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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "East and west – fiction"


Choudhary, Preeti. „East Meets West In the Fiction of Kamala Markandaya“. Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education 15, Nr. 7 (01.09.2018): 92–95.

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Mok, Olivia. „Translational migration of martial arts fiction East and West“. Target. International Journal of Translation Studies 13, Nr. 1 (08.11.2001): 81–102.

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This paper explores the translational phenomenon of why so little of martial arts fiction has been translated into Western languages, compared to the copious amount into other Asian languages. Investigation into the translational migration of martial arts fiction demonstrates that the “normal” position assumed by translated literature tends to be a peripheral one. However, different patterns of behaviour can be observed, depending on the hegemonic relations between source and target cultures. In the West, martial arts fiction in English translation is being relegated to an extremely peripheral position. But martial arts fiction is able to make inroads into Asian countries, to the extent of stimulating a new literary form or (re)writing martial arts fiction in some indigenous languages.
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Brodersen, Ingke. „East-West clash in publishing non-fiction“. Publishing Research Quarterly 14, Nr. 2 (Juni 1998): 53–56.

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Rauwerda, Antje. „East, West Fiction is Best: Rushdie Writes Community“. South Asian Review 23, Nr. 2 (Dezember 2002): 34.

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Dr. Allah Yar Saqib und Dr. Saira Irshad. „Mustafa Karim’s as a Fiction Writer: An Overview“. DARYAFT 15, Nr. 01 (22.06.2023): 96–105.

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Mustafa Karim is an epoch-making fiction writer of Urdu who, while maintaining the tradition of fiction, has also given new freshness to the eastern and western perspective of fiction. His fictions are excellent in terms of technical, artistic and thematic aspects, while the themes are East and West society, World War I and II, partition of India, migration problems, violence in religions, human tolerance, class division and psychology, problems of immigrants. , made the theme of sexual freedom and promiscuity. Most of his fiction depicts the life of immigrants and emigrants. Echoes of the past, consciousness and narrative style have been adopted in these legends. Every Short story is a manifestation of tragedy, sorrow, and suffering. This article gives a brief overview of his short stories.
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Davis, Rocío. „SALMAN RUSHDIE'S EAST, WEST: PALIMPSESTS OF FICTION AND REALITY“. Passages 2, Nr. 1 (2000): 81–92.

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Ahmed, Hazhar Ramadhan. „The Formularization of the East Simulacrum in the Poetic Consonance of Walter De La Mare“. Journal of University of Raparin 7, Nr. 1 (09.01.2020): 563–74.

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The desideratum of this paper is to pageant of the formularization of the East simulacrum in the poetic consonance of Walter De La Mare, De La Mare always been known as a writer of fantasy, imagination world and supernatural fiction in English literature, it is proposed here that he is, in fact concerned with exploration of the conscious and unconscious selves. His inspection is more philosophical than psychological in that he makes no use of Freud formulas. He follows rather the intuitive path of Jung but uses the media of fiction; Display and formulation the simulacrum theme in two sonnets of De La Mare ''Arabia & Listener '' characterize the imagination world of the East. East fantasy for De La Mare is pure and marvelous creation which seemed he merged the fantasy cosmos of the East, even supposing Walter De La Mare wants to involving and remain in the nature of the East not in the West creation by virtue of him in distinction to the West, according to his verses of Walter De La Mare ''Arabia &Listeners '' there is no ambiguity that nature in the East more applicable for live than nature in the West.
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Prasad, Amar Nath. „The Non-fictions of V.S. Naipaul: A Critical Exploration“. Creative Saplings 1, Nr. 8 (2022): 1–11.

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V. S. Naipaul is an eminent literary figure in the field of modern fiction, non-fiction, and travelogue writing in English literature. He earned a number of literary awards and accolades, including the covetous Nobel Prize and Booker Prize. His non-fiction e.g., An Area of Darkness, India: A Wounded Civilization, The Loss of El Dorado, India: A Million Mutinies Now and Beyond Belief are a realistic portrayal of the various types of religion, culture, customs, and people of India. As an author, the main purpose of V. S. Naipaul is to deliver the truth; because poets are the unacknowledged legislators of mankind. The fact that V. S. Naipaul has presented in his non-fiction is more authentic and realistic than that of his fiction. Nonetheless, it is fictional work that is elaborately explored, discussed, and analyzed in abundance. On the other hand, his non-fiction, by and far, remains aloof. In the last few decades, non-fictions are also taking the ground strongly. Now non-fiction writings are being analyzed, elucidated, and explored based on various theoretical principles of literary criticism. V. S. Naipaul carried the new genre to new heights and achievements. He is of Indian descent and known for his pessimistic works set in developing countries. He visited India several times, like Pearl S. Buck and E. M. Forster. So, his presentation of Indian religion, society, culture, and politics are very realistic. His vision and ideas are very close to the modern thoughts and visions of both the east and the west.
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Kopf, Martina. „Encountering development in East African fiction“. Journal of Commonwealth Literature 54, Nr. 3 (25.05.2017): 334–51.

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In this article I address how East African writers have responded to and conceptualized the encounter with development in works of fiction. The article combines two lines of enquiry: first, a historical perspective on “development” as a history of changing and conflicting meanings and practices in planning and controlling social and economic change, and, second, a narrative studies perspective on fiction as a source of knowledge in social and political research. The article presents an analysis of two novels and a short story from Uganda and Kenya: Akiki Nyabongo’s The Story of an African Chief (1935), Meja Mwangi’s Going Down River Road (1976), and Binyavanga Wainaina’s Discovering Home (2003). The texts are from three different historical periods from the colonial past to the present. Bringing them into dialogue with institutional discourses relevant to their respective periods, I argue that these works of fiction open up a unique understanding of key issues and problems in development thinking and planning. Furthermore, my analysis sheds a different light on critical debates that perceive the “development encounter” as a story of the “West versus the rest”. Instead, this essay links recent trends in writing to more entangled histories of development.
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Zabus, Chantal, André Viola, Jacqueline Bardolph und Denise Coussy. „New Fiction in English from Africa: West, East, and South“. World Literature Today 74, Nr. 2 (2000): 339.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "East and west – fiction"


Mok, Olivia Wai Han. „Martial arts fiction translational migrations east and west /“. Thesis, Online version, 1998.

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Behlen, Shawn Lee. „East, West, Somewhere in the Middle“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 1997.

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A work of creative fiction in novella form, this dissertation follows the first-person travails of Mitch Zeller, a 26-year-old gay man who is faced with an unexpected choice. The dissertation opens with a preface which examines the form of the novella and the content of this particular work.
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Al, Jarrah Soumaya. „Romanciers ou historiens ? L'histoire contemporaine du Proche-Orient saisie par la fiction“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.

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Le sujet central de cette thèse se concentre sur la relation entre la littérature et plus précisément le roman et l’Histoire. Elle examine de manière approfondie une problématique composée de deux axes distincts, d'une part, le rôle du roman dans la représentation du passé, et d'autre part, sa distinction par rapport à la représentation de l'Histoire dans des œuvres historiques. Elle vise à démontrer que l'Histoire et le roman ne sont pas fondamentalement différentes dans la représentation du passé et que l'objectivité de l'historien est mise en question. Dans cette optique, l’approche consiste à analyser des romans traitant de l’histoire contemporaine du Liban et de la Syrie, en les confrontant aux œuvres historiques qui traitent du même sujet. Cela permet de répondre à la question posée dans le titre du travail. L’étude parvient à démontrer que toute perception des faits est empreinte, en définitive, d’une certaine subjectivité, elle-même tributaire de facteurs idéologiques, culturels, politiques et sociaux. La spécificité de ce travail redise dans la variation des perspectives représentés ainsi que dans la variation des œuvres analysés. Les corpus historique et littéraire qui sont constitués par des récits historique, romanesque, mémoriel, photographique, bande dessiné, écrits par des historiens et auteurs orientaux et occidentaux font que le travail a pu englober l’histoire contemporaine de cette région dans tous ses aspects et a révélé différents points de vue. Reste alors à considérer le rôle du lecteur dans sa conception des faits et sa construction de l’Histoire
The central subject of this thesis focuses on the relationship between literature, specifically the novel, and History. It thoroughly examines an issue composed of two distinct dimensions: firstly, the role of the novel in representing the past, and secondly, its distinction from the representation of History in historical works. The aim is to demonstrate that History and the novel are not fundamentally different in their representation of the past, and that the objectivity of the historian is called into question. In this perspective, the approach involves analyzing novels dealing with the contemporary history of Lebanon and Syria, comparing them to historical works that address the same subject. This helps answer the question posed in the title of the work. The study manages to show that any perception of events is ultimately marked by a certain subjectivity, which is itself influenced by ideological, cultural, political, and social factors. The uniqueness of this work lies in the variation of perspectives represented as well as in the variety of analysed works. The historical and literary corpus, consisting of historical, fictional, memorial, photographic, and comic narratives, written by both Eastern and Western historians and authors, allowed the research to encompass the contemporary history of this region in all its aspects and revealed different points of view. It remains to consider the role of the reader in their perception of facts and their construction of History
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Argelès, Daniel. „Ecriture de l'histoire et construction de soi : les textes de fiction de l'écrivain allemand Klaus Schesinger (1937 - 2001)“. Thesis, Paris 3, 2014.

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La présente thèse analyse les textes de fiction de l’écrivain berlinois Klaus Schlesinger sous l’angle de l’écriture de l’histoire. Né en 1937 à Berlin-Est, cet auteur important mais encore sous-estimé connaît cinq régimes différents au cours de son existence – l’Allemagne national-socialiste, l’Allemagne occupée, la RDA (de 1949 à1980), la RFA (de 1980 à 1989), l’Allemagne unifiée – et autant de ruptures majeures dont son œuvre rend compte : révélation de l’ampleur des crimes nazis, réorientations dans l’après-guerre et le socialisme en construction, instauration du Mur de Berlin, « dissidence » et passage à l’Ouest dans le sillage de l’affaire Biermann, puis chute du Mur, disparition de la RDA, réunification. Si un découpage en quatre grandes périodes d’écriture permet d’éclairer un itinéraire intellectuel et politique, l’analyse porte d’abord sur la façon dont Schlesinger représente ce demi-siècle d’histoire allemande, son impact sur les individus et les questions qu’il a soulevées (héritage du passé, place de l’individu dans le socialisme « réellement existant », les sociétés capitalistes ou la guerre froide, utopie, identité). Elle s’intéresse aux choix narratifs et formels opérés dans chaque texte et souligne les enjeux indissociablement historiographiques, moraux, politiques et identitaires dont ils ont été à chaque fois porteurs. Puisant à plusieurs sources théoriques (Ricœur, Foucault, de Certeau, Turner, Geertz), elle met en lumière la nature singulière des espaces souvent hétérotopiques ou liminaux où Schlesinger fait évoluer ses personnages et observe l’écriture de fiction comme un lieu privilégié d’appréhension et de construction de soi dans l’histoire. Centrée sur les textes de fiction, l’analyse exploite également les essais et les textes autobiographiques, ainsi que les archives du fonds Schlesinger de l’Akademie der Künste à Berlin (correspondance, ébauches et fragments, dossiers de surveillance de la Stasi, recensions et coupures de presse, entretiens)
This thesis analyses the fictional texts of Berlin author Klaus Schlesinger under the aspect of history-writing. Born in 1937 in East-Berlin, this important yet still under-estimated writer lived under five different regimes – national-socialist Germany, occupied Germany, the GDR (from 1949 to 1980), the FRG (from 1980 to 1989), unified Germany – and as many major changes that find reflection in his work: the revelation of the scope of Nazi crimes, the reorientations in the post-war era and under the socialist regime, the building of the Berlin Wall, political “dissidence” and exile in the West in the wake of the Biermann affair, then the fall of the Wall, the disappearance of the GDR and German unification. While the analysis falls into four chronological periods, thus allowing for an overview of his intellectual and political itinerary, the thesis primarily focuses on the way Schlesinger represented this half-century of German history, its impact on individuals and the questions that arose from it (the heritage of the past, the individual’s position in “real”-socialism, in capitalist societies or the Cold war, utopia, identity). It looks at the narrative and formal choices made in each text and underlines the historiographical, moral, political and personal-identity questions inextricably linked to them. Drawing from several theoretical sources (Ricœur, Foucault, de Certeau, Turner, Geertz), it underlines the specific nature of the often heterotopical or liminal spaces in which Schlesinger places his characters and interprets fictional writing as a privileged space of self-apprehension and self-construction in history. While focused on the fictional writings, the analyses also uses the author’s essays and autobiographical texts as well as the Klaus Schlesinger archives of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin (correspondence, first drafts, text fragments, Stasi surveillance files, reviews, interviews)
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Leath, Susan Elizabeth Chet Guy. „East is East and West is West Philadelphia newspaper coverage of the East-West divide in early America /“. [Denton, Tex.] : University of North Texas, 2007.

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Leath, Susan Elizabeth. „East is East and West is West: Philadelphia Newspaper Coverage of the East-West Divide in Early America“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 2007.

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The prominent division in early America between the established eastern populations and communities in the West is evident when viewed through the lens of eighteenth-century Philadelphia newspapers, which themselves employed an East-West paradigm to interpret four events: the Paxton Boys Incident, Regulator Rebellion, Shays's Rebellion, and Constitutional Convention. Through the choices of what words to use to describe these clashes, through oversights, omissions, and misrepresentations, and sometimes through more direct tactics, Philadelphia newspapermen revealed a persistent cultural bias against and rivalry with western communities. This study illustrates how pervasive this contrast between East and West was in the minds of easterners; how central a feature of early American culture they considered it to be.
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White, Peg. „Crossing the East West devide : new perspectives on East-West interaction /“. View thesis, 1999.

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Thesis (Ed.D) -- University of Western Sydney, Nepean, 1999.
"Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Education 1999, School of Lifelong Learning and Educational Change, University of Western Sydney Nepean" Includes bibliographical references.
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Madella, Thayse. „Straddling east and west“. reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFSC, 2013.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, Florianópolis, 2013.
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Esta dissertação investiga a reversão do viés Orientalista na graphic novel autobiográfica Persépolis, de Marjane Satrapi. A história de Persépolis, dividida em duas partes, retrata a vida de Marji desde seus 10 anos de idade, em 1979, durante a Revolução Islâmica, até seus 24 anos. Esta pesquisa busca, mais especificamente, analisar como a construção identitária da personagem principal do texto, a própria Marji, reverte o olhar ocidental sobre ela. Em cada lugar em que ela se encontra, seja na Áustria ou no Irã, ela precisa lidar com diferentes características e especificidades de sua própria identidade a fim de reverter o olhar Orientalista. As estratégias utilizadas por Marji variam de acordo com sua localização. Em algumas situações, a reversão é construída se apropriando do discurso ocidental. Em outras, individualização e/ou heterogeneidade são as responsáveis por essa reversão. O uso de generalizações também funciona para descreditar o olhar Orientalista. Além disso, algumas características da graphic novel como mídia e do gênero autobiográfico também colaboram para tal reversão.

Abstract : This thesis investigates the Orientalist gaze reversal in the autobiographical graphic novel Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi. The story of Persepolis, divided in two parts, depicts Marji's life since she is 10 years old, in 1979, during the Islamic Revolution, until she is 24 years old. My study is concerned, more specifically, with how the identity construction of the main character in the text, which is Marji herself, works on the reversal of the Western gaze upon her. In each location Marji finds herself, be it in Austria or in Iran, she has to deal with different characteristics and specificities of her own identity in order to reverse the Orientalist gaze. The strategies used by Marji are different according to her location. In some situations, the reversion is constructed by using the Western discourse against the Western institutions or people themselves. In others, individualization and/or heterogeneity are responsible for this reversal. The use of generalizations also works on debunking the Orientalist gaze. Furthermore, some features of the graphic novel medium and the autobiographical genre also collaborate for the gaze reversal.
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Becker, Joachim, Andreas Novy und Vanessa Redak. „Austria between West and East“. Institut für Wirtschaftsgeographie, Abt. Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 1999.

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Chang, Na. „The East and the West in the travel writings of the late medieval East and West“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015.

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Bücher zum Thema "East and west – fiction"


Salman, Rushdie. East, west. London: J. Cape, 1994.

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Green, Gerald. East and West. New York: D.I. Fine, 1986.

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Green, Gerald. East and west. London: Severn House, 1988.

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artist, Aymond Philippe, Hrsg. East-West. Paris: Europe Comics, 2018.

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ill, Campbell Scott 1973, Hrsg. East Dragon, West Dragon. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2012.

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Buck, Pearl S. East wind, west wind. Wakefield, R.I: Moyer Bell, 1993.

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Green, Gerald. East and West. New York: Ballantine Books, 1987.

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Viola, André. New fiction in English from Africa: West, East, and South. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998.

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Viola, Andre. New fiction in English from Africa: West, East, and South. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998.

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1847-1914, Ripley Henry, Hrsg. Handclasp of the East and West. Lake City, Colo: Western Reflections Pub. Co., 2008.

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Buchteile zum Thema "East and west – fiction"


Bloom, Clive. „West is East: Nayland Smith’s Sinophobia and Sax Rohmer’s Bank Balance“. In Cult Fiction, 178–91. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1996.

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Finkelstein, Miriam. „Soviet Colonialism Reloaded: Encounters Between Russians and East Central Europeans in Contemporary Literature“. In East Central Europe Between the Colonial and the Postcolonial in the Twentieth Century, 231–53. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractThe chapter analyses reciprocal representations of current and former citizens from the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia and different Eastern and East Central European states in order to demonstrate how contemporary writers from the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, and Slovenia reflect upon relationships between representatives of the aforementioned states when they share the same space, namely Berlin. The underlying assumption is that anywhere they go in the West, migrants encounter highly heterogeneous societies that consist, to a considerable degree, of other migrants. The question central to this chapter is therefore what happens when former nationals of the Soviet Union, the colonising power, and individuals from the formerly colonised East Central- and Eastern European states meet outside their respective home countries, years after the fall of the Iron Curtain? It will demonstrate that Russian-German fiction about Berlin frequently engages in a re-colonisation of the city space by Soviet-Russian migrants. Writers from East Central-, Eastern-, and South-eastern Europe react to these Russian neo-colonial aspirations and, in the sense of a postcolonial “writing back,” deny Russian claims to authority and exclusivity. Finally, texts about Berlin by writers from non-European countries emphasise the utopian potential of these encounters to create a whole new Central cum Eastern–Europe.
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Kalhous, David. „East meets West, West meets East?“ In Greek Monasticism in Southern Italy, 282–307. 1st [edition]. | New York : Routledge, 2017.: Routledge, 2017.

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Somay, Bülent. „Is East East and West West?“ In The Psychopolitics of the Oriental Father, 17–39. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.

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Goonetilleke, D. C. R. A. „East, West“. In Salman Rushdie, 124–32. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1998.

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Mesbahian, Hossein, und Trevor Norris. „West/East“. In Dieter Misgeld, 169–78. Rotterdam: SensePublishers, 2017.

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Zhao, Weili, und Karin Murris. „West/East“. In A Glossary for Doing Postqualitative, New Materialist and Critical Posthumanist Research Across Disciplines, 22–23. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Hughes, Aaron W., und Russell T. McCutcheon. „East/West“. In Religion in 50 More Words, 67–72. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Cohen, Elliot, und Ian Parker. „‘East is East and West is West?’“. In The Psychologisation of Eastern Spiritual Traditions, 1–20. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Tolkachjov, Stanislav N., und Felipe B. Cerci. „West by East–West Flap“. In Combination Facial Reconstruction after Mohs Surgery, 10–13. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "East and west – fiction"


ZAHARIA, Viorica. „Murakami’s eclectic style“. In Ştiință și educație: noi abordări și perspective. "Ion Creanga" State Pedagogical University, 2023.

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This article analyzes some of the features of Murakami’s writing that are characterized by an eclectic style. One of the most read contemporary prose writer is Haruki Murakami who managed to suspend the border between „high” and „pure” by his works that characterized Japanese literature by tradition and, from „common” and „ordinary”, it made possible thematic „pretexts” for Romanian text. And the international success of the books is due to the specific rhythm of his prose that have broken the barriers between East and West. The fiction word of Murakami’s work is an eclectic and postmodern one and it harmoniously amalgamates elements of surrealism, realism, fantasy, science fiction and pop culture.
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Fraser, Steven, Dennis Mancl, Aki Namioka, Roberto Salama und Allen Wirfs-Brock. „East meets west“. In the companion publication of the 2014 ACM SIGPLAN conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2014.

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Marutschke, Daniel Moritz, Victor V. Kryssanov und Patricia Brockmann. „East meets west“. In ICSE '18: 40th International Conference on Software Engineering. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018.

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Manske, Kent. „West meets east“. In SIGGRAPH07: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2007.

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The contemporary Czech poet using the pseudonym Ewald Murrer (born in 1964 in Prague) used to be a representative of Czech underground literature before 1989. Then he became one of the most specific and original artists of his generation. The present essay deals with his very successful collection of poetry called The Diary of Mr. Pinke (1991, English translation published in 2022). Between the world wars, the most Eastern part of Czechoslovakia was so-called Subcarpathian Ruthenia (or Karpatenukraine in German). This rural and somewhat secluded region neighbouring Austrian Galicia (or Galizien in German) in the very West of Ukraine and the South- East of Poland used to be a centre of Jewish culture using mainly Yiddish and inspired by local folklore. The poems of Ewald Murrer are deeply rooted in the imagery of Jewish and Rusyn fairy tales and folk songs. While Marc Chagall, the famous French painter (coming from today�s Byelorussia), discovered these old sources of Jewish art for European Modernism, Ewald Murrer uses the same sources but his approach to literary creation can be seen as much more post-modern: he uses but at the same time also re-evaluates old myths and archetypes of this region with both a lovely kind of humour and more serious visions of Kafkaesque absurdity that are probably unavoidable in Central Europe. The fictional and highly poetic diary of Mr. Pinke is highly significant as a sophisticated revival of the almost forgotten culture of a Central European region that almost definitely stopped existing after the tragic times of the Holocaust and Stalinism.
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The contemporary Czech poet using the pseudonym Ewald Murrer (born in 1964 in Prague) used to be a representative of Czech underground literature before 1989. Then he became one of the most specific and original artists of his generation. The present essay deals with his very successful collection of poetry called The Diary of Mr. Pinke (1991, English translation published in 2022). Between the world wars, the most Eastern part of Czechoslovakia was so-called Subcarpathian Ruthenia (or Karpatenukraine in German). This rural and somewhat secluded region neighbouring Austrian Galicia (or Galizien in German) in the very West of Ukraine and the South- East of Poland used to be a centre of Jewish culture using mainly Yiddish and inspired by local folklore. The poems of Ewald Murrer are deeply rooted in the imagery of Jewish and Rusyn fairy tales and folk songs. While Marc Chagall, the famous French painter (coming from today�s Byelorussia), discovered these old sources of Jewish art for European Modernism, Ewald Murrer uses the same sources but his approach to literary creation can be seen as much more post-modern: he uses but at the same time also re-evaluates old myths and archetypes of this region with both a lovely kind of humour and more serious visions of Kafkaesque absurdity that are probably unavoidable in Central Europe. The fictional and highly poetic diary of Mr. Pinke is highly significant as a sophisticated revival of the almost forgotten culture of a Central European region that almost definitely stopped existing after the tragic times of the Holocaust and Stalinism.
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Ashworth, Jayne, Jacqueline Craig, Marv Dunn und Cynthia Murnan. „From east to west“. In the 28th annual ACM SIGUCCS conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2000.

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Harrison, Teresa M. „Petitioning East and West“. In dg.o '16: 17th International Digital Government Research Conference. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016.

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Thiell, John N. „Parliament Hill West Block project“. In Photonics East '96, herausgegeben von Pierre Boulanger. SPIE, 1997.

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Boeve, Eddy, und Steven Pemberton. „East-west human computer interaction“. In Conference companion. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1994.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "East and west – fiction"


Boettcher, Anna. Through Women's Eyes: Contemporary Women's Fiction about the Old West. Portland State University Library, Januar 2000.

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Gaffney, H. H., und Dmitry Gorenburg. Russia Between West and East. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Oktober 2003.

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Appelhans, Richard T. Whither Unified Korea? East, West or Center? Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Februar 2015.

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S. Goodin. EAST - WEST CROSS DRIFT STARTER TUNNEL LAYOUT ANALYSIS. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Januar 1998.

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Asprey, K. W., J. P. M. Syvitski, J. T. Andrews und J. A. Dowdeswell. CANAM-PONAM cruise HU93030: west Iceland to east Greenland. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1994.

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Vatterrott, Anja. The fertility behaviour of East to West German migrants. Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, August 2011.

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Klüsener, Sebastian, und Joshua R. Goldstein. The long-standing demographic East-West-divide in Germany. Rostock: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Januar 2012.

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Palit, A. N. Catch tank inhibitor addition 200-East and 200-West Areas. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juni 1996.

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Shives, R. B. K., und J. M. Carson. Airborne geophysical survey, Selwyn River, east and west, Yukon Territory. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1994.

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Tucker, Ronald L. East Meet West? U.S. and China: Strategies for Global Leadership. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, März 2013.

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