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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Écoute clinique"
Waintrater, Régine. „Écoute testimoniale, écoute clinique“. Le Coq-héron N°237, Nr. 2 (2019): 82.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFry, Manou, Armelle Hours, Marc Lhopital und Bernard Sage. „Écoute plurielle dans un Groupe de travail clinique“. Le Divan familial N° 52, Nr. 1 (18.06.2024): 37–49.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePerret, Anne. „Quelle écoute psychanalytique auprès d’adolescents s’interrogeant sur leur identité sexuée“. Figures de la psychanalyse 44, Nr. 2 (26.05.2023): 77–88.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGevrey, Vincent, und Alexandre Ployé. „Élucider l’imaginaire professionnel des acteurs d’un collège à propos de l’inclusion scolaire“. La nouvelle revue - Éducation et société inclusives N° 100, Nr. 3 (20.06.2024): 11–21.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRoux, Louise, und Gaia Barbieri. „Une écoute clinique « nomade » des sujets migrants précaires“. Nouvelle revue de psychosociologie N°30, Nr. 2 (2020): 129.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBazin, Perrine. „Mise au travail groupale du négatif chez l’adulte avec autisme et déficience intellectuelle“. Dialogue 245, Nr. 3 (23.10.2024): 121–35.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGoursaud, Florent. „Existe-t-il une clinique rapide ?“ Cahiers de l'enfance et de l'adolescence 11, Nr. 1 (05.07.2024): 193–200.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLasvergnas, Isabelle. „La Clinique psychanalytique de Montréal : une écoute particulière du socius“. Cliopsy N° 7, Nr. 1 (01.04.2012): 87–98.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKone, Djakaridja. „Clinique des adolescents : pour un accueil et une écoute préventive“. VST - Vie sociale et traitements 91, Nr. 3 (2006): 109.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFortier, Claude. „À propos de l’école de Paris : quelques repères pour la consultation psychosomatique“. Santé mentale au Québec 13, Nr. 1 (05.06.2006): 18–33.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Écoute clinique"
Dahdouh-Khouri, Dany. „La fin d'une illusion : quand la politique de l'autruche dysfonctionne et que le clivé fait retour : analyse à partir d'une clinique libanaise 2000-2006“. Thesis, Lyon 2, 2014.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research is rooted in my various professional experiences over more than a decade as a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst in training, dealing with children, adolescents, their families as well as adults. This relates to a particular type of clinical work since the data for this study was collected in Lebanon, a country that has an elusive history, punctuated by wars and scattered violence; a country that is characterized by a resonating and echoing system between individual trauma and collective traumas. This study refers more precisely to a well-defined population, consisting exclusively of former children and adolescents of the 1975-1991 Lebanese war having lived and grown up in the former East Beirut. The study is also characterized by the fact that, once the analytic cure was well advanced, I was able to understand that I experienced, during my childhood and my adolescence, similar shared moments with my patients pertaining to traumatic experiences resulting from the war. In fact, my adult patients, the parents of the children in psychotherapy as well as myself, found ourselves as children and adolescents in the same places, experiencing the same epoche, alone, and away from adults (our parents or teachers), the same violent and destructive war events. This is a reflection that pertains to four generations. I wonder as to the quality of the links that exist between the peculiarities of the elaborative work of personal traumatic experiences and family traumas within the context of child psychotherapy. My interrogations also relate to the possible type of interaction existing between the specific trauma of the parent who is an ex-child (and ex-adolescent) of the war and the collective trauma that is specific to a country at war. I question in part the nature of the defense modalities of parents (generation 2) And the particularities of inner personal traumas that occur as an echo to family’s trauma, intertwined and interlocked with cumulative and collective social trauma. Moreover, I question why the parental psyche seems frozen, as if invaded, a prisoner “in a “no man’s land”, an undefined territory internal/external- non-human, fantasy/reality”, I also wonder about the strong, hidden links that seemed to glue up the members of a family. Those links or particular ways to live the attachment seemed, at first, apparently nonexistent but paradoxically they were extremely present in the sessions. The adults seamed unable to free themselves from this chain. I wonder if the children (generation 1) born after the war, are not, in the parental psyche (generation 2) reduced to a symptom – a symptom that the parents (generation 2) could not have had the opportunity to carry during their own childhood. Therefore, the child (generation 1) would be the bearer of "parental splitting"? I finally question the setting and wonder if the parents (generation 2) may not have accredited during our first encounter the « psychoanalytic » framework with the following dumb contract or agreement: "we know/you know what we/you have lived in our/ your childhood: we leave it aside and we do not talk about it at all. " Although the pact has not been explained verbally, transmission seemed to have been established in a « non-verbal communication. It may be for this reason that, the parents (generation 2) felt sufficiently at ease to try and place, for the first time in their lives, the suffering “child in them” in what they might have felt as being the securing, healing and soothing arms of “someone” who can be there for them; “someone” who has known what they have encountered because he is not a total stranger to their childhood experiences, “someone” who has the words and the capacity to talk about these unpleasant things; someone who may be able to express the “unspeakable experiences” with simple words
Michel, Claire. „Praticiens réflexifs et pouvoir d'entendre en travail social : quelle place pour les approches biographiques en formation ?“ Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleInterested in the people that are being supported and the listening to the psycho-social suffering of users by social intervention professionals, the author questions the training systems in this field of activity. After having observed a strong injunction to reflexivity in the training of future social workers, she questions this reflexive turn based on the links that exist between the ideal-typical figure of the contemporary individual and the taking into account of social overdeterminations in the work of listening and support among professionals in the field of special education. Concerned by the way in which the training system could further support a « technicist » perspective of social intervention, the author introduces the pratice of life stories through a collective and clinical support system, with eight students. Biographical research, and more precisely clinical sociology, seem to be particularly pertinent with the skills-based approach, for the training of future social workers and the construction of their professional identity. Promoting the development of the « power to hear » of future professionals, these approaches indeed give a prominent place to processes of subjectivation, while sharing the collective project of « taking care of others ». It is then a question of paying attention to the construction of a specific professional posture from a work of existential rereading aimed, for the students, at better specifying « what I do with what I am » in the professional activity
Fath, Gérard. „L'Ecole laïque en France et son espace axiologique : aspects historiques et cliniques“. Nancy 2, 1987.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCostantini, Chantal. „Comment des enseignantes d’école maternelle « entendent » le silence de l’élève ? : étude clinique : des questions du chercheur aux questions de recherche“. Paris 10, 2008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEmerged in its very early steps from questions by my educational practice, this work is an attempt to catch psychic processes, education policies aimed to help pupils of 3 to speak, are built on. It is psychoanalysis-oriented clinic approach. Its main material is teacher interview analysis. Up to seven interviews have been analysed. The main methodical thread relies on awareness of my countertranferencial feelings. This leads me to my own silence condition and by the way to broader subjects such as quest for origin, exile, mother tongue. This work is divided into 4 parts. “Partie I, Prologue” is a clinic reading of the tale of “La Petite Sirène” as a metaphor for the question of research issue. “Partie II, Le chercheur : sujet et objet d’une recherche clinique ?” examines the unconscious links between researcher and his research object based on my own experience during this work. “Partie III, L’entrée dans la langue de l’école : l’exil de la langue maternelle ?” looks at the school tongue versus mother tongue in terms of the former being foreign to the latter. “Partie IV, L’analyse des entretiens” attempts to infere how teachers “listen to” their pupils silence
Lo, Bello Jean-Pierre. „Des professeurs d'école aux prises avec des activités technologiques à l'école élémentaire : contribution à une clinique du rapport au savoir technologique d’enseignants“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe present thesis aims at presenting a unique approach where four teachers evoke the itinerary they have followed to develop technological activities in primary schools. These activities are described by the description of the programs, by social-technical references (J.L. Martinand 1982) but also by the teachers themselves. Their setting up is linked to preliminary questions of conception and also to the research of technical solutions. My aim is to understand one of the modalities of the clinical approach of the relation to the knowledge, that is to say, the relation to the technological knowledge. By clinical interviews I chose to discover this single relation which is linked to the economy of the flexibility of primary school teachers, but also to the social law where these techniques are displayed. By choosing a clinical view that favours unconscious phenomena, I am trying to study the motion of expression, identification, and the distance to the technological object of teaching. In my opinion, the presentation of these activities, like others, constitutes a professional event that mobilizes the creative resources of the teacher, but also enlightens the psychic elements in him that remained in suspense or enigmatic. This process described here could be, if it is developed, renforce the professional identity and the abilities of individual or collective change
Prot, Frederique Marie. „Pour des « cliniques de l’éducation » : former les professeurs à la bienveillance : l’exemple des pratiques d’écriture à l’École Freinet : enquête sur un programme “LéA“ de l’IFÉ“. Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe empirical investigation carried out within the framework of this thesis was part of the perspective of the Law of Refoundation "For a school of benevolence". It was to contribute to a research program of the French Institute of Education (IFE), named Places of Education Associates (LEA). The purpose of this study (2014-2017) was "Innovating for a caring school of benevolence". The field of investigation is that of the Freinet School, the historical school of Élise and Célestin Freinet in Vence in the Alpes-Maritimes (France). By staying regularly in situ, the actual practices during writing situations, specific to the institution of the free text, have been objectified. Such a work of objectification pinpoints the joint action of the teachers. These cooperative training practices were analyzed based in particular on the framework of the Theory of Joint Action in Didactics (TACD). This thesis proposes to examine a series of questions: What model is it possible to propose from the type of training practiced at Freinet School? How is this model, which can be described as clinical, relevant when it comes to pedagogical filiation? What are the strengths, weaknesses and limitations? These questions are linked to another series: How can one speak of the teacher's professional benevolence? In what other professional virtues could it find its expression?
Hennard, Francois. „De la préparation au pilotage de la classe ; pour une intelligibilité des pratiques“. Thesis, Lyon 2, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBuilt in multireferentiality, on the postulates of the sociocultural psychology of Vygotski, of the clinical analysis of activity (Y. Clot), of the ergonomics of the activity, the finality of this study is to build an intelligibility of the practices, habitus and singularity intermingled, in an understanding and développementale approach of the actions of preparation, like “a presence with the future” .Which bonds make the teachers between the direction, the form and the methods of their anticipatrice action of preparation and the action in progress of their effective control of the class, their leading (piloting) of the tasks, with the complexity of a situation of teaching-training, at the elementary school during an experimentation of ground in cross autoconfrontation?This PROBLEMATIC is organized in a descriptive and understanding step around three ASSUMPTIONS: Assumption 1, about the nature of the practice - each professional interprets the preparation differently. Assumption 2, between it to what the anticipation of the meeting relates (facilitating or not the management of unforeseen) and its effective piloting. Assumption 3, on the possible prolongations in formation.The METHOD, a “quasi-experimentation”, the access to the daily reality of the practices allows, in an enquiring space of co-construction experts / researcher, in support of the autoconfrontation which makes it possible “to make live the conscience to study it” (Vygotski), when this one is placed at the group of professional’s disposal, constituting the corpus, decree, in fine, on five singular actors, for a search for typicality of case of teachers.The INDICATORS of analysis, organized around the traces and of the designs of the preparation, make it possible to clarify the paradigm of anticipation and the preparation:- There are several configurations determined by the report with the support-tool and the management of the linguistic interactions.- The progress of the real enfolding class is the result of a system of interactions between piloting starting from the preparation and interpretations, major uncertainties, that the pupils make with the tasks. - While anticipating with the linear framework of the “canonical” preparation the teacher controls the linear one, on the opposite of the training and does not integrate a possibility of improvisation . It is not a sufficient tool of the trade, it makes it possible to establish relations of determination, but few relations of significance: interpretation thus remains in tension.To solve this tension, one can plan a complementary way, with the crossing of a private clinic of the educational relation and a private clinic of the activity: an individual and collective post-paration. This POST-PARATION - which allows problématiser, to introduce something which is not in the report of situation and to be in this presence with the future to allow the adjustment of the action - correlated with the professional style, in bond with the kind is constitutive of a capital of setting in words and of a repertory of acting out, which is resources to precede the action
Galbrun, Frédérick. „L’écoute dans le travail social clinique en santé mentale : l'impact d'une parole délirante sur l'idéal“. Thèse, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBücher zum Thema "Écoute clinique"
Recherche biographique et clinique narrative: Entendre et écouter le Sujet contemporain. Toulouse: Erès, 2012.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBuchteile zum Thema "Écoute clinique"
Mairesse, Yves. „Écoute clinique“. In Dictionnaire de sociologie clinique, 218–21. Érès, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKatsibracchis, Eva, und Agnès Bonnet. „Psychologie clinique du vieillissement“. In Psychologie clinique du vieillissement, 167–78. In Press, 2015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRobert, Philippe. „Clinique du couple et de la famille“. In Clinique du couple et de la famille, 27–35. In Press, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLaznik, Marie-Christine, und Catherine Ferron. „La pulsion invocante et l’Autre dans la clinique du bébé“. In Écoute, ô bébé, la voix de ta mère..., 125. ERES, 2015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChahraoui, Khadija. „Psychotraumatismes : quelle écoute du clinicien ?“ In 15 cas cliniques en psychopathologie du traumatisme, 153–72. Dunod, 2014.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePloton, Louis. „Psychogérontologie clinique et pathologique“. In Psychogérontologie clinique et pathologique, 35–42. In Press, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSévigny, Robert. „École de Chicago“. In Dictionnaire de sociologie clinique, 211–15. Érès, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChahraoui, Khadija. „Chapitre 7. Psychotraumatismes : quelle écoute du clinicien ?“ In 15 cas cliniques en psychopathologie du traumatisme, 153–72. Dunod, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFerveur, Christophe. „Le rêve“. In Le rêve, 63–84. In Press, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePloyé, Alexandre. „L’imaginaire collectif des enseignants spécialisés stagiaires en formation. Tensions autour de l’inclusion scolaire“. In Éducation et formation aux pratiques inclusives. Tensions entre reproduction et innovation, 321–33. Éditions de l'Université de Lorraine, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle