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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Editeur structuré"


Karjo, Clara Herlina. „When Equivalence is Not Enough: Translation Adjustments of Philosophical Text in Comic Form“. Humaniora 4, Nr. 1 (30.04.2013): 82.

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The tenet of good translation is to achieve idiomatic equivalence. However, when the translation work is going to be published, there should be some adjustments, either lexical or structural. The reasons for adjustment might be various: for politeness, conciseness, etc. This article discusses the translation adjustments of a Chinese philosophical book: The Sayings of Zhuang Zi by comparing the original translation by the translator with the published book which has been edited by publisher’s editor. The objectives of this study are to find different types of translation adjustment made by the editor and to analyze the possible reasons for the adjustment.
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Fazryansyah, M. Irfan, Heriyani Agustina und Nuruzzaman Nuruzzaman. „Manajemen Redaksional Pada Surat Kabar Harian Umum Radar Cirebon (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Manajemen Redaksional pada Surat Kabar Harian Umum Radar Cirebon Periode Januari-Mei 2013)“. Jurnal ASPIKOM 2, Nr. 2 (20.01.2014): 85.

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Mass media after the era of reform becomes the mass communication facility and instrument shaper of public opinion , it is helping in human life to exchanging ideas, sharing of experience and information in the volume of a relatively large. This research aims to understand planning, organizing, mobilizing and supervision in the management of editorial on daily newspaper of Radar Cirebon. A method of this research is descriptive qualitative, data was gathered by direct interview, observasion and availability of literature studies. Based on covered can be drawn conclusions that ( 1 ) In the planning stages, daily newspaper of Radar Cirebon well to plan, it is seen from the success of meeting and a meeting of the editor. ( 2 ) the organizing stages, the editor management has forming the organization structure and their duty to each personel.( 3 ) The mobilization phase is very important to editor management in daily newspaper of Radar Cirebon, because of mobilizarion, the management of material goes well, start from the reporting process, writing, editing till becoming the news. (4) In the phase supervision in editorial management of daily newspaper of Radar Cirebon conducted in the form of direct briefing to reporters during a news manuscript edited by the editor still experiencing a shortage of data.
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Lai, Jason K., Ginka S. Kubelka und Jan Kubelka. „Sequence, structure, and cooperativity in folding of elementary protein structural motifs“. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, Nr. 32 (27.07.2015): 9890–95.

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Residue-level unfolding of two helix-turn-helix proteins—one naturally occurring and one de novo designed—is reconstructed from multiple sets of site-specific 13C isotopically edited infrared (IR) and circular dichroism (CD) data using Ising-like statistical-mechanical models. Several model variants are parameterized to test the importance of sequence-specific interactions (approximated by Miyazawa–Jernigan statistical potentials), local structural flexibility (derived from the ensemble of NMR structures), interhelical hydrogen bonds, and native contacts separated by intervening disordered regions (through the Wako–Saitô–Muñoz–Eaton scheme, which disallows such configurations). The models are optimized by directly simulating experimental observables: CD ellipticity at 222 nm for model proteins and their fragments and 13C-amide I′ bands for multiple isotopologues of each protein. We find that data can be quantitatively reproduced by the model that allows two interacting segments flanking a disordered loop (double sequence approximation) and incorporates flexibility in the native contact maps, but neither sequence-specific interactions nor hydrogen bonds are required. The near-identical free energy profiles as a function of the global order parameter are consistent with expected similar folding kinetics for nearly identical structures. However, the predicted folding mechanism for the two motifs is different, reflecting the order of local stability. We introduce free energy profiles for “experimental” reaction coordinates—namely, the degree of local folding as sensed by site-specific 13C-edited IR, which highlight folding heterogeneity and contrast its overall, average description with the detailed, local picture.
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Zhang, Sharon, Jiaju Ma, Jiajun Wu, Daniel Ritchie und Maneesh Agrawala. „Editing Motion Graphics Video via Motion Vectorization and Transformation“. ACM Transactions on Graphics 42, Nr. 6 (05.12.2023): 1–13.

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Motion graphics videos are widely used in Web design, digital advertising, animated logos and film title sequences, to capture a viewer's attention. But editing such video is challenging because the video provides a low-level sequence of pixels and frames rather than higher-level structure such as the objects in the video with their corresponding motions and occlusions. We present a motion vectorization pipeline for converting motion graphics video into an SVG motion program that provides such structure. The resulting SVG program can be rendered using any SVG renderer (e.g. most Web browsers) and edited using any SVG editor. We also introduce a program transformation API that facilitates editing of a SVG motion program to create variations that adjust the timing, motions and/or appearances of objects. We show how the API can be used to create a variety of effects including retiming object motion to match a music beat, adding motion textures to objects, and collision preserving appearance changes.
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WHITTLE, B. R., R. J. GAUTIER und M. RATCLIFFE. „TRENDS IN STRUCTURE-ORIENTED ENVIRONMENTS“. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 04, Nr. 01 (März 1994): 123–57.

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The term Structure Editor (structured environment, structure-oriented environment) is widely used and has been defined, and redefined, many times since the first recognised structure editor, Emily [51]. This paper follows the trends in this field over the last decade in the following areas: environment parameters, environment architectures, tools and the uses of environments, textual manipulation, internal (structure) representation, conceptual programming with its knowledge-based tools, and environment evaluation. The paper contains an historical perspective of technological events shaping this field and concludes with a unifying summary.
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BRESSER-PEREIRA, LUIZ CARLOS. „O Plano Verão e a crise estrutural da economia brasileira“. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 9, Nr. 4 (Oktober 1989): 573–85.

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RESUMO Em 10 de maio de 1989 o professor Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, Professor Titular de Economia da Fundação Getúlio Vargas e editor desta Revista, fez a seguinte exposição perante a reunião conjunta da Comissão de Finanças e da Comissão de Economia da Câmara dos Deputados.
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Sutka, J. „History of Acta Agronomica Hungarica“. Acta Agronomica Hungarica 51, Nr. 1 (01.04.2003): 125–31.

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Hungarian agricultural scientists who published new research results in the 1950s generally submitted their manuscripts to Acta Agronomica Hungarica, which also provided a forum for the development of international cooperation. When the journal was established it published original papers, reviews, lectures and short communications on agricultural sciences in English, Russian, German and French. It was edited in Budapest, first by András Somos and later by János Surányi. In 1965 the editorial office was transferred to the Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Martonvásár, where Sándor Rajki converted it into an English language journal and also made substantial changes to its structure. From 1983 Acta Agronomica was edited in the University of Horticulture and Food Industry, Budapest, with István Tamássy and later Pál Kozma as chief editor. After 12 years, in May 1995, the Agricultural Sciences Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences again charged the Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Martonvásár, with the editing of the journal, and since 2000 Zoltán Bedő has been the chief editor. The editorial board of Acta Agronomica Hungarica still regards the publication of the results achieved in basic and applied research on agricultural science as its primary task, with the emphasis on crop research. Preference is given to research on physiology, genetics, crop production, plant breeding, cell and molecular biology, nature and environment protection, and the preservation of gene reserves. The professional standard, recognition, market value and time to publication have improved considerably in recent years. This can be attributed partly to the setting up of an International Advisory Board in addition to the Hungarian Editorial Committee, and partly to the computerised editing and to the precise, conscientious work of the reviewers.
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Suvajdzin, Zorica, und Miroslav Hajdukovic. „A structure editor for the program composing assistant“. Computer Science and Information Systems 3, Nr. 1 (2006): 65–76.

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The Program Composing Assistant is an interactive generic development environment dedicated to programming languages. It provides a structure editor with graphical user interface as a main feature. The structure editor is based on an intuitive approach, and aims to integrate important practical aspects of structure editing.
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Heseltine, E. „Why authors have to use a rigid format for their journal articles“. Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England 97, Nr. 4 (Mai 2015): 249–51.

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‘Proper words in proper places make the true definition of style.’ Jonathan Swift Medical writing is a creative process. It combines rhetoric and science to produce a piece of work that connects the scientific community with the general public. However, despite pressure to publish, many researchers dread the thought of medical writing. It can be an intimidating journey and hard work – and after all, where does one learn how to write a good science paper? Is there a recipe for success? The answer lies in the IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) structure. This allows authors to organise and structure their work in an effective manner, which maintains the emphasis on the matter of good science. Some may think applying such a structure is too formulaic and breeds mediocrity. Others may believe IMRaD allows authors to organise thoughts and ideas as well as helping them to remember to convey critical elements. That it makes evaluation of a manuscript easier for editors and reviewers and also allows readers to locate specific information without going through the entire article is less contentious. Although the IMRaD structure may not reflect the order of scientific enquiry and activities, most journals continue to apply it to medical articles. It appears that having such a discipline to writing opens the doors to those who have not yet overcome their writer’s block. In the third article of the publishing series, Elisabeth Heseltine informs readers ‘how to write’. Elisabeth became a scientific editor through science rather than language. She has worked as a researcher on the BBC science programme Horizon, as a proof-reader and then as a copy-writer. She is head of publications at the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer, in Lyon, France. She has edited many documents for other United Nations agencies and for research institutes around the world. She also runs workshops in scientific communication in over 30 countries. JYOTI SHAH Commissioning Editor
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van Vlijmen, Sebastiaan, Arjan van Waveren und Paul Vriend. „The Generic Structure Editor“. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 21 (1999): 1.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Editeur structuré"


Fouilleul, Martin. „Un environnement de programmation temporelle pour le spectacle vivant et les installations artistiques“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.

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Le temps est un aspect fondamental de tout spectacle vivant, et de bon nombre d’installations artistiques. Les dispositifs techniques participent à un riche réseau d'interactions temporelles avec les interprètes humains et le public. Dans ce contexte, les techniciens et les artistes ont besoin d’outils pour planifier et contrôler les scénarios temporels de leurs œuvres. Dans ce travail, nous présentons un environnement appelé Quadrant, destiné à concevoir et mettre en œuvre des scénarios temporels. Ces scénarios peuvent être utilisés pour piloter divers aspects techniques de spectacles, comme lancer des sons ou des vidéos, contrôler des lumières, etc. Nous explorons une approche hybride entre un langage de programmation et un logiciel de conduite de spectacle. Cet environnement comporte un éditeur structuré opérant sur un arbre de syntaxe combinant des éléments textuels et graphiques. Ceci permet de spécifier algorithmiquement des scénarios, tout en exprimant des transformations temporelles continues grâce à des courbes de tempo. Les scénarios sont compilés à la volée vers un bytecode exécuté par une machine virtuelle. Un ordonnanceur coopératif organise l’exécution de flux concurrents le long d'axes temporels multiples, utilisant des dates et des délais symboliques. Le temps symbolique est traduit en temps réel par le biais de courbes de tempo, pour lesquelles nous fournissons un formalisme en termes d'équations différentielles. La machine virtuelle fournit un flux d'informations à l'éditeur, qui peut ainsi afficher ces informations directement dans le code du programme. Ceci permet à l'utilisateur de visualiser la progression du scénario pendant la performance
Temporality is a critical aspect of live shows and art installations. Technical artifacts and processes participate in a rich network of temporal interactions with the human performers and/or the audience. In this context, technicians and artists need tools to plan and control the temporal scenarios of their show or installation. In this work we present Quadrant, a programming environment for designing and performing temporal scenarios. Such scenarios can be used to drive various technical aspects of live shows and art installations, such as audio and video playback, lights, or mechatronics. We explore a hybrid approach aimed at bridging the gap between a programming language and a show controller. Our environment features a structure editor operating on a syntax tree that combines textual tokens and user interface widgets. This allows specifying scenarios algorithmically, while expressing continuous time transformations using graphical curves. Scenarios are compiled on-the-fly into a bytecode run by a virtual machine. A cooperative scheduler organizes the execution of concurrent flows along multiple time axes, using abstract dates and delays. Abstract time is mapped onto wall-clock time through the use of time transformations, specified as tempo curves, for which we provide a formalism in terms of differential equations. Tempo curves can be built from cubic Bézier curves. The virtual machine feeds back execution informations to the structure editor, which uses it to highlight executed statements and display progress wheels and status icons directly in the code. This allows an operator to easily monitor the progression and the temporality of the scenarios
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Holmquist, Johan. „Formalisation of edit operations for structure editors“. Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2005.

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Although several systems with structure editors have been built, no model exist to formally describe the edit operations used in such editors. This thesis introduces such a model --- a formalism to describe general structure edit operations for text oriented documents. The model allows free bottom-up editing for any tree-based structural document with a textual content. It can also handle attribute and erroneous structures. Some classes of common structures have been identified and structure editor specifications constructed for them, which can be used and combined in the creation of other structure editors.

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Duffy, Sandra Lee. „PEDIT-- a resident structure editor for PROLOG“. Thesis, Kansas State University, 1985.

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Ritchie, Brian. „The design and implementation of an interactive proof editor“. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1988.

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This thesis describes the design and implementation of the IPE, an interactive proof editor for first-order intuitionistic predicate calculus, developed at the University of Edinburgh during 1983-1986, by the author together with John Cartmell and Tatsuya Hagino. The IPE uses an attribute grammar to maintain the state of its proof tree as a context-sensitive structure. The interface allows free movement through the proof structure, and encourages a "proof-byexperimentation" approach, since no proof step is irrevocable. We describe how the IPE's proof rules can be derived from natural deduction rules for first-order intuitionistic logic, how these proof rules are encoded as an attribute grammar, and how the interface is constructed on top of the grammar. Further facilities for the manipulation of the IPE's proof structures are presented, including a notion of IPE-tactic for their automatic construction. We also describe an extension of the IPE to enable the construction and use of simply-structured collections of axioms and results, the main provision here being an interactive "theory browser" which looks for facts which match a selected problem.
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Meniconi, Fabrizio. „L'integrazione di un algoritmo di Operational Transformation in un editor strutturato“. Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.

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Nei sistemi di editing collaborativo Real-Time più utenti si trovano ad apportare modifiche ad uno stesso documento contemporaneamente. Queste modifiche, a volte, possono riguardare la stessa porzione di testo ed entrare in conflitto tra di loro. La gestione di questi conflitti tra operazioni concorrenti rappresenta un problema di cruciale importanza in quanto, se affrontato inadeguatamente, può portare a stati incoerenti del modello di dati condiviso tra gli utenti connessi al sistema. Operational Transformation è una tecnologia che permette la risoluzione di conflitti in ambienti di collaborazione real-time per l’editing di documenti testuali, proponendo una serie di metodologie e proprietà che permettono di risolvere queste problematiche in maniera efficiente senza appesantire troppo il sistema. Un ulteriore grado di complessità si aggiunge quando si parla di editor strutturati. In questi sistemi, infatti, le operazioni non riguardano solo il contenuto testuale, ma anche elementi di layout, dimensioni dei caratteri e metadati. Più modifiche possono essere apportate contemporaneamente dallo stesso sistema, assumendo un significato semanticamente più complesso di una semplice operazione di cancellazione o di inserimento di testo. Per questo motivo, dopo l'approfondimento degli aspetti teorici di OT, mi sono cimentato nella realizzazione di un algoritmo di Operational Transformation in un editor strutturato.
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Cervone, Luca. „Parametric editors for structured documents“. Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013.

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Lo scopo di questa dissertazione è di identificare le tecnologie più appropriate per la creazione di editor parametrici per documenti strutturati e di descrivere LIME, un editor di markup parametrico e indipendente dal linguaggio. La recente evoluzione delle tecnologie XML ha portato ad un utilizzo sempre più consistente di documenti strutturati. Oggigiorno, questi vengono utilizzati sia per scopi tipografici sia per l’interscambio di dati nella rete internet. Per questa ragione, sempre più persone hanno a che fare con documenti XML nel lavoro quotidiano. Alcuni dialetti XML, tuttavia, non sono semplici da comprendere e da utilizzare e, per questo motivo, si rendono necessari editor XML che possano guidare gli autori di documenti XML durante tutto il processo di markup. In alcuni contesti, specialmente in quello dell’informatica giuridica, sono stati introdotti i markup editor, software WYSIWYG che assistono l’utente nella creazione di documenti corretti. Questi editor possono essere utilizzati anche da persone che non conoscono a fondo XML ma, d’altra parte, sono solitamente basati su uno specifico linguaggio XML. Questo significa che sono necessarie molte risorse, in termini di programmazione, per poterli adattare ad altri linguaggi XML o ad altri contesti. Basando l’architettura degli editor di markup su parametri, è possibile progettare e sviluppare software che non dipendono da uno specifico linguaggio XML e che possono essere personalizzati al fine di utilizzarli in svariati contesti.
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Bortoluzzi, Mariana Kessler. „Desenvolvimento e implementação de um editor de documentos estruturados no padrão Dicom Structured Report“. Florianópolis, SC, 2003.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-20T12:22:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 195362.pdf: 1894061 bytes, checksum: a79f99dd7cf59ec149b7f2d4113ad4df (MD5)
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Harimoto, Seiyu. „PC-ICICLE: an interactive color integrated circuit layout editor for personal computers“. Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1987.

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An interactive color graphics layout editor for VLSI has been implemented on the IBM PC. The software, PC-ICICLE, is written in Microsoft PASCAL and the 8086/88 Assembly Language under the DOS 2.0 environment. The basic hardware requirement is the standard configuration of the IBM PC with 256K bytes, and color graphics monitor and adapter. Without the need for any special hardware, PC-ICICLE makes layout editors more readily available to VLSI chip designers. PC-ICICLE has also been executed on the IBM PC-XT, IBM PC-AT, and Zenith's IBM compatible PC without any modifications.

Master of Science
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Burress, Helen. „Modulation of cholera toxin structure and function by host proteins“. Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2014.

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Cholera toxin (CT) moves from the cell surface to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) where the catalytic CTA1 subunit separates from the holotoxin and unfolds due to its intrinsic thermal instability. Unfolded CTA1 then moves through an ER translocon pore to reach its cytosolic target. Due to the instability of CTA1, it must be actively refolded in the cytosol to achieve the proper conformation for modification of its G protein target. The cytosolic heat shock protein Hsp90 is involved with the ER-to-cytosol translocation of CTA1, yet the mechanistic role of Hsp90 in CTA1 translocation remains unknown. Potential post-translocation roles for Hsp90 in modulating the activity of cytosolic CTA1 are also unknown. Here, we show by isotope-edited Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy that Hsp90 induces a gain-of-structure in disordered CTA1 at physiological temperature. Only the ATP-bound form of Hsp90 interacts with disordered CTA1, and its refolding of CTA1 is dependent upon ATP hydrolysis. In vitro reconstitution of the CTA1 translocation event likewise required ATP hydrolysis by Hsp90. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) experiments found that Hsp90 does not release CTA1, even after ATP hydrolysis and the return of CTA1 to a folded conformation. The interaction with Hsp90 allowed disordered CTA1 to attain an active state and did not prevent further stimulation of toxin activity by ADP-ribosylation factor 6, a host cofactor for CTA1. This activity is consistent with its role as a chaperone that refolds endogenous cytosolic proteins as part of a foldosome complex consisting of Hsp90, Hop, Hsp40, p23, and Hsc70. A role for Hsc70 in CT intoxication has not yet been established. Here, biophysical, biochemical, and cell-based assays demonstrate Hsp90 and Hsc70 play overlapping roles in the processing of CTA1. Using SPR we determined that Hsp90 and Hsc70 could bind independently to CTA1 at distinct locations with high affinity, even in the absence of the Hop linker. Studies using isotope-edited FTIR spectroscopy found that, like Hsp90, Hsc70 induces a gain-of-structure in unfolded CTA1. The interaction between CTA1 and Hsc70 is essential for intoxication, as an RNAi-induced loss of the Hsc70 protein generates a toxin-resistant phenotype. Further analysis using isotope-edited FTIR spectroscopy demonstrated that the addition of both Hsc70 and Hsp90 to unfolded CTA1 produced a gain-of-structure above that of the individual chaperones. Our data suggest that CTA1 translocation involves a ratchet mechanism which couples the Hsp90-mediated refolding of CTA1 with extraction from the ER. The subsequent binding of Hsc70 further refolds CTA1 in a manner not previously observed in foldosome complex formation. The interaction of CTA1 with these chaperones is essential to intoxication and this work elucidates details of the intoxication process not previously known.
Molecular Biology and Microbiology
Biomedical Sciences
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Hane-Devore, Tasia Marie. „Constructed Bodies, Edited Deaths: The Negotiation of Sociomedical Discourse in Autothanatographers’ Writing of Terminal Illness“. Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2011.

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Bücher zum Thema "Editeur structuré"


Wong, Chan Man. A language structure editor. [S.l: The Author], 1987.

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Tsafos, Emmanuel. Generic structured editor. Manchester: UMIST, 1995.

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Tan, H. Y. Generic structured editor. Manchester: UMIST, 1996.

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Peters, Stephanie C. The generic structured editor. Manchester: UMIST, 1996.

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Mallinson, S. B. A structured musical editor. Manchester: UMIST, 1994.

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Esmaeili, Javad. A Miranda structure editor with type checking. Salford: University of Salford, 1989.

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Walker, C. A structured editor for the C programming language. Manchester: UMIST, 1996.

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Thiesmeyer, Elaine C. Editor: A system for checking usage, mechanics, vocabulary and structure. 5. Aufl. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1995.

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I, Suveĭzdis P., Hrsg. Lietuvos tektoninė sandara: Tectonic structure of Lithuania / compiled and edited by Povilas Suveizdis. Vilnius: Geologijos ir geografijos institutas, 2003.

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Suveĭzdis, P. I. Lietuvos tektoninė sandara: Tectonic structure of Lithuania / compiled and edited by Povilas Suveizdis. Vilnius: Geologijos ir geografijos institutas, 2003.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Editeur structuré"


Royce, Tony. „Using Edited Fields“. In Structured COBOL, 86. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1992.

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Cadogan, Peter H. „The Chelgraph SGML Structured Editor“. In Workstations and Publication Systems, 190–95. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1987.

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Wright, Susan J. „PLEX - A Structured Line Diagram Editor“. In Automating Systems Development, 111–19. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1988.

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Bloch, Bianca, Melanie Kuhn, Marc Schulz, Wilfried Smidt und Ursula Stenger. „Introduction and structure of the edited volume“. In Early Childhood Education in Germany, 1–7. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Adrei, Françoise, und Michel Bonjour. „EcinsDesign: A graphical editor for semantic structures“. In Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 264–83. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.

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Bobek, Szymon, Grzegorz J. Nalepa und Przemysław Babiarz. „Web-Based Editor for Structured Rule Bases“. In Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 411–21. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Pollitt, S., A. Burrow und P. W. Eklund. „WebKB-GE — A visual editor for canonical conceptual graphs“. In Conceptual Structures: Theory, Tools and Applications, 111–18. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.

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Strömfors, Ola. „Editing large programs using a structure-oriented text editor“. In Advanced Programming Environments, 39–46. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1986.

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McDaniel, Joseph R., und Alvin E. Fein. „Design and Development of an Interactive Chemical Structure Editor“. In ACS Symposium Series, 62–79. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1987.

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Aladin, Mohamad Yahya Fekri, und Ajune Wanis Ismail. „Principle Structure to Create a 2D Game Level Editor“. In Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games, 1–6. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Editeur structuré"


Godiksen, Christian, Thomas Herrmann, Hans Hüttel, Mikkel Korup Lauridsen und Iman Owliaie. „A type-safe structure editor calculus“. In POPL '21: The 48th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2020.

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Card, Alexander, und Chris Martens. „The Ceptre Editor: A Structure Editor for Rule-Based System Simulation“. In 2019 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC). IEEE, 2019.

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Omar, Cyrus, Ian Voysey, Michael Hilton, Jonathan Aldrich und Matthew A. Hammer. „Hazelnut: a bidirectionally typed structure editor calculus“. In POPL '17: The 44th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.

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Moon, David, Andrew Blinn und Cyrus Omar. „tylr: a tiny tile-based structure editor“. In TyDe '22: 7th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Type-Driven Development. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022.

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Nakano, Marina, Emi Masuda und Masaru Kamada. „A Structure Editor for the English Language“. In 2016 19th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS). IEEE, 2016.

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Madhavji, Nazim H., und Nikos Leoutsarakos. „A dynamically self-adjusting structured editor“. In the 1985 ACM SIGSMALL symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1985.

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Hüttel, Hans, Anja Elisasen Lumholtz Nielsen, Nana Gjerulf Sandberg, Christoffer Lind Andersen und Peter Mikkelsen. „A Structure Editor with Type-Safe Copy/Paste“. In IFL 2022: Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022.

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Choumane, Ali, Hervé Blanchon und Cécile Roisin. „Integrating translation services within a structured editor“. In the 2005 ACM symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2005.

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Spiridonov, Roman E., Sergey A. Akentev, Kirill S. Ilin und Pavel S. Chigvintsev. „Multi User Text Editor Data Structures Organization“. In 2019 III International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS). IEEE, 2019.

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Caplinger, Michael. „Structured Editor Support for Modularity and Data Abstraction“. In the ACM SIGPLAN 85 symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1985.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Editeur structuré"


Chen, I.-Min A., V. M. Markowitz, F. Pang und O. Ben-Shachar. OPM Scheme Editor 2: A graphical editor for specifying object-protocol structures. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juli 1993.

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Feiler, Peter H. Relationship Between IDL (Interface Description Language) and Structure Editor Generation Technology. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1986.

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Prysyazhna-Gapchenko, Julia. VOLODYMYR LENYK AS A JOURNALIST AND EDITOR IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF UKRAINIAN EMIGRATION. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, März 2021.

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In this article considered Journalistic and editorial activity of Volodymyr Lenika (14.06.1922–02.11.2005) – one of the leading figures of Ukrainian emigration in Germany. First outlined basic landmarks of his life and creation. Journalistic and editorial activity of Volodymyr Lenik was during to forty years out of Ukraine. In the conditions of emigration politically zaangazhovani Ukrainians counted on temporality of the stay abroad and prepared to transference of the created charts and instituciy on native lands. It was or by not main part of conception of liberation revolution of elaborate OUN under the direction of Stepan Banderi, and successfully incarnated in post-war years. Volodymyr Lenik, executing responsible commissions Organization, proved on a few directions of activity, which were organically combined with his journalistic and editorial work. As an editor he was promotorom of creation and realization of models of magazines «Avangard», «Krylati», «Znannia», «Freie Presse Korespondenz», newspapers «Shliakh peremogy». As a journalist Volodymyr Lenik left ponderable work, considerable part of which entered in two-volume edition «Ukrainians on strange land, or reporting, from long journeys». Subject of him newspaper-magazine publications directed on illumination of school, youth, student, cultural, scientific problems, organization and activity of emigrant structures, political fight of emigration, to dethronement of the antiukrainskikh Moscow diversions and provocations. Such variety of problematic of works of V. Lenika was directed in the river-bed of retaining of revolutionary temperament in the environment of diaspore, to bringing in of it to activity in public and political life. Problematic of him is systematized publicism and journalistic appearances, which was inferior realization of a few important tasks, namely to the fight for Ukrainian independence in new terms, cherishing and maintainance of national identity, counteraction hostile soviet propaganda. On an example headed Volodymyr Lenikom a magazine «Knowledge» some aspects are exposed him editorial trade.
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Ripoll, Santiago, Eva Niederberger und Leslie Jones. Key Considerations: Behavioural, Social and Community Dynamics Related to Plague Outbreaks in Madagascar. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), März 2022.

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This brief explores behavioural and community dynamics related to plague outbreaks in Madagascar. The aim is to support actors involved in plague response to acquire a deeper understanding of behavioural and cultural practices and structural inequities that may exacerbate plague transmission. It also provides suggestions on how to improve communications and community engagement as part of a context-adapted plague response. It is authored by Santiago Ripoll (IDS) and Eva Niederberger (Anthrologica) and edited by Leslie Jones (Anthrologica). Contributions were made by colleagues at Institut Pasteur Madagascar, the Institute of Development Studies, Rutgers University, the IFRC and UNICEF.
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Diprose, Rachael, Amalinda Savirani, Annisa Sabrina Hartoto und Ken M. P. Setiawan. Pathways of Change through Women’s Collective Action: How Women are Overcoming Barriers and Bucking Trends to Influence Rural Development in Indonesia. University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020.

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This overview to the edited volume is structured to briefly explore the following key points that emerge in the case analysis of how women’s collective action has created changes for both women’s well-being and the implementation of the Village Law, as well as how such change has been supported by a wide range of CSOs across different contexts and sectors. First, we identify variation in the diversity of priorities and initiatives that villages have introduced as a result of women’s influence on the implementation of the Law. Such initiatives go beyond infrastructure and economic development projects (although women have also prioritised these kinds of initiatives) and traverse multiple sectoral issues in seeking to address challenges for villagers, particularly women, through village development. Second, we identify the different types of changes that are evident in the case studies that have implications for women’s everyday wellbeing, as well as their influence on structures of power, decision making and village development at the individual and institutional levels, and in broader contexts. Third, we discuss how changes have come about for rural village women and what factors have contributed to the changes that are illustrated through the case studies. This includes a discussion of how context dynamics constrain or enable women’s influence, variation in core challenges (or sectoral issues) for women, and how collective action has contributed to forging these changes as is illustrated by the case studies. Fourth, we explore the temporal dimensions of change. And finally, we explore some of the pathways by which such changes have occurred in the research areas, that being different contexts.
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Diprose, Rachael, Amalinda Savirani, Annisa Sabrina Hartoto und Ken M. P. Setiawan. Pathways of Change through Women’s Collective Action: How Women are Overcoming Barriers and Bucking Trends to Influence Rural Development in Indonesia. University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020.

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This overview to the edited volume is structured to briefly explore the following key points that emerge in the case analysis of how women’s collective action has created changes for both women’s well-being and the implementation of the Village Law, as well as how such change has been supported by a wide range of CSOs across different contexts and sectors. First, we identify variation in the diversity of priorities and initiatives that villages have introduced as a result of women’s influence on the implementation of the Law. Such initiatives go beyond infrastructure and economic development projects (although women have also prioritised these kinds of initiatives) and traverse multiple sectoral issues in seeking to address challenges for villagers, particularly women, through village development. Second, we identify the different types of changes that are evident in the case studies that have implications for women’s everyday wellbeing, as well as their influence on structures of power, decision making and village development at the individual and institutional levels, and in broader contexts. Third, we discuss how changes have come about for rural village women and what factors have contributed to the changes that are illustrated through the case studies. This includes a discussion of how context dynamics constrain or enable women’s influence, variation in core challenges (or sectoral issues) for women, and how collective action has contributed to forging these changes as is illustrated by the case studies. Fourth, we explore the temporal dimensions of change. And finally, we explore some of the pathways by which such changes have occurred in the research areas, that being different contexts.
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Pires, Jose Claudio Linhares. Third Independent Evaluation of Expanded Project Supervision Report (XPSR) Exercise. Inter-American Development Bank, Januar 2011.

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This report evaluates the third exercise of the Expanded Project Supervision Reports (XPSRs), prepared by the Structured and Corporate Finance Department (SCF). The exercise represents a step toward full compliance with the Evaluation Cooperation Group's (ECG) guidelines, which require the validation of the XPSRs the same year they reached Early Operational Maturity (EOM). Based on the agreed schedule between OVE and SCF, this goal should be achieved by the end of 2011. This exercise implies the preparation of 13 XPSRs for all projects that reached EOM in 2008 and 2009. According to this agreed schedule, two additional exercises will be conducted by the end of 2011, one for projects that reached EOM in 2010 and another for projects that will reach EOM in 2011.This report presents the main findings and conclusions from the evaluation exercise. Some specific financial, business or proprietary information has been edited, in compliance with the Bank's Access to Information Policy.
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Niederberger, Eva, Leah Tanner und Soha Karam. Key Considerations: Socio-Behavioural Insight For Community-Centred Cholera Preparedness And Response In Mozambique, 2023. Institute of Development Studies, März 2023.

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The current cholera outbreak in Mozambique started on 14 September 2022, when the first case was reported in Niassa Province. As of March 2023, 30 districts from six provinces had reported cases. This brief explores socio-behavioural determinants including local knowledge, perceptions, practices, and structural factors influencing cholera transmission dynamics. The brief has been developed to support response actors develop prevention and control strategies to rapidly contain the outbreak and prepare for a potential scaling up of the response in view of the imminent rainy season. It emphasises the vital importance of these strategies being community-centred and identifies gaps in knowledge and evidence. This brief draws on socio-behavioural and epidemiological information from published and grey literature and consultations with cholera response experts and partners in Mozambique. It was requested by UNICEF’s country office in Mozambique. It was written by Eva Niederberger, Leah Tanner and Soha Karam (Anthrologica) and edited by Leslie Jones and Olivia Tulloch (Anthrologica). Contributions and reviews were made by colleagues at the WHO, UNICEF and UNHCR in Mozambique, IFRC and WHO. This brief is the responsibility of SSHAP.
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Soares, Tatiana Fontes, Simon Lodato, Monika Huppi, Jose Claudio Linhares Pires und Cheryl Gray. Fifth Independent Evaluation of SCF's Expanded Project Supervision Report Exercise. Inter-American Development Bank, September 2013.

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Each year the Structured and Corporate Finance Department (SCF) of the Inter-American Development Bank prepares a set of Expanded Project Supervision Reports (XPSRs). This Fifth Independent Evaluation Report presents the annual independent validation of the XPRSs by the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE). The exercise has been carried out in line with the Good Practice Standards for Private Sector Operations issued by the multilateral development banks' Evaluation Cooperation Group. Each project is evaluated on four dimensions: Development Outcome, IDB Profitability, IDB Additionality, and IDB Work Quality. This XPSR exercise covers all nine SCF projects that reached Early Operating Maturity in 2011. These projects were approved mostly in 2008 and 2009 during the global financial crisis, although one dates back to 2006. The portfolio consists of five financial operations (all located in C&D countries) and four non-financial sector operations (located in A&B countries). This report presents the main findings and conclusions from the evaluation exercise. Some specific financial, business or proprietary information has been edited, in compliance with the Bank's Access to Information Policy.
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Hendricks, Kasey. Data for Alabama Taxation and Changing Discourse from Reconstruction to Redemption. University of Tennessee, Knoxville Libraries, 2021.

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At their most basic level taxes carry, in the words of Schumpeter ([1918] 1991), “the thunder of history” (p. 101). They say something about the ever-changing structures of social, economic, and political life. Taxes offer a blueprint, in both symbolic and concrete terms, for uncovering the most fundamental arrangements in society – stratification included. The historical retellings captured within these data highlight the politics of taxation in Alabama from 1856 to 1901, including conflicts over whom money is expended upon as well as struggles over who carries their fair share of the tax burden. The selected timeline overlaps with the formation of five of six constitutions adopted in the State of Alabama, including 1861, 1865, 1868, 1875, and 1901. Having these years as the focal point makes for an especially meaningful case study, given how much these constitutional formations made the state a site for much political debate. These data contain 5,121 pages of periodicals from newspapers throughout the state, including: Alabama Sentinel, Alabama State Intelligencer, Alabama State Journal, Athens Herald, Daily Alabama Journal, Daily Confederation, Elyton Herald, Mobile Daily Tribune, Mobile Tribune, Mobile Weekly Tribune, Morning Herald, Nationalist, New Era, Observer, Tuscaloosa Observer, Tuskegee News, Universalist Herald, and Wilcox News and Pacificator. The contemporary relevance of these historical debates manifests in Alabama’s current constitution which was adopted in 1901. This constitution departs from well-established conventions of treating the document as a legal framework that specifies a general role of governance but is firm enough to protect the civil rights and liberties of the population. Instead, it stands more as a legislative document, or procedural straightjacket, that preempts through statutory material what regulatory action is possible by the state. These barriers included a refusal to establish a state board of education and enact a tax structure for local education in addition to debt and tax limitations that constrained government capacity more broadly. Prohibitive features like these are among the reasons that, by 2020, the 1901 Constitution has been amended nearly 1,000 times since its adoption. However, similar procedural barriers have been duplicated across the U.S. since (e.g., California’s Proposition 13 of 1978). Reference: Schumpeter, Joseph. [1918] 1991. “The Crisis of the Tax State.” Pp. 99-140 in The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism, edited by Richard Swedberg. Princeton University Press.
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