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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Decker, beatrice"


Doeller, Jeannette E., und Beatrice A. Wittenberg. „Myoglobin function and energy metabolism of isolated cardiac myocytes: effect of sodium nitrite“. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 261, Nr. 1 (01.07.1991): 1.

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Pages H53–H62, 1991: Jeannette E. Doeller and Beatrice A. Wittenberg. “Myoglobin function and energy metabolism of isolated cardiac myocytes: effect of sodium nitrite.” We regret that the following references were inadvertently dropped during printing. 26. Wittenberg, B. A., J. E. Doeller, R. K. Gupta, and R. L. White. Measurement of sarcolemmal permeability and intracellular pH, free magnesium, and high energy phosphates of isolated heart cells. In: Biology of Isolated Adult Cardiac Myocytes, edited by W. A. Clark, R. S. Decker, and T. K. Borg. New York: Elsevier, 1988, p. 188–130. 27. Wittenberg, B. A., and T. F. Robinson. Oxygen requirements, morphology, cell coat and membrane permeability of calcium tolerant myocytes from hearts of adult rats. Cell Tissue Res. 216: 231–251, 1981. 28. Wittenberg, B. A., and J. B. Wittenberg. Oxygen pressure gradients in isolated cardiac myocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 260: 6548–6554, 1985. 29. Wittenberg, B. A., and J. B. Wittenberg. Myoglobin-mediated oxygen delivery to mitochondria of isolated cardiac myocytes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84: 7503–7607, 1987. 30. Wittenberg, B. A., and J. B. Wittenberg. Transport of oxygen in muscle. Annu. Rev. Physiol. 51: 857–878, 1989. 31. Wittenberg, B. A., J. B. Wittenberg, and P. R. B. Caldwell. Role of myoglobin in the oxygen supply to red skeletal muscle. J. Biol. Chem. 250: 9038–9043, 1975. 32. Wittenberg, J. B., and B. A. Wittenberg. Preparation of myoglobins. In: Methods of Enzymology, edited by S. P. Colowick and N. O. Kaplan. New York: Academic, 1981, vol. 76, p. 29–42. 33. Wittenberg, J. B., and B. A. Wittenberg. Mechanisms of cytoplasmic hemoglobin and myoglobin function. Annu. Reu. Biophys. Biophys. Chem. 19: 217–241, 1990.
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Doeller, Jeannette E., und Beatrice A. Wittenberg. „Myoglobin function and energy metabolism of isolated cardiac myocytes: effect of sodium nitrite“. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 261, Nr. 4 (01.10.1991): 1.

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Pages H53–H62, 1991: Jeannette E. Doeller and Beatrice A. Wittenberg. “Myoglobin function and energy metabolism of isolated cardiac myocytes: effect of sodium nitrite.” We regret that the following references were inadvertently dropped during printing. 26. Wittenberg, B. A., J. E. Doeller, R. K. Gupta, and R. L. White. Measurement of sarcolemmal permeability and intracellular pH, free magnesium, and high energy phosphates of isolated heart cells. In: Biology of Isolated Adult Cardiac Myocytes, edited by W. A. Clark, R. S. Decker, and T. K. Borg. New York: Elsevier, 1988, p. 188–130. 27. Wittenberg, B. A., and T. F. Robinson. Oxygen requirements, morphology, cell coat and membrane permeability of calcium tolerant myocytes from hearts of adult rats. Cell Tissue Res. 216: 231–251, 1981. 28. Wittenberg, B. A., and J. B. Wittenberg. Oxygen pressure gradients in isolated cardiac myocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 260: 6548–6554, 1985. 29. Wittenberg, B. A., and J. B. Wittenberg. Myoglobin-mediated oxygen delivery to mitochondria of isolated cardiac myocytes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84: 7503–7607, 1987. 30. Wittenberg, B. A., and J. B. Wittenberg. Transport of oxygen in muscle. Annu. Rev. Physiol. 51: 857–878, 1989. 31. Wittenberg, B. A., J. B. Wittenberg, and P. R. B. Caldwell. Role of myoglobin in the oxygen supply to red skeletal muscle. J. Biol. Chem. 250: 9038–9043, 1975. 32. Wittenberg, J. B., and B. A. Wittenberg. Preparation of myoglobins. In: Methods of Enzymology, edited by S. P. Colowick and N. O. Kaplan. New York: Academic, 1981, vol. 76, p. 29–42. 33. Wittenberg, J. B., and B. A. Wittenberg. Mechanisms of cytoplasmic hemoglobin and myoglobin function. Annu. Reu. Biophys. Biophys. Chem. 19: 217–241, 1990.
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Maíz, Claudio, und Claudia Lorena Fonseca. „Internacionalização de saberes e redes acadêmicas: sobre revistas e circulação das ideias na América Latina“. Signo 44, Nr. 81 (03.09.2019): 109–21.

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Pensar prática das redes é pensar na circulação de ideias. Nesse sentido, como suporte e veículo de transmissão de ideias e configuração de redes, destacam-se as revistas, espaço de materialização da prática das redes. O presente estudo pretende abordar as publicações periódicas a partir não apenas de alguns caminhos já percorridos, por estudiosos tais como Beatriz Sarlo, Mabel Moraña, Maria Lúcia Camargo ou Pablo Rocca, como a relevância que têm na formação de redes intelectuais, a gravitação política que alcançaram, as controvérsias registradas e outros temas; mas também trabalhar com duas incógnitas: uma delas tem a ver com o momento em que decaem as revistas culturais e em seu lugar se impõem as acadêmicas; a outra, diz respeito à questão formulada recentemente por Regina Crespo sobre se o tempo do protagonismo das publicações periódicas ficou reservado apenas ao século XX. De ser assim, que outros horizontes se abrem no século XXI, dominado pelas tecnologias da comunicação. Assim sendo, a revista cultural ainda é objeto de estudo para a circulação do novo nos diferentes campos da ciência e humanidades.
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Nadler, Rebecca B., Adham Bear, Robert H. Vonderheide, Gerald P. Linette und Beatriz M. Carreno. „Abstract C004: TCRs directed to mutant KRAS display distinct antigen recognition motifs and minimal cross-reactivity to non-cognate antigens“. Cancer Research 82, Nr. 22_Supplement (15.11.2022): C004.

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Abstract Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is among the most immune-resistant tumor types. Emerging evidence suggests improved clinical outcomes for subsets of PDAC patients with neoantigen-specific T cell immunity. A low-moderate tumor mutational burden limits antigenic targets in PDAC tumors, but recurrent missense mutations within the KRAS proto-oncogene drive tumorigenesis in >90% of cases. We and others have validated mutant KRAS (mKRAS) epitopes as immunological targets of T cell receptor (TCR)-based therapies. TCRs directed against mKRAS offer broad therapeutic potential. However, TCR degeneracy poses a major challenge to the clinical development of therapeutic TCRs given the risk of unforeseen off-target immunotoxicity due to peptide cross-reactivity. Here, we investigate the specificity and cross-reactivity of four TCRs specific for mKRAS G12V restricted to the HLA-A3 superfamily of HLA class I alleles. Of the four TCRs, one is restricted to HLA-A*03:01 (TCRA3V) and three are restricted to HLA-A*11:01 (TCRA11Va, TCRA11Vb, TCRA11Vc). All TCRs exhibit reactivity to the decamer peptide VVVGAVGVGK, while TCRA11Vc also exhibits reactivity to the nonamer peptide VVGAVGVGK. In-depth characterization of each TCR peptide recognition motif using alanine/glycine scanning libraries revealed TCRA3V and TCRA11Va-c demonstrate unique antigen binding motifs with a range of 3-6 critical amino acid residues, suggesting that substantial changes within the peptide:TCR interface may be tolerated for epitope recognition in the context of HLA-A*03:01 or HLA-A*11:01. TCR fingerprinting via combinatorial peptide libraries identified peptide repertoires capable of inducing TCR activation. Candidate cross-reactive peptides encoded in the human proteome were identified using the UnitProtKB database and filtered by computational epitope binding (NetMHC 4.0), setting a predicted peptide binding threshold of ≤500 nM. Using this approach, we identified a range of 2-35 candidate cross-reactive peptides for TCRA3V and TCRA11Va-c. Candidate cross-reactive peptides were synthesized and screened for their ability to induce TCR activation, which identified a single potential off-target peptide recognized by TCRA3V. Evaluation of tumor cell lines expressing high endogenous levels of this candidate cross-reactive antigen failed to elicit TCR activation, suggesting limited natural processing and presentation of this epitope. No potential off-target peptides were identified for TCRA11Va-c. Overall, this study serves as a platform to identify TCRs with high therapeutic potency and limited off-target potential for the clinical development of TCR therapy trials. Citation Format: Rebecca B. Nadler, Adham Bear, Robert H. Vonderheide, Gerald P. Linette, Beatriz M. Carreno. TCRs directed to mutant KRAS display distinct antigen recognition motifs and minimal cross-reactivity to non-cognate antigens [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the AACR Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer; 2022 Sep 13-16; Boston, MA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2022;82(22 Suppl):Abstract nr C004.
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Bear, Adham S., Rebecca B. Nadler, John Scholler, Robert H. Vonderheide, Gerald P. Linette und Beatriz M. Carreno. „Abstract PR08: TCR1020 specific for KRAS G12V restricted to HLA-A*11:01 exhibits potent and precise antigen specificity for clinical development“. Molecular Cancer Research 21, Nr. 5_Supplement (01.05.2023): PR08.

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Abstract Background: KRAS mutations drive tumorigenesis in adenocarcinomas of the lung (30-40%), colon (40-50%) and pancreas (>90%). Recent clinical evidence demonstrates potent and durable anti-tumor activity of adoptively transferred KRAS-specific T cells in select patients with KRAS-mutated advanced solid tumors. We have defined mutant KRAS (mKRAS) epitopes restricted to high prevalence HLA class I alleles and validated this oncoprotein as an immunological target amenable to T cell receptor (TCR)-based therapeutic approaches. Here, we describe the pre-clinical development of TCR1020, a human TCRab specific for KRAS G12V restricted to HLA-A*11:01. Methods: In vitro stimulation assays were used to generate CD8+ T cell responses specific for a decamer epitope of KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) using blood specimens collected from A*11:01+ healthy donors. TCR1020 was identified by TCRab RNA sequencing of flow cytometrically sorted peptide/HLA multimer+ CD8 T cells. Transgenic expression of TCR1020 was attained via lentiviral transduction of reporter cell lines and gene-edited (TCRabnull) primary T cells. TCR1020 antigen specificity, affinity and cross-reactivity was assessed using in vitro coculture, limiting peptide dilution, and combinatorial peptide scanning assays. TCR1020 reactivity to G12V/A*11:01+ cell lines was assessed using in vitro cytokine release and cytotoxicity assays, as well as mouse xenograft tumor models. Results: TCR1020 exhibits specificity to the cognate KRAS G12V epitope with cross-reactivity to G12C but not wild-type KRAS. TCR1020 has a measured functional avidity (EC50) of 262 pM. TCR1020-redirected primary CD8+ T cells promote cytolysis of A*11:01+ tumor cell lines of lung, colonic or pancreatic origin harboring endogenous KRAS G12V mutations. The adoptive transfer of TCR1020-engineered primary CD8+ T cells exhibits potent in vivo antitumor activity in mouse xenograft tumor models of metastatic cancer. TCR1020 demonstrates CD8 co-receptor independence, and CD4+ T cells expressing TCR1020 express cytokines and lyse G12V/A*11:01+ tumor cell lines. In-depth characterization of the TCR1020 peptide recognition motif using alanine/glycine scanning libraries reveals a unique antigen binding motif with 5 critical amino acid residues excluding peptide/HLA anchor residues. Combinatorial peptide library scanning identifies five A*11:01-restricted peptide candidates within the human proteome with potential cross-reactivity to TCR1020, none of which activate TCR1020-engineered T cells over a wide range of concentrations. TCR1020 exhibits no evidence of reactivity against cell lines derived from healthy human tissues nor alloreactivity against a panel of lymphoblastoid cell lines encompassing a wide array of HLA class I alleles. Conclusion: TCR1020 exhibits high potency and exquisite antigen cognate specificity, and it is under clinical development for the treatment of A*11:01+ patients with KRAS G12V+ advanced solid tumors. Citation Format: Adham S. Bear, Rebecca B. Nadler, John Scholler, Robert H. Vonderheide, Gerald P. Linette, Beatriz M. Carreno. TCR1020 specific for KRAS G12V restricted to HLA-A*11:01 exhibits potent and precise antigen specificity for clinical development [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the AACR Special Conference: Targeting RAS; 2023 Mar 5-8; Philadelphia, PA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Mol Cancer Res 2023;21(5_Suppl):Abstract nr PR08.
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News, Transfer. „Noticias“. Transfer 13, Nr. 1-2 (04.10.2021): 198–214.

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NOTICIAS / NEWS (“transfer”, 2018) 1) LIBROS – CAPÍTULOS DE LIBRO / BOOKS – BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Bandia, Paul F. (ed.). (2017). Orality and Translation. London: Routledge. <<>> 2. Trends in Translation and Interpretin, Institute of Translation & Interpreting<<>> 3. Schippel, Larisa & Cornelia Zwischenberger. (eds). (2017). Going East: Discovering New and Alternative Traditions in Translation Studies. Berlin: Frank & Timme.<<>> 4. Godayol, Pilar. (2017). Tres escritoras censuradas: Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan y Mary McCarthy. Granada: Comares.<<>> 5. Vanacker, Beatrijs & Tom Toremans. (eds). (2016). Pseudotranslation and Metafictionality/Pseudo-traduction: enjeux métafictionnels. Special issue of Interférences Littéraires.<<>> 6. Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel A. (2017). Crowdsourcing and Online Collaborative Translations: Expanding the Limits of Translation Studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. <<>> 7. Quality Assurance and Assessment Practices in Translation and Interpreting<<>> 8. Hurtado Albir, Amparo. (ed.). (2017). Researching Translation Competence by PACTE Group. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.<<>> 9. Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina, Liisa Tittula and Maarit Koponen. (eds). (2017). Communities in Translation and Interpreting. Toronto: Vita Traductiva, York University<<>> 10. Giczela-Pastwa, Justyna and Uchenna Oyali (eds). (2017). Norm-Focused and Culture-Related Inquiries in Translation Research. Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Summer School 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.<<>> 11. Castro, Olga & Emek Ergun (eds). (2017). Feminist Translation Studies: Local and Transnational Perspectives. London: Routledge.<<>> 12. Call for papers: New Trends in Translation Studies. Series Editor: Prof. Jorge Díaz-Cintas, Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London.<<(>>, <<>> 13. Valero-Garcés, Carmen & Rebecca Tipton. (eds). (2017). Ideology, Ethics and Policy Development in Public Service Interpreting and Translation. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.<<>> 14. Mahyub Rayaa, Bachir & Mourad Zarrouk. 2017. A Handbook for Simultaneous Interpreting Training from English, French and Spanish to Arabic / منهج تطبيقي في تعلّم الترجمة الفورية من الانجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية إلى العربية. Toledo: Escuela de Traductores.<<>> 15. Lapeña, Alejandro L. (2017). A pie de escenario. Guía de traducción teatral. Valencia: JPM ediciones.<<>> 16. Mével, Alex. (2017). Subtitling African American English into French: Can We Do the Right Thing? Oxford: Peter Lang.<<>> 17. Díaz Cintas, Jorge & Kristijan Nikolić. (eds). (2017). Fast-Forwarding with Audiovisual Translation. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.<<>> 18. Taibi, Mustapha. (ed.). (2017). Translating for the Community. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.<< 9781783099122>> 19. Borodo, Michał. (2017). Translation, Globalization and Younger Audiences. The Situation in Poland. Oxford: Peter Lang.<<>> 20. Reframing Realities through Translation Cambridge Scholars Publishing<<>> 21. Gansel, Mireille. 2017. Translation as Transhumance. London: Les Fugitives<<>> 22. Goźdź-Roszkowski, S. and G. Pontrandolfo. (eds). (2018). Phraseology in Legal and Institutional Settings. A Corpus-based Interdisciplinary Perspective. London: Routledge<<>> 23. Deckert, Mikołaj. (ed.). (2017). Audiovisual Translation – Research and Use. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.<<>> 24. Castro, Olga; Sergi Mainer & Svetlana Page. (eds). (2017). Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in European Multilingual Contexts. London: Palgrave 25. Gonzalo Claros, M. (2017). Cómo traducir y redactar textos científicos en español. Barcelona: Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve.<<>> 26. Tian, Chuanmao & Feng Wang. (2017).Translation and Culture. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.<<>> 27. Malamatidou, Sofia. (2018). Corpus Triangulation: Combining Data and Methods in Corpus-Based Translation Studies. London: Routledge.<<>> 28. Jakobsen, Arnt L. and Bartolomé Mesa-Lao. (eds). (2017). Translation in Transition: Between Translation, Cognition and Technology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.<<>> 29. Santaemilia, José. (ed.). (2017). Traducir para la igualdad sexual / Translating for Sexual Equality. Granada: Comares.<<>> 30. Levine, Suzanne Jill & Katie Lateef-Jan. (eds). (2018). Untranslatability Goes Global. London: Routledge.<<>> 31. Baer, Brian J. & Klaus Kindle. (eds). (2017). Queering Translation, Translating the Queer. Theory, Practice, Activism. New York: Routledge.<<>> 32. Survey: The translation of political terminology<<>> 33. Estudio de encuesta sobre la traducción y la interpretación en México 2017<<>> 34. Beseghi, Micòl. (2017). Multilingual Films in Translation: A Sociolinguistic and Intercultural Study of Diasporic Films. Oxford: Peter Lang.<<>> 35. Vidal Claramonte, María Carmen África. (2017). Dile que le he escrito un blues: del texto como partitura a la partitura como traducción en la literatura latinoamericana. Madrid: Iberoamericana.<<>> 36. Figueira, Dorothy M. & Mohan, Chandra. (eds.). (2017). Literary Culture and Translation. New Aspects of Comparative Literature. Delhi: Primus Books. ISBN: 978-93-84082-51-2.<<>> 37. Tomiche, Anne. (ed.). (2017). Le Comparatisme comme aproche critique / Comparative Literature as a Critical Approach. Tome IV: Traduction et transfers / Translation and Transferts. París: Classiques Garnier. ISBN: 978-2-406-06533-3. 2) REVISTAS / JOURNALS 1. Call for papers: The Translator, special issue on Translation and Development, 2019. Contact: 2. Call for papers: Applied Language LearningContact:<<>> 3. Panace@: Revista de Medicina, Lenguaje y Traducción; special issue on “La comunicación escrita para pacientes”, vol. 44<<>> 4. mTm, issue 9<<>> 5. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, Volume 4 Issue 3 (November 2017)<<>>, <<>> 6. Call for papers: The Journal of Translation Studies, special issue on Translation and Social Engagement in the Digital AgeContact: Sang-Bin Lee, 7. Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E<<>> 8. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 15 (1), Special issue on The Ethics of Non-Professional Translation and Interpreting in Public Services and Legal Settings<<>> 9. Call for papers: Translation & Interpreting – The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research, Special issue on Translation of Questionnaires in Cross-national and Cross-cultural Research<<>> 10. Revista Digital de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria (RIDU), Special issue on Pedagogía y didáctica de la traducción y la interpretación<<>> 11. Translation, Cognition & Behavior<<>> 12. FITISPos International Journal, vol. 4 (2017)Shedding Light on the Grey Zone: A Comprehensive View on Public Services Interpreting and Translation<<>> 13. Post-Editing in Practice: Process, Product and NetworksSpecial issue of JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation, 31<<>> 14. Call for papers: MonTI 10 (2018), Special issue on Retos actuales y tendencias emergentes en traducción médica<<>> 15. Call for papers: trans‐kom Special Issue on Industry 4.0 meets Language and Knowledge Resources.Contact: Georg Löckinger (georg.loeckinger@fh‐<<>> 16. Translaboration: Exploring Collaboration in Translation and Translation in CollaborationSpecial Issue, Target, vol 32(2), 2020.<<>> 17. redit, Revista Electrónica de Didáctica de la Traducción e Interpretación, nº11.<<>> 18. Call for papers: InVerbis, special issue on Translating the Margin: Lost Voices in the Aesthetic Discourse, June 2018.Contact: &<<>> 19. trans-kom, Vol. 10 (1), 2017. <<>> 20. JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation, issue 28 (July 2017).<<>> 21. Call for papers: InVerbis, special issue on Translating the Margin: Lost Voices in the Aesthetic Discourse, June 2018.<<>> 22. Call for papers: TTR, special Issue on Lost and Found in Transcultural and Interlinguistic Translation/La traduction transculturelle et interlinguistique : s’y perdre et s’y retrouver<<>> 23. Call for proposals for thematic issues:Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies (LANS – TTS)<<>> 24. Call for papers: trans‑kom, special issue on Didactics for Technology in Translation and InterpretingVol. 11(2), December 2018.Contact: / 25. Journal of Languages for Special PurposesVol 22/2, New Perspectives on the Translation of Advertising<<>>Vol 23/1, Linguistics, Translation and Teaching in LSP<<>> 26. Call for papers: Parallèles, special issue on La littérature belge francophone en traduction (in French), Volume 32(1), 2020.Contact: & 27. Call for papers: Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, Volume 5(1), 2018.<<>> 28. Target, special issue on Translaboration: Exploring Collaboration in Translation and Translation in Collaboration<<>> 29. Research in Language, special issue on Translation and Cognition: Cases of Asymmetry, Volume 15(2).<<>> 30. Call for papers: Translation Spaces, special issue on Translation in Non-governmental Organisations, 7(1), 2018.<<>> 31. Call for papers: Translating the Margin: Lost Voices in the Aesthetic Discourse, special issue of InVerbis (2018).<<>> 32. Call for papers: Translation and Disruption: Global and Local Perspectives, special issue of Revista Tradumàtica (2018).Contact:; and 33. Call for papers: JoSTrans. The Journal of Specialised Translation 33 (January 2020), Special Issue on ‘Experimental Research and Cognition in Audiovisual Translation’. Guest editors: Jorge Díaz Cintas & Agnieszka Szarkowska. Deadline for proposals: 19 February 2018<<>> 34. Dragoman – Journal of Translation Studies<<>> 35. Call for papers: Translation Spaces 7(1) 2018, special issue on Translation in Non-governmental Organisations<<>> 36. Call for papers: Public Service Interpreting and Translation and New Technologies Participation through Communication with Technology, special issue of FITISPos International Journal, Vol 5 (2018).Contact: Michaela Albl-Mikasa ( & Stefanos Vlachopoulos ( 37. Sendebar, Vol. 28 (2017)<<>> 38. Ranzato, Irene. (2016). North and South: British Dialects in Fictional Dialogue, special issue of Status Quaestionis – Language, Text, Culture, 11.<<>> 39. Translation Studies 10 (2), special issue on Indirect Translation.<<>> 40. Translation & Interpreting – Special issue on Research Methods in Interpreting Studies, Vol 9 (1), 2017. 41. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, special issue on Between Specialised Texts and Institutional Contexts – Competence and Choice in Legal Translation, edited by V. Dullion, 3 (1), 2017.<<>> 42. Translation and Performance, 9 (1), 2017<<>> 3) CONGRESOS / CONFERENCES 1. ATISA IX: Contexts of Translation and InterpretingUniversity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, 29 March – 1 April 2018<<> 2. V International Translating Voices Translating Regions – Minority Languages, Risks, Disasters and Regional CrisesCentre for Translation Studies (CenTraS) at UCL and Europe House, London, UK, 13-15 December 2017.<<>> 3. Translation and Health Humanities: The Role of Translated Personal Narratives in the Co-creation of Medical KnowledgeGenealogies of Knowledge I Translating Political and Scientific Thought across Time and Space, University of Manchester, UK7-9 December 2017.<<>> 4. Fourth International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT4), Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 22-24 May 2018.<<>> 5. I International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches for Total Communication: Education, Healthcare and Interpreting within Disability Settings, University of Málaga, Spain, 12-14 December 2017.<<>> 6. Translation & Minority 2: Freedom and DifferenceUniversity of Ottawa, Canada, 10-11 November 2017.<<>> 7. Staging the Literary Translator: Roles, Identities, PersonalitiesUniversity of Vienna, Austria, 17-19 May 2018.<<>> 8. IATIS 2018 – Translation and Cultural MobilityPanel 9: Translating Development: The Importance of Language(s) in Processes of Social Transformation in Developing CountriesHong Kong, 3-6 July 2018.<<>> 9. Fun for All 5: Translation and Accessibility in Video Games Conference, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 7-8 June 2018.<<>> 10. ACT/Unlimited! 2 Symposium, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 6 June 2018.<<>> 11. IATIS 2018 – Translation and Cultural MobilityPANEL 06: Museum Translation: Encounters across Space and TimeHong Kong Baptist University, 3-6 July 2018.<<>> 12. IATIS 2018 – Translation and Cultural Mobility PANEL 12: Advances in Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies: Theoretical Models and Applications Hong Kong Baptist University3-6 July 2018.<<>> 13. Understanding Quality in Media Accessibility, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 5 June 2018. <<>> 14. Managing Anaphora in Discourse: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach, University of Grenoble Alpes, France, 5-6 April 2018.<<>> 15. Traduire les voix de la nature / Translating the Voices of Nature, Paris, France, 25-26 May 2018.<<>> 16. IATIS 2018 – Translation and Cultural MobilityPANEL 10: Audiovisual Translation as Cross-cultural Mediation – New Trajectories for Translation and Cultural Mobility?Hong Kong Baptist University, 3-6 July 2018. <<>> 17. The Fourth International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain20-22 June 2018.<<>> 18. I Coloquio Internacional Hispanoafricano de Lingüística, Literatura y Traducción. España en contacto con África, su(s) pueblo(s) y su(s= cultura(s) Universidad FHB de Cocody-Abidjan, Costa de Marfil 7-9 March 2018.<<>> 19. Transius Conference 2018, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-20 June 2018.<<>> 20. 39th International GERAS Conference - Diachronic Dimensions in Specialised Varieties of English: Implications in Communications, Didactics and Translation Studies, University of Mons, Belgium15-17 March 2018.<<>> 21. 31st Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies - Translation and Adaptation, University of Regina, Canada, 28-30 May 2018.<<>> 22. 2nd Valencia/Napoli Colloquium on Gender and Translation: Translating/Interpreting LSP through a Gender PerspectiveUniversità di Napoli 'L'Orientale', Italy, 8-9 February 2018.Contact: 23. Ninth Annual International Translation Conference: Translation in the Digital Age: From Translation Tools to Shifting Paradigms, Hamad Bin Khalifa’s Translation & Interpreting Institute (TII), Doha, Qatar, 27-28 March 2018.<<>> 24. ACT/Unlimited! 2 Symposium – Quality Training, Quality Service in Accessible Live Events, Barcelona, Spain, 6 June 2018.<<>> 25. Fourth International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 20-22 June 2018.<<>> 26. Talking to the World 3. International Conference in T&I Studies – Cognition, Emotion, and Creativity, Newcastle University, UK, 17-18 September 2018.<<>> 27. Translation & Interpreting in the Digital Era, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea, 29-30 January 2018.Contact: 28. 7th META-NET Annual Conference: Towards a Human Language Project, Hotel Le Plaza, Brussels, Belgium, 13-14 November 2017.<<>> 4) CURSOS – SEMINARIOS – POSGRADOS / COURSES – SEMINARS – MA PROGRAMMES 1. Certificate / Diploma / Master of Advanced Studies in Interpreter Training (online), FTI, University of Geneva, Switzerland,4 September 2017 - 10 September 2019.<<>> 2. Master’s Degree in Legal Translation, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, UK.<<>> 3. Certificat d’Université en Interprétation en contexte juridique : milieu judiciaire et secteur des demandes d’asile, University of Mons, Belgium.<<>> 4. Online MA in Translation and Interpreting ResearchUniversitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.Contact:<<>> 5. MA in Intercultural Communication, Public Service Interpreting and Translation 2017-2018, University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain.<<>> 6. Research Methods in Translation and Interpreting StudiesUniversity of Geneva, Switzerland.<<>><<>> 7. La Traducción audiovisual y el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain, 4 December 2017.<<>> 8. Fifth summer school in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation (CETIP), University of Ottawa, Canada, 23 July – 17 August 2018.<<>> 9. First summer school in Arabic – English Translation and Interpretation (AETP), University of Ottawa, Canada, 23 July – 17 August 2018.<<>> 10. Third summer school in translation pedagogy (TTPP)University of Ottawa, Canada, 23 July – 17 August 2018.<<>> 4) PREMIOS/AWARDS 1. The Warwick Prize for Women in Translation<<>
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Bücher zum Thema "Decker, beatrice"


After the Flowers Have Gone. Zondervan, 1987.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen
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