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Rhodes, Gloria. „Conflict resolution and conflict transformation practice is there a difference? /“. Fairfax, VA : George Mason University, 2008.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--George Mason University, 2008.
Vita: p. 253. Thesis director: Wallace Warfield. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Title from PDF t.p. (viewed Mar. 16, 2009). Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-252). Also issued in print.
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Cheadle, Ronald E. „Transforming conflict into community the church transformation project /“. Online full text .pdf document, available to Fuller patrons only, 2000.

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Tosunlu, Berkay. „Decision theory, design theory and innovative policy design for conflict transformation and management“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.

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Cette thèse propose une approche novatrice pour la transformation des conflits et la conception des politiques, en intégrant les Méthodes de Structuration des Problèmes (PSM), les cartes cognitives et les arbres de valeurs avec la théorie du design, notamment la théorie Concept-Connaissance (C-K). La recherche vise à combler le fossé entre les méthodologies descriptives et prescriptives, offrant aux décideurs un cadre structuré pour comprendre les conflits et générer des solutions innovantes. Deux études de cas ontété utilisées pour tester et valider cette approche : le conflit kurdo-turc et la gestion des eaux souterraines en Tunisie. Dans le premier cas, la méthode a été testée en identifiant des valeurs partagées entre les parties en conflit et en mettant en lumière des compromis potentiels. La deuxième étude a validé l’approche en utilisant la structure supérieure de l’arbre de valeurs pour construire un arbre de concepts, aboutissant à des solutions politiques consensuelles et actionnables. De plus, un deuxième algorithme a été développé pour formaliser la transformation des arbres de valeurs en arbres de concepts, testé dans l'exemple d'Alice afin de généraliser l'applicabilité de la méthode au-delà de la résolution de conflits vers des problèmes décisionnels complexes. La contribution clé de cette thèse réside dans la formalisation d'un processus qui transforme les cartes cognitives en arbres de valeurs, offrant aux décideurs une méthode reproductible pour identifier un terrain d'entente et concevoir des alternatives innovantes. L'intégration des arbres de valeursavec la théorie C-K permet de générer de nouvelles solutions en reliant l'espace de connaissances et l'espace de concepts. Avec un développement supplémentaire, cette méthodologie pourrait apporter une contribution significative à la résolution des conflits et à la conception des politiques publiques dans divers scénarios complexes et multi-acteurs
This thesis presents a novel approach to conflict transformation and policy design by integrating Problem Structuring Methods (PSMs), cognitive maps, and value trees with design theory, particularly Concept- Knowledge (C-K) theory. The research aims to bridge the gap between descriptive and prescriptive methodologies, offering decision-makers a structured framework to understand conflicts and generate innovative solutions. Two case studies are used to test and validate this approach: the Kurdish-Turkish conflict and groundwater management in Tunisia. In the first case study, the method was tested by identifying shared values between conflicting parties and highlighting areas of potential compromise. The second case study. validated the approach by using the top structure of the value tree to construct a concept tree, resulting in actionable and consensus-driven policy solutions. Additionally, a second algorithm was developed to formalize the transformation of value trees into concept trees, and this was applied in the Alice example to generalize the method's applicability beyond conflict resolution to complex decision problems. The key contribution of this thesis is the formalization of a process that transforms cognitive maps into value trees, offering decision-makers a replicable method for identifying common ground and designing innovative alternatives. The integration of value trees with C-K theory allows for the generation of new solutions by bridging the gap between the knowledge space and the concept space. With further development, this methodology has the potential to significantly contribute to both conflict resolution and public policy design in a variety of complex, multi-stakeholder scenarios
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Grigor, Pierre. „A text-critical analysis of potentially conflict-provoking genres of the Christian bible“. Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2016.

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This dissertation wants to understand the church history regarding the divide which resulted in the so called fundamentalist and the liberal movements in the church being birthed in identifying the reasons for the conflict between the aforementioned groups. It then presents principles of conflict transformation and management in order to understand and to help transform and manage potential confrontational situations between the aforementioned groups effectively. It further propose alternative interpretations to potential conflict-generating Bible texts by extrapolating new information from those texts in order to stir the potential of birthing a second naïve love for the discredited texts by offering new meanings to those same texts. Unfortunately, this objective can’t effectively be measured within the scope of this dissertation, but will nevertheless remain as an objective of hope.
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GUO, Yang. „Transformational leadership for conflict management between leaders and employees“. Digital Commons @ Lingnan University, 2011.

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This study empirically investigates the dynamics and outcomes of leader-member conflict. It validates the values of cooperative conflict and damages of competitive conflict between leaders and employees, testing the effectiveness and universality of Deutsch's (1973) cooperation and competition theory. By bridging leadership and conflict management literature, it also identifies the role of transformational leadership in managing conflict effectively. Specifically, transformational leadership induces cooperative conflict and undermines competitive conflict between leaders and employees, which in turn increases task performance and leader effectiveness. A total of 112 interviews were conducted in mainland China from 2010 to 2011. Results of structural equation modeling and other analyses support the proposed model that transformational leadership affects conflict management approaches (cooperative conflict management, competitive conflict management) that in turn influence outcomes (task performance, leader effectiveness). Our findings suggest practical implications that leaders and employees can benefit from well-managed conflict, and that leaders can use transformational values and skills to handle conflict successfully in organizations.
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Hanna, Lunding. „Negotiating for Transformation? : A case study of the negotiation process in the Cyprus conflict“. Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för samhällsstudier (SS), 2019.

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The Cyprus problem has now been an ongoing dispute for 40 some years. The two main ethnic communities, Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot, has since the unrest following independence in 1960, been separated both in space and mind. A military coup, supported by Greece, followed by a Turkish invasion, caused a violent division of the island in 1974, a division that remains today. The UN has facilitated dialog and negotiation between the communities since the establishment of UNFICYP in 1964.The objective of this study is to identify whether the parties have been and are aiming for long-term or short-term perspectives in negotiation. With the help of the theoretical framework of Conflict transformation, resolution and management the study aim to answer the question – What signs of conflict transformation could be identified within the high level peace negotiation process in Cyprus?The study will be done through a process tracing case study of the peace negotiations in the Cyprus conflict. The study aims at depicting the negotiation process from 1974 and onwards. This by exploring UN position papers, resolutions and reports together with descriptions and statements from the negotiating parties.The study found that the phases of negotiation have differed considerably over time and that a general shift from conflict management to conflict transformation did appear.
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Yuen, Suk-yee Helena. „Buddhist mediation : a transformative approach to conflict resolution /“. View the Table of Contents & Abstract, 2008.

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Yuen, Suk-yee Helena. „Buddhist mediation: a transformative approachto conflict resolution“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2008.

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Rodriguez, Iokine. „The transformative role of conflicts beyond conflict management in national parks : a case study of Canaima National Park, Venezuela“. Thesis, University of Sussex, 2002.

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management as a route for solving conflicts. It argues that present approaches used to solve conflicts in protected areas have been ineffective in their aim because they fail to address the very root causes of conflicts as well as to understand their complex, diverse and dynamic nature. The thesis thus calls for a shift away from instrumental forms of participation, that put the control over the participatory process on conservationist and protected area managers, towards collaborative processes that would help to address the underlying issues in dispute. Although seldom acknowledged, conflicts in protected areas generally include struggles over complex issues such as modernity, identity, authority, ownership, knowledge systems and different cultural notions of nature and land use, among others. The long-term transformation of conflicts requires that these issues are adequately understood and addressed. A shift away from the dominant participatory paradigm also requires breaking away from a managerial conflict resolution approach that treats conflicts as static, negative and undifferentiated phenomena. In its place an approach that emphasises the dynamic, differentiated nature of conflicts and their transformative power in forcing necessary social changes in protected area management is advocated. Special attention is paid here to analysing the dynamics of power relations among actors and the history of their interactions in order to determine the factors that limit or offer opportunities for a productive engagement among actors in addressing the root cause of conflicts. In order to demonstrate the complex, dynamic and diverse nature of conflicts in protected areas this thesis studies three different types of conflicts currently taking place in Canaima National Park, Venezuela: conflicts over the use of fire, tourism management and the building of a high voltage power-line. Through this differentiated analysis this thesis concludes with a discussion of the types of collaborative processes that could help address and discuss the core issues in dispute in each case but also the factors that limit and offer opportunities for such engagement
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Tilos, Tamarah. „Finding Common Ground| Learning From Leaders Who Have Utilized Conflict Transformation Behaviors in the Mental Health Field in the United States“. Thesis, Brandman University, 2017.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to discover and describe how exemplary leaders establish common ground and produce breakthrough results in the mental health field by utilizing the 6 domains of conflict transformation: collaboration, communication, problem solving, process, emotional intelligence, and ethics. Methodology: This thematic, phenomenological study was accomplished through examination of the lived experiences of exemplary leaders with firsthand experience transforming conflict and finding common ground. The target population for this study included executive-level leaders of nonprofit organizations, governmental institutions, state and national associations, and private businesses serving adults and children with mental illness, developmental or behavioral disabilities, and/or substance use disorders in the United States. Exemplary leaders were selected through criterion sampling to comprise the sample. In-depth, one-to-one interviews were conducted as the primary method for data collection. Findings: The findings from this study illustrate that exemplary leaders in the mental health field use key aspects of the 6 domains of conflict transformation as a set of intersecting behaviors that facilitate transforming conflict and finding common ground. Conclusions: It is concluded that leaders in the mental health field must have command of key aspects of the 6 domains of conflict transformation in order to achieve breakthrough results toward parity in the mental health field. Recommendations: Further research is advised: A replication of this study, a multiple-case study, and a mixed-method study are recommended to deepen understanding of finding common ground. Phenomenological studies exploring the unexpected findings in this research are also recommended. Developing the findings in this study will be useful for shaping policy, practice, and professional development in order to impact transformational change in the mental health field.

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Ette, John Umo. „The Impact of Economic Integration within the European Union as a Factor in Conflict Transformation and Peace-Building“. PDXScholar, 2014.

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This study examines economic integration within the European Union (EU) as a factor in conflict transformation and peace-building. European responses to causes of frequent conflicts and wars after the end of WWII focused on the search for peace, economic cooperation and prosperity. This thesis will focus on three elements: economic interdependence, the expansion of the free market, and economic integration. In-depth examination of these factors reveals that economic interdependence or the exchange of goods and services across inter-state and international boundaries only, is not sufficient to bring peace among states. Economic inter-dependence may reduce the impact of war, but cannot maintain sustainable peace. Unfair competition fanned by economic nationalism was a strong obstacle to free trade in Europe in the early 19th century. In the 21st century, the expansion of free trade, with increased understanding has enhanced reduction in interstate conflicts. However, free trade, in and of itself does not constitute a strong factor for a sustainable peace. Free trade may encourage democracy, but the expansion of free trade coupled with interdependence, does not bring sustainable peace. The EU has successfully established sustainable peace through economic integration-the creation of the single market that established freedom of movement, people, goods, services; and a single currency that facilitates easy transactions. The single market also abolished tariffs and custom duties. By and large, economic integration within the EU has been successful in creating a sustainable peace because economic interdependence, and the expansion of the free market have been combined with political integration by building democratic institutions at the intergovernmental and transnational levels.
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Evans-Kent, Bronwyn. „Transformative peacebuilding in post-conflict reconstruction : the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina /“. St. Lucia, Qld, 2003.

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Matjie, Mokgata Alleen. „The relationship between transformational leadership, emotional competence and conflict management skills of managers in the public sector“. Thesis, University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus), 2010.

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Thesis (MPA. (Industrial Psychology)) --University of Limpopo, 2010
In recent years, the South African government has put a lot of energy into the transformation of public sector departments. Effective leadership is a prerequisite in any effort to transform an organization. However, research findings indicate that there is a critical need to develop and train managers in the public sector to deal with numerous challenges in a fast changing world. They do not only need technical competencies but also soft skills to manage interpersonal relationships. This means that the public sector in South Africa needs to develop its leaders effectiveness in dealing with the human side of enterprises. Research in the first world countries on effective leadership behaviour has indicated the following: Firstly, leaders with high levels of emotional competence are more effective in interpersonal situations than those with low levels of emotional competence. Secondly, transformational leadership behaviour has a significant positive relationship with a leader s emotional competence. Lastly, a leader s conflict handling style is associated with his/her effectiveness as a leader. The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship between managers transformational leadership style effectiveness, their level of emotional competence (emotional expression and constructive discontent) and their conflict management skills within the public sector in South Africa. A survey design was employed to collect data. Questionnaires were completed by 126 managers in a public sector department in the Limpopo Province. The questionnaires included items to assess transformational leadership, emotional competence and conflict management skills, and also to siphon demographic information of the managers. Frequencies for demographic information were computed, as well as correlations for transformational leadership, emotional competencies and conflict management styles in order to test out hypotheses about the relationship between the variables of interest.Findings indicated that the majority of the respondents were Black males under the age group of 41-50, on job levels 11-12, with managerial experience of 1-5 years. The main findings of the study showed the following: (a) There is a very weak,significant positive relationship between transformational leadership and emotional expression, and a negative relationship between transformational leadership style and constructive discontent; (b) There is a relatively weak but significant positive relationship between the transformational leadership style and the constrictive conflict management skills (collaborating and compromising interpersonal conflict management styles); (c) There is a weak but significant negative relationship between the compromising interpersonal conflict management style and emotional expression, and a very weak, non-significant negative relationship between collaboration interpersonal conflict management style and emotional expression; and (d) There is a weak but significant negative relationship between the compromising interpersonal conflict management style and constructive discontent, but a very weak non-significant negative relationship between collaboration interpersonal conflict management style and constructive discontent. These findings led the researcher to believe that the respondents are neither transformational leaders nor emotionally competent, and thus could not either compromise or collaborate with others when they are in an interpersonal conflict situation. It is recommended that managers should be trained to develop their leadership, as well as emotional and conflict management competencies. Even though small sample size was used in this study, there results will be generalized to the whole South African population of public service managers. Further research study with different research methodology is recommended within other public sector departments and provinces within the country.
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Matlou, Molefe. „Analysis of the management of conflict and transformation in the public service focussing on the central district, North West Province during 2000 to 2005“. Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011.

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The dawn of democracy in South Africa in 1994 placed an imperative on the government to make provision for transformation of the public service from the one that was base on race and gender to the one based on respect and dignity of people irrespective of race, gender or religion. The point of departure was to initiate change in legislation in order to create conducive environment for the public service to establish forums and commissions that would inform the approach that transformation had to take. One of the major challenges was to deal with the reality of a public service that was dominated by white males in order to implement the Constitutional imperative of equal opportunities to all and to enable black people in general and women in particular to occupy positions where their full potential and capabilities would be recognised. Affirmative Action became a tool that the new government adopted to inform the employment equity targets that every government department had to set for itself and annual reports had to be submitted to parliament for oversight to ensure that no government entity deviated from the realisation of the objective to fully transform the public service. The fact that there were some quarters within the broader society that perceived this is a threat and that within the targeted groups such as blacks and women there were people who felt that the concept „‟affirmative action‟‟ was degrading as it suggested that, despite their potential and education, black people and women still had to be affirmed was indicative of the conflict that resulted from the good intention by government to diversify the public service. To date, there are still institutions of government where males still dominate senior positions in the public service and women are still confined to lower level occupational bands which do not afford them an opportunity to rise to senior levels. The only recognisable change, one may argue, is that black males benefitted a lot more from transformation in the public service than females and people with disabilities. For all people to benefit from transformation in the public service there must be a vigilant approach to the implementation of policy and severe penalties for non compliance. Oversight bodies must be empowered to do a lot more than pep talk on transformation.
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Englberger, Florian. „Dealing with nationalism in view of a human need to belong : the feasibility of narrative transformation in Northern Ireland“. Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2018.

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This thesis seeks to delineate what change in divided societies such as Northern Ireland is possible. Two steps are necessary to answer this question: first, to explain the potency of nationalism. I contend that taking the evolutionary history of humans and a human need to belong into account is essential for an understanding of A.D. Smith's ethno-symbolist approach to nationalism. We need to acknowledge that human beings emerged from small-scale settings and are therefore conservative beings who seek those patterns of familiarity that make up the ordinary ‘everyday'. They are also prejudiced beings, as prejudice helps to break down a complex world into digestible pieces. The ethnic state excluding an ethnic ‘other' is an answer to these calls for simplicity. By establishing an apparent terra firma, a habitus, symbols of an ethnic past and national present speak of nationalist narratives that provide a sense of ontological security. In (Northern) Ireland, ethno-national communities based on prejudiced understandings of history have long been established. In this second step I maintain that change that violates the core potent national narratives cannot be achieved. The Provisional IRA's change from insurrection to parliament became feasible because a radical break with republican dogmas was avoided. Sinn Féin, despite a rhetorical move towards ‘reconciliation', still seek to outmanoeuvre the unionist ‘other'. The history of Irish socialism, on the other hand, has been a failure, as it embodied a radical attempt to banish the ‘other' from the national narrative. Regarding ‘post-conflict' Northern Ireland, I argue for a peacebuilding approach that leaves the confinements of hostile identity politics, as these mass guarantors of ontological security possess only limited potential for relationship transformation. We need to appreciate those almost invisible acts of empathy and peace that could be found even in Northern Ireland's darkest hours.
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Ondigo, Anne Achieng Oyier. „The role of transformative mediation in post-electoral violence: the case of Kenya 2007-2008“. Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2016.

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Free and fair elections, accompanied by smooth transitions of democratically elected leaders, constitute one of the key pillars of democracy. The dawn of democratisation and advent of multi-party politics after the end of the Cold War in 1991, seemingly held great promise for Africa. However, in recent years, many elections in Africa have consistently become a source of violence. Electoral violence is threatening to become an intractable source of conflict on the African continent, making it hard for emerging democracies to consolidate their status as free democratic societies. Many remain largely autocratic or semi-democratic. African leaders are all too often not ready to relinquish political power, while political elites are ‘power hungry’ and use violence to skew the outcomes of elections in their favour. Hence, electoral violence is employed in order to manipulate civilian election choices and outcomes. Election violence is often deliberately used to target civilians, and in countries like Kenya involves inter-ethnic clashes. These “new wars” are fought unconventionally using ‘crude weapons’, (Kaldor 2013). Kaldor describes how these ‘new wars’ are fought as intra-state (within the state) wars in developing countries. Often, they are waged via state or county networks based on identity or ethnicity. The consequences of electoral violence include the destruction of property, reversed development, injuries, rape, death, internally displaced persons and refugees. Electoral violence persists despite attempts to contain it and measures to effectively manage these processes often prove to be inadequate. The study utilises an exploratory case study of Kenya during 2007-2008 Post-Election violence. The causes, the immediate steps that were initiated to mitigate violence and the reforms undertaken to generate peace structures and prevent future occurrences of post-election violence were explored. Forty-five participants representing involved citizens, negotiators and mediators were interviewed. The research was triangulated via the interview process, together with the use of primary document analysis and an extensive review of the literature. The data was analysed via the use of grounded theory. The research findings reveal that the causes of electoral violence are multi-faceted and multi-layered, with deep underlying issues. The causes include weak institutions, corruption, a non-representational electoral system, ethnicity and ethnic militia. Further causes include statelessness as experienced by certain groups, abuse of state resources and human rights violations. The role of political elites who withhold crucial information, thus denying the public the opportunity to make informed choices during elections was also found to contribute to electoral violence. Other information-related causes include biased media and sensational reporting. Findings also show that socio-economic issues such as poverty, unemployment, scarce resources and unmet basic human needs cannot be underestimated. Lastly, the causes of electoral violence included diverse interests of internal and external actors at play during elections. The findings revealed that although the Kenyan mediation process included the signing of a peace agreement, the root causes of electoral violence such as corruption, weak institutions, abuse of state resources and the unjust electoral system were not adequately addressed. A model for mediation for electoral violence which was explored and developed sought to build on the strengths of the Kenyan mediation process and address its inherent weaknesses, thus making this a significant contribution flowing from the study. The election model for mediation proposes certain key phases which include a pre-mediation process that will ensure a cessation of all hostilities; the mapping of the root causes of electoral violence and electoral reforms that provide resolutions that are acceptable to all the parties. Training of personnel at all levels of government to implement these reforms is also proposed. These measures can ensure the integrity and independence of electoral institutions from political manipulation. Training constitutes a crucial stage in the process of consolidating the emerging democracies. The model for mediation developed is therefore not only meant to mitigate electoral violence but is also intended to serve as a preventive measure. Many African states currently experience structural weaknesses similar to those that existed in Kenya before the 2007-2008 elections (and still persist). These fault lines include corruption, weak institutions, human rights violations, and lack of information. The proposed model for mediation which aims to counter these problems can thus be applied and adapted for implementation in Africa and globally. Several recommendations with implications for policy development are proposed to curb electoral violence. They include constitutional reforms, training of government and electoral officials and the introduction of a properly representational election system. This study, which focuses specifically on post-election violence, recommends further research investigating the pre-election phase, and ‘voting day’ causes of electoral violence for a more comprehensive approach to electoral violence research.
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Galloway, Brooke Patricia. „Perceptions of Peacebuilding and Multi-Track Collaboration in Divided Societies for a Sustainable Peace Agreement at the Political Level: A Case Study of Cyprus“. PDXScholar, 2011.

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It is the purpose of this study to propose that perceptions of peacebuilding activities in all tracks of divided societies (political, civil society leaders, and grassroots), and the perceptions of the collaboration between the tracks are essential processes to a sustainable peace agreement at the political level. This study will examine multi-track peacebuilding and the collaboration (or lack of it) between tracks in Cyprus. Additionally, it will analyze the perceptions of the necessity of collaboration across tracks. The analysis of this study is conducted in two phases: (1) analyzing interviews with Track One diplomats and examining previous and existing peacebuilding processes within Cyprus through observation, interviews, and analysis of existing studies; and (2) through student observations and interviews of the Cypriot populace on the perceptions of the conflict and peacebuilding collaborations among and across tracks. The results of this research indicate that there is a need for stronger connections between the political and societal level peacebuilding strategies in Cyprus for a sustainable peace agreement. Furthermore, the findings of this research suggest that multi-track collaboration should be added to Conflict Transformation Theory.
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Cerletti, F. „Engaging with the Total oil corporation in Myanmar : the impact of dialogue as a tool for change towards greater conflict sensitivity“. Thesis, Coventry University, 2013.

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This thesis explores whether dialogue between a company and a non-profit organisation (NPO) can influence a company’s way of working towards being more conflict sensitive. As a case-study I analysed the dialogue between the French oil and gas company, Total S.A. (Total), and the US based NPO, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects (CDA) relating to the company’s operations in Myanmar/Burma. The objectives of the research were to ascertain if dialogue had a positive impact, and if so, what it was about the dialogue that enabled change, what was the process of change that could be observed and how embedded such change was. Drawing on post-modernism, systems thinking and complexity thinking, I have built on organisational change, conflict transformation, dialogue and cross-sector partnership literature to examine the role of dialogue as an enabler of change. While highlighting parallels in the discourses, I analyse the process and degree of change within the company through two conflict transformation models, one by Lederach (1997) and the other by Lederach, Neufeld and Culbertson (2007), which I feel best synthesise these parallels. The research is a longitudinal case-study (2002-2012), based on semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The study adds to the limited academic research on conflict sensitivity in general, and on the implications for a company’s way of working in particular. Although I find that within the business sector, the notion of conflict sensitivity is assumed in the wider concept of corporate social responsibility, noteworthy is the relevance of dialogue in change processes. Dialogue is an essential enabler as it sparks transformational levers also recognised in the literature reviewed. However it is not sufficient. The research illustrates that the dialogue between CDA and Total has played a critical role in facilitating a shift in the company’s way of working, with the contribution of other influences at play. As such, I draw attention to the complexity of the change process and discuss the current nature of the drivers of change within Total.
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Allie, Shouket. „Exploring the concept of conciliation (ṣulḥ) as a method of alternative dispute resolution in Islamic law“. University of the Western Cape, 2020.

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Magister Legum - LLM
This research will chart and navigate the early stages in the development, conceptualisation, and formulation of Islāmic law and the concept of ṣulḥ as a mechanism of legal redress in Islāmic law (Sharī’a). The research shows that firstly, the mechanism is deeply rooted and embedded in scriptural (Qur’ānic) and extrascriptural text namely the corpus of Ḥadīth. There is a plethora of instructions to prove that reconciliation is indeed a lofty goal which is rewarded as an act of worship. Like many other aspects of the Sharī’a, ṣulḥ is regulated by provisions of the scripture and extra-scriptural sources considered by Muslims as the (Sharī’a). Secondly ṣulḥ is also the preferred method of alternative dispute resolution because it is fluid, contractual, expeditious and one of the most effective ways of solving different types of disputes, whether commercial or family. It has therefore gained considerable traction in modern western financial industry which I think is largely due to its contractual nature and the absence of the adversarial element. As a mechanism of redress, ṣulḥ is governed by Islāmic law of contract which takes the form of an agreement which can be mutually negotiated between two or more parties. Of late it has also become the mechanism of choice in family and marital disputes.
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Askjellerud, Sashana. „Conflict transformation through tourism“. Thesis, University of Brighton, 2003.

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Tikka, Veronica. „The Conflict Transformation in Mozambique“. Thesis, Umeå universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 2019.

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The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of the conflict transformation in Mozambique. It has a dual focus: the peace process after the 16 years’ war, and the resumed violent conflict, to understand both the constructive and destructive change of the conflict. A field study including interviews with 23 informants was conducted in Maputo between March and June 2019. The study was guided by conflict transformation theory and employed a case-oriented comparative analysis. The results show that the constructive and destructive change of the conflict in Mozambique were influenced by the context transformation; structure transformation; actor transformation; issue transformation; and personal transformation. Some transformations were more substantial than others, but altogether the combination of and interaction between the factors formed the conflict transformation in Mozambique. Factors which have significantly influenced the conflict are: the asymmetric relationship; the elite bargaining; the intra-party dynamics; the external support; the distrust; and the profile of the leaders of the two parties.
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Zunzer, Wolfram. „Diaspora Communities and Civil Conflict Transformation“. Berghof Research Center for Constructive Conflict Management, 2004.

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This working paper deals with the nexus of diaspora communities living in European host countries, specifically in Germany, and the transformation of protracted violent conflicts in a number of home countries, including Sri Lanka, Cyprus, Somalia and Afghanistan. Firstly, the political and social role and importance of diaspora communities vis-à-vis their home and host countries is discussed, given the fact that the majority of immigrants to Germany, as well as to many other European countries, over the last ten years have come from countries with protracted civil wars and have thus had to apply for refugee or asylum status. One guiding question, then, is to what extent these groups can contribute politically and economically to supporting conflict transformation in their countries of origin. Secondly, the role and potentials of diaspora communities originating from countries with protracted violent conflicts for fostering conflict transformation activities are outlined. Thirdly, the current conflict situation in Sri Lanka is analyzed and a detailed overview of the structures and key organizations of the Tamil and Sinhalese diaspora worldwide is given. The structural potentials and levels for constructive intervention for working on conflict in Sri Lanka through the diasporas are then described. Fourthly, the socio-political roles of diaspora communities originating from Cyprus, Palestine, Somalia and Afghanistan for peacebuilding and rehabilitation in their home countries are discussed. The article finishes by drawing two conclusions. Firstly, it recommends the further development of domestic migration policies in Europe in light of current global challenges. Secondly, it points out that changes in foreign and development policies are crucial to make better use of the immense potential of diaspora communities for conflict transformation initiatives and development activities in their home countries. How this can best be achieved in practice should be clarified further through intensified action research and the launch of more pilot projects.
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Dunn, Lawrence Albert. „Negotiating cultural identities: Conflict transformation in Labrador“. Related electronic resource: Current Research at SU : database of SU dissertations, recent titles available full text, 2002.

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Brodie, Michael. „Reconciliation in ethnic conflict through identity transformation“. Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2013.

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This thesis utilises a socio-psychological approach to reconciliation to explore the process of reconciliation between groups divided by intractable ethnic conflict in the Mindanao-Sulu region of the Philippines. It suggests that, in order for reconciliation to advance, group identities, in the form of a specific configuration of societal beliefs held by ethnic groups in such situations, require transformation. Specifically, this study explores the reconciliation process in the absence of formal settlement, shedding light upon how reconciliation develops, the actors involved and the challenges faced in such circumstances. Through the case of Mindanao, this thesis analyses a stage and type of conflict which has hitherto been little studied in relation to reconciliation, and in a region (Southeast Asia) which has also been comparatively neglected. Using data acquired from fieldwork interviews conducted with key stakeholders in Mindanao, analysis of a wide range of documents and a content analysis of both the national and Mindanaobased print media, the extent of identity transformation in line with reconciliation in Filipino society, is explored. The role of societal elites and social institutions in reflecting, disseminating and appealing to conflict-supporting societal beliefs, as well as their role in progressing reconciliation, is assessed. Existing attempts to promote reconciliation initiatives are evaluated. This study argues that reconciliation initiatives undertaken at the pre-settlement stage can have significant influence on both individual and group identities. It also suggests that, whilst there has been substantial progress in transforming conflict-supporting societal beliefs and forging transcendent identities crucial to the process of reconciliation at a Mindanao level, this success has not been replicated to the same degree at the national level. These findings have significance for future policy relating to the conflict and for the theoretical literature on reconciliation. They support initiatives undertaken at the pre-settlement stage and suggest that reconciliation should be considered as consisting of multiple independent, yet intrinsically linked, processes which advance at differing tempos across various levels of society and between stake holders.
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Jones, Cherlyn Heather Tee. „Warrior/shaman| Creative praxis for conflict transformation“. Thesis, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2015.

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The purpose of this artistic self-case study is to explore how the role of the soldier might be transformed from service in war to service for community, via creative exploration of the archetypal figures, Warrior and Shaman. With this in mind, a creative and introspective method was tested for its efficacy in generating new images and stories to promote conflict transformation for our warrior class.

The strategy of inquiry employed is based on the case study model, modified to be a self-case study. Creation-based data was generated by the researcher to evoke intersubjective dialogue between academically rational and creatively nonrational data and processes in this research. In lieu of the traditional written chapters that comprise the body of a dissertation, “creative chapters” in the form of mixed media pictorial representations are presented. Data analysis was conducted using Abt’s (2005) articulation of Jungian picture interpretation, in order to discern meaning from each creative chapter—the titles of which served as a query for topics related to the research question.

A liberation paradigm was then utilized as a critical point of departure, to guide the issues examined (healing and community roles for our warrior class), the people for whom the study is relevant (the warrior class and practitioners working with them), the researcher’s role in the study (up front/personal; grounded in experience), and how the research was presented in its final form (written text with supporting pictorial data; conclusions drawn from creative interpretation).

The combined chapter interpretations were reviewed and analyzed in the concluding chapter for their implications in community praxis with returning soldiers and veterans. They revealed consistent themes of imbalanced masculine and feminine energies, and the need for development of an introspective, Shamanic aptitude by our Warriors in order for them to continue their duty of protection and care of their local communities.

Recommendations are then made for adapting this research model in community work with soldiers and veterans, along with suggestions for building greater levels of reliability, validity, and generalizability into creative qualitative research.

Keywords: Warrior, Shaman, trauma, conflict transformation, resilient communities, Jungian, phronesis, counterinsurgency, initiation, creative.

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Mayr, Fabian Patrick. „Consciousising Relatedness. Systemic Conflict Transformation in Political Constellations“. Doctoral thesis, Universitat Jaume I, 2010.

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Los conflictos son. En esta frase, aparentemente incompleta, residen muchos elementos importantes para el estudio de los conflictos y su transformación - la práctica. En una visión más reciente de los conflictos, estos no son percibidos como algo estrictamente negativo, limitados por el tiempo y violentos, sino principalmente como relacionales, que no deben ser juzgados de antemano, considerados desde un enfoque positivo y, sobre todo, transformables. Esta es la noción de los conflictos que será fundamental en este trabajo según la encontramos en el discurso contemporáneo sobre la transformación de los conflictos. De esta manera, los conflictos están omnipresentes en por lo menos cuatro dimensiones de nuestro Ser fenomenológico: intrapersonal, interpersonal, estructural y cultural. Los conflictos siempre tienen elementos psicológicos y sociológicos que coexisten y por lo tanto habrá que contemplar lo psicosocial de ¿Quién y cómo soy yo en los sistemas sociales? Nuestro Ser está siempre vinculado a los sistemas de los cuales formamos parte. No podemos no formar parte de ciertos sistemas. Tan pronto como la vida humana comienza, tan pronto como estamos en el mundo, es la familia; son padres y niños. De esta manera nuestro Ser sistémico está más entre nosotros que en nosotros. Las relaciones que formamos y que naturalmente tenemos nos influyen mucho más de lo que yo soy como individuo. La hipótesis de este trabajo es: "La esencia de la transformación de conflictos son las relaciones dentro de, y en particular entre, las partes en conflicto. Una mayor consciencia acerca de la relacionalidad suscitada con el método fenomenológico de las constelaciones sistémicas, permite acercarse con más transcendencia al Ser, el cual consiste en cuatro dimensiones: translocalidad, -personalidad, -racionalidad, y -temporalidad."
Conflicts are. This seemingly incomplete sentence bears many insights for the study of conflicts and their transformation - the practise. A newer consciousness of conflicts perceives them not per se as something negative, timely limited and violent but as first of all relational, not to be immediately judged on, also positive, and only transformable. This is the notion of conflicts that will be underlying this work and as we find it in the contemporary conflict transformation discourse (e.g. Lederach, 2005, 2007a; Galtung, 2000; Senghaas, 2004; Wills and others, 2006). Thereby conflicts are ubiquitously present on at least four dimensions of our phenomenological Being (Heidegger, 1995): the intrapersonal, the interpersonal, the structural, and the cultural one (e.g. Lederach and Maiese, 2003; Galtung, 2003). Conflicts always have psychological and sociological elements which coexist and therefore have to be contemplated psychosocially of: How and who am I in social systems? Our Being is always bound to systems we are forming part of. We cannot not be in systems. As soon as human life is formed, as soon as we are in the world, is family; are parents and child (Mahr, 1996). Thereby our systemic Being is more between us than in us. The relationships we form and naturally have, shape us much more than what I am individually
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Ngeh, Jonathan. „Conflict, marginalisation and transformation : African migrants in Sweden“. Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Sociologiska institutionen, 2011.

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Migrants from the Global South, coming to Sweden predominantly since the 1980s, have become a major focus of public discussions about immigration. The fears of and resentments toward the migrant ‘other’ appear to have shifted from European migrants to migrants of the Global South. Numerous studies (and official reports) showing the marginalisation of these migrants confirm their spotlight position. The aim of this thesis is to describe and explain the kind of challenges which African migrants face in their local Swedish context and to find out if they undergo any significant transformations affecting their identities and/or ways of life. This objective was pursued through a field study of African migrants from Cameroon and Somalia living in the city of Malmö. The empirical material consisted of semi-structured interviews with individuals and groups and participant observations at migrant cultural associations. The analysis utilised two main theoretical frameworks: theory of conflict transformation and theories of discrimination (racism). The choice of the former was made to illuminate the agency of migrants by highlighting their capacity to act in their own interests within the host society. A major strength of this approach is that it draws attention to the (re)actions of both ‘natives’ and migrants towards each other. Theories of discrimination address the important issue of unequal power relations working against migrants, which tend to be neglected in conflict theory. The advantage of using these different theoretical approaches is that they complement each other and thus strengthen the theoretical discussion in the thesis. Analysis of the empirical material indicated that established practices in major institutions, as well as individual actions at the micro level of society, contribute to the marginalisation of migrants. A major finding was that both migrants and ‘natives’ are involved in practices that produce experiences of marginalisation and discrimination for the former. Actions that produced conflicts, material deprivation and exclusion were identified with both migrants and ‘natives’. However, actions by ‘natives’ had a more negative impact than those by migrants. This was seen as the result of the fact that ‘natives’ have greater influence in society because of their relative position of power. Finally, the thesis showed that migrants perceive the challenges confronting them in Sweden in different ways, due to the specific experiences they face in Sweden but also by reason of their experiences in their countries of origins and their different migration histories. Some of them saw the practices that produced their marginalisation as infringements on their basic rights and responded by actively fighting back. Others were  less critical of similar practices and did little or nothing about them. Important differences between migrants were also noted in relation to their transformations in Sweden affecting important aspects of their lives: their identities, power relations among them and between them and the host society, gender relations, and their ways of dealing with the challenges with which they were confronted. These differences were seen as a result of the heterogeneity of the migrants under study, who nevertheless are often homogenised as the African ‘other’. This heterogeneity consisted of hierarchical gender relations, varying access to material resources, and membership in exclusive networks of belonging based on particularistic  national and regional identities.
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Bodenbender, Stanislava. „The Role of Religious Leaders in Conflict Transformation“. Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012.

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Religion has often been viewed as a source of conflict and violence in international relations. Yet history provides that religion has also been a source and inspiration for peace building and non-violent resistance. The role of religious leaders in conflict transformation has been treated as a marginal phenomenon. Appleby (2000) points out that identifying and documenting the roles of religious actors in resolving protracted conflicts remains an unfinished task. This thesis is an attempt to meet such challenge by focusing on religious leaders and their role in search of solutions in deeply rooted conflicts. Working from the premise that religious leaders can make a substantial contribution in conflict transformation, the overarching goal of this thesis is to examine what roles religious actors play and how equipped they are to serve their communities in their capacity as peacemakers.
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Muhindi, Solomon Peter Kavai. „Conflict management in Kenyan electoral conflict: 2002-2012“. Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2016.

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In the recent years, majority of African countries have been faced by conflicts during election periods. Some of the electoral related conflicts escalated into violence, and they have been transformed or managed. While other electoral related conflicts have just been prevented during the election periods but remain latent conflicts that would escalate triggered by future elections. This study focuses specifically on electoral conflicts in Kenya and its conflict management perspective from 2002-2013. To transform and manage the conflict, peacebuilding initiatives have been integrated in the study. The prime actors in Kenya electoral conflict includes the; the ruling party coalition, the leading opposition coalition and ethnic groupings affiliated to the ruling party and opposition. Other peripheral actors include: the Independent, Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC), the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the judiciary. Triangulation (the combination of two or more methods of collecting and analysing data) has been adopted both in data collection and analysis. Focus group interviews, selected individual interviews, and literature reviews were used to collect data, while research findings were analysed systematically using the constructivist grounded theory. Moreover, the liberal peace theory, Institutionalisation before Liberalisation (IBL) and findings from other researchers like (Elder, Stigant and Claes 2014:1-20), and the Afrobarometer research findings (Kivuva 2015) have been used to authenticate the research findings. Research findings indicates that claims of election rigging, numerous institutional failures, negative ethnicity and economic disparity, among other factors heighten the fear and anxiety that escalates during elections. Towards achieving peacebuilding and sustainable peace, the following reforms were undertaken: constitutional changes and reviews, electoral body reform, judicial reform, pursuit of transitional justice, extensive range of local initiatives reforms and police reforms. However, findings in the study also reveal that despite the latter reforms, peacebuilding measures have been short-term, temporal, and not fully successful, leaving behind a latent conflict that could be triggered again with future electoral conflicts. Besides that, negotiation, dialogue and mediation played a role in restoring trust and confidence in the democratic structures after escalated elections. We also recommend that multi-ethnic composition for electoral coalitions should also be adopted as a means to mitigate ethnic triggered conflicts.
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Tselitan. „CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN TEAMWORK“. Thesis, Київ 2018, 2018.

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Akanji, Israel Adelani. „Towards a theology of conflict transformation : a study of religious conflict in contemporary Nigerian society“. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2011.

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Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, is bedevilled with various conflicts which have been exacerbated by the multiplicity and diversity which characterize the nation. The country is a multi-ethnic, multicultural, multiregional and multi-religious society. And while such arrays of features are not peculiar to Nigeria, managing them has greatly propped up various conflicts, with religious conflict emerging as one of the most devastating of all. It would appear as though, more than any other single issue, religious conflict has become a threat to national cohesion, stability and development. It has led to fears, suspicions, unrest; mass displacement of people, destruction of lives and property; consequently leading to major set-backs for nation building. The three main religions of Nigeria are the Indigenous Religions, Islam and Christianity, with Islam and Christianity having almost equal strength of adherence. While the indigenous religions have generally been tolerant and accommodating of the two “guest” religions, contestations and incessant violent clashes have characterized the relationship between Muslims and Christians, particularly in Northern Nigeria, and this has been on the increase in frequency, intensity and sophistication. This situation has led to the emergence and deployment of numerous approaches towards transforming conflicts in order to ensure peaceful co-existence of all the people. The task of this thesis is to contribute practical, theological reflections to the ongoing search for how Nigeria will end the undesired religious conflict between Muslims and Christians and build a peaceful and harmonious society. To do this, John Paul Lederach’s conceptual framework for conflict transformation was adopted and explained in chapter one; and two religious conflicts which took place in the Northern Nigerian cities of Jos and Maduguri were empirically investigated through intensive fieldwork. A review of relevant literature was carried out in chapter two and an elaborate explanation of the socio-scientific and theological methodologies adopted for the research was presented in the third chapter. In order to establish the causes, manifestations and consequences of the conflicts, chapter four and five explored their remote and root causes. Because this research is grounded on the assumption that religion is not just a source of conflict, but a resource for peace, and on the contribution of faiths to contemporary public debates, it provides a new approach which challenges the religious institutions, particularly the Church, through its pastoral ministry, to become actively involved in the transformation of conflict in the nation. The research holds that the greatest contribution of religion to the quest to transform religious conflict in Nigeria is through a practical theology which should be demonstrated in both spirituality and strategy. As such, and based on empirical findings from the zones of conflict, a theology of hospitality is suggested in chapter six, as a gradual but effective method of transforming relationships between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. While the approach does not preclude other approaches, it offers the enormous resources, possibilities and opportunities, ingrained within the religious domain for conflict transformation in contemporary Nigerian society. The strategies for achieving the desired transformation of the situation of conflict on short and long-term basis through the theology of hospitality are suggested in the seventh chapter.
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Steely, Danielle. „Identity in Chinese film: conflict, transformation, and the virtual“. Thesis, McGill University, 2009. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=32509.

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This thesis is an analysis of the notion of the virtual as laid out in works by Brian Massumi, Gilles Deleuze, and Félix Guattari. In it, I explore the virtual across several Chinese films of the last two decades and with respect to different challenges to identity. Through Center Stage, Farewell My Concubine, and Frozen, I investigate the dangers of the virtual in performance and the difficulty in recognizing the line between role and real. I then compare this to the similar yet distinct notion of disguise in House of Flying Daggers and Infernal Affairs in order to demonstrate the different manifestations and effects of the virtual when one's performance is undisclosed to those to whom one plays. Finally, I examine identity and the virtual through cinematic doublings in the films Center Stage and Suzhou River.
Cette thèse est une analyse de la notion du virtuel telle que présentée dans les travaux de Brian Massumi, Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari. J'explore le virtuel au travers de plusieurs films chinois des deux dernières décennies en ce qui a trait aux différents défis de l'identité. Par des films tels que Center Stage, Farewell My Concubine, et Frozen, j'examine les dangers du virtuel dans la performance et la difficulté de pouvoir reconnaitre la mince ligne entre le rôle et le réel. Je compare, ensuite cela à la notion similaire mais quand même distincte de camouflage dans House of Flying Daggers et Infernal Affairs de manière à démontrer les différentes manifestations et les effets du virtuel lorsque la performance d'un personne est non- dévoilée à quelqu'un avec qui elle joue. Finalement, j'examine l'identité et le virtuel par les doublages cinématiques dans les films Center Stage et Suzhou River.
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Missire, Gaëlle. „Women's right to political participation in post-conflict transformation“. Thesis, McGill University, 2009. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=32581.

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This thesis is looking at the experience of girls and women in times of armed conflict in order to offer some solutions to increase women's participation in post-conflict transformation of society. Women and girls experience war in many different ways, but both as victims and agents of change. This latter role often goes unnoticed and women are traditionally forced to go back to traditional gender roles. Undertaking the study of some cases of African countries, the author tries to analyse the impact that women's movements for peace have had on the substantive content of peace agreements. While it is difficult for women to participate in the reconstruction of their society once the conflict ceased, it might be more efficient to include women at the very beginning of peace negotiations. Women's right to take part in the conduct of public affairs is a means as well as a reparative measure, both aiming at increasing women's political participation in a transformed post-conflict society.
Ce travail de recherche s'appuie sur la condition des femmes en situation de conflit armé. L'objectif est de déterminer les failles en matière de justice transitoire, vue sous l'angle des femmes, et de proposer des éléments de solutions pour que les femmes puissent participer pleinement à la transformation de leur société au sortir d'un conflit. En temps de guerre, on ne voit souvent dans les femmes que les principales victimes de violence sexuelle et on tend à oublier le rôle très positif et constructif qu'elles jouent par ailleurs dans la transformation de leur société. C'est de ce rôle dont traite cette thèse. Généralement, dès qu'une certaine stabilité est retrouvée, les femmes se voient contraintes de reprendre leur vocation traditionnelle qui occulte alors leurs efforts pour la paix. L'argument développé ici propose d'impliquer les femmes dès le début des négociations de paix. Une étude portant sur plusieurs cas de pays africains permet de conclure que ce n'est qu'à cette condition que les femmes peuvent réellement avoir une influence sur la teneure des accords de paix, et donc l'évolution de leur société d'après conflit. Le droit des femmes à prendre part aux affaires publiques est ainsi vu comme un moyen d'assurer une meilleure représentation des femmes sur la scène politique, mais aussi comme une mesure de réparation servant le même objectif.
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Larsson, J. P. „Understanding religious violence : a new framework for conflict transformation“. Thesis, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 2002.

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Yadav, Punam. „Social Transformation in Post-Conflict Nepal: A Gender Perspective“. Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2014.

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The concept of social transformation has been increasingly used in social science to study significant political, socio-economic and cultural changes in both individuals and groups. While there is significant diversity in approaches to social transformation across different disciplines, most scholarship approaches social transformation as a top-down and intentional process with specific and definable goals. This approach risks reducing the subjective experiences of people, which are dynamic, multiple, fluid and unpredictable, to a mere structural abstraction. This thesis argues that social transformation needs to be approached from both a gender perspective and the bottom up, and that this approach reveals the dynamism, power struggles and human agency, which enrich our understanding of how transformation occurs. This is particularly important in the context of a complex traditional structure of caste, class, ethnicity, religion and regional locality as in Nepal, where the experience of the ten-year civil conflict of the Maoist insurgency (1996-2006) has significantly impacted every section of the society. This thesis explores the ways in which social transformation may be understood and its underlying dynamics differently constructed if women’s lived experiences become the basis for theorizing. Through extensive interviews with women in post-conflict Nepal, this thesis analyses the intended and unintended impacts of conflict and traces the transformations in women’s understandings of themselves and their positions in public life. Using in-depth interviews with women from significant newly emerged categories, who had minimal or no presence in pre-conflict Nepal, such as women Constituent Assembly members, women combatants, war widows and women tempo drivers, this thesis argues that the transformative effects reach far beyond women’s formal presence in public sphere and have an existential effect which can only be discerned through the voices of women. Narratives from Nepalese women from different ages, castes and both urban and rural settings provide insight into the depth of transformation underway in Nepal, in ways and to an extent that exceed the ‘measurements’ offered by applying established indicators. The work of the three key theorists, Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu and Judith Butler, provides the language to conceptualize this research. This thesis suggests that despite the challenges that women are still facing, they have felt a significant transformation not only in their lives but also in their families and societies. Of the factors contributing to the changes in post-conflict Nepal, this research stresses the importance of the change in subject positions of women, the emergence of new role models, and the power of collective agency. These factors are facilitated by the opening of a space for empowerment of women, in addition to internal and external factors such as globalization, people’s movements, the media, and NGO interventions.
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Naidoo, Kameshni. „Workplace conflict : the line manager's role in preventing and resolving workplace conflict“. Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012.

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Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The costs of conflict within organizations is higher than is often realized due, amongst others, to lowering morale and lower productivity of employees. One of the most common reasons provided during exit interviews when employees resign from organizations, is the manner in which conflicts were addressed by management. A high turnover of employees has a significant cost to organizations as companies have to spend more money to recruit new employees than they would have needed to had the conflicts that had arisen were effectively resolved. Often as a result of poor conflict resolution within organizations, companies are faced with high litigation costs when employees seek resolution from labour courts and other dispute resolution bodies. The main objective of this study was to identify the role line managers play in resolving and preventing conflicts and to establish strategies that line managers can implement when faced with conflict in their teams. The research methodology for this study first involved a study of relevant literature to determine the theory regarding conflict resolution within organizations. Research reports, dissertations, internet websites, articles and books were used in an attempt to formulate a theoretical basis for this study. Thereafter an empirical survey was conducted among employees of an organization that had already undergone a restructuring process as well as an organization that is currently undergoing a restructuring in order to determine the employees’ views on how conflict within their organizations has been or is being resolved. Questionnaires were formulated by the writer and submitted to responders. The reason the writer had used organizational restructuring as a point of departure for the empirical study, is that organizational restructuring is an example of a project within companies whereby many conflicts arise and line managers need to be proficient in being able to handle these conflicts as well as be able to prevent conflicts from arising. Finally, an analysis of the empirical study was performed so that adequate and relevant conclusions and recommendations could be established.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die koste van konflik binne organisasies is hoër as wat dikwels besef as gevolg van, onder andere, tot die verlaging van moraal en laer produktiwiteit van werknemers. Een van die mees algemene redes wat gedurende afrit onderhoude wanneer werknemers van organisasies bedank, is die wyse waarop konflikte deur die bestuur aangespreek is. 'N hoë omset van die werknemers het 'n beduidende koste vir organisasies as maatskappye het meer geld te spandeer om nuwe werknemers te werf as wat hulle sou nodig het om die konflikte wat ontstaan het is effektief opgelos. Dikwels as gevolg van swak konflikoplossing binne organisasies, maatskappye uitgedaag word met 'n hoë litigasie koste wanneer werknemers soek resolusie van arbeid howe en ander geskilbeslegting liggame. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om te identifiseer die rol lynbestuurders speel in die oplossing en voorkoming van konflikte en strategieë wat lynbestuurders kan implementeer wanneer hulle gekonfronteer word met die konflik in hul spanne te vestig. Die navorsingsmetodologie vir hierdie studie het die eerste keer betrokke by 'n studie van die relevante literatuur om die teorie te bepaal ten opsigte van konflikhantering binne organisasies. Navorsingsverslae, proefskrifte, internet webtuistes, artikels en boeke is gebruik in 'n poging om 'n teoretiese grondslag vir hierdie studie te formuleer. Daarna was 'n empiriese opname uitgevoer onder die werknemers van 'n organisasie wat reeds 'n proses van herstrukturering ondergaan sowel as 'n organisasie wat tans herstrukturering ondergaan om die werknemers se menings te bepaal oor hoe konflik binne hul organisasies opgelos was en/of huidiglik opgelos word. Vraelyste is deur die skrywer geformuleer en aan individue uitgehandig. Die rede waarom die skrywer gebruik het organisatoriese herstrukturering as 'n punt van vertrek vir die empiriese studie, is dat organisatoriese herstrukturering is 'n voorbeeld van 'n projek binne maatskappye waarby baie konflikte ontstaan en lynbestuurders moet vaardig wees in staat is om hierdie konflikte te hanteer, asook in staat wees om die ontstaan van konflikte te voorkom. Ten slotte is 'n ontleding van die empiriese studie uitgevoer sodat voldoende en relevante gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings vasgestel kon word.
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Semmel, Arielle. „Women's Work: Stitching New Identity Narratives in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings“. OpenSIUC, 2016.

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Here, I bring communication theories into conversation with peace and conflict scholarship. Specifically, I explore how the ways in which women narrate their experiences of violent conflict through sewing collectives can inform conflict transformation work. I engage in this exploration within the framework of narrative theory, using Kenneth Burke’s dramatistic pentad to analyze the narratives presented in a selection of textile pieces created by women in Chile, South Africa, and Northern Ireland. I situate this project within literature pertaining to feminist approaches to rhetoric, discussions of bridgework in identity negotiation from intercultural communication, concerns related to conflict transformation, and work with socially engaged art. Finally, I bring these analyses into conversation with one another to consider how women rhetors may inform conflict transformation through their textile work. In particular, I discuss how each of these rhetors offers the narrative elements to reconstitute collective identities, providing an avenue toward peace in their own settings.
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Ng, Peng Man. „Conflict management styles and trust“. Thesis, University of Macau, 2006.

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Plaatjes, Carlton Henry. „Assessing conflict and management interventions“. Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011.

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Human resource management, or people management, is concerned with the philosophies, policies, programmes, practices and decisions that affect the people who work for an organisation. The various people management functions are aimed at helping the organisation achieve its strategic goals and as such are an integral part of the management process. People management consists of several aspects and sub-divisions of which pro-active conflict handling and management is one and which is also the subject of this study. The objective of this study was to assess causes of conflict and interventions and styles of conflict management in the workplace. Workplace politics, change management, diversity, cultures and religious views are but a few major sources for the emergence of conflict. We are currently in the era of fast change or more aptly put “hyperchange” and conflict is inevitable and management styles can also create and/or escalate conflict situations including, the composition of diversity in the workplace. This adds to the new challenges of management. Organisations in this decade need to acknowledge that their management styles of days gone by are not relevant anymore and one must understand to recognise conflict and resolve it in an appropriate manner. This study assessed the major causes of conflict in the workplace and whether the managerial style of managers and management interventions impacts on the overall conflict situations experienced by staff members in organisations in Cape Town and Windhoek. It also gave an indication if interventions and conflict management training/programmes are in place or used, if at all. Sometimes conflict is resolved successfully or unsuccessfully and what impact it has on the managers, his/her staff and colleagues and the organisation as a whole. This can have a detriment impact on the business and the culture within the organisation and which could result in or give rise to high labour turnover, underlying unhappy staff and disempowerment of managers and staff and poor production and service levels.
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Savage, Denise. „Business networks and conflict management“. Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2010.

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Sorrentino, Eugenia Polizzi Di. „Conflict management in capuchin monkeys“. Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2010.

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Esta tese apresenta uma reflexão sobre a ação de design no processo de desenvolvimento de um produto. Isto envolve, fundamentalmente, o esforço do designer em tornar-se profissional e fazer design. Lancei sobre esta ação um olhar etnográfico, tomando como material central o discurso e a experiência do designer em meio ao desempenho profissional. Para tanto, realizei um estudo de campo de seis meses, em que estive vivendo com um grupo de designers em seu ambiente de trabalho, isto é, em um escritório de design. Neste período, acompanhei os designers desenvolvendo o projeto de um triciclo para uma grande empresa do setor automotivo. Acompanhando o cotidiano dos designers, a ação de design, aos poucos, deixava de se restringir às operações técnicas previstas ao projeto, e passava a revelar um jogo fervoroso, marcado por conflitos, negociações e transformações que acometiam a todos os atores envolvidos, modificavam os ritmos e dinâmicas do escritório, e afetavam essencialmente o projeto do produto.
This thesis presents a discussion of the designer’s action. This involves, fundamentally, the designer s effort in becoming a professional and make design. I use an ethnographic perspective to see this movement. So, I took the discourse and experience of the designer. To that end, I conducted a study of six months, when I ve been living with designers in a design office. During this period, I followed designers developing a project of a tricycle for a big automotive company. Following the daily lives of designers, the design action gradually ceased to be restricted to technical operations, and began to reveal a passionate game, marked by conflicts, negotiations and transformations that affect all actors involved, changed office’s rhythms and dynamics, and modified the product design.
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Loureiro, Paula Eduarda Fernandes. „Conflict at the basis of identity building: novels od transformation“. Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2013.

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Mestrado em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas
This thesis focuses on an analysis of literary examples of modern fiction, starting from different processes of colonization and decolonization. The objective is to underline the consequences of the (inter)national phenomenon seen from the personal identity of individuals coming from former colonies, focusing attention on the homeless writer, culturally and socially uprooted, and on the literary treatment of this experience. The analysis follows the notions of the Bildungsroman in the context of postcolonial literature. Each novel contributes with a different perspective, beginning with a multi-layered analysis of the individual born in a colony which has become an independent country, moving on to an analysis of the relationships resulting from the involuntary distance of the individual of his roots, in a process which comprises contradictory relationships with the concept of motherland, in the search of identity. Novels of writers from different origins were chosen, all writing in English.
O presente trabalho incide numa abordagem transversal de diferentes obras literárias da ficção contemporânea, partindo de processos de colonização e descolonização díspares. Pretende-se sublinhar as consequências do fenómeno (inter)nacional ao nível da identidade pessoal de indivíduos oriundos de ex-colónias, centrando a atenção na figura do escritor apátrida, desenraizado cultural e socialmente, e no tratamento literário dado a esta experiência. A abordagem é conduzida a partir da noção de Bildungsroman, no contexto da literatura pós-colonial. Cada obra contribui com uma perspetiva diferente para o tema, partindo de uma análise multifacetada do indivíduo nascido numa colónia que entretanto se torna um país independente, partindo para uma análise das relações resultantes do afastamento involuntário do indivíduo das suas raízes, no decurso de um processo que integra relações contraditórias com o conceito de pátria, na busca de uma identidade. Foram selecionadas obras de autores de diferentes origens, todos escritores em língua inglesa.
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Cunningham, Jeremy. „Schooling for conflict transformation : a case study from northern Uganda“. Thesis, Open University, 2014.

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Civil wars impede progress towards the Mi llennium Development Goals. As many conflicts erupt within a short time, it is important to know what may increase the chances of sustainable peace. Access to education is a factor but relatively little is known about the contribution of what students learn in school. This thesis aims to respond to a research gap by addressing the foll owing question: 'How can schooling contribute to conflict transformation?' Significant curricular approaches that may be used after civil war - peace education, human rights education and citizenship education - are assessed for their strengths and weaknesses. As no single approach is found to be sufficient for conflict transformation, a framework is proposed based on three fundamental concepts: (i) truth seeking; (i i) reconciliation; and (iii) inclusive citizenship. This framework is examined through a qualitative case study of curriculum in seven schools in a district in northern Uganda that is emerging from a twenty-year civil war. The curriculum of four primary schools, two secondary schools, one special school and one teacher training college was studied over a three-month period. A structure of knowledge, skills and values was used to research the framework at a detailed level. It is found that schools exhibit good socialization of reconciliation values and some development of problem-solving and communication skills. There is some understanding of human rights, but little knowledge of history, or of local, national and international political/legal systems. There is minimal development of discussion and critical th inking skills. It is argued that the framework can be used to investigate other schools and to inform the design of a curriculum that can contribute to conflict transformation, with the ultimate aim of reducing the risk of civil war re-eruption.
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Bonini, Alyssa. „The Hammer and the Hand: Pluralistic Groundwater Governance and Conflict Transformation in Oregon’s Malheur Lake Basin“. Thesis, University of Oregon, 2018.

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This thesis examines place-based water resources planning in Oregon’s Malheur Lake Basin and analyzes the extent to which pluralistic governance has the capacity to transform conflict in groundwater governance regimes. It provides a qualitative analysis of current literature on groundwater governance and uses process tracing to extract best practices from three case studies to identify best practices in pluralistic groundwater governance specifically as they apply to the Malheur Lake Basin. Findings suggest that in addition to a pluralistic governance structure composed of community-based processes and state-based enforcement mechanisms, conflict transformation is the most appropriate lens through which to address groundwater conflicts and disputes and should be an integral component of groundwater governance structures.
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Kriel, Hennie. „Conflict transformation in South Africa : the impact of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on social identity transformation“. Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2007.

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Thesis (MPhil (Political Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008.
For a long time, conflict studies have focussed on the grand national projects of negotiating peace, concluded by the major actors in the country, like political parties, as well as international mediating actors like the UN. This view on solving conflict as a set top-down process were in recent years challenged by new theories on how to solve conflict. The conflict settlement theory had to make ideological and practical space for others like conflict resolution and conflict transformation, in the broader arena of conflict management. In the last 3 decades, conflict transformation has grown into a formidable tool in explaining conflict and moves toward peace-building. The fact that so many countries had collapsed back into civil war after their settlements, surely has something to say about the lack of longevity of some countries’ conflict settlement or conflict resolution approaches. This is why conflict transformation is such an attractive approach, especially in the case of South Africa. The political settlement of the early 1990s, that lead to an official peace, were also backed up by policies and programs to deal with the underlying causes and grievances that caused the conflict. The TRC was one aspect on post-1994 peace-building and enduring conflict transformation. The importance of the TRC as a transformative vehicle has been highlighted by the fact that so many institutions and individuals have made work of it to study the impact of the TRC on social transformation in the post-war era. Although many surveys indicate that South Africans have come to deal with the past to varying degrees and are seeing the various groups in the country as intertwined with the future of the country, there are still many worrying aspects that have to be addressed: interracial understanding and trust, and tolerance for one’s former enemies. The TRC has done much to build bridges between the formerly segregated groups of South Africa and the aim of this paper is to shed some light on these changes in attitudes.
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Kriel, Hennie. „Conflict transformation in South Africa : the impact of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission on social identity transformation /“. Link to the online version, 2007.

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Can, Levent. „Ethnic conflicts and governmental conflict management“. Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Naval Postgraduate School, 2006.

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Thesis (M.S. in Defense Analysis)--Naval Postgraduate School, December 2006.
Thesis Advisor(s): Peter Gustaitis. "December 2006." Includes bibliographical references (p. 81-83). Also available in print.
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Thybault, John Frederick. „Equipping Christians for interpersonal conflict management“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2005.

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McCall, Dean Walton. „Intrinsic conflict between management and leadership“. Thesis, Pepperdine University, 2013.

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Organizational conflict manifests in misalignment of individuals and groups, and is often discussed in terms of the effect that leadership and management have on the state of affairs. It is built-in for any organization, yet its root causes are not fully understood. It is not uncommon to characterize leadership/management conflicts in terms of the style or personality type of the individuals involved; however, conflicting leadership and management objectives that are not style or personality dependent may also be a significant factor. If conflict is actually disagreement about the role-driven management objectives and leadership objectives at hand, rather than being based on style and personality, knowing how objectives-driven conflict manifests would be valuable to an organization for identifying the root cause of the conflict.

The researcher posited that a portion of organizational conflicts may be predestined by way of conflicting objectives that are intrinsic to management and leadership, and defined a perspective that utilized the historical bases for leadership and management to illuminate the possibilities. A Delphi study was conducted, which iteratively utilized a diverse group of industry experts to explore the roles, objectives, and actions of leaders and managers from a practitioner perspective. Although the study found that organizations can be in conflict due to conflicting management objectives and leadership objectives, the interchange of ideas during the study led to the conclusion that the nature of the objectives is largely conditional or subjective rather than predestined, and therefore the conflicts are also conditional or subjective.

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