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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Écoulement dans une conduite à expansion"
Maarka, Kenza, und Azeddine Soudani. „Etude tridimensionnelle de la convection mixte dans une conduite cylindrique horizontale“. Journal of Renewable Energies 22, Nr. 2 (06.10.2023): 227–36.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBLANC, P., E. LANDEL und J. F. GUIBERGIA. „Bruit généré par un écoulement dans un diaphragme placé dans une conduite circulaire“. Le Journal de Physique IV 04, Nr. C5 (Mai 1994): C5–963—C5–967.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOuchiha, Zohra, Abderrahmane Ghezal und Jean Claude Loraud. „Evolution Ascendante d’un Fluide Newtonien en Présence d’un Cylindre Homogène Chauffé“. Journal of Renewable Energies 4, Nr. 2 (31.12.2001): 89–100.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBuyer, M., J. Vazquez und B. Bremond. „Modélisation du comportement hydraulique des déversoirs d’orage latéraux en régime transcritique“. Revue des sciences de l'eau 18, Nr. 1 (12.04.2005): 25–46.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHOUENOU, Ayidego, Cossi Léonard HINNOU, Raphiou MALIKI und Sabine TEDE. „Analyse genre de la sélection participative des cultivars locaux de niébé cultivés au centre du Bénin“. Annales de l’Université de Parakou - Série Sciences Naturelles et Agronomie 12, Nr. 1 (30.06.2022): 43–60.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSavadogo, M., A. Ouattara, CK Dahani, O. Nikiéma, S. Traoré, B. Nagréongo und Et Al. „Profil épidémiologique et clinique des cas suspects de COVID-19 reçus au CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo du Burkina Faso“. Revue Malienne d'Infectiologie et de Microbiologie 16, Nr. 1 (31.01.2021): 7–10.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVAILLANT, H., Y. RUELLE und S. CADWALLADER. „Brèves de médecine“. EXERCER 35, Nr. 199 (01.01.2024): 47–48.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMiháltz, P., Zs Csikor, P. Chatellier und B. Siklódi. „Optimisation de la concentration de biomasse dans un réacteur à lit fluidisé“. Revue des sciences de l'eau 14, Nr. 2 (12.04.2005): 131–45.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNDUWIMANA, André, Richard HABONAYO, Bernadette HABONIMANA, Vénérand NDORERE, Salvator KABONEKA und Jan BOGAERT. „Regard critique sur les impacts socio-économiques et écologiques des peuplements d’eucalyptus au Burundi“. BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 357 (01.10.2023): 85–96.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBouraoui, F., und M. L. Wolfe. „Évaluation d'un modèle des zones de pâturages et de prairies naturelles“. Revue des sciences de l'eau 16, Nr. 4 (12.04.2005): 459–74.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Écoulement dans une conduite à expansion"
Selvam, Kamal. „Transition to turbulence in circular expansion pipe flow“. Thesis, Normandie, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe thesis deals with numerical and experimental investigations of flow through circular pipes with smaller inlet and larger outlet diameter, also known as expansion pipes. The hydrodynamic expansion pipe flow is globally stable for high Reynolds number. In order to numerically simulate these types of flows, large computational domains that could accommodate the linearly growing symmetric recirculation region is needed. Moreover, experimental studies of expansion pipe flows indicate that the transition occurs at lower Reynolds number than predicted by the linear stability theory. The reason for early transition is due to the presence of imperfections in the experimental setup, which acts as a finite-amplitude perturbation of the flow. Three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations with two different types of perturbations (i) the tilt and (ii) the vortex are investigated. First, the tilt perturbation, which applied at the inlet, creates an asymmetric recirculation region and then breaks to form localised turbulence downstream the expansion section. Second, the vortex perturbation, creates structures that looks like lower order azimuthal mode, resembles an optimally amplified perturbation. It grows due to convective instability mechanism and then breaks to form localised turbulence. Spatial correlation and the proper orthogonal decomposition reveal that this localised turbulence gains it energy from the core flow coming out of the inlet pipe
Latrech, Oussama. „Τurbulence cοntrοl in a diverging pipe flοw : Stabilizing Edge States and Reducing Energy Dissipatiοn“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWhen driving fluids through pipes, the increased friction losses associated with turbulence are responsible for the majority of the energy used, corresponding to nearly 10 % of the global electric energy consumption. If one wants to succeed in reducing our energy footprint, discovering innovative ways to efficiently pump fluids is crucial.It is now understood that turbulence is organized around a set of unstable invariant solutions. By implementing bespoke control schemes, it is possible to force the flow into a more energetically favorable region of the phase space.This thesis focuses on the subcritical transition to turbulence in various divergent pipe configurations through detailed numerical simulations. It was found that larger divergence angles generally reduce the critical Reynolds numbers required for the onset of turbulence, though this effect varies with specific pipe configurations such as sudden expansion pipe. The influence of divergence angle and Reynolds number on the positioning of stationary turbulent puffs and the reattachment points of recirculation zones was also investigated. Notably, larger angles and higher Reynolds numbers cause both puffs and reattachment points to stabilize closer to the expansion point in contrast to the linear growth of the recirculation zones observed in laminar flow conditions.Adopting a dynamical system perspective, the thesis also examines the stabilization of the least dissipative state, known as the edge state, through feedback controls schemes. While complete stabilization was not achieved, significant reductions in viscous drag and enhanced energy efficiency were observed. In a divergent pipe configuration with mirror symmetry, these strategies resulted in substantial energy savings across a broad range of Reynolds numbers. Conversely, in full divergent pipe configurations without symmetry, the effectiveness of these strategies was more limited and restricted to a narrow range around of Reynolds number around the onset of turbulence. Moreover, the robustness and efficiency of these feedback strategies were evaluated under conditions simulating practical operational scenarios, demonstrating their potential applicability in experimental settings.This thesis also analyses the dynamics of edge states in divergent pipe flows, using classical bisection method within the DNS framework Nek5000. We applied these techniques in straight pipes, validating previous research findings and establishing a baseline for further comparative analysis in more complex geometries. Subsequently, the method was applied to a sudden expansion pipe configuration where edge tracking revealed significant challenges due to the flow’s tendency to quickly revert to turbulence due to a potential linear instability. Finally, the algorithm was applied to a gradual expansion pipe, where quasi-periodic bursting events were observed, initiating a self-sustaining cycle of turbulence driven by convective mechanisms and shear layer instability
Leclaire, Benjamin. „Etude théorique et experimentale d'un écoulement tournant dans une conduite“. Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLeclaire, Benjamin. „Etude théorique et expérimentale d'un écoulement tournant dans une conduite“. Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCarpentier, Stéphane. „Simulation d'un écoulement turbulent 3D dans une conduite coudée en "S"“. Rouen, 1998.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKamp, Arjan. „Écoulements turbulents à bulles dans une conduite en micropesanteur“. Toulouse, INPT, 1996.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMatas, Jean-Philippe. „Ecoulement d'une suspension dans une conduite : migration inertielle et transition vers la turbulence“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThough present in many industrial situations, pipe flow of suspensions remains poorly understood. We have investigated in this work how this type of flow is impacted when inertia is not negligible. The first part presents the problem of the lateral migration of a rigid sphere in Poiseuille flow. We studied experimentally how the Segr´e and Silberberg migration (1962) was affected by inertia for Reynolds numbers up to the beginning of intermittency. We have observed that another radial equilibrium position exists for Re > 600. Experimental results were compared to the predictions of a method of matched asymptotic expansions. The second part is an invertigation of the influence of neutrally buoyant particles on the transition to intermittency. We observed experimentally that the smaller particles (Rep< 1) moved the transition to larger Reynolds numbers via an increase in the effective viscosity. For the particles such as Rep> 1, there is a range of concentration for which transition is moved to lower Reynolds numbers, and to larger Reynolds numbers above a critical volume fraction. We proposed a scaling law which collapses all data on a master curve
Ranaivoson, Nivonandrianina Landy Voahirana. „Simulation numérique d'écoulements diphasiques dans une conduite par méthode pseudo-spectrale“. Paris 9, 1988.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLe, Gall Franck. „Etude expérimentale des fluctuations d'un écoulement eau-air ascendant dans une conduite cylindrique“. Paris 6, 2000.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRingenbach, Georges. „Etude de l'écoulement plan d'un fluide d'Oldroyd-B dans une conduite présentant une distribution périodique de brusques variations de section“. Poitiers, 1996.
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