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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Donald Woods Winnicott (1896-1971)"
Abram, Jan. „Donald Woods Winnicott (1896–1971): A brief introduction“. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 89, Nr. 6 (Dezember 2008): 1189–217.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKahr, Brett. „The first Mrs Winnicott and the second Mrs Winnicott: does psychoanalysis facilitate healthy marital choice?“ Couple and Family Psychoanalysis 9, Nr. 2 (30.09.2019): 105–31.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThomadaki, Theodora. „‘Getting Naked with Gok Wan’: A psychoanalytic reading of How To Look Good Naked’s transformational narratives“. Clothing Cultures 6, Nr. 1 (01.03.2019): 115–34.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„: Donald W. Winnicott, 1896–1971“. American Journal of Psychiatry 155, Nr. 3 (März 1998): 421.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRussell, Keith. „Loops and and Illusions“. M/C Journal 5, Nr. 4 (01.08.2002).
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGamble, Jennifer M. „Holding Environment as Home“. M/C Journal 10, Nr. 4 (01.08.2007).
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Donald Woods Winnicott (1896-1971)"
Magalhães, Aracê Maria Magenta. „O brincar, o conhecer e o aprender de crianças com implante coclear“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCertain scientific developments have improved the life quality of profoundly deaf people, by enhancing their hearing at such a level that can capture the specificity of the human voice. The cochlear implant is one of these important advances. This dissertation contributes to the knowing and learning of previously profoundly deaf children, now fitted with these devices. The theoretical support based on Winnicott, present throughout the development of the research, is studied. Ten cases are selected based on criteria of the hospital where these children and their families are assisted and homogenization criteria are used for a group of children in the age range four to six years, and for their respective families. Contextualized psychological assessments are performed individually (child and environment) through interviews, participating observation and the application of Lynns Structured Doll Play, with ludic scenes, through which the children play and bring their own reality. Based on the applicable literature and these psychological evolutions, the research presents innovations on the knowledge of the developmental process of these children, whose development is partially impaired by their profound deafness, by the invasive hearing surgery and subsequent followup. The main purpose of this work, with others, are to achieve the research objectives, i.e., learn more about these children and their learning processes through their playing, directed to their daily routine
Mencarelli, Vera Lúcia. „Compaixão na contratransferência: cuidado emocional a jovens HIV+(s)“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis study aims to show the psychoanalytical investigation of the settings assumed by the countertransference field, which is established in psychological sessions, psychoanalytically oriented, in patients infected with HIV. Four teenagers, positives for HIV by vertical transmission, were psychoanalytically assisted by different clinical setting, which included individual psychotherapy sessions, psychotherapeutic workshops and outdoors activities, according to demand. This complex clinical case originates the development of four transference narratives, which were psychoanalytically revisited, in search of the creation/gathering of countertransference fields. The overall clinical picture allows us to state that, beyond the countertransference resonances associated to peculiarities related to adolescence and to the vicissitude of individual stories, is possible to detect the presence of a countertransference field clearly characterized by compassion. This configuration suscitate theoretical-clinical reflections that point out that the ontological issues caused by precariousness, limitation and finitude, as the current real life conditions, such as illness, experience of pain, severe treatment, the orphanhood and the social exclusion, must be thoroughly considered in the care of these patients
Schor, Daniel. „Da onipotência ao universo dos possíveis: aspectos da travessia humana em Winnicott e Piaget“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe present work aims at raise a discussion about the Donald W. Winnicott and Jean Piagets conceptions of the human development. In spite of the undeniable distinctions relative to their searching purposes, as well as the theoretical-epistemological traditions which support their theories, the present research starts from the presupposition of a constitutive link between the ways of the objectification and subjectification traced by the human being trough the life. Since developing subjects point of view, it is assumed the existence of a primordial indifferentiation between the notions of self and external world, which, according to both authors, would be characteristic of the first months of life. From this moment the way of development would be able to lead, little by little, to a distinction between these two terms, leading to a self perception as a being of limited dimensions, concomitantly to a conception of a permanent and solid external universe. It is considered, on the one hand, the Piagetian theory as a system of thought occupied with searching the development of human capacity to apprehend the laws of external universe. On the other, the Winnicottian theory is recognized as a point of view on the processes of personality formation and the achievement of singularity. From the supposition of an inevitable link between such ways, it is admitted the dialogue between both theories, and it is proposed to search the extent of the occasional possibility of connection between them.
Sei, Maíra Bonafé. „Arteterapia com famílias e psicanálise winnicottiana: uma proposta de intervenção em instituição de atendimento à violência familiar“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe Winnicotts Psychoanalysis is based on the belief that the creative life is related to health. Winnicott has proposed the Therapeutic Consultations, when the psychotherapy was not possible and the person could be helped with just a few meetings. He has created the Squiggle Game, in which the contact between therapist and patient occurs through drawings. It is understood that the sum of these features allows an articulation of this theory to the practice of Art Therapy, a therapeutic intervention that offers artistic resources to facilitate expression and communication. It was aimed on this research to build a proposal of intervention with families, in a practice of Art Psychotherapy guided by Winnicotts Psychoanalysis, applied to an institutional context. This is a qualitative research in Clinical Psychology, through which 10 families were attended, clients of an institution of attention of family violence cases.. The family psychotherapeutic process was undertaken with the provision of artistic resources available in an \"art box\" consisted of different expressive materials and available in the consultations. It was chose three families to deepen the understanding of the process, focusing on the importance of the initial meetings in the construction of the family therapeutic process, with the use of Art Therapy as a facilitator of communication of thoughts and feelings and on the limits and scope of this form of therapy. It was noticed that families had difficulties to join the intervention, with early discontinuation of care. It is understood that this interruption may have occurred due to the proposal to reflect on family experiences, the pain resulted from the violence and the questions about the roles that each person occupies in the family. The use of artistic materials facilitated and enriched the contributions of children and adolescents. It also supplemented the understanding of adults, with its rare but revealing productions, in addition to improve the understanding of family dynamics. Despite the difficulties encountered, particularly related with the focus on the family as the sessions patient, in psychological care in institutions for family violence cases, it is considered that observing the family as the patient is indeed necessary. Finally, it was noted that the Art Therapy could be a facilitator of the psychotherapeutic process with these families, because it minimizes the resistance and increases the understanding of the group, with higher gains provided by the intervention.
Sakamoto, Cleusa Kazue. „A criatividade sob a luz da experiência: a busca de uma visão integradora do fenômeno criativo\"“. Universidade de São Paulo, 1999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSearch for a global vision of the creative phenomenon and for that selects as object of study the creative experience, once that usually such studies of creativity are addressed to the apprehension of its aspects of manifestation, as follows: the person, the process, the product or the ambient circumstances involved in the creating event. The study is based on interviews with people from different professional areas, reporting their experience with the creativy and, utilises as theoretical guide, the theory of the emotional development by D. W. Winnicott, mainly due to the fact that this theoretical proposal represents a original approach of the creative phenomenon. The reports from the interviews show many of existing themes at Winnicotts theory, such as, the Creative Potential, the Function of Creativity and the Facilitator Factor of the Affectiveness. The surveys result shows three new elements of comprehension of the creativity: the presence of a feeling of appropriation that indicates a compromise with the creative process, the existence of a internal order that guide the actions related to the experience and the existence of a space and a time pertaining to the creating activity. From a deeper refletion of the results, the study distinguishes the importance of the relationship between the creativity and the development of the human beings affective qualities, once that both them are met in the basis of the human evolution.
Galvan, Gabriela Bruno. „Corpo ferido: os caminhos do self a partir de uma ruptura na integridade corporal“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work arose from the experience as a psychologist in the Institute of Orthopedist and Traumatology of the Hospital das Clinicas of the faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. More specifically along the years working on the Group of Prothesis and Orthesis, with people that suffered amputation of one or more members. The loss of a part of the body involves significant changes in the life of a person. The amputations originated from accidents in general have a characteristic of being sudden and unpredictable causing abrupt alterations in which no preparation is made possible. The main subject which directed this work concerns the psychic consequences that a physical loss causes. We intend to understand in what way, from a rupture of the body, there is the interference of the psychic organization and in what way the person notices the world and perceives himself in it; this, during the period of rehabilitation. We wanted to reflect about the moment of the loss of the integrity of the body and its reflexes on the psychosomatic unit, from clinical cases, with the theoretical reference of maturing of D. W. Winnicott. In this way, we took into account the course of the emotional development according to the theory of personal maturing to reflect about the possible relation existing between the stages reached on the proper tasks of the normal development of the person and the consequences in terms of continuity or not of the process of maturing after the amputation. For this investigation we used the clinical method and the psychoanalysis reference. For the analysis of the subject proposed in this work we presented four clinical cases. The loss of a part of the body caused changes in all of the persons which were part of this study. Changed the body, the way to move, the job, the personal and family maintenance, the social contact. In the other hand the way through which each one perceives, signifies and lives this loss and these changes was not equivalent nor determined by the quality of the loss. This way, we conclude that the psychic consequences of a physical loss are those related to the conditions that each person has to elaborate imaginatively the loss and transform it in a way of life, experience, personal and interpersonal story. The articulation of the theory with the analysis and discussion of the clinical material permitted to notice that it is not possible to characterize a clinic of the amputated. This because what we have are as many clinics as we are able to know the amputated persons in their process of personal maturing previous to the amputation. Or else, an amputation does not direct unconditionally the way that a person exists in the world, but implies in significant alteration of his existence, what refers to a need of reformulations in his identity to include this new dimension of experience. The difficulty in accomplishing the imaginative elaboration of this loss, can transform the amputation in a non integrated occurence in the life of a person, with bad consequences to his health and to his development.
Celeri, Eloisa Helena Rubello Valler 1959. „A mãe devotada e o seu bebe : a teoria do desenvolvimento emocional de D. W. Winnicott“. [s.n.], 1989.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-14T03:57:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Celeri_EloisaHelenaRubelloValler_M.pdf: 3030686 bytes, checksum: 3ccabd3b614bb3e7f7b038648cbcbf83 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1989
Resumo: Esta dissertaçâo tem por objetivo organizar as contribuições do pediatra. psiquiatra infantil e psicanalista D.W. WINNICOTT para uma teoria do desenyolvimento emocional do bebê e da criança em seus primeiros anos de vida. A teoria de WINNICOTT, seguindo dois caminhos paralelos e que frequentemente se intercruzam, estuda. de um lado, o crescimento emocional do lactente e, de outro, as qualidades da mãe. suas mudanças e o cuidado materno que satisfaz as necessidades específicas do lactente. A presente dissertaçâo é dividida em uma introdução, quatro capítulos e um epílogo. Utilizou-se. do conjunto da obra winnicottiana. corno fonte primária pesquisada, mas nâo se aventurou em uma análise epistemológica da mesma. Na introdução. retrata-se em linhas gerais, o homem e o clínico D. W. WINNICOTT que, tendo trabalhado como pediatra, chegou à psicanálise. Assim através de um diálogo constante entre estas duas influências principais. elaborou sua contribuiçâo teórica a uma grande variedade de temas, que sempre tiveram presentes o estudo do desenvolvimento emocional do bebê em seus estádios mais precoces e o papel que o cuidado materno desempenha nesse período. O capítulo I relata a jornada do ladente desde o período de dependência absoluta, passando por um período de dependência relativa, para finalmente chegar à independência ou autonomia, que nunca é absoluta. Para WINNICOTT essa jornada só se torna possível em virtude do reconhecimento que a mãe tem da dependência do bebê nos períodos iniciais do seu desenvolvimento. Isto faz com que a mãe corresponda às necessidades egóicas e instintivas do lactente, adaptando-se quase que perfeitamente a ela e criando um "setting", que \VINNICOTT denominou "ambiente de facilitação" - , permitindo que os "processos de maturação" do bebê possam se revelar através de um impulso para a integraçâo e para o desenvolvimento de um self pessoal e real. O capítulo lI, descreve os primórdios do desenvolvimento emocional primitivo, durante o período de dependência absoluta. quando o bebê está em um estado de fusão com a mãe. Centralizando-se no estudo de desenvolvimento do ego, que vivencia uma "continuidade de ser" , graças a um bom cuidado materno, três são as realizações principais expostas neste capítulo: a - integração, isto é, o bebê adquire um status de; b -personalização ou inserção psicossomática, permitindo que o bebê sinta-se habitando o próprio corpo e que possibilita que a da pele, como membrana, passe a delimitar um interior e um exterior; c - início das relações objetais ¿Observação: O resumo, na íntegra poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital.
Abstract: The objective of this dissertation is to organize the contributions of D.W.WINNICOTT, paediatrician, child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst to the theory of emotional developmeni of the infant and the child during the first years of life. Following two parallel and frequently crossing paths, WINNICOTT'S theory studies on the one hand the emotiona] growth of the infant, and on the other, the mother's qualities, the changes in these qualities and the maternal care which satisfies the specific needs of the infant. This dissertation is divided as follows: introduction, four chapters and an epilogue. The author used the complete works of W1NNICOTT as the primary source of research. but did not attempt an epistemological analysis of thc aforesaid. In the introduction the author presents a brief overall view of D. W. W1NNICOTT the man and the clinician. who arrived at psychoanalysis through his work as a paediatrician. In this way, by means of a constant dialogue between these two principaJ infll1ences. he made his theoretical contributions to a great variety of subjects alI of which contained the study of the emotional growth of the infant in its earliest stages and the role played by maternal care during this period. Chapter one describes the infant's journey from the period of absolute dependence. followed by a period of relative dependence, arriving finally at independence or alltonomy, which is never absolute. For WINNICOTT this journey is only made possible by the mother's knowledge of theinfant's dependence during the initial stages of development. This allows the mother to correspond to the ego-needs and instinctual needs of the infant, adapting almost perfectly to them and creating a setting which WINNICOTT termed environment provision, thus permitting the maturational processes of the baby to be revealed through an impulse for integration and for the development of a personal and real self. In chapter II the author describes the beginnings of primitive emotional development during the total independence period when the infant is in a state of being merged in with the mother. Concentrating on the study of ego development where a continuity of being is experienced, due to good-enough maternal care, there are three main realizations shown in the chapter a) integration, that is, the infant acquires the status of being a unit b) personalization or psychosomatic insertion which allows the baby to feel himself living inside his own body and which makes it possible to equate the skin as a membrane which delimits an interior and an exterior c) initiation of object-relating ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations.
Mestre em Ciências Médicas
Gutierrez, Maria Laura. „Um lavrar luminoso: a atuação das madonas na alma humana“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBased on a process of investigation, contemplation and studies of images of Madonnas namely by painting, drawing and sculpture the aim of this paper is to find out the effects of these works on the soul of the contemporary human being, its therapeutic value and its health improving relationship. This study is of qualitative and interdisciplinary nature with interphases in philosophy, religion, art, history of art and psychoanalysis. The images of the Madonnas put a new aspect to the questioning of the mystery of birth, human life, of communication with each other and the mystery of the divine within man. This research work was carried out by using the phenomenological process as proposed by Pavel Florensky. A research worker investigated the images using this means and worked out possibilities of interpretation on each of them. Further the work is followed up by investigation of the use of images in therapy
Granato, Tania Mara Marques. „Tecendo a clínica winnicottiana da maternidade em narrativas psicanalíticas“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe present paper aims to reveal the clinical meeting in detail, when one proposes therapeutic encounters with pregnant women, having D. W. Winnicott as an interlocutor. It takes an alternative way which releases the researcher from sterile intellectualism or poor scientificism, in order to bring closer the scientific doing and the clinical practice, that is adopted here as a matrix of clinical psychology research. The psychoanalytical encounter is here proposed as a methodological approach, drawing from winnicottian view of psychoanalysis the theoretical presupposes which guide this work, where holding shows itself as its basic procedure. Five case histories from our motherhood clinic were selected, allowing the reader to become closer to every womans singularity during their motherhood experiences, and also to some generalizations about human condition. Five psychoanalytical narratives are weaved from dialogues between the psychoanalyst-researcher and her patients, her own history, her preferred authors and her peers, transforming the raw material, in this case life, into histories that become themselves links of an infinite chain of human gestures, after being shared with others.
Camps, Christiane Isabelle Couve de Murville. „A hora do beijo: teatro espontâneo com adolescentes numa perspectiva winnicottiana“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work is part of researches interested in developing different clinic features of work based on theory, and capable to attend emotional and existential necessities created by contemporary life. It presents the narrative of a non-conventional clinic experience, and the reflections that came up during that experience, in a very close interaction with Winnicott´s thoughts. The structure of the text, in what it concerns the narrative and the reflections, tries to follow very closely, the way this work has been accomplished, consisting of a succession of different meetings: with the teenagers, with the memories of what happened during the plays while writing down the experience after each play, with other psychoanalysts from: Ser e Fazer: Laboratory of Mental Health and Social Clinic Psychology, and with Winnicott´s thoughts. Inspired in the squiggle game, this different kind of work that has been developed, is characterized by the use of the Theatre of Spontaneity as a Presentation-Expression procedure in order to establish a playful atmosphere capable of supporting the teenager happening. Using a suitcase full of several different objects available for the creation of costumes, the teenagers have the opportunity of acting some plays in group. Nine narratives of plays about weddings and death are presented in order to give the reader a better idea of the clinic experience we have been studying. It is possible to observe that these meetings provide the establishment of a playful dialogue among the teenagers, offering them the opportunity for expressing some of the dramas that worry them, and for trying new ways of being and of behaving in front of the situations brought up in the group. Since the focus of this study is not to produce psychological know-how about adolescence, but to study the acceptance of this different clinical feature of work, there arent any intentions of bringing any conclusion about adolescence, even though the theatre of spontaneity has permitted observing some of the dramas those teenagers have been facing. Its correct to conclude that it refers to a very powerful and suitable clinical proposal of work, since, by playing, it permits expression, surprise and symbolic articulation of self-aspects.
Bücher zum Thema "Donald Woods Winnicott (1896-1971)"
Donald Winnicott today. New York, NY: Routledge, 2012.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenWinnicott. London: Fontana, 1988.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenWinnicott. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenD.W. Winnicott. London: Sage Publications, 1995.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenDethiville, Laura. Donald W. Winnicott: Une nouvelle approche. Paris: CampagnePremière, 2008.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenDethiville, Laura. Donald W. Winnicott: Une nouvelle approche. Paris: CampagnePremière, 2008.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenJeannine, Kalmanovitch, Hrsg. Winnicott and paradox: From birth to creation. London: Tavistock Publications, 1987.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenEinführung in das Werk von D.W. Winnicott. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1992.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenAfter Winnicott: Compilation of works based on the life, work and ideas of D.W. Winnicott. London: Karnac Books, 2007.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenKahr, Brett. D.W. Winnicott: A biographical portrait. Madison, Conn: International Universities Press, 1996.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBuchteile zum Thema "Donald Woods Winnicott (1896-1971)"
Clancier, Anne, und Jeannine Kalmanovitch. „Donald Woods Winnicott 1896–1971“. In Winnicott and Paradox, 1–5. London: Garland Science, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePalombo, Joseph, Barry J. Koch und Harold K. Bendicsen. „Donald Winnicott (1896–1971)“. In Guide to Psychoanalytic Developmental Theories, 147–62. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2009.
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