Dissertationen zum Thema „Culture et langues régionales“
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Petroni, Kevin. „La Corse des antimodernes. Une critique des Lumières et de la Révolution depuis la littérature française sur la Corse (XVIIIe – XXe siècle)“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Corte, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024CORT0011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHow did Corsica come to be seen in French literature as the ideal setting for a critique of the Enlightenment and the Revolution? While the French Revolution consecrated the State as the structure through which the individual could free himself from religious, political and family control, the opponents of this ideal found in Corsica both a shelter from modernity and a reference point for the new world embodied by a man, Napoleon, who breathed into the world "the insular evil of the soul", in other words the spirit of emancipation.We wanted to structure this idea in three moments:1. The revolutionary moment. From the Corsican Enlightenment to the French Revolution, the aim was to analyse the way in which the Corsicans saw their revolution gradually being relegated to the status of a counter-revolutionary model.2. The conservative moment. Unable to put an end to post-revolutionary society, conservative authors saw modernity as a means of correcting the Corsican's evil customs, the vendetta, while at the same time expressing their concern at the idea of seeing the language, culture and rural society disappear as a result of Frenchisation.3. The reactionary moment. From counter-revolutionary literature to the literature of the Collaboration, the aim is to examine the way in which reactionary writers have changed the representation of the island. Initially considered as the domain of anarchy, which was able to impose its savage tyranny on France, Corsica came to be seen as the landmark of a people whose traditions and customs were opposed to republicanism
Bertile, Véronique. „Langues régionales ou minoritaires et Constitution : France, Espagne et Italie“. Bordeaux 4, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005BOR40010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePoirrier, Philippe. „Recension. Les métropoles régionales et la culture, 1945-2000“. Centre for Local Government / Culture et gouvernance, 2008. https://zone.biblio.laurentian.ca/dspace/handle/10219/317.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePagès, Magali. „Les pratiques culturelles régionales catalanes et le phénomène de résistance culturelle“. Paris 5, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA05H008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe object of this work is to study cultural practices at the regional level, and to address relevant questions, such as: does regional culture, in the XXIst century, appear as a form of folklore? Do regional traditions only have a back-looking dimension? Or, in present-day reality, don't they reveal another social function? In order to provide answers for these different issues, we shall study the Catalan traditions still preserved in one of the micro-regions within the Pyrenees-Orientales: the Vallespir. Why do the Vallespirian actors experience the need to repeat, year after year, the same gestures as their ancestors, and pass on to each new generation the collection of Catalan popular songs? We'll make an attempt to demonstrate how festive traditions and popular songs as a whole imply values of an "anthropo-poi'etic" nature, allowing the Vallespirians to open up their own social reality, in which they evolve and project their vision of the world, hi addition, in such a role the actors dismiss the idea according to which they should be regarded as Catalan militants. On the other hand, through both the conservation of traditional festivities and the transmission, from one generation to the next, of popular local songs, the Vallespirian population generates a phenomenon of cultural resistance
Thibal, Suzanne. „Développement local et Culture Occitane“. Phd thesis, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00699758.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIvanova-Smirnova, Liudmila. „Problématiques des langues minoritaires : peut-on comparer les situations du picard et du mari ?“ Thesis, Amiens, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AMIE0016/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis dissertation compares two very different sociolinguistic situations: the situation of Picard in France and the situation of Mari (Cheremis) in Russia. One of the expected results is to elaborate an evaluation grid that could be applied to any situation of co-existing unequal languages, regardless of their typological or genetic relationships. For this purpose, we suggest to transpose to sociolinguistics the Principles and Parameters Theory. In part I we describe the modes of existence of the two languages as minority languages. We give a brief survey of their historical development, and then describe how they are inserted into multilingual environments, with special consideration given to their visibility and diglossic dynamics.Parts II and III are dedicated to the place of Picard and Mari in the nationwide and eventually regionwide linguistic policies. In part II we focus on status planning, by looking at the French and Russian legal arsenals, the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages, and the regional regulatory regimes. We distinguish between two modes of language planning: “top-down” (official) and “bottom-up” (originating from the speakers themselves). We develop a more detailed analysis of the teaching of the two languages.Part III deals with corpus planning, from the point of view of standardization and modernization. In parts II and III we use our sociolinguistic surveys to evaluate the efficiency of language policies as they are perceived by the speakers themselves.In conclusion, we sum up the different sociolinguistic Principles and Parameters we have found and try to model them
Nativité, Jean-François. „Culture d'ordre et identités régionales : la gendarmerie dans les départements pyrénéens (1939-1944)“. Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON30055.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAppearing among the first studies of the new historical building site of the national Gendarmerie, this work endeavours to revisit under the ignored angle of the frontier Pyrenean departments of Spain, the delicate question of the role of the police force lasting the Second World War. The central interrogation of this PhD rests on the physical and psychic upheavals of a police force with military statute subjected to various destabilizing factors. While taking on the one hand as bases initial the specific structure, the legal framework, the missions and the state of mind which constitute the identity of the gendarmerie of pre-war period and on the other hand, compost political, economic and psychological Pyrenean, the objective is to cross the endogenous and exogenic data related to the reorganization of the weapon of the Forties, to obtain a behavioural typology able to answer three types of interrogations. First of all, how the gendarmes stationed in the Pyrenees did live the countryside of 1939-1940 and which was their contribution to the effort of war ? Then, for the period of the Occupation born of the defeat of France, whereas the near total of Pyrenean space remains in free zone until November 1942, up to what point were the local gendarmes concerned with the ordinances taken by the winners ? Which was the resultant of the transformations wanted by the mode of Vichy and of the new tasks imposed to the gendarmes in post office at the Spanish border ? Lastly, in an area which was presented a long time in the form of a territory being even released to him of the yoke of the occupant, how did the gendarmes pass the course of the Release and the re-establishment of republican legality ? To the favour of the welding symbolic system of the year 1939, the first part of this reflexion attempts to point out and define the place of the gendarmerie as military body in charge of the maintenance of law and order, in the context Pyrenean socio-history. This assessment of competences wants to be before just like a feature of union connecting the chain of times and being used of point of inking for comprehension of the posterior metamorphoses. The second part of this work is it reserved for the "ways of the abyss", this event-driven trajectory, which fall of Barcelona to the total occupation of the Pyrenees in November 1942, subjected the local gendarmerie of the lawful, functional and psychological distortion with which it was not prepared. Finally to finish, the last part of this study is devoted to the period going of the winter 1942 at the end of November 1944, which marks the resurgence and the found independence of the national Gendarmerie
Pauzet, Anne. „Peinture et culture partagée en didactique des langues-cultures“. Paris 3, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA030146.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAt the present time, pictorial works are used with three objectives in mind : to illustrate, communicate and for artistic purposes. Yet, paintings which are real intercultural tools are also a way to enter someone else's culture. Robert Galissson's ideas on shared culture being recognized in this field, this research suggests an approach to understand the working process of the French "collective individual" through his/her visual productions. Painting as a world of reference : the most common mass media images often refer to painting. A work on the reference images which repeatedly use scenes which have been culturally assimilated (still-life, portraits, landscapes. . . ) helps to reach the basis of this shared culture. .
Alcibar, Michaël. „Histoire et enjeux de l'enseignement des langues régionales dans les écoles primaires publiques : le cas du basque et du breton“. Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016BOR30045.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis aims to explain and analyze the historical, sociolinguistic and political conditions that have accompanied the implementation of the teaching of regional languages in France and more specifically the bilingual public education of Basque and Breton. It also addresses the issues that have marked this process and continue to arise today. The thesis is structured in three main parts. The first, "A Historical Overview," focuses on the period of the French Revolution; Then on the period from the 19th century to the 3rd Republic - Guizot and Ferry laws on the imposition of French - along with the Basque and Breton proposals for maintaining or helping regional languages in learning french ; the Vichy period – the marginalization of regional languages - and the period of the Fourth Republic were developed, with the commitment of Basque and Breton deputies to obtain teaching and recognition of their language in the public school, action which will lead to the adoption of the Deixonne law. The second part of the thesis, "From the Deixonne law to the bilingual teaching of Basque and Breton in public primary schools today (2015)", develops the positions taken by Jaures on the pedagogical, economic and social advantages integrated to the local language learning, local demands for the integration of Basque and Breton into school, which began in the early 20th century and continued into the 1940s. Then, starting from the Deixonne law, the progresses, insufficiencies of the socialist government on the question of language teaching and bilingual experiments in the Basque Country and Brittany. The third part, entitled "Sociolinguistic issues in the teaching of Basque and Breton today", demonstrates the politicization of the issue of regional languages in public schools : "the absence of a legal framework resulting in tolerance. The teaching of regional languages rather than an established right". Overall, this research shows that the school and the regional languages have had and still have today a long common history or at least intertwined, with changes in the understanding of regional languages. Nevertheless, despite the new social considerations with regard to the Basque or the Breton, there remain political blockages as well as organizational brakes. An old practice, the politicization of the linguistic question in primary school, which, conditioned by the hierarchical relationship between French and other languages, is still perpetuated today. In the end, the perpetuation of this politicization over time is mainly representative of the great lack of understanding between the defenders of regional languages and the French state
Scheidhauer, Christophe. „La convergence européenne des politiques de promotion de l'enseignement des langues régionales, fruit de la quête d'héroi͏̈sme des promoteur“. Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004IEPP0009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMinkoue, M'Akono Mireille Carine. „Francophonie et culture au Gabon“. Lyon 3, 2008. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/out/theses/2008_out_minkoue_m.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAs we know, the colonial period has produced a complex linguistic situation which also caused heavy social cultural implications in French speaking countries in black Africa, especially in Gabon. Overall, we observe a surperimposition phenomenon of languages on the hand French set as the language of power and prestige at the disposal of elites and civil servants, on the other African languages often reduced to a less laudatory status, as indigenous dialects not proper to teaching and acquiring scientific acquaintances. The purpose of this work is to help us understand and know, the speaking and promotion of French around the world as a cultural force and a kinetic energy in the building up of a Gabonese nation that is in motion since its independence in 1960. Our main purpose isn’t to justify the speaking and promotion of French around the world but to show the contribution it has brought to the building up of a friendly and prosper Gabon ever since the French language arrived on the Gabonese soil
Colombel, Claire. „Langues kanak, français, langues d'enseignement et de culture en Nouvelle Calédonie : Quelle glottopolitique pour quelle contextualisation sociodidactique ?“ Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM3038.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis has an inductive approach in line with an interpretativist paradigm intersecting between the fields of sociolinguistics and didactics in a pluri- diglossical context. This study seeks to describe and analyze the political, social and didactic issues raised by the new linguistic policy of New Caledonia initiated by the “Accord de Noumea” (1998). If the first request to recognize Kanak specificities (including languages) in school goes back to the early 1970's, the “Accord de Noumea” revitalized the “language issue” by stating, for the first time, that Kanak languages are teaching and culture language with French. The research consists of clarifying the choises made by the linguistic planners on the corpus and on the status of Kanak languages – raising their status medium of education. The theoretical contributions stemming from sociolinguistics, didactics, sociology and ethnomethodology complement each other to contextualize my fieldwork – a survey in six pre-schools in the “Grand Noumea”, three years long. The qualitative analyze of the data enables the better understanding how the political, social and didactic consensus reached with the “Accord de Noumea” is realized through the implementation of teaching (in) Kanak languages
Michel, Youenn. „De la tolérance a l’intégration : l’école et l’enseignement des langues régionales en france, du régime de vichy aux années 198“. Paris 4, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA040155.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe history of Education in France, for regional languages and cultures, mirrors the relations between State and local authorities. It also hinges on the history and evolution of Education policies and teaching, the study of identity representations and the sociology of Education. Since the French Revolution, one of Education’s main goals has been integration through the teaching of the French language. So what has become of the teaching of regional cultures in French schools during the second half of the XXth century? From the Vichy regime to the 80’s, albeit some differences from one region’s aim to another, the teaching system has evidenced a strong will to raise awareness to local cultural heritage and to encourage optional lessons in regional languages. This is why research must investigate the motivations of the teachers and students involved, as well as what determines the introduction of local cultural references into the culture of Education
Bonnet-Falandry, Françoise. „Langue-culture maternelle/langue-culture étrangère : jouer sur les interactions en classe de langue à l'école“. Bordeaux 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BOR30032.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe influence of constructivist theories has changed the nature of interactions in the language classroom and stressed the importance of the mother tongue in the learning process, including the foreign language learning process. The language classroom is a place of complex transfers between languages, at different levels. The setting up of activities of reflection and communication in the languages involved, is the responsibility of the teacher, together with the organisation of fruitful exchanges between pupils
Chaisri, Kesinee. „L'enseignement de la culture en classe de langues étrangères en Thaïlande“. Avignon, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AVIG1060.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work concerns the teaching and learning of foreign culture in foreign language classes in Thailand. The work will analyze teaching methods and knowledge acquisition of foreign culture and the importance of cultural awareness in secondary and university French and German language classes. This thesis thus considers three main objectives : - To study the importance of teaching and learning about foreign culture in language classes ; - To better find the appropriate approaches (communicative, cultural, etc) for teaching and learning about foreign culture for Thai students ; - To propose a model that can be applied in the educational program of our country in order to develop the teaching of culture in foreign language classes. The research is based on the work of Michael BYRAM (1992) and Maddalena DE CARLO (1998). The methods used are qualitative and quantitative
Smati, Nozha. „Médiations de faits culturels par la presse et les radios régionales en Tunisie“. Toulouse 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009TOU20031.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research articulating media and culture, analyses the representations on cultural facts which appear through their mediatization in the written press and the regional radios in the regions of the South and the Sahel of Tunisia. Thanks to a method that combines both descriptive-quantitative analysis and a semio-pragmatic one of a selection of articles and specialized cultural broadcasts, the process of the mediatization of cultural facts together with the mediatizations that underlie it are studied. By mobilizing a set of parameters suited to the nature of the written support and the audio one, the analysis specifies the editorial orientations expressed by the form and the content of the articles and the broadcasts. Through the study of the mediatized cultural contents, the representations of cultural facts are expressed in regard to their relationship with some cultural and politico-mediatic contextual elements which depend on the national politics and the institutions of guardianship. The mediatized representations of cultural facts coming from the press and radio are those of a territorialized culture fixed in the regional specifities, of a culture taking from the other that shows a will of exchange with the other models and an officialized culture that comes as a mediation of the political power. The interactions between regional, national and international are manifested in the process of mediatization observed. To better understand this mediatization and the contexts that surround it, the analysis of a corpus of semi-directive interviews with certain actors involved – theator actors, persons in charge of media and cultural structures – allow by contrast to scrutinize the editorial choices of the media talked about with the effective artistic practices
Lenouvel, Sandrine. „Culture et didactologie des Langues-Cultures : évolution d'un concept : évolution d'une discipline“. Rouen, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004ROUEL468.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe object of this study is to show that the evolution of the Didactics of Cultures-Languages is tightly linked to that of the concept of culture. Only e few decades were indeed necessary for the discipline to include a cross-cultural dimension. Thus, the present analysis is an illustration that the discipline evolves in accordance with the latest transformations of the concept of culture itself. These ideological changes have deeply altered the language, the culture, the methodology, the epistemology and affected the teachers and the learners. A mere historical description of the phenomenon is not what the present study will limit itself to ; the purpose is to question the future to propose, in the wake of today's news trends in the culture, ways and means which tend to reject the ideology of progress in favor of a humanist approach, not deprived of a good sense of reality, in order to serve first and foremost those who are the primary subjects of the discipline's teaching
Barré, Ronan. „Les langues celtiques, entre survivance populaire et renouveau élitiste ? /“. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2007. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb410022746.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBibliogr. p. 225-230.
Langlois, Marilyne. „Didactique des langues-cultures & citoyenneté transculturelle : le rapport citoyen entre culture singulière et culture universelle“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AIX10118.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research aims to develop the ethical dimension of transcultural citizenship in langage-culture education. This concept proposes to aid students of foreign language-culture develop their "competence in transcultural citizenship" and focuses on different ideologies in an atmosphere of social and cultural adversity, which inevitably affects languages classes. The "transcultural citizenship" educational concept in foreign language-culture reflects on the delicate question of cultural content. It ficuses on people's different value systems and also the relationship between singular culture and universal culture. In general terms, this work contributes to an "ethical competency" un language and culture didactics
Matabishi, Namashunju Samuel. „Langues, éducation et développement durable en République Démocratique du Congo“. Rouen, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ROUEL019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis is about languages, education and sustainable development in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As far as linguistics and Culture are concerned, the D. R C. Is one of the countries most multilingual and multicultural in Africa. To that socio-cultural wealth is added the natural wealth (resources) that make some Geologists say the D. R. C is a “geological scandal”. This should be of great advantage to the welfare of the inhabitants of this country; one of the aims of a durable development. However, on social plan there is a great contrast between this geological scandal and the human development and welfare of Congolese because the D. R. C. Remains one of the poorest countries in the world. How can the socio cultural wealth and the natural wealth be combined to impulse the durable development in the D. R. C. ? Which are the necessary strategies to apply so as to make Congolese languages become instruments to the durable development? The aim of this thesis is to study the relationship between languages, education and durable development in D. R. C. In other words it consists of studying the impact of the learning of the Congolese languages on the durable development in the D. R. C. For this purpose one of the methodological approaches of our study is interviewing people. It contains 38 interviews completed by the transcription of radio emissions and the reading of appropriate literature on the topic. According to the interdisciplinary approaches applied to the interviews to five types (civil, society, politics and enterprise) of Congolese people we came to the following results: languages, education and durable development are linked and interdependent. Languages as ways of transmission of information on durable development have an impact on the education of people. Education on its hand promotes durable development. Depending on how people are educated and informed the durable development contributes to the improvement of education such as improving the tools of education in schools. It contributes as well to the enrichment and protection of languages. We have therefore shown that by protecting people assuring them good standard of life we also protect their languages so that they do not disappear. It is good to sensitize, form and inform people in their own languages, those that they control very well. The language is not the only factor to impulse lasting development though it contributes a lot. There is need to involve others such as political, economical, environmental factors… Thus the need to an interdisciplinary approaches to address the relationship between languages, education and durable development in a multilingual and multicultural context of the D. R. C
Nsondé, Jean de Dieu. „Langues, culture et histoire koongo aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles : à travers les documents linguistiques... /“. Paris : Ed. l'Harmattan, 1996. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb358063748.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBibliogr. p. 231-242.
Peng, Yuan. „L' interlangue, aspects linguistiques et culturels (cas du français, langue indo-européenne et du chinois)“. Limoges, 2012. http://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/8179b331-30bd-4ad8-9dc2-c7e4bfc3685f/blobholder:0/2012LIMO2014.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur research relates to two important factors during interlanguage learning - the mother tongue and native culture. We are going to study the ways in which these two main factors influence the acquisition of interlanguage from a psychological and socio-cultural point of view, which will allow us to build on the idea that input does not have to be reduced to linguistic rules, and that standards used to explain linguistic production should also be extended to cover lanquage's fuctional dimension. This last element seems optimal but problematic. If the assimilation of linguistic rules allows us to produce grammatically correct statements, cultural knowledge makes it possible to adapt one's expression to the context of communication and to native's judgements. Thus, the transfer of the mother tongue and native culture perpetually manifests its influence
Lefoulon, Joëlle. „L'hommage de la Bretagne aux morts de la Grande Guerre. Patrimoine commémoratif et identité régionale“. Thesis, Paris 4, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA040068.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBrittany lost many of its men in the Great War. The heritage of memorials and commemorations created to honour them is commensurate with the magnitude of this human slaughter. To what extent does such a heritage reflect traditions and a specific culture? As throughout France glorifying and patriotic memorials were erected to pay homage to the soldiers, but Brittany also wanted to emphasize its own identity. A long religious tradition is reflected in most of the monuments; the strength of the province's own specific culture gave rise to regionally inspired statuary with characters portrayed in local costume and inscriptions in the Breton language. The same assertion of identity is to be found in the churches. There is a constant desire to commemorate the sacrifice. In two town halls this is depicted in painted panels. A national memorial in remembrance of the sailors who died for France was erected at the western extremity of Brittany. A regional memorial, of a religious nature, is more specifically dedicated to the memory of those Bretons who died in the war. This uncommon heritage, to which was later added a national necropolis, bears witness to the region's history and to the vitality of its culture
Lacroix, Sandrine. „Culture, handicap et éducation : l'émergence d'une culture sourde en Polynésie française“. Thesis, Polynésie française, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014POLF0010/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAcross the past centuries, the Deaf people of what constitutes now French Polynesia seem to have blended into the "cultural background" of their lands and their community without leaving trace, neither in myths and legends, nor in the ethnological literature. Today, invisible and silent, they are nevertheless trying to emerge from anonymity while socially constructing themselves on bases other than sole hearing deficiency. By the means of an extensive field study, this anthropology thesis built around the concepts of vulnerability, disability and inclusion, explores the claim, whether collective or individual, of a deaf cultural identity in those islands. In contemporary French Polynesia, a place in search of cultural redefining, what are the representations upon which social spaces weave the relations with these "different" people? How do Deaf people define themselves? What is or what could be their sign language?
Engone, Jeannot. „Anthropologie cognitive et l'apprentissage des langues-cultures en situation de diglossie au Gabon“. Thesis, Artois, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018ARTO0103.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe learning of cultural languages today often leads research to focus on the problem of acquiring knowledge. This issue has been the subject of numerous studies in Gabon in the linguistic and anthropological perspective of the knowledge acquisitions disseminated by cultural languages and their relations with the individual and collective construction of a Gabonese cultural identity. The conclusions reached by most of these studies are that the only solution to hope to guarantee a survival of Gabonese languages-cultures is their introduction into the education system as languages-cultures of teaching and learning. learning. Our thesis lays down the same problem in a context characterized by the programmed extinction, in the short term, of most of the 52 cultural languages that Gabon has. However, it examines a new dimension which is that of exploring the impact of the knowledge disseminated by cultural languages in a diglossic situation through transmissive and acquisitional interactions. Also, Gabon's diglossic situation exposes two types of knowledge: so-called socio-cultural knowledge that emanates from the languages-ethnic cultures; the so-called scholarly knowledge provided by the French language-culture of compulsory schooling. The interest of this new perspective that our work develops is due to the fact that it considers in a very relevant way, the way in which access to cultural languages in a diglossie situation allows, in the child-learner, access to knowledge (sociocultural and academic) by promoting a balanced socialization, which is the substrate of the modeling of its social, cultural and linguistic thinking
Marcellin, Catherine. „Un système cognitif polymorphe enculturé. Langues, langages et cognition“. Thesis, La Réunion, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LARE0033/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research work is about the specific characteristics linked to learning in a multicultural context. It takes place at the crossroads between reflections on the conceptual fields dealing with the teenagers’ mental lexis and the two great existing cognitive orientations, in relation with local culture in vocational schools in Reunion Island. The context of this study lies in observing that learners might preferentially activate a certain kind of logic: whether it be an abstract logic or a natural logic depending on the contexts of integration. There exist two systems of development, which are parallel. One conditions the other according to its localization. Thus, there might be a relation between the linguistic codes used on the island and the learners’ performances at school. Two groups of teenagers attending the same vocational school in the island agreed to submit themselves to a battery of tests. This sample of data stands as numerically sufficient to describe and observe behavior and existing relations inside our population. Concerning of tests, were taken in the assessment-diagnosis implemented by the French Ministry of Education – their levels are: entering the consolidation of knowledge and the end of them. Then some Piaget’s evaluations as well as evaluations Binet-Simon were used. They suggest a loss in performance of around 40% between the level of the second year of primary school and the level at entering the first of secondary school. Less than one pupil out of two succeeds at the evaluations. The Piaget’s evaluations and the evaluation on verbal thinking linked with cognitive age would be that of a 9 year old
Bouquin, Hélène. „Les langues dites "di̓mmigration" dans les bibliothèques municipales françaises /“. Villeurbanne : ENSSIB, 2001. http://www.enssib.fr/bibliotheque/documents/dcb/bouquin.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleYou, Hee-Yeun. „Les cultures métalinguistiques dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du français et des langues en Corée du Sud“. Thesis, Paris 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA030104.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis study bears on the metalinguistic culture that can be found in the teaching of languages in South Korea, at the level of secondary school, especially concerning French. This research aims at identifying which kind of educational culture is involved in the teaching of foreign languages as dispensed in the official instructions and the teacher’s guides and textbooks on the three languages [Korean, English, French]. In the school context, Korean learners follow the very same course in their study of foreign languages as their teachers previously did [Korean native tongue, English as only possible first foreign language]. We tried to determine whether there is an influence related to the order of this obligatory learning sequence [Korean, English, French], by examining the pedagogical discourses and linguistic descriptions which appear in the textbooks on the three languages, all texts coming from the 7th Reform of the curriculum. More particularly, we think we have shown, on the basis of an analysis of the textbooks and teacher’s guides on French, in which way metalinguistic and educational cultures that can be detected in the teaching of French are influenced by the metalinguistic and educational cultures which were referred to during the learning of Korean and English languages. The Korean authors of textbooks on French call upon concepts coming from the description of Korean or English languages, when there is no available equivalent between the target language and the source language
Ly, Thi Hong. „Langue et culture : quels questionnements pour les classes bilingues au Vietnam ?“ Rouen, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ROUEL425.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe learning of a foreign language has an educational, cultural and political object. In other words the language dimension contributes a great deal in the shaping of the cultural identity of a single human being as well as a whole community. Therefore, questions such as problems relating to the transmission of cultural values can be raised : what is the importance of culture in the foreign language course ? Can we teach the language as culture in itself ? After having raised these questions in the present piece of work, we will try to bring answers basing on a group of Vietnamese children (from 9 to 11) as a sample. As we drew a parallelism between our work and theories on the relationship between language and culture, bilingualism and biculturalism, we tried to point out that the acquaintance withn a foreign language facilitated the contact with the other and with the person himself all for a double cultural heritage. From a ethical point of view , this intercultural exchange functions as a call for everybody to distance themselves from their ego to go and find the other. Beyond the need to recourse to alterity in the teaching , a number of questions of institutional term and the way to talk it are saised. For instance what is the role of school in the building of representation of children , the consideration of childhood culture and the teacher's cultural skills. So many questions that are being largely issued nowadays in several fields of research in human and social sciences
Bloch, Daphné. „Langues, pratiques de transmission et dynamiques d'apprentissage au collège à Madagascar“. Rouen, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ROUEL002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn Madagascar, the social representations of language skills and academic achievement commonly assume a direct causal link between the language skills of students and his academic results. Understanding the factors affecting academic trajectories of Malagasy high school students requires considering the complex existing relationships between language, knowledge and teaching practices. On top of language issues, transmission and appropriation of knowledge methods, and access to knowledge are key factors to understand and analyze learning dynamics. The present work investigates these "teaching strategies" in relation with school characteristics, students and teacher’s background and origin, language role, oral and written cultures. Comparing linguistic representations, language practices and knowledge transmission procedures in Antananarivo and Mahajanga highlights how strong regional education inequalities are maintained
Gozzi, Laura. „Langues/ religions/ systèmes scolaires : l'identité tchadienne et les apports de la France“. Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/10591/.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAmhis, Amina. „Traductologie et terminologie : problématique des transferts culturels en traduction entre les langues française et arabe“. Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCA022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe debate over the translation was structured around the notion of untranslatability or practical impossibility of translation. This thesis relates to the transfer of cultural elements in legal translation. The aim was to show the practical possibility of translation despite the cultural distance between two languages and cultures. Should it be stressed that within the framework of the current study, we tackled the question under an angle properly civilisationnel carried primarily about the cultural aspects which the Algerian family Code recovers, we limited ourselves to the cultures Algerian and French. This thesis focuses on the concept of equivalence which constitutes a central concept in any operation of translation
Peslouan, Hervé de. „L'autochtone et l'étranger : contribution à̧ l'étude de la distinction vernaculaire et de la division idiomatique“. Rennes 2, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985REN20023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLefèvre, Élodie. „Pratiques et conceptions de l'intercompréhension en classe de cycle 3 et 4, de l'intuition à la didactisation : étude de cas d'élèves bilingues français-occitan“. Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU20112.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAt the moment, languages are still tightly tied against each other, and Ronjat's method of "one person = one language" seems to act as a law. This is contrasted with the new methods of teaching, notably with the teaching of plurilingualism, which envisages the teaching and learning of languages and cultures in a pluralistic way, and in which a particular intention is placed on the language repertoire of the learners.It is in this context that our research has been written. The aim of this study was to demonstrate empirically that French-Occitan bilingual pupils are favoured when they are learning a new language (English and / or Spanish); on the other hand, to attest that the teaching of the contact of languages could make it possible to improve and / or consolidate the competences of these bilinguals by intuition and / or awareness of synergies, ties, relationships, and so on which exist between the languages belonging to the same family (that of the Romance languages with French, Occitan and Spanish). From this study it is concluded that it is not so much the bilingual or monolingual mode of teaching that favours or not the contact of languages and its teaching, but the teaching practices. Although teachers of bilingual classes will be more accustomed to this type of contact of languages, their teaching is still relatively punctual and the intercomprehension is not operationalized
Lefoulon, Joëlle. „L'hommage de la Bretagne aux morts de la Grande Guerre. Patrimoine commémoratif et identité régionale“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 4, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA040068.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBrittany lost many of its men in the Great War. The heritage of memorials and commemorations created to honour them is commensurate with the magnitude of this human slaughter. To what extent does such a heritage reflect traditions and a specific culture? As throughout France glorifying and patriotic memorials were erected to pay homage to the soldiers, but Brittany also wanted to emphasize its own identity. A long religious tradition is reflected in most of the monuments; the strength of the province's own specific culture gave rise to regionally inspired statuary with characters portrayed in local costume and inscriptions in the Breton language. The same assertion of identity is to be found in the churches. There is a constant desire to commemorate the sacrifice. In two town halls this is depicted in painted panels. A national memorial in remembrance of the sailors who died for France was erected at the western extremity of Brittany. A regional memorial, of a religious nature, is more specifically dedicated to the memory of those Bretons who died in the war. This uncommon heritage, to which was later added a national necropolis, bears witness to the region's history and to the vitality of its culture
Nguyen, Bao Quoc. „L'apprentissage du français hors système scolaire au Vietnam : entre langue-culture et langue-instrument“. Caen, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013CAEN1724.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLearning French for Vietnamese has a linguistic dimension but it is also in the goal of the access to employment strategies. The demand for post-school learning languages is mainly oriented towards English. However there is also a demand for French and it has a history. This demand of post -school training could be found in two kinds of organizations: language centers and cultural centers. These two structures are in competition for learning French. Paradoxically, cultural centers offering teaching with native speakers, documentary resources, etc. Are less frequented than the language centers. Centers of foreign language opened in the evening and French cultural centers, contribute to the spread of the French language in Vietnam. However, the organization and pedagogical process of teaching French in these centers are different. Centers of foreign language in evening focus only on linguistic elements: grammar, vocabulary, language structure which are in the conception of teaching program. For their part, the cultural centers offer to learners linguistic elements, but also cultural knowledge related to French language. Our research is an attempt to understand the types of motivation for learning French and the representations of the activity learning, among Vietnamese learners. We assume that the representations of learning instrumental referred explain the differences in demands that opposite the two types of center. In this context, we question the conditions of the possibility of educational innovations in the field of language teaching
Yiboe, Kofi Tsivanyo. „Enseignement/apprentissage du français au Ghana : écarts entre la culture d'enseignement et la culture d'apprentissage“. Strasbourg, 2010. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2010/YIBOE_Kofi_Tsivanyo_2010.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe teaching/learning of a foreign language in the school set up require the integration of multiple social factors. This research attempts to describe patterns of communication in French as a foreign language class in some senior high schools in Ghana. Lesson sessions are videotaped in three schools in the Cape Coast municipality. The results show that inference as a teaching technique plays several roles and may contribute to the development of communication strategies in foreign language classroom. However, the approach is hampered in Ghanaian schools by a misunderstanding between the European culture and the culture of socialization of the students. Moreover, code switching in French as a foreign language classroom takes many forms controlled by teachers. Different linguistic codes within the class are therefore limited to only metalinguistic discourse. In addition, nonverbal communication is also reflected in various complex communicative functions that teachers and students play in class. Finally, the analysis reveals the importance of emotion in the acquisition of foreign languages in Ghanaian secondary schools
Ragi, Tariq. „Minorités culturelles, école républicaine et configurations de l'Etat-nation en France“. Amiens, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996AMIE0004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe circular n° 75-148 dated 9th april 1975 is particularly noteworthy since it calls into question at one and the same time the republican tradition of equality and the french concept of the logic of integration based on the individual and not on the community. Schooling, whose primary mission lies in the education of future citizens on the basis of a common identical program for all, is now introducing differences corelative to the particular belonging of each individual it being either national based, community based or ethnically based. Starting from the teaching of languages and cultures said to be original, the following will be verified: the usage and the operational character of essential notions of sociology such as assimilation, integration and citizenship; the question of local, national and european identities; interethnic cohabitation; and culture shock
Tabti-Kouidri, Fatiha. „La chanson algérienne des années 1990, un vecteur de contestation et de diversité : langage, langues et enjeux socioculturels“. Thesis, Paris 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA030014.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe object of those researches is to study in a country where the cultural substratum is massively invested by the oral character, a way of expression, of communication, of resistance, of mobilization, of contestation, of claiming and affirmation of their identity, that was constituted by a great part of the Algerian population, an indispensable outlet to the maintenance of an individual and collective equilibrium strongly compromised, but also and mostly a non negligible possibility of self affirmation : the song. In deed, carrying feelings and resentments of a population taken between terrorism and repression and whose speech is excluded of the official circuits, denouncing the violence of the religious extremism like the abuses and the deficiencies of the power in place, transgressing the interdicts and the taboos, claiming a plural culture and identity, the Algerian songs of the 1990 are a vector of contestation and diversity, a real way of communication that we have to apprehend by linking it to the whole system of which it participates
Cao, Thi Thanh Huong. „La recherche de l'authenticité en didactologie des langues-cultures. Réflexions sur un contexte vietnamien“. Rouen, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000ROUEL391.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDjiecheu, Yannick. „Cultures éducatives et traditions d’enseignement des langues officielles au Canada : Analyses de textes officiels, de manuels et de témoignages d’enseignants en Ontario et au Québec“. Thesis, Paris 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA030017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleStarting from the premise that practical language teaching is deeply characterized by variations,this research suppose that face to face and divergent educational and linguistic cultures canexplain these variations and their factors. Through a comparative analysis of Canadian officialtexts, textbooks and teachers’ discourses, we aim to show that divergent teaching traditionsbetween French and English as second language can appear in the discourses about secondlanguage teaching in this country. In this way, these traditions could ask the question about acommon and shared educational and teaching culture in Canada
Haidar, Hassan. „L'influence des communautés sur le choix des langues au Liban“. Bordeaux 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997BOR21004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn a area of 10452 km2 live 17 religious communities which differ in their culture and origins. These religious communities, which form the fondations of the lebanese society, constitue the corner stone of all cultural, linguistical, political and social life. This work is written from an ethno-linguistical point of view because it shows the place of the languages inside each community. The interpretation of their role as well as the attraction they have for each community poses many questions. This study begins with a brief historical survey of the languages in use in the Lebanon, language rather than being a factor which enriches the lebanese culture, has instead become of debate and antagonism. Pluralism in education remains a major cause of disintegration in lebanese society. More over the lebanese between partisans and opponents. How do christians and muslims react to the two subjects ? What represents these two themes in the different political and ideological trends in the lebanon ? These linguistic opposites have in turn become a crisis of cultural existance
Perrin, Line. „"Approche interculturelle" en cours de langue ou comment concilier l'inconciliable ?“ Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004STR20011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work explores the research field related to the intercultural learning process in foreign language classroomes and deals more particularly with the learning of German as a foreign language. One of its goals is to underline the theoretical fundamentals of the intercultural learning process in the field of language didactics and intercultural education. It also aims at relating these two disciplines with one another in order to stress the methodological concepts and the important conditions which are absolutely necessary for the acquisition of intercultural competences in institutional contexts as well as in foreign language classes. These theoretical aspects help elaborate a methodology and define conception tools for the acquisition of intercultural competences based on the foreign language learning process mentioned above which, according to us, can be seen as being multicultural. This work presents an expe rimental phase during which the suggested method has been applied. The consequences it has for the teacher and his/her teaching practices as well as for the official syllabus, due to be modified, are also being analysed
Van, Robais Solange. „Le Comité flamand de France, une société savante frontalière et régionaliste, 1853-1940“. Thesis, Paris 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA040245.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIs it a classic « learned society » created in 1853, or does its border situation provide it another interest? Edmond de Coussemaker, the music lover magistrate and the others fonders living in Dunkerque, were committed to preserving and maintaining the vestiges of their ancient vernacular, the "Flemish in France",participating in the movement of 'local memories'. These local dignitaries, with the help of village priests, wished to serve the Christian society, therein inspired both by the traditions of medieval towns of the Low Countries later on regained by the Spanish catholic reform and the opposition to anticlerical centralism inherited from the Revolution. They associated the vernacular with the catholic religion, as part of a French identity, to distinguish themselves, both from Paris and from their Belgian-Flemish neighbors, and also to submit the challenges of modernity. Once attracted by the Flemish neogothicism and neomedieval ideology, they joined, painfully for some, the integration project of "small countries" in the great nation-state, as conceived by the Third Republic, even though this regime was not favourable towards these elites which were considered reactionary. The reconstruction of this region, near the front, after the First World War, gave the canon Looten during his long presidency, the opportunity to play very subtly, sometimes ambiguously, a role in the organization of typically northern type of regionalism. While ensuring the promotion of the vernacular at the “Facultés catholiques de Lille”, with his friend Jules Lemire, he aims at driving religion in a direction of transcendence as well as larger opening to the word and its social problems
Peyrolle, Jean-Claude. „Autonomie et gouvernance : contribution à une anthropologie politique du signe“. Thesis, Polynésie française, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014POLF0004/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOrganizational efficiency is the result of a myriad of micro decisions taken as close as possible from the place and time at which contextual interference emerges. The Toyota Production System, on the management level, and the boom of the Apple Corporation, on the level of the intuitive tools for personal productivity, demonstrate this evolution where thought and action are no more segregated. Proof is the path taken by the main actors of the digital revolution : the founders of Linux, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon.com, Google or Facebook. It did not begin from a classroom theory, but by a trial and error approach that never disconnected the mind from the act.This virtuous pragmatism is also found in Bavaria, Flanders, Scotland, Euskadi, Catalonia, Lombardy, Veneto ... Indeed, these regions have an autonomy - including and particularly at the cultural level - similar to that of the German Länder or the Swiss cantons. On the contrary, Jacobin France followed the opposite path: the eradication of regional and minority languages in which sensory contact with things remained in the sign systems.But today, the rise of complexity, even saturating the significant power of the concept itself, brings the conditions for the return of the sign
Durizot, Jno-Baptiste Paulette. „La question du créole à l'école en Guadeloupe : historique et représentations actuelles d'une langue et d'une culture“. Antilles-Guyane, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995AGUY0005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe study of the social dynamic on Guadeloupean creole in a scholastic environment was the object of a survey carried out among parents of pupils of primary schools, school teachers and only third form students. Their cultural representations of the creole language should translate their behaviour towards scientific and ideologic discourses about social values of the alleged mother tongue of the pupils : creole. Two hypothesises, linguistic and cultural were tested after considering new social facts (democratization of school and the expansion of the tertiary economy. . . ) four explanatory porpositions were given : creole and socio-historic status, creole and it's future in schools, creole and communication, creole and social cultural values. The methodical tool, the artificial dichotomy between language and culture was juged pertinent so that the question on creole in schools could be set and resolved : to teach, firstly, the "true" history of the creole language to persons more capable to receive the cultural message than the linguistic support; secondly, to teach the language form which an interest of oral and written apprenticeship could be imposed on it's own. The interest or the result of the research : a cultural bidimensional approach of the mother tongue, creole and french
Milin, Rozenn. „Du sabot au crâne de singe : histoire, modalités et conséquences de l'imposition d'une langue dominante : Bretagne, Sénégal et autres territoires“. Thesis, Rennes 2, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022REN20028.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOne of the greatest changes that Western Brittany experienced in the 20th century is a complete change of language. In the space of a few decades, the Breton-speaking inhabitants of Finistère and the western half of Morbihan and Côtes-d'Armor ceased to pass on Breton to their children, thus endangering the future of their own mother tongue. This profound transformation, which today is often considered to be a natural phenomenon, nevertheless raises many questions. The purpose of this thesis is to try to determine the whys and wherefores of this process of linguistic substitution, which is not specific to Brittany. Schools played a fundamental role, and we will therefore begin by tracing the history of the imposition of dominant languages in the school environment, through practices such as the use of the signum in Latin schools, which later became the "symbole" and spread throughout Europe and beyond, as far as the former colonies of French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa. A case study conducted over several years in Brittany and Senegal will allow, thanks to the hundreds of testimonies gathered on both sides, to compare the methods implemented and their consequences. Comparisons will also be made with various places in the world, including countries under domination other than French, where similar methods have been observed. All of this data, historical and contemporary, in Brittany, Europe, Japan and Africa, will allow us to see that identical practices do not produce the same effects everywhere, the objectives pursued by the nation-state not being the same in metropolitan France and in the former colonies. As a matter of fact, the diversity of languages does not seem to be threatened in Senegal to this day, whereas the Bretons have been pushed to commit a real "linguistic suicide"
Marchand, Rachel. „Influences de la culture et de l'identité sur l'apprentissage du FLE : étude comparative des enseignements/apprentissages en France et en Chine“. Thesis, Nancy 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009NAN21026/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHow do culture and identity influence the learning of French? What are the difficulties of the Chinese learners in the French classes, and why do they ask for grammar courses and rarely take part in oral activities? Through the research conducted by G. Hofstede about the cultural models associated to each country, and through studies in comparative education, I present the main differences between the French and the Chinese cultures as regards the learning and teaching of French. In a second part, the analysis of individual interviews of young Chinese learners in France shows that personality and individual identity take precedence over the cultural "conditioning" of each learner. Moreover, the discovery and the situation of interculturality necessarily lead to the modification of the learning habits and of the cultural references. These changes are favourable to the learner's decentralization and his/her adaptation to the new methods of learning, as they are practised in France. Consequently, their difficulties and "failures" tend to disappear progressively. But this means that French teachers should be aware of the cultural differences and needs of their learners, and turn interculturality into an advantage
Pham, Anh Tu. „De la compétence monoculturelle à la compétence interculturelle : processus de la prise de conscience chez les étudiants vietnamiens“. Rouen, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003ROUEL434.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe teaching of a foreign language contributes to a personal development of the students by providing them with a better understanding of themselves and others. Based on the close links between language and culture, we studied the problem of interference and tranfer among Vietnamese students. Our work attempts to study the passage from the monocultural to a intercultural skill of a Vietnamese student, and to apply Michael Byram's model for teaching language and culture in Vietnam
Taché, Priscilla. „La culture québécoise et ses références identitaires : une ethnographie de la francisation à l'école de langues de l'Université Laval (ÉLUL)“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2009/26688/26688.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle