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Dore, Mayane. „«Una casa como regalo»: economías morales y economías políticas en las viviendas públicas de Sídney“. Arxiu d'Etnografia de Catalunya, Nr. 24 (20.12.2022): 193–216. http://dx.doi.org/10.17345/aec24.193-216.

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Este artículo examina el sistema de reciprocidad y moralidad asociado al uso de las viviendas públicas en Sídney, Australia. A través de un estudio etnográfico realizado en el barrio de Waterloo, el artículo analiza la centralidad que ocupan las moralidades cotidianas para dar continuidad, o incluso para profundizar, en las desigualdades estructurales y en la acumulación de capital en la ciudad de Sídney. Estudios recientes centran el análisis de la vivienda y su economía moral en las hipotecas y en la financialización del sistema; no obstante, este trabajo analiza el caso concreto de las renovaciones de viviendas públicas. De esta forma, en la primera parte del artículo discuto cómo el derecho a la vivienda pública pasó de ser entendido como parte de un contrato social a integrar un sistema de vigilancia y penalización. En la segunda parte, analizo el acto de recibir una vivienda del Gobierno y las obligaciones morales que este acto conlleva. Como conclusión, el artículo discute cómo las desigualdades estructurales y la acumulación de capital se realizan a nivel local a través de normas, significados y prácticas concretas.
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Oswald Spring, Úrsula. „PAZ Y SEGURIDAD ENGENDRADAS, SUSTENTABLES Y CULTURALMENTE DIVERSAS“. Revista Latinoamericana Estudios de la Paz y el Conflicto 1, Nr. 1 (15.06.2020): 116–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/rlpc.v1i1.9519.

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El análisis de este artículo relaciona la violencia existente en América Latina con el modelo de desarrollo impuesto, que ha deteriorado el bienestar de las mayorías y su salud humana. El desarrollo de este modelo ha creado inseguridad alimentaria, contaminado aguas prístinas, destruido selvas y bosques y ha forzado a millones de personas a abandonar su hogar por las crisis socioeconómicas, la pobreza, la inseguridad pública, el cambio climático y los desastres asociados. Dese una perspectiva de una paz y seguridad engendradas y sustentables el objeto de referencia se puede cambiar del territorio y la soberanía nacional, propia de los conceptos tradicionales político-militares que han resultado en el mundo global en guerras, crisis, miseria y conflictos permanentes. Dese un acercamiento de paz y seguridad engendradas y sustentables, basadas en igualdad y la sustentabilidad, amenazas ya no se causan por otros países y sus armas, sino por el modelo patriarcal dominante que estructuralmente ha desarrollado violencia física, explotación, discriminación y desigualdad. Este texto ofrece un doble objetivo: primero, un marco de análisis sistémico de las condiciones socioambientales y de conflictos emergentes; y segundo, sugiere acciones concretas que promuevan la igualdad, equidad, solidaridad, sustentabilidad ambiental y resolución noviolenta de conflictos dentro de una economía de regalo o economía solidaria en un mundo diverso y sustentable.
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Cruz Cárdenas, Jorge Aníbal. „Modelo y Conocimiento del Comportamiento del Consumidor en la Entrega y Recepción Interpersonal de Regalos“. Revista Brasileira de Marketing 10, Nr. 1 (05.09.2011): 02–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.5585/remark.v10i1.2205.

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La entrega y recepcin interpersonal de regalos implica un proceso de compra ms complejo que las compras usuales del consumidor, pues tiene al menos dos actores centrales, el dador y el receptor, cada uno con sus propias caractersticas personales y psicolgicas. Estos actores son influidos por variables externas como la relacin que sostienen, las variables de marketing y otras variables no controlables por las empresas, como la economa, la cultura y la familia. El proceso de compras del regalo comienza con el reconocimiento de una necesidad, se desarrolla muchas veces con un alto involucramiento del dador y del receptor y termina con el impacto del regalo en la relacin que mantienen. Usando como estructura las variables ms usuales del comportamiento del consumidor, el artculo expone y analiza el estado del conocimiento existente, propone una posible agenda de investigacin, plantea un modelo de comportamiento adaptado desde los modelos estmulo-consumidor-respuesta y finalmente discute las implicaciones para la prctica del marketing. DOI: 10.5585/remark.v10i1.2205
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Ranchordás, Sofia. „Sharing Economy: New Rules for New Times: Business & Society in the Balance“. IESE Insight, Nr. 30 (26.09.2016): 32–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.15581/002.art-2888.

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Sheppard, Caroline E., Erica L. W. Lester, Anderson W. Chuck, Daniel W. Birch, Shahzeer Karmali und Christopher J. de Gara. „The Economic Impact of Weight Regain“. Gastroenterology Research and Practice 2013 (2013): 1–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/379564.

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Background. Obesity is well known for being associated with significant economic repercussions. Bariatric surgery is the only evidence-based solution to this problem as well as a cost-effective method of addressing the concern. Numerous authors have calculated the cost effectiveness and cost savings of bariatric surgery; however, to date the economic impact of weight regain as a component of overall cost has not been addressed.Methods. The literature search was conducted to elucidate the direct costs of obesity and primary bariatric surgery, the rate of weight recidivism and surgical revision, and any costs therein.Results. The quoted cost of obesity in Canada was $2.0 billion–$6.7 billion in 2013 CAD. The median percentage of bariatric procedures that fail due to weight gain or insufficient weight loss is 20% (average:21.1%±10.1%, range: 5.2–39,n=10). Revision of primary surgeries on average ranges from 2.5% to 18.4%, and depending on the procedure accounts for an additional cost between $14,000 and $50,000 USD per patient.Discussion. There was a significant deficit of the literature pertaining to the cost of revision surgery as compared with primary bariatric surgery. As such, the cycle of weight recidivism and bariatric revisions has not as of yet been introduced into any previous cost analysis of bariatric surgery.
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Aristizábal García, Diana Marcela. „Niños y regalos: aprender a dar y a recibir en el contexto doméstico“. DESIDADES - Revista Científica da Infância, Adolescência e Juventude, Nr. 36 (26.10.2023): 113–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.54948/desidades.vi36.59522.

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La economía del don ha sido uno de los temas clásicos de investigación en la sociología y la antropología económica. Los niños y las niñas generalmente han estado por fuera de estas reflexiones, aun cuando participan de diversas formas en esta práctica social, cultural y relacional. Este artículo analiza las comprensiones de un grupo de niños y padres de clase media bogotana sobre el valor y los significados que adquieren los regalos en el contexto doméstico y escolar. Se argumenta que el ritual del dar y el recibir es otro escenario de socialización en el que los niños aprenden sobre la estructuración de las relaciones sociales, los afectos, las jerarquías generacionales y la configuración de su experiencia infantil. Los datos etnográficos hacen parte del trabajo de campo desarrollado durante el año 2018, específicamente provienen de algunas entrevistas a padres e hijos y observaciones en una institución educativa de carácter privado. Estos registros se articulan con ideas provenientes de campos como la antropología económica y la antropología de la infancia. El trabajo aporta a las discusiones teóricas sobre las economías del don al introducir otras variables analíticas como la edad, las diferencias generacionales y el aprendizaje, al tiempo que propone entender el lugar de la cultura material y las prácticas de consumo en la definición de las experiencias de infancia de los niños contemporáneos.
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Lamoureux‐St‐Hilaire, Maxime, Marcello A. Canuto, E. Christian Wells, Clarissa Cagnato und Tomás Barrientos. „Ancillary economic activities in a Classic Maya regal palace: A multiproxy approach“. Geoarchaeology 34, Nr. 6 (18.06.2019): 768–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gea.21750.

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Parra Barrios, Alberto. „Corrupción y fraude: el cáncer que destruye la economía colombiana“. Revista Perspectiva Empresarial 9, Nr. 2 (07.02.2023): 6–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.16967/23898186.790.

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La sociedad colombiana cuenta con muchos ejemplos de corrupción que han sido aceptados por ser de menor grado y que han pasado a formar parte del diario vivir de las personas, institucionalizándose como una cultura que admiten tanto los beneficiados como los afectados. Se pueden mencionar algunos de ellos: el no respetar la fila para el ingreso de vehículos a los estacionamientos; ingresar tarde a los espectáculos públicos y pasar por alto la llegada temprana de otros asistentes; llegar de último e ingresar primero en el TransMilenio; no respetar las filas en las entidades bancarias o solicitarle al que se encuentra primero que le cuide el puesto mientras hace otra diligencia; llevar regalos a los empleados públicos para que agilicen los trámites, las solicitudes de crédito y otros similares. A un nivel que reviste mayor impacto se encuentran actuaciones como el tráfico de influencias para alcanzar cargos o favores —tan común en toda clase de organismos públicos y privados—, los sobornos para agilizar operaciones y el abuso de poder de ciertos directivos en las empresas.
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Ramos, Elvis Christian. „PRODUCTIVE RESTRUTURATIONS IN CORUMBÁ-MS IN THE PANTANAL REGION“. Mercator 21, Nr. 1 (15.06.2022): 1–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.4215/rm2022.e21002.

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A fundamental geographical argument is that the irruption of significant economic or technical groupings impacts the rhythm and content of transformations in a preexisting space. These forces affect these spaces and are identified in a temporal perspective of economic cycles. This line of reasoning is undeniable since, in the case of Corumbá-MS, several changes occurred cyclically. Nevertheless, in contrast to a uni-causal explanation and abrupt changes, we defend a socio-spatial perspective based on the idea of coexisting and juxtaposed economic agents and processes, which provoke productive restructuring, whose impact can be sinuous and realign into new functions and ongoing geoeconomic dynamics. Keywords: Urban Geography, Socio-Spatial Restructuring, Midwest Region, Corumbá-MS
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Alvarado, Desiree Estilita. „Retos y oportunidades que representa el COVID-19 para la Geomática en Perú“. Revista Geográfica, Nr. 162 (01.10.2021): 65–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.35424/regeo.162.2021.1051.

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Desde el inicio de la pandemia del COVID-19 en Perú, las herramientas geomáticas han sido un soporte de información geoespacial para los tomadores de decisiones. Desde el inicio se buscaron los focos de contagio, identificando los diferentes niveles: alto, medio, bajo, de las incidencias de contagio. Todo esto bajo una cartografía básica que permitió espacialmente seguir la evolución y tendencias de la enfermedad. Su ayuda traspasó no solo al ámbito de la salud, sino también las actividades económicas en la que la geomática ha cobrado relevancia, siendo ya de interés para las instituciones. Lo que ha presentado una oportunidad para explorar más la geomática e identificar los retos a los que se enfrenta, como es la reactivación lenta de economía que permita financiar más proyectos en esta materia de interés.
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Ferreira, Ubirajara, Antônio Pasqualetto und Fudio Matsuura. „MATRIX OF DEPENDENCE OF MUNICIPALITIES IN THE NORTH REGION OF GOIÁS“. Mercator 19, Nr. 2020 (15.12.2020): 1–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.4215/rm2020.e19028.

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Of the total number of municipalities in the northern region of the State of Goiás, part of them have their own revenues below requirements, if current conditions are maintained, they tend to be incorporated into neighboring municipalities from 2025 onwards in compliance with PEC 188/2019.Would there be an alternative for municipal development and sustainability without the necessary population increase? In this sense, the purpose was to identify the economic and social weaknesses that characterize the municipalities in the northern region and to create a “Dependency Matrix”. The methodology consisted of consulting databases of federal, state and municipal agencies and programs. The results demonstrate the low level of economic activity, own revenues, high dependence on external revenues, high payroll on civil clerk, exposing themselves to the dictates of the Fiscal Responsibility Law (LRF) and high dependence on the Income Transfer Programs of the Federal Government such as the Bolsa Família Program (PBF) and the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC). The Dependency Matrix assists the municipal manager in restraining the alleged migratory flight, the loss of economic relevance, as well as economic, environmental and social sustainability. Keywords: Dependency Matrix. Economy. Sustainability.
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Vizitiu, Diana Elena, Daniela-Ionela sardarescu, Carmen Florentina Popescu, Irina Fierascu, Radu Fierascu, Liliana Cristina Soare und Camelia Ungureanu. „THE INFLUENCE OF VEGETAL EXTRACTS AND NANOSTRUCTURED MIXTURES ON GRAPEVINE POLLEN GRAINS“. Current Trends in Natural Sciences 10, Nr. 19 (31.07.2021): 422–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.47068/ctns.2021.v10i19.056.

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Pesticides, plant bio-stimulants and chemical fertilizers used in intensified viticulture affects negatively the viability of the plants pollen causing relevant economic losses to viticulturists. Given these conditions, we aimed to identify the environmentally friendly phytosanitary treatments which does not negatively affect the evolution of pollen grains. The experiment took place in the greenhouse on 120 grapevine plants from the genotypes Feteasca alba 97 St., Feteasca regala 72 St., Feteasca neagra 6 St., Cabernet Sauvignon 131 St., 30 plants/genotype. These have been treated to combat the Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator pathogens with pesticides, biological products, plant extract and nanostructured mixture. The studied genotypes reacted differently regarding the evolution of the viability of pollen grains, the average pollen grains size and the total number of pollen grains. The best results have been registered at F. regala 72 St. (the viability was significantly improved at plants treated with plant extract and those with nanostructured mixture and the highest number of pollen grains was recorded at the plants treated with nanostructured mixture).
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Eckert, Sandra. „Two spheres of regulation: Balancing social and economic goals“. Regulation & Governance 12, Nr. 2 (14.02.2017): 177–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/rego.12137.

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PINTO, L. B., B. M. FERNANDES, M. J. M. SANTOS und C. R. J. CAMPOS. „“Friagem” in the Pantanal Region, Brazil“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ 41, Nr. 2 (20.08.2018): 223–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2018_2_223_232.

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Barany, Zoltan. „Out with a whimper: the final days of Hungarian socialism“. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 32, Nr. 2 (01.06.1999): 113–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0967-067x(99)00003-3.

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The objective of this article is to provide a snapshot of Hungary's political, social, and to a lesser extent, economic conditions on the eve of the transition. The paper examines the desperate attempts of the socialist political elites to regain their legitimacy through half-hearted political and economic reform proposals, and briefly surveys the country's profound economic difficulties and its pervasive social malaise.
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Suárez Villegas, Juan Carlos, Jesús Díaz del Campo und Ruth Rodríguez-Martínez. „La independencia de los periodistas frente a los regalos e interferencias económicas; una perspectiva comparada entre periodistas y ciudadanía“. Revista Latina, Nr. 79 (15.04.2021): 207–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-2021-1499.

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Dentro del proyecto de I+D+I, “MediaACES. Accountability y Culturas Periodísticas en España. Impacto y propuesta de buenas prácticas en los medios de comunicación españoles”, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, se ha llevado a cabo un trabajo de campo entre periodistas y ciudadanos sobre las buenas prácticas periodísticas y los sistemas de rendición de cuenta. Entre las cuestiones formuladas se ha planteado de qué manera los periodistas podría ver comprometida su independencia informativa ante relaciones más o menos estrechas con poderes políticos y económicos, así como cuando puedan mediar regalos que puedan ir desde un simple gesto de cortesía institucional a ciertas formas de compensación por un tratamiento informativo favorable. En esta comunicación se analiza la posición de los profesionales y de los ciudadanos.
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ATUN, RIFAT A., IAN HARVEY und JOFF WILD. „INNOVATION, PATENTS AND ECONOMIC GROWTH“. International Journal of Innovation Management 11, Nr. 02 (Juni 2007): 279–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s1363919607001758.

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Empirical evidence demonstrates the value of intellectual property (IP) in creating economic growth, enhancing productivity and profitability, and increasing enterprise value. Research and Development (R&D) intensive industries, such as the life sciences, where patents are critical to competition, need an enabling environment to institutionalise innovation and IP generation and reward investments in IP. The US has approached IP strategically and created an IP infrastructure. Japan aims to develop into an "IP nation". China has an increasingly well-developed IP system. In contrast, the European Union (EU), which aims to become the world's leading knowledge-based economy, has a fragmented and expensive system of national patents. It lacks an environment which values investment in IP generation and management. Until recently, the EU enjoyed global competitive advantage in the life sciences, but this advantage has been lost. To regain this competitive advantage the EU must invest substantially in R&D, IP generation and commercialisation of these outputs.
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ANDRÉ, J. L. F., C. S. VALLADARES und B. P. DUARTE. „Archean Granulites in Mangaratiba (RJ): Tectonic Meaning“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ 41, Nr. 3 (04.12.2018): 531–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2018_3_531_547.

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Lufrano, Lucas Enzo. „El primero te lo regalan: zero-rating de las operadoras móviles de la Argentina“. Question 1, Nr. 62 (19.12.2018): e163. http://dx.doi.org/10.24215/16696581e163.

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Se exploran las prácticas de zero-rating o tasa cero implementadas por las operadoras de internet móvil de la Argentina en 2017 y 2018 y la respuesta del ente regulador, desde el enfoque de la Economía Política de la comunicación y la noción de neutralidad de la red, en el contexto de concentración convergente y de emergencia de un nuevo paradigma regulatorio en el sector infocomunicacional. Mediante la consulta de bibliografía, artículos periodísticos, informes del sector y documentos legales, se concluye que no basta un marco normativo que prohíba dichas promociones mientras no se complemente con una autoridad de aplicación independiente del gobierno y de los intereses privados y una política pública de comunicación que se proponga restringir la fuerza centrípeta del mercado.
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BRAGA, H. A., und L. C. B. MOLION. „The Droughts 2013/2014 in Southeast Brazil“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ 41, Nr. 1 (16.05.2018): 100–107. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2018_1_100_107.

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Ngendakurio, John Bosco. „Encampment of Refugees in Kenya and the Failure of Economic Integration“. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 20, Nr. 5-6 (11.02.2022): 529–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15691497-12341610.

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Abstract This article demonstrates how Kenya’s refugee encampment practice undermines refugees’ potential and fails local, regional, and global economy. It limits refugees’ integration and access to opportunities outside the refugee camps, rendering the benefits of globalization irrelevant. This article specifically looks at the impacts of the refugee encampment on participation, health, wellbeing, skills, and education. It also outlines the missed opportunities as a direct result of this practice. Highlighting these adverse impacts is a good start to advocate for more socially cohesive practices to help millions of refugees regain their freedom and achieve their potential – financially, socially, and politically.
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NIŢULESCU, Ciprian. „Între stema regală şi steaua roşie. Aspecte privind personalul diplomatic al României (1947-1952)“. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, s.n., Istorie 69 (2024): 263–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.47743/asui-2023-0017.

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The cleansing of the entire diplomatic and administrative personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Romanian Kingdom in the second half of 1947 involved the creation of a new profile of the Romanian diplomat during the following years, in an era of the global Cold War, when the Romanian diplomatic corps was led by the communist leader Ana Pauker. Besides the new wave of diplomats of working origin (in an age of “class struggle” and of the primordial role of the One-Party-State), the study presents, as exceptions, diplomats from the Antonescu era, who remained in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after November 1947, important intellectuals of the interwar Romania, holding positions of plenipotentiary ministers of the new Romanian Popular Republic, several among from the first members of the Romanian Communist Party, employed with the ministry in 1946, beside representatives of the Diplomatic Corps from 1947-1952 (to whom we added also the heads of Economic Agencies attached to the diplomatic offices of those years), grouped by the areas of higher education, inclusively PhD, completed by them actually during the years of the Romanian Kingdom. The study points out that, unlike in the previous decades, during the Pauker period of the ministry, many representatives of national minorities (especially Jews), many women were hired in the Diplomatic Corps, but also representatives of some professions, such as physicians, which were not, as a rule, previously accepted. That being also a historical period of contact between two politicalsocial regimes, we should notice that, unlike in the subsequent communist decades, there were in the ministry, people coming from the bourgeoisie. Even if that was a Stalinist portion of the Romanian history, most of the diplomats presented not being any longer among the ministry personnel during the national-communism years after 1963, however, some representatives of Ana Pauker’s entourage from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, such as Corneliu Bogdan and Radu Comsa, resumed their career, holding important positions in the Romanian Diplomatic Corps after 22 December 1989.
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Henriksen, Lasse F. „Economic models as devices of policy change: Policy paradigms, paradigm shift, and performativity“. Regulation & Governance 7, Nr. 4 (26.08.2013): 481–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/rego.12031.

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Gold, E. Richard, Jean-Frédéric Morin und Erica Shadeed. „Does intellectual property lead to economic growth? Insights from a novel IP dataset“. Regulation & Governance 13, Nr. 1 (24.08.2017): 107–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/rego.12165.

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Iuniushkina, Anna Sergeevna, Kristina Alekseevna Shapovalova und Evgeniya Yur'evna Katkova. „U.S. – China trade war as an attempt to regain global leadership“. Международные отношения, Nr. 2 (Februar 2021): 55–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2021.2.35748.

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Confrontation between the two most economically developed countries and the advent of coarse trade wars has disturbed the international arena in 2017. One of the causes for such contradictory relations is presidency and election campaign of Donald Trump, who actively advocated the need to change the structure of relations between the United States and China. This article is an attempt to get a grasp on the origins of contradictions, trace the chronology of the development of trade wars, and carry out a comprehensive analysis of the methods and instruments used by the governments of both countries to resolve the conflict. The key goal of this research is to determine the main causes underlying the trade-economic rivalry between China and the United States, as well as the prerequisites for the emergence of trade wars between the countries. Special attention is given to the U. S. – China contradictions during the presidency of D. Trump. Methodological framework is comprised of theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparison, as well as systematic approach for examining the key challenges emerging in the trade relations between China and the United States, and mechanisms for overcoming them. In the studying the in-depth motives of the modern conflict, the authors referred to the power transition theory, which clarifies the origins of contradictions between the countries. The novelty of this work consist is consideration of the current stage of U. S.  – China trade war, which continues despite the outbreak of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The conclusion is made that the contradictions between PRC and the United States are of compound, and thus, not limited by contradictions in the trade-economic sphere, which conditions for long-run conflict.
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Windover, Michael. „Exchanging Looks: ‘Art Dekho’ Movie Theatres in Bombay“. Architectural History 52 (2009): 201–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0066622x00004196.

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Bombay of the interwar years was a city in transition. TheUrbs Prima in Indus, and second city of the British Empire, became increasingly both a site of nationalist sentiment and a conduit of cosmopolitan cultural and economic currents. Its urban fabric witnessed the shift from colonial, Victorian city tomodernemetropolis. Captured in A. R. Haseler’s dramatic aerial photograph from the mid-1930S (Fig. 1), the Regal Cinema stands out against the Indo-Saracenic monuments of late imperial Bombay — notably George Wittet’s Gateway of India (1924) seen at the top of the photograph, his Prince of Wales Museum (1923) — its gardens on the bottom left — and, on the right, his Royal Institute of Science (1920). Although not a government-commissioned building, to the right of the Gateway, on the waterside, is the Taj Mahal Hotel (1903), a luxurious structure intended by the Parsi industrialist, Jamsetji N. Tata, to be a location for inter-cultural relations. Extending this type of space to some degree, the Regal was built by another Parsi, Framji Sidhwa, in 1933. The cinema marked the beginning of a decade-long building boom that corresponded with a significant population increase, as more and more migrants joined the city’s growing industrial workforce.The Art Deco styling of the new financial, residential, and commercial buildings, like the Regal, celebrated and framed a modern public culture which responded to the unique socio-political realities of interwar Bombay. ‘Public culture’, a term developed by Arjun Appadurai and Carol Breckenridge, is conceptualized here as a dynamic process of indigenization, one that takes into account the global flow of ideologies through human migration and especially by mass media, one that destabilizes the ‘high-low’ binary and avoids the homogenizing terminology of ‘westernization’ or ‘Americanization’. The Art Deco cinema might be considered a crossroads where the often interpenetrating and sometimes competing narratives of commerce, nation, empire and formations of modern subjectivities intermingled: a nexus of cultural, economic, technological and political flow. The use of Art Deco is important in the context of Bombay as the style signified modernity and a particular sense of cosmopolitanism on the one hand, and yet resonated with or extended pre-existing cultural traditions in a distinctly local manner on the other.
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SANTO, S. R. G. S. E., und L. P. F. ASSAD. „Oceanic Circulation at 1000 Meters in the Region of Vitória Trindade Ridge“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ 42, Nr. 1 (13.05.2019): 593–602. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2019_1_593_602.

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Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette, und Lucía Morales. „China’s economic connectivity to the world economy“. F1000Research 11 (16.03.2022): 317. http://dx.doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.109984.1.

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The ambition of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is to revive the silk road of Roman times which was used by merchants to carry trade across Eurasia. China’s proclaimed aspiration is to reconnect to the world through its ancient trade corridors, and to emphasize its role as a world trade power. Should the BRI or “new silk road” be understood as efforts from President Xi Jinping to project China’s power into both Eurasia and at the global level? Should it moreover be understood as China’s step forward to fill the leadership vacuum left by a perceived weakening USA in terms of international relations? The present economic climate is characterised by uncertainty and turbulence at the global level, with some economies shifting towards protectionist practices, and others, such as the United Kingdom, trying to regain some international recognition outside the EU. This turbulent climate appears to benefit Beijing who can position itself as a new leader in the global political economy, notably through its BRI. The article discusses the issues raised by China’s ambition to shape the current international economic order.
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O'Shannassy, Michael. „Malaysia in 2011“. Asian Survey 52, Nr. 1 (Januar 2012): 165–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/as.2012.52.1.165.

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Abstract Ethno-religious controversies, noisy demands for political change, and growing concerns over the slow pace of crucial economic reforms all served to highlight Malaysia's constantly shifting sociopolitical terrain in 2011. With the prospect of an early general election, it remains to be seen whether the ruling coalition can regain the middle ground.
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Hernández Astete, Francisco. „Regalado De Hurtado, Liliana. Sucesión incaica. Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Fondo Editorial, 1993. 124 p.“ Histórica 17, Nr. 1 (11.02.1993): 139–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.18800/historica.199301.010.

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Calatayud Giner, Salvador, und Pau Insa-Sánchez. „Agua, salud, población. Una nueva mirada a la relación entre ciencia y economía política en la Ilustración española“. Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, Nr. 33 (06.07.2023): 243–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.17811/cesxviii.33.2023.243-278.

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Este trabajo pretende ofrecer una aproximación algunos de los principales puntos de contacto entre disciplinas científicas y la economía política durante la Ilustración española. El objetivo principal es mostrar nuevos canales a través de los cuales pudieron haberse formulado conocimientos económicos, si bien desde planteamientos que partían desde campos afines a las ciencias de la naturaleza. El primero de estos canales sería la puesta en marcha de iniciativas de regadío, cuyo planteamiento y posterior explotación requerían la aplicación de diversas disciplinas científicas al problema económico que surgía de la necesidad de mejorar la agricultura. El segundo de los canales tiene que ver con la promoción de la salud de la población, un ámbito en el que no solo intervinieron los conocimientos de la propia medicina, sino también los de otras ciencias afines, como la química o la estadística.
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Skrynkovskyy, R. M., und O. S. Zaiats. „Improving the System of Indicators for Economic and Statistical Determination of Enterprise Efficiency with Regard to Legal Aspects of Management“. Business Inform 3, Nr. 506 (2020): 416–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2020-3-416-422.

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RODRIGUES, F. H., D. M. Í. PEREIRA, A. A. KOLYA und J. E. ZAINE. „Evaluation of the Geotourism Potential of the Northern Region of São Sebastião Island (São Paulo, Brazil)“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ 43, Nr. 1 (30.03.2020): 255–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2020_1_255_265.

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Steinebach, Yves, Christoph Knill und Jacint Jordana. „Austerity or welfare state transformation? Examining the impact of economic crises on social regulation in Europe“. Regulation & Governance 13, Nr. 3 (25.10.2017): 301–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/rego.12174.

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Tsai, Chung-Min. „Taiwan in 2017“. Asian Survey 58, Nr. 1 (Januar 2018): 73–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/as.2018.58.1.73.

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President Tsai Ing-wen has been plagued by controversial domestic issues, and her popularity has fallen significantly. While economic growth in Taiwan has increased, inequality and deteriorating cross-Strait relations have been hard on the ruling party. Tsai needs to work with the new premier, William Ching-te Lai, to regain people’s trust for the local elections in 2018.
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Gabriel, Căriman, und Luca Dumitru-Mihai. „Economic Aspects of COVID-19 Medical Crisis“. Romanian Economic Journal, Nr. 79 (25.03.2021): 42–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.24818/rej/2021/79/03.

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The present analysis focuses on the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a context in which the state governments of the world have adopted measures trying to limit the spread of the virus, with the risk of affecting the economy in the long run. The oil industry has faced declining oil prices, which has had consequences for other industries, such as tourism, HoReCa and transportation. The pandemic with the COVID-19 virus also had a devastating impact on air traffic, the number of flights decreasing considerably due to the traffic restrictions that were imposed. Last but not least, tourism is another sector affected by the pandemic, due to the lack of tourists, thus causing effects on other economic sectors. Some of the effects of the measures adopted in the context of the pandemic have already occurred, and others are about to occur, being of impact and duration. The article underlines the impact of the January-June 2020 pandemic on the oil industry, air traffic and tourism and provides an overview of the challenges which governments need to address together with economic operators in order to regain public confidence to facilitate consumer decisions and for economic recovery.
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Windary, Shylvia. „ECONOMIC RECOVERY OF THE POST-WEST JAWA PROVINCE COVID-19 PANDEMIC“. Proceeding of International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities 7, Nr. 1 (01.07.2024): 1174–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.34010/icobest.v7i.630.

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The research aimed to explain the West Java’s Provincial Government policy to recover economic performance which was impacted by Corona Virus Diseases 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak. The study employed qualitative approach to elaborate government’s official released data and information, journal articles, and news in mass media that citing the qualified person as informant. The investigation exposed the Government response to take the infection in hand and its strategy to regain West Java’s economic performance. The Administration of West Java responded the situation in two action, produced handling policies and regulations in one hand and performed social assistance on the other hand. To recover economy, the government planned strategic actions those would be explained in three concerns, the key ideas of recovery, the action plans, and the aspects of recovery. The policy implementations were discussed
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Bates, Sarah, Thomas Bayley, Paul Norman, Penny Breeze und Alan Brennan. „A Systematic Review of Methods to Predict Weight Trajectories in Health Economic Models of Behavioral Weight-Management Programs: The Potential Role of Psychosocial Factors“. Medical Decision Making 40, Nr. 1 (02.12.2019): 90–105. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0272989x19889897.

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Objectives. There is limited evidence on the long-term effectiveness of behavioral weight-management interventions, and thus, when conducting health economic modeling, assumptions are made about weight trajectories. The aims of this review were to examine these assumptions made about weight trajectories, the evidence sources used to justify them, and the impact of assumptions on estimated cost-effectiveness. Given the evidence that some psychosocial variables are associated with weight-loss trajectories, we also aimed to examine the extent to which psychosocial variables have been used to estimate weight trajectories and whether psychosocial variables were measured within cited evidence sources. Methods. A search of databases (Medline, PubMed, Cochrane, NHS Economic Evaluation, Embase, PSYCinfo, CINAHL, EconLit) was conducted using keywords related to overweight, weight-management, and economic evaluation. Economic evaluations of weight-management interventions that included modeling beyond trial data were included. Results. Within the 38 eligible articles, 6 types of assumptions were reported (weight loss maintained, weight loss regained immediately, linear weight regain, subgroup-specific trajectories, exponential decay of effect, maintenance followed by regain). Fifteen articles cited at least 1 evidence source to support the assumption reported. The assumption used affected the assessment of cost-effectiveness in 9 of the 19 studies that tested this in sensitivity analyses. None of the articles reported using psychosocial factors to estimate weight trajectories. However, psychosocial factors were measured in evidence sources cited by 11 health economic models. Conclusions. Given the range of weight trajectories reported and the potential impact on funding decisions, further research is warranted to investigate how psychosocial variables measured in trials can be used within health economic models to simulate heterogeneous weight trajectories and potentially improve the accuracy of cost-effectiveness estimates.
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MARQUES, A. C., C. R. C. MATTOS und C. S. SILVEIRA. „Hydrological Behavior of the Mountainous Region of Rio de Janeiro: Piabanha Watershed“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ 40, Nr. 2 (30.11.2017): 82–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2017_02_82_88.

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MARQUES, A. C., C. R. C. MATTOS und C. S. SILVEIRA. „Hydrological Behavior of the Mountainous Region of Rio de Janeiro: Piabanha Watershed“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ 40, Nr. 2 (30.11.2017): 82–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2017_2_82_88.

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JACONDINO, W. D., H. CONRADO und A. NASCIMENTO. „Analysis of Intense Small Summers in Southern Brazil and Associated Synoptic Conditions“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ 41, Nr. 2 (20.08.2018): 377–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2018_2_377_389.

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TERAMOTO, E. H., R. D. GONÇALVES, M. R. STRADIOTO, B. Z. ENGELBRECHT und H. K. CHANG. „Modeling Rock-Water Interaction of Fractured Aquifer in Itabuna/BA Region“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ 42, Nr. 1 (13.05.2019): 735–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2019_1_735_741.

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Street, James H. „Development Planning and the Public Enterprise: The Case of Pemex“. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs 27, Nr. 4 (1985): 141–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/165574.

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Public enterprise plays a key role in the economic development process in Latin America, both because of the region's cultural heritage, which has led people to look to central authority for leadership in promoting economic growth, and because of the accelerated pace of recent cataclysmic events to which only governments have had the power to respond.Currently, Latin America is undergoing its worst economic setback in half a century, in which eight newly-elected democratic governments are struggling to regain control over their destinies. These governments face unprecedented planning and administrative problems as they move from the crisis-management phase of economic austerity programs to one of resumed growth. A central concern of these governments is, and will continue to be, the successful operations of major parastatal enterprises.
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Souza, Bruna Crislane da Silva, Renata de Moraes Peixoto Araújo, Daniel Maia Noguiera, João Ricardo Ferreira de Lima, Mateus Matiuzzi da Costa und Rodolfo de Moraes Peixoto. „Economic impact and epidemiological aspects of subclinical mastitis and caprine arthritis-encephalitis in the semiarid northeastern region of Brazil“. Acta Veterinaria Brasilica 15, Nr. 4 (05.10.2021): 310–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.21708/avb.2021.15.4.10025.

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Dairy activity in the semi-arid region has gained prominence due to its profit potential; however, there are still sanitary problems that result in significant economic impact. Thus, this study aimed to assess the economic impact and to conduct an epidemiological study of caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) and subclinical mastitis in dairy goat herds of the semi-arid northeastern region of Brazil. The study proceeded with the collection of blood (n = 351) and milk samples (n = 321) from 15 rural properties with up to 50 animals, risk factor assessment, economic profile analysis, and georeferencing of the properties. The blood serum obtained was subjected to the AGID test. The milk samples were cultured on blood agar, and the reading was performed 24 hours after incubation. Overall, 3.4% of the animals were seropositive for CAE, and 15.8% were diagnosed with subclinical mastitis. 71.95% of the positive animals belonged to properties with a semi-intensive rearing system, weekly cleaning of the facilities, and no pre- or post-dipping. Subclinical mastitis caused by the main agent Staphylococcus spp. was associated with the breed type of the animals, highlighting two risk factors: purebred animals (OR = 12.52) and the milking performed close the soil (OR = 18.07). A reduction of up to 35.34% was observed in the income of dairy properties, constituting a considerable economic impact. Due to these sanitary problems, the economic impact demonstrates the need for a sanitary management program focused on these infirmities.
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Souza, Bruna Crislane da Silva, Renata de Moraes Peixoto Araújo, Daniel Maia Noguiera, João Ricardo Ferreira de Lima, Mateus Matiuzzi da Costa und Rodolfo de Moraes Peixoto. „Economic impact and epidemiological aspects of subclinical mastitis and caprine arthritis-encephalitis in the semiarid northeastern region of Brazil“. Acta Veterinaria Brasilica 15, Nr. 4 (05.10.2021): 310–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.21708/avb.2021.15.4.10025.

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Dairy activity in the semi-arid region has gained prominence due to its profit potential; however, there are still sanitary problems that result in significant economic impact. Thus, this study aimed to assess the economic impact and to conduct an epidemiological study of caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) and subclinical mastitis in dairy goat herds of the semi-arid northeastern region of Brazil. The study proceeded with the collection of blood (n = 351) and milk samples (n = 321) from 15 rural properties with up to 50 animals, risk factor assessment, economic profile analysis, and georeferencing of the properties. The blood serum obtained was subjected to the AGID test. The milk samples were cultured on blood agar, and the reading was performed 24 hours after incubation. Overall, 3.4% of the animals were seropositive for CAE, and 15.8% were diagnosed with subclinical mastitis. 71.95% of the positive animals belonged to properties with a semi-intensive rearing system, weekly cleaning of the facilities, and no pre- or post-dipping. Subclinical mastitis caused by the main agent Staphylococcus spp. was associated with the breed type of the animals, highlighting two risk factors: purebred animals (OR = 12.52) and the milking performed close the soil (OR = 18.07). A reduction of up to 35.34% was observed in the income of dairy properties, constituting a considerable economic impact. Due to these sanitary problems, the economic impact demonstrates the need for a sanitary management program focused on these infirmities.
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Amitrano, Claudio, und Lucas Vasconcelos. „Income distribution, inflation and economic growth: A post-Keynesian approach“. Panoeconomicus 66, Nr. 3 (2019): 277–306. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/pan1903277a.

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The dispute between social classes for fractions of income was a central theme for economic analysis at least since David Ricardo and Karl Marx. Its importance as an interpretative key declined with the marginalist revolution of the late nineteenth century and did not regain its central role in the conventional economic approach ever since. However, its relevance was maintained among heterodox economists such as Michal Kalecki and reinvigorated by post-Keynesian thinking. This paper seeks to offer three analytical contributions to the post- Keynesian literature: (1) it presents an integrated framework on the relationship between distributive conflict, inflation and economic growth in an open economy with government; (2) it proposes the use of a general framework, based on liquid preference, assets own interest rates, currency hierarchy and productivity differentials to understand the determinants of the spot exchange rate; and (3) it suggests a distinct monetary rule to take into account the role of interest rates on distributive conflict inflation and demand and growth regimes.
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Lange, Hans Rüdiger, und Matthias Tomenendal. „The Regional Entrepreneurial Transformation Process—A Mid-Level Framework for Describing and Fostering Socioeconomic Changes“. Management and Economics Research Journal 03 (2017): 67. http://dx.doi.org/10.18639/merj.2017.03.458935.

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This paper presents a conceptual framework for the socioeconomic transition of regions. It was developed in and for the region of Lusatia, which faces the challenge of becoming more entrepreneurial in order to maintain and regain economic strength. Based on theories of entrepreneurial ecosystems and structuration as well as on extensive practical experience, a mid-level framework for describing and fostering regional change is derived.
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Hend M. Alsheikh, Hend M. Alsheikh. „Global Economic Shock Spillovers to the Saudi Economy: An Assessment Framework“. journal of king abdulaziz university economics and administration 29, Nr. 1 (20.11.2015): 321–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.4197/eco.29-1.8.

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This paper introduces a framework for assessing global shock spillover specifically address the global financial spillovers to the Saudi economy by exploring the main fundamental determinants of creditworthiness including key global factors, Macroeconomic and Financial Sector vulnerability. Finally highlights the extent to which the Saudi financial system have been able to regain a sound standing in the aftermath of the recent financial crises to which they have been subjected. The main conclusion is that global financial crisis has had limited direct impact so far on domestic financial markets but, the country was and still effected through trade, reflected in high inflation rate, tighter liquidity and weak investor confidence. Government generous spending has been successful in reducing the impact of the global crisis, but Saudi Arabia should adopt alternative venue to the current high spending levels. In light of anticipated fall in oil prices, the current strategy is not sustainable.
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Putićová, M., und J. Mezera. „Food industry in the Czech Republic – with regard to labour force development“. Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 54, No. 6 (24.06.2008): 286–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.17221/282-agricecon.

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The submitted paper analyses the development of food industry in the Czech Republic in 2000–2006, its position (in 2006) and development trends of main economic indicators compared to the development of manufacturing industry. In comparison with the dynamic development of Czech manufacturing industry, key position of food industry has decreased. The monitored food sector has heterogeneous structure with regard to branches. In connection with these differences, development trends of separate branches are fluctuating but labour productivity of the food sector as a total has markedly accelerated.
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ROCHA, L., und L. BORGHI. „Microbial Mat Microbiofacies Analysis of the Pitanguinha Lagoon (Região dos Lagos, RJ, Brazil)“. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ 40, Nr. 1 (30.11.2017): 191–205. http://dx.doi.org/10.11137/2017_01_191_205.

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