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Langford, Victoria. „Investigation of eating distress and psychological difficulties“. Thesis, University of Warwick, 2010.

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This doctoral thesis examines the relationship between childhood sexual abuse, a proposed risk factor for eating disorders, and the development of eating disorders in women living within a highly specialised environment. The first chapter critically reviews recent literature examining the complex relationship between childhood sexual abuse and eating disorders. Psychological difficulties that are involved in this relationship are explored, methodological limitations and recommendations for future research are also discussed. In addition implications for clinical practice are considered. The second chapter is an empirical study exploring eating distress in women with Borderline Personality Disorder detained in a medium secure setting. The population was assessed using a number of standardised assessments and following this, women displaying signs of eating distress were interviewed to ascertain their in-depth views on food, eating behaviours and their opinion of the support and treatment available. The final chapter provides a reflective account of the author‟s experiences of carrying out sensitive research with women in secure services.
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Санников, К. А., und K. A. Sannikov. „Исследование представлений о трудностях консультирования у практикующих психологов и студентов психологических направлений подготовки : магистерская диссертация“. Master's thesis, б. и, 2021.

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Объектом исследования явились представления психологов о трудностях психологического консультирования. Предметом исследования стало содержание представлений о трудностях психологического консультирования у практикующих психологов и студентов психологических направлений подготовки. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (80 источников) и приложения, включающего в себя бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 140 страниц, на которых размещены 11 рисунков и 47 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная и дополнительные гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме трудностей психологического консультирования. Представлены разделы, посвященные особенностям клиента и особенностям консультанта. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: методу опроса экспертов; методу семантического дифференциала; методике незаконченных предложений; методике самооценки эмоционально-личностного благополучия Л.В. Карапетян, Г.А. Глотова; Методике диагностики эмоционального интеллекта Н. Холла; Методике диагностики уровня субъективного контроля Е. Ф. Бажина, Е. А. Голынкиной, Л. М. Эткинда. В главе представлен дескриптивный, сравнительный и корреляционный анализ результатов исследования, а также контент-анализ результатов исследования по методике незаконченных предложений и угловое преобразование Фишера. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам.
The research object was the representations of psychologists about the difficulties of psychological counseling. The research subject was the content of representations about the difficulties of psychological counseling among practicing psychologists and students of psychological training areas. The master’s thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (80 sources), and an appendix, which includes forms of the applied techniques. The master’s thesis volume is 140 pages, which contain 11 figures and 47 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the degree of development of the problem, sets the goal and objectives of the research, defines the research object and subject, formulates the main and additional hypotheses, specifies the methods and empirical base, as well as the research stages, scientific novelty, the theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the subject of the difficulties of psychological counseling. The sections devoted to the peculiar features of the client and the characteristics of the consultant are presented. The conclusions of the first chapter represent the results of the research of the theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the research empirical part. It contains the description of the organization and methods of the conducted research and the results obtained by all the techniques used: the method of interviewing experts; the method of semantic differential; the method of unfinished sentences; the method of self-assessment of emotional and personal well-being by L.V. Karapetyan, G.A. Glotova; the method for diagnosing emotional intelligence by N. Hall; the method of diagnosis of the level of subjective control by E.F. Bazhin, E.A. Golynkina, L.M. Etkind. The chapter presents a descriptive, comparative, and correlation analysis of the research results, as well as a content analysis of the research results under the method of unfinished sentences and the Fisher angular transformation. The conclusion summarizes the results of the research theoretical and empirical parts, as well as the findings on the hypotheses put forward.
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Ferguson, Heather. „How do male military veterans cope with psychological difficulties?“ Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2015.

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This thesis consists of three sections: a systematic review, an empirical paper and the appendices, which are intended to support the empirical paper. The two papers are intended for publication in different journals and are written in the style required by those journals. Thesis Overview In the UK, a military veteran is defined by the government as anyone who has served in the armed forces for at least one day; they will simply be referred to as veterans from here on. The mental health of veterans is very much in the public awareness, especially due to the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Research dedicated to this area has mostly used quantitative methodologies, focused on Post-traumatic stress disorder and has been conducted in the United States. The research, and the media, has a tendency to give a more negative overview of veteran’s mental health, and their health outcomes, by emphasising such difficulties as substance misuse and offending behaviour. Therefore the aim of this thesis was to start to fill in the gaps. This was achieved by reviewing and adopting qualitative methodologies and involving British veterans. The research aimed to explore the possibility of positive change after military service, and veterans own views on how they experience and cope with psychological difficulties. By knowing more about veterans’ experiences, from veterans’ themselves, we will be more able to inform services and tailor the support to improve their outcomes and enhance their well-being. The term Post-traumatic growth (PTG) is relatively new, but the concept of growth out of adversity dates back to at least the 1960s. PTG was introduced by Tedeschi and Calhoun to describe positive psychological change resulting from experiencing traumatic events. It is conceptualised as a long-term coping strategy for ongoing stress following adversity (Tedeschi & Calhoun, 2004). Positive growth has been indicated in the experiences of people after a range of traumatic events but the types and levels of trauma experienced by military personnel are unique. This is because they may endure multiple and chronic trauma, they have voluntarily put themselves in harm’s way and they could experience combat exposure both as victim and perpetrator (Linley & Joseph, 2004; Larner & Blow, 2011; Larner, 2013). Research suggesting that veterans can experience PTG has tended to focus on quantitative aspects of prevalence and influential factors, with no qualitative review of how veterans actually experience PTG. Chapter one of this thesis is a systematic review of the qualitative literature exploring veterans’ subjective experiences of PTG after military service. It aims to highlight those areas more prone to growth and to help inform interventions that may facilitate this process. To enable us to inform interventions to promote positive change, it is important to know how veterans are coping with psychological difficulties from their own perspective. Chapter two of this thesis is an empirical study that explored the way veterans from the North West of England, who had accessed a veterans’ psychology service, are coping with psychological difficulties. Q Methodology (Stephenson, 1935) was used to provide a systematic and non-threatening way to collect a large range of subjective viewpoints. The paper discusses the clinical implications of the findings and recommendations for future research within the context of the strengths and limitations of the study. It is hoped the findings will increase the awareness of this complex area, highlight the need for more research and aid the development of more targeted interventions focused on those more adaptive and growth promoting coping processes.
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Creswell, Amy. „Biblical analyses of various psychological systems“. Online full text .pdf document, available to Fuller patrons only, 2000.

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Fall, Kevin A. „The Characteristics of Psychological Safety in Group Counseling“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 1997.

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Psychological safety is a concept mentioned throughout the literature as a necessary component in the process of change in group counseling. Despite its frequent mention, no study has examined the characteristics of psychological safety. The purpose of this study was to lay the groundwork for a definition of the concept of psychological safety using self reports of group leaders and group members on a constructed Likert format psychological safety questionnaire of three attributional categories: self, other members, and leader. The study utilized group members (n = 44) and group leaders (n = 4) participating in laboratory groups as a part of a counseling related masters curriculum. The questionnaires were filled out on the first, eighth (middle), and fourteenth (last) sessions. Hierarchies for characteristics and attribution were constructed by using a summing procedure of the Likert responses. Results on the attribution of psychological safety by group members showed a consistent pattern over the three time measures. Group members reported leaders as the most attributed to facilitating psychological safety, other members as second, and self as least attributed to facilitate psychological safety. Group leaders showed no apparent agreement between groups, but each group leader attributed psychological safety consistently over time within one's own group. Results on the characteristics of psychological safety yielded a comprehensive list of characteristics, arranged in hierarchical format, as reported by both group members and leaders. Results indicated that psychological safety has some core concepts in each of the attributional categories. For group members, the characteristics of "warmth and support" and "active listening" were stable across every attributional category and time measure. For group leaders, "self disclosing feelings", "warmth and support", and "responding in an emotional, feeling manner" were reported in every time measure and attributional category. Characteristics that had a negative effect on psychological safety and recommendations for future research were also discussed.
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Saxe, Vernon E. „Christian counseling and psychological testing is man measurable? /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1994.

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DeGaetano, Jessica McCarthy. „The Role of Psychological Flexibility in Injury Rehabilitation“. Thesis, Kean University, 2014.

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The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of psychosocial factors and psychological flexibility on rehabilitation protocol adherence in a sample of injured collegiate athletes. Self-report measures were given to injured athletes prior to the outset of a physical rehabilitation protocol, and a measure of rehabilitation adherence for each athlete was completed by the Chief Athletic Trainer upon the completion of rehabilitation. Logistic regression analyses with bootstrapping were conducted to determine if broad psychosocial factors such as those indicated within the BBHI – 2, and level of psychological flexibility as measured by the AAQ – 2 would significantly predict engagement and adherence to a rehabilitation protocol. The AAQ – 2 was found to significantly contribute to the overall logistic regression model. This measure would give medical providers a way to quickly and quantitatively assess for the presence of potentially problematic behavioral responding that has been demonstrated to negatively impact the course of rehabilitation.

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Patel, Kajal. „Identification of vulnerability to psychological difficulties in second generation South Asian women“. Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 2003.

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Existing studies suggest that the high rates of mental health problems among second generation or UK born Asians are due to "culture conflict", that is, the idea that individuals are stuck between two incompatible cultures. The aim of this study was to explore how the experience of being raised in both Asian and native British culture impacts upon the mental health of second generation Asian women. Thirty women participated in this study and were categorised into two groups (clinical vs. non-clinical) according to 'caseness', which was determined on the basis of a screening questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ- 12; Goldberg, 1972). A more detailed psychological profile of participants was provided using the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI; Derogatis and Melisaratos, 1983). These groups were compared on a range of identity parameters drawn from Identity Structure Analysis (ISA; Weinreich, 1979,1980), which is a meta-theoretical framework designed to investigate cultural identity and acculturation. The results indicated that both the clinical and non-clinical groups identified closely with Asian and native British culture, which suggests that both groups viewed themselves as being bicultural. There were no differences between the groups in the extent to which they wished to dissociate from the values of their parents and representatives of Asian culture. The clinical group were significantly more likely to view fathers and first generation Asian females as having some qualities which they identified with and some which they wished to dissociate from, thereby creating a conflictual state (identification conflicts), than the non-clinical group. When these identification conflicts were considered across a range of significant others (identity diffusion), there was no difference between the groups. Identity diffusion was positively correlated with some of the BSI symptom dimensions for the clinical group and negatively correlated for the non-clinical group. The results imply that even women who consider themselves to be bicultural experience psychological distress, which is in contrast with much of the literature. The results also suggest that potential psychological stressors include the experience of integrating the conflicting demands of home and wider society. When identifications with a range of significant others were highly conflictual in nature this was associated with a negative effect on one's sense of well-being, however when this was experienced to a milder degree it appeared to serve as a trigger for identity development.
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Attawar, A. „Exploring socioeconomic and psychological factors associated with stress and difficulties in families“. Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2017.

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Schellenbach, Breanne M. „Relational Aggression| Exploration From a Depth Psychological Perspective“. Thesis, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2014.

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This thesis explores relational aggression within the context of the female gender. Relational aggression is addressed from an evolutionary, depth psychological, and research-oriented perspective. The question asked in this thesis is: Why do women participate in relational aggression against other women? This thesis uses hermeneutic and heuristic methodologies to excavate the feminine shadow. The author explores why women relationally aggress and examines the place of relational aggression within Western patriarchal society. Support for this work includes current research on relational aggression, exploration of objectification of the female gender, evolutionary theories, the depth psychological perspective, and personal thoughts.

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Matthews, Jessica M. „Relational Victimization in Adolescence: A Mdel of Factors Increasing Risk for Psychological Difficulties“. Fogler Library, University of Maine, 2005.

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Gallagher, Laura. „Attachment : an exploration of the experiences of young offenders presenting with psychological difficulties“. Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2010.

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Butler, Davinia. „Children's emotional relationships with their parents : Associations with family environment and psychological difficulties“. Thesis, Bangor University, 2010.

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Sonstegard, M., James Bitter und P. Pelonis-Peneros. „From Cain to Columbine: A Psychological Anatomy of Violence“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2001.

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Mashhadi, A. H. „What is the nature of the understanding of the concept of wave-particle duality among advanced level physics students?“ Thesis, University of Oxford, 1996.

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Choi, Seong-In. „Measurement of attitudes toward counseling scale development /“. Muncie, Ind. : Ball State University, 2008.

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Smith, Erica Frances. „Lost moon| A depth psychological and interpetive phenomenological analysis of adolsecent heartbreak“. Thesis, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2015.

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Loving is an authentic psychological task. Falling in love is a creative act, an initiatory process, and an opportunity for psychological transformation. Adolescence is a phase of life when one lives on the border, no longer a child, not yet an adult. It is during this phase when psychic and cultural imbalances are most acutely felt, making heartbreak and loss particularly difficult. This dissertation asks: how does the loss of first love, leading to a journey of descent, transform an adolescent girl's identity? This study explores the view that when we begin to view loss not as a failure, but as a journey of discovery and meaning, the adolescent girl will be transformed in a positive way.

Review of the literature establishes the work in the overlap of four key areas of study: psychological perspectives on adolescence, images of ritual of initiation, experiences of grief and loss of love for adolescents, and popular culture studies featuring adolescence. The depth psychological perspective allows commonly held beliefs about romance and love to be held up to question, most explicitly the romantic notion of the Magical Other, the idea that another person is responsible for our happiness. Depression is an important part of the initiatory process if we are to raise consciousness and make space for a new way of being.

Utilizing interpretive phenomenological analysis as a research methodology, six women shared their stories of heartbreak in an interview format. Although each case is analyzed individually, in each account there are several overlapping themes, most notably around the shadow side of love. Some encountered suffering through the loss of the relationship, whereas others during the relationship. Each participant experienced love's pathos in relationship to power, emotions, culture, sexuality, and the media. The findings of this study suggest that if we can view heartbreak as an initiatory step towards wisdom, this may help teenage girls change their view of their darkest moments as opportunities toward a meaningful life.

Key words: adolescence, depth psychology, heartbreak, initiation, love, grief.

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Mullen, Ashlyne. „The Role of Psychological Flexibility in Procrastination“. Thesis, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2015.

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Ninety-five percent of college students procrastinate (O'Brien, 2002), often leading to poor grades (van Eerde, 2003) and anxiety (Rothblum, Solomon, & Murakami, 1986). People seek to avoid aversive stimuli, therefore the more aversive a situation, the more one will avoid (Steel, 2007). This includes avoidance of a task or situation, and experiences associated with that task. Rather than changing ineffective behavior, many suppress or avoid negative experiences, often resulting in ineffective functioning (Hayes, Luoma, Bond, Masuda, & Lillis, 2006). This process, experiential avoidance, is at the core of the psychological flexibility model and is linked to psychopathology (Hayes & Gifford, 1997). Given that procrastination is an avoidant behavior, applying this model can be a useful treatment method. The current study examines the impact of a flexibility-based intervention on procrastination with college students using both EMA and questionnaire assessments. As predicted, results indicated a significant relationship between procrastination and psychological inflexibility. Following an ACT intervention, procrastination decreased, while committed action significantly increased. Moderation analyses did not indicate psychological flexibility as affecting the strength of procrastination over time. Implications for future procrastination studies using EMA are discussed.

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Tedgård, Ulf. „Prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia psychological, social and ethical aspects /“. Malmö : Dept. of Pediatrics, University Hospital of Malmö, University of Lund, 1999.

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Rock, Stephen. „A study of the relationship between transliminality and interpersonal difficulties : is the severity of interpersonal difficulties related to sensitivity to unconscious psychological material?“ Thesis, University of East London, 2014.

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Despite a growing literature supporting the view of a dynamic unconscious, there have been few attempts to empirically investigate the role of unconscious processes in relation to existing models of psychopathology. In this study, the concept of transliminality (defined as ‘a hypothesised tendency for psychological material (trans) thresholds (limines) into or out of consciousness’, Thalbourne & Houran, 2000, p. 853) and a standardised self-report measure of this construct were used to explore relationships between unconscious processes and interpersonal difficulties. Transliminality and two of the central components of the mentalization-based model of interpersonal difficulties – attachment hyperactivity and mentalization, were examined. The mentalization model was seen as a fitting context for this investigation given that mentalization draws on attachment theory, psychoanalytic principles and makes reference to unconscious processes. Using standardised self-report measures this study attempted to answer two research questions. Firstly, is transliminality related to interpersonal difficulties and what is the nature of this relationship? Secondly, does transliminality mediate the effects of mentalization and attachment hyperactivation on interpersonal difficulties? These questions were investigated using a clinical sample recruited from two NHS specialist adult psychological therapies services (N = 16) receiving referrals for those between the age of 18 to 65 and a non-clinical sample (N = 60). The data from the non-clinical sample revealed that transliminality, mentalization and attachment hyperactivity were all predictors of interpersonal difficulties. The variance uniquely accounted for by each predictor and the lack of relationships between them, was seen as a reflection of these constructs representing distinct psychological processes that contribute to interpersonal difficulties. Kernberg’s (1975) notion of borderline continuum and Kelly’s (1955, 1977) personal construct theory were used to explain the role of translimality. The etiological pathways common to psychosis and interpersonal difficulties were seen as a possible explanation as to why high levels of transliminality are found in both of these populations. It is hypothesised that a necessity to revise constructs more frequently in response to traumas is facilitated by transliminal states, which allow construct boundaries to shift. Clinical implications and future research possibilities are considered in light of these findings.
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Hayat, Roshanai Afsaneh. „Psychological and Behavioral Aspects of Receiving Genetic Counseling for Hereditary Cancer“. Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Vårdvetenskap, 2010.

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The overall aims of this thesis were to investigate psychological and behavioral effects of receiving cancer genetic counseling for breast, ovarian and colorectal cancer and/or with a family history of these cancer types and to determine whether counselees’ informational needs were met. Study I was performed 3-7 years post-counseling. Participants (n=214) reported a relatively high level of anxiety but a low level of depression compared to cancer patients in general. However, there was no indication that the distress experienced was due to the counseling. Moderate changes in life and family relations, high level of adherence to recommended controls and satisfaction was reported. Study II was a randomized control trial (RCT) intervention study which involved 147 counselees. An increase in the level of knowledge and correct estimation of personal risk was reported in both the intervention and control groups, although this increase declined at later follow-up. Enhanced information led to significantly greater satisfaction with the given information, and the way of informing relatives. Most counselees had shared information with their at-risk relatives. Study III focused on sharing information with at-risk relatives among participants in study II and their relatives (n=81). Counselees were interviewed and answered a questionnaire, whilst their relatives only answered the questionnaire. Counselees reported positive/neutral feelings about communicating genetic information and mostly interpreted their relatives’ reactions as positive/ neutral. Also, approximately 50% of relatives reported positive/neutral reactions and were generally satisfied with the received information. Study IV was conducted in Sweden and Norway based on 235 counselees. Counselees expected counselors to be skillful and thoughtful, take them seriously and provide risk estimations and medical information. Most important issues to counselees were satisfactorily addressed by the counselors. Analyzing importance rankings resulted in five categories of needs: a need for facts, caring communication and medical information, need for understanding and support in sharing genetic information, practical care and medical/practical information. In conclusion, no adverse psychological or behavioral effect on counselees was observed. Apparently, genetic counseling is managed properly and counselors successfully address counselees’ needs. Providing extended information does not seem necessary, however, tailoring information to individual counselees needs may create a more effective counseling.
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Pfohl, Anne Hartley. „Factors Influencing Psychological Help Seeking Attitudes and Behavior in Counseling Trainees“. The Ohio State University, 2010.

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Kutsko, Kathleen A. „Personality and Empathy in Counseling Students“. Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2019.

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Park, Christine M. „Experiences of High School Noncompleters With Emotional and Psychological Challenges“. ScholarWorks, 2019.

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High school noncompleters are those who did not earn a high school diploma. Before their early departure from high school, noncompleters often struggled with challenges (poverty, mental health, addiction, and emotional and physical abuse). Some enter remedial education to earn their equivalency credential. However, in this setting, they experience additional challenges, such as increased responsibility, stress, and anxiety. The problem surrounding the experiences of noncompleters has implications for counseling due to the limited use of and access to counseling as well as the disproportionate amount of mental health concerns and adversity among noncompleters. Current literature informs of the challenges noncompleters face, however more in-depth information on their experiences is still needed. The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to address this gap and explore how adult remedial learners experience emotional and psychological challenges before dropping out and while enrolled in an equivalency program. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 noncompleters ages 18-25 who were enrolled in adult remedial education classes in Hawaii, spoke English as their primary language, and self-reported experiencing emotional and psychological challenges. Data analysis through the hermeneutic circle yielded 11 themes: external adversity; interpersonal, emotional, psychological, and school struggles; maladaptive behaviors; high school equivalency is positive; external and internal protective factors; counseling is positive; and counseling limitations. From a social change perspective, results can be used to improve counseling services, reduce adversity, and improve outcomes for noncompleters.
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Pimpinella, Emily R. „Dealing with Suffering: A Comparison of Religious and Psychological Perspectives“. Antioch University / OhioLINK, 2011.

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Jenkins, David R. „Enhancing integration of psychological and theological reflection on caregiving practice implications for CPE curricula /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2009.

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Lynch, Jaclyn L. „Stuck in Transition: The Difficulties Young Women Face in Exiting Abusive Relationships“. Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2016.

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Underwood, Sandra Wells. „Psychological characteristics of noncustodial fathers involved in child custody litigation“. W&M ScholarWorks, 1987.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate differences, if any, in the psychological characteristics of separated and/or divorced non-custodial fathers involved in child custody litigation. Three groups of fathers were investigated and delineated by length of time involved in litigation. Psychological characteristics examined included self-concept, affective states, depression, locus of control, and parental attitudes of confidence, causation, acceptance, understanding, and trust.;The sample of the population used in this study was 49 volunteers obtained from such sources as counselors, attorneys, and support and advocacy groups.;The specific variables proposed were investigated using discriminant function analysis with the direct method. No significant discriminant function was derived on any of the variables as indicated by chi-square (x{dollar}\sp2{dollar} {dollar}\{lcub}{dollar}18{dollar}\{rcub}{dollar}, 10.6, p {dollar}>{dollar}.05).;The results of this study suggest that litigating and non-litigating non-custodial fathers are much healthier than current literature based on observation, and not empirical data, suggests.;Further study is needed on non-custodial fathers and their ability to nurture. In addition, studies concerning loss and the effects of loss for non-custodial fathers is also needed. There is such a paucity of empirical data on non-custodial fathers that any study conducted on this group could only add to our knowledge of these parents.
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Russell, Lucy Elizabeth. „Positive and negative core beliefs in adolescents : their relationship to well-being and psychological difficulties“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2005.

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Chaichanasakul, Adipat. „Examining multicultural counseling competencies among racial/ethnic minority and international psychological trainees“. Diss., Columbia, Mo. : University of Missouri-Columbia, 2008.

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Thesis (M.A.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2008.
The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file. Title from title screen of research.pdf file (viewed on August 25, 2008) Includes bibliographical references.
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Theall, Tina M. „Role conflict, psychological strain, and satisfaction with supervision in counseling graduate students“. Virtual Press, 1991.

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Supervision is seen as an essential and important element in the training of counselors. As trainees receive much of their role definition from their supervisors, an unsatisfactory supervisory relationship where the trainee is experiencing incongruence between his or her beliefs about his or her role in the counseling situation and the messages being received from the supervisor can be seen as a source of stress and frustration. The present study was designed to examine the relationship between role conflict, satisfaction with supervision, and psychological strain.Results indicate there is a significant positive relationship between theoretical congruence and satisfaction with supervision. No significant positive relationships were found, however, between role conflict and psychological strain, or between theoretical congruence and psychological strain. Additionally, no significant negative relationships were found between role conflict and theoretical congruence or between role conflict and satisfaction with supervisionFurthermore, post hoc analysis revealed significant relationships by gender. In males, for example, a significant negative relationship was found between supervisory working alliance and role conflict.In females, a significant positive relationship was found between theoretical congruence and supervisory working alliance.
Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
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Koonz, Marta. „Soul-Centered Coaching| Encouraging Psychological Creativity within a Life Coaching Partnership“. Thesis, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2018.

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James Hillman (1972) declared, “What the psyche has experienced during the past seventy years in analytical therapy should also be possible for it wherever it goes” (p. 5). As a life coach—someone who starts from a place of curiosity—I became curious. Did this mean that the imaginal practices of depth psychology could be used within a life coaching container? Could imaginal practices such as Jung’s active imagination and Hillman’s personifying work in a life coaching partnership? What benefits might life coaching clients gain through creating a connection with psychic figures? What would a life coach—or a depth psychologist—need to merge these two ways of engaging with individuals, both in terms of training and resources? And, finally, what does each profession—life coaching and depth psychology—obtain from such a merger? Using the methodology of hermeneutic phenomenology, I entered into a six-session soul-centered coaching partnership with three participants. Each took part in six sessions designed to develop their psychological creativity while experiencing a coaching relationship. Factoring in my own observations, as well as the personal accounts of the participants, I found that imaginal practices positively impacted participants’ abilities to connect with and move through their life transitions. This merging of the two professions would require life coaches to undergo extensive learning in depth psychology, and depth psychologists to acquire professional coaching skills, but this study holds forth promise for a blending of the two fields.

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Alderson, Taylor. „The Shame Complex| A Depth Psychological Exploration of Shame“. Thesis, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2018.

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This thesis is an alchemical hermeneutic exploration of shame from the depth psychological perspective of a complex. Literature is reviewed related to a definition of the shame complex and understanding its etiology and phenomenological and psychological effects. Through a depth psychological analysis of the author’s personal experience, which includes developing and living with a shame complex, the path toward healing shame is realized as the ability to find the courage to uncover and disclose a personal narrative in the presence of an empathetic analyst, who had the competence to contain and bear witness to his client’s story. For the author, this courageous act has allowed a transformative journey from living with the dehumanizing, toxic effects of shame to realizing a healthy, integrated, humanizing, and enriched quality of life.

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Fanning, Golden G. „Academic Stress and Academic Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Psychological Health in College Students“. Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2016.

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Carnicella, Robert P. „The effect of environmental and psychological coping resources on unemployed adults' well-being“. Thesis, State University of New York at Albany, 2014.

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Gowan and Gatewood's (1997) theory of coping with job loss provided a framework for studying how individuals cope with the stress of unemployment. Previous empirical evidence identified social support and financial resources as predictors of unemployed adults' coping outcomes. McKee-Ryan, Song, Wanberg, and Kinicki (2005), however, noted the need for further research to better understand the environmental and psychological coping resources used by unemployed adults. Savickas (2005) hypothesized that individuals who endorse greater amounts of adaptable thinking about their careers will also report a greater sense of well-being during career transitions. Thus, the present study examined how environmental and psychological coping resources are related to unemployed adults' well-being. In particular, this study tested whether career adaptability mediated the relationships between environmental coping resources (i.e., social support and financial resources) and well-being. Using a sample of 207 unemployed adults, it was hypothesized that career adaptability would mediate the relationship between social support and well-being and between financial resources and well-being. The SEM analyses indicated problems with the fit of the hypothesized measurement model, and thus the hypotheses were unable to be tested. Limitations of the current study's findings are discussed to inform future research and theory building. In particular, characteristics of the current sample, measurement problems, and the possible mismatch between this study's sample and Gowan and Gatewood's (1997) coping with job loss theory are discussed.

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Garcia, Stephanie Elaine. „The helper and gatekeeper: Graduate mental health educators and trainees in psychological distress“. Cleveland State University / OhioLINK, 2020.

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Bernard, Julia M. „Adults with Dyslexia: Psychological Manifestation of Compensation and Sibling Views of Overachievers“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2018.

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Cherry, M. G. „Psychological processes associated with expressed emotion in carers of people with long-term mental health difficulties“. Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2016.

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Approximately six and a half million people in the United Kingdom (UK) provide unpaid care to others, typically family members or close friends, with this number projected to rise to nine million by 2037 (Carers UK, 2014). Of these, approximately 13% (equivalent to one in 10 people in the UK) provide care to someone with a long-term mental health difficulty, saving the UK economy an estimated 17 billion per year (Yeandle & Buckner, 2015). Caring for someone with a long-term mental health difficulty can be a challenging and emotional experience, with carers often displaying higher levels of anxiety, depression, and general psychological distress than members of the general population (Kuipers, Onwumere, & Bebbington, 2010; Perlick et al., 2007). As such, a strong moral and financial argument can be made for developing effective, flexible and inclusive services and interventions which support carers in their roles and safeguard their wellbeing (Department of Health, 2014). Family interventions (FIs) are currently the main avenue of professional support recommended for carers of people with long-term mental health difficulties (American Psychiatric Association, 2004; Bucci, Berry, Barrowclough, & Haddock, 2016; Galletly, et al., 2016; National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2014). Their development emerged from research demonstrating the important role that family factors, specifically the family environment, plays in influencing psychological outcomes for both carers and service-users (Barrowclough & Hooley, 2003; Hooley, 2000, 2007). This began in the mid-20th century, as the notion of the 'schizophrenogenic mother'2 gained widespread popularity within the psychiatric profession (Fromm-Reichmann, 1948; Lidz, Cornelison, & Singer, 1964). Around the same time, Bateson and colleagues (1956; 1963) proposed that the communication difficulties often considered characteristic of individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia may actually arise as a result of 'double bind' communication patterns within families, rather than as a result of underlying abnormal brain pathology. To this end, Bateson and colleagues (1956) advocated that particular family constellations could be identified as aetiological factors for schizophrenia. Developments in psychological and psychiatric theory, coupled with a changing sociocultural landscape, meant that by the mid-1970s the notion of the 'schizophrenogenic mother' was largely discredited. However, rather than ceasing, research into the importance of the family environment gained increasing momentum with the progression of deinstitutionalisation. To date, the most influential body of research in this area has focused upon 'expressed emotion'. This term emerged from a series of research studies investigating the influence that the family environment had upon the relapse rates of men diagnosed with schizophrenia following their return to the community after a period of hospitalisation (Brown, Carstairs, & Topping, 1958; Brown, 1959; Brown, Monck, Carstairs, & Wing, 1962; Brown & Rutter, 1966; Brown, Birley, & Wing, 1972; Leff & Vaughn, 1985; Rutter & Brown, 1966; Vaughn & Leff, 1976a, 1976b). In a series of seminal studies, Brown and colleagues (1958; 1959) noted significantly higher relapse and re-admission rates among service-users who had returned to live either in large hostels or with their parents or wives than among those who had returned to live with their siblings or in lodgings. This finding could not be accounted for by factors such as the service-user's age or clinical presentation, leading Brown (1959) to initially conclude that "it may not always be in the schizophrenic patient's best interests for him to be returned to his family" (pp. 128). In a series of further studies, Brown and colleagues (1962; 1966; 1972) identified four indices of family environment associated with post-discharge relapse rates: emotional over-involvement (EOI), critical comments (CC), hostility and warmth (Table 1).
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Scholes, Catherine. „An investigation into interventions for individuals at high risk of developing psychological difficulties following traumatic injury“. Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2004.

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Adler, Michal. „Psychological difficulties in new refugee-immigrants as a temporary and transitional display of coping adaptive processes“. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1988.

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A majority of refugee-immigrants experience a variety of psychological difficulties during their resettlement in a new country. Using a sentence completion method, this study tested a hypothesis that in a majority of refugee-immigrants the manifested difficulties were of temporary and transitional character. Eighty subjects completed 51-item Incomplete Sentence Blank questionnaires: 20 Canadian-born individuals, 20 refugee-immigrants living 1-3 years in Canada, 20 refugee-immigrants living 5-7 years in Canada, and 20 refugee-immigrants living in Canada over 8 years. All refugee-immigrants were of Czechoslovakian origin. Sample groups were matched in sex, age, and education of subjects. The questionnaire was designed to reflect different levels of satisfaction with self, others, and the whole environment. The responses were quantified and evaluated blindly by three independent judges; the higher score was expressing the higher subject's dissatisfaction. Analysis of variance and consequent multiple comparisons showed that the mean score of the sample of refugee-immigrants living in Canada 1-3 years was significantly higher than the mean scores of all other investigated samples; the differences in mean scores between other samples were not significant. In all sample groups, t-tests did not indicate significant differences in scoring between females and males. Fifty-one analyses of variance and multiple comparisons identified separate questionnaire items on which "new" immigrants scored significantly higher than all or some of other sample groups. These items highlighted the adaptive nature of difficulties experienced by the majority of "new" immigrants. Three brief case studies supported these results. Other related findings included suspicious attitudes found mainly in new immigrants, comments on questionnaire forms differentiating between samples, and the topic of "refugee dreams". All findings seem to indicate that for the majority of new refugee-immigrants the psychological difficulties experienced during their resettlement are of temporary and transitional character, a natural expression of their coping adaptive struggles in a new environment.
Education, Faculty of
Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education (ECPS), Department of
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Lee, Eunah Kim. „Effects of Three Interventions with International College Students Referred for Adjustment and Language Difficulties: A Preliminary Study“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 2007.

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This quasi-experimental study examined the effects of three interventions with international college students referred for adjustment and language difficulties. Fifty-four international students were assigned to treatment groups including expressive group counseling (n = 14), group speech therapy (n = 14), interdisciplinary counseling/speech intervention (n = 13), and the no treatment control (n = 13). Three null hypotheses were analyzed using a two factor repeated measures analysis of variance to determine whether the four treatment groups behaved differently across time according to pre- and posttest results of the ASR Total and Internalizing Problems scales and the CCSR total scores. Two null hypotheses were rejected at the alpha .05 level of statistical significance with large treatment effects. Post hoc analyses were conducted when a statistically significant interaction effect was found. The no treatment control group was established as a baseline to examine how each intervention group performed over time when compared to the no treatment control group. Results of the post hoc analysis for Total Problems indicated that international students in all three treatment groups demonstrated statistically significant improvements in total behavior problems at the alpha .025 level (Expressive counseling: p = .002, Speech: p = .01, and Interdisciplinary: p = .003) and large treatment effects (partial η2 = .33, .24, and .31, respectively), thus indicating all three may be considered effective mental health treatments to target international students' total behavior problems. Results of the post hoc analysis for Internalizing Problems indicated that the interdisciplinary counseling/speech intervention was statistically significant (p = .02) in lowering internalizing problems and had a large treatment effect (partial η2 = .22). The expressive group counseling intervention also demonstrated a large treatment effect (partial η2 = .15) although not a statistically significant level (p = .04). The large treatment effects obtained for both interventions highlight the benefit of expressive group counseling as a sole intervention, as well as when combined with group speech therapy, for ameliorating international students' internalizing problems.
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Hlalele, M. K. „An exploratory study of the psychological impact of HIV/AIDS patients on the counsellor“. Diss., Pretoria : [s.n.], 2004.

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Zhang, Naijian. „Acculturation and counseling expectancies : Asian international students' attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help“. Virtual Press, 1998.

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Coming to the United States, international students face numerous cross-cultural adjustment difficulties. Asian international students have had the most cross-cultural difficulties among all international students. Helping Asian international students deal with their life stress has become a challenge for American counselors and psychologists.Studies on the attitude toward seeking professional psychological help have been done primarily with African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans. As the population of Asian international students increases, it becomes important that the attitudes of Asian international students toward seeking professional psychological help be examined. The present study examined the relationship between Asian international students' levels of acculturation and their attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. In addition, this study explored the relationships between Asian international students' levels of acculturation and their recognition of need for psychotherapeutic help, their stigma tolerance, their interpersonal openness, and their confidence in mental health practitioners.One hundred and seventy Asian international students from one Midwestern university and one Northeastern university participated in this study. Participants completed two questionnaires and a demographic profile sheet: (1) the Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation Scale-International (SL-ASIA-I); (2) the Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale (ATSPPHS); and (3) the demographic sheet which included country of origin, religious beliefs, plans/intentions to stay in U.S., the length of time in the U.S., previous therapy experiences, age, gender, education, major, marital status, and children. Two hypotheses were tested: (1) There was a significant relationship between Asian international students' acculturation levels and their attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help; (2) The higher levels of acculturation the Asian international students had, the more positive their attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to predict Asian international students' attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help.As was expected, a significant relationship between Asian international students' levels of acculturation and their attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help was observed. In addition, significant correlations were perceived between Asian international students' levels of acculturation and their stigma tolerance and their confidence in mental health practitioners. Discussions of these findings and limitations and recommendations for future research were presented.
Department of Secondary, Higher, and Foundations of Education
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Ludford, Geoffrey Wayne. „Psychological and psychosocial responses of women seeking pregnancy counseling to HIV antibody testing“. W&M ScholarWorks, 1994.

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The purpose of this descriptive investigation was to study the reactions of women, specifically women who were seeking pregnancy counseling, to the psychological and psychosocial impact of HIV antibody testing. A questionnaire was developed that surveyed women on HIV knowledge, behaviors associated with HIV infection, and locus of control issues related to the disease. Additionally, questions regarding the stigma and discrimination associated with the disease were posed that may have acted as barriers to taking the HIV antibody test. Finally, supplemental questions related to HIV and the issue of abortion were also presented.;The sample for this research consisted entirely of women who were new or returning clients of Planned Parenthood. Four sites from Planned Parenthood in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia were utilized. One hundred and four women completed the survey. The ages of women sampled ranged from 12 to above 50. Median age range for this sample was 21-25 years of age. Other demographic information presented a composite of mostly white, lower socioeconomic status, high school to college educated women.;Eighty four women indicated that they would take the HIV antibody test; twelve indicated that they would decline taking it. However, many of the women who said that they would take the HIV antibody test had not taken the test at the time the survey was conducted. It was concluded that the majority of women had sufficient knowledge regarding the disease, although over half of the women surveyed did not know that HIV could be spread by an HIV infected mother who breast feed her newborn. A majority of women also demonstrated an internal locus of control with regards to HIV infection. Using a Likert Scale, ninety-six women answered the question posed about HIV infection as it pertained to the option of abortion. Twenty-one women (21.8%) strongly agreed to aborting their fetus if they were HIV infected, while seventeen participants (17.7%) agreed. However, forty-three women (44.7%) were uncertain as to their decision to abort their fetus; seven women (7.2%) disagreed and eight (8.3%) strongly disagreed to having an abortion as a result of being infected with HIV.;Further study is needed in this area which would demonstrate a more diversified sample of women in order to increase the external validity of the findings of this study. as research into the disease continues to divulge new methodologies for using established drugs to combat HIV, such as the preliminary revelation that AZT significantly cuts the risk of HIV transmission from mother to fetus, questions arise that deal with new psychological consequences and conflicts for the female population.
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Pisano, Bonnie S. „Late luteal phase dysphoric disorder symptoms (PMS) among women presenting for counseling services“. Virtual Press, 1990.

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Changes in mood, behavior, and physiology, beginning in the post-ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle and ending with the onset of menstruation, have been called premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, and have been the focus of much investigation. Research to date has demonstrated greater emotional arousal and distress experienced by women during the luteal phase of the cycle as opposed to the follicular phase. This study collected descriptive profiles of current mood states, physiological symptoms, and menstrual cycle information from 62 women on the day on which they presented to a university counseling center for psychological services. It was hypothesized that a larger proportion of individuals would present on a walk-in basis for intake during the luteal phase of the cycle as opposed to the follicular phase. This hypothesis was tested with Chi-Square analysis of differences in frequency of subjects in each of the two phase groups. The second hypothesis was that individuals in the luteal phase would display higher levels of mood disturbance (as measured by the Profile of Mood States and the Beck Depression Inventory) and somatic symptomatology (as measured by the Menstrual Cycle Symptom Scale),than individuals in the follicular phase. This hypothesis was tested using multiple regression analysis, using affective and somatic variables as predictors of cycle day. Post hoc analyses for differences between menstrual phase groups on the affective variables were performed using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).The results of this study indicated no relationship between menstrual cycle phase and self-presentation for counseling services. They also indicated no relationship between menstrual cycle day and either subjective distress or somatic symptomatology. Finally, with minor exceptions, no differences were found between menstrual cycle phase groups in their self-perceived distress or emotional states.Discrepancies between the results of this study and previous research were discussed. In particular, methodological differences (e.g., use of state vs trait measures of mood variables) highlight the poor design and generalizability of previous research. Suggestions for future studies were presented as well as limiting factors in this study. These include the need for a larger number of participants and the use of hematologic cross-checks to more precisely determine cycle phase. Investigations into the way in which menstrual cycle affects mood are warranted.
Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
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Tilghman, Jasmine. „Examining the role of hardiness, race-related stress, and racial identity on psychological health outcomes of black college students“. Thesis, University of Missouri - Columbia, 2016.

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Hardiness is personality trait that buffers against stress-related illnesses. Researchers have further described hardiness as the willingness to pursue challenges, transform them, and make them work for an individual. Hardiness has been shown to buffer against depression, anxiety, and self-esteem (Maddi, 2002; Maddi et al., 2011; Maddi & Khoshaba, 2001). Given that the hardiness theory has been criticized in previous studies, (Benishek & Lopez, 1997), the theoretical framework of this study will be through resilience theory (Holling, Gunderson, & Ludwig, 2002). Resilience theory aims to understand the foundation and role of change that it is transforming in adaptive systems, allowing individuals to learn from past experiences and accept the inevitably of uncertainties in their future (Holling et al., 2002; Redman & Kinzig, 2003). Few studies investigate hardiness among Black populations. The few that have, showed that hardiness positively correlated with the internalized multiculturalist aspect of racial identity (Whittaker and Neville, 2010) and the commitment component of hardiness was higher among a sample of Black college students compared to White college students (Harris, 2004). Given that hardiness is a buffer to stress-related illness, theoretically, it should be a buffer against race-related stress. Race-related stress refers to the daily experiences of racism that affect members in the Black community and negatively impacts mental and physical health (Harrell, 2000; Utsey & Ponterotto, 1996). The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between hardiness, race-related stress, and racial identity on psychological health outcomes (i.e., depression, anxiety, self-esteem) among Black colleges students. These outcome variables were included particularly to see how they are impacted by race-related stress, and if hardiness buffers, or moderates, these relationships. In addition, previous studies were replicated looking at the moderating role of racial identity on the race-related stress and psychological health outcomes relationship.

In another test, findings also showed that hardiness served as a moderator for both the internalized afrocentricity subscale of racial identity and the perseverative cognition subscale of race-related stress on depression. Specifically, participants who were low on hardiness and high on afrocentricity reported higher levels of depression than those were high on both hardiness and afrocentricity. Similarly, participants who were higher on hardiness and high on perseverative cognition reported lower levels of depression than those who were low in both hardiness and perseverative cognition. Through replication attempts, the anticipatory body alarm response subscale of race-related stress on trait anxiety was moderated by the immersion-emersion anti-White subscale of racial identity. Participants who were high in anti-White attitudes and high on anticipatory body alarm response reported higher levels of trait anxiety than those who were low on anti-White attitudes and low on anticipatory body alarm response. This finding replicated previous studies by Franklin-Jackson and Carter (2007) that found that the internalized stages of racial identity (i.e., afrocentricity and multiculturalist) were significant and positive buffers on the race-related stress and psychological health outcomes. However, neither the total hardiness nor the hardiness subscales scores significantly correlated with any of the race-related stress subscales.

Implications suggest that the hardiness measure may not be as generalizable to members in the Black community if considering the added layer of race-related stress because hardiness did not significantly correlate with any of the race-related stress subscales. Hardiness may help to buffer depression the type of race-related stress and racial identity profile. In looking at racial identity stages, anxiety may be buffered when one is out of the anti-White stage of racial identity. It is recommended that University counselors, professors, and/or administrators take this into account when working with this specific population on psychological health outcomes. Further, their level of hardiness should continue to be emphasized and acknowledged as strength-based protective factors in University settings.

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Ha, Jennifer T. „Mediating Effect of Acculturation Strategy on the Relationship between Acculturation Stress Factors and Global Psychological Distress: A Path Model“. Thesis, The George Washington University, 2021.

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U.S. ex patriates are vulnerable to psychological distress due to challenges of living outside the U.S. that may contribute to decreased overall psychological and functional well-being with potentially long-term harmful consequences (Truman, Sharar & Pompe, 2011). However, there is scant evidence in the literature describing the acculturation process of this important population. Informed by Berry’s (1997) acculturation model, evidence in the literature then suggests a potential path model in which acculturation strategy (assimilation, separation, integration, and marginalization) mediates the relationship between the acculturative stress factors of perceived discrimination, linguistic challenges, and perceived social support and global psychological distress (Aichberger et al., 2015; Cokley et al., 2017; El Khoury, 2019; Luciano, Straussner, Jones, & Tosone, 2012). The researcher used a concurrent nested mixed-methods design to address the several gaps identified in the relevant literature related to the difficulties experienced by U.S. ex patriates. Measures were Everyday Discrimination Scale (EDS; William, Yu, Jackson & Anderson, 1997), host-country language ability items from Selmer (2006); The Index of Sojourner Social Su p port (ISSS; Ong & Ward, 2005), the Acculturation Index (AI; Ward & Rana-Deuba, 1999) and the De pression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale Version 21 (DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995). Measures were completed by 169 participants. Quantitative analysis was done through SPSS and MPlus to address the research question: What is the indirect effect of acculturation strategy on the direct effect of perceived discrimination, linguistic challenge, and perceived social support on global psychological distress? Results for each of the hypotheses were: (1) (assimilation) the direct effects of LC (std. est = .45, p = .00) on PD was statistically significant; (2) (separation), the direct effects of D (std. est = .43, p = .00) and SS (std. est = −.35, p = .02) on PD were statistically significant; (3) (integration), the direct effects of D (std. est =.09, p = .00) and LC (std. est = .08, p = .00) on PD were statistically significant; and (marginalization), the direct effects of D (std. est =.26, p = .01) and LC (std. est = .2, p = .00) on PD were statistically significant. No significant results were found for indirect effects demonstrating only partial support for each hypothesis. This was followed by open-ended qualitative questions related to experiences of discrimination based on race, discrimination based on gender, privilege, linguistic challenges, and social support to support and add detail to the quantitative results. Findings indicated the following themes: discrimination based on race: verbal abuse, stereotypes, unfair treatment due to skin color, suspicion/fear, and racism against Black individuals; discrimination based on gender: workplace discrimination, pay disparity, harassment, and assumption of a lack of competency; privilege: were preferential social treatment and increased economic status; linguistic challenge: understanding slang and understanding different dialects/accents; and social support: loneliness from lack of friends and family and lack of social life. Results demonstrated a lack of conclusive evidence of the universality of Berry’s model. Implications for the counseling profession and health care policy are explored. Limitations and future direction of research are also explored.
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Newton, Priscilla. „Sourcing Image Formation in a Depth Psychological Approach to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder“. Thesis, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2015.

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Although recognition of the constellation of emotional and mental events that comprise trauma date back to the late 19th century, contemporary curative approaches are derived from World War II desensitization treatments for battle fatigue that appear today in exposure-based therapies. To bring trauma therapy up to date, application of a phenomenological research method to critique contemporary treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder requires a multisystemic approach to the mind–body constellation that is clinically informed by state-of-the-art neuroscientific research relating to the pathophysiology of trauma. Particularly important is understanding the necessity of cross-hemispheric integration of emotional and cognitive imprints that persist after traumatic events. Mindfulness-based therapies such as the metacognitive model, emotion-focused therapies, and breath training such as samatha meditation techniques as well as the incorporation of somatic and ecopsychological approaches such as saltwater immersion are all effective, long-term, compassionate solutions that create lasting recovery from trauma and its adverse consequences to the life and well-being of the trauma victim.

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Barimany, Mina Elena. „The Hierarchy of Preferences in Jungian Psychological Type| Comparing Theory to Evidence“. Thesis, The George Washington University, 2017.

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Jungian Psychological Type is the foundation of many modern theories of personality. Many aspects of the theory have yet to be explored with empirical research, one area in particular being the theory behind the hierarchy of preferences, which is important because the Types are classified by the order of their preferred functions. A latent class analysis technique was applied to the eight ranked function-attitude scores of 5,247 participants who took the Majors Personality Type IndicatorTM (PTI) and Majors Personality Type Elements™ (PTE) assessments. The superior, auxiliary, and tertiary preferences of the latent classes were examined so that the nature of the relationships amongst the three preferences could be observed. Results show that the superior/auxiliary preferences were consistently opposite in process (one rational and one irrational)—but not consistently in attitude. Not only did the superior/auxiliary/tertiary preferences exhibit complementary relationships to one another, the tertiary function was never antagonistic to the auxiliary or superior preference. Remarkably, the superior and inferior functions were antagonistic to one another in 46 out of the 47 classes that resulted from the analysis. Thus, the outcomes support Jung’s theory but also present evidence against other popular Type theories. The resulting profiles support the hypothesis that there may be more than 8 or 16 Types, which holds implications for the practical application of the Type theory as well as the classification and assessment of Psychological Type. A model for a systemic conceptualization of the hierarchy is presented and suggestions for future research are proposed.

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