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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Du viscosimètre au rhéomètre"
Andriamanampisoa, Tsiry A., Gabriely Ranaivoniarivo, Bienvenue Raheliarilalao und Edouard Andrianarison. „Caractérisation Rhéologique Empirique Et Relative - Détermination De La Loi Constitutive Des Suspensions Eau Et Déchets Papiers-Cartons“. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 38, Nr. 2 (30.05.2023): 465.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGuillot, P., A. Colin, S. Quiniou, G. Cristobal und M. Joanicot. „Un rhéomètre sur puce microfluidique“. La Houille Blanche, Nr. 3 (Mai 2006): 43–49.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDELAPORTE, Brice. „Etude de la rhéologie des mastics bitumineux à l'aide d'un rhéomètre à cisaillement annulaire“. Revue Européenne de Génie Civil 10, Nr. 8 (September 2006): 999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDucoulombier, D., F. Lazarre, H. Saint-Guirons und P. Xans. „Viscosimètre à corps chutant permettant de procéder à des mesures de viscosité de liquides sous hautes pressions“. Revue de Physique Appliquée 20, Nr. 10 (1985): 735–40.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCARRE, B., J. GOMEZ, F. DE MONREDON und J. P. MELCION. „Qualité de la litière en aviculture. Aliments et caractéristiques physiques des excretas“. INRAE Productions Animales 8, Nr. 5 (24.11.1995): 331–34.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDUPUIS, Dominique, und Alain PONTON. „Mesure de la viscosité - Viscosimètres et rhéomètres“. Mesures physiques, Juli 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDUPUIS, Dominique. „Mesure de la viscosité - Viscosimètres et rhéomètres“. Mesures physiques, März 2008.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Rhéomètre RS/RT 97“. Biofutur 1997, Nr. 163 (Januar 1997): 46.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„TA Instruments Sarl Stand G 14 Rhéomètre à contrainte et vitesse imposées“. Biofutur 1997, Nr. 165 (März 1997): 50.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Du viscosimètre au rhéomètre"
Skarvelakis, Constantin. „Préparation d'un combustible de substitution à base de charbon pré-épuré : l'ultracarbofluide : mise en œuvre d'un pilote de production et contrôle de la formulation par un rhéomètre en ligne“. Compiègne, 1992.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePaschoal, Mateus Faria de Andrade. „Mouvement de particules magnétiques dans un fluide à seuil“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis presents an in-depth investigation, using experimental and numerical approaches, on a modified falling ball viscometer used to determine the rheological properties of fluids. The fluid studied here is Carbopol, modeled as a Herschel-Bulkley type fluid. This is a range of fluids called viscoplastic fluids, characterized by a yield stress and shear-thinning behavior under flow. Initially, the classic configuration of the viscometer, i.e., a ball subject to gravity falling in a tube filled with viscoplastic fluid, was analyzed experimentally. The experimental results for this classic configuration align with the literature: for low yield stress values, the ball falls with a constant vertical velocity. The analysis of the data obtained under these conditions revealed confinement effects, highlighting the challenge of reproducibility in the classic falling ball experiment. To address this issue, a new viscometer configuration was proposed by introducing a permanent magnet into the system to control the dynamics of the ball during its fall, thus ensuring reproducible data. In this new device, understanding all the forces acting on the ball and their influence on its dynamics is crucial. First, efforts focused on determining the magnetic force through analytical and numerical approaches, validated by experimental measurements. The trajectories of the experimental data from the modified viscometer were then compared to validate the calculation of this newly added force. The results show that while the analysis of the radial position remains difficult, the vertical position data align with the simulations. To complement the literature data, the drag force alone was also studied in the classic viscometer configuration. A detailed development was carried out to study the static drag force, and the result obtained matches the well-known value in the literature. Through analytical and numerical approaches, we arrive at a new correlation for the drag coefficient that includes this static force, the rheological properties of the Herschel-Bulkley fluid, as well as geometric parameters, notably the tube-to-ball radius ratio. This work enriches the existing literature by providing original results and presenting new perspectives by adding a known volumetric force that modifies the ball’s dynamics
Brizard, Matthieu. „Développement et étude d'un viscosimètre absolu à chute de bille“. Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBadiane, Doudou. „Simulation numérique et étude expérimentale d'un viscosimètre à principe vibrant“. Thesis, Orléans, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKnowing the viscosity becomes increasingly a major challenge in leading-edge technologies (biomedical, petrochemical, printing, cosmetic, food industry, etc). This study presents a viscosity sensor based on a thin beam immersed in a newtonian fluid and subjected to transverse vibrations due to an electromechanical excitation system. The damped vibration can be used to evaluate the fluid viscosity and density by measuring the beam’s resonance characteristics (amplitude, frequency). This measurement is done by an electromagnetic feedback circuit. In this work, numerical model and experimental studies of the vibrating viscometer are conducted to better understand the influencing factors of the sensor’s operation. The different investigations carried out in this work are of great importance for the viscometer optimization on one hand. On the other hand, it’s a contribution to all studies dealing with the aspect of fluid-structure-electromagnetism coupling
Gaglione, Renaud. „Réalisation d'un rhéomètre haute fréquence : application à la dynamique de jets de fluides viscoélastiques“. Grenoble 1, 1991.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDelaporte, Brice. „Etude de la rhéologie des mastics bitumeux à l'aide d'un rhéomètre à cisaillement annulaire“. Lyon, INSA, 2007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBehaviours of bitumens, mastics (intermediate phase composed of bitumen and filler) and bituminous mixtures, in the small strain domain were studied within the framework of a partnership between the ENTPE and the company TOTAL. The properties of mastics were measured with a new experimental apparatus, the annular shear rheometer. At low strain levels, where the behaviour is linear viscoelastic, complex modulus of bituminous materials has been measured on a large range of temperatures and frequencies. Different binders have been associated with different fillers among which a new type of filler only composed of ultrafine particles. The effect of tiller and binder characteristics on the behaviour of mastics has been analyzed. At high temperature, a significant increase of the stiffness of mastics with ultrafine particles has been highlighted, in comparison to mastics composed of "classical" fillers. Effect of ultrafine particles has also been determined in bituminous mixtures by performing complex modulus tests. The results show again that the materials containing ultrafine particles are stiffer than classical materials at high temperature. An experimental campaign on the fatigue behaviour of mastics completes the study. Finally, 2S2P1D (2 Springs, 2 Parabolic elements, 1 Dashpot) and DBN (Di Benedetto, Neifar) models, developped at the ENTPE laboratory, are used to simulate the linear viscoelastic behaviour of binders, mastics and mixtures. A three-dimensional extension of these models in the linear domain is also proposed
Ehabe, Eugène Ejolle. „La structure du caoutchouc naturel : élaboration, évolution au cours de la mastication et prédiction à l'aide du viscosimètre Mooney“. Montpellier 2, 2004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLi, Ming. „Study of the FT4 powder rheometer : comparison of the test methods and optimization of the protocols“. Thesis, Compiègne, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research has been dedicated to evaluate the reliability of the FT4 and to improve the current tests for a better and convenient powder characterization. Firstly, efforts are made to explore the differences between the compaction test provided by the FT4 and the traditional tapped density measurement. Results indicate that the FT4 compaction test has good repetability but it may underestimate powder compressibility. This method can be optimized by improving its initialization procedure to give consistent results as the tapped density measurement. Secondly, the shear tests provided by the FT4 are evaluated by comparing with the methodologies provided by Schulze Ring Shear Tester and Evolution Powder Tester. This comparison indicates that the FT4 shear cell test may underestimate powder strength, especially when a cohesive powder sample is measured, which may cause blockage when using the FT4 method to design a silo. To overcome this shortage, the dimensions of the shear accessories should be optimized. Most importantly, a new characterization technique has been developed. ln this method, powder materials present periodic motions and the cycle time of the periodic flow can be linked to the powder flow properties. This method has very good capability to identify and classify powder flow properties under low stress conditions
Aissaouia, Abdelhamid. „Étude du comportement rhéologique de deux boues bentonitiques à l'aide du rhéogoniomètre de Weissenberg“. Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1994.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMarot, Gilles. „Étude de la caractérisation par chromatographie d'exclusion stérique des polyamides et de nouveaux copolymères séquences industriels : polyéther bloc-amide (PEBA)“. Paris 6, 1986.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBücher zum Thema "Du viscosimètre au rhéomètre"
Bahroun, Habib. Étude de la viscosité du sang en fonction de l'hématocrite et de la vitesse de cisaillement: I : Automatisation d'un viscosimètre : II : Définition d'un modèle de référence pour la viscosité du sang normal. Grenoble: A.N.R.T, Université Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble II), 1986.
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