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Spedale, Simona, Christine Coupland und Sue Tempest. „Gendered Ageism and Organizational Routines at Work: The Case of Day-Parting in Television Broadcasting“. Organization Studies 35, Nr. 11 (November 2014): 1585–604. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0170840614550733.

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This article contributes to the study of gendered ageism in the workplace by investigating how the routine of day-parting in broadcasting participates in the social construction of an ideology of ‘youthfulness’ that contributes to inequality. Critical discourse analysis is applied to the final judgment of an Employment Tribunal court case where the British public service broadcaster, the BBC, faced accusations of discrimination on the basis of both age and gender. Three interrelated findings are highlighted. First, the ideology of youthfulness was constituted through discursive strategies of nomination and predication that relied on an inherently ageist and sexist lexical register of ‘brand refreshment and rejuvenation’. Second, the ideology of youthfulness was reproduced through a pervasive discursive strategy of combined de-agentialization, abstraction and generalization that maintained power inequality in the workplace by obscuring the agency of the more powerful organizational actors while further marginalizing the weaker ones. Third, despite evidence that the intersection of age and gender produced qualitatively different experiences for individual organizational actors, in the legitimate and authoritative version of the truth constructed in the Tribunal’s final judgment, ageism discursively prevailed over sexism as a form of oppression at work. These findings support the view that the intersection of age and gender in the workplace should be explored by taking into account different levels of analysis – individual, organizational and societal – and with sensitivity to the context. They also suggest that the notion of gendered ageism is still poorly articulated and that the lack of an appropriate vocabulary encourages the discursive dominance of ageism over sexism, making the intersection of the two more difficult to study and to address.
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Lavie, Irit, und Anna Sfard. „How Children Individualize Numerical Routines: Elements of a Discursive Theory in Making“. Journal of the Learning Sciences 28, Nr. 4-5 (23.08.2019): 419–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10508406.2019.1646650.

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Tutin, Agnès. „Surprise routines in scientific writing“. Expressing and Describing Surprise 13, Nr. 2 (30.12.2015): 415–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/rcl.13.2.06tut.

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Emotions are almost absent from scientific articles except surprise, which plays a specific role in this genre. Surprise markers such as contrairement à nos attentes (‘contrary to our expectations’) or ce résultat relativement surprenant (‘this somewhat surprising result’) are used in the framework of a scientific prediction model, implicit or explicitly formulated. A corpus linguistic study of adjectival and verbal markers allows us to determine several trends: (a) contrary to other genres such as novels or newspaper articles, surprise is not polar, that is to say it is neither positive nor negative, but stylistically “neutral”, (b) surprise is far more source-oriented than experiencer-oriented, (c) surprise generally involves the reader as a witness, and contributes, with other rhetorical markers, to “interlocutive” dialogism, (d) surprise often occurs in a prefabricated discursive scenario including several steps: (i) prediction model, (ii) observed facts, (iii) expression of surprise (or absence of surprise), (iv) explanation of surprising facts. Finally, we can question the status of surprise as an affect in scientific writing. It seems to be more a state of consciousness associated with the observation of complex facts. In any case, it appears to be a complex state, with rich conceptual content.
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Sokołowski, Łukasz. „Serial jako element praktyk społecznych“. Kultura i Społeczeństwo 55, Nr. 2-3 (10.05.2011): 187–208. http://dx.doi.org/10.35757/kis.2011.55.2-3.10.

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The purpose of the article is to show how the TV-series — one of the most importantforms of television production — is incorporated into the daily routines of the spec-tators. Michel de Certeau perspective of applied sociology of everyday life and criticalreflection on everyday life is used as a theoretical framework. In the case of TV-series,the routines can take a form of: (1) “logging in” and “reading”” TV-series, (2) movementand sociability routines, and (3) discursive development of received meanings. “Soapopera experience” consists mainly of linguistic practices cultivated while watching theseries, which is a modern form of storytelling, socializing, which changes the audiences’view of reality, its social framework for evaluation and interpretation. A viewer is crit-ical and active; they use consumption processes as an excuse to construct their ownmeanings and narratives, and negotiate the meaning of what is presented to them.
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BRUBAKER, ROGERS. „Ethnicity without groups“. European Journal of Sociology 43, Nr. 2 (August 2002): 163–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0003975602001066.

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This paper offers a critical analysis of ‘groupism’ and suggests alternative ways of conceptualizing ethnicity without invoking the imagery of bounded groups. Alternative conceptual strategies focus on practical categories, cultural idioms, cognitive schemas, discursive frames, organizational routines, institutional forms, political projects, and contingent events. The conceptual critique has implications for the ways in which researchers, journalists, policymakers and NGOs address ‘ethnic conflict’ and ‘ethnic violence’. The paper concludes with an analysis of an empirical case from Eastern Europe.
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Nxumalo, Fikile, Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw und Mary Rowan. „Lunch Time at the Child Care Centre: Neoliberal Assemblages in Early Childhood Education“. Journal of Pedagogy / Pedagogický casopis 2, Nr. 2 (01.01.2011): 195–223. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/v10159-011-0010-4.

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Lunch Time at the Child Care Centre: Neoliberal Assemblages in Early Childhood EducationIn this article we interrogate neoliberal assemblages within the context of eating and feeding practices in early childhood education. We consider how neoliberal assemblages are enacted and created through multiple linkages between micro and macro regulations and policies, and everyday food routines. We attend to the embodied intensities, desires and affects that accompany these neoliberal formations. In particular, we are interested in making visible entanglements between particular situated neoliberal assemblages and racialization and neocolonialism. In our analysis, we consider how eating and food routines, situated within Inuit early childhood education, come to matter as instances of neoliberal encounters that merge with other discursive and material forces to create particular, situated and at times contradictory neoliberal assemblages that have colonizing and racializing effects on the capacities of certain bodies in certain spaces.
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Sun, Hao. „Openings of Chinese telephone service encounters“. Chinese Language and Discourse 3, Nr. 2 (14.12.2012): 200–227. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/cld.3.2.03sun.

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Focusing on openings of telephone service encounters, this study utilizes two sets of comparable discourse data in Chinese collected in the same linguistic community more than a decade apart to explore discoursal style changes over time. The comparative analysis examines forms, tasks and discursive interaction of the opening phase oftelephone service encounters in Shanghai, China.Differences in opening routines over time are observed, which include the adoption of institutionalized, more elaborative expressions as well as increased range of interactional tasks performed (including greeting and business self-identification) in more recent data. The findings indicate that a shift may have taken place in business discursive practices in China; it is also suggested that the style of answering telephone calls by businesses or services, or first turn of Chinese telephone service encounters, may have been in the process of being reshaped, gaining certain distinctive institutional markers, thus making such interactions somewhat distinguishable from the pick-up style for non-institutional telephone interactions at home.
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Roof, David J. „Through the looking-glass: How nineteenth century asylums shaped school architecture and notions of intellectual abnormality shaped public education“. Policy Futures in Education 15, Nr. 4 (Mai 2017): 481–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1478210317715795.

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This paper utilizes Henri Lefebvre’s work to examine nineteenth century school architecture, in relation to asylums. The deployment of the asylums occurred in unison with the development of public schools. Based on archival research this paper seeks an examination of this interrelated development. The social/spatial arrangement of asylums and schools was not independent and random. The relation between institutions and modes of governance were conditioned through contingent systems of knowledge and practices. This produced separation between lived space, social practices and discursive practices. This paper explores this separation using Lefebvre’s idea of a triad of the perceived, the conceived, and the lived within social space. In other words, the practices and routines constituting production and reproduction (conceived), the symbols and images (representational), and the lived as the complex politically contested aspects formed in social space. Consideration of these domains coincides with deconstruction of the codified meanings and discursive formations, those which often conceal more than they reveal.
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Owens, Emily. „Doing Laundry with the TERF“. South Atlantic Quarterly 122, Nr. 3 (01.07.2023): 549–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1215/00382876-10644029.

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TERF, or trans-exclusionary radical feminist, is a contemporary configuration that has gained traction in this feminist political moment to encapsulate an imagined set of generational tensions among feminists and queers with respect to gender's essential and/or expansive possibilities. It is also loaded with negative affect. This essay traces the ways that TERF travels in feminist dialogue—often alongside “lesbian”—and argues that loud disavowals of TERFs accumulate into discursive routines that present as anti-anti-trans, but (and) primarily function to preserve a sense of the threatened status of lesbians.
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Codó, Eva. „Regimenting discourse, controlling bodies: Disinformation, evaluation and moral categorization in a state bureaucratic agency“. Discourse & Society 22, Nr. 6 (November 2011): 723–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0957926511411696.

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This article examines, from a critical and ethnographic sociolinguistic perspective, the socio-discursive practices unfolding at the information desk of a Spanish immigration office in Barcelona. Drawing on a corpus of ethnographic materials and interactional data, the article discusses why frontline communication became constituted as it did, what practical routines and ideological considerations grounded it, and how multiple social and institutional orders intersected in the shaping of practical and symbolic gatekeeping. I claim that, through various micro-strategies of control, evaluation and moral hierarchization, the government employees at this bureaucratic agency enacted the disciplinary and exclusionary regime of the nation-state, and socialized their clients into becoming ‘good’ migrants.
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Westling, Jouni, Marko Laaksonen und Aki Huhtinen. „Strategy as Discursive Construction in the Finnish Defence Forces“. Journal of Military Studies 1, Nr. 1 (01.12.2010): 100–115. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/jms-2016-0174.

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Abstract This paper draws upon critical discourse analysis to analyse an empirical study of strategy practices in a military organization. The recent practice-turn in strategy research emphasizes the meaning of discourses, routines and activities in a strategy formation process. Strategy is not understood only as an attribute of an organization, but also as activity; it is something people do and say or leave undone and unspoken. Research concerning strategy practices has, however, ignored military organizations and concentrated mainly on private enterprises and public administration. In this paper we argue that there is a need for a practice-turn in the military context as well. Just as practice theory has proven its usefulness in examining corporate strategies, it can also contribute to our understanding of the actual strategy process in military organizations and help us understand the practices behind formulated strategy. We focus on the high-level strategic planners in the Finnish Defence Forces and analyse their conceptions of the strategy process. Based on the data of 14 in-depth interviews, the paper's goal is to analyse the discursive elements of strategy talk in a military organization. This paper will concentrate on three central issues. (1) What is the relationship between civil and military strategists while formulating strategy in a military organization? (2) Who are defined as strategists? (3) Are the high-level strategy planners aware of a variety of hidden agendas and power relations that shape the strategy formulation process? Although the discourses and practices we have found are, of course, context-specific, we claim that similar kind of strategic discourses and practices can be found in other military organizations and possibly even in non-military organizations. Research on civil-military relations has traditionally concentrated on examining the interaction between civil and military organizations but neglected the interaction within these organizations. Our study shows that formulating strategy in military organizations is a complex process far from the Clausewitzian conception that delimits the concept of strategy only to conventional war. Direction-setting, monitoring and allocation of resources are all outcomes of a constant debate between political, military, technological, economical and cultural aspects. Getting to know this kind of process can be beneficial for strategy researchers and managers working in the corporate field as well. In addition, the Finnish Defence Forces constitute an interesting field for strategy research, as it is one of the three European armies that relies on compulsory military service. The fact that almost every male citizen has served guarantees a special position for this institution in society and particularly in strategy discourses.
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Dekavalla, Marina. „Gaining trust: the articulation of transparency by You Tube fashion and beauty content creators“. Media, Culture & Society 42, Nr. 1 (13.05.2019): 75–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0163443719846613.

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This article proposes a new typology of transparency markers in fashion and beauty You Tube videos. It looks at how online content creators disclose the process of selecting and featuring products in their videos and analyses their discursive performance of transparency. It argues that these content creators employ a mix of routines of transparency, authenticity and independence, which they perform simultaneously, constructing themselves as trustworthy. The article suggests that, although restricted in both their extent and regularity, these tactics are complex and offer a glimpse on some of the processes that shape content in beauty and fashion media, which are not normally acknowledged in the magazine press. The article contributes to a better understanding of the manifestation of transparency in new media forms.
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Schapals, Aljosha Karim, und Colin Porlezza. „Assistance or Resistance? Evaluating the Intersection of Automated Journalism and Journalistic Role Conceptions“. Media and Communication 8, Nr. 3 (10.07.2020): 16–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.17645/mac.v8i3.3054.

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Newsrooms are a social context in which numerous relationships exist and influence news work—be it with other journalists, the audience, and technology. As some of these relations change due to technological innovations, new hybrid contexts—technologies that are interwoven with newsroom values, routines, and socio-cultural experiences—can emerge. One key question is how journalists conceptualise and interact with such technologies, and to what degree they retain (creative) agency in the process. Therefore, this study evaluates the intersection of automated journalism and journalistic role conceptions. Using Hanitzsch’s and Vos’s circular model of journalistic roles (2017) and Deuze’s understanding of journalism as an ideology (2005) as a theoretical framework, this study examines some of the discursive aspects of automated journalism by asking: To what extent are journalistic roles (a) challenged or (b) advanced as a result of automated journalism? Our findings more closely align with the latter, pointing to a strong sense of discursive maintenance of journalists’ roles and their core skillset and thus suggesting a high degree of ideological continuity in the face of industrial disruption. It concludes with an agenda for future research and stresses that at times when journalism and automation intersect, the field would benefit from incorporating emerging conceptual frameworks such as human–machine communication.
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Maccario, Daniela. „Discursive Practices and Teaching Mediation to Support Learning in Mathematics and Italian in Primary School from Fenix Program“. European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research 10, Nr. 1 (19.05.2017): 28. http://dx.doi.org/10.26417/ejser.v10i1.p28-37.

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In order to define teaching principles to be adopted to support learning in Mathematics and Italian in primary school classes starting from the use of Fenix Program, the research was aimed at increasing the knowledge base available through the recognition of good teaching practices from the point of view of teachers in the form of professional routines. In a previous article (Maccario, 2016) we described some findings on the criteria that you can follow in the development of teaching sequences. This article presents a further order of the results concerning the dialogic-discursive structures that represent an important dimension of teaching mediation in accordance with the operational perspective of teachers. Also in this case it is phenomenology which refers to the practical knowledge as a source to be exploited for the construction of teaching principles and scientifically based knowledge in Didactics.
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Olaison, Anna, und Elisabet Cedersund. „Home care as a family matter? Discursive positioning, storylines and decision-making in assessment talk“. Communication and Medicine 5, Nr. 2 (14.03.2009): 145–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1558/cam.v5i2.145.

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Home care arrangements for older people are coordinated via a client-centred assessment process. This article describes how storylines and discursive positioning are used among older people and their relatives when divergent opinions of care needs are expressed. Eleven assessment interviews were studied using discourse analysis. The results show that relatives and older people advanced three major storylines, and positioned themselves within them with respect to the need for help. These storylines were based on whether the persons viewed home care as an intrusion into daily routines and relationships, or as a complement and support in everyday life, or as a right. The content of the storylines and the ways in which positions were shaped within them illustrate how positioning is incorporated as part of the ongoing reflexive process in interaction in which participants form an image of the older person’s needs. Assessments clarify the views of the participants on home care, but they also reflect the discourses that are prevalent in the aged care community and in society in general. The article raises questions about strengthening older people’s participation in the decision making process and also whether a new communicative practice is needed for assessments, i.e., one that proceeds on the basis of a broader family perspective.
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Nasaba, Robert Madoi, und Nakiwala Aisha Sembatya. „Is we they? A cross-cultural study of responses to COVID-19 updates in Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda“. Journal of African Media Studies 13, Nr. 3 (01.09.2021): 351–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1386/jams_00053_1.

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This article delineates the material relations, routines and sensorial responses inhabited by people in Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic. It grounds views on a discourse of behavioural change while exploring how Ugandans, Kenyans and Rwandans responded to COVID-19 messages populated on selected official government Twitter accounts. The article is a mixed methods study that employs a numeric and discursive analytic approach, with the nudge theory proving particularly congenial. Findings show that a civic nationalism was enunciated in the hinterland. The nomenclature evoked in the wake of enforcing pandemic restrictive measures is both politically and socially repressive. Far from presuming fixed identities, the conceptual thread that is knit together during the pandemic oscillates from broad support to a problem of behavioural fatigue.
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Parente, Marco F. R., und Augusto Garrido. „In-depth Understanding of the Way Top-managers Identify and Manage Their Organizations“. Journal of Management World 2021, Nr. 2 (01.04.2021): 130–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.53935/jomw.v2021i2.150.

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The purpose of this study is to gain an in-depth contextualized understanding of how top-managers enact the long-term survival of their organizations. This research uses a case study approach to gain an in-depth contextualized understanding of how top managers make sense of who they are and their environment. Data was collected through semi structured interviews and was coded and analyzed through a grounded approach. The questioning will focus on the effects of the discursive resources. The research shows that identity construction and plausibility are more central than other properties of the sensemaking process in the sense they are primary influences on responses to the challenges we face. This research also supports the idea that when managers' identities are based upon routines and scripts, they may not be suitable for the present challenges.
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Gouveia, Tânia Maria de Oliveira Almeida, und Eduardo André Teixeira Ayrosa. „Identity, Consumption and Ontological Security: Trying to Live on the Edge of the Aesthetic Norm“. Organizações & Sociedade 27, Nr. 92 (März 2020): 132–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1984-9270927.

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Abstract The body is an important element in identity management, and its transformations can, to a greater or lesser degree, be related to a reflexive project. Such identity projects are closely related to marketing stimuli, either aligning with or resisting its contents and values to keep a stable and secure identity narrative, building what Giddens (1984; 1991) calls ontological security. The aim of this study is to understand how body-related narratives and practices interact with market stimuli to produce a coherent and ontologically secure "self" that is capable of deviating from the dominant aesthetic standard. Discourse analysis of data indicated four instances that describe how such interaction happens: “struggles with self-demands”, “extreme disciplinary routines”, “self-confidence building”, and “partitions of the body”. Markets provide discursive objects that individuals use to mitigate their problems with deviating from the aesthetic norm, forming coherent narratives and ensuring their ontological security.
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Royer, Isabelle. „Observing Materiality in Organizations“. M@n@gement 23, Nr. 3 (30.09.2020): 9–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.37725/mgmt.v23i3.5341.

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Research on materiality has grown rapidly over the past 10 years, highlighting the influence of physical artifacts and spaces in organizations, which had been overshadowed by discursive approaches. This body of research enriches our understanding of organizations in many areas including technology, decision-making, routines, learning, identity, culture, power, and institutions. However, researchers sometimes struggle to select methods suited to study materiality, as previous works have not been explicit in that respect. This article calls organizational researchers interested in physical environments – that is, artifacts and spaces – to integrate observation into their data collection. The first section presents a tripartite definition of the physical environment including activities, conceptions, and lived experiences. Ontological debates are introduced, and observation is proposed as a relevant method for studying materiality in organizational research. The second section presents observation techniques based on three approaches: observing materiality in actions, observing beyond seeing, and making participants observe. Each approach is mainly associated with one of the three components of materiality. The final section discusses the scope of observation techniques, suggests how to combine approaches, and flags difficulties associated with visual techniques.
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Day, Amber. „Mothers and Whores“. Studies in American Humor 8, Nr. 1 (01.04.2022): 32–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.5325/studamerhumor.8.1.0032.

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ABSTRACT This article examines two public controversies that arose in quick succession in 2018 around the routines of two female comics: Michelle Wolf’s monologue at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner and Samantha Bee’s segment on the policy of separating children from their immigrant parents at the border, which contained a crude insult about Ivanka Trump. Both incidents attracted attention and commentary far beyond the reaches of the performers’ usual audiences. In the wider conversation that myriad voices participated in, a much broader discursive struggle took place over ideals and norms. I argue that it was fundamentally a battle over conceptions of femininity and motherhood and, ultimately, over how to be a respectable woman in the public sphere. Not incidentally, defense of the jokes’ victims revolved around their status as “wives and mothers,” while disavowals of the joke tellers focused on the vulgarity of their use of profanity and sexual innuendo. Overall, these incidents ultimately drive home the way female performers have become hot spots in the “culture wars,” themselves sites of battle over ideals of gender, power, and public space.
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van Hover, Stephanie, David Hicks, Elizabeth Washington und Melissa Lisanti. „Minimum vs. Essential?: The Translation and Trajectory of Policy into Practice“. Social Studies Research and Practice 11, Nr. 2 (01.07.2016): 51–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ssrp-02-2016-b0004.

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This study examined and traced the relationship between, and the influence of, the official standards documents of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the related day-to-day lesson planning and implementation of a pair of co-teachers. Using a case study methodology alongside a conventional content analysis we traced the processes of how these policy texts (the Standards of Learning [SOLs] for World History) were connected to and activated within the daily routines of these teachers who taught struggling students in a high-stakes testing context. The findings illustrated how the policy texts and discursive practices emerging from the State’s SOLs constituted a level of pedagogical governance that saw these teachers organize instruction clearly designed to support student recall on the end of year multiple choice test. Our work recognized the power of policy texts as they interact with teachers. The significance of unpacking policy documents in order to examine issues of power, symmetry and potential areas of negotiation in the planning and implementation of instruction for teacher educators is discussed.
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Große, Sybille, und Lena Sowada. „Socialisation écrite et rédaction épistolaire de scripteurs moins expérimentés – lettres des soldats de la Grande Guerre“. Romanistisches Jahrbuch 71, Nr. 1 (18.11.2020): 82–129. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/roja-2020-0003.

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AbstractJust recently, documents written by less skilled writers constitute an object of investigation in linguistics of different philologies. This contribution valorizes private letters as testimonies from writers of varying social status, as opposed to the elite, and furthermore describes the process and the context of their production. In this perspective, it is important to distinguish the process of acquisition of the written language and the complex cognitive and social process of writing. Dealing with private correspondence of writers with less experience, we focus on circumstances of the writing production in a familial and individual context. We investigate different influences on these texts: the writers’ specific writing socialization, an interrupted process of written language acquisition, specificities of colloquial everyday language as well as a lack of epistolary and writing experience. In order to realize the different writing tasks and to evoke intimacy, less-skilled writers acquire an inventory of creative tricks by following oral representations, by imitating strategies from the immediate communication and by using different linguistic and discursive routines.
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Morahg, Gilead. „The Perils of Hybridity: Resisting the Postcolonial Perspective in A. B. Yehoshua's The Liberating Bride“. AJS Review 33, Nr. 2 (November 2009): 363–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0364009409990055.

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The Liberating Bride (2001) figures as the most discursive of A. B. Yehoshua's novels. It follows the comings and goings of Yochanan Rivlin, an aging Middle East scholar, as he tries to discover the untold cause of his son's failed marriage and struggles to breathe life into his own moribund study of the causes of internal violence in contemporary Algiers. The novel abounds in the minutiae of everyday life and the often inane nature of human conversation. Its progression is intermittently impeded by eruptions of social comedy and political parody. It dwells on the myriad routines of marital, familial, and social transactions and gives ample scope to arcane academic disputations. But this seemingly sprawling narrative surface generates a carefully crafted deep structure by means of which the novel conducts a wide-ranging exploration of personal and political conundrums. As in many of his previous novels, Yehoshua's practice of constructing analogies between family situations and national issues enables him to engage psychological motivations, moral considerations, and ideological determinants that affect both the private and the public spheres of life.
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Renn, O. „An ethical appraisal of hormesis: toward a rational discourse on the acceptability of risks and benefits“. Human & Experimental Toxicology 27, Nr. 8 (August 2008): 627–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0960327108098495.

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Hormesis has been defined as a dose-response relationship in which there is a stimulatory response at low doses but an inhibiting response at high doses, resulting in a U- or inverted U-shaped dose response. Until now, regulatory agencies have been reluctant to address this new insight or adjusted their routines for regulating such substances. Should regulators change their principles of decision making and standard setting in the light of the new insights from hormesis research? To answer this question, it is essential to review the ethical implications of hormesis in risk assessment and management. What kind of values should goven the regulation of substances and radiation that may cause positive and negative impacts at the same time (depending on dose and individual variability)? This article tries to address this problem. It deals with the basic ethical principles and foundations of risk management and introduces the essentials of ethics and the application of ethical principles to judging the acceptability of risks to humans and the environment. It will also discuss the merits of an analytic deliberative approach to evaluating complex risks and address the application of this discursive methods to risk management taking into account the hormesis challenge.
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Lu, Ye, und Ruiming Zhou. „Liquid journalism and journalistic professionalism in the era of social media: A case study of an online outlet’s coverage of the Oriental Star accident“. Communication and the Public 1, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2016): 471–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2057047316682259.

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How is journalism practiced in the social media era? What are the values and significance of journalistic professionalism in the changed situation? This article addresses these issues through a case study. It takes The Paper, an online news outlet in Shanghai, as a case and analyzes its coverage of the capsizing accident of the cruise, The Oriental Star, on Yangtze River in June 2015. This case shows that news production in the social media era is taking the form of dynamic interactions that involve both professional journalists and the public; media organizations are no longer the primary authoritative interpreter of news events; the values and significance of news are constantly reconstructed with public’s participation; the accelerated pace of news production and circulation subverts the institutionalized news production procedures and routines; and there is an intense tension between journalists who value professional control and the general public who cherish instant participation. Drawing inspiration from Bauman’s work, the authors strive to not only characterize the changes in journalism as “liquid journalism” but also explore the contemporary significance of the ideas and discursive practices of journalistic professionalism.
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Campbell, Heidi A., und Zachary Sheldon. „Religious Responses to Social Distancing Revealed through Memes during the COVID-19 Pandemic“. Religions 12, Nr. 9 (20.09.2021): 787. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rel12090787.

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This article examines the emotive narratives surrounding the “new normal” of social distancing practices during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic, as revealed by religion-focused Internet memes. In March 2020, many people were introduced to the concept of “social distancing” for the first time via news reports and media coverage of the spreading COVID-19 pandemic which led to the first lockdown. As the year progressed, social distancing discourse was combined with discussion of the practices of masking and quarantining, all of which became part of many countries’ normal routines as a public health management strategy. Over time, social distancing has become a widely used public health strategy impacting many social groups, including religious adherents and their places of worship. Memes became a discursive space where practices of social distancing and religious attitudes towards these practices were expressed and debated. By examining memes centered on American Christianity, this study reveals that memetic narratives in the early months of the pandemic indicate a positive framing of behaviors intended to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, and a negative framing of the attitudes of religious individuals and organizations who seem to privilege the cultural practices of their belief over the core values of the Christian faith.
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Hedin, Astrid. „Illiberal deliberation: Communist regime travel controls as state capacity in everyday world politics“. Cooperation and Conflict 54, Nr. 2 (11.12.2018): 211–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0010836718815522.

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Much social theory takes for granted that transnational people-to-people dialogue is inherently liberal in process and content – a haven of everyday authenticity that shelters ideas of human rights and democratic reform. In contrast, this contribution shows how communist regimes built and institutionalised an encompassing administrative state capacity to control and shape micro-level professional contacts with the West. This extensive but secret system of coercion, which was brought to light only with the opening of former communist regime archives, set a markedly illiberal framework for everyday East–West deliberations during the Cold War. Effectively, the travel cadre system may not only have delayed the demise of Soviet bloc communism, by isolating the population from Western influences. It was also intended to serve as a vehicle for the discursive influence of Soviet type regimes on the West. The article provides one of the first and most detailed English language maps of the administrative routines of a communist regime travel cadre system, based on the East German example. Furthermore, drawing on social mechanisms methodology, the article sets up a micro-level ‘how it could work’ scheme over how travel cadre systems can be understood as a state capacity, unique to totalitarian regimes, to help sway political discourse in open societies.
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Peck, Jamie. „Workfare: A Geopolitical Etymology“. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 16, Nr. 2 (April 1998): 133–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1068/d160133.

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The author traces the origins, evolution, and contested meanings of the ‘keyword’ workfare (work + welfare) in the United States which, in the space of 30 years, has evolved from a technocratic term deployed in the process of intrawelfare reform, through to powerful signifier of a systemic, postwelfare ‘alternative’. Discursive struggles around workfare are shown to have played a decisive role in reencoding the language of poverty politics, as ‘old’ discourses of needs, decency, compassion, and entitlement have been discredited, while ‘new’ (or more accurately reworked) discourses of work, responsibility, self-sufficiency, and empowerment have been forcefully advanced. This process is a geopolitical one in the sense that local models and stories of workfare have been absorbed—in a transformative way—into the new orthodoxies of policy discourse and practice. The ascendancy of local workfare (represented as the ‘solution’ to the ‘welfare mess’) over federal welfare (itself now a political attack term) has been associated not only with a rolling back of the language, routines, and systems of welfarism, but also with the rolling forward of radically new institutions and vocabularies of regulation. Although it continues to be contested, workfare is becoming the regulatory antonym of welfare; the programme is becoming programmatic. The paper presents a political-economic contextualization of workfare discourse.
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Péter Szabó, Tamás. „A corpus-based analysis of language ideologies in Hungarian school metalanguage“. Research in Corpus Linguistics 1 (2013): 65–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.32714/ricl.01.06.

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The main goal of this paper is to present a recently built interview corpus called Corpus of Hungarian School Metalanguage – Interview Corpus (CHSM-IC) and its potential in language ideology studies. This corpus was compiled during a broad survey on Hungarian school metalanguage carried out in 2009 and was recently made available for a wider research community within the CESAR (Central and South-East European Resources) project. The study investigates interactional routines used in metadiscourses on language use. Printed texts cited from prestigious handbooks and interview data from CHSM-IC are compared. Thus, widely used, culturally-inherited text fragments are detected and confronted with the interviewees’ narratives on their own communicational experiences. A case study on the discourse marker hát (‘so’, ‘well’) illustrates that there is a conflict and often a controversy between language ideologies disseminated by the Hungarian school system and the linguistic self-representation in the interviewees’ narratives. Combining Language Ideology, Conversation Analysis, Discourse Analysis and Discursive Social Psychology frameworks, the paper presents a detailed description on the emergence of metadiscourses in a school setting. The paper concludes that metalinguistic utterances (e.g., answers on grammaticality, statements on linguistic accuracy, etc.) and observable, spontaneous (or semi-spontaneous) language use patterns are regularly not in accordance with each other.
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Jones, Douglas A. „Disturb the Hive“. Theatre Survey 57, Nr. 3 (10.08.2016): 400–402. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0040557416000387.

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“Where do we find ourselves?” We ask some permutation of this question in response to life events, as Ralph Waldo Emerson does to open his haunting essay on the death of his young son, the magisterial “Experience” (1844). Commemorations also compel us to make such accountings, to break from the requisite, often monotonous routines of everyday life to assess our evolutions. The sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the American Society for Theatre Research offers such an occasion, and this forum's invitation to imagine and, perhaps, sway the direction of the organization's discursive and institutional practices over the next decade or more requires, first of all, estimating where we, as scholars of theatre and performance culture, find ourselves. Although these inspections would certainly reveal actions and innovations worthy of commemoration, the more important task is to lay bare and come to grips with those assumptions, ruts, and shibboleths in our respective fields of inquiry that have become so ingrained that they have achieved a kind of sacrosanctity. We must contest and, in many cases, abandon these conceptual and analytical habits: such efforts, though to the detriment of ideology, will be to the good of the discipline and the enrichment of our individual scholarly sensibilities.
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Johnson, Jessica. „Autoethnography as a Poetics of Worlding and a Politics of Becoming: Claudia Rankine’s Citizen and Kathleen Stewart’s Ordinary Affects“. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 20, Nr. 2 (04.10.2019): 182–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1532708619879207.

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This article analyzes the anthropologist Kathleen Stewart’s Ordinary Affects and the poet Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: An American Lyric as autoethnographies of affective encounter in which the authors stylistically fracture their positionalities such that the embodied evidence of experience becomes visceral political potential. In Ordinary Affects, Stewart uses autoethnography to conjure the intensities of affect that manifest in everyday moments and spaces of encounter, detailing disparate scenes of immanent force to provide an antidote to academic studies that render power inert as they employ totalizing systems such as “neoliberalism” to analyze its effects. Using “she” to index the difference between her first-person identity as a writer and a body that imagines and senses the political-as-becoming, Stewart invites readers to participate in a poetics of worlding during which the author does not play expert witness. In the American lyric Citizen, Claudia Rankine also splits her narrative voice and uses both “I” and “you,” while evoking affective encounters of racialization that are forces of habit and routines of violence. Her poem includes not only personal anecdote or feeling but also events and texts of popular culture, enlisting her readers to take part in a poetics of worlding and a politics of becoming through which the author bears witness to “I” through “you.” In effect, Rankine and Stewart use autoethnography to resist portraying political life as bound by discursive logics of self and subjecthood.
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Werder, Olaf. „Toward a humanistic model in health communication“. Global Health Promotion 26, Nr. 1 (29.03.2017): 33–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1757975916683385.

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Since the key to effective health communication lies in its ability to communicate well, some of its core problems are those that relate to the sharing of meaning between communicators. In elaborating on these problems, this paper offers two key propositions: one, health communication has to pass through the filter of a particular world view that creates a discrepancy between expected and actual message reception and response. Two, the assumption of a rational human actor made implicitly by most health psychological models is a contestable issue, as many times message recipients do not follow a cognitive judgment process. The phenomenon of resisting health messages by reasonable people asks the question whether we ought to rethink our adherence to a particular vision of human health as many times the adverse reaction to behaviour modification occurs as the result of a particular dialogical or discursive situation. At the same time, most motivational decisions in people’s daily routines are automatic and use a concept known as self-identity to give stability to their behaviour patterns. Finally, health communication as part of organised government practices adheres to predominant value perspectives within health promotion practice that affect the manner in which health issues become problematised. This paper proposes a humanistic model that aims to pay attention to the intricacies of human communication by addressing all of the above problems in turn. It interprets the sharing of meaning element in human communication and addresses the question of how the idea of health is created through discourse. As such, it offers a complementary and constructive paradigm and set of approaches to understand health, its meanings and communication.
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Ginot, Isabelle. „From Shusterman's Somaesthetics to a Radical Epistemology of Somatics“. Dance Research Journal 42, Nr. 1 (2010): 12–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0149767700000802.

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From the precepts of civility and physical deportment in the early modern era to modern gestural routines found in physical therapy and gymnastics, cultural historians of the body have studied the physical practices of hygiene, sports, and medicine. The history of dance is marked by these dance-related practices, which are peripheral to dance itself. One set of contemporary peripheral practices sought out by dancers themselves has been called “somatics,” a term Thomas Hanna proposed in the 1970s (1995). Somatics has since made its way into the dance world, where by now it has achieved widespread recognition as a form of bodily knowledge. This article is concerned with the epistemological status of somatics and, therefore, with the discursive production characteristic of its methods and practices.The first value that we usually attribute to these practices is prophylactic: they serve to prevent professional accidents or provide functional rehabilitation following injuries. Although increasingly integrated into dancer training and dance pedagogy, somatics first found its way into dance as a means to limit accidents. Somatics is also often a resource for the improvement of virtuosity in dance. But it has nevertheless transformed pedagogy into a more “active” and exploratory experience for the student, in which physical sensations are more important than the mirroring and reproduction of forms (Fortin 1996, 2005; Fortin, Long, and Lord 2002). We often see it presented as a “counter power,” an antidote to dominant dance practices. This point of view is poorly documented—possibly because it would not hold up against a strong argument—but it is common knowledge that somatics stands opposed to virtuosity and the “perfect” body image, as seen, for example, in the role these techniques played in the early part of Trisha Brown's choreographic career.
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Sitri, Frédérique, und Marie Veniard. „Routines discursives, variation et normes de genre“. Langage et société 159, Nr. 1 (2017): 99. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/ls.159.0099.

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Drescher, Martina. „Entre routine conversationnelle et marqueur de discours : les usages depardondans certains français africains“. SHS Web of Conferences 46 (2018): 02005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20184602005.

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La dynamique du français en Afrique touche non seulement son lexique et sa grammaire, mais aussi son dispositif énonciatif, ses modes d’organisation du discours et, de façon générale, son niveau pragmaticodiscursif. Partant de données recueillies au Cameroun et au Burkina Faso, l’étude se focalise sur les emplois interjectifs depardon, qui semble évoluer d’une routine conversationnelle conversationnelle destinée à la gestion de l’interpersonnel vers un marqueur de discours avec des fonctions plus proprement discursives. Ces glissements dans le sens pragmatico-discursif depardonvont de pair avec un élargissement de son champ fonctionnel. Équivalent des’il vous plaîtdans de nombreux contextes, il s’annexe ses valeurs d’emphase et de focalisation tout en contribuant à la structuration de l’énoncé. Sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité, la présente étude vise une première systématisation des fonctions discursives depardondans les français camerounais et burkinabé. Pour conclure, elle revient sur la question de savoir si ces modifications fonctionnelles depardonsont dues à des interférences avec les langues de contact ou si elles renvoient plus globalement à des conventions de politesse et partant à une culture différente.
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Née, Emilie, Frédérique Sitri und Marie Veniard. „Pour une approche des routines discursives dans les écrits professionnels“. SHS Web of Conferences 8 (2014): 2113–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20140801195.

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Mattes, Astrid, Katharina Goetsch und Sieglinde Rosenberger. „Restoring Routine by Debating Tolerance? Discursive Responses to Jihadist Terrorist Attacks“. Politics, Religion & Ideology 18, Nr. 3 (03.07.2017): 264–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21567689.2017.1351955.

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Guryev, Alexander, und Pierre Larrivée. „Routines discursives comme contextes d’émergence de l’interrogative partielle in situ en diachronie“. Langue française N° 212, Nr. 4 (07.12.2021): 75–90. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/lf.212.0075.

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The paper is devoted to analyzing of the media brand routine’s socio discourse characteristics, where a brand embodied in the complex of strategic ideas. It is pointed that the use of the virtual media sphere is an essential tool for business strategies implementation. Social interaction as a discourse activity, taking place regarding to the brand in media space, is considered as an integral and discursive formation made up of the discursive practices’ system. Using concepts of discursive practices, discursive actors, and discourse communities allows rendering discursive brand communication in terms of Le Groupe Ducasse project. Discourse communities are identified according to discursive roles. Taking into consideration activity identifiers, all discursive practices can be divided into two major groups: brand-efferent and brend-afferent. Two types of discursive roles are specified: socio-categorical and situational. Socio-categorical roles, characterized by communicative behavioural stereotypes, are constant, developed according to socio-professional communities, and have afferent background. The brand’s leader, community of people involved with it, community of food experts, connoisseurs, and journalists are among them. Situational character of discursive roles is common for the representatives of the wide Internet community: consumers, potential customers, situational communicators. Brand discourse has interdiscursive character, and considered to be an activity directed discourse, while discursive practices help to implement the main strategic goal of image formation.
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Nurbayeva, А., und B. Karimova. „CHARACTERISTICS OF ADVERTISING TEXT AS A DISCURSIVE PRACTICE“. BULLETIN Series of Philological Sciences 74, Nr. 4 (09.12.2020): 151–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.51889/2020-4.1728-7804.31.

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The article is devoted to the study of approaches to the concept of discourse and discursive practice. In the course of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to address typical, routine, unproblematic, and therefore unnoticed discursive actions and events that are also part of the discourse. In this article, advertising is considered as one of the trends in consumer culture. The article reveals the nature of the impact of advertising on a person, the features of the moral content of advertising and the role of advertising in consumer society. The conclusion is made about the predominantly destructive influence of advertising on public culture. Ways to influence the advertising discourse to neutralize its negative potential are outlined. The concept of discursive practice in the aspect of linguistic analysis is considered. The basic principles of description are defined. The research focuses on the interaction of discourses and the formation of new discursive practices.
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Repnikova, Maria, und Keyu Alexander Chen. „Asymmetrical discursive competition: China–United States digital diplomacy in Africa“. International Communication Gazette 85, Nr. 1 (27.01.2023): 15–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/17480485221139460.

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This article examines China–US competition for narratives by analyzing whether and how Chinese and American diplomats engage each other in routine diplomatic outreach to African audiences on Twitter. Drawing on case studies of Kenya and South Africa, our study uncovers “asymmetrical discursive competition”—Chinese diplomatic accounts selectively launch discursive attacks (both defensive and offensive) on the United States, while the US diplomatic accounts tend to ignore China. We further find that in invoking the United States, Chinese diplomats largely bypass Africa and African issues, and instead, focus on contesting larger claims about China's legitimacy.
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Piskunova, Aleksandra. „Coal Region as a Discursive Construct: Meanings of Coal in the Kuzbass Media Routine“. Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological and Economic sciences 2022, Nr. 3 (15.08.2022): 285–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.21603/2500-3372-2022-7-3-285-297.

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In the Kemerovo Region, coal is a local socio-cultural construct that receives its substantive content through the local mass media discourse. Social studies of extractivism reveal the deep-rooted and significant impact of resource extraction on the modern society. This research relied on a discourse analysis of media routine and the meanings of coal it specifies. The method of discourse analysis is a phenomenological strategy of socio-cultural description; it clarifies the conceptual content of local media communities and registers the current state of the discursive environment. In the Kuzbass media, coal is an important resource that provides well-being, while coal mining is an extractive practice based on an unfair distribution of benefits and costs. This discourse objectifies the acts of collective signification of regional coal development activities. The economic discourse cultivates the idea of sustainable economic development of Kuzbass, while the ecological discourse defines the understanding of the specific coal-mining ecology. Media routine forms a social field of presence, where the regional community reproduces its collective identity and develops a language to describe the reality in which coal is the intersection point of economics, politics, ecology, and culture.
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Sousa, José Ismar Santos, Bárbara Tarouco da Silva, Lenice Dutra de Sousa Canuso, Franciele Roberta Cordeiro, Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira und Thicianne da Silva Roque. „Cuidados paliativos à pessoa idosa: rotina dos cuidadores familiares“. Revista Recien - Revista Científica de Enfermagem 12, Nr. 40 (21.12.2022): 292–303. http://dx.doi.org/10.24276/rrecien2022.12.40.292-303.

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Descrever o preparo dos familiares para cuidar de pessoas idosas com câncer em cuidados paliativos no domicílio e identificar as atividades de cuidado e as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos familiares ao realizarem o cuidado domiciliar. Estudo qualitativo realizado com dez familiares de pessoas idosas atendidas por um serviço de atenção domiciliar. Utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada e a técnica de análise textual discursiva. Emergiram três categorias: vivências da rotina do cuidador familiar da pessoa idosa com câncer em cuidados paliativos, sentimentos experienciados pelo cuidador familiar da pessoa idosa com câncer em cuidados paliativos e o processo de cuidar e as dificuldades enfrentadas pelo cuidador familiar. Constatou-se a importância da rede de apoio para os participantes, evitando a sobrecarga e fragilização da sua saúde. Conhecer as necessidades dos cuidadores familiares pode proporcionar subsídios para que os profissionais possam implementar estratégias de cuidado contribuindo para qualidade de vida. Descritores: Idoso, Cuidados Paliativos, Cuidadores, Enfermagem. Palliative care for the elderly: routine of family caregivers Abstract: To describe the preparation of family members to care for elderly people with cancer in palliative care at home and to identify care activities and difficulties faced by family members when performing home care. Qualitative study carried out with ten relatives of elderly people assisted by a home care service. The semi-structured interview and the discursive textual analysis technique were used. Three categories emerged: routine experiences of the family caregiver of the elderly person with cancer in palliative care, feelings experienced by the family caregiver of the elderly person with cancer in palliative care and the care process and the difficulties faced by the family caregiver. The importance of the support network for the participants was verified, avoiding the overload and weakening of their health. Knowing the needs of family caregivers can provide subsidies for professionals to implement care strategies contributing to quality of life. Descriptors: Aged, Palliative Care, Caregivers, Nursing. Cuidados paliativos del anciano: rutina de los cuidadores familiares Resumen: Describir la preparación de los familiares para el cuidado de ancianos con cáncer en cuidados paliativos domiciliarios e identificar las actividades de cuidado y las dificultades enfrentadas por los familiares al realizar el cuidado domiciliario. Estudio cualitativo realizado con diez familiares de ancianos asistidos por un servicio de atención domiciliaria. Se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada y la técnica de análisis textual discursivo. Emergieron tres categorías: vivencias cotidianas del familiar cuidador del anciano con cáncer en cuidados paliativos, sentimientos vividos por el familiar cuidador del anciano con cáncer en cuidados paliativos y el proceso de cuidar y las dificultades enfrentadas por el familiar cuidador. Se constató la importancia de la red de apoyo para los participantes, evitando la sobrecarga y debilitamiento de su salud. Conocer las necesidades de los cuidadores familiares puede proporcionar subsidios para que los profesionales implementen estrategias de cuidado que contribuyan a la calidad de vida. Descriptores: Anciano, Cuidados Paliativos, Cuidadores, Enfermería.
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Sambaraju, Rahul, Myles Sammon, Frank Harnett und Emma Douglas. „‘Her choice of course’: Negotiating legitimacy of ‘choice’ in abortion rights deliberations during the ‘Repeal the Eighth’ movement in Ireland“. Journal of Health Psychology 23, Nr. 2 (17.11.2017): 263–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1359105317741659.

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Discourses of ‘choice’ are routinely involved in sexual and reproductive rights’ advocacy. In this article, we offer a discursive psychological examination of how ‘choice’ is oriented to, in online deliberations on the ongoing movement for abortion rights in Ireland. Comment posters treated ‘choice’ as involving outcomes of and motives for choosing, in negotiating legitimacy of women’s rights to choose. These accompanied alternative versions of women, either as independent or as intimately bound up with pregnancy/motherhood, which were flexibly used in negotiation legitimacy of women’s rights to ‘choice’ in abortion practices. Choice advocacy is then situated in particular discursive practices.
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Hansson, Sten. „Anticipative strategies of blame avoidance in government“. Journal of Language and Politics 16, Nr. 2 (21.03.2017): 219–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/jlp.15019.han.

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Abstract Public communication practices of executive governments are often criticised by journalists, politicians, scholars, and other commentators. Therefore, government communication professionals routinely adopt various blame avoidance strategies, some of which are meant to ‘stop blame before it starts’ or to reduce their exposure to potential blame attacks. The linguistic aspects of such anticipative strategies are yet to be studied by discourse analysts. I contribute towards filling this gap by showing how written professional guidelines for government communicators could be interpreted as complex discursive devices of anticipative blame avoidance. I outline historically and institutionally situated issues of blame that inform the occupational habitus of government communicators in the UK. I bring examples from their propriety guidelines to illustrate how the use of certain discursive strategies limits the possible perceived blameworthiness of individual officeholders. I conclude by explicating the discursive underpinnings of two common operational blame avoidance strategies in government: ‘protocolisation’ and ‘herding’.
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Yee, Albert S. „The causal effects of ideas on policies“. International Organization 50, Nr. 1 (1996): 69–108. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0020818300001673.

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Behavioral, institutional, and discursive analyses of the causal effects of ideas on policies present various difficulties. Meaning-oriented behavioralism is hampered by its reliance on statistical associations and quasi-experimentation to make causal claims. Ideational institutionalism avoids these problems by focusing on institutional causal mechanisms. However, these mechanisms suffer from other problems and need to be complemented by an analysis of ideational causal mechanisms of capacities. Broadly construed “discursive” approaches, meanwhile, present important analyses of these ideational capacities but unfortunately routinely neglect their causal effects on policies. These dilemmas suggest that ideational analysis can be enhanced if discursivists attend more closely to the causal effects of ideational factors, while behavioralists and institutionalists pay greater attention to interpretive understanding, intersubjective meanings, and discursive practices. In so doing, opposing analytical approaches might engage in fruitful dialogue, or at the very least raise the level of their “third debate.”
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Sorrentino, Jasmin, Martha Augoustinos und Amanda Le Couteur. „“[It] does not explain everything … , nor does it explain nothing … it explains some things”: Australia's first female Prime Minister and the dilemma of gender“. Feminism & Psychology 29, Nr. 1 (12.09.2018): 19–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0959353518790595.

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Despite advances in the representation of women in positions of leadership, gender-based inequalities persist. A particular dilemma for female leaders concerns whether to acknowledge, or avoid talking about, their experiences of gender and gender inequality in public life. Routinely, women who confront such discrimination experience social and personal repercussions; however, those who remain silent are often criticised for failing to support women. This article takes a discursive psychological approach to accounts from Australia's first female Prime Minister of the role of gender in her leadership. Following her controversial ‘Sexism and Misogyny’ speech in the Australian parliament (2012), Julia Gillard addressed this topic repeatedly in public interviews and speeches, and these materials constitute the data for analysis. We describe the complex and flexible nature of the discursive work required in navigating topics of gender and discrimination, looking in detail at how Gillard routinely accounted for gender as relevant – or not – to her political leadership, and how her identity was constructed as part of that process.
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Saba, Claudia. „Mainstreaming Anti-colonial Discourse on Palestine: Mohammed El-Kurd’s Discursive Interventions“. Tripodos, Nr. 51 (27.01.2022): 49–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.51698/tripodos.2021.51p49-67.

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Palestinian activists have long maintained that the hegemonic discourse used to describe their predicament is unhelpful for understanding the nature of the so-called “conflict” in their country. They maintain that a discursive hegemony suppresses their voices and denies their lived experience. A high-profile case of a settler organization’s attempt to evict Palestinian families from their homes in Jerusalem brought visibility to a counter-hegemonic Palestinian discourse that challenges the dominant framing of the situation in Palestine/Israel. Through steadfast on-the-ground resistance that was powerfully documented online, attention was brought to an otherwise routine act of home dispos-session. This study examines the counter-hegemonic discourse advanced by one of the victims of the case as an example of a growing Palestinian tendency to frame Israeli actions through the prism of settler-colonialism. The article outlines the fundamentals of this discourse and traces synergies between Palestinian narratives of injustice and those of system-critical social movements concerned with issues of racism, militarism, and capitalism to examine how power-resistance discourses challenge extant modes of knowledge production.
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Coupland, Justine, und Nikolas Coupland. „“Old Age Doesn't Come Alone”: Discursive Representations of Health-in-Aging in Geriatric Medicine“. International Journal of Aging and Human Development 39, Nr. 1 (Juli 1994): 81–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.2190/2gm4-u3x6-ql19-g9yu.

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Traditional approaches to identity across the lifespan have assumed that age itself and generational statuses and roles determine “who we can be.” In contrast, a discursive perspective can show how, during interaction, we actively construct age-salient identities for ourselves and others through talk. Conversational processes of age-identity management are explored in a corpus of (United Kingdom) geriatric medical outpatient consultations. In diverse ways, doctors deny the age-relevance of medical troubles that their patients routinely endorse.
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Heyse, Petra. „'She has to be Prepared to Improve Herself': Shaping Femininities in Transnational Marriage Agencies in Russia“. Journal of Social Policy Studies 16, Nr. 2 (03.07.2018): 355–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.17323/727-0634-2018-16-2-355-370.

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Petra Heyse – Departement Taalkunde (IPrA Research Center), Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium. Email: petra.heyse@gmail.com This article draws on a broader research project that scrutinizes online / offline representational practices on transnational matchmaking websites featuring so-called 'Russian brides'. The central research question is: how are recurrent online representations related to gender (in intersection with other identity categories) co-constructed in the daily interactions between matchmaking staff and female clients on the floor of a marriage agency. To these aims, the researcher conducted participant observation in a transnational marriage agency in a Russian city and used linguistic ethnographic methodologies. The analysis for this article concentrates on the routine argumentative strategies that are used by matchmaking personnel to legitimate their intermediating role to Russian-speaking female clients in the case agency on the basis of in-depth interviews with agency staff and female clients. The analysis of discursive positioning in interviews with translators and female clients sheds light on the social order that is discursively created. This order is functional in defining and reproducing the commercial dependencies between matchmaking staff and female clients in a transnational globalized industry. This study demonstrates the way in which: (a) matchmaking personnel in the case study constructs subject positions in discourse – i. e. of transnational matchmaking experts and of female clients – by drawing on commonsensical public discourses of difference that encompass gender, age and nationality, and (b) matchmaking personnel affiliates with its clients by conceiving the matchmaking approach as an increasingly popular genre of self-improvement for Russian-speaking women.
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