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Dippel, Carsten. „Die Kompetenzabgrenzung in der Rechtsprechung von EGMR und EuGH“. Doctoral thesis, [S.l. : s.n.], 2004.

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Moschtaghi, Ulrike. „EGMR : Gäfgen ./. Deutschland ; Urteile vom 30. Juni 2008 und vom 1. Juni 2010“. Universität Potsdam, 2010.

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- Das Folterverbot und das Verbot unmenschlicher oder erniedrigender Behandlung aus Art. 3 EMRK gelten absolut; die so genannte „Rettungsfolter“ ist mit der Konvention unvereinbar. - Für den Wegfall der Opfereigenschaft reicht die Verurteilung der Polizeibeamten, welche die unmenschliche Behandlung angeordnet und durchgeführt haben, nicht aus. Relevant sind weiterhin die Höhe der Bestrafung, die Angemessenheit disziplinarischer Maßnahmen sowie die Dauer eines vom Beschwerdeführer aufgrund der unmenschlichen Behandlung eingeleiteten Amtshaftungsverfahrens (Große Kammer). - Die Verwertbarkeit der mittelbar aufgrund der unmenschlichen Behandlung gewonnenen Beweise wird im Rahmen des Art. 6 EMRK geprüft. Allerdings besteht die Möglichkeit, dass auch im Rahmen des Art. 3 EMRK der Ausschluss der Verwertung missbräuchlich erlangter Beweise notwendig werden kann. - Die Verwertung von Beweismitteln, die infolge einer Art. 3 verletzenden Maßnahme gewonnen wurden, wirft stets schwerwiegende Fragen in Bezug auf die Fairness des Verfahrens auf. Die Ablehnung der Fernwirkung von Beweisverwertungsverboten verstößt aber nicht per se gegen Art. 6 EMRK. Zulässige, für eine Verwertbarkeit sprechende Kriterien sind das fehlende Beruhen der Verurteilung auf dem missbräuchlich erlangten Beweismittel und die hypothetische Möglichkeit der rechtmäßigen Beweismittelgewinnung. Eine klare Entscheidung zur von der deutschen Rechtsprechung durchgeführten Abwägung der Schwere des Grundrechtsverstoßes mit der Schwere des begangenen Verbrechens trifft der EGMR nicht.
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Bergmann, Andreas. „Individualrechtsschutz in Europa zwischen Menschenrechten und Politik Zum Verhältnis von EuGH und EGMR /“. St. Gallen, 2007.$FILE/01665439002.pdf.

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Schulze, Pia Maria [Verfasser]. „Das deutsche Kindschafts- und Abstammungsrecht und die Rechtsprechung des EGMR / Pia Maria Schulze“. Frankfurt : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2012.

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Sünner, Stephan. „Staatsgesetz vor Religionsgebot? : eine Analyse mit Bezug zum englischen Recht und zur Rechtsprechung des EGMR /“. Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2010.

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Schulz, Matthias [Verfasser]. „Zum Streikrecht von Beamten : Eine Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der neueren Rechtsprechung des EGMR / Matthias Schulz“. Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2016.

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Wiethoff, Jan Hendrik. „Das konzeptionelle Verhältnis von EuGH und EGMR unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Verfassungsentwicklung der Europäischen Union“. Baden-Baden Nomos, 2007.

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Wiethoff, Jan Hendrik. „Das konzeptionelle Verhältnis von EuGH und EGMR : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Verfassungsentwicklung der Europäischen Union /“. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2008.

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Dippel, Carsten [Verfasser], Christian [Gutachter] Tomuschat und Gerd [Gutachter] Seidel. „Die Kompetenzabgrenzung in der Rechtsprechung von EGMR und EuGH / Carsten Dippel ; Gutachter: Christian Tomuschat, Gerd Seidel“. Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2004.

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Wiater, Patricia. „Kulturpluralismus als Herausforderung für Rechtstheorie und Rechtspraxis : eine völkerrechtsdogmatische und ethnologische Auseinandersetzung mit der Rechtsprechung des EGMR /“. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2009.

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van, der Berg Else Feikje [Verfasser]. „Folter, unmenschliche und erniedrigende Behandlung in der Rechtsprechung des EGMR und die strafprozessualen Konsequenzen / Else Feikje van der Berg“. Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2019.

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Berg, Else Feikje van der [Verfasser]. „Folter, unmenschliche und erniedrigende Behandlung in der Rechtsprechung des EGMR und die strafprozessualen Konsequenzen / Else Feikje van der Berg“. Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2019.

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Schulte, Henrike [Verfasser]. „Zur Übertragbarkeit der Margin-of-appreciation-Doktrin des EGMR auf die Rechtsprechung des EuGH im Bereich der Grundfreiheiten / Henrike Schulte“. Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2018.

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Beuer, Martin. „Mellech, K., Die Rezeption der EMRK sowie der Urteile des EGMR in der französischen und deutschen Rechtsprechung / [rezensiert von] Martin Beuer“. Universität Potsdam, 2013.

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Spiekermann, Julia [Verfasser]. „Die Folgen des Beitritts der EU zur EMRK für das Verhältnis des EuGH zum EGMR und den damit einhergehenden Individualrechtsschutz / Julia Spiekermann“. Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2013.

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Bulach, Alexander. „Die konstitutionelle Rolle des EGMR im europäischen Grundrechtsschutzsystem durch Auslegung und Fortentwicklung der gemeinsamen Grundwerte unter besonderem Bezug auf Art. 8 EMRK /“. München : Verl. Dr. Hut, 2007.

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Bonn, Janine Alexandra [Verfasser]. „Die Europäisierung des Persönlichkeitsrechts - Harmonisierungswirkungen des «Caroline»-Urteils des EGMR in Deutschland und England unter Berücksichtigung prozessualer und kollisionsrechtlicher Aspekte / Janine Alexandra Bonn“. Frankfurt : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2014.

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Friedrich, Andreas. „Grundrechtlicher Persönlichkeitsschutz und europäische Privatsphärengarantie : die Auswirkungen der Rechtsprechung des EGMR auf den Schutz der Persönlichkeit vor unerwünschten privaten Bildveröffentlichungen nach deutschem Recht /“. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2009.

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Friedrich, Andreas. „Grundrechtlicher Persönlichkeitsschutz und europäische Privatsphärengarantie die Auswirkungen der Rechtsprechung des EGMR auf den Schutz der Persönlichkeit vor unerwünschten privaten Bildveröffentlichungen nach deutschem Recht“. Baden-Baden Nomos, 2008.

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Milej, Tomasz. „Rechtsprechung als Dialog zur Entwicklung des Rechts auf ein faires Strafverfahren in der polnischen Verfassungsrechtsprechung mit Blick auf die Entscheidungspraxis des EGMR und ausländischer Verfassungsgerichte“. Berlin BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl, 2006.

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Ronc, Pascal [Verfasser]. „Die Menschenwürde als Prinzip der EMRK. : Eine Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsprechung des EGMR zum Strafrecht – zugleich ein Beitrag zur Methodik der Auslegung der EMRK. / Pascal Ronc“. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2020.

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Kieschke, Olaf [Verfasser]. „Die Praxis des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte und ihre Auswirkungen auf das deutsche Strafverfahrensrecht. : Eine Bestandsaufnahme am Beispiel ausgewählter Entscheidungen des EGMR gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. / Olaf Kieschke“. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2020.

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Lehr, Matthias. „Ansätze zur Harmonisierung des Persönlichkeitsrechts in Europa eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zu den Auswirkungen des EGMR-Urteils Caroline von Hannover auf den Bildnis- und Privatheitsschutz im deutschen und englischen Recht“. Baden-Baden Nomos, 2009.

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Chiariello, Elisabeth. „Der Richter als Verfassungsgeber? - zur Fortbildung von Grundlagen des Rechtstaats und der Demokratie durch höchste Gerichte : das Phänomen Richterrecht exemplarisch dargestellt im Rahmen der grundrechtlichen Judikatur der Schweiz, Deutschlands und der europäischen Gerichtsbarkeiten (EGMR, EuGH) /“. Zürich : Dike, 2009.

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Schubert, Daniel. „Legal privilege und Nemo tenetur im reformierten europäischen Kartellermittlungsverfahren der VO 1-2003 : eine Untersuchung der Rechtslage im Gemeinschaftsrecht unter Berücksichtigung der Massgaben von EMRK, IPBPR und Grundrechtscharta sowie der aktuellen Rechtsprechung von EuGH, EuG und EGMR /“. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2009.

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Schubert, Daniel [Verfasser]. „Legal privilege und Nemo tenetur im reformierten europäischen Kartellermittlungsverfahren der VO 1/2003. : Eine Untersuchung der Rechtslage im Gemeinschaftsrecht unter Berücksichtigung der Maßgaben von EMRK, IPBPR und Grundrechtscharta sowie der aktuellen Rechtsprechung von EuGH, EuG und EGMR. / Daniel Schubert“. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2009.

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Müller, Christian. „Der Schutz des Privatlebens Prominenter im deutschen und englischen Zivilrecht : eine Untersuchung der Umsetzung des Caroline von Hannover-Urteils des EGMR mit einem Lösungsvorschlag für das deutsche Recht zur Anerkennung eines Rechts auf Achtung der privat-sozialen Spähre bei funktionalen Personen der Zeitgeschichte /“. Regensburg : Roderer, 2009.

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Müller, Christian. „Der Schutz des Privatlebens Prominenter im deutschen und englischen Zivilrecht eine Untersuchung der Umsetzung des Caroline-von-Hannover-Urteils des EGMR mit einem Lösungsvorschlag für das deutsche Recht zur Anerkennung eines Rechts auf Achtung der privat-sozialen Sphäre bei funktionalen Personen der Zeitgeschichte“. Regensburg Roderer, 2008.

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Fraguas, Garcia Susanna. „Regulació de la regeneració anterior a través de la via egfr-3/egr-4 en la planària Schmidtea mediterranea“. Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2014.

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Les planàries d'aigua dolça s’han convertit en un bon model per estudiar la regeneració a nivell genètic i molecular, gràcies a la seva capacitat de reconstruir qualsevol fragment danyat a conseqüència d’una amputació, des de qualsevol eix corporal i formar un nou organisme adult en un termini de temps molt curt. Al mateix temps, durant l’estadi adult en l’absència d’una ferida, les planàries són capaces de reemplaçar les cèl•lules diferenciades dels teixits vells mitjançant una proliferació i diferenciació constant de les cèl•lules mare o neoblasts. Tenim al nostre abast un ampli coneixement sobre diverses rutes de senyalització que controlen l’estricte procés de la regeneració en les planàries. D’altra banda, avui dia encara es desconeix la funció d’algunes de les vies principals i queden molts elements desconeguts per entendre el fenomen de la regeneració. En aquesta tesi doctoral, hem pogut analitzar la funció concreta de la via dels EGFR, sobretot durant la formació del blastema i la regulació del creixement i la diferenciació de les noves estructures anteriors. Mitjançant estudis funcionals a través de la tècnica d’interferència de l’ARN (ARNi) dels tres EGFR identificats, hem observat la participació d’aquesta via en múltiples processos biològics durant la regeneració de les planàries i la homeòstasi. Smed-egfr-1 és necessari per a la regeneració de les cèl•lules pigmentàries dels ulls i la faringe. A més a més, el seu silenciament ocasiona una clara hiperproliferació i la formació d’uns bonys dorsals característics, tant en animals intactes com regenerants. D’altra banda, no es manifesta cap efecte evident després de silenciar Smed-egfr-2. Finalment, podem concloure que Smed-egfr-3 és necessari per la formació del blastema i per la diferenciació de determinats tipus cel•lulars, generalment neuronals. En aquesta tesi ens hem centrat sobretot amb l’estudi del Smed-egfr-3. Amb l’objectiu d’identificar possibles gens diana d’aquest gen i caracteritzar la funció de la via dels EGFR en més detall durant la regeneració de les planàries, hem utilitzat l’eina DGE (“Digital Gene Expression”), que ens permet comparar el transcriptoma dels animals on s’ha silenciat un gen d’interès (en el nostre cas, Smed-egfr-3) amb el dels controls. Així, a partir d’anàlisis del DGE hem pogut conèixer i quantificar l’expressió de possibles gens diana regulats (tant “up” com “down-regulated”) per la via dels EGFR; un d’aquests gens “downregulated” després d’inhibir Smed-egfr-3 és l’egr-4, un membre de la família gènica dels “early growth response”. egr-4 s’expressa majoritàriament en el sistema nerviós central i s’indueix ràpidament després de qualsevol tipus de ferida. El seu silenciament inhibeix la regeneració anterior, mostrant defectes durant la formació dels blastemes anteriors, però sense afectar la regeneració posterior. Aquests organismes tractats exhibeixen uns ganglis cefàlics més petits o fins I tot en alguns casos absents. La diferenciació d’altres tipus cel•lulars presents en la regió anterior també es mostren alterats després de silenciar egr-4. Tot i així, l’expressió primerenca dels determinants de la polaritat que intervenen en el restabliment de la polaritat anterior es mostren inalterats. Experiments simultanis del silenciament d’egr-4 i elements de la via Wnt/beta-cat revelen que egr-4 és necessari per la diferenciació del primordi del cervell. A més a més, els resultats d’aquests experiments suggereixen que egr-4 promou la regeneració cefàlica inhibint l’activitat de beta-catenin en condicions normals. A partir dels resultats obtinguts en aquesta tesi suggerim que egr-4 és un dels primers gens coneguts necessaris per la diferenciació del primordi del cervell durant la regeneració de la planària. En resum, suggerim una relació entre la diferenciació primerenca del cervell i la correcta progressió de la regeneració del cap en les planàries, que podria estar regulada gràcies a l’activació del gen egr-4 a través de la via EGFR, concretament Smed-egfr-3.
During freshwater planarians regeneration, polarity and patterning programs play essential roles in determining whether a head or a tail regenerates at anterior or posterior-facing wounds. This decision is made very soon after amputation. The pivotal role of the Wnt/beta-•catenin and Hh signaling pathways in re-establishing anterior4 posterior polarity has been well documented. However, the mechanisms that control the growth and differentiation of the blastema in accordance with its anteriorposterior identity are less well understood. Conserved signa ling pathways play important roles in morphogenesis in all animals. One such pathway is the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway, which regulates multiple biological processes including cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and cell survival. In this thesis, we show that silencing of Smed-egfr4 3, a planarian homologue of epidermal growth factor receptors, impairs regeneration and blastema growth in these organisms, probably by disrupting cellular differentiation. In order to better characterize the function of the EGFR signaling pathway during planarian regeneration, we conducted "Digital Gene Expression" analyses to identify putative target genes of Smed-egfr-3. One of the isolated candidate genes that is downregulated after silencing Smed-egfr-3 is egr-4, a member of the early growth response gene family. egr-4 is mainly expressed in the central nervous system and rapidly induced after different types of injury. While early egr-4 expression after injury is independent of EGFR signa ling, it becomes Smed-egfr4 34 dependent from the second day of regeneration. Functional analyses based on RNA interference (RNAi) reveals that egr-4 is required for head regeneration but not for posterior regeneration; egr-4 silencing impairs the formation of anterior blastemas; these animals exhibit either small cephalic ganglia or a total absence of new brain tissue. Single and combinatorial RNAi to target different elements of the Wnt/beta-•catenin pathway, together with expression analysis of brain4 and anterior4 specific markers, reveal that egr-4 is necessary for the brain primordia differentiation in the early stages of regeneration and it appears to antagonize the activity of the Wnt/~-catenin pathway to allow head regeneration. Our results suggest that a conserved EGFRjegr pathway plays an important role in cell differentiation during planarian regeneration and indicate an association between early brain differentiation and the progression of head regeneration.
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Sjöström, Sara. „Risk and prognostic factors for malignant glioma“. Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Onkologi, 2012.

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Background: Glioblastoma is the most common and aggressive type of glioma and associated with poor prognosis. Apart from ionizing radiation and some rare genetic disorders, few aetiological factors have been identified for primary brain tumours. Inverse associations to asthma and low IgG levels for varicella zoster virus have in previous studies indicated that the immune system may play a role in glioma development. Little is known about prognostic factors in glioma. Previous studies have shown an association between age, Karnofsky performance status, O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) hypermethylation, and prognosis. Polymorphisms in different low penetrance genes have in some studies been associated with glioma prognosis. Material and methods: In paper I, we analysed IgG levels for four different viruses, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), varicella zoster virus (VZV) and adenovirus (Ad), in prediagnostic blood samples from 197 cases with glioma and 394 controls collected from three large cohorts: the Northern Sweden Health and Disease Study; the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study; and the Diet, Cancer and Health cohort from Copenhagen. ELISA was used to measure IgG levels and for EBV response to both the nuclear antigen (EBNA1) and the viral capsid antigen (VCA) was measured, for VCA using immunoflourescence. IgG levels were divided into quartiles and binary logistic regression was used to compare the quartiles in cases and controls. All odds ratios were adjusted for age, sex, and cohort. In paper II-IV, we studied 176 glioblastoma cases from Sweden and Denmark. We collected treatment and follow-up data on the cases. We genotyped 30 tagging SNPs in EGF, 89 in EGFR, 27 in VEGFR2, and 17 in VEGF. We also studied 1458 SNPs in 136 DNA repair genes. Hazard ratios were calculated using Cox regression; the major allele was set as categorical variable and all HR were adjusted for age, sex, country, and treatment. For the DNA repair gene results, we adjusted the p-values for multiple testing. Significant findings were confirmed in separate datasets. Results and Discussion: We found a trend towards higher IgG VZV levels in controls compared to glioma cases, especially when restricting the analyses to only include glioma cases with at least 2 years between blood sample and diagnosis. This finding might indicate that there is an aetiological and not a disease-related association. This confirms previous findings and support that a strong immune system can detect and inhibit growth of small cancer clusters. In EGF, we found seven SNPs in one haplotype block that were significantly associated with glioblastoma survival. Four of the SNPs were available for confirmation; however, none reached statistical significance. One explanation could be age differences in the different cohorts. In EGFR, four SNPs associated with survival were found; however, as 89 polymorphisms were tested this was the expected outcome by chance. In VEGF and VEGFR2, we found two SNPs associated with glioblastoma survival, but they could not be confirmed in the separate dataset, and due to multiple testing, were considered to be false positives. Among the DNA repair genes, we found nine SNPs in three genes-MSH2, RAD51L1 and RECQL4-associated with glioblastoma survival after confirmation and adjustment for age, sex, country, and treatment. After adjusting for multiple testing, one SNP in MSH2 and one in RECQL4 remained significant. Conclusions: Our studies provide additional knowledge to the aetiological and prognostic factors important for glioma, emphasising the possible importance of immune function mechanisms. We found limited evidence for the role of genetic variants in glioma progression genes, and some for DNA repair variants as prognostic factors for glioblastoma survival.
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Kramer, Elizabeth L. „Role of the EGFR Pathway in Lung Remodeling and Disease“. University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2009.

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Bauer, Philip [Verfasser]. „Der Einfluss der EGFR Expressionsdichte auf die EGFR Antikörper gerichteten Abwehrmechanismen / Philip Bauer“. Kiel : Universitätsbibliothek Kiel, 2017.

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Hamilton, S. J. „An investigation of EGFR binding and modulation of EGFR signalling pathways using synthetic peptides“. Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2004.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Kentucky, 2009.
Title from document title page (viewed on September 17, 2009). Document formatted into pages; contains: viii, 175 p : ill. (some col.). Includes abstract and vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 103-123).
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Liccardi, G. „Nuclear EGFR modulation of DNA repair“. Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2011.

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Overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is associated with resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. EGFR involvement, in repair of radiation-induced DNA damage, is mediated by association with the catalytic subunit of DNA protein kinase (DNAPKcs). This study investigated the role of EGFR nuclear import, and its association with DNAPKcs, on DNA repair following treatment either with cisplatin or ionizing radiation (IR). EGFR- null murine NIH3T3 cells were transfected with wild type or with mutated EGFR (mutations found in human cancers L858R, EGFRvIII and mutations in the EGFR nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequence NLS123, LNLS123). Comet assay analysis, which measures unhooking of cisplatin crosslinks and repair of IR induced strand breaks, demonstrated that wtEGFR and EGFRvIII completely repair cisplatin and IR induced DNA damage. Immunoprecipitation studies show that repair is associated with the binding of both wtEGFR and EGFRvIII to DNAPKcs, which increases by 2- fold 18 hours following cisplatin treatment. Confocal analysis and proximity ligation assay indicated that this association takes place both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus resulting in a significant increase of DNA-PK kinase activity. Intermediate levels of repair as shown by the L858R construct with impaired nuclear localization demonstrated that EGFR kinase activity is partially involved in repair but is not sufficient to determine EGFR nuclear expression. EGFR-NLS mutants showed impaired nuclear localization and impaired DNAPKcs association resulting in significant inhibition of DNA repair and downregulation of DNA-PK kinase activity. Our data suggest that EGFR nuclear localization is required for the modulation of cisplatin and IR induced DNA damage repair. The EGFR-DNAPKcs binding is triggered by cisplatin or IR and not by EGFR nuclear translocation per se. Understanding mechanisms regulating EGFR subcellular distribution in relation to DNA repair kinetics will be a critical determinant of improved molecular targeting and response to therapy.
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Housden, B. „Notch targets and EGFR pathway regulation“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2011.

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Previous work in the lab identified potential Notch targets in a muscle related Drosophila cell line using a combination of genome wide expression array, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and bioinformatics approaches. My project was focussed on investigating the regulation of EGFR pathway components by Notch signalling and unravelling mechanisms by which this crosstalk is dependent on context. Previous genetic studies have demonstrated extensive crosstalk between the Notch and EGFR pathways. The unexpected result from the genome wide studies was the overrepresentative of EGFR pathway components that were direct targets. This group of nine targets included both positive and negative regulators of the pathway. One of my first goals was to validate these as direct targets, for which I used a combination of luciferase and in-vivo reporter assays. To address the question of how activation and inhibition of the EGFR pathway is resolved into a final effect on EGFR output the temporal profiles of the different components was investigated. Initial results show that there are distinct temporal activation profiles for different EGFR related genes following Notch activation. This is predicted to lead to an initial inhibition of EGFR signalling (due to fast initial inhibitor accumulation) followed by an activation of signalling (due to inhibitor decrease and activator production). Current work on this project is focussed on identifying different classes of temporal response at the genome wide scale and asking whether there is any consistency in the types of genes that adopt specific profiles. One of the challenges in dissecting the response to Notch is understanding why genes respond only in certain contexts. Argos, which encodes an EGFR inhibitor, is one example of a gene whose response to Notch signalling is context dependent. My results show that argos is positively regulated in the muscle progenitors. However, in the wing pouch, argos expression is reduced upon Notch activation. I have mapped these contrasting responses to separable enhancers, one active in the muscle precursors that I have shown to be directly regulated by Notch and the other active in the wing pouch where it integrates both EGFR and Notch signals. The latter is mediated by the Notch target E(spl)mβ and is therefore indirectly affected by Notch. Further studies to distinguish the components acting through the different enhancers revealed that the bHLH protein Twist is required for Notch activation of the muscle precursor enhancer and the wing pouch enhancer activity appears to involve an interplay between general activation and restricted repressors.
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Reifarth, Simon. „Efficiency and Mixing Analysis of EGR-Systems for Diesel Engines“. Doctoral thesis, KTH, Förbränningsmotorteknik, 2014.

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The reduction of fuel consumption and the reduction of toxic emissions are the main goals of research and development in the area of internal combustion engines. The use of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) to come further in that direction is today an established method for diesel engines. EGR reduces the emissions of nitrogen oxides with a low penalty in fuel consumption. The increasingly hard regulations on emissions put high pressure on the manufacturers to improve these systems. The present work aims at increasing the knowledge in the area of EGR. Two of the main challenges when applying EGR are addressed, efficiency and mixing. The efficiency of the EGR-system is analyzed, focusing on keeping the fuel penalty low for a given EGR-rate. Different layouts of the EGR system are studied and compared regarding their stationary and transient properties. Exergy analysis is used to show the potential for improvement in different system components. In the same time, exergy analysis as a tool is introduced and compared to energy analysis of a system. The usefulness of exergy analysis of the entire gas exchange is shown by the example of a heavy-duty diesel engine. The problem of EGR and air mixing is approached by a detailed study of the mixing process in a heavy-duty diesel engine. Different methods for the measurement of EGR distribution are presented and compared. Additionally, the possibility to predict the mixing effects by 1-D and 3-D simulation is assessed. It is shown that the mixing between air and EGR is highly dependent on the pulsating nature of the flow. The EGR is shown to be transported in packets in the air flow. This leads to the conclusion that mixing not only at the mixing point, but also mixing in flow direction needs to be optimized, as the distribution of EGR between the cylinders is dependent on the timing between the passage of the EGR packets and the valve opening time.

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Lee, Richard William. „MET-EGFR dimerisation in lung adenocarcinoma is dependent on EGFR mutations and altered by MET kinase inhibition“. Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 2017.

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Prognosis in advanced stage lung cancer is extremely poor with few effective therapies. EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have high response rates in patients with activating EGFR mutations and are now an established part of therapy in selected patients. Such advances herald a previously unprecedented enthusiasm for the possibilities of targeted therapy. Acquired resistance however is widespread - the EGFR T790M mutation in particular represents approximately 50% of these. MET amplification is also an important route of resistance and preclinical data suggests synergy between therapies targeting these two receptors. We hypothesized that EGFR mutation status determines the EGFR-MET interaction and response to MET inhibition. We tested this hypothesis by using cells derived from NCI-H1975, which possess L858R and T790M EGFR mutations. This cell model and a derived murine xenograft experiment provided a platform with which to test these ideas by using assays of tumorigenicity in vitro; tumour growth/stroma formation in vivo and a selective MET kinase inhibitor, SGX523. EGFR-MET interaction was assessed by a Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) assay developed as part of this thesis that quantified EGFR-MET dimer formation. SGX523 significantly reduced cell proliferation, xenograft tumour growth and ERK phosphorylation in the presence of the EGFR L858R-T790M mutations but not with EGFR L858R alone where SGX523 reduced stroma formation but not growth. SGX523 reduced EGFR-MET dimerisation in the EGFR L858R-T790M mutant but increased EGFR-MET interaction in the presence of EGFR L858R alone. Little effect was seen with EGFR WT in response to SGX523 for any of these indices. This thesis provides novel data for the mechanistic understanding of EGFR-MET heterodimerisation and the accompanying discussion explores how this is relevant for EGFR and MET targeted therapies.
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Andersson, Lena. „Singeltubvärmeväxlare för EGR-applikationer“. Thesis, KTH, Energiteknik, 2015.

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Pritchett, Kathleen S. „The Career and Legacy of Hornist Joseph Eger: His Solo Career, Recordings, and Arrangements“. Thesis, connect to online resource, 2008.

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Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of North Texas, 2008.
System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Accompanied by 4 recitals, recorded Nov. 26, 2001, Nov. 18, 2002, Apr. 7, 2003, and Feb. 25, 2008. Includes bibliographical references (p. 40-43).
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Vanlandingham, Phillip Allen. „Rab7 regulation of EGFR trafficking and signaling“. Oklahoma City : [s.n.], 2009.

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Liffers, Katrin [Verfasser], und Katrin [Akademischer Betreuer] Lamszus. „Identifikation von Resistenzmechanismen gegenüber EGFR-Tyrosinkinase Inhibitoren in EGFR-amplifizierten und EGFRvIII-positiven Glioblastomen / Katrin Liffers. Betreuer: Katrin Lamszus“. Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2015.

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Kvarnbrink, Samuel. „The importance og LRIG1 in lung cancer“. Thesis, Umeå universitet, Onkologi, 2012.

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Bu, Yubai. „New synthetic routes to nitrogen heterocycles : natural products and novel drug scaffolds“. Thesis, Loughborough University, 2017.

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This thesis is divided into three main sections. The first chapter contains a brief review of nitrogen heterocyclic chemistry. The second chapter reports the results and their discussion of new heterocyclic chemistry, and the experimental details are provided in the fourth chapter.
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Wallentin, Mathias. „Undersökning av EGR-system i singelcylinder-provcell – med fokus på ökad tillgänglig EGR-mängd“. Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013), 2018.

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Dagens förbränningsmotorer ställs inför allt högre krav på att minimera de miljöfarliga restprodukter som förbränningen av luft och bränsle ger upphov till. Efterbehandlingssystem har utvecklats i olika former för detta ändamål, där en utav dessa är EGR: Exhaust gas recirculation som bygger på att en del av motorns avgaser överförs tillbaka in i motorn och minskar bildningen av termiska kvävoxider. I detta examensarbete undersöktes ett EGR-system i AVL:s singelcylinder-provcell, där målsättningen var att kartlägga komponenternas inverkan på EGRflödet samt undersöka EGR-systemets begränsningar med fokus på att öka mängden EGR till motorn. Arbetet utfördes på AVL Motortestcenter AB i Södertälje för Karlstads Universitet i kursen Examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik MSGC17, fakulteten för natur- och teknikvetenskap under våren 2018. Kända metoder inom statistisk försöksplanering användes för undersökning av komponenterna i EGR-systemets inverkan, där resultaten ur testerna visade att komponenter i EGR-systemet som implementerats med anledning att erhålla högre EGR-flöden inte fungerade som önskat och bör därför uteslutas vid framtida körningar med provcellens EGR-system. Provningen var uppdelad i flera moment, där en utav testomgångarna bestod av att se hur EGR-systemet klarade av att leverera EGR till motorn vid höga laster och laddtryck. Utfallet av dessa tester visade att med dagens komponenter kunde EGR överföras till den grad att singelcylinder-motorn inte klarade av högre EGR-flöden än vad som undersöktes vid provningen.
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Roetzer, Silvia. „Fraktionierte lokoregionale Radioimmuntherapie mit 213Bi-anti-EGFR-MAk“. Diss., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2013.

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Pfäffle, Heike. „Defective DNA repair in EGFR-mutant lung cancer“. Diss., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2013.

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In patients with lung cancer whose tumors harbor activating mutations in the EGF receptor (EGFR), increased responses to platinum-based chemotherapies are seen compared with wild-type cancers. However, the mechanisms underlying this association have remained elusive. Here, we describe a cellular phenotype of crosslinker sensitivity in a subset of EGFR-mutant lung cancer cell lines that is reminiscent of the defects seen in cells impaired in the Fanconi anemia pathway, including a pronounced G2–M cell-cycle arrest and chromosomal radial formation. We identified a defect downstream of FANCD2 at the level of recruitment of FAN1 nuclease and DNA interstrand crosslink (ICL) unhooking. The effect of EGFR mutation was epistatic with FANCD2. Consistent with the known role of FANCD2 in promoting RAD51 foci formation and homologous recombination repair (HRR), EGFR-mutant cells also exhibited an impaired RAD51 foci response to ICLs, but not to DNA double-strand breaks. EGFR kinase inhibition affected RAD51 foci formation neither in EGFR-mutant nor wild-type cells. In contrast, EGFR depletion or overexpression of mutant EGFR in wild-type cells suppressed RAD51 foci, suggesting an EGFR kinase-independent regulation of DNA repair. Interestingly, EGFR-mutant cells treated with the PARP inhibitor olaparib also displayed decreased FAN1 foci induction, coupled with a putative block in a late HRR step. As a result, EGFR-mutant lung cancer cells exhibited olaparib sensitivity in vitro and in vivo. Our findings provide insight into the mechanisms of cisplatin and PARP inhibitor sensitivity of EGFR-mutant cells, yielding potential therapeutic opportunities for further treatment individualization in this genetically defined subset of lung cancer.
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Lee, Tang-Cheng Threadgill David W. „Functional analysis of EGFR using a conditional allele“. Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008.,1730.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008.
Title from electronic title page (viewed Sep. 16, 2008). "... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Curriculum of Genetics & Molecular Biology." Discipline: Genetics and Molecular Biology; Department/School: Medicine.
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Alves, Alice Manuela Santos. „"EGFR, e Lesões Displásticas do Colo do Útero"“. Dissertação, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, 2010.

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Willems, Sofie Henriëtte. „ADAMs as EGFR ligand sheddases in prostate cancer“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2011.

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