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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Economic rel. with China"


Wu, Donggao. „The Joint Development Management System and Legal System of China and the DPRK on the Rason Economic and Trade District“. Korea Association Of Real Estate Law 23, Nr. 3 (30.11.2019): 143–58.

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Hermawan, M. Ozha Putra, und Etha Pasan. „KERJASAMA INFRASTRUKTUR CINA-PAKISTAN MELALUI CHINA-PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR TAHUN 2013-2020“. Spektrum 21, Nr. 1 (12.01.2024): 1.

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Cina berkeinginan untuk melakukan percepatan kegiatan ekonomi dan memperluas jalur sutra melalui pembangunan infrastruktur. Untuk mencapai keinginan tersebut Cina melakukan hubungan kerjasama dengan negara tetangga, yaitu Pakistan. Kerjasama ini tertuang dalam China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Cina menginvestasikan sebesar US$ 46 Million untuk pembangunan infrastruktur di Pakistan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerjasama antara Cina-Pakistan merupakan kerjasama bilateral yang bersifat teknik melalui pembangunan infrastruktur meliputi jalan raya, rel kereta api, dan pelabuhan di Pakistan dengan tujuan memperpendek waktu dan jarak tempuh jalur perdagangan Cina.
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Jiang, Xiaoli, Lingyu Wang, Xiaofeng Su, Weipeng Zeng, Anxin Xu, Qiujin Zheng und Wenxing Xu. „Spatial heterogeneity in and distributional characteristics of rural ecological livability in China——The case of Fujian Province“. PLOS ONE 15, Nr. 12 (29.12.2020): e0244238.

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With the outbreak of COVID-19, the importance of rural areas has been gradually highlighted, and the importance of rural ecological livability has been gradually recognized. A growing body of literature recognizes the importance of building a rural ecological livability (REL) system. It is urgent that we clarify the status quo and spatial-temporal differences in and distributional characteristics of rural ecological livability and that we carry out targeted and differentiated construction to promote rural ecological livability in post-epidemic China. This study proposes a conceptual model that incorporates various economic, social and environmental factors and develops a comprehensive multifactor (production-living-ecology) evaluation system. Using Fujian Province as an example, the entropy weight method is used to measure the REL level of 55 counties and cities, which are comprehensively evaluated from 2015 to 2019. Moran's I and Getis-Ord Gi* are used to analyze the spatial and distributional characteristics of the REL level in Fujian. The results show that the level of REL in Fujian Province has been relatively flat over the past five years, with a slight downward trend. The overall value of the rural ecological livability index in 2015 was 0.345, and its overall value in 2019 was 0.334, with an average value of 0.343. The REL of Fujian Province is spatially correlated, with high levels of livability in the southeast and low levels in the northeast. The autocorrelation in the level of ecological livability in Fujian's counties and cities continues to increase.
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Wirapratama, Andi. „ANALISIS MOTIF PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN REL KERETA API KUNMING-SINGAPURA (2015-2017)“. Indonesian Journal of International Relations 5, Nr. 1 (30.08.2020): 15–40.

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ABSTRACT China is popularizing the Belt Road Initiative or abbreviated as BRI, which is an ambitious development plan involving many regions throughout the world. One of BRI's projects is the construction of the Kunming-Singapore railroad track. BRI's motives are still confusing between the economy and geopolitics. Not to mention, there is a paradox in China's leadership statement regarding BRI as a political or economic foreign policy tool. As a result, the railroad project also has a mixed motive. This research attempts to uncover the motive of Kunming-Singapore Railroad construction project. This study tries to analyze this phenomenon with three concepts, offensive realism, commercial liberalism, and Giovanni Arrighi's capitalism mode. The results of this study show that the railroad project has economic and geopolitical factors behind it. Economic and geopolitical factors are both dominating and complementing China's decision to invest in this project due to changes in the structure of the domestic and international economy and to maximize wealth in order to become a Great Power. Keywords: ABSTRAK Tiongkok sedang mempopulerkan Belt Road Initiative atau disingkat BRI, yang merupakan sebuah rencana pembangunan ambisius yang melibatkan banyak kawasan di seluruh dunia. Salah satu proyek BRI adalah pembangunan jalur rel kereta api Kunming-Singapura. Motif BRI saat ini masih simpang siur, antara ekonomi dan geopolitik. Belum lagi, ada paradoks dalam pernyataan kepemimpinan Tiongkok terkait BRI sebagai alat politik atau ekonomi. Walhasil, proyek jalur rel kereta api ini juga memiliki motif yang simpang siur. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengungkap proyek pembangunan Jalur Rel Kereta Api Kunming-Singapura. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis fenomena ini dengan tiga konsep, offensive realism, commercial liberalism, dan mode kapitalisme Giovanni Arrighi, Hasil dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa proyek jalur kereta api ini memiliki faktor ekonomi dan geopolitik yang melatarbelakanginya. Faktor ekonomi maupun geopolitik sama-sama mendominasi dan saling melengkapi keputusan Tiongkok untuk berinvestasi dalam proyek ini disebabkan karena perubahan struktur ekonomi domestik dan internasional serta berupaya untuk memaksimalkan kekayaan agar dapat menjadi Great Power. Kata kunci: BRI; RRC; Kunming; Singapura; rel kereta api.
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Zheng, Yingjie. „The Impact of Carbon-neutral Planning on China's Economy“. Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences 35, Nr. 1 (10.11.2023): 55–62.

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After China put forward the development goal of carbon neutralization and peak carbon, new energy power such as wind power, hydroelectric power, and solar power are undergoing booming development. The plan of carbon neutrality not only has environmental values but also has great economic values for Chinas economy. This paper will study the topic from the following aspects: Literature review, carbon neutrality development in China, potential impacts of carbon neutrality on the Chinese economy, and the economic impact outlook. The transition to carbon neutrality brings great benefits for China despite its challenges. This study focuses especially on new energy resources by analyzing the real changes that took place in China in recent years on the way to achieve carbon neutrality. Given the fact that China is still in a critical stage of development, energy storage is of great importance to China. It is no doubt that Chinas transition to new energy resources is a huge driver for its economic growth and economic boom.
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Karlusov, V. „China and the Global Crisis“. Voprosy Ekonomiki, Nr. 6 (20.06.2009): 125–36.

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Based on the case of China, the article addresses the challenges posed by the current global crisis for national economies including Russia. In this context, the author analyzes the anti-crisis measures and factors, the evolution of Chinas socio-economic strategy and modernization of the real and financial sectors of the Chinese economy. The article also focuses on retrospective comparative assessment of economic dynamics, periodization, growth rates and future growth prospects of Chinas GDP. The final general conclusions are significant and relevant for China as well as for other economies in transition, catch-up and growing market economies including Russia.
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CHIFU, Iulian. „European China Policies: Aligning with the Red Lines of Global Economic Competition“. Romanian Military Thinking 2023, Nr. 3 (01.09.2023): 78–93.

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European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s speech at the meeting organised by the Mercator Institute for China Studies and the European Policy Centre revealed a comprehensive and realistic European strategy on China, adjusted to the latest developments (European Commission). These foreshadow the EU’s future Economic Security Strategy. The major outstanding European issues in the relationship with China remain on the table: the EU between China and the USA, in the context of the debate about Beijing’s usefulness in dealing with Russia and possible arms deliveries; the possibility of concomitant EU decoupling from Russia and China; but above all, the need for real war preparedness of European industries. The refusal to see the competition of democracies with China going to war leads to the rejection of the instrument of real deterrence of Beijing’s march towards a new global war. All this while French ambitions and obsession with strategic autonomy (Taylor, 2022) undermine EU unity, and Germany has been forced by Macron’s post-Beijing tirades to restore clarity to the European position and red lines on China.
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Iskanderova, Amina. „TRANSFORMATION OF CHINA-USA RELATIONS“. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal 03, Nr. 01 (01.01.2023): 01–11.

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The U.S.-China relationship is the most complex bilateral relationship for the United States. Over the last 30 years, Sino-American relations have undergone an impressive transformation from animosity and conflict to candid dialogue and constructive cooperation. These two vast and complicated countries have found common ground on issues of trade, investment and, more recently, security. But key issues remain unresolved, and the potential for troubling divergence is real as China becomes an economic powerhouse, a military force in Asia, and a potential rival to U.S. hegemony. In this article described the transformation of China-USA relations from the period of post-World War II. The U.S.-China relationship is the most complex bilateral relationship for the United States. Over the last 30 years, Sino-American relations have undergone an impressive transformation from animosity and conflict to candid dialogue and constructive cooperation. These two vast and complicated countries have found common ground on issues of trade, investment and, more recently, security. But key issues remain unresolved, and the potential for troubling divergence is real as China becomes an economic powerhouse, a military force in Asia, and a potential rival to U.S. hegemony.
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Zhu, Fengyi. „The Impact of Financial Risk Factors on Chinas Real Economy“. Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences 77, Nr. 1 (18.04.2024): 236–42.

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As the worlds second largest economy, China has accounted for around one-third of global GDP growth over the last decade while, at the same time, Chinas economy faces a dramatic increase of economic uncertainty and financial risks in the recent years, preventing financial risk has been made a top economic priority for the next years of Chinas government work.This study employs dynamic factor model with time-varying coefficients to build three factors associated with financial risk derived from extensive financial and macroeconomic data in China. Subsequently, this paper investigate the non-linear impacts of these financial risk factors on China's real economy. Our findings reveal that financial risk shocks have the potential to transmit to the real economy, inducing a contractionary effect on both output and inflation rates. Notably, these spillover effects are significantly magnified during periods of economic recession. The most important policy implication of this paper is that: other than monitoring and preventing the financial risks in financial system, Chinas government should also reduce its policy uncertainties to better promote financial stability.
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Khadim, Zunaira, Irem Batool und Muhammad Bilal Lodhi. „China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, Logistics Developments and Economic Growth in Pakistan“. Logistics 5, Nr. 2 (07.06.2021): 35.

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The study aims to analyze the impact of China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) logistics-related developments on economic growth in Pakistan. The study defined a Cobb–Douglas type of research framework in which the country’s real income level relates to four factor inputs, e.g., employed labor force, logistics development, financial development, and energy consumption in an economy. The study utilized the time series data set for the period 1972–2018. To estimate the long run relationship and short run adjustment mechanism, the study used Johansen’s method of co-integration and error correction model. Estimated results showed that the country’s logistics developments have a significant positive impact on economic growth in both the long run and the short run. It implies that China–Pakistan collaborative efforts for logistics developments will have a strong positive impact on economic growth in Pakistan.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Economic rel. with China"


Mak, Wendy. „China's Long-Term Economic Growth Sustainability: an Empirical Approach“. Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2011.

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This dissertation focuses on assessing the sustainability of China’s long-term economic growth. The evaluation is performed, first, by examining economic and social issues from the past thirty years that shape China to where it is now, and second, by taking an empirical approach in understanding what factors are critical to China’s economic growth. The empirical model framework consists of three blocks representing the main areas of development in China: economic growth, health and environmental development, and the model is estimated with two-stage least squares methodology. We identify strong, simultaneous feedback between economic growth and health development. The estimation results show that continued improvements in the health status of Chinese workers are important to support stronger economic growth in China. Environmental stress is detrimental to China’s long-term health status, which indirectly reduces the country’s long-term economic potential. We test the robustness of our model, and confirm that, the proposed model setup produce a set of forecast values that are closer to the actual values than a model without health- and environmental-related variables.
Temple University--Theses
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徐慧瑛 und Wai-ying Chui. „Investment environment of the housing market of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1996.

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Chen, Chen. „Residential Passive House Development In China : Technica lAnd Economic Feasibility Analysis“. Thesis, KTH, Bygg- och fastighetsekonomi, 2011.

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As the energy price goes up, more and more concern has been focused on the sustainable development of residential houses. One of the best solution will be the low energy housing-passive house. The concept of passive house has been popular in Germany and whole Europe in the last 10 years, however, there is no official residential passive house standard project in China now. In this thesis, the feasibility of developing passive house in China will be analysed. Combined with the mature experience from the passive house project in Europe, a Chinese way of building the passive house will be provided. According to the previous studies, a lot of knowledge of passive house projects in Sweden have been referred to help doing the analysis about the passive house development in China. Due to the fact that there is no passive house had done before in China, the some assumptions have been made to help with the economy analysis. It is assumed that one passive house residential project will be built in Shenyang city, Liaoning Province. After the analysing and calculating, it can be concluded that it is possible and profitable to develop the passive house standard residential projects in China. It has a bright future.
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Ding, Yan, und 丁艷. „Measuring the long-and short-run effects monetary policy on real economic activity in China“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2008.

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Ding, Yan. „Measuring the long-and short-run effects monetary policy on real economic activity in China“. Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2008.

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Hung, King-nam Kimberly, und 洪景藍. „Hong Kong real estate marketing strategies since the 1997 economic down-turn“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2002.

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Cheah, Shing-wai Terry, und 謝盛威. „Housing demand analysis: a case study of HongKong“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1997.

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Kwok, Yuk-fung, und 郭玉鋒. „A review of the government intervention on private residential property after economic turmoil“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2009.

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李家權 und Ka-chuen Rex Lee. „A study of establishing property re-sale market in China with particular reference to coastal special economic zones in PRC“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1994.

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Lee, Sai-man Eric, und 李世文. „The economics of intelligent residential buildings in Hong Kong“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2001.

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Bücher zum Thema "Economic rel. with China"


1962-, Ngo Tak-Wing, und Wu Yongping 1962-, Hrsg. Rent seeking in China. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2009.

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Zhijian, Wu, und Day Phillip, Hrsg. China 88: The real China and how to deal with it. Singapore: Pearson Education South Asia, 2014.

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George, Walder Andrew, und Oi Jean Chun, Hrsg. Property rights and economic reform in China. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1999.

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Tao, Wang. China: Sources of real exchange rate fluctuations. Washington, D.C: International Monetary Fund, Asia and Pacific Dept., 2004.

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Bräutigam, Deborah. The dragon's gift: The real story of China in Africa. Oxford [England]: Oxford University Press, 2009.

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T, Howie Fraser J., Hrsg. Red capitalism: The fragile financial foundation of China's extraordinary rise. Singapore: Wiley, 2011.

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1981-, Murphree Michael, Hrsg. Run of the red queen: Government, innovation, globalization, and economic growth in China. New Haven [Conn.]: Yale University Press, 2011.

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Lin, George C. S. Red capitalism in South China: Growth and development of the Pearl River Delta. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997.

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Lin, Chusheng. Red capitalism in South China: Growth and development of the Pearl River Delta. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997.

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1968-, Ho Peter, Hrsg. Developmental dilemmas: Land reform and institutional change in China. New York: Routledge, 2005.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Economic rel. with China"


Lo, Chi. „The Real Danger Isn’t Another Crisis“. In Phantom of the China Economic Threat, 133–56. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.

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Johnson, D. Gale, und Song Guoqing. „Inflation and the Real Price of Grain in China“. In Food Security and Economic Reform, 148–62. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1999.

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Cubeiro Rodríguez, Dídac. „The French Railway to China: The Red River Railway“. In Palgrave Studies in Economic History, 51–81. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Cuddy, Michael P., Hongmei Liu und Scott Steele. „A Socio-Economic Study of Kelang Village in Yunnan Province in Relation to Uptake by Farmers of Improved Management Practices on Red Soils in China“. In The Red Soils of China, 349–68. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2004.

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Michta, Andrew A. „Options for Dealing with Russia and China: A US Perspective“. In Russia-China Relations, 267–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractAfter two decades of Global War on Terror, the US is confronted by two near-peer military competitors, Russia and China, which have aligned in their opposition to the US-led international order. Russia is determined to revise the post-Cold War settlement, while China aims to replace it altogether with one built around its economic power, its military, and increasingly its values and ideological tenets. The West’s post-Cold War assumptions that economic globalization would lead to democratization have been proven false, with a new round of great power competition in full view. With the United States military refocusing on great power competition in the Indo-Pacific, Washington needs Europe to rearm and provide real capabilities to deter Russia in the event of a kinetic conflict in Asia. For the NATO alliance, “burden transferring” should be the way forward, with Europe providing core military capabilities while the US maintains its nuclear umbrella and high-end enablers. This approach will ensure deterrence in Europe holds, while the United States confronts China in the Indo-Pacific. It is even more urgent today in light of Russia’s second invasion of Ukraine in 2022 that Europe rebuild its militaries.
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von Weizsäcker, Carl Christian, und Hagen M. Krämer. „Concluding Remarks on Economic Policy“. In Saving and Investment in the Twenty-First Century, 309–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThe German debt brake is not compatible with the long-term stability of the euro. “New thinking” requires that public debt and price stability are no longer opponents, but rather allies in the Keynes world of persistently low interest rates. The proposed balanced account agreement is made more concrete here: An appropriate target (real) interest rate on the global capital market is between one and 1.5% per year lower than the growth rate of the OECD plus China region. If the actual interest rate is below the target rate, the countries with current account surpluses undertake to increase their public debt periodD gradually according to a definite formula. In symmetrical fashion, if the real interest rate is “too high,” countries with current account deficits have the duty to reduce their public debt period. The rules of the balanced account agreement replace the debt brake. They are the instruments of soundfiscal policy.
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Yu, Hong. „Belt and Road Initiative 2.0 in the Making: How Far Can It Go?“ In Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative, 169–92. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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AbstractThe shifting global geopolitical environment amidst the power rivalry between the United States and China and the once-in-century global COVID-19 pandemic have pushed China to rely more on the domestic market, demands and resources for generating economic growth at home.
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Lim, Guanie, und Mustafa Yağcı. „China in the Middle East: Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Transformation, and Regional Development“. In Gulf Studies, 547–61. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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AbstractThis paper unpacks the uneven manners Chinese investment has taken shape in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). It takes 2013 as the watershed as it is the year when the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China’s foremost diplomatic and economic strategy in engaging with the international community, was announced. The paper forwards three inter-related arguments. Firstly, Chinese firms have not usurped the traditional investors of the MENA (i.e. the US and key European states). Secondly, Chinese investment primarily favours MENA economies with large, young population and high endowment of natural resources. However, there seems to be a shift away to the other MENA economies in the post-BRI era. Thirdly, a significant portion of Chinese investment has financed energy-related activities during the pre-BRI era. The preference for energy-related investment has dropped somewhat after 2013 as Chinese TNCs participate in other activities such as tourism and real estate development.
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Ronnaas, Per. „Economic Diversification and Growth in Rural China: An Anatomy of a ‘Socialist’ Success Story“. In The Aftermath of ‘Real Existing Socialism’ in Eastern Europe, 269–91. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Wu, Ya, und Hang Yan. „The Decoupling Analysis Between Regional Building Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in China“. In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, 1385–95. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Economic rel. with China"


Li, Yuanxin. „A PERSPECTIVE OF MONETARY POLICIES WITHIN CHINA AND EU TOWARDS COVID-19“. In 6th International Scientific Conference ERAZ - Knowledge Based Sustainable Development. Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia, 2020.

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COVID-19 has shut down the real economy since its outbreak by assaulting the society and its system, which was affected directly or indirectly, including the significant decrease of demand, huge shock of supplies, highly nervous and volatile of the financial market and the overall deterioration of the economic index. With the spread of the epidemic around the world, major economies have continuously introduced extraordinary economic policies to respond. This paper attempts to systematically sort out and analyze the characteristics and development of the epidemic, its impact mechanism, transmission path and actual impact on the global economy, as well as the response models, main goals and measures of macroeconomic policies of EU and China. It compares the macroeconomic policies by China and EU fighting against the COVID-19 and promoting the economy horizontally and vertically.
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Yuan, Zhiyong, Qingsheng Li, Jinyong Lei, Yi Xue, Hao Bai, Yu Zhang, Shuhui Pan, Ning Luo und Wei Li. „Real-time Economic Dispatch of Microgrid Considering Battery Lifetime“. In 2022 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED). IEEE, 2022.

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Bocutoğlu, Ersan. „An Economic Eurasian Tale: Rakhine State“. In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2017.

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Genocide or, to say the least, ethnic cleansing towards Muslims in Rakhine State, Myanmar, conducted by fanatic Buddhist monks and the military has been on the agenda in recent months. This opening speech aims at finding out real causes of this inhumane incident and investigating whether or not it is solely a result of some kind interreligious conflict in Myanmar. My research has convinced me that Rakhine inter-ethnic question has international economic and security related roots that deserve close and detailed investigation. In my point of view, the Rakhine Question depends heavily on economic security considerations such as: a) security of natural gas and petrol reservoirs in Rakhine State and pipelines connecting Rakhine State to China, b) security of railway link connecting Kyaukpyu Deep Water Sea Port in Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone in Rakhine State to China which has developed by China to bypass Malacca Strait. The potential that Muslim dominated Rakhine State may cause security threats to some of the foreign Chinese investments in Myanmar in medium term should be taken as a main cause that gives way to ethnic cleansing against Muslim Rakhine population.
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Nai-peng, Hu, und Tian Jin-xin. „Stable Analysis and Forecast of Real Estate Economic System in China“. In 2006 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering. IEEE, 2006.

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Zhang, Linpeng. „Urban Economic Development Level and Real Estate Market in Mainland China“. In 2022 International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Economy(UPRE 2022). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2022.

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Chang, Siwei, Yuan Qi und Yingbo Ji. „Economic Benefit Calculation Model for Prefabricated Buildings in China Based on Cash Flow“. In International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management 2019. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2019.

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Yan, Jiali. „Does FinTech Promote the Profitability of Real Enterprises in China?“ In 2022 7th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2022). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2022.

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Jiang, Zizhao, und Gexiang Zhang. „Research on the Development of Pension Real Estate in China“. In 2021 3rd International Conference on Economic Management and Cultural Industry (ICEMCI 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Wu, Mingze. „Over-Issued Currency and Real Estate Asset Prices in China Market“. In 6th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Huang, Jiayi, Haoni Jiang, Fuming Wang und Xiaochen Zhao. „Research Proposals on the Reform of Real Estate Tax in China“. In 2022 7th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2022). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2022.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Economic rel. with China"


Boyce, Tucker. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Januar 2017.

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Zhang, Yaguang, Guo Fan und John Whalley. Economic Cycles in Ancient China. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Oktober 2015.

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Bery, Suman. India, China and Asian economic integration. East Asian Bureau of Economic Research, August 2011.

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Marchini, Geneviève Marthe Marie. Working paper PUEAA No. 16. The US exit from Afghanistan. Reverberation across Latin America. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Programa Universitario de Estudios sobre Asia y África, 2023.

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In this paper, I aim to analyze which direct or indirect implications the US withdrawal from Afghanistan had for Latin America, especially in the economic sphere, an aspect less addressed. My point is that there were few direct economic effects, due to the lack of relevance of trade and investment links between Afghanistan and Latin American countries, but the consequences of the US exit reverberated through the global system and through its real and potential effects on topics of common interest. As peripheral and semi-peripheral countries, and despite the absence of international wars in the region, several Latin American countries share with Afghanistan aspects of an insertion in the global economy which includes illicit activities or activities at the margins of legality, like the production, transit and exports of drugs, or the privatization of war, or are affected by the struggles between the great powers, especially the United States and China. The paper is organized as follows: in a first section we briefly introduce the Afghan economy and show the weak links it maintains with Latin America. The second section discusses some immediate reactions to the US withdrawal in Latin America and examines one of its direct effects, related to the participation of Colombian military personnel and former soldiers in Afghanistan. The third section deals with the reverberations of the US exit on the “war on drugs,”, which involves several Latin American countries as well as Afghanistan, and the fourth section approaches the possible impacts on the international infrastructure initiatives in both regions. The last section concludes.
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He, Gang, Jiang Lin und Alexandria Yuan. Economic Rebalancing and Electricity Demand in China. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2015.

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Barro, Robert. Economic Growth and Convergence, Applied Especially to China. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Januar 2016.

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Heckman, James, und Junjian Yi. Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Inequality in China. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Mai 2012.

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Demurger, Sylvie, Jeffrey Sachs, Wing Thye Woo, Shuming Bao und Andrew Mellinger. Geography, Economic Policy, and Regional Development in China. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2002.

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Alden, Chris, und Jing Gu. China–Africa Economic Zones as Catalysts for Industrialisation. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Mai 2021.

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Chinese-sponsored Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones offer African countries opportunities for new sources of investment, employment, skills transfer and technology transfer that promote industrialisation. For more than 15 years, these economic zones have provided a window into the complexities of transforming African aspirations for industrialisation into realities. Through policy frameworks and incentives, Chinese firms have been encouraged to link with local economies. Despite varied outcomes, African support for industrial parks remains strong. To be sustainable, African Special Economic Zones need constructive partnerships and strong African governance, backed by high-quality data to inform both Chinese and African government decisions.
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Huang, Yiping. What does China want in international economic reforms? East Asian Bureau of Economic Research, September 2011.

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