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Liu, Tungyun, Sijun Sung und Heeju Chae. „A Study on the Shopping Life through Mobile Visual Search“. Institute of Management and Economy Research 15, Nr. 1 (30.03.2024): 45–69.

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Purpose - To examine the influence of mobile visual search as a strategic technology service on consumer perceived economic value and customer commitments, which in turn affect consumer's usage intention of mobile visual search. This study also explores the moderating effect of different levels of consumer online shopping orientation. Design/methodology/approach - One-by-one open-ended in-depth interview was first undertaken to 15 Korean consumers to figure the features of mobile visual search. Then a conceptual model was built to verify the hypotheses that indicate the impact of mobile visual search on consumer perceived economic value and customer commitment, which further influence consumer’s usage intention. Findings - The results show Convenience, Information quality, Personalization, Text-free search interface design and Visual communication of mobile visual search positively influence consumer perceived economic value and customer commitment and in turn positively affect consumer's usage intention. Moreover, the different levels of consumer online shopping orientation also found to have different effects on consumers’ perception and behavior of using mobile visual search in online fashion shopping. Research implications or Originality - The present study verified that mobile visual search is a service tool that consumers want to use in the online fashion shopping journey since it provides economic benefits.
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Anh, Nguyen Thi Mai, und Nguyen Tuyet Minh. „Consumers’ Trust in Sharing Economy Peer-To-Peer Platforms: A Case Study of Online Food Delivery in Hanoi, Vietnam“. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental 18, Nr. 9 (30.04.2024): e06250.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to the influence of trust on consumers’ transactional intention within a P2P sharing platform focusing on consumers who used OFD in Hanoi, Vietnam. Design/methodology/approach: A structured questionnaire is developed in a Google Form and distributed mainly through web-based and telephone-based platforms. In total, 240 valid responses were collected from Hanoi. To ensure the study's reliability and representativeness while minimizing bias, a convenience sampling method is employed, considering the demographic distribution of consumers across different age groups, genders, occupations, income levels, and various online food delivery platforms, income, frequency of consumption, and average expense. Analytical techniques included descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s Alpha reliability testing, and multiple regression analysis. Results and discussions: Findings revealed that four of the seven factors examined exerted a significant positive impact on Consumers’ Intention to Transact: "Consumer’s Trust in supplying Peer’s Integrity”, "Consumer's Trust in Products Ability”, "Consumer’s Trust in supplying Peer’s Benevolence”, and "Consumer’s Trust in Platform’s Integrity”. Conversely, while “Consumer’s Trust in supplying Peer’s Ability”, “Consumer’s Trust in Platforms Ability”, and “Consumer’s Trust in Platform’s Benevolence” do influence ‘Customers’ Intention to Transact’, their effect lacks statistical significance. Research Implications: This research sheds light on Vietnam's Sharing Economy, showcasing its transformative impact and governmental support. It focuses on the developing OFD sector, highlighting its rapid growth and significance. By adopting a trust-based research model, the study offers insights into consumer behavior within OFD platforms, contributing to the understanding of trust dynamics. Originality/Value: The research provides a theoretical foundation for understanding trust's role in shaping consumer behavior and transactional intentions, laying the groundwork for empirical research and practical applications. Practically, the study offers actionable insights for policymakers and industry players. It emphasizes the importance of integrity, reliability, and effective communication in building consumer trust.
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Wei, Jiahua, Hong Shen und Zhizeng Lu. „A study on the purchase intention of luxury goods from the perspective of face perception and expected regret“. PLOS ONE 19, Nr. 3 (22.03.2024): e0297050.

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The study on the impact of consumer purchase intention on luxury goods has received widespread attention from the academic community. This study collected research data in Guilin, China, through questionnaire survey, and conducted an empirical study on the influencing factors of luxury consumers’ purchase intention. The results show: The price level of luxury goods has a positive impact on consumers’ face perception, while the positive impact of price level on expected regret has not been verified. Consumer’s face perception has positive and negative effects on consumers’ expected regret and consumers’ purchase intention respectively. Consumer’s downward expected regret and consumer’s upward expected regret have different effects on consumers’ purchase intention. Consumers’ face perception and expected regret play a mediating effect in the research of influence relationship. This study is conducive to a better analysis of the psychology and behavior of Chinese luxury consumers, enriching the theoretical connotation of consumer psychology, and promoting the healthy development of the luxury goods industry.
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Borba, Helena Hiemisch Lobo, und Denise Maria Woranovicz Carvalho. „Consumer behavior towards pharmaceutical services: a scoping review“. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 8, Nr. 8 (01.08.2020): 326–40.

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The present study aimed to map the evidence on consumer’s behavior towards pharmaceutical services. A scoping review based on the PCC (Population, Concept, and Context) mnemonic was conducted in Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science. Population included consumers of pharmaceutical services, the concept referred to marketing/consumer behavior and the context to pharmaceutical services. Electronic searches were held on December 2019. Studies published in non-roman characters were excluded. A qualitative synthesis of the data extracted from included studies (i.e. author, country, study design, aims, patient/consumer profile, pharmaceutical services, marketing strategy, data analysis, conclusion) was performed. Electronic searches retrieved 1,215 articles that were screened by titles and abstracts. Of these, 31 studies were fully appraised, of which five fulfilled the inclusion criteria. One record was identified through manual search, totaling six included articles. All studies occurred within the scope of community pharmacy. The studies show that most consumers seek pharmacist’s orientation regarding over-the-counter drugs. Also, despite the expectations concerning pharmaceutical services, consumers exhibit distrust in pharmacists’ competence, which may hamper the seeking for pharmaceutical services. Hence, a marketing plan involving the knowledge of consumer's value along with the recognition of the consumer needs should be considered. Through this scoping review the available evidence on consumer’s behavior towards pharmaceutical services was mapped, elucidating consumer’s perceptions that motivate or prevent the seek for such services in the context of community pharmacies.
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Shamim, Azra, Vimala Balakrishnan, Muhammad Tahir und Muhammad Shiraz. „Critical Product Features’ Identification Using an Opinion Analyzer“. Scientific World Journal 2014 (2014): 1–9.

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The increasing use and ubiquity of the Internet facilitate dissemination of word-of-mouth through blogs, online forums, newsgroups, and consumer’s reviews. Online consumer’s reviews present tremendous opportunities and challenges for consumers and marketers. One of the challenges is to develop interactive marketing practices for making connections with target consumers that capitalize consumer-to-consumer communications for generating product adoption. Opinion mining is employed in marketing to help consumers and enterprises in the analysis of online consumers’ reviews by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the products. This paper describes an opinion mining system based on novel review and feature ranking methods to empower consumers and enterprises for identifying critical product features from enormous consumers’ reviews. Consumers and business analysts are the main target group for the proposed system who want to explore consumers’ feedback for determining purchase decisions and enterprise strategies. We evaluate the proposed system on real dataset. Results show that integration of review and feature-ranking methods improves the decision making processes significantly.
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Lestaluhu, Abd Latip, Jeane NS und Ariawan Gunadi. „Legal Impact of Wiretapping Using GPS Trackers on Cars Fiduciary Guarantee Objects by Consumer Finance Companies“. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental 18, Nr. 8 (26.04.2024): e06210.

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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to reviewing and analyzing the legal consequences for the act of wiretapping using a GPS Tracker without authority by consumer finance companies on cars subject to fiduciary collateral. Method: The research methodology normative legal research, the data required in this research is primary data in the form of statutory regulations and secondary data in the form of books, scientific papers and other supporting documents that have relevance to the research being conducted. The data analysis techniques used in the research This is by using a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Results and conclusion: Based on a literature review and regulatory analysis, this research identifies the act of wiretapping by installing a GPS Tracker carried out by Consumer Finance Companies on fiduciary collateral objects that are used by consumers without the consumer's knowledge, which if the consumer finds out later, then of course this will cause problems because consumers feel their privacy is disturbed. Due to this action, consumers can submit demands/lawsuits to BPSK in each district/city, even though in reality not all regions have BPSK institutions to resolve disputes between consumers and consumer finance companies due to lack of government attention. Research implications: The findings of this research have implications for policy makers, the business world, and other stakeholders in understanding the act of wiretapping by installing GPS Trackers carried out by Consumer Finance Companies on fiduciary collateral objects that are used by consumers without the consumer's knowledge, which if the consumer later finds out, So of course this will cause problems because consumers feel that their privacy is being disturbed. and the potential solution to this action is that consumers can submit demands/lawsuits to the BPSK located in each district/city. Originality/value: This research contributes to the existing literature by focusing on the intersection between consumers and consumer financing companies regarding the fiduciary security object of interception of GPS Tracker installations used by consumers without the consumer's knowledge.
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Hartati, Amy, und Dindy Darmawati Putri. „STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PEMASARAN BERAS ORGANIK BERBASIS CONSUMER’S MARKET DI KABUPATEN BANYUMAS“. SEPA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis 13, Nr. 1 (05.09.2017): 1.

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At present, many farmer groups at Banyumas Regency are cultivating organic rice. Their activities are very progressive. They distribute at Baturraden, Sumbang, Kedungbanteng, and Pekuncen. The activities are closed relation in the market. There is trend in moving from seller’s merket to consumer’s market. The market is not determined by middle trader, but end product consumer (consumers driven). In the case, consumer’s require complete information about physical, chemical and biological characters of product. Therefore, producers must enclose liable information on labels. The goals of research were to analyze farming activity of organic rice, and study on consume’s preferences. Survey method was used, followed descriptive-qualitative analysis, and principal component analysis (PCA) for finding out factors affecting consumers in buying organic rice and consuming the products based on profile and character of consumers. The research showed that (1) organic rice cultivation was profitable; (2) Attributes of organic rice consisting of price,flavor, availability, and guarantee of product are important; (3) Consumers are satisfied to the organic rice producer’s perfomance in determining price and flavor. We recommend to the producer for maintenance of quality (flavour), availability and guarantee of product.
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Maher, Amro A., Tamer H. Elsharnouby und Abdullah M. Aljafari. „Consumer approach intentions amid COVID-19: the role of safety compliance and perceived risk“. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 34, Nr. 3 (21.12.2021): 972–92.

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Purpose This study aims to investigate how employee and other-consumer safety compliance amid the COVID-19 outbreak influences a focal consumer’s intention to approach a service establishment. The study also examines the three-way interaction effect of employee compliance, other-consumer compliance and perceived threat associated with COVID-19 on approach intentions. Design/methodology/approach This study uses an experimental approach with a 2 (employee safety compliance: low vs high) × 2 (other-consumer safety compliance: low vs high) × 2 (consumer perceived threat from COVID-19: low vs high) between-subjects design. Students were trained to recruit a convenience sample of 827 consumers in Qatar and data were analyzed using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. Findings Employee safety compliance has a positive impact on the consumer’s approach intentions. Employee safety compliance has a bigger impact on approach intentions if other consumers in the service environment are also compliant with safety measures and even a greater effect when the perceived threat from COVID-19 is high. The effect of the interaction between employee and other-consumer safety compliance is significantly different under two levels of perceived threat. Practical implications To enhance approach intentions, managers should start by establishing and maintaining safety compliance among employees and then achieving compliance among consumers. Achieving compliance among employees and consumers has a positive impact on approach intentions despite the focal consumer’s perceived risk associated with COVID-19. Originality/value This is the first study to investigate how the safety compliance of employees and other consumers jointly affects consumers’ approach intentions during a global pandemic, and it is among very few attempts to manipulate dimensions of the social servicescape.
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Kamenica, Emir, Sendhil Mullainathan und Richard Thaler. „Helping Consumers Know Themselves“. American Economic Review 101, Nr. 3 (01.05.2011): 417–22.

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Firms sometimes know more about a consumer's expected usage than the consumer herself. We explore the consequences of this reversal in the information asymmetry. We analyze the consequences of making consumers more informed about themselves. While making consumers more informed decreases their expenditure conditional on a given set of prices, equilibrium prices may increase, offsetting the direct benefit of information. We discuss theoretical and practical issues surrounding so-called RECAP regulation that would require firms to provide each consumer with information about her own usage of the firm's product.
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Časas, Ramūnas, und Birutė Makauskienė. „ATTITUDES OF LITHUANIAN CONSUMERS TOWARDS THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF WINE“. Ekonomika 92, Nr. 1 (01.01.2013): 133–55.

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Abstract. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the attitudes of Lithuanian consumers towards the country of origin (COO) of wine. The main factors that influence the effect of COO and the mechanism of its formation were identified. The effects of social stereotypes, described by a Stereotype Content Model, on consumers’ attitudes are also analyzed, identifying the competence and warmth of the COO as important antecedents of consumers’ attitudes. The region of the origin of wine (appellation, protected designation of origin – PDO) have been identified as another important place-of-origin cue determining the consumer’s choice. A quantitative empirical research method – online survey – was used for the purpose of the study. The results have revealed that there are three types of wine consumers’ involvement: cognitive involvement, emotional product involvement, and emotional situational involvement, and that the importance of wine’s COO and region of origin (appellation, PDO) for consumers differs depending on the type and level of a consumer’s involvement. The existence of a statistically significant correlation among consumers’ attitude towards the COO of wine and the country’s competence and warmth has been proven, together with a possible relation between the type of a consumer’s involvement (cognitive, emotional situational or emotional product involvement) and the influence of COO competence and warmth on consumers’ attitude towards a wine. The research has also revealed an important positive relationship among consumer identification with the COO of wine, evaluation of COO competence, and the warmth and consumer attitude towards the COO of wine.Key words: country of origin of wine, consumers’ attitude, consumers’ involvement, stereotype content modelstify;">
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Widyastuti, Hardiana, und Tita Ajeng Prastitya. „Preferensi Konsumen Pengguna E-Commerce yang Memengaruhi Kesadaran akan Perlindungan Konsumen pada Generasi X“. JURNAL SISTEM INFORMASI BISNIS 10, Nr. 1 (05.02.2020): 10–19.

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Nowadays people choose to buy product using the internet. E-Commerce is an alternative channel to buy goods or services, but the fact that the goods or services received by consumers are not always satisfying. In dissatisfication case, consumers have rights to sued. In this case, some consumers prefer to accept the deficiencies, because consumer’s lackness of consumer protection awareness. Consumer protection is an effort that guarantee consumer’s safety with legal aspect. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the awareness of consumer protection. The method to determine the respondent is done by using purposive sampling with sample of 200 respondents, X Generation that had already used e-commerce. The result are then analyzed by descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Square. Result of this research shows that consumer protection awareness affected by access to information and experience. The information and experience that consumer have will be a lesson for the next online transaction.
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Wangsa, Ignasius Heri Satrya. „Nilai konsumen dalam "Aku tahu apa yang aku beli"“. Journal of Business and Information Systems (e-ISSN: 2685-2543) 3, Nr. 1 (12.01.2021): 34–48.

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The consumer can make the best decision based on his natural capacity as a rational and economic man. Practically, this rationality is determined by new values accumulated from previous consumption experience. This research aims at studying consumers' values through rationalization of relevant variables in consumers values mix. Context of consumer confidence "I know what to buy" represents his independence as a consumer who treasures assurance and certainty reflected upon specific values. Consumers subscribe to these values as the primary reference in consumer buying behavior. Additionally, this context facilitates the study on consumer value resistance about the internal and external environment pressure. This research contributes to consumer's values theory through a mixed-method.
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Ahuvia, Aaron, Elif Izberk-Bilgin und Kyungwon Lee. „Towards a theory of brand love in services: the power of identity and social relationships“. Journal of Service Management 33, Nr. 3 (13.04.2022): 453–64.

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PurposeBuilding meaningful relationships between consumers and service brands has received significant attention. This paper aims to explore how brand love in services – a relationship between the consumer and the service brand – is created through relationships between the consumer and other people. Specifically, we explore how brand love is created through the social relationships consumers form with other consumers.Design/methodology/approachThis conceptual paper synthesizes the literature on consumer-brand relationships, brand community, social support and service providers, psychological ownership and brand love in the context of services.FindingsThis paper suggests that consumers love brands that are meaningful to them. Brands can become more meaningful to consumers by facilitating interpersonal connections and helping consumers define their identity. The connection between social relationships with other consumers and brand love is mediated by the consumer's level of perceived membership in the community. For some consumers, perceived membership grows to the point of becoming perceived psychological ownership of the community, where the consumer feels a sense of responsibility for the brand's and the community's well-being.Originality/valueThis paper advances theoretical understanding of how brand love operates in services and how it can be enhanced through services’ management.
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Ko, Sung-Hoon, Ji-Young Kim und Yongjun Choi. „Consumers’ Corporate Social Responsibility Perception and Anti-Consumer Awareness: Roles of Compassion and Corporate Social Responsibility Authenticity in South Korea“. Behavioral Sciences 13, Nr. 8 (26.07.2023): 622.

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This study examines the effect of consumers’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on their anti-consumer awareness. Specifically, this study aims to uncover the mechanisms through which the consumer’s CSR perception relates to their formation of anti-consumer awareness. A survey design was adopted to test this study’s hypotheses. We collected data from 310 consumers in South Korea and used path analysis and bootstrapping to test the hypotheses. Our results showed that consumers’ CSR perception is negatively related to their anti-consumer awareness. Notably, consumers’ perception of CSR activities is positively related to their perceptions of compassion toward organizations, which, in turn, is also positively associated with their perception of CSR authenticity. Furthermore, compassion and CSR authenticity serially mediate the negative relationship between CSR perception and anti-consumer awareness. Our findings shed light on the importance of engaging in CSR activities from consumers’ perspectives. Specifically, our findings suggest that organizations need to proactively engage in CSR activities with authenticity to maintain and even further their reputation among consumers. Furthermore, by demonstrating the psychological processes of how CSR activities translate into consumers’ attitudes toward the organizations, our study provides fruitful avenues for future research.
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Shafariah, Hanuna, und Abdul Gofur. „Halal product awareness and trust from students perspectives: The role of gender“. Jurnal Manajemen Strategi dan Aplikasi Bisnis 7, Nr. 1 (07.01.2024): 1–12.

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This research aims to investigate the impact of awareness of halal products on consumer trust levels by considering the moderating role of gender. The research method involves regression analysis to evaluate the relationship between these variables. The research sample consisted of 126 respondents randomly selected from the consumer population. The main findings show that awareness of halal products positively and significantly impacts consumer confidence levels. The regression results confirm that the higher the consumer's awareness of the halal product, the higher the consumer's trust in the product. Moderation analysis confirms that female consumers strengthen the positive relationship between awareness of halal products and consumer trust, compared to male consumers.
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Suleman, Dede, Hapzi Ali, Dewi Nusraningrum und Mochammad Mukti Ali. „Pembeda Konsumen Dalam Memilih Tempat Belanja Offline Vs Online“. Jurnal Ecodemica: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Bisnis 4, Nr. 2 (01.09.2020): 275–82.

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ABSTRACTThe new era of marketing adds an alternative shopping place for consumers where currently online shopping and offline shopping are present. So consumers must choose a shopping choice of the two alternatives. This makes the marketer need to map out what variables or factors from the demographic that make the consumer choose one of the available shopping places. This study looks at how consumers decide where to shop viewed from the consumer demographic factors. The population of this study is consumers of offline and online retail fashion products, of which the number is unknown, so the sample in this study uses non-probability of 130 respondents in DKI Jakarta. With SPSS analysis tools and discriminant analysis aids used, the results of this study indicate that the factors of education and employing consumers determine consumers to choose shopping at one shopping place. The key to successful marketers must focus on attracting the right consumers with the right way that is appropriate with the consumer's shopping behavior.Keywords: Consumer decisions, Demographics, Discriminant analysis
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Verma, Meenakshi, Anuj Verma und Prachita Patil. „Consumers’ Perceived Risk to Visit Restaurants: A Perspective from Theory of Planned Behaviour“. International Journal of Religion 5, Nr. 6 (04.05.2024): 1069–82.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has considerably impacted various sectors across India, including restaurant and tourism. To curb the spread of coronavirus, travel restrictions, lockdowns, and social distancing have become the norm of the society. This study investigates consumer’s intention to visit restaurants during the pandemic period. This study tries to explore the impact of factors like affordability, revenge dining, consumers risk & perception, and the attitude that has guided the Indian consumer's intention to visit restaurants during the pandemic. A detailed questionnaire is developed using Likert scale. 440 responses have been collected from different locations of Maharashtra, India. The data is collated through random sampling to understand the consumer’s intention of visiting restaurants. The study was undertaken to analyse the factors which guides the consumer behaviour towards visiting restaurant during pandemic. The finding of the study reveals that brand trust, revenge dining and covid risk perception influence the consumer’s intention to visit the restaurant. The study concludes that brand trust influences consumers to visit the restaurants rather than covid risk and perception.
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Ong, Camile Candi, Chris Joselle Santiago und Coleen Kirk Verdejo. „Product Placement in Filipino Films: An approach to Consumer Purchasing Intention“. Journal of Business and Management Studies 4, Nr. 1 (03.03.2022): 179–88.

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Today, the majority of advertisements are digital, and the use of product placement is becoming an important tool for marketers. The use of this tool in the media, especially in films, is attractive to consumers and businesses. The consumer’s behavior towards product placement in films is evident in most countries; however, studies on local films such as in the Philippines are still limited in the literature. Drawing from the cognitive capacity theory, this study aims to examine the effect of Product Placements in Filipino films on the consumer's purchasing intention. From the online survey of (N=384) respondents exposed to local films that were released from the years 2009 to 2019, results reveal that the study put forward a significant effect on consumer behavior with a significant relationship between product placement and consumer purchasing intention. The study concludes that product placement in Filipino films affects consumers’ purchasing intention through brand recall, awareness, and attitude.
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Pattipawae, Dezonda R. „TANGGUNG JAWAB PRODUSEN DI BIDANG PANGAN TERHADAP KONSUMEN“. Perspektif Hukum 17, Nr. 2 (06.11.2017): 263.

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Abstract : Practically consumer protection is one of the legal developments which are part of national development. The key point of the issue of consumer protection is that consumers and producers (product distributor or employers) need each other. Production is meaningless if nobody mengkonsumsikannya and products are consumed safely and satisfactorily, in turn, is free promotion for employers. rule of law is very important in order to protect consumers. In sustaining the economy of consumers occupy an important position, but ironically as one of the economic actors are very weak position of the consumer in terms of legal protection. In Indonesia, consumers who had been in a weak position impression of only being an object businesses promotion tips, as well as the sale of a very expansive way. Weak consumer's position caused partly still low awareness and consumer education in Indonesia
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Tuškej, Urška, und Klement Podnar. „Exploring selected antecedents of consumer–brand identification“. Baltic Journal of Management 13, Nr. 4 (01.10.2018): 451–70.

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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine how brand anthropomorphism (BA), consumer–brand engagement (CBE), consumer skepticism and brand prestige influence consumer–brand identification (CBI).Design/methodology/approachThe proposed theoretical model is tested using structural equation modelling approach on the data gathered from 464 consumers.FindingsThe paper shows that being more engaged in consumer–brand interactions and perceiving a brand as more humanlike and prestigious increases consumer’s identification with product brands. On the other hand, consumer skepticism towards advertising only slightly decreases their identification. CBI is shown to have a strong positive influence on brand loyalty.Research limitations/implicationsThe study restricts itself to those brands that consumers know well and are somehow close to them. It might prove worthwhile to replicate the study to broaden the inferences beyond the criteria used in this study.Practical implicationsTo strengthen consumers’ identification with their brands, organisations should maintain a focus on interactions with their target consumers. Specifically, companies should expose their human-like character and engage consumers in company’s offerings. Also, companies should take care for keeping their competitive edge to be perceived as more prestigious than the competition.Originality/valueWhile previous papers studying drivers of CBI focused mainly on brand associations that help satisfy one of consumer’s self-definitional need, this paper aims to define the drivers of CBI by examining the origins of consumer’s interactions with brands. The paper proposes CBE and BA as two vital antecedents of CBI.
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Dr. M. Dhanabhakyam, Dr M. Dhanabhakyam, und M. Kavitha M. Kavitha. „Consumers Perception and Attitude Towards Consumerism“. Indian Journal of Applied Research 1, Nr. 10 (01.10.2011): 4–6.

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Wangpo, Kinga, Lecturer, Sonam Wangmo und Tenzin Dorji. „PERCEPTION OF CONSUMERS’ RIGHT IN BHUTAN: A CASE OF THIMPHU CONSUMERS“. Business and Economics in Developing Countries 1, Nr. 1 (18.04.2023): 23–28.

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Consumer protection means safeguarding the economic interests, rights, and safety of the consumers to avoid economic harm and health hazards while consuming goods and services in the market. In other words, it refers to the measures adopted to protect the consumers from unfair and deceptive practices by the business entities and to provide appropriate redresses, remedies, or compensations to aggrieved consumers. Four major consumer rights (Right to Safety, Right to be Informed, Right to Choose, and Right to be Heard) were investigated in this study from the consumer’s perspective whether marketers’ practices are safeguarding these rights or not. A self-administered structured questionnaire was used to measure consumer perception regarding the four basic consumer rights, utilizing a five-point Likert scale measure. A total of 400 samples were collected from different zones of Thimphu Thromde and researchers achieved a 100 % response rate. An almost equal number of male and female respondents have participated in this survey where the majority of them fall in the age group of 21-30 years. Interestingly, 72% of respondents are aware of the Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) and 82% of respondents know that they can practice certain rights as a consumer in the market. All four hypotheses were statistically significant and the Right to safety and the Right to Choose were perceived as high favorableness (m=3.67 for both) whereas, the Right to be Informed and the Right to be Heard were perceived as medium favorableness (m=3.63 and m=3.29 respectively). According to these findings, Bhutanese consumers and relevant consumer protection agencies should feel proud that marketers in Bhutan are safeguarding consumers’ rights and further improvements in certain aspects which had low mean scores would definitely make the Bhutanese market free of fraudulent and unfair trade practices.
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Sharma, C. S., und Nitika Sharma. „Relationship between Consumers’ Spirituality and Green Purchasing Intentions: The Mediation Effect of Perceived Consumer Effectiveness“. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 6, Nr. 2 (09.12.2016): 204–14.

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The article explores the role of ‘spirituality’ in green consumer behaviour. It proposes an original framework in order to explore the influence of spirituality on green purchasing intentions (GPI) of consumers through the mediating role of perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE). The data collected from Indian consumers were analyzed with the help of the mediation model proposed by Hayes (2008). By employing the consumer’s spirituality scale developed by Narang (2013) and the PCE scale of Kim and Choi (2005), the study found that the spiritual orientation of consumers significantly affects their GPI. The conclusions drawn from the study can be used by marketers to stimulate GPI by focusing on the role of spirituality among consumers. Since green has become a distinct way of positioning a product or a company, firms can employ environmental concerns and consciousness of consumers to magnetize new markets, customers and retain existing green consumers.
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Wang, Jing, Shiwei Xu, Siyuan Zhang, Chen Sun und Linhai Wu. „Research on the Impact of Consumer Experience Satisfaction on Green Food Repurchase Intention“. Foods 12, Nr. 24 (18.12.2023): 4510.

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With the continuous improvement in people’s living standards and the change in consumption concept, green food is favored by more and more consumers. Consumer repurchase behavior is a necessary condition to activate the market, expand the consumption scale and stabilize the continuous growth of the market. Repurchase intention is the most direct factor affecting consumers’ green food repurchase intention. Therefore, it is necessary to study consumers green food repurchase intentions. This study collects data from 303 consumer surveys on green food consumption to explore the impact of consumer satisfaction with consumption experience on green food repurchase intention and further explore the mechanisms and influence boundaries. The results show that (1) consumer experience satisfaction positively affects green food repurchase intention; (2) consumer experience satisfaction can improve consumers’ green food repurchase intention through consumer perceptions of social value, green self-efficacy and warm glow; (3) the higher the degree of consumer inertia, the stronger the influence of green self-efficacy and warm glow on consumers’ green food repurchase intention; and (4) the higher the degree of consumer subjective norms, the stronger the influence of consumer perceived social value, green self-efficacy and warm glow on the consumer’s green food repurchase intention. This study provides a new perspective and theoretical framework for promoting consumers’ green food repurchase intention, and it may have certain theoretical significance and practical impact on green food market growth, sustainable carrying of the ecological environment and high-quality development of agriculture.
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Bazerman, Max H. „Consumer Research for Consumers“. Journal of Consumer Research 27, Nr. 4 (März 2001): 499–504.

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Abdul Gani Abdullah, Amad Sudiro, Frans Kurniawan,. „“ LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COMPANY PROVIDING ONLINE TRANSPORTATION AND DRIVING SERVICES PROVIDERS ON CONSUMERS”“. Psychology and Education Journal 58, Nr. 1 (20.01.2021): 5153–62.

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The legal relationship between application companies, drivers, and consumers often create confusion. The consumer's contractual relationship is with the application company. Furthermore, the application company has a partnership contract with the driver. Drivers are the ones who directly interact with consumers to fulfill the services to consumers. This research aims to find the responsibility of the online transportation provider and driver to consumers. This research is normative legal research. It uses secondary data. The study found thatthe application company should be responsible for consumer losses in the event of a loss because it has a contractual relationship with the consumers.
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CHIU, Sheng Yang. „Local vs. Global Brands: Country-of-Origin’s Effect on Consumer-based Brand Equity among Status-Seekers“. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 7, Nr. 3(J) (30.06.2015): 6–13.

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This paper examines the local and global automotive brands in conjunction with country-oforigin effect on consumer-based brand equity. Consumer’s level of status-seeking motivation is considered when analysing the effect of brand’s country-of-origin on consumer-based brand equity. Study conducted on 181 respondents showed that consumers generally prefer Asian than European automotive brands. Asian brands also ranked highest in perceived quality and brand loyalty, followed by European brands and local brands. The main difference of high and low status-seeking consumers is found in brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty of local brands. Low status-seeking consumers tend to rate brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty of local brands higher than high statusseeking consumers. This paper exhibits that the theory of consumer ethnocentrism and global branding strategies are not mutually exclusive.
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Samoggia, Antonella, und Tommaso Rezzaghi. „The Consumption of Caffeine-Containing Products to Enhance Sports Performance: An Application of an Extended Model of the Theory of Planned Behavior“. Nutrients 13, Nr. 2 (24.01.2021): 344.

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Caffeine is the most-used psychoactive substance in the world. About 80% of the world’s population consumes caffeine every day, including athletes and lifestyle users. Thus, it is important to understand the consumer drivers of caffeine-containing beverages and food. This research study aims to explore consumers’ behaviors, perceptions, attitudes, and drivers towards caffeine-containing products to enhance sports performance. The research applies the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in order to understand consumers’ behavior, extended with utilitarian aspects for a comprehensive understanding of consumers’ behavior and attitudes. We interviewed consumers with the support of Qualtrics online software. The data were then processed with SPSS (statistical analysis software). The data elaboration includes a multivariate linear regression model to analyze the consumers’ intention to consume caffeine to enhance the sports performance, and to explore consumers’ preference of marketing leverages for this product category. The results contribute to an understanding of consumers’ consumption and purchasing behavior towards caffeine, and support the validity of the extended TPB to develop a more comprehensive picture of consumer behavior. Consumers have a positive attitude towards caffeine-containing products to enhance sports performance. The main consumer behavior drivers are subjective norms and utilitarian aspects. The present research results may support companies in the development of caffeine-containing products to enhance sports performance.
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Wantasen, E., F. H. Elly und N. M. Santa. „Consumer's characteristics of yogurt in Manado, North Sulawesi - Indonesia“. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture 42, Nr. 1 (28.02.2017): 23.

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The objective of this study was to analyze consumer’s characteristics of yogurt as one of fermented dairy product, consumers satisfaction and factors influencing consumers purchase decision on yogurt in Manado city. The primary data were collected using structured questionnaire from a total sample of 400 consumers in Manado City. Samples were selected using the accidental sampling method with schedule (using alternating date/ day and place, respectively). Collecting data were done from July to September 2015. The result indicated that most consumers were teenagers, female students, and single persons. Consumers of yogurt in Manado City are were categorized quite satisfied with yogurt product. The product availability had to be considered by producer in order to increase consumer satisfaction. Partially, factors that significantly influencing consumer’s purchase decision in Manado were preservative content, product availability, variant flavor, product volume and additional nutritive value.
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Van Miert, Karel. „L’Europe de la consommation“. Revue française d'administration publique 56, Nr. 1 (1990): 615–24.

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Consumer Protection in the EEC. Consumer protection policy has developed since 1972. The achievement of internal market requires from the Commission the adoption of adequate regulations in order to guarantee consumer’s interests and to organize their legal protection. The three-year european plan of action defines four specific programs : consumer’s representation ; open access to information about financial services and comparative publicity ; consumers safety and security ; fair transactions. Nevertheless, it is necessary to surmount the contradictions between consumers and producers’ interests, and to conciliate the beginning national policies and the requirement of a high level of protection in the EEC.
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Zhong, Zirui. „Big Data Analysis for Contemporary Consumer Behavior“. BCP Business & Management 23 (04.08.2022): 779–84.

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With the popularization and application of the Internet, human beings start shopping on the Internet. Compared with offline shopping, the Internet will provide more choices and convenience. When more kinds of commodities come into the consumer's field of vision, the process of consumers' selection of commodities will generate a large amount of data. By analyzing the data of consumers' selection of goods, one can obtain the consumption habits of consumers. Massive amounts of data are analyzed, and value is generated. The emergence of new consumption patterns has led to changes in the consumption environment of consumers. This paper summarizes and demonstrates the recent state-of-art reports focusing on consumer behavior based on big data techniques. According to the analysis, big data helps the market to sell faster and easier but leads to consumer privacy concerns. In summary, this paper gives the impact of big data applications on consumer behavior and suggestions. These results shed light on guiding further exploration of consumer behavior investigation.
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Shamri, Shaza Nabilah, Nurul Aisyah Mohd Suhaimi und Afnani Alwi@Ali. „The Factors Affecting the Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Local Brand of Food Product in Selangor“. Journal Of Agrobiotechnology 12, Nr. 1S (29.09.2021): 40–50.

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The aim of this study is to determine the factors affecting the consumer buying behaviour toward food products in Selangor. Consumer behaviours comprise four factors: cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors. These factors influence consumer buying behaviour toward Malaysian local brands. Data were collected through online questionnaires using Google form. The sample of study consisted of 210 consumers in Selangor. In particular, principal components analysis (PCA) was employed in order to identify the factors that affect consumers on preferring locally produced food products. The findings of this study indicate that Halal logo was the first choice in terms of consumer’s perspective on the product attributes when buying food products followed by price. Size and quantity, and packaging are the third and fourth attributes considered by consumers when buying food products. Our result suggests that, by providing this consumer information to small scale or local sellers will encourage more consumers to purchase local food products.
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Herlin, Yanto Effendi und Kiemas Kurniawan. „ANALISIS SISTEM PEMBAYARAN NON TUNAI MENGGUNAKAN E-MONEY TERHADAP KEINGINAN MEMBELI“. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi Islam (JAM-EKIS) 6, Nr. 1 (31.01.2022): 87–98.

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Payments for increasingly sophisticated sales system transactions have an impact on the ease of consumer transactions, both using cash and non-cash payments. In conducting consumer payment transactions. Currently, consumers who have a high level of routine prefer to use E-Money in their transactions. This is because it is safer and more efficient and provides convenience for consumers in transacting.Payments Using Credit Cards have a negative effect on consumers' buying intentions at Bencoolen Mall Bengkulu, while Payments Using OVO Cash and Shopee Pay have a positive effect on consumers' buying intentions at Bencoolen Mall Bengkulu. Taken together, payments using credit cards, OVO cash and Shopee Pay have a positive effect against the consumer's desire to buy at Bengcoolen Mall Bengkulu
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Mutia, Frida Aryanti. „The Role of Consumer Ethnocentrism on Perceived Quality, Perceived Price, and Brand Image towards Local Brand Purchase“. Journal of Business, Management, and Social Studies 1, Nr. 2 (13.10.2021): 77–89.

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The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of consumer ethnocentrism and its effect on perceived quality, perceived price and brand image toward consumers’ intention to purchase local clothing brand especially young consumer. The research methodology used quantitative method with primary data. The design and development of this questionnaire were based on an initial pretested survey, distributed to 141 college students. The results show that consumer ethnocentrism has a positive effect on consumer perceived quality, perceived price and brand image toward consumers’ intention to purchase local brand in casual clothing category. It also shown that brand image plays a big role in influencing consumers’ purchase intention in buying local clothing brands. This study will give an understanding regarding the influence of government campaign using consumer ethnocentrism towards young consumer’s purchase intention of local brands in Indonesia.
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Stan, Andreea, Mihai Frîncu, Marian Vintilă und Liliana Bădulescu. „MINIMAL PROCESSING OF ORGANIC APPLES BY DRYING - CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE“. Fruit Growing Research 36 (22.12.2020): 99–105.

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Sensory attributes like colour, flavour and texture are makers in the consumer's purchasing decision of minimally processed organic apples. Drying using low temperatures represent a simple and easy way for minimally processing of organic fruits, moreover this procedure is accepted in organic agriculture. The aim of this study is to establish the consumer acceptance of organic apples dried using two different temperatures and how they characterize the final product. In order to accomplish the proposed purpose, three organic apples cultivars ‘Rubinola’, ‘Topaz’ and ‘Gemini’ were sliced and dried in a professional dryer with air distribution, using temperatures like 35°C and 50°C. Consumer general impression regarding obtained dried organic apples was based on a questionnaire, which contain several questions about colour, flavour, texture and size, in two sessions organized during two different scientific events. Dried organic apples were tasted and evaluated by consumers of both genders with ages between 22 and 66 years old. The slice size of organic dried apples was preferred by over 50% of consumers for all apple varieties. Consumers preferred more the taste of ‘Gemini’ cv. apples dried at 50°C compared to those dried at 35°C. The consumer’s acceptance of minimally processed organic apples was oriented towards those dried at 50°C. Obtained results suggest that sensory attributes are very important in consumer acceptance of a minimally processed product by drying technology and more studies are required.
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Channa, Mehwish, Adnan Pitafi und Ghazala Tunio. „Consumer Perception Towards Localization of MNC Fast Food Chain in Pakistan“. Jurnal Ekonomi 21, Nr. 2 (31.12.2021): 101–12.

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The study tests the consumer preferences in Pakistan (a developing economy) to know about the consumer’s choice and localization of MNC to have clear understanding of entering in to the new market following the local culture of the country. Study focuses on the multinational fast food outlets. The research is grounded on both primary & secondary information and primary data is collected randomly from 412 fast food consumers through closed ended questionnaire and analyzed through simple percentage analysis and SPSS to know about the relationship with different factors like, location, Quality, consumer satisfaction and preferences. Findings show that consumer’s choice is influenced by quality, price as well as location. Study also shows that McDonalds is a high quality restaurant according to the consumers perception and more expensive than any other MNC outlet in Pakistan, consumers prefer to visit KFC and McDonalds frequently the consumers in Pakistan prefer food with the price conscious attitude. The main thing for the fast food restaurants is the food which is served quickly and finds it more advantageous. According to this study location accessibility is also a motive for consumers when they choose a particular outlet, closer restaurants are more numerous for easy take away.
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Hasibuan, Fitri Febriyani, Muhammad Halmi Dar und Gomal Juni Yanris. „Implementation of the Naïve Bayes Method to determine the Level of Consumer Satisfaction“. SinkrOn 8, Nr. 2 (12.04.2023): 1000–1011.

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Satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure at something you like, you get it from goods and services. Satisfaction becomes an important assessment when someone sells goods or services. This is because satisfaction will be an assessment of the goods purchased by consumers or services that will be received by consumers. Therefore the authors make research about the level of consumer satisfaction in shopping. This research was made using the Naïve Bayes method and used consumer data as sample data which used 49 consumer data. By using the Naïve Bayes method, this study aims to see the level of consumer shopping satisfaction, it is made to see the results of a consumer's satisfaction, sometimes there are some consumers who are dissatisfied with the reason the product is not good and some are satisfied with the reason the product is still new and good. Therefore this research was made. This research was conducted using the naïve Bayes method with the first stage being data analysis, then data preprocessing, then naïve Bayes algorithm and finally system testing. After system testing is carried out, classification results will be obtained using the naïve Bayes method. Classification results stated that as many as 47 consumers were satisfied shopping and as many as 2 consumers were not satisfied shopping. The conclusion is that a lot of consumers are satisfied with shopping, meaning that the place is very good and liked by many consumers.
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Wagle, Sudip. „Determinant Variables Of Consumers’ Preference Towards Patanjali Products“. Journal of Balkumari College 11, Nr. 1 (31.12.2022): 39–49.

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Patanjali Ayurveda is maker of ayurvedic consumer product and is one of the fastest growing consumer company. Consumers of Twenty-first Century are much more health conscious and are always inclined to maintain quality of life. So, people are moving towards herbal and ayurvedic products. In order to purchase a product, consumer will go through a process of buying behavior. The purchase decision of consumer is mostly affected by the quality, price, packaging, advertisement, brand image and benefits offered by the brand. This study elucidate about the consumer’s preferences towards Patanjali products within Bharatpur Metropolitian city. Descriptive and casual comparative research design were used and the collected primary data via well-structured google form questionnaire were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential analysis. The major finding of this study shows brand image is the main reason that induces consumers to buy Patanjali products and it also reveals the level of satisfaction of consumers towards Patanjali products. Likewise, results reveals that the impact of quality, brand image, packaging and availability of products on consumers’ preference towards Patanjali products is found positive with significant whereas the impact of price on consumers’ preference towards Patanjali products is only positive with insignificant. Similarly, the influence of advertisement and offers on consumers’ preference towards Patanjali products is found negative but that is also insignificant.
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Kwangsawat, Karuna, und Yanin Rugwongwan. „The Determinant of Consumers’ Socio-Economic Attributes on Their Choices of Environmental Friendly Furniture style.“ Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal 2, Nr. 6 (06.11.2017): 35.

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This article presents the determinant of consumers' socio-economic including personality, attitudes, lifestyle and the physical characteristics of the residence. That determines the consumer's demand for environmentally friendly furniture. This is a test of the demand for different types of furniture. According to economic conditions consumer society. The research found that overall style of furniture requirements. The consumers demand modern style furniture, western style, use natural materials to produce, high technology in production and the furniture is cool shade is moderate. The design should take into account the socio-economic conditions of each consumer group. To serve as guidelines for the environmentally friendly design furniture that is suitable to the demand of consumers.
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Liu, Tungyun, Sijun Sung und Heeju Chae. „Understanding Consumer Perceptions of Luxury Vintage Fashion“. Institute of Management and Economy Research 14, Nr. 1 (30.03.2023): 41–57.

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Purpose - The purpose of this study is to research how the different types of experiences affect consumer’s recognition in terms of luxury vintage fashion products, and what kinds of value consumer can achieve. Design/methodology/approach - The study is based on the means-end chain (MEC) approach for an in-depth understanding of consumers’ recognition systems through conducting the laddering interview technique. Above all, the research conducted a pilot test to gain attributes of consumer experiences about luxury vintage fashion products from Korean and Taiwanese. Findings - It is found that not only by actual purchase, experience without purchasing also can lead to consumers’ self-fulfilment and self-accomplishment, which filled the lack of relevant literature in the luxury vintage industry. In addition, the study sorted out the channels that consumers approach LVF products, which provide a classification reference for future research related to the luxury vintage consumer. Research implications or originality - As consumers can gain a lot kind of value through LVF products, luxury brands can attract consumers by using vintage as a market strategy. For luxury marketers, by running LVF shopping mall online or opening LVF stores, not only allow consumers’ attach with LVF products but also can further lead to the purchase behaviors. In addition, consumers who are interested in LVF are those who are aware of the authenticity, uniqueness, and rarity of the brand. Due the fact, these consumers may be interested in the topic of sustainability.
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Ratten, Vanessa. „A US-China comparative study of cloud computing adoption behavior“. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 6, Nr. 1 (25.02.2014): 53–71.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of privacy concerns and consumer innovativeness towards consumer's adoption of a technological innovation in the form of cloud computing technology. Design/methodology/approach – A cross-cultural comparison between consumers in the USA and China is made through a study of consumers intending to adopt cloud computing services. A review of the technology innovation adoption literature forms the basis of the research propositions, which are based on the extant literature and focused on the innovative adoption behaviour of consumers. A comparative approach is taken to analyse the differences between US and Chinese consumers intending to adopt cloud computing services. Findings – Findings suggest that there are more similarities than differences between US and Chinese consumers adopting cloud computing services. The survey suggests that the performance expectancy, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use can help predict intention to adopt cloud computing services in both the USA and China, but consumer innovativeness is a better indicator in the USA than in China for consumers adopting technological innovations. Practical implications – This paper is important for cloud service technology marketers by indicating how social influencers can influence consumer's usage of cloud computing by affecting their social network of friends and family. In addition, insight into how consumers adopt cloud computing by focusing on privacy concerns of personal information being shared can help future technology innovations enter the marketplace at a faster rate. Originality/value – This paper fills the gap in the current technology marketing and innovation literature on how consumers adopt technological innovations and highlights the importance of increasing the perceptions of performance expectation of service innovations.
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Niemeier, Christian, und Richard Pospisil. „Exploring Psychological Drivers in Dynamic Pricing and Consumer Decision Making“. Golden Ratio of Marketing and Applied Psychology of Business 5, Nr. 1 (09.11.2024): 95–109.

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This research aims to explore psychological aspects of consumers’ decision-making process from the perspective of dynamic pricing strategies in e-commerce systems. As online retail continues to grow, exploring pricing algorithms, UX, and consumer behaviors becomes vital to businesses and researchers Which leads to research questions. How do consumers perceive and respond to dynamic pricing; how perceived UX affects consumers’ interactions with dynamic pricing; what is the effect of ethical considerations on consumers’ trust and engagement. The results show that there exists a complex relation between pricing methods , customer experience components and psychological factors. Studies found that range of price dynamicity and the equity of the actions determines buyers’ attitudes towards DPs’ changes. From the study, better UX design development of easy-to-understand interfaces and value propositions has higher acceptance by consumers. The issue of data protection and price policies occupy a significant portion of consumer credibility and brand sustainment. The discussion adds value on how psychological processes trigger consumers responses to dynamic prices. This study acts as a handbook for ethical and efficient pricing methodologies that fit the budget firm, keeping the consumer's content. Furthermore, it forms the basis for future studies of the dynamics of online retail and consumer behaviour in e-commerce.
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Tang Herman, Robertus. „Grown Up Digital: Effect Social Media Usage on Consumer Behavior“. Advanced Science Letters 21, Nr. 4 (01.04.2015): 1035–38.

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The social media now becomes more powerful for customer in decision making process and behavior. In reality, social media also has a significant contribution for customer because many information and recommendation provided by social media. Social media usage and customer involvement in social networking will affect the consumers’ opinion, interest and behavior. This paper aims to investigate consumer usage behavior and mapping consumers profile based on the social media used. This research used Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis to identify and analyze the social media usage. The result describes a significant affect of social media on consumer usage. From cluster analysis show the different consumer’s behavior profiling based on their social media usage relate to their profile. There is three characteristic level of consumers based on result study and the characteristic describe the consumers profile based on the reason of using social media.
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Patro, Chandra Sekhar. „Consumers' Digital Shopping Experience“. International Journal of E-Business Research 19, Nr. 1 (24.02.2023): 1–17.

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Digital shopping has been the most imperious facet of e-retailing, and it has become an essential part of consumers' lifestyles. Besides the various advantages offered to digital shoppers, there are certain difficulties faced by them while making an online purchase. Therefore, it is significant to identify the factors influencing the consumer's purchase decision in the digital shopping context. The study empirically investigates the association of various factors related to consumers digital shopping experience on the purchase decision. The results reveal that the seven factors—website aesthetics, accessibility, trust, price offerings, security, delivery, and quality—have a positive association with consumer digital purchase decision. The findings will help the online traders to understand the satisfaction experienced by the consumers in the digital shopping context and develop strategies to attract new consumers and retain existing ones.
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Mantilla, Sandra Milena Olarte, Philippa Lyons, Tim J. O'Hare und Heather Eunice Smyth. „Purple Sweetcorn—An innovative Horticultural Product—Consumer Views“. Proceedings 36, Nr. 1 (13.02.2020): 102.

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Purple sweetcorn has been conceptualized as an innovative premium horticultural product that may provide consumers with the potential health benefit of anthocyanins. Gathering consumer insights is crucial to inform the breeding program to obtain a purple sweetcorn product closer to consumer’s requirements. Thirty-six non-food neophobic sweetcorn consumers participated in a focus group session on the concept of purple sweetcorn, as well as visually evaluating early breeding lines. Consumers were very positive about the concept of purple sweetcorn and had clear ideas of potential uses. Consumers preferred that purple sweetcorn taste different to commercial yellow sweetcorn, and that health claims would support a premium price position. A small scale follow up consumer study (n = 10) was carried out where consumers were asked to rate acceptability for visual (raw and cooked), flavour, textural and overall of two purple sweetcorn breeding lines (reddish-purple and purple) and compared against commercial yellow sweetcorn. Visual acceptability scores were higher for purple than the reddish-purple lines for both cooked and raw forms, but the yellow cobs were the most preferred. In contrast, flavour and overall acceptability scores were higher for the reddish-purple and yellow cobs than the purple lines. It was also noted that the reddish-purple and purple lines had a slight raspberry flavour. Consumer’s discussions outcomes from both studies were that consumers preferred better color coverage across the kernel, which will be the direction in continuing the development of purple sweetcorn lines. This study demonstrated there is a market for a premium purple sweetcorn product among consumers.
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Sundareswaran, Ghanasiyaa, Harshini Kamaraj, Shanmathy Sanjay, Akalya Devi, Poojashree Elangovan und Kruthikkha P. „Consumer Behavior Analysis“. International Journal of Research and Applied Technology 2, Nr. 1 (31.01.2022): 82–90.

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Research on consumer behavior has become essential in recent years as it plays an important role in business marketing and growth. Consumers are the king of the market. For-profit organizations cannot function without customers. All the activities of the company end with the consumer and their satisfaction. Consumer behavior is the study of consumers and how they choose or eliminate products. This theory extends not only to products but also to services consumed. To develop a framework for studying consumer behavior, first look at the factors that influence consumer buying behavior, as well as the various thinking paradigms that have influenced the progress and discipline of consumer research. Modeling customer behavior is nothing more than creating a mathematical structure to map the general behavior of a particular customer group. This is done to predict how consumers will react in a particular situation. The purpose of the survey is to better understand consumer behavior by examining the factors that influence the consumer's purchasing process. The main purpose of studying consumer behavior is to understand how consumers feel and think. Building a recommendation engine is another application for studying consumer behavior. The recommendation engine basically recommends several products based on a variety of factors, including previous purchases by consumers, age, etc. It's a kind of data filtering tool that uses machine learning algorithms to recommend the most relevant items to a particular customer. The purpose of this paper is to analyze consumer segmentation and sentiment regarding product reviews and build a product recommendation system.
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Marotta, Veronica, Yue Wu, Kaifu Zhang und Alessandro Acquisti. „The Welfare Impact of Targeted Advertising Technologies“. Information Systems Research 33, Nr. 1 (März 2022): 131–51.

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We analyze the welfare implications of consumer data sharing, and restrictions to that sharing, in the context of online targeted advertising. Targeting technologies offer firms the ability to reach desired audiences through intermediary platforms. The platforms run auctions in real time to display ads on internet sites, leveraging consumers’ personal information collected online to personalize the ads. The online advertising industry posits that targeted advertising benefits advertising firms (that is, merchants who want to target ads to the desired consumers), consumers who see ads for preferred products, and the intermediary platforms that match consumers with firms. However, the claims that targeted advertising benefits all players involved have not been fully vetted in the literature. We develop an analytical model to analyze the economic and welfare implications of targeting technologies for those three players under alternative consumer information regimes. The regimes differ in the type and amount of consumer data available to the intermediary and to the advertising firms, and reflect the presence or absence of technological or regulatory restrictions to personal information flows. We find evidence of incentive misalignment among the players, as the intermediary prefers to share only a subset of consumer information with firms, whereas advertising firms prefer having complete information about the consumers. As such, a strategic intermediary with the ability to control which information is shared during the auction can have an incentive to use only the information that maximizes its payoff, overlooking the interests of both advertising firms and consumers. The information regimes that maximize consumer welfare vastly differ depending on consumers’ heterogeneity along two dimensions: a horizontal dimension, capturing consumer’s heterogeneity in product preferences; and a vertical dimension, capturing consumers’ heterogeneity in purchase power. Consumers prefer none of their personal information to be used for targeting only in limited circumstances. Otherwise, consumers are either indifferent or prefer only specific types of information to be used for targeting.
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Hilal, Anisaul Karimah, und Septin Puji Astuti. „THE ROLE OF ONLINE CUSTOMER REVIEWS IN INCREASING IMPULSIVE PURCHASE OF FASHION PRODUCTS ONLINE WITH CUSTOMER TRUST AS A MEDIATOR“. Journal of Management and Islamic Finance 2, Nr. 2 (31.12.2022): 310–23.

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This study purposes to analyze online consumer reviews on impulsive purchases, and with customer trust as a mediating variable. This research was conducted in 2022. The population was consumers who have experiences in shopping online through social media or other online shopping applications in Indonesia. The sample of this research was 400 respondents. Data analysis techniques used the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The data were primary data. Data collection applied a questionnaire. The results of the research conclude three findings: First, online consumer reviews have a significant effect on trust. This means that the more consumers read online consumer reviews, the higher the consumer's trust in the product and the online seller. Second, trust has a significant effect on impulsive buying decisions meaning that the higher the level of consumer confidence in a product, the higher the probability that consumers will buy the product. Third, online consumer reviews have a significant effect on impulsive purchases with trust as a mediator. This indicates that the more consumers read online consumer reviews, the higher the possibility of impulsive purchases, supported by the existence of trust which greatly influences the variables between the two, between online consumer reviews on trust and trust on impulsive purchases.
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Phaiboon-udomkarn, Bongkot, und Alexander Josiassen. „Attracting consumers in the thriving cosmeceuticals market“. Strategic Direction 30, Nr. 8 (08.07.2014): 38–40.

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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to analyze and mitigate consumers’ perceived risk in purchasing cosmeceutical products. The lucrative market of cosmeceuticals has motivated many cosmetics and pharmaceutical companies to rethink their existing product lines to gain a strong foothold in cosmeceuticals industry. It is important that these corporates are taking note and scrambling to integrate their marketing activities to gain a foothold in this emerging sector. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire set was created to survey among 473 consumers, using cosmeceutical skincare products as a product group. The risk mitigation and assessment are investigated to understand consumers’ final decision on whether or not to purchase a product. Findings – Results indicate that positive expert opinion reduces consumer risk perception, better product-country image can minimize consumer’s perceived risk and strong brand image lowers perceived risks of consumer. Practical implications – Practitioners should have a close examination of the product-country image and brand images, as well as an advantageous use of expert opinions – all of which may affect the consumer’s willingness to buy and lower perceived risks associated with the product. Originality/value – This study enhances the limited research in the new field of pharmaceuticals, which also leads to a better understanding of risk mitigation and factors driving consumers’ willingness to buy a healthcare product.
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Kozhukhova, T. V., S. V. Malovychko, I. A. Karabaza und V. Yu Kryzhovska. „DETERMINATION OF THE POTENTIAL CONSUMER PROFILE WHILE PLANNING THE ENTERPRISE PR-STRATEGY“. Visnyk of Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky, Nr. 2 (73) 2020 (2020): 9–15.

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Objective. The objective of the article is to determine the main characteristics of the potential consumer's profile when planning the enterprise PR-strategy. Methods. The following are used: method of analysis (while studying the service consumers ' behavior by types of values), the method of synthesis (to identify the type of need met by carwash services and create a proprietary model of analysis of the axiologicalfield of the consumers buying services), the method of expert assessment (to identify the key values of the carwash services con­sumer when planning the enterprise PR-strategy in terms of using proprietary model of analysis of the consumers axiological field). Results. In the article, the value orientations of carwash services consumers are identified based on the application of M. Rokeach's, Shet Newman Gross's theories. The psychogenic needs of carwash services consumers are detailed based on H. Murray's theory. The type of need met by carwash services are identified. That is the secondary need of physiological origin (to be neat). It is characterized as positive, obvious and conscious. The proprietary model of analysis of the axiological field of the consumers buying carwash services are suggested. In terms of this model, it is established that the most important value groups for carwash services consum­ers are functional and social values. The first stage of the PR-strategy planning process of the enterprise, the carwash services seller on the market, are detailed. The profile of a potential market services consumer is identified. This potential consumer is a person whose key values are comfortable life, pleasure, neatness, family safety, public recognition, sense of achievement, am­bition, etc. The practical importance of the results obtained lies in the possibility of developing suggestions for further enterprise PR-strategy planning and developing the enterprise advertis­ing targeted at end users in terms of this strategy. It is recommended to develop suggestions for the developing of marketing communications initiatives designed to promote the services on the market, in further studies.
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