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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Cuivre, Zinc, Aluminium (CZA)"
Rani, K. Manjula, und P. N. Palanisamy. „Enhanced Adsorptive Removal of Anionic Dyes by using Calcined Zinc Aluminium Layered Double Hydroxide CZA-LDH from Aqueous Solution“. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 7, Nr. 3 (2017): 406.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleManjula Rani, K., und P. N. Palanisamy. „Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous, Nanostructured Zinc Aluminium Carbonate Layered Double Hydroxides (ZAC-LDHs) and Its Calcined Product (CZA-LDH)“. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 28, Nr. 3 (20.02.2018): 1127–35.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAlassane Boukari, Soumaila, Ibrahim Elhadji Daou, Abdoulaye Garba Neino, Yaya Soro, Abdourahamane Tankari Dan Badjo, Kouassi Benjamin Yao und Kouakou Aphonse Yao. „Morphological and Physico-Chemical Characterization of Soils from Gold Panning in Komabangou, Niger“. Key Engineering Materials 980 (18.04.2024): 87–98.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Cuivre, Zinc, Aluminium (CZA)"
Duran, Martinez Laura Elizabeth. „Dévelοppement et οptimisatiοn d'un prοcédé de prοductiοn de mοlécules d'intérêt par hydrοgénatiοn du CΟ2 à partir d'hydrοgène renοuvelable“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly urgent due to their significant contribution to global climate change. The rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere highlight the critical need for sustainable alternatives. Converting CO₂ into value-added molecules (energy carriers) offers a promising solution to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. This thesis explores the potential of the catalytic hydrogenation of CO₂ to produce value-added chemicals such as methane, methanol, and dimethyl ether (DME). These processes not only offer a means to reduce CO₂ emissions but also provide a path toward sustainable fuel production. The research explores various catalytic processes, with a particular emphasis on thermal catalysis due to its higher efficiency and suitability for industrial implementation. The one-step CO₂ hydrogenation to DME is the case of study. Preliminary experiments were conducted into a laboratory fixed bed reactor to better understand catalyst performance. Different catalysts were tested for DME synthesis. Since the reactions that take place into CO₂ hydrogenation to DME comprise the methanol synthesis from CO₂ followed by methanol dehydration, a mixture of catalysts was done for the direct DME synthesis. For the powder mixture, two different CuO/ZnO/Al₂O₃ (CZA) catalysts, one commercial and one developed, were tested for methanol synthesis and two CZA zeolites (HY and HZSM-5) were tested for methanol dehydration. The physical mixture of CZA-C plus HZSM-5 was chosen for further analysis. The effect of temperature, pressure, feed molar ratio (H₂/CO₂) and gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) were assessed for the development of the kinetics of DME synthesis. A Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetic model for methanol synthesis was proposed, along with a novel relationship for methanol dehydration to DME, since the reaction is not at equilibrium. An Optimal Temperature Profile (OTP) reactor integrating the kinetic model developed was studied for precise temperature control to maximise CO₂ conversion. Simulations and optimisations confirmed that longer residence times by adjusting catalysts mass is more effective for higher CO₂ conversion. A minimal advantage (<1%) was identified in terms of CO₂ conversion for the OTP reactor over an isothermal reactor. However, the combined productivity of DME and methanol had a better performance (>4.4%) over the isothermal reactor. An OTP multi-tubular reactor with variable coolant temperature, comprising 958 tubes, achieved 34.18% CO₂ conversion and a combined methanol and DME production rate of 30.84 mol.h⁻¹ per tube, approaching to thermodynamic equilibrium without recirculation
Hammoud, Dima. „Synthèses et caractérisations d'oxydes mixtes à base de cuivre, zinc et aluminium issus de précurseurs de type hydrotalcite : Application pour la réaction de vaporeformage du biométhanol“. Thesis, Littoral, 2015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSome catalysts based on Cu, Zn and Al were prepared by hydrotalcite road to be tested in the steam reforming of biomethanol to produce hydrogen. For the dried solids CuxZn₆₋xAl₂, whatever the copper content, the hydrotalcite phase was revealed by different physico-chemical characterizations (XRD, SEM, DTA-GTA). The calcination of hydrotalcites allows to generate a mixture of oxides with interesting properties such non-respect of stoichiometry, high thermal stability, high surface area. The solid, Cu₄Zn₂Al₂ HT calcined at 500° C shows the highest conversion rates and selectivities of H₂ with a low formation of CO at high temperatures. This best performance is due to the presence of an optimum of copper species reduced Cu⁺,CU⁰. Furthermore, copper-based supported solids using Zn-Al hydrotalcite as a precursor of the support were synthesized. The characterization of impregnated solids showed their partial reconstructions by "memory effect" as hydrotalcite during impregnation of Cu. The catalytic performance of these calcined solids depends on the temperature of calcination of the hydrotalcite support, of the sample and of the impregnated copper content. The solid 10% Cu/Zn-Al (500) 500 presents the best activity in the study of steam reforming of methanol. Meanwhile, a reaction mechanism containing methyl formate and formic acid as intermediate compounds has been proposed for the steam reforming of methanol in the presence of these catalysts
Mantel, Marc. „Influence de l'ordre atomique et des défauts ponctuels sur la stabilisation de la phase martensitique dans un alliage à mémoire de forme Cu-Zn-Al“. Lyon, INSA, 1985.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLE, PELTIER RIVIERE FABIENNE. „Transformation du gaz de synthese en methanol en presence de catalyseurs oxyde mixte a base de cuivre, aluminium et de zinc“. Paris 6, 1989.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCharbonnier, Pierre. „Influence des traitements thermiques, sur la transformation martensitique d'un alliage a memoire de forme Cu-Zn-Al-Ni : Phénomènes d'oxydation et de mise en ordre“. Lyon, INSA, 1992.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWe have studied the possibility to obtain a range of martensitic transformation temperatures Ms for a Cu-Zn-Al-Ni alloy by varying the heat treatment conditions. Prolonged homogenization treatment in phase at high temperature induces superficial oxidation phenomena which lead to a raising of martensitic transformation temperature Ms by losing constitutive elements of the alloy. Several conditions in quenching and annealing allow us to obtain different states of order, characterized by transmission electron microscopy. We show that ordering has a great influence on martensitic transformation temperature Ms and we study the evolutions at room temperature of the metastable state of the alloy, particularly by isothermal dilatometry and calorimetry. Our results are interpreted by interactions between vacancies and ordering
Sainte, Pauline. „Contribution des matériaux de couverture à la contamination métallique des eaux de ruissellement“. Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDIAGNE, CHEIKH T. „Transformation du gaz de synthese en alcools sur catalyseurs a base de palladium et de cobalt-cuivre : aspects mecanistiques“. Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1988.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChauvin, Camille. „Caracterisation d'oxydes de zinc et de catalyseurs de synthese du methanol cu-znal::(2)o::(4) : etude par spectroscopie infrarouge des sites d'adsorption et des mecanismes reactionnels“. Caen, 1987.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGERARD, BRUNO. „Luminescence retardee stimulee electriquement dans les sulfures de zinc et de cadmium actives au cuivre, a l'or ou a l'argent et coactives a l'aluminium : application a un imageur mammographique numerique a memoire“. Paris 6, 1988.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNemiche, Ali. „Contribution a la synthese catalytique du methanol a partir de gaz issu de biomasse : optimisation de la conversion des oxydes de carbone“. Poitiers, 1987.
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