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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Composites – Propriétés thermomécaniques – Prévision"
Vigier, Y., A. Agbossou, C. Richard und H. S. Lee. „Élaboration et prévision des propriétés électromécaniques des composites à fibres piézoélectriques“. Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 12, Nr. 11 (Dezember 2002): 243–50.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Composites – Propriétés thermomécaniques – Prévision"
Issoupov, Vitali. „Proposition d'une procédure pour la simulation de l'effet d'un environnement spatial d'orbite basse sur des matériaux composites“. Toulouse 3, 2002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBeji, Hamdi. „Machine learning et algorithme évolutionnaire : prédiction et optimisation du comportement mécanique et thermique de composites via l'homogénéisation de leurs microcrostuctures“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work focuses on the prediction and optimization, using bio-inspired approaches, of the mechanical and thermal behavior of composite materials through the homogenization of their microstructures. A numerical simulation chain, using Finite Elements, enabled the analysis of Representative Volume Elements (RVEs) for various forms of inclusions, considering their positions and orientations, as well as variations in contrasts and volume fractions. This initial step led to the generation of a database set covering the responses (in terms of thermoelastic linear characteristics) of composite microstructures.These data were then used to feed machine learning models, integrating both Machine Learning and Deep Learning approaches, with evaluation based on Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), demonstrating excellent prediction accuracy. Subsequently, the study focused on the search for optimized microstructures: coupling these numerical prediction tools with a genetic algorithm enabled the inverse analysis to obtain RVEs corresponding to prescribed values of thermoelastic characteristics.To make these innovative tools more accessible, a web interface was developed, highlighting their interactive and dynamic functionalities. This platform facilitates the exploration and intuitive exploitation of the obtained results
Michaud, Franck, und Franck Michaud. „Rhéologie de panneaux composites bois/thermoplastiques sous chargement thermomécanique : aptitude au postformage“. Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCe travail est une étude exploratoire sur la possibilité de réaliser un composite bois polymère ou WPC, rencontrant certaines exigences, notamment la post-thermoformabilité. Nous avons élaboré un panneau composite fibre de bois/thermodurcissable/thermoplastique dans la logique d’un « éco-matériau ». Ce matériau innovant est destiné à un usage structurel ou décoratif. Il est fabriqué selon un procédé de pressage à chaud d’un matelas fibreux. La problématique de l’incompatibilité d’interface entre le bois et le thermoplastique, récurrente pour bon nombre de WPC, a été résolue grâce au développement d’une technique originale d’amélioration de l’adhésion par enrobage. Les améliorations ont permis d’obtenir des caractéristiques physico-mécaniques semblables aux panneaux de densité moyenne. La composante thermoplastique nous a permis d’octroyer une aptitude de post-thermoformabilité à ce matériau. L’analyse détaillée de la composition des panneaux WPC, de leurs propriétés à différentes températures, ainsi qu’un travail de modélisation expliquent, en partie, le comportement complexe de ce nouveau WPC.
This project deals with a new type of Wood Polymer Composite (WPC) able to be post moulded. Based on wood industry processing we developed different wood/adhesive/thermoplastic fibreboards. This exploratory work leads to an innovative WPC fibreboard dedicated to structural or decorative use. In order to reach sufficient mechanical properties we managed to improve the cohesion properties. In fact, weak interfacial adhesion is a recurrent problem of all Wood/Thermoplastic products. An original coating process of MAPP onto PP fibres gave great interfacial adhesion enhancement and mechanical properties similar to MDF panels. The post thermoforming ability was measured with an original thermoforming test. These investigations, through characterisation and modelling, allowed us to determine the role of different factors and their interactions. Our post mouldable composite WPC fibreboards are porous and made-up of a fibre network which showed a complex rheological behaviour. Morphology, concentration, distribution of each components and surface interactions between them explain this behaviour.
This project deals with a new type of Wood Polymer Composite (WPC) able to be post moulded. Based on wood industry processing we developed different wood/adhesive/thermoplastic fibreboards. This exploratory work leads to an innovative WPC fibreboard dedicated to structural or decorative use. In order to reach sufficient mechanical properties we managed to improve the cohesion properties. In fact, weak interfacial adhesion is a recurrent problem of all Wood/Thermoplastic products. An original coating process of MAPP onto PP fibres gave great interfacial adhesion enhancement and mechanical properties similar to MDF panels. The post thermoforming ability was measured with an original thermoforming test. These investigations, through characterisation and modelling, allowed us to determine the role of different factors and their interactions. Our post mouldable composite WPC fibreboards are porous and made-up of a fibre network which showed a complex rheological behaviour. Morphology, concentration, distribution of each components and surface interactions between them explain this behaviour.
Jorand, Yves. „Elaboration et caractérisation de composites dispersoïdes ternaires base alumine-zircone a vocation thermomécanique“. Lyon, INSA, 1991.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleZirconia particles dispersed in order to promote the mechanism of stress induced phase transformation, is one of the most effective methods for toughening alumina. But it leads to reduction of hardness, Young modulus and high temperature fracture resistance. However with carefully chosen second phase particles, improvement in bath hardness and modulus can be obtained ( according to the law of mixture). Furthermore the presence of highly re fractory hard second phase particles at the grains boundary can impede grain matrix sliding at high temperatures. In the first part we have characterized experimental and commercial alumina (Pl72SB) synthesised by ALUMINIUM ECHINEY, in order to optimise high temperature mechanical properties. In the second part, two optimal Z. T. A. Compositions have been selected and developed. Then after selection of several phases (TiC, TiCN, TiN, TiB2, B4C, VC, Cr3C2) on the basis of their physical properties, sintering tests were conducted on Z. T. A. /non-oxide temary compositions. From these preliminary results, Al203/Zr02/Cr3C2 compositions were developed and specially characterized for high temperature mechanical properties
Hebert, Jean-Pierre. „Contribution à l'étude du comportement thermomécanique de matériaux composites pour applications aérospatiales“. Lyon 1, 1992.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFlorianova, Eva. „Traitements thermomécaniques, microstructure et propriétés supraconductrices des composites à base de Nb-Ti“. Lille 1, 1996.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSoro, Julien. „Elaboration par coulage en bande et caractérisation de composites fibreux à matrice à base de ciment alumineux“. Limoges, 2005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFor "large public" utilisation, corresponding to materials with good thermo-mechanical properties at temperatures about 1200°C, a research program was undertaken to apply the tape casting method in to great diffusion materials such as aluminous cements (SECAR 71 – Lafarge-Alumitnates). The object is to manufacture composite materials with low cost mineral matrix reinforced with fibres in 1D or 2D configuration, which can be used in oxidizing atmosphere. The results we have obtained, show that it is possible to make by tape casting, composites with hydraulic binder matrix reinforced by ceramic fibres, presenting a non-fragile behaviour and preserving a good level of rupture strength after dehydration
Dariol, Ludovic. „Recherche et mise au point d'interphases non-oxydables pour améliorer le comportement thermomécanique des composites SiC/MAS-L“. Montpellier 2, 1999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThebaud, Frédéric. „Vers l'introduction de l'endommagement dans la prévision globale du comportement de composites à matrice métallique“. Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 1993.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCledat-Schneider, Sandrine. „Elaboration et propriétés de composites particulaires AlN-TiB2“. Limoges, 1997.
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