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Wright, Thomas. „Subjectivity and Fallibility in the Instrumental and Epistemic Defenses of a "Right to Do Wrong"“. Digital Archive @ GSU, 2010. http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/philosophy_theses/67.

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An instrumental defense of a right to do wrong is plausible because we cannot directly intervene in an individual's choices so as to effectively promote that individual's moral good, if her moral good is conceived as being some form of individual autonomy. An epistemic defense is also plausible if we reorient J.S. Mill's epistemological argument for his Harm Principle in "On Liberty" to center on the agent's knowledge, rather than on the interfering observer's knowledge. Restrictions on harmless acts that are imposed because the acts are wrong are only justifiable to that individual if she herself knows that her acts are wrong. Both approaches depend upon the limited subjectivity and fallibility of the agent or interfering observer. Moreover, both approaches make the justification for a right to knowingly do wrong problematic.
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Lopez, Ramon E. „On rights a defense and analysis of rights through natural law“. Honors in the Major Thesis, University of Central Florida, 2011. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETH/id/461.

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One of the central questions in political theory deals with the nature of rights. What sorts of rights do people possess? How are these rights justified? How ought these rights be reflected and related when seen in political, economic, and social institutions? Following the publication of John Rawls' A Theory of Justice (1971) and Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974), rights have once again returned to dominate much of contemporary political theory. However, natural law, which was the historical basis of the early Enlightenment theories of rights, is no longer the primary system appealed to when discussing rights. In fact, classical natural law has been all but discarded in most of political theory today. There has also been renewed debate over the nature of public neutrality, and what the relationship ought to be between the public and private sphere. The mainstream view of how our liberties relate to our rights, as well as what kinds of rights we have over our private affairs, has come under fire from a newly emerging political philosophy known as communitarianism. This thesis will present a robust theory of rights that provides a new understanding of the relationship between positive and negative rights through a defense of classical natural law as an ethical foundation for political theory. It will side with the communitarian critics of public neutrality, and offer a practical method of determining when the state is justified in limiting private liberties due to public interest.
Political Science
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Simmons, Aaron. „In Defense of an Animal’s Right to Life“. Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2006. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1142895795.

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Sabine, Kathryn Rose. „Post-Roe: In defense of reproductive rights“. Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291635.

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Second wave feminists almost necessarily withdrew from the quagmire of motherhood politics to focus more directly on reproductive rights policy. Many third wave feminists have not yet experienced the hardships and heartache of attempting to balance career and motherhood, so there is a generational rift at play within the feminist movement. Being inclusive of all women's experiences and choices will help feminists create a reproductive rights policy that meets the needs of more women in their decisions to mother (or not) and provide invaluable information feminists need in seeking to address disparate measures of economic and social stability mothers are subjected to. By meeting the needs of more women, the feminist movement creates a sympathetic political constituent base to draw from when backlash efforts are enacted against such policies.
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Kacher, Benjamin Lawrence. „Commercial Computer Software License Rights in Defense Acquisition“. Thesis, The George Washington University, 2014. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=1566105.

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The tremendous growth of the commercial software industry in the United States represents an excellent opportunity for the United States Department of Defense ("DoD") to acquire quality software products that will help the DoD achieve its missions. However, the DoD struggles to acquire commercial computer software ("CCS") and commercial computer software documentation ("CCSD") effectively because of the inconsistencies and contradictions found in its rules governing the acquisition of CCS and CCSD.

The DoD's rules governing the acquisition of CCS and CCSD appear simple on the surface and represent an admirable attempt to enable the DoD to more easily acquire CCS and CCSD in the commercial marketplace and to allow commercial vendors to sell their products to the DoD. However, these rules contain many unseen inconsistencies and problems and therefore lead to many areas of confusion and even contradiction.

The primary purpose of this paper is to find ways to help the DoD and CCS vendors work together more effectively, by explaining the DoD's rules governing acquisition of CCS and CCSD, explaining fourteen primary problem areas associated with the acquisition of CCS and CCSD and, finally, by exploring potential solutions to these problems.

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Betz, Adam Thomas. „Rights, self-defense, and responsibility: A revision of Thomson's account of self-defense“. Connect to online resource, 2008. http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&res_dat=xri:pqdiss&rft_dat=xri:pqdiss:1456686.

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Boyer, Kevin. „Les droits de la défense dans le système judiciaire haitien“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022TOUL0153.

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Depuis une trentaine d'années, le système judiciaire en Haïti s'est considérablement fragilisé. Les juridictions font face à des dysfonctionnements permanents qui entravent leur bonne marche. Cette fragilisation s'inscrit dans le contexte plus vaste d'un pays confronté à des difficultés politiques, économiques et sociales. La complexité de la situation juridictionnelle en Haïti a ainsi d'importantes incidences sur l'effectivité des droits de la défense, notamment en matière civile. Malgré certaines avancées normatives, les garanties procédurales des parties an cours d'un procès ne sont pas suffisamment protégées par le droit haïtien.Cette étude sur les droits de la défense dans le système judiciaire haïtien cherche à analyser l'effectivité de ces droits en amont, au cours et à l'issue de l'instance. Elle tente plus particulièrement de pointer les causes juridiques et extra-juridiques qui expliqueraient l’inefficacité de la protection des droits de la défense en Haïti. Tout en faisant appel au dynamisme du droit français, notamment sous l'impulsion de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme, cette thèse aborde en parallèle des propositions de réformes qui permettraient de renforcer les garanties procédurales de tous les justiciables haïtiens
The haitian legal system has significantly weakened these past thirty years. The courts are facing permanent malfunctionning. This fragility fits in a larger context of a country that has political, economical and social difficulties. However, the complexity of the legal situation has an important impact on the effectiveness of the defense's rights, particularly in civil matter. Despite the fact that some legal progresses were made, the procedural guarantees during the trial does not protect enough the parties in the haïtian law.This study of the defense's rights in the haïtian legal system tries to analyze the effectiveness of these rights before, during and after the trial. It points out the legal and extra-legal causes that could explain the ineffectiveness of the defense's rights in the country. In the light of the dynamism of the french law, under the impulse of the European convention of human rights, this thesis tackles suggestions to improve the procedural guarantees of all parties in the haïtian legal system
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Simmons, Aaron. „In defense of an animal's right to life“. Connect to this title online, 2006. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=bgsu1142895795.

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Slaten, Kevin Richard. „Obscure Terrain: The Rights Defense of Qingdao Internal Migrant Workers“. The Ohio State University, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1337959111.

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Bui, Ngoc Quang H. „Dworkinian Liberalism & Gay Rights: A Defense of Same-Sex Relations“. Digital Archive @ GSU, 2010. http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/philosophy_theses/71.

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Recent changes in the politics of gay rights have led to a gay rights demand for liberal governments: i) decriminalization of sodomy and ii) full governmental recognition of civil, same-sex marriages. Challengers to liberalism argue that a neutral liberalism cannot satisfy the gay rights demand. I argue that the liberal political framework put forth by Ronald Dworkin can adequately fulfill the gay rights demand. Dworkinian liberalism, which is neutral with respect to the ethical life, need not be neutral with respect to moral and non-ethical values. I argue for the more modest claim that Dworkinian liberalism has the conceptual tools and principles for satisfying the gay rights demand. In arguing for my claim, I discuss the internal criticisms of Carlos Ball and Michael Sandel and the external criticism of John Finnis. I argue that these concerns are surmountable. Dworkinian liberalism is capable of offering a robust defense of same-sex relations.
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Molina, Betancur Carlos Mario, und Bedoya Francisco Javier Valderrama. „Human Rights defense in a post conflict society: The colombian case“. Derecho & Sociedad, 2017. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/118148.

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The defense of human rights in a post-conflict society is a great challenge for any civilized society.The post-conflict in Colombia must be a process that is addressed by the political and legal parameters of the Constitution in force in the country. Nevertheless, to guarantee a model social state of law based on respect for human dignity, work and solidarity of its members and the prevalence of general interest. Second, to provide legal security to the State, civil society and demobilized groups to the latter political and democratically participate in the governance of the state, with the horizon of their actions respect for human rights and thereby ensures that the damage caused to the victims is solved by the Truth, Justice and Reparation.
La defensa de los Derechos Humanos en una sociedad de posconflicto es un gran reto para toda sociedad civilizada. El postconflicto en Colombia se presenta como uno de los últimos ensayos políticos para cerrar brechas de violencia y desigualdad en América Latina. Colombia se presenta como un laboratorio de paz al cabo de setenta años de guerra continua no declarada entre las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (en adelante, FARC) y el ejército colombiano. Las conversaciones de paz de La Habana parecen ir encaminadas a asentar un proceso de paz duradera que está poniendo a prueba los parámetros políticos y jurídicos de la Constitución Nacional vigente en el país de 1991. Sin embargo, para poder garantizar un modelo de Estado Social de Derecho fundamentado en el respeto a la dignidad humana, el trabajo, la solidaridad de sus asociados y la prevalencia del interés general, lo pactado en La Habana tendrá que seguir los lineamientos establecidos en el Derecho Internacional Humanitario, los cuales ya han sido enmarcados ampliamente por la ley y la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional, que, a su vez, han establecido que el respeto de los derechos humanos en una sociedad de posconflicto debe solucionarse con altos y claros estándares de Verdad, la Justicia y Reparación.
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Mahnik, Ye M. „The role of international criminal court in defense of human rights“. Thesis, Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine, 2006. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/61358.

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Apolín, Meza Dante Ludwig. „The implicit Res Judicata and the Right of Defense“. IUS ET VERITAS, 2016. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/122594.

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This article presents the analysis of the concept of the “implicit res judicata” and what problems it generates. To do this, the author analyzes what is traditionally understood by “objective limits” of “res judicata” and, from this; the true scope of the concept of “res judicata” implicitly will be established.
Este artículo plantea el análisis del concepto de cosa juzgada implícita y los problemas que genera. Para ello, se analiza lo que tradicionalmente se ha entendido por límites objetivos de la cosa juzgada y, a partir de ello, se establecerá el verdadero alcance del concepto de cosa juzgada implícita.
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Maicher, Sascha G. B. „Culture and autonomy, a critique of will kymlicka's defense of group-differentiated rights“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp04/mq22359.pdf.

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Esta dissertação de mestrado visa abordar o tema movimento homossexual, violência e a garantia de direitos dos homossexuais. A idéia central é traçar um contexto histórico social da formação do movimento homossexual brasileiro e suas conquistas no que diz respeito a garantia de direitos fundamentais para os homossexuais. Os conflitos gerados por conta da orientação sexual na sociedade como um todo e no núcleo familiar, trazendo à reflexão uma questão social. A violência – seja física ou simbólica/psicológica – contra homossexuais é entendida como fator determinante que dificulta à garantia dos direitos destes indivíduos. A presente dissertação apresenta também uma breve discussão acerca da relação entre amor, poder e proteção entre pais e filhos. é fundamental que a reflexão em torno da homossexualidade permeie todos os espaços profissionais relacionados ao campo da assistência social, ou áreas afins, para que se possa combater a homofobia e garantir o acesso a todos os espaços da sociedade.
This master's thesis aims to address the homosexual movement theme, violence and guarantee the rights of homosexuals. The central idea is to trace a historical context of the social formation of the Brazilian gay movement and its achievements with regard to guarantee fundamental rights for homosexuals. The conflicts generated by the account of sexual orientation in society as a whole and the family, bringing to reflect a social issue. Violence - whether physical or symbolic / psychological - against homosexuals is seen as a determining factor that makes the guarantee of the rights of these individuals. This dissertation also presents a brief discussion about the relationship between love, power and protection between parents and children. it is essential that the debate on the homosexuality permeated all professional areas related to the field of social welfare, or related areas in order to combat homophobia and securing access to all areas of society.
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Kittrich, Jan. „The Right of Individual Self-Defense in Public International Law /“. Berlin : Logos Berlin, 2008. http://d-nb.info/989123898/04.

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Mendoza, Jose, und Jose Mendoza. „On Immigration Enforcement and Expulsion Strategies: A Moral and Political Defense of Immigrant Rights“. Thesis, University of Oregon, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1794/12538.

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Recently, Christopher Heath Wellman has proposed an innovative argument that appears to resolve, at least with respect to immigration, the tension between democratic autonomy (i.e. a people's right to self-determination) and human rights (i.e. respect for individual freedom and universal equality). Wellman argues, from a traditionally liberal point of view, that a legitimate state (i.e. a state that respects human rights) is entitled to self-determination and that part of the definition of being self-determined is having the presumptive right to unilaterally control immigration. In other words, Wellman claims that a state's unilateral right to control immigration can be made compatible with liberal commitments to individual freedom and universal equality. I aim to raise a novel objection against Wellman's argument, which I hope will also challenge philosophers to think differently about the immigration issue as a whole. My position is that even if Wellman's conclusion is correct, that a state's right to self-determination can be made compatible with human rights, the presumptive right that this generates for a legitimate state to unilaterally control immigration is, at best, limited only to admission and exclusion policies (i.e. to questions about who can be let in and who can be kept out). Wellman's conclusion, however, does not hold for strategies of immigration enforcement and expulsion (i.e. to the questions about how these policies may be enforced or what sort of deportation procedures a state is justified in using). And, in fact, I argue that under Wellman's account, a legitimate state would be restricted in deploying certain strategies of immigration enforcement and expulsion. My conclusion is that with respect to immigration enforcement and expulsion strategies, the presumptive right is on the side of the immigrant and not the state. This means that if a legitimate state wishes to control immigration, it is the state who holds the burden of proof to show that not only its immigration policies but also its enforcement and expulsion strategies do not violate prior commitments to individual liberty and universal equality. This, I contend, provides a moral and political baseline justification for immigrant rights, which I refer to as a minimalist defense of immigrant rights.
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Makarski, Richard E. Marrero Jose A. „A surveillance society and the conflict state : leveraging ubiquitous surveillance and biometrics technology to improve homeland security /“. Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2002. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion-image/02sep%5FMakarski.pdf.

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Thesis (M.S. in Information Technology Management)--Naval Postgraduate School, September 2002.
Thesis advisor(s): Alex Bordetsky, Dale Courtney. Includes bibliographical references (p. 211-234). Also available online.
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Delibasis, D. „The right of states to individual self-defense in information warfare operations“. Thesis, University of Westminster, 2006. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.434366.

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Schechter, Adam. „Valuing life a moral defense of the right to die in liberal democracy /“. Related electronic resource: Current Research at SU : database of SU dissertations, recent titles available full text, 2009. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/syr/main.

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Dunseith, Bradley Thomas. „“Good Guys”: The Ethical Lives of Gun Owners“. Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/35068.

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Gun rights activists in the United States have been incredibly successful in opposing state regulation and restrictions on firearms. Activists argue that violence in the U.S. will subside not through firearm restrictions but by allowing “good” people to continue to buy, possess, and carry guns who will then be able to stop “bad” people from committing violence. Based on participant-observation with a grass-roots, gun rights organization in the state of Georgia, this thesis critically examines what it means to be a “good” gun owner. I argue that gun owners cultivate themselves ethically by learning new skills which disproportionately prioritize anonymous human attacks as the most concerning threat to one’s physical and social integrity. I further show the implications of such a worldview as being enacted in gun owners’ everyday lives.
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Miles, Jonathan K. „A Perfectionist Defense of Free Speech“. Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2009. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1256913861.

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Sonkoly, Tibor K. „Aggressive neighborhood watch or unconventional threat? the Hungarian extreme right-wing self-defense movements“. Thesis, Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/44674.

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In the past decade there has been a growing political and popular right-wing extremist movement in Hungary. According to the Athena Institute, an independent human-rights group based in Budapest, at least 20 extreme right-wing organizations are active at present. Additionally, based on their rhetoric, some of these groups openly seek the overthrow of the existing social order of Hungary and perform activities that have paramilitary features. The role of these right-wing groups has been noted in the crisis on the Crimean Peninsula. This project explores a specific phenomenon among the extremist right-wing movements, the self-defense groups, and the threats they pose to Hungarian national security. Combining online data from communication platforms (blogs) and open-source data, the goal is to visualize this right-wing Hungarian social network and identify alternative strategies to deal with it.
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Williams, David. „A cleric's right to self-defense when accused of a delict from the accusation to the beginning of a formal process /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) Access this title online, 2006. http://www.tren.com.

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Ahlqvist, Malin. „Alternatives to the use of unequal voting rights : a propos the potential threat to their effectiveness as a takeover defense“. Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Management and Economics, 2004. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-2179.

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Background: The origin of this study was the negotiations around a EU takeover directive, aimed at making the market for corporate control more open. One of the proposals was to neutralise shares carrying multiple rights in takeover situations when a potential acquirer obtains 75% of the total share capital. For many Swedish ownership groups, this would mean that the system of unequal voting rights, constituting an important defense to their control, would decrease in effectiveness. In the middle of writing this thesis, an EU agreement was finally reached, making the proposal voluntary to adopt. The imminent threat posed to the Swedish system faded, but has though not disappeared since the present rules anew will be brought under inspection in five years.

Purpose: To give examples on potential tactics to adopt if unequal voting rights would risk to become neutralised in takeover situations, these tactics dependent on two different scenarios: (1) Present Swedish ownership structure is considered advantageous for the country and thus to be remained or (2) A more open market for takeovers is desired. Course of action: Interviews have been conducted with parties within Swedish trade and industry, partly in order to assess the value and necessity of the content of this thesis.

Conclusion: The threat of an abolition of the unequal voting rights is not perceived as imminent by parties within Swedish trade and industry and few alternative resistance strategies are suggested. If current Swedish ownership structure is to be remained, the author proposes competition-reducing defenses, if a more open market for takeovers is aimed for, auction-inducing resistance strategies. The choice of how to proceed should depend on how afraid the Swedish Government and Swedish companies are of a change in present ownership structure.

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Brooks, Amy. „“I’m Doin’ It for Defense”: Messages of American Popular Song to Women during World War II“. University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1383909020.

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Fiebich, Kristina. „The """"Bush Doctrine"""" and preemptive strike a new approach in the right of self-defense“. Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/4473.

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Beck, Daniel Phillip. „Animals on Lifeboats: a Defense of a Sliding Scale Model of Moral Status“. Miami University Honors Theses / OhioLINK, 2009. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=muhonors1240373673.

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Bickerstaffe, Emma-Louise McQuilkan. „The use of force in armed conflict and the inherent right of self-defence of state armed forces“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2016. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.709487.

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Holmqvist, Skantz Madeline. „The unwilling or unable doctrine : the right to use extraterritorial self-defense against non-state actors“. Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Juridiska institutionen, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-145924.

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Coloe, John A. „Government actions in the demise of the thugs [1829-1835] and Sikh terrorists [1980-1993] and lessons for the United States“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2005. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion/05Sep%5FColoe.pdf.

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Thesis (M.A. in Security Studies (Homeland Security and Defense))--Naval Postgraduate School, September 2005.
Thesis Advisor(s):David C. Tucker. Includes bibliographical references (p. 53-57). Also available online.
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Scherkenbach, Gerald Allen. „Canon 221: the right of defense in American marriage cases has it changed since the 1917 Code? /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) Access this title online, 2004. http://www.tren.com.

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Wells, Emmett G. „A comparative study of the right of defense in canonical penal law and in American criminal law“. Online full text .pdf document, available to Fuller patrons only, 2001. http://www.tren.com.

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Akpoghiran, Peter C. Obukohwo. „The right of defense in marriage nullity cases rotal jurisprudence in light of the papal allocution of 1989 /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) Access this title online, 2005. http://www.tren.com.

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A presente dissertação resulta de uma pesquisa realizada junto aos conselheiros tutelares da cidade de Manaus com o objetivo de conhecer a atuação dos mesmos na defesa e proteção dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes vítimas de violência doméstica. O estudo, de natureza qualitativa, utilizou a entrevista semi-estruturada que foi realizada individualmente junto a 12 conselheiros oriundos de todos os Conselhos Tutelares da cidade (áreas urbana e rural). As entrevistas foram gravadas com a permissão dos entrevistados e após sua transcrição os dados foram organizados em dois grupos. O primeiro com informações acerca do perfil dos conselheiros entrevistados, suas motivações, capacitações na área dos direitos da criança e do adolescente e da violência doméstica, bem como das vantagens e desvantagens do trabalho que realizam. O segundo, organizado em torno de três eixos temáticos: concepções de violência doméstica, procedimentos e dificuldades encontradas diante de sua ocorrência, e avaliação do trabalho realizado frente às situações de violência doméstica. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado com base na análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. Os achados permitiram observar que a principal motivação dos entrevistados para trabalhar como conselheiros foi o interesse em ajudar a população infantil, que a capacitação que os mesmos receberam na área dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes, bem como sobre violência doméstica foi apenas introdutória, que a autonomia do cargo é vista como principal vantagem e que conciliar as horas dedicadas ao trabalho e à vida pessoal é a maior desvantagem. Os entrevistados concebem a violência doméstica em moldes que não se distanciam do apresentado pela literatura e acreditam ser a mesma um fenômeno de difícil intervenção. Contudo, suas ações se assemelham a controle de conduta, reclamam do excesso de demanda e da falta de eficiência da rede de proteção e manifestam sentimento de impotência no alcance de suas atribuições. Com base nestes achados, sugere-se maior atenção à capacitação dos conselheiros e a contratação de uma equipe técnica para avaliar os casos e subsidiar as decisões do Conselho Tutelar.
The current dissertation is the result of a research done together with the tutelary counselors of the city of Manaus with the objective of knowing how they act in the defense and assurance of the rights of children and adolescents victims of domestic violence. In order to do so, a qualitative study was undertaken and the main instrument for data colection was a semi-structured interview which was carried out with 12 tutelary counselors, each one from a different Tutelar Counselor in the city (urban and rural areas). The interviews were recorded with the permission of the counselors and after their transcription the responses were organized in two groups. The first one gathered information about the counselors characteristics, their motivations, preparation for acting in the area of children and adolescent’s rights and domestic violence, as well as the advantages e disadvantages that permeate their activities. The second one was organized around tree thematic axes: conceptions about domestic violence, procedures and difficulties in face of its ocurrence, and their evaluation of the work developed in the area of domestic violence. Data were analysed by the Bardin content analysis. Our findings indicate that for the counselors interviewed in this study the main motivation for their work as counselors is their interest in helping that segment of our population and that the capacitation they received regarding children and adolescents’ rigths as well as domestic violence was only introductory. Our results also indicate that the autonomy of their job is seen as the main advantage for them and that the difficulty in managing the hours dedicated to work and personal life is seen as the main disadvantage. They also conceive domestic violence as presented by the literature and they believe that it is a phenomenum of difficult intervention. Nevertheless, their actions regarding this phenomenum resemble conduct control. The tutelary counselors complain about an excess of demand and a lack of efficaciousness of the protection network. Also they express a feeling of impotence with regards to the accomplishment of their duties. All considered, a better attention towards the qualification of the counselors and the recruitment of a technical team to evaluate cases and subsidize the decisions of the Tutelar Counselor is suggested.
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Novak, Kneilan K. „Ringing the bell; sounding the alarm a proposal for the simultaneous advancement of security and privacy“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2006. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion/06Mar%5FNovak.pdf.

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Thesis (M.A. in Security Studies (Homeland Security and Defense))--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2006.
Thesis Advisor(s): Robert Bach. "March 2006." Includes bibliographical references (p. 83-86). Also available online.
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Aselmann, Maike. „Die Selbstbelastungs- und Verteidigungsfreiheit : ein Beitrag zu den Garantiewirkungen von Verfahrensrechten im Hinblick auf die Beweiswürdigung, Strafzumessung und Strafbarkeit des Beschuldigten im Strafprozess /“. Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] : Lang, 2004. http://www.gbv.de/dms/sbb-berlin/389589470.pdf.

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O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as experiências de violação e defesa de direitos de jovens que cumpriram medida socioeducativa de privação e restrição de liberdade no sistema socioeducativo e que foram atendidos em dois Centros de Defesa de Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente no Rio de Janeiro (Cedecas). Contextualiza-se a história dos direitos positivados para o adolescente autor de ato infracional a fim de compreender esse universo na atualidade, em meio às suas trajetórias marcadas por episódios de violência. Problematiza-se a forma como as violações de direitos atingem os adolescentes antes, durante e depois do cumprimento da medida socioeducativa, demandando a intervenção de um órgão de defesa. A pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, utiliza metodologia de estudo de caso com três jovens, com idade entre 18 e 22 anos. Os protagonistas desse estudo são os jovens e suas experiências singulares, que compõem um amplo quadro histórico de negação de direitos, onde diversas formas de violência perfazem seu cotidiano, que por eles não passam despercebidas e pelas quais não passam ilesos. As experiências inseridas no binômio violação x defesa de direitos expressam os múltiplos sentidos atribuídos pelos adolescentes e aparecem de forma profunda em suas narrativas, refletindo o recrudescimento do fenômeno da violência e as contradições do capitalismo. Ao reconhecerem e reproduzirem as violências sofridas nesses espaços e ao longo de suas vidas, percebem as violações como experiências marcantes, abusivas e ilegais. Ao mesmo tempo, experenciam a defesa de seus direitos a partir de seu próprio agir no mundo, ressignificando suas vivências e se reconstruindo a partir delas.
The present study aims to analyze the experiences of violation and defense of rights of young people placed in closed facilities as well as open programs as part of the socio-educational system and also accessed the Centers for the Defense of Children s Rights in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The study contextualizes the way juvenile offenders rights get violated before, during and after the period they spent in the socio-educative facilities, and who also accessed centers for the defense of rights. The qualitative study was based on 3 case studies of youth between 18 and 22 years old. They were victims of violence and out the system and accessed the Children s Rights Defense Center for help. The protagonists of this study are the youth and their experiences of violation and defense of rights, and they are part of a broader historical context, characterized by several kinds of violence. These experiences do not go unnoticed by them and do cause them harm. The opposition between violation x defense of rights express multiple meanings to them, reflecting the intensification of violence and the contradictions present in a capitalist society. By recognizing and reproducing the violence suffered in these spaces and throughout their lives, they perceive such violations as abusive and illegal experiences. At the same time, they experience the defense of their rights from their own agency in the world, resignifying and reconstructing their experiences.
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Jefferson, Ashley Nicole. „In Defense of Love and Same-Sex Parenting: Rhetorical Analysis of the Apologia from Children of Same-Sex Couples“. University of Dayton / OhioLINK, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=dayton1398947252.

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Whitehead, Daniel K. „An historical study of a criminal defendant's right to exculpatory information under the protection of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution“. Virtual Press, 1996. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/1033641.

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This study has presented a comprehensive historical overview of the context and significance of a, criminal defendants constitutional right to due process of law. The evidence suggests that, in many circumstances, a criminal defendant is not being afforded our most basic constitutional guarantee of fairness and justice for allOne of the primary objectives of this study was to develop a working definition for journalists to better understand the fundamental concepts of a defendants right to exculpatory evidence during criminal proceedings.Since 1791, the Supreme Court has had to continually broaden a criminal defendants right to exculpatory information. In case after case, a similar fad pattern has shown that pauper criminal defendants with court appointed attorneys having to compete against state or federal prosecutors with unlimited investigative and legal research funding This disparity is further compounded when the state or government prosecutors define to turn over information or evidence which could help the defendants case.Further analysis identified other problem areas within the scope of due process which deserve significant attention such as: the grand jury process, plea-bargains, probable cause warrants, and post-conviction hearings.
Department of Journalism
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Appelbaum, Christian. „Einschränkungen der Staatenimmunität in Fällen schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen : Klagen von Bürgern gegen einen fremden Staat oder ausländische staatliche Funktionsträger vor nationalen Gerichten /“. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2007. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=015919866&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.

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Torpman, Olle. „Libertarianism and Climate Change“. Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Filosofiska institutionen, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-128935.

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In this dissertation, I investigate the implications of libertarian morality in relation to the problem of climate change. This problem is explicated in the first chapter, where preliminary clarifications are also made. In the second chapter, I briefly explain the characteristics of libertarianism relevant to the subsequent study, including the central non-aggression principle. In chapter three, I examine whether our individual emissions of greenhouse gases, which together give rise to climate change, meet this principle. I do this based on the assumption that we are the legitimate owners of the resources we use in those activities. In the fourth chapter, I question this assumption and scrutinize libertarianism’s restrictions on appropriations of climate-relevant resources, which leads me to distinguish between some different versions of the libertarian view. Toward the end of the chapter, I also examine libertarianism’s answer to the political question regarding how emission rights should be distributed. The fifth chapter investigates libertarianism’s verdicts for mere risks of infringement, as stemming from people’s emissions and acts of appropriations. In chapter six, I investigate the libertarian right to self-defense against both the effects of climate change and other people’s climate-relevant activities. In chapter seven, I discuss two intergenerational issues related to climate change: what libertarianism says concerning future generations and how libertarianism might deal with the problem of historical emissions. The eighth chapter explores the implications of libertarianism regarding collective moral wrongdoing in connection to climate change. In chapter nine, I take a look at the libertarian room for governmental responses for tackling climate change. The tenth and final chapter is a summary. The overall conclusion of the dissertation is that libertarianism recommends that we reduce our emissions and decrease our extraction of natural resources such as forests and fossil fuels. Furthermore, governments are permitted to undertake some quite substantial actions in order to fight the causes of climate change. I end with some bottom-up reflections on what these conclusions might say about the plausibility of libertarianism. I claim that although libertarianism after all manages to explain some of our moral intuitions regarding climate change, it is questionable whether libertarianism’s explanation is better than those offered by alternative moral theories.
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Chiovitti, Alexandre Paulichi. „Restrições ao direito de defesa em harmonia com os princípios constitucionais“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2012. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/5928.

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The main goal of this study is to analyze the hypotheses of restrictions on the right of full defense, catalyzed both by constitutional and legal systems, but viewing it from the perspective of the confluence with the Brazilian Federal Constitution s policy. After all, the constitutional right of full defense has the stigma of a invulnerable and intangible principle of law (now erected as a legal principle, as some law-writers prefer), which should not suffer any kind of blemish or mitigation, under penalty of violating the most relevant scopes of the jurisdiction. Indeed, the constitutional right of full defense fits in the procedural law as an issue of constitutional nature, erected as an institute of fundamental importance. So the question is: could an institute with such force and scope be actually restricted? In being so, may the law limit what the Constitution classifies as a wide and ample right as that? Or it would only be possible to have such restrictions if they are effectively contained in the text of the Constitution itself? The theme of this study is justified, in our understanding, by the recognition that our legal system provides, in several legislative vehicles, assumptions limiting the right of defense. Would, after all, these exceptions be unconstitutional? Or our legal system can authorize and assimilate these very exceptions? Finally, we intend to demonstrate how these institutes interrelate with each other, guaranteeing and restricting, in some points and in some matters, the right of defense
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as hipóteses de restrições ao direito de defesa catalisadas tanto pelo ordenamento constitucional como infraconstitucional, mas sob a ótica da confluência com a nossa Magna Carta política. Afinal, a ampla defesa possui todo o estigma daquele princípio de direito (agora princípio positivado, como preferem alguns juristas), inatacável, intangível, que não deve sofrer qualquer tipo de mácula ou mitigação, sob pena de se malferir o próprio escopo da jurisdição. Com efeito, a ampla defesa coaduna-se a um direito processual de índole constitucional, erigida à categoria de instituto fundamental. Assim, de se questionar: seria possível um instituto com tamanha força e envergadura sofrer restrições? Em sendo assim, pode a lei limitar o que a Constituição Federal tarjou como amplo? Ou apenas seriam possíveis restrições contidas no bojo da própria Constituição? A temática justifica-se, em nosso sentir, a partir do reconhecimento que nosso ordenamento infraconstitucional prevê, em diversos veículos legislativos, hipóteses de restrição ao direito de defesa. Seriam, afinal, estas exceções inconstitucionais? Ou o ordenamento jurídico as comporta e assimila? Enfim, pretendemos demonstrar como se afinam tais institutos, garantidores e restritivos do direito à ampla defesa
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Hatfield, Jeremy R. „For God and Country: The Religious Right, the Reagan Administration, and the Cold War“. Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1365158195.

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Camargo, Lucas Alves de. „A luta pelos direitos humanos: o Centro de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos de Osasco (1977-1983)“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2017. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/19883.

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Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
The context of this master thesis aims to understand the creation process of formation of human rights movement in Osasco’s city. This study also try to elucidate the actuation of The Center for the Defense of Human Rights of Osasco (CDDHO) and the communities whom participated in the fight for human rights in the present area, between the years 1977-1983. In this period, members of Osasco’s city population associated to ecclesial communities and organized movements in the neighborhoods set up a network of human rights activities that made possible the creation of The Center for the Defense and its structuring in several communities of the city. An intense network of collaboration from the base communities would reach the Movements organized in the influence area of the Catholic Church. In this context, the CDDHO built human rights practices for deal with possible transgressions existing, in their project, they developed legal and community actuations. We expect to visualize the construction of the practices through their claims and through their relations with the State institutions
Essa dissertação tem como objetivo compreender o processo de formação do movimento pelos direitos humanos em Osasco. O estudo busca elucidar a atuação do Centro de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos de Osasco (CDDHO) e das comunidades que participaram da luta pelos direitos na região, nos anos 1977-1983. Nesse período membros da população de Osasco vinculados às comunidades eclesiais de base e aos movimentos organizados nos bairros compuseram uma rede de atuação que possibilitou a formação do Centro de Defesa e a sua estruturação em diversas comunidades da cidade. Uma intensa rede de colaboração partia das comunidades de base e chegava aos movimentos coletivos organizados na área de influencia da igreja católica. Nesse contexto, o CDDHO construiu práticas de luta pelos direitos humanos, desenvolvendo atuações jurídicas e comunitárias. Esperamos compreender estas práticas e a experiência do Centro através de suas reivindicações e das suas relações com o Estado
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Gilberto, André Marques. „O processo antitruste sancionador“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2009. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/2/2134/tde-08072010-175038/.

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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os processos administrativos antitruste sancionadores, associados às atividades do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE), Secretaria de Direito Econômico do Ministério da Justiça (SDE) e Secretaria de Acompanhamento Econômico do Ministério da Fazenda (SEAE). O foco do trabalho diz respeito a duas questões: a) o direito positivo brasileiro fornece o instrumental necessário e adequado para que CADE, SDE e SEAE possam desenvolver suas atividades segundo métodos e procedimentos pré-determinados? Em caso de resposta positiva b) existe algum déficit quanto à efetivação da processualidade/procedimentalidade no dia-a-dia dos diversos órgãos administrativos envolvidos na missão de defender a livre concorrência no Brasil? O primeiro capítulo será dedicado à origem e base legal do processo antitruste; o segundo cuidará de seus aspectos mais gerais, salientando a inevitabilidade de atuação processualizada dos órgãos. O terceiro capítulo da dissertação percorrerá a fase inicial do processo, incluindo considerações sobre a instauração, citação e intimação dos representados, o conceito de parte no processo antitruste sancionador, e a questão relativa à existência de litisconsórcio passivo ou de conexão em processos voltados à investigação das condutas tidas por horizontais. O quarto capítulo envolverá a fase instrutória, salientando-se a produção de provas. O estudo da fase decisória estará contido no quinto capítulo; serão mencionadas, dentre outros temas, todas as formas pelas quais o processo antitruste sancionador pode ser encerrado: emissão de decisões terminativas (com ou sem julgamento de mérito), incidência de prescrição e celebração de termos de compromisso de cessação. No sexto capítulo, analisa-se em linhas gerais o Projeto de Lei n. 3937/2004 (e de seu apensado Projeto de Lei n. 5877/05), em trâmite no Congresso Nacional, visando reformar a atual Lei Antitruste. A conclusão da dissertação busca responder às questões inicialmente formuladas: se não faltam instrumentos legais no País prevendo os mecanismos para o funcionamento do processo antitruste sancionador, são freqüentes reclamações quanto às falhas e incertezas verificadas na prática processual de CADE, SDE e SEAE. Ainda assim, existe uma razoável expectativa que essas sejam corrigidas ao longo do tempo (na mesma velocidade do amadurecimento institucional desses órgãos).
The purpose of the present essay is to analyze the administrative antitrust procedures connected to the investigation of anticompetitive practices and related to the activities of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE), the Secretariat of Economic Law of the Ministry of Justice (SDE), and the Secretariat of Economic Supervision of the Ministry of Finance (SEAE). The issues that constitute the focus of this paper involve two basic questions: a) the Brazilian legal system provides for the necessary rules in order that CADE, SDE and SEAE may develop their respective activities according to pre-determined methods and procedures? In case of a positive answer b) is there any deficit in the implementation of procedural rules in the daily activities of the several bodies involved in the enforcement of antitrust Law in Brazil? Chapter one examines the legal basis of the antitrust procedure; chapter two will analyze the general aspects of the procedure, stressing the inevitability that antitrust agencies perform their activities respecting procedural rules. Chapter three deals with the initiation of the procedure, including an analysis of how the procedure can be invoked, the summoning of the undertakings concerned, the concept of defendant and the matter concerning the defendants compulsory joinder or connection in investigations concerning horizontal practices. Chapter four examines the investigation stage, with emphasis in the production of evidence. The analysis of the final stage of the procedure is included in chapter five; among other issues, all of the possible outcomes of the procedure will be reviewed: issuance of final decision (with or without a ruling on the merits), application of the statute of limitations and the settlement of the case. Chapter six provides for an overall review of Bill n. 5877/05, under analysis in the Brazilian Congress, which aims to modify the Brazilian antitrust law. The conclusion of this essay aims to answer the questions posted above: there are plenty of legal rules to be applied in connection to the antitrust procedure in Brazil, but it is still common to hear complaints about failures and lack of certainty concerning CADE, SDE and SEAEs activities. Still, it is reasonable to expect that such procedural issues will be corrected over time (in the same pace of the institutional development of each of those administrative bodies).
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Simões, Bruna. „Legitimidade ativa da defensoria pública para a defesa coletiva dos direitos do consumidor“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2012. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/5831.

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This work has as its purpose to analize the defense of the consumers rights by all institutions, especially by the Public Defender. This dissertation intends to study the limits of this defense by the Public Defender, as well as the foundation of its work. We will initiate with a brief history of the consumers rights around the world to then study the development and the constitutional dispositions of this subject in Brazilian law. There will be pointed out the difference between the collective rights in its broad sense and the analysis of some specific procedure disposals of the collective process. We will show the importance of the Public Defense on the Democratic State based on the Law and its roll on the access to justice. Then it will be studied the law that rules the Public Defender institution and the concept of disadvantaged. In the end we will analyze the hypothesis that the Public Defender may defend the rights of the consumers and some depositions regarding diffuse rights, co-parties on a process and the rights of the over debt consumers
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo uma análise da legitimidade ativa para a defesa de direitos coletivos do consumidor, especialmente sobre a legitimidade da Defensoria Pública. A dissertação pretende estudar quais os limites da Defensoria Pública na defesa desses direitos, bem como o fundamento para a sua atuação. Iniciaremos com um breve histórico do direito do consumidor no mundo para posteriormente analisar o desenvolvimento e as disposições constitucionais e legais sobre a matéria no direito brasileiro. Faremos uma diferenciação entre os direitos chamados de coletivos latu sensu e a análise de algumas das disposições processuais específicas do processo coletivo. Será então analisado o papel da Defensoria Pública no Estado Democrático de Direito e a sua importância para o efetivo acesso à justiça. Verificaremos as disposições legais que regulamentam a Defensoria Pública e sua atuação, bem como o conceito de hipossuficiência. Ao final, serão analisadas as hipóteses de cabimento da atuação da Defensoria Pública na defesa do direito do consumidor e ainda questões referentes ao litisconsórcio, à defesa de direitos difusos e aos superendividados
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Rodrigues, Winicyus Noleto. „Análise dos processos administrativos disciplinares e sindicâncias acusatórias da UFT nos anos de 2015 e 2016“. Universidade Federal do Tocantins, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11612/1010.

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O presente trabalho tem por propósito a análise dos processos disciplinares julgados pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins nos anos de 2015 e 2016. Levou-se em consideração para a pesquisa aqueles processos em que havia a possibilidade de aplicação de penalidades para os envolvidos. Portanto, foram incluídos na coleta de dados os Processos Administrativos Disciplinares do Rito Ordinário, que envolve a investigação de faltas mais graves; os de Rito Sumário, que envolvem a possível ocorrência dos ilícitos de acumulação ilegal de cargos, abandono de cargo ou inassiduidade habitual; a Sindicância Acusatória, que apura faltas leves; e, também, o processo disciplinar que tem como acusados discentes da UFT. O estudo do tema é atual e possui relevância não só para que se conheça a situação dos processos disciplinares pela comunidade acadêmica da UFT, servidores técnico-administrativos, professores e discentes, mas para toda a sociedade que tem o desejo de saber se os processos são regularmente julgados. A pesquisa baseou-se em informações repassadas pela Coordenação de Processos Disciplinares (CPAD) da UFT e, em seguida, após o recebimento de cópias digitais dos processos foram coletados dados das principais peças dos mesmos, tais como portaria de instauração, relatórios conclusivos das comissões, pareceres da Procuradoria Federal junto à UFT e decisões da autoridade instaurada para se verificar a ocorrência ou não do devido processo legal, conforme instituído na Lei nº 8.112/1990, bem como se os acusados tiveram seus direitos humanos resguardados, em especial o direito ao contraditório e a ampla defesa. Assim, a pesquisa buscou responder se os processos são eficientes e cumprem sua função social. O estudo, em sua primeira parte, traz a evolução do processo punitivo da Administração Pública a partir da redemocratização do Brasil com a Constituição de 1998. São explicados os procedimentos dos processos disciplinares em análise, os princípios aplicáveis e o papel da Procuradoria Federal no seu desfecho. Em seguida, são apresentados os dados coletados pela pesquisa a partir da análise dos autos dos processos. Posteriormente, os resultados encontrados foram expostos, demonstrando a falta de eficiência na resolução dos conflitos disciplinares da UFT, descumprindo, assim, a sua função social, inclusive, com ofensa a direitos fundamentais. No final, a pesquisa indica algumas possíveis soluções para o aperfeiçoamento do trâmite dos processos disciplinares e desenvolvimento dos membros envolvidos nas comissões, em especial, com recomendação para criação de Câmaras Permanentes de Processo Administrativo Disciplinar.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the disciplinary processes judged by the Federal University of Tocantins in 2015 and 2016. Consideration was given to those processes in which there was the possibility of applying penalties to those involved. Therefore, it were included in the data collection the Disciplinary Administrative Procedures of the Ordinary Rite, which involves the investigation of more serious faults; those of Summary Rite, which involve the possible occurrence of illegal acts of illegal accumulation of positions, abandonment of office or habitual inassiduity; the Accusatory Syndication, which corrects minor offenses; and also the disciplinary process that has as accused students of UFT. The study of the subject is current and has relevance not only to know the state of the disciplinary processes by the academic community of the UFT, technical-administrative servants, teachers and students, but for the whole society that has the desire to know if the processes are regularly judged. The research was based on information provided by the Coordinating of Disciplinary Processes (CPAD) of the UFT and then, after the receipt of digital copies of the processes, data were collected from the main pieces of the them, such as introduction order, conclusive reports of the commissions , opinions of the Federal Attorney's Office and decisions of the established authority to verify the occurrence or not of due process, as established by Law nº. 8.112 / 1990, as well as whether the defendants had their human rights protected, in particular the right contradictory and ample defense. Thus, the research sought to answer if the processes comply are efficient and fulfill their social function. The study, in its first part, brings the evolution of the punitive process of Public Administration from the redemocratization of Brazil with the Constitution of 1998. The procedures of the disciplinary processes under analysis, the principles applicable thereto, and the role of the Federal Attorney's Office in its outcome. Next, the data collected by the survey are presented based on the analysis of the case files. Subsequently, the results were exposed, demonstrating the lack of efficiency in the resolution of the UFT's disciplinary conflicts, thus failing to fulfill its social function, even with an infringement of fundamental rights. In the end, the research indicates some possible solutions for the improvement of the process of disciplinary processes and the development of the members involved in the commissions, especially with recommendation for the creation of Permanent Chambers of Disciplinary Administrative Procedures.
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Grilo, Fabiano Franklin Santiago. „Defesa técnica, eficiência e garantismo“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2011. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/5660.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabiano Franklin Santiago Grilo.pdf: 475472 bytes, checksum: a63079cc8d131239b7072099ff933636 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-09
This paper aims to identify, in light of the Federal Constitution, the content of the right of defense, with a view to consolidating the crucial defense technique in the harvest of the criminal prosecution, seeking skilled design tools in order to promote their effectiveness and efficiency. In the context of a democratic state is the stale technical defense to move away from the whole formal apparatus, which must be equipped with mechanisms capable of disentangling the ballast of a fair and impartial process, is the phase out of court, judicial, or also in phase of enforcement, serving not only to impose limits on state action, but also to provide the citizens of the mechanisms inherent to it. Sees is that the accurate analysis of the institute, in the light of the current conjecture of national law, which increasingly depends on its interpretation in the light of constitutional paradigms in order to become more and more burning of its principles, should lead to fundamental revisit of Article 5 of the Federal Constitution and the sections dealing with the subject, this path trodden under the foundations of the Human Dignity
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar, à luz da Constituição Federal, o conteúdo do direito de defesa, com vistas a consolidar a imprescindibilidade da defesa técnica na seara da persecução penal, buscando o delineamento de instrumentos hábeis a promover suas efetividade e eficiência. No contexto de um Estado Democrático de Direito, é cediço que a defesa técnica se afaste de todo o aparato formal, devendo estar sempre equipada de mecanismos capazes de lastrear o deslinde de um processo justo e imparcial, seja nas fases extrajudicial e judicial, como também na da execução da pena, servindo não somente para impor limites à atuação do Estado, mas também para levar o cidadão ao esclarecimento de seus direitos. Vislumbra-se que a análise acurada do instituto, à luz da atual conjectura do ordenamento jurídico nacional, que cada vez mais depende de sua interpretação à luz dos paradigmas constitucionais, a fim de se tornar cada vez mais candentes seus princípios, deverá levar à fundamental revisitação do artigo 5º da Constituição Federal e incisos que tratam do tema, caminho esse trilhado sob os fundamentos da dignidade da pessoa humana
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Vieira, Rubens Carlos. „Direito de ciência da imputação no processo administrativo disciplinar“. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2015. https://tede2.pucsp.br/handle/handle/6739.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rubens Carlos Vieira.pdf: 1161526 bytes, checksum: 5c861393c2660730df95cf628fda4da4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-11
This work aims to study the law regarding accusation in disciplinary actions. It begins by investigating the disciplinary powers of Public Administration, their nature and principles. Then, due to the importance of understanding the related process systematics of the Disciplinary Law, the procedural principles and guarantees provided in the 1988 Federal Constitution are analyzed, with special emphasis on those inherent to the accused. After defining some essential concepts and principles, a detailed analysis is made of those affected by the law of accusation, from perspective of the accuser and from that of whoever responds to the accusation. The focus then passes to studying and defining the minimum proportion of the accusation that must be reported to the subject involved and the right timing for making the accusation known, to ensure due and effective application of the abovementioned procedural principles. Finally, the provisions of Federal Law no. 8,112, dated December 11th, 1990, are compared to the law governing the right to be informed of the accusation, in order to verify their compatibility with the principles that should guide the administrative disciplinary action process
O presente trabalho tem por objeto o estudo do direito de ciência da imputação no processo administrativo disciplinar. Para o seu desenvolvimento, investigam-se, logo de início, o poder disciplinar da Administração Pública, seu fundamento e natureza. Em seguida, considerando a relevância para uma minuciosa compreensão da sistemática processualística do Direito Disciplinar, examinam-se os princípios e garantias processuais previstos na Constituição da República, com especial enfoque naqueles inerentes ao acusado. Na sequência, e após fixar alguns conceitos principiológicos imprescindíveis, analisam-se os sujeitos afetados pelo direito de ciência da imputação, sob a ótica daquele que deve fazer a imputação e daquele que deve contrapô-la. São, nesta quadra, estudados e delimitados o conteúdo mínimo da imputação que deve ser informada ao sujeito e o momento em que esta deve ser levada para que se permita o seu exercício efetivo, tendo por base a realização dos princípios processuais outrora discutidos. Por fim, coteja-se a Lei nº 8.112, de 11 de dezembro de 1990, com o direito de ciência da imputação, visando averiguar a sua compatibilidade com os princípios que devem orientar o processo administrativo disciplinar
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