Dissertationen zum Thema „East and west – fiction“

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Mok, Olivia Wai Han. „Martial arts fiction translational migrations east and west /“. Thesis, Online version, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?did=1&uin=uk.bl.ethos.287060.

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Behlen, Shawn Lee. „East, West, Somewhere in the Middle“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 1997. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc277715/.

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A work of creative fiction in novella form, this dissertation follows the first-person travails of Mitch Zeller, a 26-year-old gay man who is faced with an unexpected choice. The dissertation opens with a preface which examines the form of the novella and the content of this particular work.
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Al, Jarrah Soumaya. „Romanciers ou historiens ? L'histoire contemporaine du Proche-Orient saisie par la fiction“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023SORUL094.

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Le sujet central de cette thèse se concentre sur la relation entre la littérature et plus précisément le roman et l’Histoire. Elle examine de manière approfondie une problématique composée de deux axes distincts, d'une part, le rôle du roman dans la représentation du passé, et d'autre part, sa distinction par rapport à la représentation de l'Histoire dans des œuvres historiques. Elle vise à démontrer que l'Histoire et le roman ne sont pas fondamentalement différentes dans la représentation du passé et que l'objectivité de l'historien est mise en question. Dans cette optique, l’approche consiste à analyser des romans traitant de l’histoire contemporaine du Liban et de la Syrie, en les confrontant aux œuvres historiques qui traitent du même sujet. Cela permet de répondre à la question posée dans le titre du travail. L’étude parvient à démontrer que toute perception des faits est empreinte, en définitive, d’une certaine subjectivité, elle-même tributaire de facteurs idéologiques, culturels, politiques et sociaux. La spécificité de ce travail redise dans la variation des perspectives représentés ainsi que dans la variation des œuvres analysés. Les corpus historique et littéraire qui sont constitués par des récits historique, romanesque, mémoriel, photographique, bande dessiné, écrits par des historiens et auteurs orientaux et occidentaux font que le travail a pu englober l’histoire contemporaine de cette région dans tous ses aspects et a révélé différents points de vue. Reste alors à considérer le rôle du lecteur dans sa conception des faits et sa construction de l’Histoire
The central subject of this thesis focuses on the relationship between literature, specifically the novel, and History. It thoroughly examines an issue composed of two distinct dimensions: firstly, the role of the novel in representing the past, and secondly, its distinction from the representation of History in historical works. The aim is to demonstrate that History and the novel are not fundamentally different in their representation of the past, and that the objectivity of the historian is called into question. In this perspective, the approach involves analyzing novels dealing with the contemporary history of Lebanon and Syria, comparing them to historical works that address the same subject. This helps answer the question posed in the title of the work. The study manages to show that any perception of events is ultimately marked by a certain subjectivity, which is itself influenced by ideological, cultural, political, and social factors. The uniqueness of this work lies in the variation of perspectives represented as well as in the variety of analysed works. The historical and literary corpus, consisting of historical, fictional, memorial, photographic, and comic narratives, written by both Eastern and Western historians and authors, allowed the research to encompass the contemporary history of this region in all its aspects and revealed different points of view. It remains to consider the role of the reader in their perception of facts and their construction of History
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Argelès, Daniel. „Ecriture de l'histoire et construction de soi : les textes de fiction de l'écrivain allemand Klaus Schesinger (1937 - 2001)“. Thesis, Paris 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA030030.

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La présente thèse analyse les textes de fiction de l’écrivain berlinois Klaus Schlesinger sous l’angle de l’écriture de l’histoire. Né en 1937 à Berlin-Est, cet auteur important mais encore sous-estimé connaît cinq régimes différents au cours de son existence – l’Allemagne national-socialiste, l’Allemagne occupée, la RDA (de 1949 à1980), la RFA (de 1980 à 1989), l’Allemagne unifiée – et autant de ruptures majeures dont son œuvre rend compte : révélation de l’ampleur des crimes nazis, réorientations dans l’après-guerre et le socialisme en construction, instauration du Mur de Berlin, « dissidence » et passage à l’Ouest dans le sillage de l’affaire Biermann, puis chute du Mur, disparition de la RDA, réunification. Si un découpage en quatre grandes périodes d’écriture permet d’éclairer un itinéraire intellectuel et politique, l’analyse porte d’abord sur la façon dont Schlesinger représente ce demi-siècle d’histoire allemande, son impact sur les individus et les questions qu’il a soulevées (héritage du passé, place de l’individu dans le socialisme « réellement existant », les sociétés capitalistes ou la guerre froide, utopie, identité). Elle s’intéresse aux choix narratifs et formels opérés dans chaque texte et souligne les enjeux indissociablement historiographiques, moraux, politiques et identitaires dont ils ont été à chaque fois porteurs. Puisant à plusieurs sources théoriques (Ricœur, Foucault, de Certeau, Turner, Geertz), elle met en lumière la nature singulière des espaces souvent hétérotopiques ou liminaux où Schlesinger fait évoluer ses personnages et observe l’écriture de fiction comme un lieu privilégié d’appréhension et de construction de soi dans l’histoire. Centrée sur les textes de fiction, l’analyse exploite également les essais et les textes autobiographiques, ainsi que les archives du fonds Schlesinger de l’Akademie der Künste à Berlin (correspondance, ébauches et fragments, dossiers de surveillance de la Stasi, recensions et coupures de presse, entretiens)
This thesis analyses the fictional texts of Berlin author Klaus Schlesinger under the aspect of history-writing. Born in 1937 in East-Berlin, this important yet still under-estimated writer lived under five different regimes – national-socialist Germany, occupied Germany, the GDR (from 1949 to 1980), the FRG (from 1980 to 1989), unified Germany – and as many major changes that find reflection in his work: the revelation of the scope of Nazi crimes, the reorientations in the post-war era and under the socialist regime, the building of the Berlin Wall, political “dissidence” and exile in the West in the wake of the Biermann affair, then the fall of the Wall, the disappearance of the GDR and German unification. While the analysis falls into four chronological periods, thus allowing for an overview of his intellectual and political itinerary, the thesis primarily focuses on the way Schlesinger represented this half-century of German history, its impact on individuals and the questions that arose from it (the heritage of the past, the individual’s position in “real”-socialism, in capitalist societies or the Cold war, utopia, identity). It looks at the narrative and formal choices made in each text and underlines the historiographical, moral, political and personal-identity questions inextricably linked to them. Drawing from several theoretical sources (Ricœur, Foucault, de Certeau, Turner, Geertz), it underlines the specific nature of the often heterotopical or liminal spaces in which Schlesinger places his characters and interprets fictional writing as a privileged space of self-apprehension and self-construction in history. While focused on the fictional writings, the analyses also uses the author’s essays and autobiographical texts as well as the Klaus Schlesinger archives of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin (correspondence, first drafts, text fragments, Stasi surveillance files, reviews, interviews)
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Leath, Susan Elizabeth Chet Guy. „East is East and West is West Philadelphia newspaper coverage of the East-West divide in early America /“. [Denton, Tex.] : University of North Texas, 2007. http://digital.library.unt.edu/permalink/meta-dc-5153.

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Leath, Susan Elizabeth. „East is East and West is West: Philadelphia Newspaper Coverage of the East-West Divide in Early America“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 2007. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc5153/.

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The prominent division in early America between the established eastern populations and communities in the West is evident when viewed through the lens of eighteenth-century Philadelphia newspapers, which themselves employed an East-West paradigm to interpret four events: the Paxton Boys Incident, Regulator Rebellion, Shays's Rebellion, and Constitutional Convention. Through the choices of what words to use to describe these clashes, through oversights, omissions, and misrepresentations, and sometimes through more direct tactics, Philadelphia newspapermen revealed a persistent cultural bias against and rivalry with western communities. This study illustrates how pervasive this contrast between East and West was in the minds of easterners; how central a feature of early American culture they considered it to be.
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White, Peg. „Crossing the East West devide : new perspectives on East-West interaction /“. View thesis, 1999. http://library.uws.edu.au/adt-NUWS/public/adt-NUWS20030908.104240/index.html.

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Thesis (Ed.D) -- University of Western Sydney, Nepean, 1999.
"Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Education 1999, School of Lifelong Learning and Educational Change, University of Western Sydney Nepean" Includes bibliographical references.
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Madella, Thayse. „Straddling east and west“. reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2013. https://repositorio.ufsc.br/xmlui/handle/123456789/122683.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Florianópolis, 2013.
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-06T17:14:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 324561.pdf: 2255748 bytes, checksum: 1638be00bce107618eefa18e55f33b02 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013
Esta dissertação investiga a reversão do viés Orientalista na graphic novel autobiográfica Persépolis, de Marjane Satrapi. A história de Persépolis, dividida em duas partes, retrata a vida de Marji desde seus 10 anos de idade, em 1979, durante a Revolução Islâmica, até seus 24 anos. Esta pesquisa busca, mais especificamente, analisar como a construção identitária da personagem principal do texto, a própria Marji, reverte o olhar ocidental sobre ela. Em cada lugar em que ela se encontra, seja na Áustria ou no Irã, ela precisa lidar com diferentes características e especificidades de sua própria identidade a fim de reverter o olhar Orientalista. As estratégias utilizadas por Marji variam de acordo com sua localização. Em algumas situações, a reversão é construída se apropriando do discurso ocidental. Em outras, individualização e/ou heterogeneidade são as responsáveis por essa reversão. O uso de generalizações também funciona para descreditar o olhar Orientalista. Além disso, algumas características da graphic novel como mídia e do gênero autobiográfico também colaboram para tal reversão.

Abstract : This thesis investigates the Orientalist gaze reversal in the autobiographical graphic novel Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi. The story of Persepolis, divided in two parts, depicts Marji's life since she is 10 years old, in 1979, during the Islamic Revolution, until she is 24 years old. My study is concerned, more specifically, with how the identity construction of the main character in the text, which is Marji herself, works on the reversal of the Western gaze upon her. In each location Marji finds herself, be it in Austria or in Iran, she has to deal with different characteristics and specificities of her own identity in order to reverse the Orientalist gaze. The strategies used by Marji are different according to her location. In some situations, the reversion is constructed by using the Western discourse against the Western institutions or people themselves. In others, individualization and/or heterogeneity are responsible for this reversal. The use of generalizations also works on debunking the Orientalist gaze. Furthermore, some features of the graphic novel medium and the autobiographical genre also collaborate for the gaze reversal.
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Becker, Joachim, Andreas Novy und Vanessa Redak. „Austria between West and East“. Institut für Wirtschaftsgeographie, Abt. Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 1999. http://epub.wu.ac.at/508/1/document.pdf.

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Chang, Na. „The East and the West in the travel writings of the late medieval East and West“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.708975.

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Zhang, Fang. „Hero in the West and East“. Winston-Salem, NC : Wake Forest University, 2009. http://dspace.zsr.wfu.edu/jspui/handle/10339/42571.

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Meliz, Ergin. „East-West entanglements : Pamuk, Özdamar, Derrida“. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/22480.

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In my dissertation titled East-West Entanglements: Pamuk, Özdamar, Derrida, I analyze the representation of cultural, linguistic, and religious tensions chronicled by these authors who have variously inhabited Western and non-Western worlds. They all problematize the complicated relations between memory and identity within and without the borders of the modem nation state. I argue that their works address existing multicultural situations, which arise from diverging and converging histories, and remind us that we can no longer inhabit segregated states of being. In the face of multi-referential modes of living in the 2lst century, these authors suggest malleable and hybrid readings of entangled collectivities. Attention to the entanglements that overwhelm temporal, linguistic, and cultural boundaries is salutary, because it challenges the conceptual model based on mutually exclusive dichotomies, and calls into play the network of filiations that generate an ongoing interaction among conflicting singularities. I propose that Pamuk, Özdamar, and Derrida accommodate the ever-shifting ways of interaction on the levels of both content and form. They offer examples of grafted genre that accentuate the resemblances in difference across various generic forms. The grafted narratives they construct supersede and re-formulate the permeable boundaries between self and other, and call attention to the many Easts and Wests, enmeshed as they are in one another.
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Bhattacharyya, Gopa. „Epistemology of morals: east-west perspective“. Thesis, University of North Bengal, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2816.

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Olofsson, Jenny. „Go West : East European migrants in Sweden“. Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för geografi och ekonomisk historia, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-61467.

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Many people have migrated between East and West Europe in recent decades. The daily life of these migrants is crucial not only for the migrants themselves but also for the development of future migration. The aim of this thesis is to explore the interaction between migration motives, integration, social networks and migration, and how this affects international migration processes in general. This is done using migration between Sweden on the one hand and Russia, Poland and the Baltic States on the other as a case study. The thesis consists of three empirical studies which derive from different sources of data: the first (Paper I) draws on individual Swedish register data while the second and third are based upon a questionnaire survey. Paper I explores aspects of transnational social spaces in the context of migration from the non-Baltic former Soviet republics to Sweden before and after the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. The results of this paper show rather limited migration and a lack of a more developed transnational social space. This is partly due to weak integration on the labour market, a high degree of intermarriage, no existing migrant community and limited return migration. The following two papers (II, III) focus on migrants from Russia, Poland and the Baltic States to Sweden after 1990. Paper II analyses migration motives and the outcome of the migration decision, and reveals significant gender differences in the motives for migrating and in how men and women adapt in their new country of living. While men mainly came for economic reasons, the majority of women came for intermarriage in Sweden; however, the migration motives have changed over time towards more economic ones. The final paper (III) shows significant gender differences in the migrants’ perceived sense of belonging in Sweden. Women report a stronger sense of belonging than their male counterparts, and while men’s sense of belonging is mainly affected by duration of stay in Sweden, language proficiency and citizenship, women’s sense of belonging is shown to be mostly affected by local social networks. In sum, the results in this thesis show that migration systems and transnational social spaces between Sweden and the respective countries have not yet emerged. This is partly due to the specific migrant composition and integration that characterize this migration process. The immigrants mainly function as weak bridgeheads, and do not facilitate the development of any further migration. However, with a changing migration flow, including migrants with different motives and migration agendas, future migrants can be stronger bridgeheads and facilitate further development of migration systems and transnational social spaces.
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Cook, Sarah Elaine. „Triassic sediments from East Kekneno, West Timor“. Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, 1986. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.411449.

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White, Brian Philip. „Britain and East-West detente 1953-1963“. Thesis, University of Leicester, 1986. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/9315.

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Toyoda, Mitsuyo. „Approaches to Nature Aesthetics: East Meets West“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 2002. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc3305/.

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Nature aesthetics is examined as an approach to environmental ethics. The characteristics of proper nature appreciation show that every landscape can be appreciated impartially in light of the dynamic processes of nature. However, it is often claimed that natural beauty decreases if humans interfere into nature. This claim leads to the separation of human culture and nature, and limits the number of landscapes which can be protected in terms of aesthetic value. As a solution to this separation, a non-dualistic Japanese aesthetics is examined as a basis for the achievement of the coexistence of culture and nature. Ecological interrelationships between human culture and nature are possible by means of an aesthetic consciousness in terms of non-hierarchical attitudes.
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Robinski, Marie. „In between East and West : Eastern German Identity Construction along the East-West Binary and the Potential for Transformation“. Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för samhällsstudier (SS), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-106906.

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30 years into the existence of a unified German Republic, the emphasis of differences, the use of stereotypes and the existence of economic inequalities remain. This affects the younger post-unification generation - children that were born after 1989. The study is concerned with the investigation into the process of identity construction along the East-West binary and the effects this process has on said binary division. Thereby, the Eastern German perspective is stressed by using in-depth interviews with Eastern German respondents for a narrative analysis that is based on structural, interactional and performative principles. This thesis sees its contribution in the renewal of the deadlocked debate about the German East-West discourse by taking a postmodern stance on identity while applying a sociological theoretical framework and postcolonial concepts. The ambivalence in identity construction and the indication for a hybrid form of identity point at the existence of a Third Space, in which socio-political transformations can take place.
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Surma, Anne. „Disputing authorities : the longer fiction of Rebecca West“. Thesis, University of Warwick, 1991. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/71979/.

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The thesis offers a reading of Rebecca West's longer fiction as texts constituted by disputing authorities. It begins by placing West in a socio-historical context, showing how her own life, personal and political interests were insistently grappling with questions of authority. It moves on in the second chapter to examine the contradictions inherent in the patterning of narrative structures in West's fiction. The third chapter considers the construction of authority within narrative contexts as a complex of textual power relations. A reading of female subject positions as sites of gendered struggle comprises the last chapter. Together these demonstrate the necessity for the redefinition of the notion of authority, a move which has significant implications for the meaning and relevance of power in respect of art and female subjectivity. In the course of the thesis, I draw on a selection of West's non-fiction writing and journalism, as well as autobiographical and biographical material, in order to furnish 8 context for her work, and to highlight the significance of opposing voices heard through the fictional texts. My readings are made from a feminist perspective (no extended study of West's fiction has hitherto been made from this pOSition), and are influenced by the writings of a range of feminist critics and theoreticians.
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Hafeez, Javed Iffat. „East and West, education, identity and cultural transformation“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape3/PQDD_0019/NQ53704.pdf.

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Nieh, Tai-Wei. „Leadership theory and practice: where East meets West“. Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/26040.

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Hiu, Chii Fen. „Adolescent social cognition across cultures : East vs. West“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:e1fd8553-e084-4917-891e-9e67782c0c94.

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Background: Adolescence is a period during which humans undergo significant changes in the social cognitive domain - changes that are likely to be adaptive, by allowing adolescents to respond adequately to new challenges as they gain independence from the family, and establish themselves in society. Recent neuroscience data suggest protracted maturation of key brain circuits during adolescence, which are involved in the underlying cognitive processes of social understanding. While these age-associated changes are commonly recognised to arise from a biological program unravelling across time, it is also possible that development is driven by experience. To date, few studies have empirically studied the development of social cognition in adolescence, especially as compared to infancy and childhood. Outstanding questions also remain on whether variability in the experience of adolescence, such as is present across different cultures, can modulate the expression of adolescent-associated maturational changes in social cognition. Aims: The purpose of this thesis was i) to investigate developmental changes in social cognition during adolescence, and ii) to examine sociocultural factors that may influence this ability and its developmental trajectory. Methods: In total, 668 young people (aged 9 to 21 years) from the United Kingdom, China, and Malaysia took part in the studies outlined in this thesis. In Chapter 2 (UK: N = 226; China: N = 175; Malaysia: N = 225), the self-construal scale (Singelis, 1994) was administered to explore the adolescent 'self' as an independent entity as well as an interdependent social agent across all cultures. Chapters 3 and 4 consisted of a battery of cognitive and affective theory of mind as well as domain general cognitive tasks, which were completed by adolescents from the UK (N = 188) and China (N = 116). In Chapter 5, a novel social networks paradigm was used with a Game Theory task to investigate the impact of social reciprocity on cooperative investment in authentic adolescent school-based networks from the UK (5 classes; N = 70) and Malaysia (7 classes; N = 147). Results: First, young people from different cultures were characterised by culture-dependent construals of the self. In particular, youths from China defined themselves as more interdependent, i.e. in relation to others and in terms of social roles, than those from the UK and Malaysia. Second, although Chinese adolescents reported overall lower performance, they showed similar age associated changes in cognitive and affective theory of mind as UK adolescents. Finally, social reciprocity predicted cooperative investment behaviour within authentic adolescent networks in both the UK and Malaysia. Interestingly, there were no age effects or differences between cultures in the impact of social reciprocity on cooperative behaviour. Conclusions: Results from this combination of studies paint a multifaceted picture of adolescent social cognition across cultures. They suggest a complex interplay of factors both at the individual and sociocultural level that give rise to the sophisticated ability of social cognition as it matures across adolescence. They also highlight methodological issues in multicultural research.
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Frogard, Michael. „East of the Sun. West of the Moon“. Alexander Fuchs, 2017. https://slub.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A16679.

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Kurz nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg kommt Michael Frogard als halb erwachsener Junge mit einem Flugboot aus Deutschland nach Argentinien. Er wird begleitet von seinem Onkel, der aus einem bestimmten Grund auswandert und der Michaels Vater versprochen hat, für den Jungen zu sorgen und ihm zu einem soliden Leben zu verhelfen. Auf dem Flug befindet sich auch das Mädchen Wanda Kantorova aus Prag, das ebenfalls gute Gründe hat, dem alten Europa den Rücken zu kehren. Michael findet zwar gleich Arbeit, entschließt sich dann jedoch, den südamerikanischen Kontinent zu bereisen, um schließlich auf Kuba zu landen, wo er Anstellung in einem Jazz Club findet. Hier kann er sich seiner großen Leidenschaft für diese Musik hingeben. Er wird Zeuge der Revolution auf Kuba und er macht Bekanntschaft mit den Guerilleros, die in Bolivien ebenfalls einen politischen Umsturz herbeiführen wollen. Als er seinen Onkel in Buenos Aires besucht, trifft er Wanda wieder, die sich - mit dem gleichen Idealismus - einer ganz anderen Aufgabe verschrieben hat. Wie sich zeigt, müssen beide auf ihre Weise mit der Vergangenheit fertig werden, bevor sie zu einem neuen Leben finden. Dies ist ein Buch über Jazz Musik, über Krieg und Revolution und über die moralische Last, welche die Kinder von ihren Eltern aufgebürdet bekommen. Es ist dem legendären 'Comandante' Ernesto Che Guevara gewidmet.
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Clark, Emily A. (Emily Alcorn). „American Sandwich: West Coast, East Coast, in Between“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 1994. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc500584/.

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The thesis begins with an introduction, followed by six short stories. The stories that follow span three or four regions of the American landscape and three or four decades of the twentieth century. What drives each story is the isolation of both narrator and main character (when these are not the same) from the world of the story. In each story, there is either a sense of wanting to belong or an urge to escape, or both. The paradox--also the writer's paradox--is that if one belongs, one has no need to escape; if one escapes, one can never belong.
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Li, Xueyi. „Framing of Business in China: East vs. West“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2013. https://dc.etsu.edu/etd/2276.

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China is one of the largest and most promising markets for new global business ventures. This exploratory research investigates the current news-related themes regarding business in China by comparing news originating from eastern countries to western countries. This study applied agenda-setting and framing theoretical frameworks. A mixed-method approach of both qualitative and quantitative content analyses was used to generate key themes and their related concepts. The results indicate some thematic similarities as well as differences in agenda and news framing between eastern and western news samples. This exploratory study contributes to agenda-setting and framing literature as well as by creating a media agenda benchmark for future agenda-setting studies focused doing business in China.
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Das, Shyamal. „Philosophy of marriage: an east-west comparative study“. Thesis, University of North Bengal, 2021. http://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/4658.

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Bradshaw, Michael Joseph. „East-West trade and the regional development of Siberia and the Soviet Far East“. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1987. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/26964.

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Studies of the role of East-West trade in Soviet economic development often assume that Siberia and the Far East play an important role in trading relations, but few studies have examined the extent of that role and the relationship between trade and economic development within the region. This study addresses two interrelated questions: firstly, what is the role of Siberia and the Far East in trade with the West, and secondly, what is the role of East-West trade in Siberian development. Regional trade participation data are not available. The study therefore examines the composition of Soviet trade with the West and the industrial structure of the Siberian economy, in order to deduce the extent of regional participation in trade. Soviet exports to the West are dominated by natural resources, while imports from the West comprise machinery and equipment, manufactured goods and agricultural products. Analysis of the Siberian economy reveals a specialisation in the production and processing of natural resources. Estimates of export participation show that since the late 1970s the region has become the Soviet Union's most important source of foreign currency. Imports of Western technology are shown to play an important part in natural resource production and in the creation of Siberia's Territorial-Production Complexes. In many instances compensation agreements tie the use of imports to export production. Overall the value of Siberian exports exceeds the cost of imports of Western technology, so that the region generates a sizeable foreign currency surplus. In conclusion, a simple model of the trade and development process is presented which relates the pattern of foreign trade participation to the process of regional development. The impact of Western imports is felt mainly in the European core region where they provide additional resources to feed the population and renovate the industrial base; the impact of exports to the West is felt mainly in Siberia and the Far East where they increase demands for natural resource production. Thus, East-West trade serves to perpetuate the existing core-periphery pattern of Soviet regional development.
Arts, Faculty of
Geography, Department of
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Shi, Shumei. „Writing between tradition and the West Chinese modernist fiction, 1917-1937 /“. online access from Digital dissertation consortium, 1992. http://libweb.cityu.edu.hk/cgi-bin/er/db/ddcdiss.pl?9301519.

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Agnarson, Lars. „Estonia's health geography : West versus east - an ethnic approach“. Thesis, Södertörn University College, School of Life Sciences, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-162.

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The purpose with this essay is to explore the social changes in relation to changes in mortality for the two largest ethnic groups in Estonia; ethnic Estonians and the Russian minority. Since this is a geographical essay, my purpose is also to explore these changes in relation to the country’s internal geography. As these changes appear over time in space, the content is partly rooted in a time geographical point of view. It is also rooted in a regional geographical point of view, since I have been comparing the mentioned changes between different areas in Estonia (with considerations on developments abroad).

Two different development lines can be seen as a consequence of the social changes taking place in the 1990s. While the ethnic Estonians situation has improved, the Russian minority’s situation has instead declined regarding to social existence and health. As a result the mortality has increased enormously for the Russian minority. The ethnic Estonians had also a mortality increase in practically all studied causes of death in all studied areas, but this increase wasn’t as high as for the Russian minority. Nevertheless, when comparing two different counties with each other as well as with the country as whole, the pattern seems to be more complicated. The Russians living in the western county of Läänemaa, have been affected more favourably by the social change than those living in the north-eastern county of Ida-Virumaa. Except for mortality by alcohol poisoning, the Russians living in Läänemaa had a much lower mortality increase than those living in Ida-Viruma and even compared with the country as whole.

It seems as those Russians living in the western parts of Estonia have been affected more favourably than those living in the north-eastern parts. These structures are very much depending on the history, since most of the Russians living in the north-eastern area immigrated during the Soviet era, while the western parts had a much earlier immigration of Russians. Considering the time and place of the Russian immigration, one can divide the Russian minority in two groups; those in the west, and those in the east.

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Huang, Huai-Hsuan. „Distinguishing Patterns of Utopia and Dystopia, East and West“. Scholar Commons, 2017. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/7038.

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Before Sir Thomas More published Utopia and defined his ideal world with this fictional land, humans had been looking for their ideal society for centuries based on various religions and cultures. Yet, there are a few studies focusing on Utopia and Dystopia in cross-cultural contexts. This thesis will explore the two main questions: 1) can Utopia and Dystopia be separated? and 2) how does the utopian concept in the West involve in Eastern culture during the postwar period in postcolonial perspective? Phoenix in Japan and THX 1138 in U.S. are two well-known works during the post-World War II period via their popular media: manga in Japan and film in U.S. Phoenix, a renowned Japanese manga created by Osamu Tezuka. Phoenix the manga not only reveals the rise and fall of human civilization but also shows the reincarnation of life with Buddhist ideas, which means one living being starts its new life in different physical form after it dies. This reincarnation of life also points out how utopian-dystopian system functions in the East. THX 1138, a famous American film directed by George Lucas, starts with a robot-dominated world. More's definition of Utopia reveals several features of ideal society: an isolated society, well-trained and well-ordered citizens, a democratic government, universal education, and loose religious limits. According to More's utopian features, the society in THX 1138 is quite familiar with the so-called utopian world. However, the method of dehumanization in this film brings the concept and features of Dystopia. After the 16th century, the term Utopia, as a Western ideology, entered East Asian cultures. In Eastern perspective, Utopia and Dystopia are the continuous states of one society like a circulation system. In the West, utopian-dystopian works tend to focus on the specific period. By discussing Phoenix and THX 1138, I want to show this continuous social pattern in different cultural contexts.
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Koranyi, James Thomas. „Between east and west : Romanian German identities since 1945“. Thesis, University of Exeter, 2008. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.501928.

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This thesis traces the development of Romanian German identity since 1945. It will deal with the way many of the major currents of post-war European history has forced Romanian Germans to reconsider their identity as a group. By looking at this very distinctive and much ignored community, this thesis will thus offer new insights into minority groups, identity formation, European cold war history, the study memory cultures and oral history. It will do so by initially examining how older narratives were invoked for telling stories about Romania German experiences during and after World War Two. It will examine, using oral history as its main source, the ways in which the experience of World War Two, fascism, communism. mass emigration and European Union enlargement have forced members of this community - both those in Romania and those who emigrated to West Germany - to redefine their group identity, through an examination of the types of stories which this community has told about itself.
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Korzhenevych, Artem, und Sebastian Langer. „The Flypaper Effect in Germany: An East-West Comparison“. Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2016. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-213629.

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We investigate the effect of general-purpose transfers on different expenditure categories and tax rates in the municipalities of Saxony (eastern Germany) and North Rhine-Westphalia (western Germany). Findings from the panel data analysis suggest the existence of the “flypaper effect” – municipalities use transfers to increase expenditures but do not reduce taxes. For most expenditure subcategories the estimated coefficients are alike, suggesting similarity of spending priorities in the two federal states despite the differences in the transfer dependency. Targeted support of eastern municipalities could potentially explain few identified differences in the spending behavior.
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Barbe, Patricia. „"East versus West" : l'évolution de l'écriture de Salman Rushdie“. Bordeaux 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BOR30025.

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Né en Inde, puis émigré en Grande-Bretagne, Salman Rushdie est devenu, depuis la publication des Enfants de minuit en 1981, l'un des chefs de file de la littérature indo-angliane ; littérature qui s'est principalement donnée pour mission de mettre en lumière les paradoxes inhérents à l'écriture " du retour ", issue de la théorie postcoloniale. Rushdie reste un exemple fascinant de ces contradictions, lui qui a choisi de quitter l'Inde puis, à la suite de l'exil forcé dans son propre pays d'adoption en 1989 par la fatwa (qui le condamnait à mort pour propos blasphématoires), a fini par réapprendre la nostalgie de ses origines. Car il est certes vrai que, si les menaces ont depuis été levées, et que l'écrivain a choisi d'émigrer de nouveau vers l'ouest, à New York, la condition exilique de l'homme imprègne encore et toujours son œuvre, et il ne peut se résoudre à dire définitivement adieu à l'Inde. Rushdie est donc, à ce titre, un représentant emblématique de la désorientation postcoloniale, qui envahit ses récits : une perte des repères notamment caractérisée au niveau narratif par certaines thématiques récurrentes, telle que la migration, les vérités multiples, et la célébration de l'hybridité par le mélange savant de références orientales et occidentales - des thèmes qui correspondent manifestement aussi aux préoccupations de la littérature postmoderne. Ce que l'on retrouve en filigrane dans sa prose, ce sont donc ses contradictions d'homme postcolonial, pour qui les nombreux mouvements migratoires entre Orient et Occident occasionnent aussi des mutations identitaires successives
Born in India, then emigrated to Great Britain, Salman Rushdie became, after the publication of Midnight's Children in 1981, one of the leaders of indo-anglian literature ; a literature which main mission is to highlight the paradoxes intrinsic to postcolonial writing, meant to " write back ". Rushdie remains one most fascinating example of these contradictions, as he chose to leave India and then, after his forced exile in his own country of adoption in 1989 because of the fatwa (which condemned him to death and was pronounced for blasphemy), learnt back the nostalgia for his origins. It is certainly true, at any rate, that if he is no longer under threat, and that he has chosen to emigrate again to the west (to New York), the exilic condition of this man still pervades until today his work and he is unable to say definitely goodbye to India. Rushdie is, then, an emblematic representative of postcolonial disorientation, which invades his stories : a loss of landmarks characterized on the narrative level for instance by some recurring themes, such as migration, multiple truths, and a celebration of hybridity by the clever mingling of oriental and occidental references - such themes that obviously correspond as well to the preoccupations of postmodern literature. What is to be found just beneath the surface of his work is, then, the contradictions of his postcolonial self, for whom numerous migratory movements between Orient and Occident also bring about successive identity mutations
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Weisner-Combecher, Claudia. „Out of Shape, Out of Line: East Meets West“. VCU Scholars Compass, 2010. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/2030.

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My art is about reduction, simplicity, and color. I use geometric or organic shapes, straight or flowing lines, and bright colors. All of these elements are reduced to their minimal essence. In my paintings, I like to show the creative process by layering paints and exposing subsurface materials and textures. This allows room for contemplation and interpretation. On one hand, my art is influenced by my appreciation for Minimalist art, an art form of visual simplicity in form and content. On the other hand, my art is inspired by my interest in Asian art, intensified by a recent trip to Japan. Japanese art is direct and unpretentious. It embraces understated elegance and often exposes natural processes, revealing a delight in seeing beauty in imperfection. Minimalism and Asian art serve as the platform for my work.
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Li, Rong. „When West Meets East: Communicative Language Teaching in China“. Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2007. http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/ETD/image/etd2237.pdf.

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Johnson, Ryan Stasey. „Vagueness: Identity and Understanding Across Literatures East and West“. Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/20473.

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The twentieth century witnessed an explosion in cultural exchanges between East and West. Through the increasing ease with which ideas could be communicated across the globe, and with which people, sometimes willingly, sometimes not, could move between distant countries, intercultural cross-fertilization became increasingly important to both “Eastern” and “Western” art. Yet this intellectual and physical movement also brought new forms of art that defied previous modes of interpretation, and called the very concepts of East and West into question. This dissertation uses the great exchange of people and ideas in the twentieth century to ask what identity cross-cultural literature can have and how we as critics should understand the heterogenous materials “East-West” literature presents us. My study addresses itself to debates in comparative literature and world literature. In particular, the concept of “literary worlds,” or of works of literature as imaginative worlds unto themselves, is the starting point of this thesis. Though the theory of literary worlds is rich and informative, it falters when dealing with texts founded on different ontologies as it can run the risk of highlighting superficial similarities without attending to deep-level differences. Recent work in philosophical logic, philosophical approaches to vagueness, and Asian Analytic Philosophy fortifies the theory, and the strengthened concept of literary worlds serves as a methodological framework throughout this dissertation. The ensuing chapters compare literary responses to East Asian texts or sets of texts, then consider what sort of epistemic and ontological relations obtain between these different literary works. Chapter II looks at Ted Hughes’ and Chou Wen-Chung’s unfinished operatic adaptation of the Bardo Thödol. Hughes and Chou worked to make the Eastern and Western material from which they were constructing the Bardo fuse in a coherent East-West text. The process by which they attempted to carry out that fusion is the subject of the chapter. Chapter III considers two adaptations, one by Paul Claudel and one by Mishima Yukio, of the classical Japanese Nō play Kantan. The ways in which Claudel and Mishima borrowed from Kantan to suit their own aesthetic and philosophical visions provides a fascinating case study of identity relations between literary worlds bearing the same origins but having different coherences. Chapter IV compares the poetry of Paul Claudel and Kuki Shūzō written in the 1920s, during which time Claudel lived in Kuki’s native Tokyo and Kuki in Claudel’s native Paris. To craft short poems on life in one another’s cities, Claudel and Kuki drew from similar sources and experiences, yet, as their critical writings show, held divergent views of the fundamental structure of art and, indeed, of the universe. The extent to which these divergent metaphysical viewpoints affect the structure of each poet’s poetic worlds is considered. Finally, Chapter V treats the exile poetry of Bei Dao along with Ted Hughes’ rewriting of a poem on his native Calder Valley into a “Chinese history”. Both Bei Dao and Hughes have spoken in depth about the effects of tradition on poetic composition and reception, and the chapter ruminates on how that conception changes over time, and what it means for Bei Dao’s and Ted Hughes’ poetry and our comprehension of it. The Conclusion reconsiders the modified theory of literary worlds advanced at the start of the dissertation, and reflects on how the findings of the previous five chapters might affect future study of East-West and comparative literature.
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Artun, Ayse. „Polish foreign policy between East and West, 1989-2004“. Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2007. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/30874/.

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After Poland assumed a pro-Western orientation following the end of the communist regime in 1989, its immediate foreign policy goals became to join NATO and the EU, the importance of Poland's relations with the newly emerging states in the ex-Soviet region lagged behind in the foreign policy agenda. While there was political consensus among the policy making elite and the populace about Poland's integration into Western structures and necessary resources and efforts were channelled to this end, challenges posed by the transformation in Poland's East was dealt with in a piecemeal fashion, devoid of a coherent conceptual Eastern policy framework and a strong institutional backing. However, as Poland's prospects of joining NATO and the EU became more secure. Eastern policy was increasingly debated in intellectual and academic circles and foreign policy makers searched for a more structured and robust response to the challenges brought about by relations with Poland's Eastern neighbours. Poland's Eastern policy has progressed since the early 1990s when its existence was doubted and became an important dimension of Poland's foreign policy and after joining the EU in 2004, Polish policy makers even contemplated how Poland's Eastern policy could influence and even shape the EU's relations with its Eastern neighbours. This study investigates the factors that contributed to the formation of an Eastern policy concept and domestic and international determinants that shaped Poland's relations with its Eastern neighbours. It presents how Polish foreign policy responded to a changing regional and international environment and gives an account of Poland's accession process to NATO and the EU and concurrent development of relations with the Eastern neighbours. It explores the legal framework and institutions that take part in foreign policy making and execution and offers an analysis of 20th century historical currents and intellectual and academic debates on EP. Poland's bilateral relations with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus constitute the main case studies where the impact on relations of domestic political discourses in Poland, the EU and NATO enlargement, economic and investment links, regional energy politics and the role of minorities and historical heritage are examined. As well as extensive primary and secondary sources, the study utilises in-depth interviews with high level Polish policy makers, academics and businessmen undertaken during fieldwork in Poland.
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Chattopadhyay, Sudipta. „REALITY OF THE CONCEPT OF MOTION : EAST-WEST DIALOGUE“. Thesis, University of North Bengal, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1457.

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Layman, Eric Woodbury. „A qualitative analysis of the east/west dialectic in education through the perspectives of east/west mixed educational background families in Hong Kong“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10722/209645.

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Buehler, Alex. „Critical Essay and Musical Score Accompanying the Original Music Composition, "East is East, and West is West (and Never the Twain Shall Meet)"“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 2019. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc1538813/.

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This document accompanies and explains the concepts used in the development of the composition, East is East, and West is West, (and Never the Twain Shall Meet). The process for generation and development of much of the musical content of the composition East is East, and West is West, (and Never the Twain Shall Meet) is the use of quoted musical materials. The second process, but equally as important, for development of the composition relies heavily on the idea of parallel development of modular ensembles and how the interactions created between them by sharing instrumentation can be a tool for development, as well as a challenge to the development of each module. Each module has an influence on at least one other module and is also influenced by at least one other module, creating a puzzle of interactions that must be navigated carefully when generating each individually. Both quotation and modularity are concepts employed by other composers, so this document also briefly explains how other composers have approached these concepts in their works in order to establish a historical relationship within the canon of western classical music to East is East, and West is West, (and Never the Twain Shall Meet).
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Meese, Tyler Ray. „Sturgis, Michigan, Notable“. PDXScholar, 2018. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/4339.

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This is a collection of short fiction in two parts. The first is a history, a Wikipedia-esque examination of the land swath that happens to be Sturgis, Michigan. The second looks at the lives of the uncomfortable who happen to live in this swath, those who don't fit nicely into Sunday best button ups or easily defined sexual orientations or a food pyramid that lacks Mountain Dew. Like a cleaning woman who loves her lizards but isn't sure she knows how to love another human. Like a son who knows how to beat a video game but not how to handle the complicated love and hate he feels for his mom after her death. Like a young man who knows he wants a pierced nipple but little else. Sturgis, Michigan, Notable explores the nuances that get glossed when discussing flyover states.
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Boettcher, Anna Margarete. „Through Women's Eyes: Contemporary Women's Fiction about the Old West“. PDXScholar, 1995. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/4966.

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The myth of the West is still very much alive in contemporary America. Lately, there has been a resurgence of new Western movies, TV series, and fiction. Until recently the West has been the exclusive domain of the quintessential masculine man. Women characters have featured only in the margins of the Western hero's tale. Contemporary Western fiction by women, however, offers new perspectives. Women's writing about the Old and New West introduces strong female protagonists and gives voice to characters that are muted or ignored by traditional Western literature and history. Western scholarship has largely been polarized by two approaches. First, the myth and symbol school of Turner, Smith, and followers celebrated American exceptionalism and rugged male individualism on the Western frontier. Second, the reaction against these theories draws attention to the West's legacy of racism, sexism and violence. The purpose of the present study is to collapse these theoretical fences and open a dialogue between conflicting theoretical positions and contemporay Western fiction. Molly Gloss's 1989 The Jump-Off Creek and Karen Joy Fowler's 1991 Sarah Canary selfcritically re-write the Old West. This study has attempted to explore the following questions: How can one re-write history in the context of a postmodern culture? How can "woman," the quintessential "Other" escape a modernist history (and thus avoid charges of essentialism) when she has not been in this history to begin with? In this study I analyze how these two contemporary feminist authors, Molly Gloss, and Karen Joy Fowler, face the dual challenge of writing themselves into a history that has traditionally excluded them, while at the same time deconstructing this very historical concept of the West. Fowler's and Gloss's use of diverse narrative strategies to upset a monolithic concept of history-- emphasizing the importance of multiple stories of the Old West-- is discussed in detail.
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Coleman, Britta M. „Prudence Stories“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 2008. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc12099/.

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This collection of three original short stories is an excerpt from a novel about an East Texas family whose common bond is the need for a second chance. A preface dealing with the use of setting as a character precedes the short stories.
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Dawber, Carol. „Voices of the West Coast: An investigation into the development of a distinctive West Coast character in New Zealand fiction“. Thesis, University of Canterbury. Humanities, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/7106.

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The West Coast of the South Island has a particular history distinct from other regions of New Zealand because of its physical isolation, its sparse and fragmented Maori occupation, its lack of suitability for farm settlement, and its social and economic links with Australia through nineteenth century shipping routes; many of the goldminers who first populated the region came via the Victoria goldfields and had little relationship with other South Island settlements. This thesis begins with a chronological annotated bibliography of imaginative writing with the West Coast as its setting, then analyses this writing in terms of the West Coast landscape, its settlement history and its four major physical resources – pounamu, gold, coal and timber – and the way in which each has influenced the literature. It further examines the work of five West Coast writers, Jean Devanny, Peter Hooper, Keri Hulme, Jeffrey Paparoa Holman and Peter Hawes, in the context of their imaginative portrayal of the characteristics of the region. It concludes that there is a discernible perception among New Zealanders, fostered particularly by novelists and film-makers who have set their work on the Coast, that the region has iconic status and represents values and attitudes which appeal to the wider audience as distinctive. In his 1940 attempt to encourage a national literature, Monte Holcroft wrote that, “…the spirit of a country, recognisable in history and literature, is a kind of collective definition undertaken by a line of creative writers.” New Zealand has long since developed a healthy diversity of creative literature, but it is argued in this thesis that Holcroft’s definition can now be restated in regional terms; the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand has its own spirit, is in a sense another country, and has been so defined by its creative fiction.
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Millbern, Ryan S. „Running down the ghosts : stories“. Virtual Press, 2006. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/1337200.

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The four short stories in this collection all take place in Galvin, a rural Midwestern town plagued by its reluctance to acknowledge the problems that are destroying it: methamphetamines, unemployment, and a dwindling police force to name a few. The characters in this collection realize that stasis eventually becomes paralysis, and that escape is both necessary and inevitable, whether it is through uprooting, obsession, or substance abuse. Each character experiences alienation and struggles with the way their past decisions have shaped the trajectory of their lives. There is a sense of danger throughout the collection for the next generation of the town's inhabitants, as small children are usually in trouble or under the guidance of adults who are still struggling to untie the knots of their own lies. These characters are all running down ghosts—of the loved ones they've lost or abandoned, of the innocence they've surrendered, of the lives they lived before regret.
Department of English
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Jin, Guanglan. „East meets West : Chinese reception and translation of Virginia Woolf /“. View online ; access limited to URI, 2009. http://0-digitalcommons.uri.edu.helin.uri.edu/dissertations/AAI3367993.

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Bhe, Ntomboxolo Grace. „Land restitution policy in old West Bank location, East London“. Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/14620.

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This thesis summarises research on the implementation of land restitution policy in the old West Bank Location, in East London. Apartheid legislation dispossessed many Black people of their land. After 1994, the new democratic government implemented a land reform programme, land policy was reviewed, and people were compensated for the loss of land either financially or through restoration of their land. The original cut-off date for claims was 1998, but the window for claims was reopened in July 2014 because of difficulties in implementation. The period for the lodging of claims was extended to end June 2019 to allow people who had not yet been able to do so to participate in the process. In case of the old West Bank Location claims, compensation was in the form of land restoration, including houses which would be built for the claimants. This study documents the successes and challenges encountered in the implementation of land policy in the old West Bank Location. Triangulation of methods was used: data were collected from documents, interviews with claimants, interviews with government officials, and observation of meetings. Recommendations with regard to land policy are made on the basis of the research findings.
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Mann, Sukhjinder. „East meets west, perceptions of Sikh women living in Canada“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape15/PQDD_0006/MQ32180.pdf.

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Svedberg, Erika. „The "other" recreated : a relational approach to East-West negotiations /“. Lund : Dept. of Political Science, Lund Univ, 2000. http://www.gbv.de/dms/sub-hamburg/336763379.pdf.

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Hashim, Mohd Nasir. „Regenerating interest in traditional music styles through east/west compositions“. Thesis, University of Southampton, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.268949.

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