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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Cooling"


Che Sidik, Nor Azwadi, und Shahin Salimi. „The Use of Compound Cooling Holes for Film Cooling at the End Wall of Combustor Simulator“. Applied Mechanics and Materials 695 (November 2014): 371–75.

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Gas turbine cooling can be classified into two different schemes; internal and external cooling. In internal cooling method, the coolant provided by compressor is forced into the cooling flow circuits inside turbine components. Meanwhile, for the external cooling method, the injected coolant is directly perfused from coolant manifold to save downstream components against hot gases. Furthermore, in the latter coolant scheme, coolant is used to quell the heat transfer from hot gas stream to a component. There are several ways in external cooling. Film cooling is one of the best cooling systems for the application on gas turbine blades. This study concentrates on the comparison of experimental, computational and numerical investigations of advanced film cooling performance for cylindrical holes at different angles and different blowing ratios in modern turbine gas.
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Shi, Li, Zhiying Sun und Yuanfeng Lu. „The Combined Influences of Film Cooling and Thermal Barrier Coatings on the Cooling Performances of a Film and Internal Cooled Vane“. Coatings 10, Nr. 9 (05.09.2020): 861.

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This paper presents a numerical investigation on the combined influences of film cooling and thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) on the cooling performances of a NASA C3X guide vane. The results show that: (1) film cooling on the pressure side is more effective than suction side, especially on the trailing edge where multiple cooling and thermal protection techniques include internal cooling and TBCs are necessary. (2) TBCs show positive and negative roles in improving cooling performance at the same time for the coated vane with or without film cooling. Without film cooling, TBCs show negative roles on the regions with lower temperature external hot gas, which is caused by flow acceleration from the stagnation line of the suction side. (3) Internal cooling improvement caused by coolant introduction leads to a larger cooling effectiveness inclement due to TBCs near coolant plenums and film cooling holes. However, the influence of TBCs on cooling effectiveness increment goes down and even shows negative roles on the regions away from coolant plenums and under the effective coverage of the film cooling. (4) Improving the convective heat transfer of coolant with the wall of coolant plenums and film cooling holes is the guarantee of improving the cooling performance of a coated vane.
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Wang, Chen, Chunhua Wang und Jingzhou Zhang. „Parametric Studies of Laminated Cooling Configurations: Overall Cooling Effectiveness“. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2021 (10.02.2021): 1–15.

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Combing the advantages of film cooling, impingement cooling, and enhanced cooling by pin fins, laminated cooling is attracting more and more attention. This study investigates the effects of geometric and thermodynamic parameters on overall cooling effectiveness of laminated configuration, and model experiments were carried out to validate the numerical results. It is found that the increases in film cooling hole diameter and pin fin diameter both result in the increase in cooling effectiveness, but the increases in impingement hole diameter, impingement height, and spanwise hole pitch degrade the cooling performance. The increase of the coolant flow rate causes the increase in cooling efficiency, but this effect becomes weaker at a high coolant flow rate. The coolant-to-mainstream density ratio has no obvious effect on cooling effectiveness but affects wall temperature obviously. Moreover, based on the numerical results, an empirical correlation is developed to predict the overall cooling efficiency in a specific range, and a genetic algorithm is applied to determine the empirical parameters. Compared with the numerical results, the mean prediction error (relative value) of the correlation can reach 8.3%.
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Friedrichs, S., H. P. Hodson und W. N. Dawes. „The Design of an Improved Endwall Film-Cooling Configuration“. Journal of Turbomachinery 121, Nr. 4 (01.10.1999): 772–80.

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The endwall film-cooling cooling configuration investigated by Friedrichs et al. (1996, 1997) had in principle sufficient cooling flow for the endwall, but in practice, the redistribution of this coolant by secondary flows left large endwall areas uncooled. This paper describes the attempt to improve upon this datum cooling configuration by redistributing the available coolant to provide a better coolant coverage on the endwall surface, while keeping the associated aerodynamic losses small. The design of the new, improved cooling configuration was based on the understanding of endwall film-cooling described by Friedrichs et al. (1996, 1997). Computational fluid dynamics were used to predict the basic flow and pressure field without coolant ejection. Using this as a basis, the above-described understanding was used to place cooling holes so that they would provide the necessary cooling coverage at minimal aerodynamic penalty. The simple analytical modeling developed by Friedrichs et al. (1997) was then used to check that the coolant consumption and the increase in aerodynamic loss lay within the limits of the design goal. The improved cooling configuration was tested experimentally in a large-scale, low-speed linear cascade. An analysis of the results shows that the redesign of the cooling configuration has been successful in achieving an improved coolant coverage with lower aerodynamic losses, while using the same amount of coolant as in the datum cooling configuration. The improved cooling configuration has reconfirmed conclusions from Friedrichs et al. (1996, 1997): First, coolant ejection downstream of the three-dimensional separation lines on the endwall does not change the secondary flow structures; second, placement of holes in regions of high static pressure helps reduce the aerodynamic penalties of platform coolant ejection; finally, taking account of secondary flow can improve the design of endwall film-cooling configurations.
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Harrington, Mark K., Marcus A. McWaters, David G. Bogard, Christopher A. Lemmon und Karen A. Thole. „Full-Coverage Film Cooling With Short Normal Injection Holes“. Journal of Turbomachinery 123, Nr. 4 (01.02.2001): 798–805.

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An experimental and computational investigation was conducted on the film cooling adiabatic effectiveness of a flat plate with full coverage film cooling. The full coverage film cooling array was comprised of ten rows of coolant holes, arranged in a staggered pattern, with short L/D=1, normal coolant holes. A single row of cooland holes was also examined to determine the accuracy of a superposition prediction of the full coverage adiabatic effectiveness performance. Large density coolant jets and high mainstream turbulence conditions were utilized to simulate realistic engine conditions. High-resolution adiabatic effectiveness measurements were obtained using infrared imaging techniques and a large-scale flat plate model. Optimum adiabatic effectiveness was found to occur for a blowing ratio of M=0.65. At this blowing ratio separation of the coolant jet immediately downstream of the hole was observed. For M=0.65, the high mainstream turbulence decreased the spatially averaged effectiveness level by 12 percent. The high mainstream turbulence produced a larger effect for lower blowing ratios. The superposition model based on single row effectiveness results over-predicted the full coverage effectiveness levels.
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Ding, Yuzhang, Haocheng Ji, Rui Liu, Yuwei Jiang und Minxiang Wei. „Study of the thermal behavior of a battery pack with a serpentine channel“. AIP Advances 12, Nr. 5 (01.05.2022): 055028.

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To effectively enhance the thermal security of the Li-ion battery packs used in the electric vehicle industry, novel cooling systems equipped with serpentine channels are established. Then, the heat generation model is established and verified experimentally. In this research study, the structure of the cooling channel, the coolant velocity, the coolant temperature, and the coolant flow direction are considered to be the influencing factors. The results demonstrate that, by adopting the serpentine cooling channel, a better thermal conductivity can be obtained, and the type-B cooling system possesses a more reasonable structure. For different types of liquid cooling systems, the coolant temperature has a small influence on the temperature nephogram; however, for the same type of system, the coolant temperature strongly influences the temperature distribution. Similarly, the temperature difference is only related to the type of cooling system, with ∼6.09 and 5.53 K obtained for the type-A and type-B cooling systems, respectively. Furthermore, allowing the coolant in the serpentine cooling channels to flow in opposite directions can lower the value of the maximum temperature and temperature difference.
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Zulfikar, Zulfikar. „Penambahan Water Coolant Pada Cooling Tower Tipe Counter Flow“. Jurnal Mesin Nusantara 1, Nr. 2 (27.08.2019): 85–92.

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Cooling tower adalah alat penukar kalor dengan fluida kerja air dan udara yang berfungsi mendinginkan air dengan kontak langsung dengan udara yang mengakibatkan sebagian kecil air menguap. Dalam kebanyakan cooling tower yang bekerja pada sistem pendinginan udara menggunakan pompa sentrifugal untuk menggerakkan air vertikal ke atas melintasi menara. Semua cooling tower yang bekerja akan melepaskan kalor melalui kondensor, refrigeran akan melepas kalornya kepada cooling tower sehingga air menjadi panas. Selanjutnya air panas ini akan dipompakan ke cooling tower. Dalam Penelitian ini peneliti akan menambahkan coolant yang kita tahu berfungsi sebagai pendingin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan water collant terhadap efektifitas pendinginan cooling tower. Penelitian terdahulu yang sudah pernah dilakukan adalah meneliti kinerja cooling tower dan efektifitas pendinginan cooling tower tersebut. Hasil penelitian diperoleh suhu awal air yang masuk ke cooling tower adalah 50 ᵒC dan suhu air setelah diproses di colling tower tersebut adalah 40 ᵒC untuk water coolant merk A, sedangkan untuk water coolant merk B adalah 38 ᵒC . Dengan hasil ini dapat diketahui bahwa dengan penambahan coolant terhadap kinerja colling tower mempengaruhi efektivitas pendinginan cooling tower tersebut.
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Wang, J. H., J. Messner und H. Stetter. „An Experimental Investigation on Transpiration Cooling Part II: Comparison of Cooling Methods and Media“. International Journal of Rotating Machinery 10, Nr. 5 (2004): 355–63.

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This article attempts to provide a cooling performance comparison of various mass transfer cooling methods and different cooling media through two experiments. In the first experiment, pressurized air was used as a cooling medium and two different circular tubes were used as specimens. One is made of impermeable solid material with four rows of discrete holes to simulate film cooling, and the other consists of sintered porous material to create a porous transpiration cooling effect. The natures of transpiration cooling and film cooling including leading and trailing edge injection cooling were compared. This experiment found that by using a gaseous cooling medium, transpiration cooling could provide a higher cooling effect and a larger coolant coverage than film cooling in the leading stagnation region, and on the side of the specimen at the same coolant injection flow rates; but in the trailing stagnation region, the traditional coolant injection method through discrete film holes might be better than transpiration cooling, especially for turbine blades with thin trailing edges. In the second experiment, the cooling effects of gaseous and liquid media on the same porous tube's surface were compared. This experiment showed that the porous areas cooled using gaseous and liquid cooling media were almost identical, but the cooling effect of liquid evaporation was much higher than that of gaseous cooling, especially in the leading and trailing stagnation regions of turbine blades. This important discovery makes it possible to solve the stagnation region problems in turbine blade cooling.
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Song, Hanlin, Meng Zheng, Zheshu Ma, Yanju Li und Wei Shao. „Numerical simulation of thermal performance of cold plates for high heat flux electronics cooling“. Thermal Science, Nr. 00 (2023): 261.

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High heat flow density electronic components need cooling plates with strong heat exchange capacity to maintain temperature balance. To obtain better cooling performance, four different flow channel types of cooling plates are designed, including an S-type channel, Z-type channel, mosaic channel and double-layer channel. The maximum temperature of the cooling plate, outlet temperature and pressure drop under different working conditions and coolant are analyzed by numerical simulation. The simulation results show that the double-layer channel design can effectively enhance the heat transfer effect of the cooling plate and reduce the pressure drop. The maximum temperature of the cooling plate of the double-layer flow channel is 6.88 ?C lower than that of the Z-type flow channel. Moreover, increasing the inlet flow rate and lowering the coolant inlet temperature can improve the cooling performance of the cold plate, but increasing the inlet flow rate will lead to an increase in the pressure loss of the cold plate. When the coolant of the double-layer channel cooling plate is 20% ethylene glycol-water solution, the cooling performance is better than the other three coolants. Other channel cooling plates perform better with water as the coolant.
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Sadov, V. V., und N. I. Kapustin. „AUTOMATED INSTALLATION FOR MILK COOLING USING A NATURAL COOLING AGENT“. Vestnik Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta, Nr. 11 (2021): 116–22.

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In the chain from milk production to the sale of dairy products, the process of ensuring the required temperature is the main one. Moreover, to cool the milk, the tempera-ture of the cooling agent should be above milk freezing. Taking into account the fact that the process of cooling and storing milk in a chilled form imposes strict requirements for reliability and quality of management on farms, compressor refrigeration units have been used in recent years despite high energy consumption. Theanalysis of technical solu-tions in this direction by the example of farms of the Altai and Novosibirsk Regions showed that during the greatest boom of the livestock industry, film-tray, spray-cooling tow-er, and pipe and tank installations using natural cooling agents were widely used. Taking into account the climatic features of the area when choosing water cooling units as an intermediate coolant made it possible to significantly reduce energy consumption for milk cooling especially in winter. However, the complexity of controlling the process of preparing the intermediate coolant with unpredictable environmental parameters did not allow for high reliability and quality of manual control. A device for cooling the in-termediate coolant with the main -natural cold in winter with an automatic direct-acting regulator that provides the required operating mode of the cooling unit is proposed. The variants of automatic device operation both when the outdoor air temperature decreases and increases are con-sidered. An automated installation for cooling the interme-diate coolant with natural cold may be recommended both for cattle farms and processing enterprises
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Cooling"


Katta, Kiran Kumar. „Phase change cooling applications engine cooling /“. To access this resource online via ProQuest Dissertations and Theses @ UTEP, 2008.

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Chen, Ruiping. „Laser cooling of atoms for ultracold cooling“. Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2008.

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Srikanth, Sai Aswin. „Use of Electrical Coolant Pumps in Scania’s Cooling System“. Thesis, KTH, Maskinkonstruktion (Avd.), 2019.

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The automotive industry is currently traversing through the electrification wave. Numerous manufacturers are directing focus to electrify their lineup and reduce emissions. In the frontier of heavy duty diesel trucks, electrification of auxiliary units remains an unexplored potential. An optimized cooling system functioning in sync with a controllable electric coolant pump attempts to reduce parasitic losses and emissions. The cooling flow requirements in challenging conditions may also be fulfilled. Although electric coolant pumps are found increasingly in passenger cars, the implication of independently operating them in a heavy duty diesel truck is an important objective to be explored. The purpose of this project is to generate different cooling system layouts coupled with electrical coolant pumps. The performance of these layouts is compared with the volume flows in a standard cooling system. Refined layouts which fulfill the cooling system requirements are chosen for verification. 1-D Simulation is used to correlate and verify the trends of the test rig data. The results show an adequate gain in the total volume flow across distinct layouts with the electric coolant pumps. However, numerous challenges are required to be overcome.
Bilindustrin befinner sig mitt i en våg av elektrifiering. Flertalet tillverkare fokuserar på att elektrifiera sitt produktutbud och att minska utsläppen. Inom forskningen kring tunga transporter med dieseldrivna lastbilar, är elektrifiering av kylsystemet ett outforskat område. Ett optimerat kylsystem som är reglerbart med en elektrisk kylvätskepump skulle potentiellt kunna minska energiförluster och utsläpp. Kravet på flödet av kylvätska vid utmanande driftsfall skulle också kunna bli bättre uppfyllda än för dagens system. Trots att det blir allt vanligare att personbilar har elektriska kylvätskepumpar, så har det inte utforskats vad det innebär att ha reglerbara elektriska kylvätskepumpar i dieseldriva lastbilar. Därför är detta ett viktigt område att utforska. Målet med detta projekt är att skapa olika kylsystemskoncept, där den elektriska kylvätskepumpen är en systemkomponent. Prestandan hos dessa principlösningar jämförs sedan med volymflödet i ett standard kylvätskesystem. Koncept som uppfyller kraven för kylvätskesystemet kommer att bli utvalda för vidare verifiering. 1-D simuleringar används för att hitta samband och verifiera mot trenderna som hittas i resultat från en testrigg. Resultaten visar en förbättring i det totala volymflödet för flera av lösningarna, som har en elektrisk kylvätskepump. Men det finns fortfarande flera utmaningar som behöver övervinnas.
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Graça, Guilherme Carrilho da 1972. „Ventilative cooling“. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1999.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 131-134).
This thesis evaluates the performance of daytime and nighttime passive ventilation cooling strategies for Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo. A new simulation method for cross-ventilated wind driven airflow is presented . This method decouples the airflow model from the thermal model allowing for fast real weather simulation of the building thermal performance. The simulation is performed on a six-story, isolated, suburban apartment building, considered to be typical of the three cities. The performance of the two natural ventilation strategies on this building is compared . The impact on the performance of different types of construction is assessed for the night cooling ventilation strategy. The results show that night cooling is superior to daytime ventilative cooling in the three cities. Night cooling can successfully replace air conditioning systems for a significant part of the cooling season in Beijing and Tokyo. For Shanghai, neither of the two passive ventilation systems can be considered successful. In both Beijing and Tokyo the application of night cooling may cause condensation in partitions. The use of heavyweight partitions does not show a noticeable improvement over normal construction (using 10cm concrete partitions) . On the other hand, the lightweight case shows a noticeable degradation in system performance. Therefore, the normal structural system is the best option. The use of carpet has a very negative impact on night cooling performance, and is therefore not advised.
by Guilherme Carrilho da Graça.
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Rizvani, Lejla. „Cooling Oasis“. Thesis, KTH, Arkitektur, 2021.

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The urban heat island, UHI, is a phenomenon that occurs in all cities. This phenomenon is an effect of us humans and the environments we have built. What happens in cities are that they re-emit the suns heat and other energies trapping them in this heat island.  The re-emitting happens through the pavement of the city, lack of greenery, roads and how the city is built and its geometry. Cities with skycrapers and of high density see a greater impact of the urban heat island where the wind flow is reduced and more heat is trapped and stored. The UHI is worst experienced in places with a very hot climate, such as the arid desert climate with extreme temperatures year round, like in the UAE and Dubai.  It is vital to tackle the UHI effect problem, because it puts people at danger. Many lives are shed each year due to heat strokes, that can be reduced if we take this problem into consideration when we design our cities. The UHI effect can be reduced by simple yet effective steps.
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Fletcher, Daniel Alden. „Internal cooling of turbine blades : the matrix cooling method“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 1997.

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VILAFRANCA, MANGUÁN ANA. „Convesion of industrial compression cooling to absorption cooling in an integrated district heating and cooling system“. Thesis, University of Gävle, University of Gävle, Department of Technology and Built Environment, 2009.

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Astra Zeneca plant in Gärtuna has many compression cooling machines for comfort that consume about 11.7 GWh of electricity per year. Many of the cooling machines are old; due to the increase of production of the plant, cooling capacity was limited and new machines have been built. Now, the cooling capacity is over-sized. Söderenergi is the district heating plant that supplies heating to Astra Zeneca plant. Due to the strict environmental policy in the energy plant, last year, a bio-fuelled CHP plant was built. It is awarded with the electricity certificate system.

The study investigates the possibility for converting some of the compression cooling to absorption cooling and then analyzes the effects of the district heating system through MODEST optimizations. The effects of the analysis are studied in a system composed by the district heating system in Södertälje and cooling system in Astra Zeneca. In the current system the district heating production is from boiler and compression system supplies cooling to Astra Zeneca. The future system includes a CHP plant for the heating production, and compression system is converted to absorption system in Astra Zeneca. Four effects are analyzed in the system: optimal distribution of the district heating production with the plants available, saving fuel, environmental impact and total cost. The environmental impact has been analyzed considering the marginal electricity from coal condensing plants. The total cost is divided in two parts: production cost, in which district heating cost, purchase of electricity and Emissions Trading cost are included, and investment costs. The progressive changes are introduced in the system as four different scenarios.

The introduction of the absorption machines in the system with the current district heating production increases the total cost due to the low electricity price in Sweden. The introduction of the CHP plant in the district heating production supposes a profit of the production cost with compression system due to the high income of the electricity produced that is sold to the grid; it profit increases when compression is replaced by absorption system. The fuel used in the production of the future system decreases and also the emissions. Then, the future system becomes an opportunity from an environmental and economical point of view. At higher purchase electricity prices predicted in the open electricity market for an immediately future, the future system will become more economically advantageous.



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Ozmen, Emin Mehmet. „Part Cooling Analysis By Conformal Cooling Channels In Injection Molding“. Master's thesis, METU, 2007.

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Straight cooling channels are the most common method of controlling part temperature in injection molding process. However, straight cooling channels are not enough to manage temperature uniformity of the parts. In this work, a numerical study is conducted to decrease cycle time and cost of the injection molded parts by using conformal cooling channels. For this purpose, the commercial injection molding simulation program Moldflow is used. The governing physical equations for injection molding were derived and presented. The assumptions of the model were checked for simple geometries by comparing analytical results and numerical results of Moldflow. Then, the effect of conformal cooling channels is investigated for injection molding of a half cylinder shell part. It was seen that conformal cooling channels cools part faster and more uniform than straight cooling channels without corruption on the surface appearance. Finally, a real life case study was presented. For this purpose, a refrigerator shelf that is manufactured by the Arç
elik Company was studied. The process was simulated using actual process parameters and simulation results were compared with production results. Then, the process was simulated using conformal cooling channels and compared with production results. It is seen that the cycle time of the refrigerator shelf was decreased considerably while preserving surface quality appearance.
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Omma, Henrik Nilsen. „Jet-powered cooling cores : reversing cooling flows through AGN activity“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2005.

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Aghasi, Paul P. „Dependence of Film Cooling Effectiveness on 3D Printed Cooling Holes“. University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2016.

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Bücher zum Thema "Cooling"


Oxlade, Chris. Cooling. Oxford: Heinemann Library, 2009.

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Oxlade, Chris. Cooling. Oxford: Heinemann Library, 2010.

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Oxlade, Chris. Cooling. Chicago, Ill: Heinemann Library, 2009.

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Olama, Alaa A., Hrsg. District Cooling. Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742: CRC Press, 2016.

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Olama, Alaa A. District Cooling. Boca Raton : CRCress, 2017. | Series: Heat transfer : a series: CRC Press, 2016.

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Frank, Esch, Hrsg. Cooling off. San Diego, CA: Dominie Press, 1992.

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Hill, G. B. Cooling towers. 3. Aufl. London: Butterworths, 1990.

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Manning, Linda. Cooling off. Toronto: Gage Educational Pub., 1986.

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United States. Conservation and Renewable Energy Inquiry and Referral Service., Hrsg. Passive cooling. 3. Aufl. [Silver Spring, MD]: U.S. Dept. of Energy, Conservation and Renewable Energy Inquiry and Referral Service, 1987.

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United States. Conservation and Renewable Energy Inquiry and Referral Service, Hrsg. Passive cooling. 2. Aufl. Silver Spring, MD: U.S. Dept. of Energy, Conservation and Renewable Energy Inquiry and Referral Service, 1986.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Cooling"


Gooch, Jan W. „Cooling“. In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 170. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.

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Minty, Michiko G., und Frank Zimmermann. „Cooling“. In Particle Acceleration and Detection, 263–300. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.

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AbstractMany applications of particle accelerators require beam cooling, which refers to a reduction of the beam phase space volume or an increase in the beam density via dissipative forces. In electron and positron storage rings cooling naturally occurs due to synchrotron radiation, and special synchrotron-radiation damping rings for the production of low-emittance beams are an integral part of electron-positron linear colliders. For other types of particles different cooling techniques are available. Electron cooling and stochastic cooling of hadron beams are used to accumulate beams of rare particles (such as antiprotons), to combat emittance growth (e.g., due to scattering on an internal target), or to produce beams of high quality for certain experiments. Laser cooling is employed to cool ion beams down to extremely small temperatures. Here the laser is used to induce transitions between the ion electronic states and the cooling exploits the Dopper frequency shift. Electron beams of unprecedentedly small emittance may be obtained by a different type of laser cooling, where the laser beam acts like a wiggler magnet. Finally, designs of a future muon collider rely on the principle of ionization cooling. Reference [1] gives a brief review of the principal ideas and the history of beam cooling in storage rings; a theoretical dicussion and a few practical examples can be found in [2].
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Tyler, Christopher J. „Cooling“. In Maximising Performance in Hot Environments, 131–58. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019.: Routledge, 2019.

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Schiller, Gary F. „Cooling“. In A Practical Approach to Scientific Molding, 99–109. München: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2018.

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Zhu, Fang, und Baitun Yang. „Cooling“. In Power Transformer Design Practices, 145–65. First edition. | Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2021.: CRC Press, 2021.

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von Zabeltitz, Christian. „Cooling“. In Integrated Greenhouse Systems for Mild Climates, 251–83. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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F. Schiller, Gary. „Cooling“. In A Practical Approach to Scientific Molding, 99–109. München, Germany: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2018.

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Estévez-Sánchez, Karen Hariantty, Carlos Enrique Ochoa-Velasco, Hector Ruiz-Espinosa und Irving Israel Ruiz-López. „Cooling“. In Smart Food Industry: The Blockchain for Sustainable Engineering, 132–48. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.

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Peter, Johannes M. F., und Markus J. Kloker. „Numerical Simulation of Film Cooling in Supersonic Flow“. In Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 79–95. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Abstract High-order direct numerical simulations of film cooling by tangentially blowing cool helium at supersonic speeds into a hot turbulent boundary-layer flow of steam (gaseous H2O) at a free stream Mach number of 3.3 are presented. The stagnation temperature of the hot gas is much larger than that of the coolant flow, which is injected from a vertical slot of height s in a backward-facing step. The influence of the coolant mass flow rate is investigated by varying the blowing ratio F or the injection height s at kept cooling-gas temperature and Mach number. A variation of the coolant Mach number shows no significant influence. In the canonical baseline cases all walls are treated as adiabatic, and the investigation of a strongly cooled wall up to the blowing position, resembling regenerative wall cooling present in a rocket engine, shows a strong influence on the flow field. No significant influence of the lip thickness on the cooling performance is found. Cooling correlations are examined, and a cooling-effectiveness comparison between tangential and wall-normal blowing is performed.
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Cheng, Liang, Yuxiu Liu, Yonggang Wang und Jie Zhang. „Application of Cooling Oil in Automotive/Compressor/Metal Processing Fields“. In Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. IOS Press, 2024.

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In industrial production, oil-based coolants (cooling oils) are widely used. The article describes the application of cooling oil in three areas. In the automotive field, it is mainly used for engine cooling. Water-based coolant products are available for conventional engines. However, high-altitude cooling oil is required at high altitudes to solve the problem of water-based coolant evaporation loss and cooling system boiling. In the field of compressors, cooling oil is also called supercoolant, mainly using cooling and lubrication of screw compressors. In metal processing, oil-based cutting fluids (cutting oils) are used in heavy-duty metal cutting and forming surfaces and high-precision products with good lubricity. Oil-based and water-based coolants are complementary in different fields, but there is no uniform regulation for oil-based product standards. It is difficult to determine the appropriate type and quality of oil to use in different industries. This lack of uniformity highlights the need for further research and development in cooling oil standards. The introduction provides some reference for the research (standards) of cooling oil in these three fields.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Cooling"


Calabrese, R., und L. Tecchio. „Electron Cooling and New Cooling Techniques“. In Workshop on Electron Cooling and New Cooling Techniques. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 1991.

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Chan, Albert, Don Nguyen, Jean Chen, Chun-Chih Chen und Michael Brooks. „Coolant Considerations for Liquid-Cooling“. In 2023 39th Semiconductor Thermal Measurement, Modeling & Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM). IEEE, 2023.

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Takeishi, K., Y. Oda, Y. Egawa und T. Kitamura. „Film cooling with swirling coolant flow“. In HEAT TRANSFER 2010. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2010.

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Andrews, G. E., und I. M. Khalifa. „Effusion Cooling With Backside Crossflow Cooling and the Backside Coolant Mass Flow Rate Greater Than the Effusion Cooling Mass Flow“. In ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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Full coverage effusion cooling was studied for a square array of 90° effusion cooling holes with backside cooling using a 5 mm depth duct air supply to the coolant holes, with the duct air mass flow rate being greater than the effusion cooling flow. This geometry represents combustor primary zone wall cooling with the dilution air or main combustion air comprising the excess backside flow rate. Active cooling was used with metal walls and 300K effusion cooling into a 27 m/s mean velocity duct flow at 770K crossflow temperature. The aim was to provide conjugate heat transfer experimental data to validate conjugate heat transfer CFD prediction procedures. The 152 mm square test section had 15 rows of holes The X/D value studied was 11.0, which gives a 3% effusion wall pressure loss at a relatively low effusion coolant mass flow rate. The duct air feed to the holes enhanced the backside cooling of the wall. These results were compared with previous work using a plenum chamber air feed and with a crossflow duct, but with equal cross flow air to effusion air. The increased duct air feed velocity relative to the plenum low velocity air feed resulted in an increase in the overall cooling effectiveness due to the additional heat transfer by the duct crossflow velocity. This effect was across the whole duct length when there was surplus cross flow air relative to effusion air, without this the enhanced heat transfer was small and confined to the leading edge area.
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Derwent, P. F. „Debuncher Cooling Performance“. In BEAM COOLING AND RELATED TOPICS: International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics - COOL05. AIP, 2006.

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Fuqua, Matthew N., und James L. Rutledge. „Film Cooling Superposition Theory for Multiple Rows of Cooling Holes With Multiple Coolant Temperatures“. In ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

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Abstract The classical method of superposition has been used for several decades to provide an estimate of the adiabatic effectiveness for multiple sets of already well-characterized film cooling hole rows. In this way, design work is aided by classical superposition theory prior to higher fidelity experiments or simulations that would account for fluid dynamic interaction for which superposition cannot account. In the present work, we consider the additive effects of multiple rows of coolant holes, but now also with coolant issuing at different temperatures. There are a number of ways that coolant may issue from different cooling hole rows at different temperatures, one of which is simply the necessarily different internal channels through which the coolant must pass. The film cooling effectiveness is investigated for double rows of cooling holes wherein the two rows have different coolant temperatures. A double row consisting of an upstream slot and a downstream row of 7-7-7 cooling holes were first evaluated with a single coolant temperature to demonstrate that classical superposition theory applies well to the present configuration. Superposition theory is then extended to the context of multiple coolant temperatures and a new non-dimensional parameter is identified, which governs cooling performance. The theory is experimentally evaluated by independently varying the coolant temperatures of the two rows. Circumstances are identified in which a second row of cooling holes may be detrimental to cooling performance.
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Click, Austin, Phillip M. Ligrani, Maggie Hockensmith, Joseph Knox, Chandler Larson, Avery Fairbanks, Federico Liberatore, Rajeshriben Patel und Yin-Hsiang Ho. „Louver Slot Cooling and Full-Coverage Film Cooling With a Combination Internal Coolant Supply“. In ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

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Abstract Within the present investigation, a louver slot is employed upstream of an array full coverage film cooling holes. Cooling air is supplied using a combination arrangement, with cross-flow and impingement together. The louver consists of a row of film cooling holes, contained within a specially-designed device which concentrates, and directs the coolant from a slot, so that it then advects as a layer downstream along the test surface. This louver-supplied coolant is then supplemented by coolant which emerges from different rows of downstream film cooling holes. The same coolant supply passage is employed for the louver row of holes, as well as for the film cooling holes, such that different louver and film cooling mass flow rates are set by different hole diameters for the two different types of cooling holes. The results are different from data provided by past investigations, because of the use and arrangement of the louver slot, and because of the unique coolant supply configurations. The experimental results are given for mainstream Reynolds numbers from 107000 to 114000. Full-coverage blowing ratios are constant with streamwise location along the test surface, and range from 3.68 to 5.70. Corresponding louver slot blowing ratios then range from 1.72 to 2.65. Provided are heat transfer coefficient and adiabatic effectiveness distributions, which are measured along the mainstream side of the test plate. Both types of data show less variation with streamwise development location, relative to results obtained without a louver employed, when examined at the same approximate effective blowing ratio, mainstream Reynolds number, cross flow Reynolds number, and impingement jet Reynolds number. When compared at the same effective blowing ratio or the same impingement jet Reynolds number, spanwise-averaged heat transfer coefficients are consistently lower, especially for the downstream regions of the test plate, when the louver is utilized. With the same type of comparisons, the presence of the louver slot results in significantly higher values of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness (spanwise-averaged), particularly at and near the upstream portions of the test plate. With such characteristics, dramatic increases in thermal protection are provided by the presence of the louver slot, the magnitudes of which vary with experimental condition and test surface location.
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Takeishi, Kenichiro, Yutaka Oda, Yuta Egawa und Satoshi Hada. „Film Cooling With Swirling Coolant Flow Controlled by Impingement Cooling in a Closed Cavity“. In ASME 2011 Power Conference collocated with JSME ICOPE 2011. ASMEDC, 2011.

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A new film cooling concept has been developed by managing the swirled film coolant induced inside a hexagonal plenum by two slant impingement jets, which are inclined at α degree toward the vertical direction and installed in a staggered position on the plenum chamber wall. Film cooling tests have been conducted by using a circular film cooling hole model mounted on a low speed wind tunnel. Heat transfer coefficient distributions of inclined jet impingements in a closed cavity was measured by naphthalene sublimation method and the film cooling effectiveness on the surface of the wind tunnel was measured by pressure sensitive paint (PSP). It appeared from experimental results that the swirled film coolant flow deteriorated the film cooling effectiveness at low swirl number but improved it at high swirl number. To investigate the mechanism of the improved film cooling effectiveness by the swirled coolant, the spatial distribution of the film cooling effectiveness and flow field were measured by laser induced fluorescence (LIF) and particle image velocimetry (PIV), respectively. The coolant jet penetration into mainstream is suppressed by the strong swirling motion of the coolant. As a result the film cooling effectiveness distribution on the wall keeps higher value behind the cooling hole over a long range. Additionally, kidney vortex structure was disappeared at high swirl number.
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Kikkawa, Shinzo, Katsuji Sakaguchi und Toyoshi Nakata. „TRANSPIRATION COOLING USING WATER AS A COOLANT“. In International Heat Transfer Conference 9. Connecticut: Begellhouse, 1990.

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Galaso, Ivan, Tonko Curko und Davor Zvizdic. „ROOM COOLING LOAD AND CEILING COOLING“. In Energy and the Environment, 1998. Connecticut: Begellhouse, 2023.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Cooling"


Caio, Andrea, und Jack Miller. Sustainable cooling. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, April 2021.

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Cooling is a process used across many areas of society. It is important for buildings, industrial processes and the supply of food and medicines. It is also needed for sustainable development. Yet some cooling applications contribute to climate change and the demand for cooling is rising. This POSTnote looks at UK and global demand for cooling. It highlights ways of meeting this demand that are more sustainable than conventional practices. It also outlines technology and policy options to promote these.
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Kurnik, Charles W., Brian Boyd, Kate M. Stoughton und Taylor Lewis. Cooling Tower (Evaporative Cooling System) Measurement and Verification Protocol. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 2017.

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Kurnik, Charles W., Brian Boyd, Kate M. Stoughton und Taylor Lewis. Cooling Tower (Evaporative Cooling System) Measurement and Verification Protocol. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 2017.

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Pidaparti, Sandeep, Charles W. White und Nathan Weiland. Wet Cooling Tower Cooling System Spreadsheet Model for sCO2. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), März 2020.

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Weiss, Wolfgang, Uli Jakob, Monika Weiss und Boaventura Cuamba. Standardized Solar Cooling Kits. IEA SHC Task 65, April 2024.

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This document is the final report of activities B4, “Standardized solar cooling kits” of the IEA SHC Task 65, “Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions. The report presents experiences from 11 component and/or system suppliers of solar cooling kits, which adapted/investigated their products/concepts for Sunbelt region conditions. Moreover, several findings on system adaptations for Sunbelt regions are collected and analyzed from manufacturers, equipment providers, solar system providers and researchers.
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Author, Not Given. Phasing Cooling Systems. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Januar 2000.

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Eberhard K Keil. Muon cooling channels. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), März 2003.

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Kenny, Thomas, und Theodore H. Geballe. Thermionic Cooling Devices. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 2000.

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Chandra, S., P. Fairey, III und M. Houston. Cooling with ventilation. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 1986.

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Chen, Jingliang, Bo Shen, Lulu Liu, Lin Yao und Yu Gao. Cooling Efficiency Improvement. Asian Development Bank Institute, August 2023.

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