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Galluccio, Mauro. „Cognition and emotion in international negotiation: a multidisciplinary perspective“. Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210760.

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Chong, Florenca. „Effects of mood induction on reasoning“. Thesis, University of Macau, 2012. http://umaclib3.umac.mo/record=b2588829.

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Gu, Junhua. „Emotional design of smart pantry for mid-age women“. Thesis, Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006, 2006. http://etd.gatech.edu/theses/available/etd-07052006-120502/.

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Fitzgerald, Marilyn. „Are attention bias and interpretation bias reflections of a single common mechanism or multiple independent mechanisms?“ University of Western Australia. School of Psychology, 2008. http://theses.library.uwa.edu.au/adt-WU2009.0052.

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There is abundant evidence of anxiety-linked threat-biased attention and anxiety-linked threat-biased interpretation (cf. Mathews & MacLeod, 1994, 2005). The present research aimed to determine whether these cognitive biases reflect a single common underlying mechanism (the Common Mechanism Account) or multiple independent underlying mechanisms (the Independent Mechanisms Account). To address this question, a battery of eight experimental tasks was developed; four tasks measured attention bias and four measured interpretation bias. Participants with different levels of trait anxiety, completed pairs of these tasks. The pattern of associations amongst all eight tasks was compared with the pattern of associations between the four tasks that measured attention bias and the pattern of associations between the four tasks that measured interpretation bias. Both Accounts predicted strong associations between the four tasks that measured attention bias, and between the four tasks that measured interpretation bias. However, the Common Mechanism Account predicted generally strong associations between all of the eight tasks, that were equivalent in strength to the associations between tasks measuring attention bias and to the associations between tasks measuring interpretation bias. In contrast, the Independent Mechanisms Account predicted weaker associations between all of the eight tasks than the associations either between the tasks measuring attention bias or between the tasks measuring interpretation bias. The obtained pattern of associations between internally reliable measures of anxiety-linked attention bias and anxiety-linked interpretation bias failed to support the Common Mechanism Account, but rather was consistent with the predictions of the Independent Mechanisms Account. Theoretical and applied implications of the results are discussed.
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Kim, Gap. „A Cognitive Approach to Packaging: Imagery and Emotion as Critical Factors to Buying Decision at Point-of-Purchase“. Thesis, North Texas State University, 1986. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc935733/.

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A packaging model is presented in this study which attempts to show some important aspects of a consumer's cognitive process in relation to packaging. This packaging model is based on the theories of imagery, emotion, and perception (and sensation). Perception of a packaged good occurs because the motivation system of a consumer selects particular information that the packaged good provides. Unlike the situation which occurs in behaviorism, stimulus is as important as response, and motivation explains why people don't perceive all the information available in the environment. When perception occurs, two subsequent responses are possible in the mind of a consumer: the connotative response and the denotative response. A connotative response is an evaluation of the perceived, i.e. emotion. Denotative response is imagery which is produced by conditioned sensory response. Imagery may elicit emotional response. Thus, imagery may reinforce consumer behavior positively or negatively. Emotion with regard to a packaged good is, then, the combination of emotions elicited by the perceived and the imagery evoked. This packaging model tries to explain purchasing behavior through the concepts of imagery and emotion.
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Clarke, Patrick. „Assessing the role of attentional engagement and attentional disengagement in anxiety-linked attentional bias“. University of Western Australia. School of Psychology, 2009. http://theses.library.uwa.edu.au/adt-WU2010.0024.

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[Truncated abstract] It has consistently been found that individuals who are more highly vulnerable to anxious mood selectively attend to emotionally negative stimuli as compared to those lower in anxiety vulnerability, suggesting that such anxiety-prone individuals possess an attentional bias favouring negative information. Two of the most consistent tasks used to reveal this bias have been the attentional probe and emotional Stroop tasks. It has been noted, however, that these tasks have not been capable of differentiating the relative role of attentional engagement with, and attentional disengagement from emotionally valenced stimuli, suggesting that either of these attentional processes could account for the attentional bias observed in individuals with high levels of anxiety vulnerability on the attentional probe and emotional Stroop tasks. A number of resent studies have claimed support for the operation of biased attentional disengagement in anxiety using a modified attentional cueing paradigm, concluding that individuals more vulnerable to anxious mood have a selective difficulty disengaging attention from emotionally negative stimuli. The current thesis highlights the possibility, however, that the structure of the modified cueing paradigm could allow individual differences in initial attentional engagement with differentially valenced stimuli to be interpreted as a selective disengagement bias. ... The modified emotional Stroop task employed in the current research measured participant's ability to engage with the emotional content of differentially valenced stimuli having initially processed non-emotional information (stimulus colour), and measured their relative ability to disengage attention from such emotional content to process non-emotional stimulus information. Results using this modified Stroop task suggested that those with high vulnerability to anxious mood were disproportionately fast to engage with the content of negative as compared to non-negative stimuli whereas those with low vulnerability to anxious mood did not display this pattern. The results provided no support for presence of an anxiety-linked bias in attentional disengagement from the content of differentially valenced stimuli. Results derived from the modified emotional Stroop task therefore provided support for the presence of an anxiety-linked bias in attentional engagement with the content of emotionally negative stimuli, but no support for a bias in attentional disengagement from the content of such material. The final study in the present series of experiments was designed to address the novel possibility that a bias in attentional disengagement could result in ongoing semantic activation of negatively valenced stimuli which would not necessarily be indexed by previous tasks assessing biased attentional disengagement. The results of this final study, however, provided no evidence to suggest the presence of anxiety-linked differences in ongoing semantic activation of differentially valenced stimuli. The present series of studies therefore provide support for the presence of an anxiety-linked bias in attentional engagement with the content of emotionally negative stimuli, while providing no support for the presence of an anxiety-linked bias in attentional disengagement from negative stimuli.
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Jeffrey, Sian. „Attentional and interpretive bias manipulation : transfer of training effects between sub-types of cognitive bias“. University of Western Australia. School of Psychology, 2008. http://theses.library.uwa.edu.au/adt-WU2008.0234.

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[Truncated abstract] It is well established that anxiety vulnerability is characterised by two biased patterns of selective information processing (Mathews & MacLeod, 1986; Mogg & Bradley, 1998). First anxiety is associated with an attentional bias, reflecting the selective allocation of attention to threatening stimuli in the environment (Mathews & MacLeod, 1985; MacLeod, Mathews & Tata, 1986; MacLeod & Cohen, 1993). Second anxiety is associated with an interpretive bias, reflecting a disproportionate tendency to resolve ambiguity in a threatening manner (Mogg et al., 1994). These characteristics are shown by normal individual high in trait anxiety (Mathews, Richards & Eysenck, 1989; Mogg, Bradley & Hallowell, 1994; Mathews & MacLeod, 1994), and by examining clinically anxious patients who repeatedly report elevated trait anxiety levels (MacLeod, Mathews & Tata, 1986; Mogg & Bradley, 1998). '...' Two alternative hypotheses regarding this relationship are proposed. One hypothesis is that attentional and interpretive biases are concurrent expressions of a single underlying biased selectivity mechanism that characterises anxiety vulnerability (the Common Mechanism account). In contrast, a quite different hypothesis is that attentional and interpretive biases are independent cognitive anomalies that represent separate pathways to anxiety vulnerability (the Independent Mechanisms account). The present research program was designed to empirically test the predictions that differentiate the Common Mechanism and Independent Mechanisms accounts. The general methodological approach that was adopted was to employ bias manipulation tasks from the literature that have been developed and validated to directly modify one class of processing bias (i.e. attentional bias or interpretive bias). The effect of these direct bias manipulation tasks on a measure of the same class of processing bias or the other class of processing bias was then examined. The Common Mechanism and Independent Mechanisms accounts of the relationship between attentional and interpretive bias generate differing predictions concerning the impact of directly manipulating one class of processing bias upon a measure of the other class of processing bias. The central difference between the alternate accounts is their predictions regarding cross-bias transfer, that is the transfer of training effects from direct manipulation of one class of processing bias to a measure of the other class of processing bias. Whereas the Common Mechanism account predicts that such cross-bias transfer will occur, the Independent Mechanisms account does not predict such transfer. A series of seven studies is reported in this thesis. There was some difficulty achieving successful bias modification using bias manipulation approaches established in the literature; however when such manipulation was achieved no cross-bias transfer was observed. Therefore the obtained pattern of results was consistent with the Independent Mechanisms (IM) account, and inconsistent with the Common Mechanism (CM) account. A more detailed version of the IM account is developed to more fully accommodate the specific results obtained in this thesis.
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Kercher, Amy Jane. „The development and maintenance of adolescent depression“. Australia : Macquarie University, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1959.14/41417.

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Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology, Centre for Emotional Health, 2009.
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction -- Parenting in adolescent depression: the mediating role of self-worth in a prospective test -- Neuroticism, life events and negative thoughts in the development of depression in adolescent girls -- A cognitive diathesis-stress generation model of early adolescent depression -- General discussion.
This research examined the longitudinal development of depressive symptoms among young adolescents (mean age 12 years). The first model examined depressive symptoms across 6 months in 315 young adolescents and their mothers, considering the mediation of perceived parenting and its influence on adolescent self-worth. Although parent-reported parental depression was not linked with child-reported perceived parenting, the child's perception of his or her mother as rejecting or less caring was associated with a lower sense of self-worth, which in turn predicted depressive symptoms 6 months later, controlling for initial depression. In the second model, tested across 12 months with 896 young adolescent girls, neuroticism served as a distal vulnerability for depression, conferring a risk of experiencing dependent stressors and negative automatic thoughts which fully mediated the effect of neuroticism on later depression. Initial depressive symptoms also followed this meditational pathway, in a possible maintenance and risk pathway for adolescent depression. Unexpectedly, independent stressors were also predicted by initial depressive symptoms, suggesting possible shared method or genuine environmental factors. Finally, it was proposed that young adolescents at risk of depression will not only display cognitive vulnerabilities contributing to increased depressive symptoms following stressors (cognitive diathesis-stress theory), but also be more likely to experience stressors at least partly dependent on their own behaviour (stress-generation theory). This model was supported with a large (N=756) sample of young adolescents across 6 months, controlling for initial depression. Taken together, this thesis extends previous theories about the aetiology of depression, providing evidence from family, personality and cognitive risk factors to better explain the development of depressive symptoms in early adolescence, with significant implications for intervention and treatment.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
viii, 140 leaves ill
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Cannell-Cordier, Amy Lynn. „The Role of Emotional Support Consistency and Child Risk Factors in Predicting Pre-K Cognitive and Social-Emotional Development“. PDXScholar, 2015. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/2366.

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The quality of children's daily experiences in preschool classrooms is predictive of their school readiness and later achievement (Duncan et al., 2007; La Paro & Pianta, 2000). One particularly important aspect of these experiences is the quality of emotional support provided by teachers and peers in the classroom (Hamre & Pianta, 2005; Howes et al., 2008; Mashburn, 2008; National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning, 2012). Traditionally, emotional support quality has been calculated as the average of ratings taken across the school year and is meant to represent children's average daily experience, without regard to any variability which exists within the ratings over time. The bioecological model of development (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 1998; 2006) points out the necessity of considering in what ways learning experiences occur over time when drawing links between children's daily lives and later outcomes. In addition, attachment theory (Bowlby, 1973; Ainsworth, 1979) highlights the foundational nature of caregivers' consistency of emotional responses over time in helping young children develop skills and competencies. This study continues a line of research focused on investigating the stability of high-quality interactions as a possible mechanism through which children's optimal cognitive and social-emotional development occurs in preschool classrooms (Curby, Brock, & Hamre, 2013; Curby et al., 2011; Zinsser, Bailey, Curby, Denham, & Bassett, 2013). The current study examined the role of children's socioeconomic and behavioral risk factors, teachers' mean emotional support, and teachers' emotional support consistency in predicting children's cognitive and social-emotional development in preschool. Children's socioeconomic and behavioral risk factors (socioeconomic status, gender, age, race, ethnicity, English Language Learner status, and self-regulation) negatively predicted both baseline scores and development over the course of the year on the cognitive measures (early math and language and literacy). Low levels of teacher-rated student self-regulation at the beginning of the year significantly negatively predicted baseline scores and development on all academic and social-emotional measures. Contrary to most previous research, teachers' mean emotional support was not found to be a significant contributor to children's development when considered with child risk factors, except in the case of receptive vocabulary. The consistency of teachers' emotional support, however, was predictive of several measures of children's development of academic skills when controlling for child risk factors. A significant interaction between English Language Learner status and emotional support consistency was found in predicting development of expressive vocabulary skills. Multilevel models combining child characteristics, mean emotional support, and emotional support consistency suggest that child risk factors and emotional support consistency predict language and literacy development, above and beyond mean emotional support. Follow-up analyses also suggest that, under conditions of relatively high emotional support, consistency is especially important in predicting children's development of cognitive and social-emotional skills.
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Butt, Arif Nazir. „The role of emotions in dyadic negotiation : an empirical study“. Thesis, McGill University, 2003. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=84485.

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This study examines the effects of performance feedback on negotiator emotions, interpersonal influence, negotiator behavior, and negotiation outcomes. A model based on the role of emotions in dyadic negotiation is proposed that comprises relationships amongst variables before, during, and after negotiation. This model is based on four major elements: namely, cognitive appraisal, emotional specificity, emotional flux, and interpersonal influence, and their influence on negotiator behavior and negotiation outcomes.
A 2 x 4 x 4 (Negotiation Role x Feedback Conditions for the Negotiator x Feedback Conditions for the Counterpart) experimental study was designed to examine the effects of performance feedback during negotiation in a simulation based on an employment contract negotiation. The experiment consisted of two negotiation tasks that were completed sequentially. The emotions of the participants were manipulated after Task 1 by providing them four types of performance feedback in Task 1. These feedbacks were based on two valences (success or failure) and two agency attributes (other locus of responsibility or self locus of responsibility).
Four hundred and fourteen participants from executive and academic programs at a Pakistani university took part in this study. The data were analyzed using general linear models, linear multiple regressions, and Pearson correlational analysis to test: (1) the arousal of negotiator emotions after Task 1 as a result of appraisal of the performance feedback, (2) the influence of negotiator emotions on negotiator behavior during Task 2, (3) the interpersonal influence of counterpart emotions and behavior during Task 2 on negotiator behavior in Task 2, (4) the effect of negotiator behavior in Task 2 on negotiation outcomes, (5) the effect of negotiation outcomes on post-negotiation emotions and the desire for future interaction.
The results supported the hypothesized relationships in the proposed model. The treatment effect was successful in producing the four factors of emotions: namely, anger, guilt-shame, gratitude, and pride-achievement emotions, corresponding to the four types of performance feedback. The negotiator behavior was predicted by these emotions along with counterpart emotions and behavior according to the proposed model. The negotiation outcomes were related to negotiator and counterpart behaviors. Negotiator satisfaction was the main predictor of post-negotiation emotions and the desire for future interaction, although economic negotiation outcomes played some role as well.
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Jaramillo, Richard Raymond. „Differences between African Americans and white Americans on social acuity“. CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2004. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/2945.

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This study, conceptually replicating the study by Funder and Harris (1986), examined the difference between African Americans and white Americans on measures of social acuity. Social acuity, as defined in this context, is the ability and inclination to perceive the psychological state of others and guide one's behavior in accordance with that perception.
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Waters, Hayley A. „Influence of color attributes, context, and individual differences on affective responses to wall colors“. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/29576.

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Bravo, Fernando. „Human emotion processing through the systematic control of musical dissonance in audiovisual paradigms“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.708589.

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Ma, Duan-yang, und 馬端陽. „Music and emotions reconsidered : towards a holistic approach to understanding musical experience“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10722/193468.

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The relationship between music and emotions has been the focus of the study of musical experience. However, previous studies have focused in particular on what psychologists understand as the "basic emotions", which are rigorously defined. This thesis argues that the focus on basic emotions has indeed limited our understanding of what we feel when we listen to music. A narrative review of the recent literature has been carried out to closely examine the existing findings and limitations of previous studies have been revealed. In addition, a positive tendency is observed in listeners' responses to music. Participants' ratings of happiness were overwhelmingly high among different music excerpts. This suggests that listeners tend to feel positive when they listen to music regardless of the specific emotions aroused by music (e.g. happiness and sadness). The high level of happiness observed in the review may actually point to the experience of pleasure. Taking this as a starting point, this study moves on to introduce the psychological notion of pleasure and how it can be applied to the study of musical experience. The experience of pleasure involves an evaluation process and is not necessarily tied up with particular emotions. The relationship between pleasure and musical expectations is also explored. An explorative empirical study has been carried out to investigate listeners' experiences of pleasure and emotions when they listen to music. Participants listened to several music excerpts and they had to report the affective response induced by the excerpts in them. They also gave ratings to the level of pleasure they experienced with the music excerpts. Results show that different excerpts induced different responses in the participants, but the levels of pleasure they experienced towards different excerpts were not significantly different. Taken together, this study suggests that pleasure is commonly experienced when we listen to music and it is a psychological experience independent of emotions. A better understanding of musical pleasure can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of our musical experience.
Master of Philosophy
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Rypma, Bart. „Spatial cognitive processes and aging“. Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/31054.

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Broughan, Christine. „The effects of the olfactory properties of essential oils on selected aspects of cognition“. Thesis, Coventry University, 2001. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.365208.

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葉以霆 und Yee-ting Ip. „The role of positive emotions in hope theory: an experimental study“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2008. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B41714799.

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Fountain, Amy Velita 1963. „Need for cognition, ambiguity tolerance and symbol systems: An initial exploration“. Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/276850.

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This study explored the interaction between three individual variables, need for cognition and tolerance of ambiguity, and the symbol system used in messages. Goodman's (1976) dimension of notationality of systems is proposed as the continuum of interest upon which sources of information vary. It was hypothesized that high tolerance for ambiguity and need for cognition would lead to increased numbers of interpretations of nonnotational messages over notational ones, and over people low in these traits. Methods utilized in the study are overviewed. Results indicate that subjects high in need for cognition do generate more interpretations of messages in general than do others, however no effect was found for ambiguity tolerance or for message type. Reasons for these results are offered, and directions for further research suggested.
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Baldwin, Carol May. „The voice of emotion: Acoustic properties of six emotional expressions“. Diss., The University of Arizona, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/184337.

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Studies in the perceptual identification of emotional states suggested that listeners seemed to depend on a limited set of vocal cues to distinguish among emotions. Linguistics and speech science literatures have indicated that this small set of cues included intensity, fundamental frequency, and temporal properties such as speech rate and duration. Little research has been done, however, to validate these cues in the production of emotional speech, or to determine if specific dimensions of each cue are associated with the production of a particular emotion for a variety of speakers. This study addressed deficiencies in understanding of the acoustical properties of duration and intensity as components of emotional speech by means of speech science instrumentation. Acoustic data were conveyed in a brief sentence spoken by twelve English speaking adult male and female subjects, half with dramatic training, and half without such training. Simulated expressions included: happiness, surprise, sadness, fear, anger, and disgust. The study demonstrated that the acoustic property of mean intensity served as an important cue for a vocal taxonomy. Overall duration was rejected as an element for a general taxonomy due to interactions involving gender and role. Findings suggested a gender-related taxonomy, however, based on differences in the ways in which men and women use the duration cue in their emotional expressions. Results also indicated that speaker training may influence greater use of the duration cue in expressions of emotion, particularly for male actors. Discussion of these results provided linkages to (1) practical management of emotional interactions in clinical and interpersonal environments, (2) implications for differences in the ways in which males and females may be socialized to express emotions, and (3) guidelines for future perceptual studies of emotional sensitivity.
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Sharman, Stephen Philip. „Cognition and decision making in problem gambling and gambling behaviour“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.708760.

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Le, Gal Patricia Margaret. „Cognitive aspects of emotional expression processing“. Thesis, University of Stirling, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/1772.

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This thesis investigates the hypothesis that emotions play an influential role in cognition. Interference between facial emotional expression processing and selected tasks is measured using a variety of experimental methods. Prior to the main experimental chapters, the collection and assessment (Chapter 2, Exp. 1) of stimulus materials is described. Experiments 2-11 then concentrate on the likelihood of interference with other types of information from the face. Findings using a Garner design suggest that, although identity processing may be independent of expression variation, expression processing may be influenced by variation in identity (Exps. 2-4). Continued use of this design with sex (Exps. 6-7) and gaze direction (Exps. 9-10) information appears to support the (mutual) independence of these facial dimensions from expression. This is, however, in contrast to studies that indicate the modification of masculinity judgements by expression (Exp. 5), and the interaction of gaze direction and expression when participants rate how interesting they find a face (Exp. 8). Further to this, a search task (Exp. 11) shows that slower responses to an angry (cf. happy) face looking at us, may be due to the presence of an aversive mouth. Experiments 12-15 test for interference in the field of time perception: complex interactions between expression and encoder and decoder sex are indicated. Finally, Experiments 16-17 find that exposure to a sequence in which the majority of faces are angry depresses probability learning, and that prior exposure to varying quantities of angry and happy faces affects our later memory for them. Overall, there is evidence that exposure to emotional expressions may affect other (selected)c ognitive processesd ependingu pon which expressionsa re used and which experimental methods are chosen. It is suggested that future investigations would benefit from techniques that describe the temporal profile of an emotional response.
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Beier, Margaret E. „Knowledge structures and current events : the assessment of non-academic knowledge“. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/28575.

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Robinson, A. Emanuel. „The role of item complexity, strategies, instructions and aging in relational deductive reasoning“. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/28856.

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Walker, M. S. „Shame in childhood sexual assault may be a mediating factor for cognitive deficits“. Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2008. https://hdl.handle.net/2123/28118.

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Childhood Sexual Assault (CSA) can be considered as any act which exposes a child to, or involves a child in sexual processes beyond his or her understanding or contrary to accepted community standards. Because, by definition, CSA occurs at a critical period during which assumptions about self, others and the world are being formed, and has the potential to dramatically affect key physical and psychological processes.
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Tong, Sung-ki Bianca, und 湯崇琪. „Emotion regulation among individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2011. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B47657376.

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is associated with brain abnormalities in the areas that regulate emotions, and it is postulated that people with OCD have difficulty downregulating ( = reducing) their negative emotions. This study recruited 20 participants with OCD and 20 controls to rate 294 emotional photos (emotional stimuli not related to OCD) for emotional valence. Participants were then asked to downregulate while they saw the 20 photos with the highest negative ratings and 20 photos with the highest positive ratings. Participants with OCD had more difficulty downregulating their negative emotions than controls. Evidence for that is that (1) participants with OCD gave significantly higher ratings to the affectively negative photos in the postregulation phase, after adjusting for their preregulation ratings and (2) participants with OCD took significantly more time to regulate both their negative and positive emotions. The findings suggest that individuals with OCD not only present with the symptoms that are specified in the OCD diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000), but also with difficulty downregulating their negative emotions to non obsessive-compulsive (nonOC) affectively negative stimuli. Clinicians may consider adding emotion regulation skills to psychological treatments of OCD.
Clinical Psychology
Doctor of Psychology
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Wong, Kathy, und 王潔瑩. „Visual salience of children with high-functioning autism and their understanding of emotions“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2011. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B50639055.

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The present research investigated the nature of emotional understanding difficulties commonly observed among children with High-functioning Autism (HFA). The first study examined HFA children’s understanding of the literal meaning of emotion labels (symbolic representation of emotions). Participants were 27 children with HFA, aged 11 to 15, and 24 children with typical development (TD), matched on age and cognitive ability. They were asked to define 12 basic and complex emotions and to provide examples or personal experiences for each emotion. Results showed that the two groups did not differ in their ability to provide lexical definitions for both simple and complex emotions. They also did not differ significantly either in their ability to apply the emotion labels in daily examples or personal experiences. The second study examined the visual attention of the same groups of children and their ability to identify emotions (iconic representation of emotions), using eye-tracking technology. Participants were asked to view pictures and video clips with a target person showing an emotion. There were a total of four conditions: (i) photo showing the face of the person only; (ii) photo showing the target person along with another person ; (iii) silent video clip showing the target person with another person, with a short interaction prior to the showing of the target emotion; and (iv) video clip similar to Condition iii, but with auditory and visual distractions present. We wanted to examine if the children with HFA would identify the target emotions (3 basic emotions and 3 complex emotions) as well as the TD group, and whether their patterns of visual attention would be similar in response to stimuli with different degrees of contextual complexity. Results showed that the visual fixation time of children with HFA was similar to that of the TD group when the stimulus was a still picture showing a face only, and their accuracy in naming the emotions did not differ significantly. However, as the stimulus became more complex, being photographs with a background or video-clips with interactions, the HFA group attended less to the face of the person who displayed the emotions, and they became less accurate in naming both basic and complex emotions than their TD peers. The results also showed a trend of children with HFA attending more to the body of the people than TD children. The two studies provided evidence that HFA children’s difficulty with emotional perception is more a result of attentional idiosyncrasies in the face of complex daily situations than problems at the level of conceptual understanding.
Educational Psychology
Doctor of Psychology
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Cassano, Michael. „A Break from the Norm: Parental Emotion Regulation, Expectancy Violations, and Gender in the Parental Socialization of Sadness Regulation in Childhood“. Fogler Library, University of Maine, 2008. http://www.library.umaine.edu/theses/pdf/CassanoM2008.pdf.

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Williams, Leonard Francis. „The aesthetic basis of cognition : a single case-study investigation of some aspects of Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment“. Thesis, University of Exeter, 1995. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.296271.

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Ward, Jenna. „Managing emotions : an enquiry into some psychological and sociological aspects of affect and emotion at work“. Thesis, University of York, 2009. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/14218/.

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Ryan, Melissa-Sue, und n/a. „Ageing and emotion : categorisation, recognition, and social understanding“. University of Otago. Department of Psychology, 2009. http://adt.otago.ac.nz./public/adt-NZDU20090309.150008.

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The present thesis investigated age differences in emotion recognition skills of 146 older adults (age range 60-92 years) and 146 young adults (age range 18-25 years) in four experiments. Experiment 1 assessed participants� ability to categorise facial expressions of sadness, fear, happiness, and surprise. In Experiments 2 and 3, participants were asked to identify six emotions (happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, disgust) from still and dynamic faces, alone and in combination with vocal expressions. Finally, Experiment 4 compared performance on these standard emotion recognition paradigms to that of more ecologically-valid measures; the Faux Pas and Verbosity and Social Cues Tasks. Across the four studies, there was evidence of an age-related decline in emotion recognition skills. Older adults were overall less sensitive to perceptual differences between faces in Experiment 1 and showed a loss of categorical perception effect for fearful faces. Older adults were less accurate than young adults at recognising expressions of sadness, anger, and fear, across types of expression (voices and faces). There were some differences across modalities, with older adults showing difficulties with fear recognition for faces, but not voices, and difficulty in matching happy voices to happy faces but not for happy voices and faces presented in isolation. Experiment 2 also showed that the majority of older adult participants had some decline in emotion recognition skills. Age differences in performance were also apparent on the more ecologically-valid measures. Older adults were more likely than young adults to rate the protagonist as behaving inappropriately in the Faux Pas Task, even with the control videos, suggesting difficulty in discriminating faux pas. Older adults were also judged to be more verbose and to offer more off-topic information during the Verbosity Task than young adults and were less likely to recognise expressions of boredom in the Social Cues Task. These findings are discussed in terms of three theoretical accounts. A positivity bias (indicating increased recognition and experience of positive emotions and reduction for negative emotions) was not consistent with the older adults� difficulties with matching happy faces to voices and relatively preserved performance with disgusted expressions. Age-related decline in cognitive processes did not account for the specific pattern of age differences observed. The most plausible explanation for the age differences in the present thesis is that age-related neurological changes in the brain areas that process emotions, specifically the temporal and frontal areas, are likely to contribute to the older adults� declines in performance on emotion categorisation, emotion recognition, and social cognition tasks. The implications for everyday social interactions for older adults are also discussed.
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Siwiec, Sebastian, und University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education. „Emotional cycles maintaining trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) across subtypes“. Thesis, Lethbridge, Alta. : University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education, c2013, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10133/3428.

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The emotions associated with initiating, maintaining, and reinforcing hairpulling disorder (trichotillomania) were studied. Studies conducted have only looked at small community or inpatient samples, and little is known about the interplay of hairpulling subtypes and emotions. For this study, 427 participants completed an online questionnaire around their hairpulling subtype, severity, emotions experienced by hairpulling, and comorbid anxiety and depression. Using the Milwaukee Inventory for Subtypes of Trichotillomania-Adult Version (MIST-A; Flessner, Woods, Franklin, Cashin, & Keuthen, 2008), this is the first study to address the regulation of emotions across subtypes. Participants were divided as either high- or low-focused and either high- or low automatic. Significant differences between hairpulling subtypes and hairpulling severity were reported. Subtypes differed in the severity they experienced emotions; individuals with high-focused pulling reported more intense negative emotions, and a greater number of emotions regulated by pulling. Positive emotions⎯happiness, relief, and calm⎯were also found to play a significant role in reinforcing hairpulling. For high-focused subtypes, negative emotions before- and after-pulling were associated with greater severity, indicating that altering negative emotions via pulling plays an important role for high-focused subtypes. High-focused subtypes also reported higher stress, depression and anxiety than either automatic subtypes or the general population, and were found to have anxiety and depression significantly associated with hairpulling severity and experiencing negative emotions that initiated hairpulling. Clinical and treatment implications, study limitations, and areas of future research are discussed
xviii, 227 leaves ; 29 cm
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Andersson, Gerhard. „Clinical Aspects of Tinnitus- Course, Cognition, PET, and the Internet“. Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Surgical Sciences, 2000. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-539.

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The purpose of this thesis was to develop novel ways to study tinnitus, to investigate the course of tinnitus, and to study the effects of cognitive-behaviour therapy on tinnitus related distress. Data from 377 tinnitus patients were collected.

A group of 216 patients completed audiological measures and were assessed in a structured interview. The Klockhoff and Lindblom's grading system was used and its inter-rater reliability assessed in a subsample showing a high degree of correspondence. A discriminant analysis showed that a substantial proportion of patients could be correctly classified into grade II or III, by measures of pitch, minimal masking level of tinnitus, avoidance of situations because of tinnitus, and tolerance in relation to onset.

Using tests developed in cognitive psychology, it was found that tinnitus patients had impaired performance. There was no evidence for an attentional bias towards tinnitus related words using a computerized emotional Stroop task, but masking sounds of an "on-and-off" character were more disruptive than constant masking when patients performed the digit-symbol test. It is suggested that tinnitus distress may be increased by the 'changing-state' character of the tinnitus signal, or alternatively by intermittent masking sounds.

In a case-study a patient received an i.v. injection of lidocaine while Positron Emission Tomograpy was conducted. The brain activity associated with tinnitus included the left primary, secondary and integrative auditory brain areas, as well as right paralimbic areas related to negative feelings. The precuneus (Brodmann area 7) might be a brain area involved in the aversiveness associated with tinnitus.

Using a tinnitus questionnaire as the dependent measure it was found that tinnitus maskability at admission predicted distress at follow-up for an average of five years following admission. Some improvement in tinnitus occurred over time, but this was more evident in patients who had received a cognitive-behavioural treatment program.

The effect of an Internet based cognitive-behavioural self-help treatment program for tinnitus was investigated showing a high dropout rate, but with positive results in that the treated patients improved.

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Tench, Elizabeth. „The nature of social cognition in high-performance adolescent team athletes“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape7/PQDD_0006/NQ38987.pdf.

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Miller, Geraldine. „The relationships between alcoholics' and nonalcoholics' attributions and their emotions of anxiety and depression“. Virtual Press, 1990. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/720281.

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This study is an examination of the relationships between alcoholics' and nonalcoholics' attributions and their emotions of anxiety and depression. The research design is an ex post facto/causal comparative analysis. Subjects were 150 white males. The treatment factor is separated into three levels: no treatment for alcoholism (50 nonalcoholics), two or three day treatment for alcoholism (50 alcoholics in detoxification units), and three to six months of treatment for alcoholism (50 alcoholics in a supportive living situation, halfway house, three-quarterway house). The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) was used to separate nonalcoholics from alcoholics. The variables measured for the three populations are: attributional style (as measured by the Attributional Style Questionnaire-revised for drinking practices) and emotional state (as measured by the Profile of Mood State).One-way MANOVA analysis was used to examine the data because there are three attributional areas measured by the ASQ (internality, stability, and globality) and two emotional areas measured by the POMS (tension-anxiety, depression-dejection). MANOVA analysis resulted in a significant F. The three groups were significantly different at the multivariate level in terms of attributional and emotional states.Discriminate analysis was used to determine if the groups were reliably different. Both synthetic variables analyzed resulted in significant results. The first synthetic variable was labeled "emotional stability," and the second was labeled "specific causal attribution."Univariate analysis showed: (1) no significant difference between groups on the internal/external dimension or the stable/unstable dimension, (2) significant difference at the .01 level on the global/specific dimension when comparing alcoholics in recovery and nonalcoholics, and (3) significant difference at the .01 level on anxiety and depression levels of each of the three group comparisons.Pearson Product Correlations were examined to understand the relationships between attributions and emotional states for alcoholics and nonalcoholics. The stable/unstable and global/specific dimensions are positively correlated with depression and the global/specific dimension is positively correlated with anxiety.All the hypotheses were supported:1. Alcoholics in detoxification make different attributions and have different mood states than alcoholics in recovery.2. Nonalcoholics make different attributions and have different mood states than alcoholics in treatment and in recovery.3. There are correlational relationships between the attributions and emotional states for alcoholics and nonalcoholics.Some alcoholic treatment recommendations were made.
Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
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Estes, Anne Lynnette. „Cognitive dysfunction associated with chronic or recurrent infection with Epstein-Barr virus“. Diss., The University of Arizona, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/184801.

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Twenty-two subjects with chronic/recurrent Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) infection were compared with 22 controls to assess cognitive dysfunction. Subjects were compared on 15 measures of cognitive functioning from the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, Perceptual Speed, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, Finger Tapping Test, Stroop Test, Trail-Making Test, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and Revised Wechsler Memory Scale. They also were compared on measures of depression including the Beck Depression Inventory, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) depression subscale and SCL-90-Revised depression subscale. Group differences were assessed using discriminant analysis. Only some measures were included in this analysis, i.e. percent retention on Visual Reproduction and Logical Memory subtests of the Revised Wechsler Memory Scale, differential between time scores and between error scores on conditions three and two of the Stroop Test and total number of errors and perseverative errors on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. The Beck Depression Inventory was included to statistically remove depression effects from cognitive performances. Remaining measures were administered for exploratory and/or comparative purposes only. Results from discriminant analysis revealed significant group differences on the Beck, but not on any cognitive measure either before or after removal of depression effects. However, direction of group differences on cognitive measures occurred as expected. Also, a post-hoc multivariate analysis of variance revealed significant group differences on MMPI scales 1, 2 and 3 with EBV subjects showing higher elevations. Significant group differences also occurred on MMPI scale 7. Two categories of explanation for results are offered. The first suggests that cognitive deficits were missed due to shortcomings in study design. Remaining hypotheses address the possibility that no cognitive deficits occur with chronic/recurrent EBV infection. Suggestion for why EBV patients complain of cognitive deficits include discussion of hysteroid tendencies and intensification of sensations by a focus on somatic processes. The usefulness of assuming a multifactorial basis for symptoms associated with chronic/recurrent EBV infection, and the importance of abandoning the either/or approach of earlier investigators to hypothesizing about etiology, are discussed.
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Dai, Wai-tong, und 戴偉堂. „Examine the relations of perceived classroom environment to affectivity and emotion regulation of secondary students in Hong Kong“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2010. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B45588983.

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Muth, Felicity. „Investigating the role of cognition in nest construction in birds“. Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/3820.

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Nest building in birds has long been assumed to be a behaviour that is not learned, despite suggestive evidence to the contrary. In this thesis I investigated the role of learning in nest building in birds. I focused primarily on the choice of nest material made by zebra finches, in particular between two or more colours of nesting material. Using this aspect of behaviour, I found that adult nest building birds changed their preference for a particular colour of nesting material depending on their own nesting and breeding experience: males that built a nest using material of their less preferred colour later preferred that colour following a successful breeding attempt in that nest. In contrast to this role for learning in adults, in two other experiments I found no evidence that juvenile birds learned about the nest from which they had fledged or that birds learned about what material to nest with from conspecifics. Using wild Southern masked weavers, I also addressed variability in a particular aspect of nest building: the attachment of the very first blade of grass knotted onto a branch. I found that birds did not construct the same attachment each time they did it, even when building at the same location, but that males generally used more loops in their attachments as they built more nests, and when using longer pieces of grass. Finally, I tested zebra finches on a nest building ‘task', using a paradigm often used to test cognitive abilities among tool-users. Birds were presented with two lengths of nest material, one of which was more appropriate for one of two sizes of nest box entrance. I found that nesting birds could choose the appropriate length of material and that the birds' handling of material and their choice of material changed with experience. Taking these results together, it seems that there is a greater role for learning in nest construction than is generally acknowledged and that nest building might involve the same underlying cognitive processes as tool manufacture and use.
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Koumi-Elia, Maria. „"Telling stories, sharing emotions" : an interpretative phenomenological analysis into the experiences of refugees and second-generation Greek-Cypriots in the UK“. Thesis, Regent's University, 2013. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.646076.

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Having identified a gap in counselling psychology literature, this study aimed to investigate the lived experiences of Greek-Cypriot refugees of 1974 living in the UK as well as second generation Greek-Cypriot individuals who either have one or two refugee parents. The phenomenological lived experiences of the events of 1974 in Cyprus were explored in relation to Greek-Cypriot refugees with particular emphasis on their experiences of psychological support systems and what it meant to be a refugee living in the UK. The second part of the thesis explored the lived experiences of second generation Greek-Cypriots with one or both refugee parents. A consideration of the impact on identity and experience of upbringing in the UK was explored. Eight London based Greek-Cypriots were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. Two study groups were generated consisting of three refugees and five second generation. Data were analysed using Jonathan A. Smith’s (2008) method of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The epistemological standpoint of a social constructivist approach was adopted. The findings from group A captured three superordinate themes: a) the other side of loss; b) memories are made of this and c) the internal self-soother with six subordinate themes generated. The findings from group B captured four superordinate themes: a) the present consequences of a past event; b) absorption vs. transmission; c) an identity grounded in the past and present and d) resilience with eight subordinate themes generated. The subordinate themes for both groups are discussed in relation to their specific superordinate theme. The phenomenological findings are discussed in relation to existing literature with implications and recommendations for counselling psychology. The limitations of the thesis are discussed along with recommendations for further research.
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Morgan, Brett T. „The Moderating Effects of Judicial Thinking Style and Internal Locus of Control on the Relationship between Emotional Dissonance and Job Satisfaction“. Xavier University / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=xavier1396368108.

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Menon, Kalyani. „Prototype of consumption emotions and implications for service evaluation : the case of anger and anxiety in extended service transactions“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape7/PQDD_0018/NQ55359.pdf.

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McConnell, Kevin. „Effect of changes in ball properties and cognitive demands on the performance of adolescent male athletes of varying levels of soccer expertise“. Thesis, McGill University, 2003. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=79789.

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This investigation examined the effect of changes in ball properties and cognitive demands on the performance of adolescent male athletes of varying levels of soccer expertise. Participants moved through a course under two conditions: decision and no decision, and with two types of soccer balls, regular and futsal. The experts moved through the courses with both balls significantly faster than the novices and had a lower percentage of control errors with the regular ball but not with the futsal ball. Both groups performed significantly slower under the decision condition, but no differences were found between conditions in the percentage of control errors made. The novices made a significantly smaller percentage of control errors with the futsal ball than the regular ball, although the type of ball had no effect on their performance times. These results suggest that the experts display better soccer skills and cognition than the novices and that the properties of the futsal ball appear to reduce the technical demands for the novices.
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Felton, Adam. „The effect of mood on language interpretation“. Muncie, Ind. : Ball State University, 2009. http://cardinalscholar.bsu.edu/400.

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Waddington, Gavin A. (Gavin Alfred). „The influence of personality type and sense of coherence on coping with bereavement“. Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/16469.

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Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to the far-reaching effects of bereavement on the psychological, physical and emotional levels, this study was designed to identify the personality types that are conducive with coping and non-coping characteristics of the bereavement experience. This study examines Jung’s attitudes of Introversion and Extraversion and his functions of Sensing, Intuition, Thinking and Feeling to determine which are more conducive with coping and non-coping bereavement behaviour. The role that Sense of Coherence plays in the coping and non-coping characteristics in the bereavement process was also examined. Personality type is a construct developed by Carl Jung to explain some of the apparently random differences in human behaviour. Recognising the existence of these types, Jung’s theory provides an explanation of how these types develop. The different types are the result of the different ways in which individuals prefer to use their mind. The Salutogenic approach and Generalised Resistance Resource, developed by Antonovsky, is the building block from which the eventual development of the Sense of Coherence concept is based. Sense of Coherence is comprised of three components namely: comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. The degree to which these components are presented in one’s life determines an individual’s global orientation to life. The Texas Revised Inventory of Grief (Faschingbauer, Zisook, & De Vaul, 1987), Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory (Singer, Loomis, Kirkhart & Kirkhart, 1996) and the Sense of Coherence scale (Antonovsky, 1987) were completed by twenty-seven individuals (n=27) who recently lost a loved one due to terminal illness or anticipated death. The results of the study were processed and analysed by means of ANOVAS. Because of the small sample size, use was made of the bootstrap method to optimise results. Analysis of the data showed that coping individuals displayed a significant preference for feeling, judging and a high level of sense of coherence, whilst non-coping individuals showed preferences for intuition, perceiving and low level of sense of coherence. No significant difference was found for introversion, extroversion, sensing and thinking.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Weens die verrykende gevolge van die rouproses op die sielkundige, fisiese en emosionele vlakke, is die doel van hierdie studie om die verskillende persoonlikheidstipes te identifiseer wat bevorderlik is vir die hantering van die rouproses. Hierdie studie bestudeer Jung se houding van Introversie en Ekstroversie, asook sy funksies van Waarneming, Intuisie, Denke and Gevoel om vas te stel watter van hierdie houdings en funksies ‘n rol speel in die hantering van die rouproses, al dan nie. Persoonlikheidstipe is ‘n konstruksie wat deur Carl Jung ontwikkel is om van die waarskynlike toevallige verskille in menslike gedrag te verduidelik. Deur erkenning te gee aan die bestaan van hierdie persoonlikheidstipes, verskaf Jung se teorie ‘n verduideliking van hoe hierdie tipes ontwikkel. Die verskillende tipes is die gevolg van verskillende wyse waarop individue verkies om hul verstand te gebruik. Die Salutogeniese benadering en Veralgemeende Weerstandsbron, deur Antonovsky ontwikkel, vorm die bousteen waarop die uiteindelike ontwikkeling van die konsep van Sin vir Koherensie gebaseer is. Sin vir Koherensie bestaan uit drie komponente: verstaanbaarheid, hanteerbaarheid en betekenisvolheid. Die graad waartoe hierdie komponente in ‘n mens se lewe voorkom is die graad waartoe die individu globale oriëntasie vir die lewe openbaar. Die Texas Revised Inventory of Grief (Faschingbauer, Zisook, & De Vaul, 1987), Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory (Singer, Loomis, Kirkhart & Kirkhart, 1996) en die Sense of Coherence Scale (Antonovsky, 1987) is deur sewe-en-twintig individue voltooi (n=27). Slegs individue wie ‘n familielid aan ‘n terminale siekte of verwagte dood verloor het, is ingesluit vir die studie. Die resultate van die studie is geprosesseer en geanaliseer deur middel van ANOVAS. Omdat die monster klein was, is die bootstrap metode gebruik vir optimaal resultate. Analises van data het getoon dat individue wat die rouproses goed hanteer, ‘n betekenisvolle voorkeur het vir gevoel, oordeel en hoë Sin vir Koherensie. Diegene wie se hantering van die rouproses negatief is, toon egter voorkeur vir intuisie, waarneming en ‘n lae Sin vir Koherensie. Geen opvallende verskil is gevind vir introversie, ekstraversie, waarneming en denke.
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Meinz, Elizabeth J. „When can experience reduce age differences in cognitive tasks? : a study of musical memory“. Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/28791.

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Earles, Julie Lynn. „Influence of type of material to be remembered on adult age differences in memory performance : is there something special about performed activities?“ Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/28864.

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Tun, Patricia Ann. „Adult age differences in processing different types of text“. Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/28955.

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McGuire, Christy L. „Age differences in recall, strategies and estimation accuracy on free recall task“. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/29198.

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Colônia, Regina Célia. „Adult age differences in memory for lateral orientation of pictures“. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/29327.

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Mead, Sherry E. „Effects of action versus concept training and age on learning and retention of complex skill“. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/30985.

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Wan, Mei-po, und 溫美寶. „Cognitive mechanism of lexical selection in Chinese-English bilingual language production in sentential context“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2004. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B29367980.

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