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Dissertationen zum Thema "Eau – Épuration – Simulation par ordinateur"
Bernier, Jean. „Modélisation du comportement de l'azote dans un système de traitement individuel d'épuration“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVigne, Emmanuelle. „Étude et modélisation dynamique d'un procédé par biofiltration en nitrification tertiaire“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plants becomes more and more used due to the harmful impact of nitrogen on the natural environment. After medium and highly loaded secondary treatment, practitioners could use biofiltration for tertiary nitrification, which is an intensive process adapted in areas with strong land pressures. This technology can remove very strong loading rate in a restrained space by its capacity to developp an important amount of active biomass into the filtering media. Simulation of such technique’s behaviour is not direct, and few studies led to a useful tool for engineers. However, its use is necessary in order to validate design in real operating conditions and dynamic conditions. The main objective of this work concerned the study and validation of a biofiltration model which already exists but has still never been tested with real data in tertiary nitrification treatment. In order to reach this objective, the behaviour of a semi-industrial pilot plant, fed by real domestic effluent from an activated sludge plant, was studied. In order to operate in dynamic conditions, different daily volumetric nitrogen loading rates were applied, in which dynamic peak-loads were carried out. The calibration and the validation of the model parameters were done thanks to on-line ammonia and nitrate analysers during one year and more, in association with a calibration procedure and a sensitivity analysis. The protocol required the implementation of specific tests for characterization of the biofilm inside the filtering media. These tests increased the number of the observed state variables to compare with the model predictions. That allows a better evaluation of the model robustness. At the same time, the dynamics of processes taking part in the nitrogen removal into the biofilm were investigated thanks to these specific tests. So, parameters which influence the nitrogen removal, overall performance, activity and quantification of autotrophic biomass, its solids retention time or its repartition inside the filtering media, could be determined. Combination of experimental observations and numerical modelling highlighted the capacity of the biofiltration model to provide good predictions on real nitrogen removal performances. Furthermore, this study allowed to evaluate mechanisms included in the model and their limitations with different operating conditions applied in the system. Finally, weaknesses of the model concerning solids compounds and the evolution of head loss in the pilot plant were established.
Ghidossi, Rémy. „Membranes céramiques : optimisation de la géométrie par simulation numérique et application industrielle“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMoll, Rodolphe. „Etude de l'amélioration des performances des procédés membranaires par des vortex de Dean“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work concerns fouling reduction by means of helical hollow fibres in which Dean flow appears. The wall shear stress is stronger than in a straight fibre. It was already shown that the use of helical membranes increases limiting flux. The most advantageous configuration is a lengthened helix resulting of woven fibres. Such a geometry was never studied before. The computational fluid dynamics allowed to characterize the flow in woven hollow fibres through the influence of velocity, geometric parameters and permeated flux. When pure solvent is considered, the wall shear stress is found varying along the perimeter of a section, whereas the filtration rate remains constant. The best configuration for woven fibres is that with two fibres per strand and was chosen for experimental campaigns. Various modules of industrial size were manufactured and tested. An automated pilot was used in order to carry out tests at large scale filtration, initially under controlled conditions, then on two in-situ campaigns. The modules have not shown any premature ageing, though influence of hydrodynamics seems less important than that obtained under limiting conditions
SIMON, SANDRA. „Etude d'un chenal d'oxydation par des approches globales et locales : hydrodynamique et transfert de matiere“. Toulouse, INSA, 2000.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePrintemps, Cyril. „Apports de la modélisation pour la gestion des systèmes d'assainissement urbains“. Poitiers, 2004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWanko, Ngnien Adrien. „Etude des mécanismes de transfert et évaluation des capacités d'oxygénation et de traitement des dispositifs de traitement par cultures fixées sur supports granulaires fins alimentés en discontinu-développement d'un modèle de biodégradation“. Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAim of this work is to enhance understanding of the main phenomena occurring during infiltration of wastewater within vertical flow sand filter. We also introduce some operating possibilities which may improve efficiency and keep seepage beds in good working order. In the first part we document state of art in this research topic. Following some general remarks about different wastewater treatment techniques, more precise description of seepage beds is made with particular interest on its constraints and needs of further research. A central issue is the choice of porous media. It should be adapted to allow good oxygen feeding for bacteria growing on it and avoid biological clogging. Second part, mainly experimental, is focused on physical and hydraulic characterization of un-colonized crushed and stream sand. We carried out a residence time distribution (RTD) comparison of these two sands under steady and unsteady flow. Apart from characteristics of porous media and with a constant daily loading rate, decreased frequencies involve longer residence times. On the other hand, output recovery of the mass of injected tracer always occurs faster with stream sand. Continuation of hydrodynamic study is made with colonised porous media. Efficiency of biological removing of carbonaceous pollution is higher within stream sand. Opposite trend is observed with nitrogenous pollution. Removing of both nitrogenous and carbonaceous pollutions is linked to oxygenation. In other words it is linked to renewal of gaseous phase in porous medium. We highlight convection and diffusion of oxygen in porous media by using a fluorescence technology, which allows us to detect both gaseous and dissolved oxygen. We compare participation of convection and diffusion phenomena to renewal of oxygen. Achievement of this work consists on the development of a numerical code which simulates flow and pollution degradation through a colonized porous medium. Two different numerical methods have been used. In the first model, also called global approach, chemical and transport parts of each equation are solved by a single numerical scheme. A second model introduces a splitting operator method which solves separately and successively convective, dispersive and kinetic parts of each equation
Yaghi, Mohammed. „Phase Field Modeling of Water Solidification : A Port-Hamiltonian Approach“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis presents a study on modeling, formulating, and discretizing solidification processes using the Port Hamiltonian framework combined with the phase field approach. The goal is to provide numerical models suitable for simulating, designing, and controlling such processes. It addresses the challenges of representing and controlling phase change phenomena in distributed parameter models with moving interfaces, with a particular focus on the solidification of pure water. The work has been motivated by the development of green processes for water purification technologies such as cyclic melt and crystallization of water, which offer a low-energy solution while minimizing the use of hazardous materials. The first chapter recalls briefly the physical models of multiphase systems and the description of the interface between the phases, in terms of thin or diffuse interfaces. It presents the phase field theory and the associated thermodynamical models of the multiphase systems. Finally, it expresses the dynamics of solidification processes as a coupled system of evolution equations consisting of the Allen-Cahn equation and energy balance equations. A main contribution of this chapter consists in a comprehensive presentation of solidification using the entropy functional approach within the phase field framework. In the second chapter, the Port Hamiltonian formulation of the dynamics of solidification processes using the phase field approach is developed. This chapter introduces Boundary Port Hamiltonian Systems and shows how an extension of the state space to the gradient of the phase field variable leads to a Port Hamiltonian formulation of the solidification model. The model is written in such a way that it utilizes the available thermodynamic data for liquid water and ice, allowing for a detailed and physically-based modeling, leading to an implicit Boundary Port Hamiltonian model. The final chapter focuses on the structure-preserving discretization of the solidification process using the Partitioned Finite Element Method. This ensures that the discretized model retains the Port Hamiltonian structure and, in turn, the key properties such as energy conservation and passivity. The chapter covers weak formulations, projections, and discrete Hamiltonians for the heat equation and the Allen-Cahn equation, leading to the spatial discretization of the solidification model. The principal contribution of this chapter lies in the discretization methodology applied to the implicit Port Hamiltonian model of the solidification process using entropy as the generating function. Overall, this thesis provides structured models of solidification processes using the Port Hamiltonian framework, providing a foundation for their physics-based simulation and control and for future research and development in distributed parameter systems with moving interfaces, particularly for environmental and chemical engineering applications
Siangsanun, Vorasiri. „Hybrid process : hydrocyclone, coagulation, floculation and flotation for water treatment process“. Thesis, Toulouse, INSA, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe aim of this study is to develop a hybrid process which combines withcoagulation, floculation and flotation process in a hydroclone for water treatmentprocess. The development is for characterization the hydrodynamics of this process andto find the optimum condition for water treatment process.The hydrodynamics characterization study is carried out by the numericalsimulation (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and experimental work by Dopplerultrasound velocimetry technique to study the hydrodynamics for the further research.The results are used for validating the oil droplet experimental technique and to be thebasis knowledge to explain the phenomena in the hybrid process. Laser diffractiontechnique is involved for determining the micro bubbles size and also study on theparameter affects to the size. The experimental work of a developed hybrid pilot plant is studied with synthesisraw water and natural river water. The objective of this study is to apply this hybridprocess for the water treatment. The parameters have been varied in many operatingconditions to indicate the separation and the water treatment phenomena such as rawwater characteristic, coagulant - floculant type and concentration, air fraction and inletflow rate
Lajaunie-Salla, Katixa. „Modélisation de la dynamique de l'oxygène dissous dans l'estuaire de la Gironde“. Thesis, Bordeaux, 2016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe Gironde estuary shows frequent events of hypoxia, particularly during summer in the Garonne tidal river near the city of Bordeaux, in the presence of a dense turbidity maximum, when river discharge is low and water is warm. Field observations reveal that decreases in oxygen concentrations are linked to the combination natural processes (inputs from the watershed and sediment hydrodynamics) and anthropogenic processes (loads of partially treated urban waters). In order to quantify the mechanisms controlling the temporal and spatial variations of dissolved oxygen, a 3D biogeochemical model was coupled to the hydro-sedimentary model. It allowed simulate the transport of solutes and suspended material, the biological reactions consuming oxygen, and the re-aeration by the atmosphere. The biogeochemical model reproduces satisfactorily the seasonal and neap-spring time scale variations of dissolved oxygen around the city of Bordeaux and quantifies the relative contribution of urban and watershed inputs to oxygen consumption. When used to simulate future conditions (50 years), the model indicates that summer hypoxia will likely increase in the future, due to the increase in water temperatures and decrease in river discharge (droughts), and increase in population in the megacity of Bordeaux. Simulation of different management scenarios indicate that support for low-water river discharge, improvement of waste water treatments, and eventually a displacement of urban load downstream will be necessary in order to avoid a drastic alteration of the quality of the aquatic system
Bücher zum Thema "Eau – Épuration – Simulation par ordinateur"
A, Falconer R., und Institution of Water and Environmental Management., Hrsg. Water quality modelling. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate, 1992.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenGroundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping Using DRASTIC Model. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenKumar, Prashant, Praveen Thakur und Sanjit Debnath. Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping Using Drastic Model. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenKumar, Prashant, Praveen Thakur und Sanjit Debnath. Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping Using Drastic Model. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenKumar, Prashant, Praveen Thakur und Sanjit Debnath. Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping Using DRASTIC Model. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenFalconer, R. A. Water Quality Modelling. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenWater Quality Modelling. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle finden(Editor), Andrzej J. Witkowski, Andrzej Kowalczyk (Editor) und Jaroslav Vrba (Editor), Hrsg. Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping (IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology). CRC, 2007.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenKowalczyk, Andrzej, Andrzej J. Witkowski und Jaroslav Vrba. Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenGroundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping: IAH-Selected Papers, Volume 11. CRC Press LLC, 2012.
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