Dissertationen zum Thema „Droits privés subjectifs“
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Liquet, Bloy Marina. „Les droits privés subjectifs des personnes en contentieux administratif“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BORD0244.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe aim of this study is to highlight the existence of administrative litigation concerning the subjective private rights of individuals and to measure its impact. The administrative judge is undoubtedly familiar with concepts of private law understood strictly as individual rights, such as the right to privacy, the right to one's image, the right to the presumption of innocence, or even the right to human dignity, the right to life, and so on. Traditionally, however, these personal rights are understood as fundamental rights or even as subjective public rights in administrative disputes. However, it is possible to maintain the privatist qualification of subjective private rights since the advent of a recent and unique configuration of administrative litigation, similar to judicial litigation. In this case, it is a confrontation between the rights of the private individual and a general interest, and no longer between the rights of a constituent and a public interest. The private individual, who is then no longer considered in his capacity as a constituent, can demand the protection of his rights from an administration that is merely an interlocutor. In addition, the results of our research show the multiple implications of the emergence of private law issues before the administrative judge, whether in terms of adapting the office of the administrative judge or in terms of functional rapprochement with the judicial judge
Jaulneau, Emmanuelle. „La subjectivisation du droit : Etude de droit privé“. Orléans, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007ORLE0004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleZagury, Victor. „Le droit d'opposition extrapatrimonial : contribution à l'étude de la volonté en droit privé“. Paris 10, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA100054.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe study of the notion of refusal leads up to list the several types of legally admitted refusals using patrimoniality as a specific criterion. The distinctive element enables a parting between « patrimonial » refusals on the one hand, which are expressions of a substantive patrimonial right, and « extra-patrimonial » refusals on the other hand, which are expressions of a substantive extra-patrimonial right. If the cohesion of the notion of patrimonial refusal is reached by incorporating them to the category of protective measures, the cohesion of the notion of extra-patrimonial refusal is reached with the help of an homogenization factor peculiar to the second type of refusal : the choice made by lawmakers between opt-in and opt-out when they enact a new extra-patrimonial refusal. The various extra-patrimonial refusal studied reveal the normative integration of an alternative solution to consent. Individuals do not have to consent to post mortem organ donations, physician-patent privilege disclosures, personnel data processes. They can only oppose to the accomplishment of a practice which is governed by a principle of freedom. To this extent, the extra-patrimonial refusal right is a prioritarization tool between various interests. It allows one interest to surpass another one. Thus, the interest of the one that is submitted to the effect of refusal is overcome by the interest of the one who holds such a prerogative
Motulsky, Henri Frison-Roche Marie-Anne. „Principes d'une réalisation méthodique du droit privé : la théorie des éléments générateurs des droits subjectifs /“. Paris : Dalloz, 2002. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38881652n.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleJean, Séverin. „La protection des droits subjectifs par la responsabilité civile“. Toulouse 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TOU10013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe civil liability and the subjective rights are in crisis. Crisis of growth, bound to the continuous and parallel expansion so many various processes of compensation of the victims as the subjective rights. But also, identity crisis, by the correlative effect of this phenomenon, driving on one hand, in a global incoherence of the civil liability as well as in a disparity of treatment between the victims and succeeding on the other hand, to recognize everything and anything in conformance with the subjective rights. The doctrine often attributes the cause of all these troubles to the subjective rights. Nevertheless, the subjective rights, defined exactly, do not collide with the civil liability. Quite the reverse, they explain it and justify it. In return, the civil liability protects the subjective rights because it is the tool allowing to protect their exclusivity, the means to compensate for the damages consecutive to the infringements which are carried to them. In reality, they evoke the same thing under two different angles : the civil liability sanctions the violation of the general duty not to damage the subjective rights of others. So, it is good in the existence of the protection of the subjective rights by the civil liability which it is necessary to conclude and it is then for the efficiency on its protection which it is advisable to sign through the various functions, established and to establish, whom has the civil liability
Morel, Karine. „La dignité du patient à l'épreuve du droit privé“. Montpellier 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007MON10022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKouteeva-Vathelot, Tatiana. „L'évolution du régime de la compétence internationale en droit international privé russe“. Paris 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA020085.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleForest, Grégoire. „Essai sur la notion d'obligation en droit privé“. Thesis, Tours, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOUR1003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTraditionally, obligation is defined as the legal relationship whereby we are forced to others to give, to do or notto do something. This classical definition, conceded by everyone, would be right only because it directly comesfrom roman law.The historical argument doesn’t resist, yet, to a careful study. The roman obligation is not the obligation we areused to. Romans saw in the obligation a pure link of constraint, focused on the debtor, but they totally ignoredthe “personal right” aspect of the modern obligation. The notion we are using today proceeds from acontemporary meet (sixteenth century) between roman tradition and the subjective right idea. Excepted that, inthe nineteenth century, the doctrine decided to reduce these two historical elements, one normative, the othersubjective, to one thing. According to it, the debt (vinculum juris) and the claim (subjective right) are two sidesof the same object : the obligation.This presentation is not tenable. Debt and claim involve more than a difference of angle. There nature is deeplydifferent. The first one is a norm which belongs to objective right whereas the second one belongs to subjectiveright. In other words, the obligation is binary : it is made up of two indivisible elements and their nature cannotbe seen as one. In positive law, this neo-classic approach of obligation allows to ease the relationships betweenthe obligation and its sanction, and allows to simplify some juridical events such as assignment of claims,delegation, set-off, merger or remission of debt
Alessandrello, Irene. „L'efficacité dans le droit des contrats“. Thesis, Paris 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA01D045.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe effectiveness characterizes any and alI aspects of the law of contracts. Moreover, it seems to have been always so immanent in the contractual instrument that can be grasped as the real logic through all the legal evolution of the contract over many centuries. ln particular, from the analysis of the rules of the Code Napoléon on contracts, the related case law as welI as the Reforrn of the law of contracts enacted in 2016, we inferred two forms of logic underlying the contractual effectiveness, one subjective and the other objective. The classical theory of contract is dominated by a subjective logic of effectiveness resulting from the will of the parties. Indeed, the magnificence of this will reigns almost unfettered and, moreover, is sealed on the other band by the fundamental principles of the contract sanctity and stability and glorified by the very limited role of the judge, as a simple and scrupulous executor of the parties' will. Conversely, the weakening of the role of the subjective will has determined an increase of the objective effectiveness, paying the way for a more comprehensive analysis of the contract that incorporates the subjectivity of the parties' will into the objectivity of the socio-economic environrnent. This new line of interprelation reveals a more complex and objective understanding of the contract leading us to study and integrate it in the context where it operates. The con tract is then no longer turned only to subjectivity generated by the parties' will, since it also considers the objectivity deriving from environrnental eternal challenges
Auberson, Florian. „La prévention du dommage : éléments pour une conception subjective en droit privé français“. Reims, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003REIMD003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe study of the french private law shows that damage prevention has multiple faces. The risks'prevention has long been considered as the only type of damage prevention. But, damage prevention can also be seen from the victim's point of view. This so-called " subjective damage prevention " is as much a legal notion. Which, through preventive measures, aims to evitate the occurrence of a victim damage. This protection is a better legal response than the civil repair as it has effects before the illegal situation appears
Barbier, Geoffrey. „La subjectivisation des choses en droit privé“. Thesis, Bordeaux, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016BORD0164.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe phenomenon of the subjectification of objects, thus distinct from the reification of the person or the personification of objects, is the process whereby certain objects are assigned to the protection of the substantive attributes of the person: individuality and humanity. Applied to objects whose legal status is already ambivalent, this phenomenon casts doubt upon the pertinence of the summa divisio between persons and objects, and prompts us to reconsider this principle. In spite of the variety of objects affected by this phenomenon (works of art, images, homes, prosthetics etc.), the mechanism at work invests all subjectified objects with a purpose of a personal nature. In order to fulfil its stated purpose, the legal status afforded to such objects – based on the principle of ‘static security’, and in particular on designating them as excluded from commercial exchanges – is at least partly inspired by the rules traditionally applied to persons. In spite of the diversity of attribution techniques, and indeed of objects concerned, the principle of personal attribution allows for a long-term, heuristic analysis of this phenomenon. The first angle of analysis consists in putting this phenomenon into perspective by analysing the legal taxonomy surrounding two major categories: personified objects and humanised objects. The second is to leave inductive analysis behind in order to arrive at a stipulative schema based on the stated purpose. This teleological approach opens up numerous applications and projections, both theoretical and technical. The third implies looking more closely at the beneficiaries of this process of attribution. Personified and humanized objects represent two sides of the same legal subject: the legal human person. Introducing a new form of subjection by means of personal attribution, the subjectified object is no longer a legal anomaly but rather the physical manifestation of changes in the very concept of the person. As such, the explanatory significance of the summa divisio between persons and objects is rehabilitated
Pietrini, Silvia. „L’action collective en droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles : perspective nationale, européenne et internationale“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA100194.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFor practical reasons, it will be very unlikely that consumers and firms claiming for small damages will bring an action for damages for breach of antitrust law. We have demonstrated that a collective action represents a suitable response in antitrust private litigation.Facilitating damages claims for breach of antitrust law will not only make it easier for consumers and firms who have suffered damages arising from an infringement of antitrust rules to recover their losses from the infringer, but also will strengthen the enforcement of antitrust law. We thus worked out a new procedural tool, based on foreign models. Nevertheless, in antitrust law the collective action is effective if it insures the access by claimants to evidence. Moreover, Public enforcement and collective action complement each other and therefore should be coordinated in an optimum way in order to protect consumers and firms claiming for small damages, and to more effectively dissuade the infringers. Lastly, trans-national group litigation raises several questions of jurisdiction and of choice of law. As a result of the specificity and complexity of group litigation in antitrust law, private international law and European law have to find new satisfactory answers
Peyroux-Sissoko, Marie-Odile. „L'ordre public immatériel en droit public français“. Thesis, Paris 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA01D064.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleA key notion in the relationship between the State and individuals, public order implemented by the administrative authorities is normally considered as material. Essential to the balance between maintaining social peace and ensuring respect for individual rights and freedoms, public order is implemented especially where security is involved. Recent legislation (in the broad sense) introducing the state of emergency is a case in point. However, public order is not merely material or restricted to matters of public security, peace or health. Public order, a traditional notion in public law, continues to evolve. From the various different phenomena, it is indeed possible to deduce the existence of an immaterial public order, the emergence and implementation of which are intended to offset the disequilibrium arising from the rule of law. The purpose of immaterial public order, which ensures the protection of objective values around which society is organised, is to restore the balance between the public and the individual. In that sense, it is a functional notion. It is therefore possible to define immaterial public order and build a legal system adapted to it. Immaterial public order, which is powerless to restrict freedoms in private life, expresses itself in the public domain to which it is confined, thereby limiting the risks of State intervention. lt can be seen as a notion in its own right. As a result of this formalisation, immaterial public order can be more readily identified. Above all, formalisation suggests that it could become a permanent feature of the French legal system
Laliere, Frédéric. „Mise en lumière du concept transversal de saisine en droit civil (droit réel de posséder et vecteur de transfert des droits réels) et sa déclinaison dans la saisine héréditaire - Le mort saisit le vif“. Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/287574.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDoctorat en Sciences juridiques
Arellano, Ortiz Pablo Andrés. „Universalisme et individualisme dans le droit chilien des retraites“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA100179.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSince the 1980s the Chilean pension scheme has drawn the attention of social security experts. The recent reform of 2008, which extended pension coverage, forced a rethink of the analysis of the Chilean model, from a different perspective. While the protection of old age risk is still realised on the basis of a single logic model based on contributory capacity, the compliance of the right to a pension with the principle of subjective universality must now be analyzed. The two components of the Chilean system should indeed be understood in order to assess their overall ability to cover the entire Chilean population. The first component includes a non contributory mechanism provided by the State, which responds to its international and constitutional obligations of protection of its population. The second component consists of mandatory and voluntary contributory mechanisms to enable people to obtain protection against the old age risk. With its new non-contributory mechanisms, the 2008 reform enhances the protection of the fundamental right to retirement, and through the corrections of the contributory mechanisms, extends the coverage of retirement’s contributory pensions. The subjective universality must therefore be found through the analysis of all the mechanisms of the pension system in Chile. It is indeed the complementarity of these two mechanisms which confers the right to pension its universal character. The retirement system has become a coherent whole, combining Universalism and Individualism to protect the entire population
Fragu, Estelle. „Des bonnes moeurs à l'autonomie personnelle : essai critique sur le rôle de la dignité humaine“. Thesis, Paris 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA020066.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAfter the French revolution, in front of a holist society hitherto, the willingness of a new individual to affirm his singularity did emerge. Whilst the Christian morality referred to God, the XVIIIth century philosophers, especially Kant, wanted to substitute a morality where, according to the words of Protagoras, man would be the measure of anythings. The individual, however, still had to conform to what Kant names the categorical imperative, and to support for shared values. The morality became gradually felt as authoritative and illegitimate, the middle-class values. The 60’s let rise an individual morality, which took the name of ethics. These upheavals were not without major effects on law of persons and family law. Boni mores disappeared therefore from family law to give way to human dignity in law of persons: to the conception of a model law that of a principle law did succeed. The concept of dignity was only tardily devoted in the Civil code: that could explain the absence of consensus concerning its definition. One can consider it regrettable that such a fragility could involve the dilution of this principle, and even its transformation into a subjective right; it does not oppose whereas a low resistance to the advent of personal autonomy, awkwardly built by the European Court of the human rights on the article 8 and the individual consent. The individual gained the right to operate choices on his body, however dangerous they are, and perhaps even freedom to give up the benefit of rights stated in the Convention. It thus appears essential to redefine dignity, a rampart against the reification of human being,around the concepts of freedom and equality. Consequently, from a harmful logic of competition between dignity and autonomy, a true relation of complementarity and hierarchy between these two concepts will be able to reappear
Schmaltz, Benoît. „Les personnes publiques propriétaires“. Thesis, Lyon 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LYO30069/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAs it is the case for private property, the public property was long time confused with the goods that are its objects. However, in public law as in private law, we should consider that property right is not a good. Being an individual right, the property stands for the power exerted by a subject over goods. Formally, it is the right to enjoy and dispose of goods according to law. Materially, it will vary depending on the applicable law which empowers the owner, subject of the property. Public entities, subjects of public action, are owners based on a competency immediately assigned to them by their duty to act in the public interest. This competency grants to public entities a right to public property only affected to the public interest. Focusing on the public persons as owners instead of considering only their property helps contributing to the theory of partial legal orders (“théorie des ordres juridiques partiels”) as a representation of the distinction between public and private law. This finally leads to suggest a legal definition of the public action as a set of activities implemented by the public persons in the exercise of their subjective rights of property
Fragu, Estelle. „Des bonnes moeurs à l'autonomie personnelle : essai critique sur le rôle de la dignité humaine“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA020066.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAfter the French revolution, in front of a holist society hitherto, the willingness of a new individual to affirm his singularity did emerge. Whilst the Christian morality referred to God, the XVIIIth century philosophers, especially Kant, wanted to substitute a morality where, according to the words of Protagoras, man would be the measure of anythings. The individual, however, still had to conform to what Kant names the categorical imperative, and to support for shared values. The morality became gradually felt as authoritative and illegitimate, the middle-class values. The 60’s let rise an individual morality, which took the name of ethics. These upheavals were not without major effects on law of persons and family law. Boni mores disappeared therefore from family law to give way to human dignity in law of persons: to the conception of a model law that of a principle law did succeed. The concept of dignity was only tardily devoted in the Civil code: that could explain the absence of consensus concerning its definition. One can consider it regrettable that such a fragility could involve the dilution of this principle, and even its transformation into a subjective right; it does not oppose whereas a low resistance to the advent of personal autonomy, awkwardly built by the European Court of the human rights on the article 8 and the individual consent. The individual gained the right to operate choices on his body, however dangerous they are, and perhaps even freedom to give up the benefit of rights stated in the Convention. It thus appears essential to redefine dignity, a rampart against the reification of human being,around the concepts of freedom and equality. Consequently, from a harmful logic of competition between dignity and autonomy, a true relation of complementarity and hierarchy between these two concepts will be able to reappear
Guyet, Guillaume. „Le concept d’autonomie dans les obligations privées : Aspects techniques et philosophiques“. Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BOR40026.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe became used to adopt some concept of autonomy a perception which is the one of a decline, largely predicted from the XIXth century at the critical authors of the contract. All arguments contributed to this interpretation and many things seem to go this way. Actually, the concept uncovers a classical upheavel of distinctions whiches verifiable from the point of view of sources or authorities defining langage (legislative, judicial autonomy). In fact, the first autonomy of subjective nature was not as contradicted as it was supposed to. The individual or collective autonomy continues to define the legal person according to a more or less narrow tenure of its rights, liberties, capacities or powers. As a matter of fact it contributes to focus on an essential frame and persists in a kind of moral control of the wills and of the individual identities confronted to excessively objective mechanisms. A similar resurgence of the ancient roman law vocabulary, under the pretext of contractual balance, paradoxically allows a destabilization between the parts. So it is to the renewed autonomy strong on new requirements that we appeal. A moral plan succeeds the theoretical plan under the perspective of the protection of the wills. The autonomy adapts itself while remaining in compliance with an original subjective sense. She could become a reference of regulation, including for the international contracts. French law would then have an opportunity to recover, at least from the point of view of the interpretation
Moya, Djoleen. „L'autorité des règles de conflit de lois : réflexion sur l'incidence des considérations substantielles“. Thesis, Paris 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA01D061.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChoice-of-law rules do not all have the same authority. The parties, and even the judge, may be allowed to override the designation made by the conflict rule. The parties are sometimes free to depart, by convention, from the designated law (suppletory choice-of-law rules), sometimes bound by the designation made (imperative choice-of-law rules). The judge is sometimes obliged, sometimes free to raise ex officio the internationality of the dispute, and to deduce from it the application of the choice-of-law rule. Considering together such varied questions may be surprising, but it is the approach adopted by French case law. The authority of choice-of-law rules is defined jointly, according to substantive considerations. As a matter of example, an affiliation proceeding is, in French substantive law, a matter of public policy regarding someone’s family status, and deemed to concern an unwaivable right. Therefore, the applicable choice-of-law rule will be imperative and applied ex officio by the judge. Conversely, if the claim falls within a largely suppletory subject matter or relates to waivable rights, the applicable choice-of-law rule will be suppletory, and the judge will not be required to apply it ex officio. Therefore, the authority of choice-of-law rules is defined, with respect to both the parties and the judge, according to substantive considerations.However, this regime is no longer that of European private international law. Firstly, the European regulations have only defined the authority of their choice-of-law rules with respect to the parties, leaving it up to each Member State to determine their authority over the judge. Secondly, the European definition of their authority over the parties disregards any substantive consideration, and retains a whole set of suppletory choice-of-law rules, regardless of the subject-matter. Is case law justified in defining the authority of choice-of-law rules solely on the basis of substantive considerations ? No, because choice-of-law rules designate the applicable law according to choice-of-law considerations. However, one cannot, like the European legislator, exclude any substantive consideration. The supposition of choice-of-law rules concerns substantive law issues. Choice-of-law rules are, thus, devised according to substantive considerations. Therefore, if these alone cannot define the authority of choice-of-law rules, they cannot be totally ignored either
Bilyachenko, Alexey. „La circulation internationale des situations juridiques“. Thesis, La Rochelle, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LAROD001/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleInspired by a trend in the European case law, which is meant to affect the national ones, the dissertation takes part to a topical debate among European academics on the putting aside the choice-of-law rules. It is about application of so-called recognition method to the foreign legal situations that haven’t been enacted in court. The purpose is to conceptualise this new method and to determine its scope and its modalities. Given the particularity of the task, the study necessarily bears on several pivotal topics of private international law but also of European law, general private law and jurisprudence