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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Economic assistance – social aspects"


Soenjoto, Wening Purbatin Palupi, Arin Ramadhiani Soleha und Eka Mulia Nurul Al Amin. „Economic Constraction Vs Mental Beggars During the Covid 19 Pandemic 2021“. Sunan Ampel Review of Political and Social Sciences 2, Nr. 2 (27.06.2023): 154–60.

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The covid pandemic period that occurred until the end of 2021 changed many aspects of human life. There was a global psychological shock and had to change habits suddenly into polemics. Changing habits is not an easy thing, it requires great effort to want to follow the rules of new normal life. The 19th pandemic period became a rationalization of the economic situation of a group of people who felt they had the right to receive social assistance from the government. This was because a preconceived mental formation was a mental formation formed by the soul asking for material deficiency. The government provides social assistance funds in dealing with the economy in Indonesia with the intention of providing assistance to help people affected by the pandemic. Many companies are laying off workers on a large scale which has led to increased unemployment. The state of global conflict in all aspects, especially the economic aspect, which causes economic contraction, but with social assistance, a beggar mentality is even triggered. The assistance funds provided are not to open a business as a substitute for a profession because they are unemployed due to being affected by the pandemic by becoming entrepreneurs. hope that every month they will receive aid funds from the government. There is also a mistargeting of the distribution of social assistance funds and many receive it even though it is not their right to receive social assistance funds.
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Matejek, Józefa. „A FAMILY WITH MANY PROBLEMS IN THE SOCIAL SUPPORT SYSTEM“. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference 3 (21.05.2019): 313.

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The contemporary family is subject to significant transformations, which forces its members to adapt in new conditions of social functioning. Changing socio-economic conditions, difficult financial situation, helplessness, occurrence of addictions and social pathologies often make families unable to properly fulfill their tasks and functions. Social support can refer to taking action in any difficult situation in which a person is - a family who can not cope independently under the circumstances. The family is one of the most important values in human life, therefore the possibilities of its support should be broad, varied and generally available.The aim of the study is to present selected aspects and forms of social support for the family, which experiences many problems in everyday functioning. Supportive activities concern, among other things: the form of social assistance that the family will receive in the light of legal acts, the types of benefits a family can get in a difficult life situation and diversified forms of assistance and support from specialists for working with family - social workers and family assistants. The study uses the method of analysis of existing data (desk research), the research has been given a diagnostic and descriptive character. In the presented article, the analysis covered the subject literature on the subject matter covered, applicable legal acts, statistics, government reports and reports on social assistance benefits. The collected material was supplemented by an expert interview conducted with social workers and family assistant. Undertaken assistance activities should support families not only in the traditional social role, but also be open to the dynamics of socio-economic and cultural changes and new areas requiring assistance. Therefore, when undertaking supporting activities, one should focus both on preventing negative phenomena that may threaten the proper functioning of the family and effectively eliminate the effects of their occurrence.
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Hidayati, Niswatin Nurul. „Two Sides of Social Media: an Assistance on Youth Using Social Media In Tuban District“. TAAWUN 4, Nr. 01 (10.01.2024): 43–56.

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The aim of the assistance was to explore the multifaceted role of assistance programs dedicated to guiding and supporting youth in their use of social media in Tuban District, especially in Montong Sub District. As adolescents and young adults increasingly turn to online platforms for communication, information sharing, and identity formation, the need for constructive guidance becomes paramount. Recognizing the transformative potential of social media in the lives of the youth, this article aims to shed light on initiatives aimed at providing assistance and mentorship. The mentoring method used was in the form of seminars and practical sessions. Based on the mentoring program conducted for the youth in the Montong Sub District Tuban District, it can be concluded that internet usage has been massively adopted by the youth. However, this usage is not yet fully harnessed for the benefit of both individuals and institutions in their respective workplaces. Additionally, it can be said that through this seminar, the youth gained insights into various aspects, ranging from utilizing social media for branding to obtaining more information about the internet and its economic impact, the positive and negative aspects of social media, and social media ethics. A suggestion from the author is the hope that similar activities can continue to be implemented continuously. Furthermore, it is advisable to incorporate more in-depth digital literacy aspects in subsequent activities
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Mardari, Liliana. „Aspects of state control of social assistance as a function of social protection management in the Republic of Moldova“. Vector European, Nr. 1 (April 2024): 116–22.

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World experience proves that no state can successfully carry out radical reforms in economic and political, social and cultural life without also having a developed network of social assistance services and specialists, able to protect people in difficulty. In this context, in addition to regulations, reforms, training, financing, programs, projects, the need to control their application and capitalization is imposed. As a result, the field of social assistance, which includes a wide spectrum of specific benefits and services, each with particularities in regulation, application, financing, but indispensable for the categories of beneficiaries to whom they are addressed, it is necessary to establish and apply the control function through to institutions with attributions and functions in that direction.
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In the light of the ongoing changes in the economic, political and social spheres, the topic of social protection is more relevant and in demand than ever. Scientists, practitioners and the author face the task of rethinking social protection, its theoretical and conceptual provisions in the conditions of the existing reality and, as a result, the need to consider the periods of its development, identify emerging trends, and develop new periods and approaches. In periodical scientific socio-economic publications, social protection is usually considered in the context or composition of social policy. Social protection of the population is an integral part of the social policy of any state and plays an important role in society. There are very few scientific studies on the evolution of the formation of the social protection system of the population, taking into account historical and socio-economic periods of development in Russia. Moreover, the regional aspects of its formation and development remain insufficiently studied. The subject of the study is economic and social relations arising in connection with the rethinking of social protection, and its theoretical and conceptual provisions in the conditions of the existing reality. The purpose of the work is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of social protection, a retrospective of its development, identification of developing trends, and development of new periods and approaches. The relevance of the study is due to the increasing role of social protection in the light of ongoing changes in the economic, political and social spheres. The scientific novelty consists in the development of approaches to the analysis of the system of social assistance and support during the formation and development of market relations in the Russian Federation (1990 – present). The research methods are analysis, systematization, synthesis, induction, deduction, and modeling. At the same time, a modern multifaceted and multilevel model of the social protection system of the population with private-state forms of support and assistance is presented. The research results: the author presents the periodization of the formation and development of the social assistance and support system, which is considered in chronological order and is associated with the adoption of fundamental legislative and regulatory legal acts in this area, as well as certain historical events. The author concludes that the modern model of social protection of the population is imperfect and the process of its reform has not been completed, since the realities of public life are constantly changing, new challenges are emerging that force the social protection system to look for new forms, types, and response mechanisms.
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TAS-OOL, Klara D. O. „Certain aspects of charity development: Patronage assistance in the Republic of Tuva“. Regional Economics: Theory and Practice 21, Nr. 1 (16.01.2023): 148–65.

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Subject. This article discusses the problems of the population's life prolongation in the Republic of Tuva. Objectives. The article aims to develop measures to improve the quality of social and medical services. Methods. For the study, I used a statistical analysis. Results. The article finds a relationship between low life expectancy and socio-economic factors such as poverty, unemployment, crime, and living in dilapidated housing. It reveals that the system of providing patronage services is represented exclusively by medical organizations of the Republican healthcare system in the Republic of Tuva. Conclusions. The participation of private structures to provide social case work services will contribute to improving the life quality and prolongation of the population of the Republic of Tuva.
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Taufiq, Abd Rohman, und Achmad Iqbal. „Analisis Peran Corporate Social Responsibility terhadap Aspek Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Lingkungan pada Industri Ritel“. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi 6, Nr. 1 (25.06.2021): 22.

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a company responsibility that not only about how to generate profits, but also pay attention to society and the environment. This study aims to analyze the CSR role of retail companies in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach. The results show that retail companies in Indonesia have implemented CSR in a sustainable manner. The CSR program has implications in several aspects, including social, economic, and environmental aspects. In social programs, retail company CSR is dominated by educational assistance activities, natural disasters, and blood donors. ERAA is a company that focuses on economic aspects with community development. Environmental aspects are dominated by tree planting and energy reduction. Community Development (Comnev) should be the basis for implementing CSR programs to be more sustainable.
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The article describes the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the definition of “professional competence”. The main normative documents (professional standards and standards of higher education) and legislative acts to ensure the training of future specialists in the social sphere in the formation of their economic competence are identified. It is stipulated that the practical preparation of the future social specialist for social protection of various groups of the population, in particular social security, requires the formation of economic competence.The author’s vision of interpretation of economic competence of social specialists in terms of necessary knowledge, acquired skills, set of opportunities and abilities in the field of economic knowledge for effective professional activity in the field of social services, social assistance and social work in general. The constituent components of economic competence in the training of specialists in the social sphere are described: motivational, cognitive, procedural and personal.The cognitive component is highlighted as the most important, which reflects the rationale for the role of knowledge in the formation of economic competence. It is substantiated that the formation of economic competence of the future specialist in the social sphere takes place in higher education institutions within a holistic pedagogical process in the study of specialized socio-economic disciplines (“Economic foundations of social work”, “Economics of social work”, “Social economy”, “Social protection”). population “) and through the use of such methods of organizing educational activities as business games, situational tasks, development of socio-economic projects.It is established that the necessary role in the formation of economic competence in the training of a social worker is played by his knowledge of the determinants of social security as the main form of social protection - state social standards and guarantees. A brief description is given on the basis of legislative acts and the established size of the subsistence minimum as a state social standard and minimum wages and old-age pensions as the main state social guarantees.
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Wango, Nyagwegwe C. „Aspects of the Informal Economy that Influence Voluntary Contributions to Social Security Fund“. International Journal of Social Science Research 12, Nr. 2 (17.06.2024): 222.

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The study explored the factors within the informal economy that drive voluntary contributions to social security funds, presenting findings across three key attributes: economic, social, and institutional. Voluntary contributions were evident in all three associations studied. Economic incentives, such as loans and cash assistance during sickness and death, motivated members to contribute willingly. Additionally, the allowance for small contributions during regular meetings further facilitated participation. The study found that these meetings fostered member engagement and provided social benefits. Regularly scheduled meetings, as stipulated in the associations’ constitutions, helped to organize and structure the associations. The frameworks, including rules and regulations, were aligned with national-level associations, with leadership ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, such as those governing the bodaboda association.
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Gusev, A. Yu. „Problems of protecting social security rights in countries Eurasian Economic Union: individual aspects“. Voprosy trudovogo prava (Labor law issues), Nr. 6 (30.06.2023): 364–74.

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The entry of an employee into an employment relationship and the exercise of labor activity is associated with the acquisition by the employee of insurance and work experience, including special work experience, the acquisition of which then becomes the basis for the emergence of social security rights, in particular, the right to a pension, an allowance, social assistance, social services. Citizens of the Russian Federation work in the post-Soviet countries, in particular, in the Republic of Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, which are members of the Eurasian Economic Union, an international organization of regional economic integration with international legal personality. The study of the problems of the application of the norms of social security legislation of both the Union and national jurisdictional bodies of the EAEU countries in the process of resolving social security disputes, allows us to identify conflicts, defects of this legislation, raise the question of optimizing laws, both on at the level of an international organization, as well as the legislation of the states that are members of this organization.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Economic assistance – social aspects"


Winters, Jacqueline. „Women in Indian development : the dawn of a new consciousness?“ Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=66247.

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Mulonya, Rodrick K. A. R. „The political economy of development aid: an investigation of three donor-funded HIV/AIDS programmes broadcast by Malawi television from 2004 to 2007“. Thesis, Rhodes University, 2010.

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Development aid in most of the developing countries can sometimes compromise the principles of public service broadcasting (PSB). This may be true when reflected against the tension between donor financed programmes in Malawi and the mandate of Television Malawi (TVM). Although the donor intentions are noble, the strings attached to the funding are sometimes retrogressive to the role of PSBs. A case in point is how donors dictate terms on the HIV/Aids communication strategies at TVM. Producers receive money from donors with strings attached on how the money should be used and accounted for. If producers deviate they are sanctioned through withholding funding, shifting schedules and reducing the funding frequency. The donors also dictate who to interview on what subject, how to conduct capacity building. Some scholars have researched much on the impact of commercialisation of the media. This study is a departure from these traditional interferences; it interrogates the interest of philanthropy tendencies by international donors in the three chosen HIV/Aids programmes broadcast by TVM. The study investigates the extent of pressure exerted by donors on the producers of HIV/Aids programmes in Malawi. Thus, the study seeks to illicit specifics in the power relationship between the donor and the producer hence the study employs the political economy of development aid as applied to the public service broadcasting and communication for development. The study employed qualitative research methods and techniques (in-depth interviews, case study and document analysis). The study reveals how donor ideologies dominate the Aids messages-content output of the texts constructed. The study argues that cultural alienation of the Malawian audiences retards efforts of donors in combating HIV infection rate.
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Bayti, Thelma Thokozile. „The link between economic development programmes (RDP & GEAR) and poverty reduction : (Airport Valley as an illustrative case)“. Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2009.

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The key debates after apartheid have been on the successes and shortcomings of the social and economic policies that were adopted after apartheid. The ANC government decided to approach poverty reduction by closing the inequality gap between racial groups in the country. It planned to provide services that would improve the poor people’s lives and also create employment to sustain development. To provide the necessary services, the government formulated two broad, but linked macroeconomic policies namely: the RDP and GEAR which focused on the demand and supply side respectively (Venter and Landsberg (2006). This indicated the importance with which the people’s welfare and growth were regarded by the South African government. It indicated that the government believed in pro-poor growth. The purpose of this study was to gain better and deeper understanding about poverty reduction since the 1994 political transition, from the poor people of Airport Valley (in the Nelson Mandela Metropolital Municipality), who experience poverty from the real world. The study attempted to find out from these people if there was improvement in their lives since democratisation. This qualitative and quantitative study used three methods of collecting data namely: a questionnaire, interviews and observation. The results of the study suggest that there has been lack of commitment by RDP and GEAR, as the conditions under which the people live and therefore their standard of living have not improved. The study recommends that the government should speed up the process of service delivery at Airport Valley and also include the people in decision making about the future of Airport Valley.
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Ngumbela, Xolisile Gideon. „Assessing the role of civil society in poverty alleviation : a case study of Amathole District, (Eastern Cape)“. Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2015.

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The purpose of this study is to conduct an assessment of the role of civil society organizations with regards to poverty alleviation. The study is conducted in Amathole District, Eastern Cape Province. The sample for the study is constituted by 3 civic society organizations (CSO), which are located in 3 local municipalities; namely, Amahlathi (Ikhwezi Women Support Center), Mbhashe (Nyhwara Home Base), and Mnquma (We Care Ministries) Local Municipalities. In terms of the data collection, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 officers from these civic society organizations. Concerning the research design, a combination of a qualitative and quantitative research approach was used. Concerning the findings of the study, the following points were noted: the different forms of interventions by civic society organizations, poverty eradication strategies, challenges that were experienced by civic society organizations, and the logical framework versus unexpected changes. It is probably safe to make mention that CSOs in the Eastern Cape portray a positive attitude and willingness to learn to manage the organizations better. The continuing support from the Department of Social Development will go a long way to assist the CSOs to become sustainable, in the context of management and efficient running of these organizations. The study thus concluded that specific benefactor-beneficiary dynamics are crucial for the success of any anti-poverty intervention. A greater need for the robust pro-poor social policy, availability of resources with which to translate it into action, and local entrepreneurial potential do not in themselves bring about success; they must operate in a certain way and be supported by certain principles and commitment for them to become powerful proper vehicle for alleviating poverty.
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Chepete, Maipelo. „Assessing poverty alleviation in Botswana in terms of the Copenhagen Declaration“. Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2002.

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Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Botswana is one of the signatories of the Copenhagen Declaration, which was promulgated in Denmark in 1995. The Declaration, among others, called for signatories to eradicate poverty through decisive national actions and international cooperation as an ethical, social, political and economic imperative of humankind. This study, which takes the form of a policy systems analysis, seeks to establish the implementation path followed by the Government of Botswana in its endeavour to bring into effect its commitment to poverty alleviation, using the Copenhagen Declaration as a benchmark. The main methodology that informs this study is a comparative literature review of existing documentary sources, which include research reports and policy documents. This data is supplemented by interviews with some top officials involved in the planning, formulation and monitoring of poverty alleviation programmes. In addition, the author's experience of working as an Assistant District Officer in the Central District greatly supplements collected data. After presenting the background to the study and the research methodology that was followed, the study discusses the Copenhagen Declaration. It then explains the poverty situation at a global level. The picture is then narrowed to sub- Saharan Africa after which a more specific picture of the poverty situation in Botswana is explored. The findings of this study indicate that poverty alleviation policies and programmes implemented by the Government of Botswana are in line with the requirements of the Copenhagen Declaration. The most notable limiting factor affecting proper implementation of the commitments is lack of monitoring and evaluation, hence the study recommends that the Government put in place proper monitoring and evaluation mechanisms among others.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Botswana is een van die ondertekenaars van die Kopenhaagse Verklaring wat in 1995 in Denemarke uitgevaardig is. Die Verklaring het, onder andere, 'n beroep aan ondertekenaars gerig om die uitwissing van armoede deur middel van indringende nasionale aksies en internasionale samewerking as eties, sosiaal, polities en ekonomies gebiedend vir die mensdom aan te spreek. Hierdie studie, wat in die vorm van 'n analise van beleidsstelsels aangepak is, poog om vas te stel watter implementeringsweg deur die Regering van Botswana gevolg is om uiting te gee aan die verbintenis tot die verligting van armoede, met die Kopenhaagse Verklaring as maatstaf. Die vernaamste metode wat gevolg is om aan die studie gestalte te gee, is 'n vergelykende letterkundige oorsig van bestaande dokumentêre bronne, wat navorsingverslae en beleidsdokumente ingesluit het. Hierdie inligting is aangevul met behulp van onderhoude met sommige hoogstaande amptenare wat betrokke is by die beplanning, formulering en monitering van programme om armoede te verlig. Hierbenewens is die versamelde inligting tot 'n groot mate aangevul uit die ondervinding wat die skywer deur haar werk as 'n Assistent Distriks Offisier in die Sentraal distrikte opgedoen het. Die agtergrond tot die studie en die navorsingsmetodologie wat gevolg is, word eers aangebied en gevolg deur 'n bespreking van die Kopenhaagse Verklaring. Daarna word die stand van armoede op globale vlak verduidelik. Vervolgens word die blik vernou tot die gebied in Afrika suid van die Sahara en uiteindelik is daar 'n meer spesifieke ondersoek om 'n spesifieke indruk van die stand van armoede in Botswana te verkry. Die bevindinge van die studie toon dat beleidsbesluite en programme vir die verligting van armoede wat deur die Regering in Botswana geïmplementeer is, by die vereistes van die Kopenhaagse Verklaring aansluit. Die mees opvallende beperkende faktor wat die behoorlike implementering van die verbintenis tot die verklaring affekteer, is 'n gebrek aan monitering en evaluering en die studie stel dus voor dat die Regering behoorlike meganismes vir monitering en evaluering opstel.
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Befile, Temibsa. „An investigation of the implementation of integrated development planning (IDP) as a mechanism to alleviate poverty in Port Elizabeth in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality“. Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2009.

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South Africa is characterised by inequitable growth and development, a high degree of poverty, increasing demands and limited resources and the challenge of integration. The need for improved standards of living and access to better infrastructure which are seen as crucial issues in addressing poverty have necessitated the introduction of Integrated Development Planning (IDP). The IDP looks at the economic and social development of the area as a whole. It aims to coordinate the work of the local government in a coherent plan to improve the quality of life for all the people living in an area. In view of the above there is a need for proper planning and implementation of projects, as well as monitoring and assessment of success on the part of local government in order to help to eliminate poverty in the community. In this study I investigated the implementation of IDP as a mechanism to alleviate poverty in Port Elizabeth in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality. Due to the vastness of the problem and the extensive nature of the geographical area of Port Elizabeth, this study focused exclusively on Motherwell and KwaZakhele. For the purposes of this study, a mixed methods research approach was employed. This means that the study followed both the qualitative and quantitative approaches for in-depth understanding and verification. The data collection tools/techniques and instruments used in this study were mainly closed-ended questionnaire and structured interview questions. Data was collected from residents by conducting surveys, making use of questionnaires. Structured interviews were conducted with municipality officials and councillors in order to understand the situation better. The findings of the study revealed that there is a lack of adequate public consultation. It is indicated that people are left in the dark and projects are implemented without proper consultation with the community.
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Stanley, Richard. „Micro-macro paradoxes : the effects of war and aid on child survival“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2013.

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HILLO, Jaakko Jonas. „The disclosure game : inception, implementation and unusual influence of aid transparency“. Doctoral thesis, European University Institute, 2022.

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Defence date: 15 June 2022
Examining Board: Prof. Philipp Genschel (European University Institute, Supervisor); Prof. Diane Stone (European University Institute); Prof. Rachel Beatty Riedl (Cornell University); Prof. Tero Erkkilä (University of Helsinki)
The dissertation investigates the origins, implementation, and effects of transparency in development aid. Transparency is a key tenet in most contemporary governance reforms because of its inherent value and expected instrumental benefits. Under the auspice of transparency, standardized information disclosure practices – an increasingly common yet understudied form of transparency – are being deployed in the development field to improve governance. The relationship between disclosing information and improved aid is, however, conceptually unclear, underspecified, poorly validated and arguably problematic. This research tackles these issues by identifying the origins of aid transparency, theorising the global architecture for information disclosure and investigating its consequences for governing. The approach of the dissertation is institutional, emphasising the steering influences of the imperative to disclose data. The research builds on a multi-method design with four empirical parts. The first part explores how information sharing developed into a global norm. The second part consists of two donor case studies that consider what aid transparency entails in practice. The third part links information disclosure and aid governance qualities through quantitative analysis to pinpoint what kind of governing information disclosure contributes to. The fourth part inspects how information disclosure over time generates implicit conditionalities in global aid flows. The thesis argues and shows empirically that the spread of aid transparency contributes to a self-perpetuating form of aid governance where donors disclose to obtain evidence and seek evidence to be able to disclose. This elusive quest for evidence has political implications as it shapes who gets funds. The unfortunate risk of the openness paradigm is pushing the development field towards two-tiered aid governance where those recipients that possess the institutional capabilities to partake data-dense governing benefit disproportionately compared to others, who are left to fend for themselves or rely on alternative funding from outside of the Western, data-obsessed donor establishment.
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Денисенко, Павло Анатолійович, Павел Анатольевич Денисенко und Pavlo Anatoliiovych Denysenko. „Some economic aspects of social capital“. Thesis, Вид-во СумДУ, 2010.

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Nowadays innovation-oriented development of particular socio-economic system is no longer considered as a result of some individual breakthrough, it was substituted by systematic work of specially created professional networks of different kind and size. Formal and informal interrelations among talented workers, knowledge management, creative environment, social capital, organizational culture becomes the new frontier of competitive advantage. When you are citing the document, use the following link
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Kharlamova, G. „Environmental security: economic and social aspects“. Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2011.

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Ecology – is complex problem, so complex decisions are needed. Preservation of environment and acceptance of administrative decisions, recreational use of natural resources of natural-resources fund territories demand certain regulating actions. These actions have to be based on exact basis of complex interdisciplinary approach to environment security. When you are citing the document, use the following link
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Bücher zum Thema "Economic assistance – social aspects"


Institute, European Trade Union, Hrsg. Social aspects of the assistance programmes to Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Bruxelles: European Trade Union Institute, 1992.

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Bierschenk, Thomas. Entwicklungshilfe und ihre Folgen: Ergebnisse empirischer Untersuchungen im ländlichen Westafrika. Berlin: Das Arabische Buch, 1991.

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Fujibayashi, Yasushi. ODA o dō kaereba ii no ka. Tōkyō: Komonzu, 2002.

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Girvan, Norman. The search for policy autonomy in the South: Universalism, social learning, and the role of regionalism. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2005.

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Girvan, Norman. The search for policy autonomy in the South: Universalism, social learning, and the role of regionalism. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2005.

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Oakman, Daniel. Facing Asia: A History of the Colombo Plan. Canberra: ANU Press, 2010.

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Bush, Malcolm. Building community: Developing human and economic resources. Chicago, Illinois: Woodstock Institute, 1996.

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Bliss, Frank. Die Sozio-kulturellen Schlüsselfaktoren in Theorie und Praxis der deutschen staatlichen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. München: Weltforum, 1997.

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Howard, White. The country-wide effects of aid: Report for the World Bank. Washington, D.C: World Bank, Policy Research Dept., Macroeconomics and Growth Division, 1994.

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Deacon, Bob. Socially responsible globalization: A challenge for the European Union. Helsinki: Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, 1999.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Economic assistance – social aspects"


Moreno-Fuentes, Francisco Javier. „Migrants’ Access to Social Protection in Spain“. In IMISCOE Research Series, 405–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Abstract From traditional country of emigration, Spain became a country of immigration in a relatively short period, practically catching up with the rest of Western European countries in terms of percentage of population of foreign origin by 2010. The hybrid nature of its welfare regime, a combination of social insurance schemes and universalistic programs, determined the eligibility of foreign populations to each specific social protection scheme. In basic terms, foreigners can access Spanish social protection schemes through their participation in the labour market (for social insurance programs), and their residence in Spanish territory (for schemes based on a universalistic logic). The international agreements signed by Spain are a key aspect as well in determining welfare entitlements for foreigners, particularly in the case of nationals from other EU member states and Latin America. The strong reliance on contributory schemes, and the significant role played by the underground economy, leave economic migrants (particularly undocumented ones) without much social protection. The economic crisis initiated in 2008 implied an increase in immigrants’ vulnerability, but their actual welfare take-up decreased due to their more limited access to the formal labour market, and the restrictive conditions of targeted social assistance schemes.
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Erdoğan, Emre, und Heidi Paabort. „A More Youth-Centered Policy Development Perspective in NEET Policies“. In NEETs in European rural areas, 89–113. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.

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AbstractUnderstanding young people’s needs from their own perspective is important for effective policy making. The Youth Guarantee (YG) has been successful in providing training, job search assistance, monitoring, and public work programs for vulnerable young people (NEETs). However, the YG primarily focuses on economic aspects, ignoring multidimensional social problems faced by this vulnerable group. Our chapter focuses on the factors behind the need and on the potential of young people’s contribution to policy-making making it more youth-centered. Recent academic discussions have focused on improving policy development processes beyond the classic or rationalist approach, incorporating cognitive biases, power factors, the multiplicity of actors, and the importance of the environment. To address these challenges, we present the results of a multi-country thought experiment that revealed that the national government is the most important actor in policy development for NEETs, followed by public employment services, local government, civil society organizations, and regional governments. Subsequently, we explore the potential benefits for policy development of new design thinking approaches based on the case example of the Reinforced YG of Estonia. The Estonian approach aims to address the multidimensionality of social problems faced by vulnerable young people and to promote a design-based policy development mindset, creating new avenues for support and services.
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Vervliet, Hendrik D. L. „Legal Economic, Social Aspects“. In ABHB Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries, 244–58. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1985.

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Vervliet, Hendrik D. L. „Legal, Economic, Social Aspects“. In ABHB Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries, 257–68. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1989.

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Vervliet, Hendrik D. L. „Legal, Economic, Social Aspects“. In ABHB Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries, 253–74. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1990.

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Vervliet, Hendrik D. L. „Legal Economic, Social Aspects“. In ABHB Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries, 265–78. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1988.

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Vervliet, Hendrik D. L. „Legal, Economic, Social Aspects“. In Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries, 266–82. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.

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Vervliet, Hendrik D. L. „Legal, Economic, Social Aspects“. In ABHB Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries, 259–73. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1988.

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Rivet, A. L. F. „Social and Economic Aspects“. In The Roman Villa in Britain, 173–216. London: Routledge, 2024.

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Worsley, Melanie, und Michelle Watson. „Effective Assistance of Counsel“. In Routledge Handbook of Social, Economic, and Criminal Justice, 197–207. 1 Edition. | New York : Routledge, [2018]: Routledge, 2018.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Economic assistance – social aspects"


Buzoianu, Ovidiu Andrei Cristian, Raluca Ana Vasilescu, Florin Dobre, Carol Cristina Gombos und Adrian Victor Troacă. „Management of investments in education and the impact on school performance“. In International Scientific Conference “30 Years of Economic Reforms in the Republic of Moldova: Economic Progress via Innovation and Competitiveness”. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2022.

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This paper examines several aspects of education, school dropout, labor as an effect of investments in education, with the aim of determining the factors that put barriers in increasing the level of education. The aim of the paper is to show that the implementation of European programs in pre-university education leads to the development of human resources involved, but also to the development of economic society as a whole. Respecting the competence of Member States for their education and training systems to several EU strategies and initiatives, including the Europe 2020 Strategy. Thus, education and training should be strengthened and supported to improve access to quality learning for all, to avoid labor and social market segmentation and to enable mobility processes; social growth and convergence across Europe. It concludes that education funding policies should focus mainly on social assistance, social inclusion should be given priority to investment in lower levels of education, including preschool, and the acquisition of general rather than occupational skills.
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Bruževica, Rūta. „Socializēšanās prakses viduslaiku pilsētā: amatu korporāciju piemērs“. In LU Studentu zinātniskā konference "Mundus et". LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2021.

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One of the most important aspects of medieval human life was being in a community. On the one hand, medieval city itself was such a community, whereas on the other hand, there still remained social, economic and occupational differences between its inhabitants, which in daily life dissociated people. In addition to the community in the city, the church and the family, another type of community developed in medieval cities – professional or artisan associations, fraternities or guilds. For a very long time, the studies dedicated to these organizations focused mainly on their economic, legal and organizational aspects, and hence guilds are mainly associated with their economic activities. However, the religious and social life they yielded was no less important and provided people’s daily lives with activities that complemented their spiritual and social life. The aim of the study is to review and analyse the social practices found in the source material, whereby such aspects of socialization as the formation of beneficial social contacts, maintenance of relationships, as well as mutual assistance were practiced in medieval artisan associations. Examples and their similarities in various artisan associations in Europe, including Riga, which are reported in medieval written sources, especially the statutes of these associations, will be discussed. The obtained information collected in the study confirms that associations extended beyond economic goals, as their practices promoted social contacts between members, strengthened friendships, fostered respect and responsibility for each other.
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Mardari, Liliana. „The state social insurance budget in terms of budget classification“. In International Scientific Conference “30 Years of Economic Reforms in the Republic of Moldova: Economic Progress via Innovation and Competitiveness”. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2022.

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The unified system of codes that groups and systematizes budgetary indicators according to certain criteria reflects the budgetary classification, which is important for policy formulation, identifying resource allocation, establishing accountability for policies and performance, and day-to-day budget management. The purpose of the research is the analysis of the state social insurance budget in terms of budget classification depending on the time factor. The systematization of budgetary indicators favors the elaboration of policies in the field of state social insurance and social assistance, the state social insurance budget and the medium-term budgetary framework, the monitoring and execution of the state social insurance budget, the performance within the programs, in order to ensure the financial stability of the public system. social insurance. The methods applied in the research process are: dynamic analysis, comparison, observation, deduction. The research results reflect the state social insurance budget for the period 2016-2020 according to the budgetary classification system applied in the Republic of Moldova, approved in 2015 and includes the functional, organizational, source, economic and program classification. Another aspect of the research is the executed / approved analysis of the state social insurance budget in the same way according to the budgetary classification.
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Arpinte, Daniel. „Deficit sau sfârșit de expertiză în planificarea și evaluarea programelor publice sociale?“ In International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization". National Institute for Economic Research, 2023.

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The paper is based on the observation of an unequal practice in Romania on how are designed and evaluated the public social programs aiming at supporting social disadvantaged groups, which implies a negative impact on the relevance and the efficiency of these programs. Although the evaluation culture was intensively promoted during Romania pre-accession to the EU, particularly during 2001 – 2006 (Toderaș & Iacob, 2020), the evaluation practice shows a significant decline in the area of public social programs, except those funded by external grants. Whether the ex-ante assessments are still done (although their quality largely vary due to the availability of the funds needed to conduct these evaluations), the ongoing or impact evaluations funded by the public authorities are almost inexistent. Most of the current public social programs (e.g. the supply of monetary benefits based on means-testing, the nutritional programs for schoolchildren, the public social assistance services) have not ever been evaluated or their evaluations were inconsistent or focused only on specific aspects. Two study cases will illustrate this process, respectively the minimum guaranteed income and the nutritional program for schoolchildren, both previously documented. The analysis will identify how the legislative process has impacted the running of these programs, and will look on the available assessments and studies related to these programs in order to identify the patterns of the assessments which feed the major decisions related to the social programs.
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Buciuceanu-Vrabie, Mariana, und Galina Savelieva. „Sustenabilitatea sistemelor sociale în contextul îmbătrânirii populației“. In International Scientific-Practical Conference "Economic growth in the conditions of globalization". National Institute for Economic Research, 2023.

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In the article, key aspects related to the accelerated aging of the population in the Republic of Moldova are addressed, highlighting the demographic, economic, and social issues the country faces. Based on statistical and empirical data, the challenges faced by the elderly population are highlighted: low standard of living, poverty, integration into the labor market, limited access and quality of health services, etc. The aging process affects rural areas and the female population more significantly. The aging coefficient is on the rise, reaching 23.8% nationally and 25.4% in rural areas. According to monitoring indicators, the potential and capacity to ensure active aging of the population remain low, just over 28% nationwide and 22% in rural areas. The population structure is increasingly characterized by a higher proportion of older age groups (65-69/70-74 years). This trend has significant implications for healthcare, pension, and social assistance systems, as well as for the labor force, endangering the sustainability of social systems and the economic productivity of the country. Mitigating these challenges is essential to continue developing and promoting active and healthy aging policies with a cross-sectoral and intersectoral approach, integrating aging into various areas of development, from the economy to education and health. Creating an environment conducive to all generations requires adaptation to demographic realities, addressing the new needs of the workforce, promoting social inclusion of older persons to leverage their experience and skills,and developing measures to support elderly care and reforms to ensure an equitable pension system. The article was elaborated within the State Program Project (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.21 „Migration, demographic changes, and situation stabilization policies”.
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Girašek, Jakub. „SENIOR HOUSING IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC“. In 4th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2020 – Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times. Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia, 2020.

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Housing of seniors is very non-unified in the Slovak Republic. As a central government, the state has delegated much of the competence in the area of senior housing to local governments in the form of delegated competences. This is also the case for the third sector, which is involved and uses state support for its activities. There is no advanced form of retirement facilities network. However, it is not only important that seniors only passively use the assistance of the state in case of dependence on care, but the social policy of Slovakia should aim to active form of social secure, lead elderly to their own responsibility and help them to financially cover acceptable housing. This is endangered by low pensions, income and expenditure structure of retirement households. New challenges in the future include the creation of social enterprises and senior parks. The purpose of this article is to map the above aspects and point out possible innovations and examples of good practice.
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Пу, Цзян. „ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF COOPERATION BETWEEN THE USSR AND THE PRC IN THE FIELD OF INDUSTRY IN THE 1950S“. In Высокие технологии и инновации в науке: сборник избранных статей Международной научной конференции (Санкт-Петербург, Январь 2022). Crossref, 2022.

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Сотрудничество СССР и КНР в 1950-е годы охватывало все стороны экономического становления Китая: материальную, финансовую, научно-технологическую, помощь профессиональными кадрами и подготовка таких кадров на территории СССР. Уроки тех лет, безусловно, полезны и сегодня. Выделенные достоинства и недостатки представлены в виде выдержек из ранее не публиковавшихся документов таких архивов как РГАСПИ и РГАНИ. Cooperation between the USSR and the PRC in the 1950s covered all aspects of the economic development of China: material, financial, scientific and technological, assistance with professional personnel and the training of such personnel on the territory of the USSR. The lessons of those years are certainly useful today. The highlighted advantages and disadvantages are presented in the form of excerpts from previously unpublished documents from archives such as RGASPI (Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History) and RGANI (Russian State Archive of Contemporary History).
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Alema´n, Miguel A´ngel, Ramiro Bermeo, Andre´s Mendiza´bal und Wong Loon. „Successful Social Environmental Management Model, Implemented in Ecuador to Overcome Impacts From a Heavy Crude Oil Spill“. In 2010 8th International Pipeline Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.

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On February 25, 2009, OCP Ecuador S.A. faced its first incident; an oil spill consisting of 11,700 barrels of heavy crude oil in an area of high biodiversity in eastern Ecuador. An earth movement caused stress in the pipeline causing its breakage. The temporarily impacted area covered 30 hectares of soil and gravel along 180 kilometers of three rivers that form the high watershed of the Amazon River; these rivers are the Santa Rosa, Quijos and the Coca. During the emergency, while workers rallied to contain the spill and clean the affected area, other workers took safety precautions regarding the health of the inhabitants of the area. Consequently, 1,258 residents from the Gonzalo Pizarro and Orellana cantons received medical assistance in order to rule out patients with pathologies related to the oil spill. OCP executed a joint effort with the Emergency Operations Committee (COE) stationed in Coca in order to supply water for the citizens that reside in the affected area. OCP responded to the requirements claimed by residents, all of which were approved by the COE. Communities affected by the event participated in cleaning efforts through the creation of temporary jobs for them. OCP strictly adhered to the regulations passed by the Ministry of the Environment and those of internationally accepted best practices for these types of events. The media and the citizenry were kept continuously abreast of developments. In addition, all corresponding works and reliability tests were performed on March 4 in order to restart pumping activities. On September 30th, 2009, and following a rigorous process of cleaning and remediation (L&Rr—in Spanish) activities, all tasks were completed in all affected areas prior to an inspection and a walking tour of the area performed by governmental authorities, community members and independent observers. For the collective benefit of affected communities, the environment and OCP, local authorities and international auditors recognized the model established during the event. OCP created a taskforce charged with the execution of the Environmental Remediation Program (PRA—in Spanish) and environmental authorities prepared and approved this program. The Environmental Remediation Taskforce (UPRA) covered the following aspects related to the incident: legal, environmental, cleaning and remediation technical aspects, as well as social, environmental, financial, insurance, internal and external communication aspects, along with a rigorous oversight of contractors. The model implemented is the first of its kind deployed in Ecuador. National and international regulations in force validated the methodology used to remediate the soil, riverbanks and surface water contaminated with the oil caused by the incident. The application of this methodology, aptly deployed in response to the distress situation present at the various affected areas, allowed a reduction in a short period, of the total hydrocarbon concentrations established in the environmental standard, to equal or lower values than those previously indicated for sensitive ecosystems. OCP developed and implemented a technical, environmental and economic matrix that allowed the Company to choose and justify the remediation methods used in affected areas.
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Polidanov, Maxim Andreevich, Vladimir Vladimirovich Maslyakov, Sergey Alekseevich Sidelnikov und Anna Andreevna Korzhenskaya. „ORGANIZATION OF MEDICAL CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH VARIOUS TYPES OF INJURIES RESULTING FROM ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS“. In Themed collection of papers from Foreign international scientific conference «Joint innovation - joint development». Part 2. by HNRI «National development» in cooperation with PS of UA. October 2023. - Harbin (China). Crossref, 2024.

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In the Russian Federation, almost 30,000 people are killed and about 250,000 people are injured in road accidents per year. Road traffic injuries rank third in the world among the causes of mortality. Road traffic injuries is a problem that occupies one of the leading places in a number of social, medical, demographic and economic problems that face society and the state. The article deals with the organization of medical care for patients with injuries of different nature, received as a result of road traffic accidents. The purpose of the work - based on the data obtained, to identify key points that will help emergency service specialists, doctors and employees of transportation services to improve the process of providing first aid and medical assistance to victims of road accidents. In this paper we have paid attention to the important, in our opinion, aspects that can help in solving this problem. The study found out that the performance of policies regarding road safety is still a problematic issue. Undoubtedly, first aid training programs for ordinary citizens should follow the principles established by WHO. It is necessary to improve the professional competence of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, road services, etc., providing first aid to victims of road accidents through mandatory cyclical training in the territorial centers of disaster medicine of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
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Mazur-Kumrić, Nives, und Ivan Zeko-Pivač. „TRIGGERING EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: A CRITICAL OVERVIEW OF THE EU’S AND UN'S RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND BEYOND“. In EU 2021 – The future of the EU in and after the pandemic. Faculty of Law, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, 2021.

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The large-scale COVID-19 pandemic is a severe public health emergency which poses distressing social and economic challenges to the international community as a whole. In order to provide immediate and effective support to affected welfare and healthcare systems as well as to build their lasting, inclusive and sustainable recovery, both the European Union and the United Nations have introduced a number of urgent measures aiming to help and protect citizens and economies. This paper looks into the specificities of urgent procedures launched and carried out by the two most influential international organisations with a view to rapidly respond to the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. More specifically, it focuses on the involved institutions and steps of urgent procedures as well as on their most remarkable outcomes. In the case of the European Union, the emphasis is put primarily on two Coronavirus Response Investment Initiatives (CRIIs), adopted during the Croatian Presidency of the Council in one of the fastest legal procedures in the history of the European Union, and the Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU) as an extension of the CRIIs’ crisis repair measures. The overarching United Nations’ response is assessed through an analysis of its urgent policy agenda developed on the premise that the COVID-19 pandemic is not only a health and socio-economic emergency but also a global humanitarian, security and human rights crisis. This particularly includes procedures foreseen by the Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) and the Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP). In addition, the aim of the paper is to provide a critical overview of the subject by highlighting three pivotal elements. First, the paper sheds light on the financial aspects of the urgent fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, necessary for turning words into action. Notably, this refers to funds secured by the Multiannual Financial Frameworks 2014-2020 and 2021-2027, and the Next Generation EU recovery instrument, on the one hand, and the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, the UN Central Emergency Response Fund and the Solidarity Response Fund, on the other hand. Second, it offers a comparative evaluation of the end results of the European and global emergency procedures in mitigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, it summarises the underlying elements of measures governing the aftermath of the ongoing crisis, i.e. those promoting a human-centred, green, sustainable, inclusive and digital approach to future life.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Economic assistance – social aspects"


Moore, Kirsten, und Debbie Rogow. Family planning and reproductive health: Briefing sheets for a gender analysis. Population Council, 1994.

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This series of briefing sheets, developed by the Population Council, represents a starting point for the application of gender to the family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH) arena. The information covers five key areas of RH: gender-based abuse, FP and gender issues among adolescents, sexuality and FP, men’s and women’s social and economic responsibilities for childrearing, and the complicated nexus between gender and FP/RH. In so doing, it provides a strong foundation for gender training. This concept was first developed to fulfill a need for gender training within the regional Operations Research/Technical Assistance Projects. To date, two such workshops have been funded by USAID. These activities not only reflect a clear commitment by USAID to the inclusion of gender in all aspects of programmatic planning and implementation but also to the empowerment of women in every phase of the development process. This tool will help guide program planners and policymakers toward making gender equity in FP and RH programs a reality for both women and men.
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McSweeney, Alice M., und Carol Raish. Social, cultural, and economic aspects of livestock ranching on the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests. Ft. Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 2012.

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The work is devoted to a comprehensive study of medical support, incl. sanatorium-resort treatment of employees of the military prosecutor’s office and members of their families (persons who are dependent on them). It is noted that health care is structurally included in services that, in addition to cash payments and benefits in kind, represent the entire social security system. The main attention in the article is focused on the analysis of the normative legal regulation of the health protection of employees of the military prosecutor’s office, as well as the provision of medical assistance to them (prophylactic medical examination, medical examination, military medical examination, medical and psychological rehabilitation, sanatorium treatment, reimbursement of expenses for drugs and treatment) of proper quality and in the required volume. The key scientific results of the study are the generalization of legal information and scientific knowledge about the procedure for providing medical assistance to employees of the military prosecutor’s office. The main scientific results of the article can be applied to organize training in the discipline «Military law and military legislation». The article will be of interest to persons conducting scientific research on the problems of social protection of servicemen and their families.
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Slater, Rachel, Ella Haruna und Daniela Baur. What is Known About Capacity and Coordination of Social Assistance Programmes in Crisis Situations? Institute of Development Studies, Oktober 2022.

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This paper reviews the literature and documented evidence on capacity and coordination issues in crisis situations, where social protection and humanitarian assistance intersect. The paper finds that while there is a burgeoning literature that mentions capacity and coordination, very little of this focuses on crisis situations. Although both terms are mentioned frequently, they are rarely defined or robustly and systematically assessed. The little literature that does exist points to a substantial knowledge gap on both the ways in which capacity and coordination deficits undermine the delivery of social assistance in crisis situations and what can be done to overcome these deficits. Frameworks that could be useful in exploring these questions in crisis situations are identified including those that differentiate between technical and functional elements of capacity, and between technical, political, social and behavioural aspects of coordination.
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Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel, und Carolina Szyp. Key Considerations for Targeting Social Assistance in Situations of Protracted Crises. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), März 2022.

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Targeting social assistance in situations of protracted conflict, protracted displacement, or recurrent climate shock, so that it reaches those most in need rapidly, effectively and without doing further harm, has historically been one of the most complex technical and political challenges for development and humanitarian programmes. Trade-offs involving costs beyond the economic – such as risks of exclusion and concerns over protection – raise questions about who to target, how to target and whether to target at all (i.e. through universal coverage or lotteries) would lead to better impacts in contexts where systems of state provision are often damaged or non-existent. The multiplicity of actors involved in delivering social assistance in crisis situations, with their own targeting cultures and mandates, can result in uncoordinated patchy and limited assistance, often overlooking equity concerns. Drawing on a range of literature, in this paper we examine the key considerations and dilemmas for targeting social assistance in protracted crises, including shock contexts, targeting methods, exclusion and protection risks, national and international actors’ politics, and technologies. Our purpose is to draw out lessons to better inform targeting of future social assistance programming across the humanitarian-development nexus.
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Callais, Justin T. Economic Freedom and Social Mobility: What Does It mean for Puerto Rico? Instituto de Libertad Económica, 2023.

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Social and income mobility has become a hot topic among social scientists and policymakers. Few, though, have examined the role of economic freedom in explaining differences in mobility. I summarize my work showing that economic freedom has a strong impact on improving mobility. I discuss the implications of these findings for Puerto Ricans. Puerto Rico scores relatively well in the regulatory aspects of economic freedom; however, fixing the barriers regarding registering and transferring property, overly burdensome taxes, and overall tax compliance is important. Addressing these obstacles can help progress the outlook for Puerto Ricans and increase their chances of having better opportunities than the generations before them.
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Oppel, Annalena. Beyond Informal Social Protection – Personal Networks of Economic Support in Namibia. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), November 2020.

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This paper poses a different lens on informal social protection (ISP). ISP is generally understood as practices of livelihood support among individuals. While studies have explored the social dynamics of such, they rarely do so beyond the conceptual space of informalities and poverty. For instance, they discuss aspects of inclusion, incentives and disincentives, efficiency and adequacy. This provides important insights on whether and to what extent these practices provide livelihood support and for whom. However, doing so in part disregards the socio-political context within which support practices take place. This paper therefore introduces the lens of between-group inequality through the Black Tax narrative. It draws on unique mixed method data of 205 personal support networks of Namibian adults. The results show how understanding these practices beyond the lens of informal social protection can provide important insights on how economic inequality resonates in support relationships, which in turn can play a part in reproducing the inequalities to which they respond.
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Fishback, Price. Social Insurance and Public Assistance in the Twentieth-Century United States: 2019 Presidential Address for the Economic History Association. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2020.

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Saad, Saed, Sonja Read und Ben Mountfield. Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance with Social Protection: A case study in Gaza. Oxfam, August 2022.

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In the Gaza Strip, 80% of the population receives humanitarian assistance. The level of need is overwhelming, and the political and socio-economic context has crippled the traditional social protection system. Efforts to build a stronger social protection system are under way, and cash interventions are on the rise. This report explores the humanitarian cash assistance landscape in the Gaza Strip and how it interacts with social protection. It sets out a vision for a social protection architecture that supports coherence, protection, accountability and the building of resilient systems, and achieves complementarity between actors and programmes. The report also provides recommendations on how the implementation of programmes can be improved.
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A review of the literature on the actual problem of modern society - Internet addiction (ID) is presented. ID has negative social, health and economic consequences. The number of Internet addicts is increasing every year. Patients with IS have characteristic symptoms: increased tolerance syndrome (increased time and intensity of Internet activity); syndrome of loss of quantitative and situational control; withdrawal symptoms, with the impossibility of Internet activity and affective disorders develop.
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