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Soenjoto, Wening Purbatin Palupi, Arin Ramadhiani Soleha und Eka Mulia Nurul Al Amin. „Economic Constraction Vs Mental Beggars During the Covid 19 Pandemic 2021“. Sunan Ampel Review of Political and Social Sciences 2, Nr. 2 (27.06.2023): 154–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.15642/sarpass.2023.2.2.154-160.

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The covid pandemic period that occurred until the end of 2021 changed many aspects of human life. There was a global psychological shock and had to change habits suddenly into polemics. Changing habits is not an easy thing, it requires great effort to want to follow the rules of new normal life. The 19th pandemic period became a rationalization of the economic situation of a group of people who felt they had the right to receive social assistance from the government. This was because a preconceived mental formation was a mental formation formed by the soul asking for material deficiency. The government provides social assistance funds in dealing with the economy in Indonesia with the intention of providing assistance to help people affected by the pandemic. Many companies are laying off workers on a large scale which has led to increased unemployment. The state of global conflict in all aspects, especially the economic aspect, which causes economic contraction, but with social assistance, a beggar mentality is even triggered. The assistance funds provided are not to open a business as a substitute for a profession because they are unemployed due to being affected by the pandemic by becoming entrepreneurs. hope that every month they will receive aid funds from the government. There is also a mistargeting of the distribution of social assistance funds and many receive it even though it is not their right to receive social assistance funds.
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Matejek, Józefa. „A FAMILY WITH MANY PROBLEMS IN THE SOCIAL SUPPORT SYSTEM“. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference 3 (21.05.2019): 313. http://dx.doi.org/10.17770/sie2019vol3.3715.

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The contemporary family is subject to significant transformations, which forces its members to adapt in new conditions of social functioning. Changing socio-economic conditions, difficult financial situation, helplessness, occurrence of addictions and social pathologies often make families unable to properly fulfill their tasks and functions. Social support can refer to taking action in any difficult situation in which a person is - a family who can not cope independently under the circumstances. The family is one of the most important values in human life, therefore the possibilities of its support should be broad, varied and generally available.The aim of the study is to present selected aspects and forms of social support for the family, which experiences many problems in everyday functioning. Supportive activities concern, among other things: the form of social assistance that the family will receive in the light of legal acts, the types of benefits a family can get in a difficult life situation and diversified forms of assistance and support from specialists for working with family - social workers and family assistants. The study uses the method of analysis of existing data (desk research), the research has been given a diagnostic and descriptive character. In the presented article, the analysis covered the subject literature on the subject matter covered, applicable legal acts, statistics, government reports and reports on social assistance benefits. The collected material was supplemented by an expert interview conducted with social workers and family assistant. Undertaken assistance activities should support families not only in the traditional social role, but also be open to the dynamics of socio-economic and cultural changes and new areas requiring assistance. Therefore, when undertaking supporting activities, one should focus both on preventing negative phenomena that may threaten the proper functioning of the family and effectively eliminate the effects of their occurrence.
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Hidayati, Niswatin Nurul. „Two Sides of Social Media: an Assistance on Youth Using Social Media In Tuban District“. TAAWUN 4, Nr. 01 (10.01.2024): 43–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.37850/taawun.v4i01.599.

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The aim of the assistance was to explore the multifaceted role of assistance programs dedicated to guiding and supporting youth in their use of social media in Tuban District, especially in Montong Sub District. As adolescents and young adults increasingly turn to online platforms for communication, information sharing, and identity formation, the need for constructive guidance becomes paramount. Recognizing the transformative potential of social media in the lives of the youth, this article aims to shed light on initiatives aimed at providing assistance and mentorship. The mentoring method used was in the form of seminars and practical sessions. Based on the mentoring program conducted for the youth in the Montong Sub District Tuban District, it can be concluded that internet usage has been massively adopted by the youth. However, this usage is not yet fully harnessed for the benefit of both individuals and institutions in their respective workplaces. Additionally, it can be said that through this seminar, the youth gained insights into various aspects, ranging from utilizing social media for branding to obtaining more information about the internet and its economic impact, the positive and negative aspects of social media, and social media ethics. A suggestion from the author is the hope that similar activities can continue to be implemented continuously. Furthermore, it is advisable to incorporate more in-depth digital literacy aspects in subsequent activities
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Mardari, Liliana. „Aspects of state control of social assistance as a function of social protection management in the Republic of Moldova“. Vector European, Nr. 1 (April 2024): 116–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.52507/2345-1106.2024-1.23.

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World experience proves that no state can successfully carry out radical reforms in economic and political, social and cultural life without also having a developed network of social assistance services and specialists, able to protect people in difficulty. In this context, in addition to regulations, reforms, training, financing, programs, projects, the need to control their application and capitalization is imposed. As a result, the field of social assistance, which includes a wide spectrum of specific benefits and services, each with particularities in regulation, application, financing, but indispensable for the categories of beneficiaries to whom they are addressed, it is necessary to establish and apply the control function through to institutions with attributions and functions in that direction.
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Nikonova, O. V. „SOCIAL PROTECTION OF THE POPULATION: THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL ASPECTS AND IMPROVEMENT RETROSPECTIVE“. Social & labor researches 49, Nr. 4 (2022): 61–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.34022/2658-3712-2022-49-4-61-72.

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In the light of the ongoing changes in the economic, political and social spheres, the topic of social protection is more relevant and in demand than ever. Scientists, practitioners and the author face the task of rethinking social protection, its theoretical and conceptual provisions in the conditions of the existing reality and, as a result, the need to consider the periods of its development, identify emerging trends, and develop new periods and approaches. In periodical scientific socio-economic publications, social protection is usually considered in the context or composition of social policy. Social protection of the population is an integral part of the social policy of any state and plays an important role in society. There are very few scientific studies on the evolution of the formation of the social protection system of the population, taking into account historical and socio-economic periods of development in Russia. Moreover, the regional aspects of its formation and development remain insufficiently studied. The subject of the study is economic and social relations arising in connection with the rethinking of social protection, and its theoretical and conceptual provisions in the conditions of the existing reality. The purpose of the work is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of social protection, a retrospective of its development, identification of developing trends, and development of new periods and approaches. The relevance of the study is due to the increasing role of social protection in the light of ongoing changes in the economic, political and social spheres. The scientific novelty consists in the development of approaches to the analysis of the system of social assistance and support during the formation and development of market relations in the Russian Federation (1990 – present). The research methods are analysis, systematization, synthesis, induction, deduction, and modeling. At the same time, a modern multifaceted and multilevel model of the social protection system of the population with private-state forms of support and assistance is presented. The research results: the author presents the periodization of the formation and development of the social assistance and support system, which is considered in chronological order and is associated with the adoption of fundamental legislative and regulatory legal acts in this area, as well as certain historical events. The author concludes that the modern model of social protection of the population is imperfect and the process of its reform has not been completed, since the realities of public life are constantly changing, new challenges are emerging that force the social protection system to look for new forms, types, and response mechanisms.
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TAS-OOL, Klara D. O. „Certain aspects of charity development: Patronage assistance in the Republic of Tuva“. Regional Economics: Theory and Practice 21, Nr. 1 (16.01.2023): 148–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.24891/re.21.1.148.

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Subject. This article discusses the problems of the population's life prolongation in the Republic of Tuva. Objectives. The article aims to develop measures to improve the quality of social and medical services. Methods. For the study, I used a statistical analysis. Results. The article finds a relationship between low life expectancy and socio-economic factors such as poverty, unemployment, crime, and living in dilapidated housing. It reveals that the system of providing patronage services is represented exclusively by medical organizations of the Republican healthcare system in the Republic of Tuva. Conclusions. The participation of private structures to provide social case work services will contribute to improving the life quality and prolongation of the population of the Republic of Tuva.
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Taufiq, Abd Rohman, und Achmad Iqbal. „Analisis Peran Corporate Social Responsibility terhadap Aspek Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Lingkungan pada Industri Ritel“. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi 6, Nr. 1 (25.06.2021): 22. http://dx.doi.org/10.23887/jia.v6i1.29046.

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a company responsibility that not only about how to generate profits, but also pay attention to society and the environment. This study aims to analyze the CSR role of retail companies in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach. The results show that retail companies in Indonesia have implemented CSR in a sustainable manner. The CSR program has implications in several aspects, including social, economic, and environmental aspects. In social programs, retail company CSR is dominated by educational assistance activities, natural disasters, and blood donors. ERAA is a company that focuses on economic aspects with community development. Environmental aspects are dominated by tree planting and energy reduction. Community Development (Comnev) should be the basis for implementing CSR programs to be more sustainable.
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TERMOSA, I. „ASPECTS OF FORMATION OF ECONOMIC COMPETENCE IN THE PROCESS OF TRAINING SPECIALISTS IN THE SOCIAL SPHERE“. Pedagogical Sciences, Nr. 75-76 (12.12.2020): 71–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.33989/2524-2474.2020.75-76.226379.

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The article describes the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the definition of “professional competence”. The main normative documents (professional standards and standards of higher education) and legislative acts to ensure the training of future specialists in the social sphere in the formation of their economic competence are identified. It is stipulated that the practical preparation of the future social specialist for social protection of various groups of the population, in particular social security, requires the formation of economic competence.The author’s vision of interpretation of economic competence of social specialists in terms of necessary knowledge, acquired skills, set of opportunities and abilities in the field of economic knowledge for effective professional activity in the field of social services, social assistance and social work in general. The constituent components of economic competence in the training of specialists in the social sphere are described: motivational, cognitive, procedural and personal.The cognitive component is highlighted as the most important, which reflects the rationale for the role of knowledge in the formation of economic competence. It is substantiated that the formation of economic competence of the future specialist in the social sphere takes place in higher education institutions within a holistic pedagogical process in the study of specialized socio-economic disciplines (“Economic foundations of social work”, “Economics of social work”, “Social economy”, “Social protection”). population “) and through the use of such methods of organizing educational activities as business games, situational tasks, development of socio-economic projects.It is established that the necessary role in the formation of economic competence in the training of a social worker is played by his knowledge of the determinants of social security as the main form of social protection - state social standards and guarantees. A brief description is given on the basis of legislative acts and the established size of the subsistence minimum as a state social standard and minimum wages and old-age pensions as the main state social guarantees.
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Wango, Nyagwegwe C. „Aspects of the Informal Economy that Influence Voluntary Contributions to Social Security Fund“. International Journal of Social Science Research 12, Nr. 2 (17.06.2024): 222. http://dx.doi.org/10.5296/ijssr.v12i2.21994.

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The study explored the factors within the informal economy that drive voluntary contributions to social security funds, presenting findings across three key attributes: economic, social, and institutional. Voluntary contributions were evident in all three associations studied. Economic incentives, such as loans and cash assistance during sickness and death, motivated members to contribute willingly. Additionally, the allowance for small contributions during regular meetings further facilitated participation. The study found that these meetings fostered member engagement and provided social benefits. Regularly scheduled meetings, as stipulated in the associations’ constitutions, helped to organize and structure the associations. The frameworks, including rules and regulations, were aligned with national-level associations, with leadership ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, such as those governing the bodaboda association.
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Gusev, A. Yu. „Problems of protecting social security rights in countries Eurasian Economic Union: individual aspects“. Voprosy trudovogo prava (Labor law issues), Nr. 6 (30.06.2023): 364–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.33920/pol-2-2306-07.

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The entry of an employee into an employment relationship and the exercise of labor activity is associated with the acquisition by the employee of insurance and work experience, including special work experience, the acquisition of which then becomes the basis for the emergence of social security rights, in particular, the right to a pension, an allowance, social assistance, social services. Citizens of the Russian Federation work in the post-Soviet countries, in particular, in the Republic of Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, which are members of the Eurasian Economic Union, an international organization of regional economic integration with international legal personality. The study of the problems of the application of the norms of social security legislation of both the Union and national jurisdictional bodies of the EAEU countries in the process of resolving social security disputes, allows us to identify conflicts, defects of this legislation, raise the question of optimizing laws, both on at the level of an international organization, as well as the legislation of the states that are members of this organization.
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Peter Aning Tedong, Zafirah Al Sadat Zyed, Rohana Jani und Fathin Amelina Fazlie. „Rural Residents’ Perceptions on the Poverty Alleviation and Governance in Sarawak, Malaysia“. International Journal of Business and Society 23, Nr. 2 (08.08.2022): 649–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.33736/ijbs.4831.2022.

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Poverty alleviation has continuously become one of the main concerns of the socio-economic policy worldwide. This crucial phenomenon is bounded on necessity toward monetary and comprehends by social, economic, political, and physiological aspects. In Malaysia, although the New Economic Policy in 1971 has succeeded in reducing the country's poverty incident, poverty's pocket continues to exist with high incidences of poverty among specific ethnic groups and localities. For instance, rural poverty among the Iban community in Sarawak has occurred since Malaysian independence. Therefore, this paper examines the rural residents' perceptions of the State's role in poverty alleviation in Sarawak using a qualitative approach. Findings revealed that although the government has various programs to alleviate poverty, the social assistance related to poverty was not efficiently distributed in Sarawak's rural areas. This study also revealed that a lack of social infrastructures, such as road accessibility, has significantly influenced social assistance's efficiency distribution in rural areas.
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Kobylianskyi, Oleksandr, Ivan Zayukov und Olga Pinaeva. „Support of servicemen of the reserve of Ukraine: socio-economic and psychological aspects“. Health and Safety Pedagogy 5, Nr. 2 (11.10.2023): 72–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.31649/2524-1079-2020-5-2-072-081.

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The relevance of the study is due to the fact that retired servicemen are the category of the population that needs special treatment, in particular for active combatants who were and performed their military duty in the area of the anti-terrorist operation. Therefore, the task of the state is to provide them with the necessary amount of socio-psychological and professional support, in particular in the field of employment. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of supporting Ukrainian servicemen in the socio-economic and psychological aspects. The problem of social and psychological support of servicemen discharged to the reserve is actualized. The main directions of their social and psychological support by the state are investigated. The provision of services of the State Employment Service of Ukraine (SESU) to citizens from among servicemen who took part in the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) and the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) (ATO / JFO) is analyzed; acquisition of the status of the unemployed among the servicemen who took part in anti-terrorist operation / environmental protection; the number of servicemen who participated in the anti-terrorist operation / environmental protection and received work with the assistance of the SESU; the number of servicemen who participated in the anti-terrorist operation / environmental protection and underwent professional training with the assistance of the SESU; the number of persons, among servicemen, who took part in the anti-terrorist operation / environmental protection and took part in public works and temporary works with the assistance of the SESU; the number of servicemen who participated in the anti-terrorist operation / environmental protection and were covered by career guidance services with the assistance of the SESU. Recommendations for increasing the level of their employment at the macro level are proposed. It was found that the process of transition of servicemen from military service to «civilian» life is accompanied by many crisis moments, in particular, the problem of their employment in the modern labor market is deteriorating, which is associated with low competitiveness; the need for job search and new professional activities; increasing fear of change, etc. Negative socio-psychological consequences have been identified, including suicide attempts, antisocial behavior, alcoholism as a departure from reality and, as a result, conflict with society, friends, relatives, family members, unjustified risk-taking, and so on. These negative aspects require the support of servicemen (ATO / JFO) released to reserve, in particular through their socio-psychological and professional rehabilitation. Measures for socio-psychological and professional rehabilitation of servicemen, which are proposed in the article, are relevant today, in particular: monitoring of such persons, control and analysis of the provision of social services to them; introduction of distance learning and online learning through the Prometheus educational project; providing free English language training; introduction of a crowdfunding platform project, which allows future entrepreneurs to undergo training and receive funds to start their own business, etc.
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Handayani Kusumawardhani, Sri Hantoro und Labbaika Dwi Ayu Rahmawati. „Performance Analysis of the Covid-19 Staple Food Social Assistance Activities Carried Out by the Office of Social Affairs of Karanganyar Regency in 2020 and 2021 using the Value for Money, Justice, and Equality Concepts“. AKUMULASI: Indonesian Journal of Applied Accounting and Finance 1, Nr. 2 (31.12.2022): 75–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.20961/akumulasi.v1i2.373.

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This study aims at examining the performance of the Covid-19 staple food social assistance activities carried out by The Office of Social Affairs of Karanganyar Regency in 2020 and 2021 using the value for money (effectiveness, efficiency, and economic aspects), justice, and equality approaches. The results of this study have revealed that the Covid-19 staple food social assistance activities by the Office of Social Affairs of Karanganyar Regency in 2020 and 2021 are effective, efficient, fair, and equal. However, the economic aspect is not taken into account in this study. Based on the results of the study, the researchers propose some recommendations. The effectiveness and efficiency level should be maintained and improved. At the economic level, calculations should not be necessary because this level is not a top priority and can only be affected by limited resources. The justice and equality level should be maintained and increased.
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Rakhmonov, Dustmurod, und Nilufar Nazarova. „Analysis of the results of the empirical study of ethnocultural aspects of social service provision in Uzbekistan“. E3S Web of Conferences 452 (2023): 05016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202345205016.

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Within the framework of the strong social policy carried out in the country, because of the implementation of public policy based on territorial and other socio-cultural factors and the interests of the people, the differentiation of social assistance is growing. This, in turn, is a question of the organization, management and development of a system of social services, the study of the mechanism of its institutionalization. Therefore, it will be necessary to research the legal, social, economic, medical foundations of the intensive development of the social service system in Uzbekistan. To do this, first, it is necessary to study the provision of social services sociologically. The purpose of this study is to systematically-functionally analyze the institutional development of the system of social services for the population. Results: the final recommendations obtained from the research results are used to raise the level of social service culture in the regions, to independently improve the professional training of employees working in the social security system; teaching courses such as “Professional culture”, “Ethics of social work” for students majoring in social work; in the sociological study of issues such as juvenile disability, disability acquired during work, disability acquired due to accidents, from the point of view of social service, more precisely, in providing them with practical social assistance; as a cultural factor in the provision of social services, as a result of the manifestation of national-cultural characteristics such as “shame”, “hesitation”, “anxiety”, “pride”, “pity”, “courage”, in the provision of social-cultural assistance to those who cannot receive social assistance based on the established procedure It is intended to be used (in carrying out social correction). Conclusion: according to the results of empirical research, there is no positive correlation between the current state of social services (activities of social workers), empirical state (recipients of social assistance) and ideal state (opinion of experts). This is natural. Because, in the process of providing services and receiving practical help, new demands and needs increase, the style of relationships becomes cultured, and the value factor dominates.
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Supheni, Indrian, Ambarwati Ambarwati und Dwi Puji Rahayu. „PERAN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY BANK JATIM CABANG NGANJUK TERHADAP PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DI KABUPATEN NGANJUK“. Jurnal Keuangan dan Bisnis 19, Nr. 1 (12.03.2021): 34–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.32524/jkb.v19i1.151.

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This study aims to examine whether there are economic, social, and environmental aspect effects of Bank Jatim's CSR program on community empowerment partially or simultaneously. The data were collected through interviews and questionnaires involving a population of 130 recipients of Bank Jatim CSR assistance. The probability sampling technique with the Slovin formula was used to obtain 98 samples of the study. Multiple linear regression with t-test (partial) and f-test (simultaneous) from SPSS 2.1 was an analytical instrument to analyze this study. The result of the t-test shows that the economic and social aspects have significant positive effects on community empowerment, while the environmental aspect did not have any significant effect on community empowerment. The result of the f-test reveals that social, economic, and environmental aspects have significant effects on community empowerment.
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Sander, Aleksandra. „From Poverty Relief to Social Work – Selected Historical Aspects of The German Tradition of Social Welfare and Social Work“. Praca Socjalna 37, Nr. 2 (30.06.2022): 81–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0015.9021.

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This paper presents selected historical aspects of the German social work and social welfare tradition. It shows their development from the Middle Ages to the 1990s. The changing shape of pro-poor assistance is outlined, associated with transforming attitudes towards the poor as well as the growing role of cities as economic and administrative centres. The article shows the beginnings of systematic care for the poor and the accompanying processes: rationalisation, communalisation, and pedagogisation of the system of helping the poor. The period of industrialisation and accompanying pauperisation which influenced the search for adequate forms of solving social problems and the creation of the social work profession has been described. The article also refers to the changes in welfare implemented after 1933.It also reveals the main developments in German social work that have emerged in its theory and practice since the 1990s.
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Rizal, Syamsu, und Mukhaer Pakkanna. „Digitalization of Zakat in Stimulating Community Socio-Economic Development in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Maqashid Syariah Perspective)“. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 3, Nr. 1 (18.01.2023): 23–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.24018/ejsocial.2023.3.1.384.

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The Covid-19 pandemic seems to have harmed people's lives, especially in social and economic aspects. The Islamic finance sector can solve these problems because, in principle, Islamic economics aims to achieve public welfare. Zakat, infaq, alms and waqf is one form of activity in Islamic economics, which is part of the form of compulsory worship and advice from Allah SWT. Previous studies have stated that the management and distribution of zakat, from direct assistance to community empowerment assistance, is effective in helping improve the community's social and economic welfare. Applying zakat with the community's principles and returning to the community can encourage economic equity, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, like today, where many people's economic activities are hampered. The digital zakat system is a breakthrough to increase the effectiveness of the management and distribution of zakat to the community. The digitization of zakat also makes it easier for the community to distribute zakat obligations. Coordination from various parties, such as the government, zakat institutions and academics, is needed in developing the zakat digitization system to achieve maximum results. With the application of Maqashid Syariah in managing digital zakat, it is hoped that zakat can be right on target in meeting human needs.
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Farias, Areano Ethério Moreira de, José Romero Alexandre Alves, Francisco Selmo Fernandes Alves, Raymundo Rizaldo Pinheiro, Patrícia Yoshida Faccioli-Martins, Ana Milena Cézar Lima, Sérgio Santos Azevedo und Clebert José Alves. „Characterization of goat production systems in five states of northeastern Brazil“. Semina: Ciências Agrárias 40, Nr. 6Supl3 (16.10.2019): 3691. http://dx.doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2019v40n6supl3p3691.

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Goat farming is a very important activity contributing to the social and economic development of northeastern (NE) Brazil. The objective of the present study was to characterize the goat farming production system in five of the nine states that constitute the Brazilian NE (Ceará, Paraíba, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, and Sergipe). Research was carried out in 230 rural properties located in 62 municipalities of the NE of Brazil, in regions exhibiting a productive arrangement and significant goat population density. An epidemiological questionnaire seeking information on economic, productive, and social aspects of owners/properties was supplied to all properties. The results described the goat farming system in the Brazilian NE as family and subsistence, directed towards domestic consumption and local commerce, and exhibiting a low technological level. The farmers' education level, investments, and technical assistance were all considered low, and thus insufficient or inadequate for a full development of the activity in the region. Therefore, such aspects are suggested to be taken into account in the planning of future goat farming development policies—particularly financing and technical assistance, better preparation of farmers, administrative aspects, forage production and conservation, and the implementation of actions towards reproductive and frequent disease control.
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Lutfi, Andhar, Slamet Achrodi, Hardian und Adi Firmansyah. „Accompaniment of Garbage Management Based on Community in Kroya Village, Indramayu“. Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM) 5, Nr. 2 (31.10.2023): 183–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.29244/jpim.5.2.183-195.

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Garbage is still a major problem for villages in Indonesia, including in Kroya Village, Indramayu. The volume of waste generated by the people in this village is around 3.5 tons per day. This waste problem is also related to the low awareness and behaviour of the community in managing waste. PT Pertamina EP Zone 7 Jatibarang Field through the CSR Program took the initiative to carry out community assistance in waste management in Kroya Village. The objectives of this assistance are: 1) Increasing the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of the Kroya Village community in waste management; 2) Increase the impact of waste management based on the Garbage Bank in terms of social, economic, and environmental aspects. The method used in this activity is 1) To identify the potential and needs of the community; 2) To conduct training to increase community capacity; 3) To strengthen the Garbage Bank institution; and 3) To improve Garbage Bank facilities and infrastructure. The results of this activity are changes in knowledge, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviour of the Kroya Village community in waste management. In addition, the results of this activity have a positive impact on the assistance of the waste management program, both in social, economic, and environmental aspects.
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Riabinina, Natalia. „SOCIAL CAPITAL AS A SOURCE OF INDIVIDUAL-COLLECTIVE ECONOMIC STABILITY“. 64, Nr. 64 (30.12.2022): 13–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.26565/2524-2547-2022-64-02.

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The successful and progressive development of socio-economic oriented, political, profile reforms is due to the degree of level and spread of trust and respect for fundamental institutions focused on the formation of national value priorities of cohesion, cooperation, mutual assistance, promotion of a positive effective path and image and reliable partnership, which, especially, are necessary today for an indestructible Ukraine that is going through difficult times. Social capital affects all spheres of life, socio-cultural, economic-strategic, political, legal and other directions are based on a purposeful focus on a person, on raising the level of well-being and preserving the universe for future generations. Social capital has not been studied enough of the economic component, there is still no definitive definition, distribution of types and classifications, one of the topics discussed in scientific circles is the measurement of this type of capital. The article proposes the definition of the concept of "social capital" of the author and the analysis of directions and aspects of scientific researchers of this type of capital, sources, directions of use, principles, types of interconnection in society, which are a source of individual-collective economic stability. Comparative analysis of socio-economic growth and development of social capital proves the interrelation and close interweaving of common goals and objectives, interchangeability and complement of each other. Behavioral situational components of social ties and cooperative interactions, the inner core of stress resistance, the level of education and understanding help the community to overcome crisis situations and hardships of Ukrainian reality and the realities of today's Ukraine. It is social capital that is considered as a resource of real assistance to a positive factor in the formation and development of a clear paradigm for the development of the socio-economic climate of Ukrainian society, business, and the state.
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Vorontsova, Maria V., Elena V. Nagaeva und Nelli B. Naygovzina. „Economic and social aspects of pituitary dwarfism treatment with recombinant growth hormone“. Problems of Endocrinology 63, Nr. 2 (04.07.2017): 82–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.14341/probl201763282-91.

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Rationale. Pituitary dwarfism is an orphan disease requiring pathogenetic treatment. The domestic literature lacks studies devoted to the medical and economic effectiveness of treatment for growth hormone deficiency (GHD) using recombinant growth hormone (rGH) drugs. Aim. To analyze the cost effectiveness of rGH therapy in GHD children in the Russian Federation under the Program «7 High-Cost Nosologies». Material and methods. We analyzed data of 50 GHD children living in 4 regions of the Russian Federation and receiving rGH therapy under the Program «7 High-Cost Nosologies». We evaluated the amount of drug consumption and the economic component: the cost of treatment and monitoring for ≥ 6 years. The incremental cost was calculated as the difference between a program providing a GHD child with rGH treatment and monitoring and an alternative program providing a GHD child with financial and social assistance and medical examination. Results. The median cost of treatment of a single child with rGH at a dose of 0.033 mg/kg/day was 437.5 thousand rubles or 8.12 thousand US dollars for the entire analyzed period (mean, 6.95 years). The median cost of treatment per child per year was 63.6 thousand rubles/year or 1.09 thousand USD/year. Given the cost of treatment and monitoring, the integrated management of one patient cost 68.4 thousand rubles per year (470.7 thousand rubles for 6.95 years), on average, with monitoring accounting for 7.05%. The total cost of all benefits and examinations for one disabled child was 178.97 thousand rubles per year or 1,243.86 thousand rubles for 6.95 years (medical examinations accounted for 1.2%). Upon calculating the cost difference between the program providing a GHD child with treatment and monitoring and the alternative program when a GHD child was not provided with treatment, but received appropriate disability payments and medical examination, the incremental cost amounted to 110.6 thousand rubles per child per year (773.18 thousand rubles for 6.95 years). Conclusion. The study demonstrates that treatment of GHD children under Program «7 High-Cost Nosologies» is cost-effective for both the patient and society and the state in general. For example, the incremental cost between the two programs is 110.6 thousand rubles for a year or 773.18 thousand rubles for 6.95 years. The study results indicate the importance of thorough analysis of the effects and costs in assessing the effectiveness of medical programs, especially in the case of orphan diseases.
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Arabadzhy, Natalia, und Iryna Korniienko. „RETROSPECTIVE AND MODERN ASPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHARITY“. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 4, Nr. 5 (11.02.2019): 256. http://dx.doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2018-4-5-256-265.

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The article considers the retrospective and modern aspects of the development of charitable activity in the socio-economic sense, which is the assistance to other persons at the expense of own welfare or free time, and provided that this assistance does not harm other persons and is carried out within the law. Charity should benefit not only the immediate recipient of benefit but also society as a whole. The authors emphasize that the conducted study supports their hypothesis that under the conditions of globalization, society increasingly focuses on social issues that arise as a result of insufficient state resources and so charity becomes a factor in their successful resolution. The development of charity is a system of social, economic, and cultural factors. One of the stages of the development of charity was the creation of charitable foundations specializing in various fields: scientific, cultural, sporting, educational projects, assistance to needy families, help for orphanages, hospitals, fundraising for expensive treatment and other projects. In today’s world, the attitude towards charity as a professional occupation has become widespread, becoming a “social norm.” Charitable funds are a separate and important component of the charitable institution. The concept of “charity” came into the public consciousness as a humanistic call of a person to go to the needy, regardless of religious, national, racial, social affiliation or political or ideological beliefs. Retrospective analysis showed that forms of philanthropy in the advanced form existed already in ancient Rome and ancient Greece; in medieval Europe, they already acquired the status of state and social policy at the legislative level. In the Christian aspect of ancient Rus of the adoption of the Orthodox faith in 988, the foundations of charity are laid as socio-ethical norms of society. In the second half of the XVIII century, as a result of secularization, charitable societies, hospitals, almshouses, open by public organizations and private individuals arise, that is, there are social and state institutions of charity. And charitable funds, which are socio-economic professional activities, are beginning to develop. From ancient to modern times, charitable activity is carried out in the forms of patronage, sponsorship, volunteering, fundraising. Modern trends of charity include: increase of the non-profit sector and its internationalization; cooperation of charitable foundations, development of a social partnership with business, state bodies, and foreign funds; professionalization through the creation of network charity. In turn, charity abroad is characterized by growing professionalism, a variety of forms and programs of cooperation, the growth and expansion of the sphere itself and its importance for non-profit, in particular, socio-cultural activities. The undisputed leader in this area is the USA – the birthplace of modern sponsorship and fundraising. The authors conditionally distinguish three levels of charity. The typology and general characteristics of foreign charitable foundations, typical for the USA, European countries, and Ukraine, are presented. Features of creation and functioning of quasi-public funds are considered. On a global scale, the foreign activity of the US foundations is significant, and the expenditures exceed the official foreign aid budgets of many countries. However, their presence in Ukraine is relatively low. The volume of support is negligible compared to official support amounts: according to the OECD, the amount of grants actually received by Ukraine from other states and multilateral donors in 2011–2017 amounted to more than 5 billion USD while less than 0.1 billion USD came to Ukraine from US foundations. But this does not exclude the role of private donors in solving certain problems, in particular, in terms of supporting civil society, protecting the rights of vulnerable groups of the population, etc.
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Wahidah, Anna Zahrotul, Anna Widayani, Shanti Ike Wardani, Ika Rachmawati und Nunuk Latifah. „PROSEDUR PENYALURAN BANTUAN SOSIAL DI ERA PANDEMI COVID -19 PADA DINAS SOSIAL KABUPATEN BLITAR“. Competence : Journal of Management Studies 16, Nr. 1 (26.04.2022): 51–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.21107/kompetensi.v16i1.14429.

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ABSTRAKPandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia tidak hanya berdampak pada kesehatan melainkan juga pada aspek perekonomian masyarakat. Hal ini mendorong pemerintah membuat kebijakan pemulihan ekonomi kepada masyarakat yaitu melalui program Jaring Pengaman Sosial (JPS). Dalam program JPS ini, pemerintah membagi menjadi dua jenis bantuan yaitu bantuan sosial reguler dan non reguler. Pelaksanaan penyaluran bantuan sosial bukan hal baru lagi bagi pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah. Namun dalam penyalurannya selalu terjadi masalah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui prosedur penyaluran bantuan sosial di era pandemi Covid-19, kendala dalam penyaluran bantuan sosial di era pandemi Covid-19, dan solusi dalam mengatasi kendala dalam penyaluran bantuan sosial di era pandemi Covid-19 pada Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Blitar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam kepada beberapa informan. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 orang pihak Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Blitar dan 3 masyarakat penerima bantuan sosial. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan penyaluran bantuan sosial masih memiliki kendala seperti sebagian bantuan tidak disalurkan tepat pada sasarannya karena masih ada masyarakat yang lebih layak mendapat bantuan namun tidak memperolehnya. Selain itu juga masih terdapat masyarakat yang kurang memahami tentang kriteria dan prosedur bantuan sosial serta ada sebagian masyarakat yang kurang memahami kondisi perekonomiannya. Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Ekonomi Masyarakat, Bantuan Sosial Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has not only had an impact on healthy but also on the economic aspects of the community. This encourages the government to make economic recovery policies for the community, namely through the Social Safety Net (JPS). In this JPS program, the government divides into two types of assistance, namely regular and non-regular social assistance. The implementation of the distribution of social assistance is nothing new for the central government and local government. However, in its distribution there are always problems in the distribution of cash and non-cash social assistance. The purpose of this study is to find out the procedures for distributing social assistance in the Covid-19 pandemic era, obstacles in distributing social assistance in the Covid-19 pandemic era, and solutions in overcoming obstacles in distributing social assistance in the Covid-19 pandemic era at the Blitar Regency Social Service. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with in-depth interviews with several informations. Informants in this study were 2 people from the Social Service of Blitar Regency and 3 people from the ommunity who received social assistance. The results of this study indicate that in the implementation of the distribution of social assistance, there are still obstacles, such as some of the assistance not being channeled on target because there are still people who are more deserving of assistance but do not receive it. In addition, there are also people who do not understand the criteria and procedures for social assistance and there are some people who do not understand the economic conditions. Keywords: Covid-19, Community Economy, Social Assistance
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Chabaj-Wiater, Jolanta. „Deinstitutionalization of the social welfare system as a chance for a life of dignity for people with care and support needs .“ Praca Socjalna 33, Nr. 3 (30.06.2018): 71–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0012.7383.

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The article discusses the social situation of people, who are older, in a difficult socio-economic conditions, disability or chronic illness. These people require support in the twenty-four-hour living caring and nursing services forms. The article presents the system of Polish social assistance in the care facilities aspects and recommendations of the European Commission with Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community – based Care, that guarantee for human rights and a better quality of life. The change of the social policy system from institutional to environmental services and implemented among the local community is discussed in this study. The argumentation for the development of these services is undeniable, because human is at the center of all assistance activities.
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Solihah, Ratnia, und Triono Triono. „PERAN KPK DALAM MENGAWAL PENGALOKASIAN DANA BANTUAN SOSIAL DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19“. Jurnal Tapis: Jurnal Teropong Aspirasi Politik Islam 16, Nr. 2 (01.02.2021): 69–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.24042/tps.v16i2.7764.

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AbstractThe Covid-19 outbreak has had an impact on many aspects, including social and economic aspects. One of the government's efforts to overcome these economic and social impacts is through a social assistance program for the affected communities. The provision of social assistance funds in a pandemic situation opens gaps in corruption, where supervision and openness are weak and lacking because speed and wide affordability are prioritized, and are suspected of various irregularities and abuse of authority by irresponsible authorities. For this reason, the KPK as an agency in charge of preventing corruption, plays an active role in overseeing the allocation and use of Covid-19 social assistance funds at the Central and various regions. Through qualitative methods with literature studies, it can be identified and explained that the role of the KPK in overseeing the allocation of social assistance funds during the Covid-19 pandemic can be seen through the prevention, prosecution and education approach which is the implementation of KPK's duties based on Law Number 19 of 2019.Keywords: Role, KPK, Guarding, Allocating, Social AssistanceAbstrakWabah Covid-19 berdampak pada banyak aspek, antara lain pada aspek sosial dan ekonomi. Salah satu upaya pemerintah menanggulangi dampak ekonomi dan sosial tersebut adalah melalui program bantuan sosial bagi masyarakat yang terkena dampak tersebut. Pemberian dana bansos di situasi pandemi membuka celah korupsi, dimana pengawasan dan keterbukaan itu menjadi lemah dan kurang karena yang diutamakan kecepatan dan keterjangkauan yang luas, serta ditengarai oleh adanya berbagai penyimpangan dan penyalahgunaan wewenang oleh pihak-pihak berwenang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Untuk itu KPK sebagai lembaga yang bertugas melakukan pencegahan tindak korupsi, berperan aktif mengawal pengalokasian dan penggunaan dana bansos Covid-19 di Pusat berbagai daerah. Melalui metode kualitatif dengan studi literatur, dapat diidentifikasi dan dijelaskan bahwa peran KPK dalam mengawal pengalokasian dana bantuan sosial di masa pandemi Covid-19 dapat dilihat melalui pendekatan pencegahan, penindakan dan edukasi yang merupakan implementasi tugas KPK berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2019.Kata kunci: Peran, KPK, mengawal, pengalokasian, bantuan sosial
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Candra Puspita Ningtyas, Makmur Kambolong und Munawir Makmur. „IMPLEMENTASI CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY STUDI PADA PT. ANEKA TAMBANG Tbk. UBPN SULAWESI TENGGARA“. Journal Publicuho 5, Nr. 4 (28.11.2022): 1091–112. http://dx.doi.org/10.35817/publicuho.v5i4.50.

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is very important for companies, especially by companies whose operational activities have an impact on the community and the surrounding environment. Especially mining companies are important to carry out CSR programs. CSR implementation is carried out as a form of corporate social responsibility. This research provides an overview of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implemented by PT.Antam, Tbk. Explained in the study of literature from the economic , social, and environmental aspects. The realization of CSR in the economic aspect is realized by PT. Antam, Tbk by contributing to the community and the Government which aims to increase the economic independence of sustainability and prosperity and contribute to the Government through the payment of non-tax state revenues (PNBP), taxes, and royalties amounting to Rp758.81 billion. Efforts to combat poverty in the Company's operational areas are realized in the Partnership Program in the form of capital assistance to foster partners. Enviromental aspects by ANTAM implements Good Mining Practice covering aspects healthy and work safety, environment responsibility, community development, post mining plan. CSR Antam is important because in addition to building a positive image by company for the welfare of the community so that there is a harmonious relationship between the company and the community as part of the stakeholder.
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Vendruscolo, Telma Sanchez, Maria das Graças Carvalho Ferriani und Marta Angélica Iossi Silva. „Public care policies for child and adolescent victims of domestic violence“. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 15, spe (Oktober 2007): 812–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0104-11692007000700016.

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This is a qualitative study that aimed to know and analyze the social representations of social workers regarding the assistance to the child and adolescent, victims of domestic violence. The data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews and participant observation. The data analysis was based on the hermeneutic-dialectic perspective. The empirical categories that emerged from the subjects' representations were: "lack of policy", "do not support because have not received support", and "social assistance" whereas the political economic aspect was highlighted as determinant of violence; the cultural aspects, perpetuating a cycle of violence in the families. An important step must be taken is the formulation of public policies directed to all children and adolescents and not policies of exception, directed only to those who are in situation of "social and personal risk".
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Medvid, Victoria. „The Main Phases of Ukraine’s Cooperation with International Donors in the Field of International Technical Assistance Projects Implementation (1992-2014)“. European Historical Studies, Nr. 8 (2017): 221–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.17721/2524-048x.2017.08.221-230.

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The article analyzes key aspects of Ukraine’s cooperation with International Donors in the period from 1992 to 2014. The article deals with the concept of “international technical assistance” and its involvement in Ukraine, the main directions of international cooperation. It provides the views of scholars on development assistance, its impact on the economy, the development of democracy etc. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the main phases of International Technical Assistance projects’ implementation. The historiography and documents concerning the International Technical Assistance overview as the one of the ways of international cooperation of Ukraine (1992-2014) have been unfolded. The author identifies three main phases of international technical cooperation based on data from the Ministry of Economic Policy and Trade of Ukraine: 1) from1992 to 1996; 2) from 1996 to 2002; 3) from 2002 to 2014. The article describes the conceptual apparatus relating the involvement of the international aid, the concept of technical assistance and how it presents the Ukrainian international affairs. The data of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, a number of registered projects from 1996 to 2014 have been presented and analyzed. The vectors of international cooperation in the field of the implementation of international technical assistance projects, their interdependence with social and political issues and the policy of the state have been determined. The author also analyzes the statistics of the registered International Technical Assistance projects during 1992-2014. The aspects of public policy related to development assistance have been analyzed. The historical preconditions of the “development assistance” concept have been explained, the basic scientific positions on the impact of the donor development assistance upon the recipient country have been given.
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Chen, Yinzhong, Shichuan Huang, Jing Lu und Jieyue Luo. „The Current Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of High-Quality Economic and Social Development of Securities Companies Serving Districts and Counties“. Economics, Law and Policy 6, Nr. 1 (06.04.2023): p18. http://dx.doi.org/10.22158/elp.v6n1p18.

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Districts and counties are the most basic units of administrative divisions in China. Therefore, the key to promoting high-quality economic and social development in China lies in promoting high-quality economic and social development in districts and counties. With the deepening of the “One Division One County” twinning assistance initiative, the role of securities companies in serving the high-quality economic and social development of districts and counties has become increasingly apparent. In order to better promote the high-quality economic and social development of securities companies serving districts and counties, this paper summarizes the main problems based on the analysis of the current situation of the high-quality economic and social development of securities companies serving districts and counties, and puts forward corresponding policy suggestions from the aspects of giving full play to the role of associations, building bridges serving districts and counties, giving full play to the professional advantages of securities companies, and creating characteristic comprehensive financial services.
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Darajat, Ulfah Alfiyah, Suharto Suharto und Moh Bahrudin. „IMPLEMENTASI OPERASIONAL ZAKAT INFAK DAN SEDEKAH DALAM MEWUJUDKAN KESEJAHTERAAN PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (Studi di Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pembiayaan Syariah Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Fajar Metro)“. Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam 14, Nr. 1 (28.07.2021): 55–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.24042/ijpmi.v14i1.6557.

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Islam guarantees a distribution of income that contains human values. For example, the guidance to distribute wealth through zakat, infaq, shadaqah (ZIS) and others in order to maintain harmony in social life. ZIS can be used to open work opportunities in the form of capital assistance, educational assistance, health facility assistance and so on, so that later will be more productive. This paper will specifically examine comprehensively the operation of ZIS and its implementation in realizing prosperity in the perspective of Islamic economics at KSPPS BMT Fajar Metro. This is a field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data consists of primary and secondary sources which are then collected by interview, observation and documentation methods. Data analysis through data reduction, data display and drawing conclusions and verification. The interesting findings of this study are, first, that ZIS management operations are divided into two, on the collection of funds and their distribution. Sources of funds for the collection of ZIS funds and other religious social funds. Second, the operational implementation of ZIS in realizing the welfare of society from an Islamic economic perspective can be seen from two aspects, namely according to the Qur'an and hadith as well as Islamic economists.Keywords: Zakat, Infaq, Alms, Welfare, Islamic Economics
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Ahmad Bayu, Purwanto, Yeny Fitriyani und Achmad Labib. „WASTE BANK MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE TO IMPROVE THE COMMUNITY ECONOMY“. Khidmatan 2, Nr. 1 (30.06.2022): 32–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.61136/khid.v2i1.30.

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This study aimed to determine the community's attractiveness in managing waste in Jombong Hamlet, Patent, Dukun, and Magelang. This activity aims to reduce the accumulation of household waste so that there is no disaster and to utilize the waste with the creations and innovations of the surrounding community. The methods used are observation, interviews, and documentation. With the PAR (Participatory Action Research) approach, the service team views the existence of a waste bank as an essential asset for the community. The results show that waste bank management benefits the surrounding community; the environment becomes comfortable, beautiful, and green. This study concludes that household waste can benefit from the social, economic, and environmental aspects that positively impact the Jombong Hamlet Waste Bank.
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Arshed, Noman, Mahak Zahra Awan, Aaiza Mirza, Faheem Riaz und Muhammad Ghulam Shabeer. „China Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC), its role in Pakistan economy and its social and environmental status.“ Journal of Applied Research and Multidisciplinary Studies 2, Nr. 2 (25.04.2022): 1–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.32350/jarms.22.01.

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China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a plan to kick start practical cooperation between China and Pakistan, as well as support China and the rest of West Central, which is expected to propel Pakistan's and China's already strong relationship to new heights. Hope for economic transformation and assistance in overcoming Pakistan's power shortage. The strategic significance of CPEC must be described and studied from various historical, economic, cultural, and political perspectives. As it aims to construct a network of roads, highways, and railways from Khunjerab, Pakistan's border with China to Gwadar. So, this initiative presents a significant opportunity for Pakistan's economic growth. Because of its depth, Gwadar is an important port. This article emphasizes the economic status of Pakistan influenced by CPEC, the effect of its infrastructure on GDP growth, Impact on trade and the revenue generated. Moreover, the effect of CPEC on the social and environmental aspects is also explained.
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Abroskin, Alexander, und Natalia Abroskina. „Problems of Information Support for Social Assistance to the Population During the COVID-19 Pandemic“. Sociologicheskaja nauka i social'naja praktika 9, Nr. 3 (30.09.2021): 7–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.19181/snsp.2021.9.3.8430.

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The article deals with the actual problems of providing targeted social assistance to the population during the economic crisis. The research subject is a set of measures to stabilize the income of the population, implemented by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2020 during the most acute phase of the crisis associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the research is to analyze and summarize the practice of social assistance to the population, to identify problems and prospects for using the monetary approach to neutralize the negative socio-economic consequences of the restrictions associated with the pandemic. The main aspects of the analysis involve measures to stabilize the income of the population, including measures to support employment in the economy and stabilize labor income, as well as measures of targeted social assistance to households implemented in Russian practice. In the research, the monetary approach is considered in a broad context, extended to the criteria determining the resource provision of households and the population property status, the characteristics underling the households grouping by the degree of need, and targeted assistance measures implemented in the cash transfers form. The results of the research revealed a number of problems with the monetary approach using in the implementation of the anti-crisis strategy in the Russian Federation in its simplified version, focused on the indicators of household monetary income without taking into account other components of disposable resources. Additional challenges in identifying targeted social assistance groups during the pandemic were associated with the established practice of building structural groupings of households, based on the dichromatic principle, as well as the transition from 2021 of russian statistics to the new principles of calculating the minimum subsistence level, which is the basic criterion for determining the property status of the population. Improving the effectiveness of social assistance measures to the population in the Russian Federation during economic crises involves adjusting the existing methodological and information base used in assessing the degree of household need. If detailed statistics are available, the corresponding monetary indicators can serve as an information basis for identifying the objects of targeted social assistance. Such indicators, by analogy with foreign practice, can also be supplemented by non-monetary characteristics that determine the degree of household need on other grounds, on the basis of combination of which their groups can be identified in accordance with the priorities and types of social assistance provided. The article was prepared within the framework of the RANEPA state task research.
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Shopina, I. M. „Charitable and Volunteer Activities as a Social Practice: Legal, Teleological and Axiological Aspects“. Analytical and Comparative Jurisprudence, Nr. 2 (11.05.2024): 540–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.24144/2788-6018.2024.02.92.

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The article determines that charitable organizations are an important participant of social relations in conditions of uncertainty, when forecasting of socio-economic, political and other processes is complicated due to the lack of security guarantees and dominance of risk factors. It is substantiated that the activities of charitable organizations in the State and society are usually closely related to three areas: political, economic and social protection. In the political sphere, charitable activities help to create a positive image of a public figure and gain certain advantages over competitors. In the economic sphere, charity allows manufacturers to expand sales of their products and services by constantly mentioning the name of the business entity and appealing to consumer values. In the area of social protection, charitable assistance allows the state to avoid some of the obligations assumed in legislative acts by shifting some of them to other entities. The author emphasizes that the dependence of the State's urgent needs in the area of military security on the charitable activity of an indefinite number of persons gives rise to a large number of risks associated with the unpredictability of the amount of charitable donations and their dependence on purely subjective factors. Charitable activity carries a large number of risks for the public administration system, so monitoring its trends is considered one of the tasks of ensuring national security. Among the advantages achieved through charitable activities is the efficiency of meeting the urgent needs of the state and individuals. Another advantage is the increased consolidation of society and the emergence of common goals for different segments of the population.
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Ashar, Muhammad Afthon, und Muhammad Nafik Hadi Ryandono. „IMPLEMENTASI METODE CIBEST (CENTER OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STUDIES) DALAM MENGUKUR PERAN ZAKAT PRODUKTIF TERHADAP PEMBERDAYAAN MUSTAHIQ DI LEMBAGA YAYASAN DANA SOSIAL AL-FALAH (YDSF) SURABAYA1“. Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan 6, Nr. 5 (17.01.2020): 1057. http://dx.doi.org/10.20473/vol6iss20195pp1057-1071.

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Productive zakat is the management of zakat funds by providing assistance in the form of business activity funds to mustahiq. The purpose of productive zakat funds to the community is to improve the economic welfare of mustahiq. CIBEST (Center of Islamic Business and Economic Studies) is a method of measuring mustahiq poverty that is based not only on material aspects, but spiritual mustahiq before and after obtaining assistance from zakat funds. This study aims to determine the condition of mustahiq poverty before and after receiving assistance from zakat funds Al-Falah Social Fund Foundation, Surabaya City. The approach used in research is a quantitative approach with case studies. In the technique of collecting data using interview techniques directly to Mustahiq based on questionnaires. The result of this study is that there is a change in the condition of the Mustahiq Quadrant I family (Prosperous) before getting zakat assistance, namely 3 heads of families to 5 heads of families. Quadrant II (Material Poverty) before getting zakat assistance, namely 1 family head, 0 family heads. Quadrant III (Spiritual Poverty Index) before getting help from one family head, 3 family heads. Quadrant IV (Absolute Poverty) before getting zakat assistance, namely 4 heads of families, becomes 0 family heads.Keywords: Productive Zakat, CIBEST, Mustahiq
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Viverita, Viverita, Yosman Bustaman und Dwi Nastiti Danarsari. „Liquidity Creation by Islamic and Conventional Banks during Covid-19 Pandemic“. 13th GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 13, Nr. 1 (16.06.2022): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.35609/gcbssproceeding.2022.1(64).

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The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many aspects beyond the health sector. The pandemic has also changed the economy in various ways. For example, a decline in economic growth in various countries is predicted to trigger a global crisis. Social distancing and partial lock-down policies also significantly suppress economic activity and domestic consumption, resulting in economic contraction. In addition, partial lock-down policies, social distancing policies, and uncertainty regarding the future economic conditions have increased the risk of vulnerability in the banking industry, particularly in terms of lending and liquidity creation in the banking sector.The Indonesian government provides several incentives such as assistance with a social safety net and economic incentives to increase public consumption and government spending. Thus, it is hoped that there will be money movement and additional funding and lending activities in the banking system and reinforce liquidity creation. Keywords: Liquidity Creation, Islamic Bank, Conventional Bank, Covid-19 Pandemic
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Nurhasana, R., M. Matsuyuki, C. Hasan, N. M. Shellasih, F. R. Ningtyas, I. Fitrinitia, T. Negama und S. Kuwayama. „The Socioeconomic Conditions of Online Taxi Driver Families During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Jakarta Greater Area“. Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen 14, Nr. 3 (30.09.2021): 216–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.24156/jikk.2021.14.3.216.

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The Covid-19 pandemic affects almost all aspects of human life, from the education, transportation, political and economic sectors. Online taxi drivers are the informal sector that has been economically impacted by a decline in income. This study aims to determine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the socio-economic aspects of the resilience of online taxi drivers since the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (LSSR) as regulated in Governor Special Capital Region Regulation of Jakarta No. 33/2020. The regulation made them experience a decrease in the number of passengers, thus affecting their income. This study uses a qualitative model with a case study design. Data collection was carried out by focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with a total of 4 informants obtained from purposive sampling, then analyzed using content analysis. They experienced a significant decrease in income of up to 60-70 percent per day, compared to before the pandemic. The decline in income and recommendations for social distancing affect the socio-economic aspects of family resilience from online taxi drivers as informal sectors. Therefore, they must look for other income alternatives. Therefore, they need various alternative jobs and assistance.
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Zahirman, Ari, und Vishnu Juwono. „Effectiveness of Policy Implementation of Covid-19 Social Assistance for Persons with Disabilities in DKI Jakarta Province“. JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan) 8, Nr. 1 (23.01.2023): 138–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.31851/jmksp.v8i1.10912.

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Covid-19 has become a non-natural disaster that has hit the whole world. The Covid-19 pandemic not only has an impact on health but also has an impact on the socio-economic conditions of the community. Persons with disabilities are a group of people who are vulnerable to the dangers of covid and its socio-economic impacts. Policies that favor groups with disabilities are needed to help fulfill and equal rights as citizens. This research specifically discusses the implementation of social assistance policies for persons with disabilities in DKI Jakarta Province. This issue is considered important because DKI Jakarta is the epicenter of the spread of Covid-19 and has become a reference for controlling the spread and economic recovery for other regions. This study uses a policy implementation model that is seen from the dimensions of the level of ease or difficulty of problems to be overcome, the capacity of the structure of the implementation process, and the identification of external variables that affect the implementation process. The research method in this study uses qualitative by exploring secondary data as a data base for analysis carried out by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are that social assistance policies for persons with disabilities are quite effective for short-term policies in the context of economic protection during a pandemic, but not effective enough as long-term policies for economic recovery. Welfare policy for disabilities is a systemic policy, so it requires the involvement of many actors and aspects to produce policies that are substance and based on outcomes.
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Leite, Eduardo Dias, Alexandre Laval Silva, Raimundo Otávio Nogueira Dias und Diana Pereira De Sousa. „Social security in pandemic times: an analysis on access to emergency Aid at CRAS in Riacho Fundo II“. International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism 9, Nr. 4 (28.08.2023): 2554–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.55905/ijsmtv9n4-029.

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This study aims to analyze the access of users of the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) in Riacho Fundo II, Brasília-DF, during the COVID-19 pandemic period (SARS-CoV-2), between 2020 and 2022. It considers the concerns surrounding the Emergency Aid, an urgent measure adopted by the Federal Government, in an analysis of the performance of the so-called social assistance services. The theoretical framework of the research is based on a reflection that follows the guidelines of a qualitative-quantitative approach, meaning a qualitative understanding of the phenomenon through bibliographic research, followed by a quantitative application involving field research and data tabulation.A multiple-choice questionnaire was administered to establish a behavioral profile of the study group. The obtained results led to the conclusion that there were various obstacles to ensuring citizenship and access to assistance rights during a health, economic, and social crisis, which reaffirmed the importance of socially relevant actions in safeguarding the rights of the vulnerable population. With knowledge of these challenges, the Federal, State, and Municipal governments can work to improve their management capacity, reduce bureaucracy for receiving assistance, and consider aspects of support and monitoring for these beneficiaries. This study is justified by recognizing that during the pandemic, providing assistance to the population is considered an essential service and a legally guaranteed right.
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Onoi, Mihail, Maria Grosu und Vasile Mindrigan. „The Role of Tourist March in Socializing Teenagers“. GYMNASIUM XX, Nr. 1 (Supplement) (30.12.2019): 29. http://dx.doi.org/10.29081/gsjesh.2019.20.1s.03.

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Socializing in tourist march also targets the adolescent and the group. Skills and habits, as well as rules assimilated by adolescents in tourist march, will be effective in any other social sphere. Tourist activities including tourism marches are very attractive, and those who practice them are convinced of their benefits, including socializing. The social, economic and environmental aspects of the young people of the last years impose the necessity to use the pedagogical potential of the tourism marches, for the formation of the collectivism, the mutual assistance and the activity in the group and other social skills necessary for the adolescents. Thus, these aspects give us the possibility to mention that, the tourism marches have an enormous psychological and pedagogical potential for the socialization of adolescents. The analysis of scientific literature allowed us to determine basic and theoretical approaches that are based on ideas about various aspects of socialization.
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Virsaladze, Naira, und Malvina Kipiani. „SOME ASPECTS OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF IMERETI“. Economic Profile 17, Nr. 2(24) (25.12.2022): 128–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.52244/ep.2022.24.04.

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The Covid pandemic and hostilities developed in the post-Soviet space had a heavy impact on the world economy, sharply slowing economic growth and increasing socio-economic problems. The impact of current events has become a significant topic in terms of regional economies. The rather rich experience accumulated in the world has shown us that the management and development of the region should be based on the economic potential of a particular country, the historical past of economic and political life, cultural and natural-resource characteristics, which are the result of historical preconditions. From this point of view, Georgia is quite diverse and interesting country. This diversity and the rules and traditions of economic life formed on the basis of sharply different natural-economic conditions create the inequality of the state and trends of the development and competitiveness of the territorial-administrative units (parties) of the country. Our attention was drawn to the fact that the Imereti region is distinguished by low incomes of the population, high rates of migration processes and aging and, accordingly, high dependence on social assistance. Imereti region is located in the central part of Georgia, it is one of the most beautiful places. It occupies 9.4% of the territory of Georgia and unites 12 municipalities. Rather important positive factors of the region are: proximity to seaports and international airports, location on energy and automobile corridors, a high level of urbanization, a variety of minerals, favorable environmental conditions for the development of crops, various types of tourist and recreational resources. The real result is that today the actual weakness of Imereti region is the high level of unemployment and poverty. Less developed municipal services, commercial and business infrastructure, low level of professional development and qualification of the workforce, absence of effective natural disaster management system, limited rights of regional and local administrative structures, meager income and property resources. It is a fact that the region cannot effectively use the existing resources for the purpose of development. In order to strengthen agriculture and increase labor productivity, first of all small-land farms should be enlarged, which will contribute to the technical rearmament of the sector and the intensification of production. It is a sad reality that Imereti is considered a region significantly dependent on social assistance. Not only the unemployed, but also the majority of employed people are socially vulnerable, because the payment is quite low. A similar situation is a problem not only in Imereti, but in the entire country. The post-pandemic period is characterized by price increases and unstable inflationary processes, the influence of both internal and external factors is great. Revealing the low standard of living and poverty should not become the main goal. There is constant talk about identifying the problem, revealing it, its percentage increase or decrease. Nominal indicators without deep analysis are quite far from the real situation. The main and important thing is not only to determine the causes, but also to fight against them and eliminate them in time. Enumeration and statistics workers and their economic-statistical studies should make a significant contribution to the assessment of the existing situation in the region and its further improvement. The real socio-economic situation of the region should be reflected (and not in numbers artificially beautified to please ourselves), only by revealing the reality and seeing the existing weak points correctly, we will be able to improve the economy of both the region and the country and achieve the desired results. It is on the basis of real data that the further development strategy of the region, new projects and programs should be developed. Recently, they often mention the "decent salary", which probably a significant part of the employed people in Georgia will not have in the near future. In this regard, the minimum wage and the size of the consumer basket need to be reconsidered once again. In order to provide normal wages to the employees, the government should adopt a law on minimum wages. When it comes to European integration, among many other issues, the most important and necessary issue is the review of the population's incomes and living standards, and bringing them closer to the European countries should be the main goal.
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TKACHYK, Fedir. „SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF TAX CONSULTING IN UKRAINE“. WORLD OF FINANCE, Nr. 2(51) (2017): 118–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.35774/sf2017.02.118.

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Introduction. Increase in the community understand the need for full and timely calculation and payment of taxes and duties and conscious understanding of their importance for the viability of the state, providing qualified and effective consultative assistance to taxpayers acting priority at the state tax consulting and corporate levels. An important role in this context is played by psychological traits taxpayers that understand key aspects of tax consulting. It increases the level of tax literacy and tax culture in society, strengthens economic competitiveness and creates a series of macroeconomic effects. The purpose of the article is the study of social and psychological aspects of functioning and improving tax consulting services in Ukraine. Results. The theoretical aspects of the tax consulting are investigated. The basic indicators of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in the field of consulting are analyzed. The psychological traits of the conduct of fiscal and tax advisors are systematized. Deals with the social component of the tax behavior of taxpayers and outlines the reasons prompting them to deviation. Showed the role and place of business taxation in the formation of tax culture. Proved, that the active outreach by SFS of Ukraine will increase the level of tax awareness and create a tax culture in society. Formation and development of the effective market of tax consulting in Ukraine will increase the level of service taxpayers at the corporate level will lead to optimization of fiscal policy and strengthen its social role. Conclusion. The ability to use the tax employees in the work of social and psychological technologies can increase the efficiency of their operations and create the basis for improving the confidence of taxpayers to the tax system in general, increase of tax culture in society, and to create a basis for the functioning of the corporate tax consultancy in Ukraine
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Minochkina, Olha, Viktoriia Adamovska und Liana Skibitska. „The role of the state in supporting social investment projects to ensure sustainable development“. Revista Amazonia Investiga 12, Nr. 64 (30.05.2023): 340–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.34069/ai/2023.64.04.36.

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Human, intellectual, and social capital serve as the foundation for the modern global socio-economic environment, impacting the competitiveness of economic systems and playing a pivotal role in their development. However, social responsibility has emerged as a pressing concern, with governments often failing to provide adequate social security to citizens due to various reasons. State-level provisions typically offer minimal social guarantees, leaving urgent issues unresolved and social assistance mechanisms ineffective. This article aims to clarify the theoretical foundations and practical trends in social investment project development, emphasizing their significance for both individual companies and the broader socio-economic context. The research employs analytical and bibliographic methods to examine relevant scientific literature, employing systemic and structural analyses, comparisons, logical and linguistic methods, as well as induction, deduction, information synthesis, abstraction, and idealization for data processing. Additionally, an online questionnaire survey was conducted to identify key issues related to social investment project development. The study's results highlight crucial theoretical aspects of social investment in the economy and explore the perspectives of scientists and heads of local government departments on its pivotal dimensions and importance for economic and social progress.
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Ferdiana, Riska, Intan Indria Dewi, Irwan Sukmawan, Kenedi Kenedi und April Laksana. „Bakti Sosial Peduli Pendidikan Sebagai Bentuk Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di Desa Ciwarna Mancak Kabupaten Serang“. WINDRADI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 1, Nr. 1 (31.12.2023): 28–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.61332/windradi.v1i1.143.

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The community service programs implemented cover various aspects of community life, such as education, environment, economics and social. Building the capacity and empowerment of the Ciwarna Village community is also the main focus, by providing assistance and providing relevant assistance. In conclusion, SENABUNG's synergy in social activities with Bina Bangsa University KKM students in Ciwarna village has an important role in improving the quality of life of the local community. This collaboration reflects the spirit of cooperation and commitment of universities and students to actively contribute to solving social problems and improving community welfare
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Brown, Hana E., und Rachel Kahn Best. „Logics of Redistribution“. Sociological Perspectives 60, Nr. 4 (01.07.2016): 786–809. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0731121416656843.

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Social policy scholars disagree about which factors best predict U.S. welfare state generosity. We argue that this disagreement is an artifact of study designs. Researchers usually study either the totality of a state’s social expenditures or one specific program. These approaches overlook the fact that individual social programs were born of different circumstances and serve different constituencies. Comparing state-level policies for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), our findings suggest that these programs are governed by distinct logics of redistribution. Racial characteristics drive TANF generosity. Economic forces best predict CHIP generosity. SNAP generosity is a function of political factors. Qualitative data from Congressional hearings confirm these findings. These results adjudicate between conflicting accounts of the contemporary welfare state and also highlight which aspects of a program’s design make it most susceptible to the effects of racial bias and to partisan politics.
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Boydell, Katherine M., und John N. Trainor. „Improving the Income Support of the Chronically Mentally Ill: A Model Program to Address the Needs of the Ex-Psychiatric Patient“. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 33, Nr. 1 (Februar 1988): 3–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/070674378803300102.

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Interest in developing support services for the long-term mentally ill has increased in recent years. One of the most important aspects of support essential to the basic community survival of the chronic patient is income maintenance. Unfortunately, support in this area has been declining for this population. The purpose of this paper is to briefly outline the decline in the overall well-being of patients who rely on social assistance, describe a model income maintenance program established in a provincial psychiatric hospital, and, to evaluate the program's success in alleviating the financial problems of the long-term mentally ill. The income maintenance program described has proven to be a successful method of improving the economic situation of the long-term mentally ill. In its first 30 months of operation, the income status of over 3,000 patients has been systematically reviewed and 77% of those eligible have been converted to higher social assistance rates. The conversion has resulted in a 30 to 40% increase in income for the patients involved. The program has also contributed to improved relations with hospital staff and social assistance offices.
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CHEBERYAKO, Oksana, und Iryna LESHCHENKO. „SOCIAL PROTECTION AND SOCIAL SECURITY IN UKRAINE UNDER MARTIAL LAW“. WORLD OF FINANCE, Nr. 1(78) (2024): 98–110. http://dx.doi.org/10.35774/sf2024.01.098.

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Introduction. Features of the financing of social protection and social security in conditions of large-scale war include increased spending on military needs, assistance to IDPs, reconstruction of damaged infrastructure facilities, and provision of medical assistance to the injured. On the other hand, martial law can lead to a reduction in spending on social programs due to the redistribution of budget funds to the country’s defense needs. The study of this topic will make it possible to understand how the military conflict affects the financial possibilities of providing social protection and social security for the population of Ukraine, to identify problematic aspects and to look for effective financing strategies in such conditions. The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical and practical foundations of the financing mechanism of social protection and social security in Ukraine, to identify possible strategies and prospects for optimizing this system in the face of new challenges. Results. The theoretical foundations of financing social protection and social security in Ukraine are highlighted. The dynamics of budgetary financing of social protection and social security and the structure and composition of expenditures of the State and local budgets for social security and social security are analyzed. The peculiarities of expenditures on social protection and social welfare in the conditions of a large-scale war are highlighted. The main problems were revealed and ways of improving the system of financing social protection and social security were formed. Conclusions. The beginning of a large-scale war on the territory of Ukraine significantly affected the social protection of the population. The hostilities caused an increase in expenses for social assistance, and in the future only an increase in this item of expenses is predicted. In the post-war years, spending on social protection and social security will only increase due to a significant increase in war veterans, persons with disabilities, IDPs affected by the military conflict, as well as citizens who will suffer from economic difficulties and social challenges caused by the war. Therefore, today, an important task for the state is to ensure social protection and social security during such a crisis situation as war, and in the future - comprehensive regulation of the social protection system of Ukraine.
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Guilherme, Ricardo De Figueiredo, Ana Milena César Lima, José Romero Alexandre Alves, Diego Figueiredo da Costa, Raymundo Rizaldo Pinheiro, Francisco Selmo Fernandes Alves, Sérgio Santos de Azevedo und Clebert José Alves. „Characterization and typology of sheep and goat production systems in the State of Paraíba, a semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil“. Semina: Ciências Agrárias 38, Nr. 4 (04.08.2017): 2163. http://dx.doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2017v38n4p2163.

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Breeding of goats and sheep is an important activity in northeast Brazil, contributing to economic and social development of this region. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize goat and sheep rearing and breeding in the central-western region of the State of Paraíba, northeast Brazil. The study area included Borborema and mesoregions of the backlands of the state, represented by 127 municipalities in an area of 38.293 km2, with density of goats and sheep at 12.9 and 8.27 head/km2, respectively. A total of 62 farms belonging to five municipalities of the Borborema mesoregion and four municipalities of the Sertão mesoregion were surveyed. Epidemiological surveys were conducted in the farms, and questionnaires sought information on the economic, productive, and social aspects of the farm owners and the farms. The results allowed the classification of goat and sheep production systems in the semi-arid Paraíba as a family system and of subsistence, for farmers’ own consumption and for local trade, with low technology use and herds with up to 100 animals. The farmers’ level of education was low, and the investments and technical assistance for the development of breeding activity in the region were insufficient and/or inadequate. Thus, it was essential to conduct an economic study on the farms to assess the actual economic and financial status of breeding activity and the subsequent returns. It is suggested that these aspects be taken into account when planning livestock development policies, especially in terms of finance and technical assistance, as well as in the implementation of strategies to control commonly occurring diseases in the region, aimed at combating agents, environmental control, and protection of susceptible livestock.
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ZSÁKAI, Robert. „ASSESSMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CHALLENGES AND TREATMENT POSSIBILITIES IN MILITARY PERSONNEL“. Strategic Impact 82, Nr. 1 (13.07.2022): 31–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.53477/1842-9904-22-3.

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Disaster management is a very complex phenomenon, which is not only the task of an organization, rather a common aim of the government, social organizations and civilians. Disaster relief, prevention, response and recovery are complex processes where cooperation between countries and international bodies is essential. Breaking with previous conventions has made the system more open, thus they can monitor the effects of disasters from several aspects. In addition to social and economic damage prevention, this paper’s aim is to clearly stressing the fact that more attention should be paid to psychological assistance and psychic resilience improvement of military personnel.
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Ebrahimi, Mahdokht, Hamzah Abdul Rahman, Faizul Azli Mohd-Rahim und Wang Chen. „Lifecycle Framework for Sustainable Residential Buildings in Malaysia“. Open House International 39, Nr. 4 (01.12.2014): 14–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ohi-04-2014-b0003.

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In Malaysia, there are a few numbers of frameworks and checklists in order to evaluate the sustainable performance of buildings. In addition, most of these assessment frameworks or checklists focus on environmental sustainability disregarding social and economic pillars. The research in social and economic sustainability in the construction industry is pushing forward, albeit at a slow pace. In addition, the growing number of sustainable criteria in the literature highlights the importance of a systematic framework for construction initiatives. This research aims to propose a comprehensive framework based on three pillars of sustainability, and, additionally, to categorize them in a manner that is applicable for all relevant stakeholders based on their level of involvement and needs. Finally, it identifies the relation between each criterion and stage of the construction lifecycle with the assistance of an expert panel. This research produces a framework that is useful for Malaysian construction stakeholders to reinforce their approach towards sustainability through social and economic aspects that are currently underestimated in the construction industry.
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