summary of all the outputs into the detailed table with comments.
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Mikloš, Adrián. „Optimalizace energetické náročnosti obchodního centra“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2018.

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The diploma thesis on „Optimizing of shopping center energy demands“ deals with the reduce of the energy demand of the shopping center. The theoretical part describes the possibilities of reducing the energy intensity in terms of renewable resources, the potential of renewable resources. In practical part the energy audit of the existing building is designed, then the possibilities of reducing the energy intensity of the building, the budget and expressed return on investment by means of the net present value, the internal rate of return and simple payback period.
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Král, Jakub. „Energeticky efektivní řadový rodinný dům“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015.

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The aim of my diploma thesis is a design of a new energy efficient terraced house in the gap site. Building has two dwelling unit of category 4+kitchenette and 6+ kitchenette. Building has a cellar, two floors and an attic. The cellar structures and horizontal structures are made of reinforced concrete. Sand-lime bricks are used for masonry. The building is covered with gabled roof with timber roof truss. In this building there are used rainwater and renewable energy in a form of electrical energy made by photovoltaic panels.
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Collins, Philip. „The movement ecology of a breeding seabird : an investigation using accelerometry“. Thesis, University of Roehampton, 2018.

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Animal movement is a ubiquitous process and can have consequences ranging from an individual’s energy expenditure to ecosystem dynamics. This study uses biologgers, primarily accelerometers, to record and examine the at-sea behaviours of black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) during their breeding period. Accelerometers record the acceleration of an instrumented animal to give an indication of their behaviour and movements, yet their output can be particularly difficult to interpret. As such, this thesis begins with a method developed for the assignation of coarse-scale behaviours to accelerometry data. The method is a simple yet objective approach intended to be widely applicable. Using this method, we construct time-activity budgets for incubating and chick-rearing kittiwakes and apply activity-specific estimates of energy expenditure to these behaviours. We identify how kittiwakes allocate their time and what the energetic consequences of variation in time-allocation are. We present empirical evidence for chick-rearing kittiwakes expending more energy than incubating birds and identify that kittiwakes exhibit behavioural compensation whereby they limit energy expenditure across both foraging trips and days. We also examine the flight behaviour of kittiwakes in relation to extrinsic conditions. We find that wind conditions do not seem to influence broader scale patterns in movements during foraging trips, however kittiwakes do display behavioural plasticity in response to wind conditions by optimising their flight speeds towards maximum range speeds. We also identify that to optimise flight speeds, kittiwakes change the strength at which they flap their wings, rather than the frequency. Finally we present a serendipitous observation of predation of kittiwake chicks by a peregrine falcon. Although not directly related to movement ecology, this study documents novel predatory behaviour and highlights the importance of biological forces other than movement. Overall, the work presented in this thesis demonstrates that by examining the movement of individuals, it is possible to gain insights into various important aspects of their biology.
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Pagliarani, Ridolfi Mattia. „Progetto di un nodo sensore LoRaWAN su piattaforma STM32“. Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.

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L'elaborato descrive l'implementazione di un nodo sensore LoRaWAN su piattaforma STM32, in particolare sulla scheda di sviluppo Discovery Board B-L072Z-LRWAN1 di STMicroelectronics. Vengono discusse le varie caratteristiche del protocollo LoRa e più in generale di LoRaWAN. Una volta implementato un nodo funzionante si valutano i consumi energetici attraverso misure dei parametri di alimentazione e si valuta com'è possibile diminuirli. Da queste misure sono poi dedotte le varie possibilità di utilizzo che questo tipo di dispositivo può coprire e si valutano possibili alimentazioni alternative come ad esempio tramite energy harvesting.
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Šedý, Martin. „Tepelné čerpadlo v trivalentním systému vytápění“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2008.

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Thesis deals with the usage of energy from recoverable resources. Theoretical part of thesis includes the description of the utilisation of heating pumps, solar radiation and biomass. The real status of the implementation is described in the second part of the thesis. Last part of the thesis contains the energy and economy valuation of real implementation.
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Kaller, Ondřej. „Analýza přenosu a měření signálu digitální televize DVB-S/S2“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2010.

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This master’s theses consists of theoretical introduction which includes basic search of referenced literature about digital television systems and picture quality classification. The results of signal character measurement of selected TV channels from satellites ASTRA 1E (DVB-S) and ASTRA 1L (DVB-S2) are provided. The energy budget calculation of downlink and results of 24-hour TS error rate measurement is included as well. The video quality by DVQL metric for each particular program of CS link stream was measured during full 24 hours.
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Prak, Michal. „Cena stavebního díla z hlediska budoucího uživatele“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015.

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Thesis "Price of construction according to future user point of view" is focused on the user's possibilities of the influence of the building value associated with the leife cycle. In the thesis explains what is facility management and what is it regarded to and life cycle of the building. On the example of building a house techniques are utilized facility management. Designed there are four deigned variants for which are calculated itemized budgets, the energy consumption of the building and other cost of life cycle of the building. At the end of thw work there are these variants compared and the result implies which one is the most suitable for a future user.
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Rumánek, Jaroslav. „NOVÉ METODY KANÁLOVÉHO KÓDOVÁNÍ PRO DRUŽICOVOU KOMUNIKACI“. Doctoral thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2010.

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This dissertation thesis deals with new progressive channel coding methods for data transmission using satellite transponder. The design of the system for SMS transmission, in which novel turbo coding methods are applied, is discussed too. An achievement of the lowest output power and the smallest user aperture is the principal aim of the new method applications. Design of system that would be able to the error free SMS transmission by very low signal to noise ratio is analyzed in this dissertation thesis. The work is focused on energy budget, modification and implementation of new turbo code types and using unique properties, development of new bit error rate estimation methods and methods for determination of final SMS form. The main contribution is the new type of turbo code development that have optimal properties for this usage, development of new bit error rate estimation method and development of method that is able to determine final form of SMS on the basis SMS frame structure and turbo decoding theory when the bit error rate is not zero.
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Halama, Miroslav. „Uhlíková stopa ve stavebnictví a její teoretická hodnota“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2018.

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Presented theses dealing with the complex influence of human activity on the environment. Particularly provides the calculation of carbon footprint volume consumed during manufacturing of raw materials used for a normal and a low-energy house. The calculation of the energy performance certificate for both variants is also included. To evaluate of economical demanding investment to both mentioned houses including carbon dioxide disposal, the theoretical calculation of the price of carbon footprint equivalent has to be determined. The aim of this study is an investigation of carbon footprint in construction industry focusing on the production of carbon dioxide during the realization of a normal and low-energy house.
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Přikryl, Petr. „Model atmosférického prostředí pro optické bezkabelové spoje“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2013.

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The aim of this thesis is to study the methods of a free space optical link design and its application in the communication technologies. The thesis describes possible intrusive influences on the transmitted optical signal, which are the signal noise, atmospheric attenuation and atmospheric turbulences. The thesis is particulary focused on the influence of the atmospheric turbulences and atmospheric attenuation on the optical beam.
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Blažková, Eva. „Stavebně technologický projekt Trutnovského divadla“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2012.

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Zaťko, Ondřej. „Příprava realizace kaskádových domů, Olomouc - Hejčín“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2015.

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The content of this thesis is the construction of new technological project of apartment buildings A and B in Olomouc. Residential buildings A and B are identical, but are differently oriented to the cardinal points. Buildings are designed terraces. Buildings have a 4th floor 1PP. The supporting structure is made of monolithic reinforced concrete columns and ceilings. Infill walls are composed of ceramic blocks. In the 1st floor are located garage, the other floors are designed as residential.
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Kavulich, Michael J. Jr. „Local Dynamics of Synoptic Waves in the Martian Atmosphere“. Thesis, 2011.

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The sources and sinks of energy for transient waves in the Martian atmosphere are investigated, applying diagnostic techniques developed for the analysis of terrestrial baroclinic waves to output from a Mars General Circulation Model. These diagnostic techniques include the vertically averaged eddy kinetic energy and regression analysis. The results suggest that the primary source of the kinetic energy of the waves is baroclinic energy conversion in localized regions. It is also shown that there exist preferred regions of baroclinic energy conversion. In addition, it is shown that downstream baroclinic development plays an important role in the evolution of the waves and in the baroclinic energy conversion process. This is the first time that evidence for downstream baroclinic development has been found for an atmosphere other than the terrestrial one.
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