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Lubis, Muya Syaroh Iwanda, Sabrina Aulia Rahmah, Asrindah Nasution, Maria Ulfa Batoebara und Ahmad Taufiq Harahap. „Hadith of associated with the target of communication (communicating with oneself and communicating with others)“. Dharmawangsa: International Journal of the Social Sciences, Education and Humanitis 3, Nr. 3 (09.01.2023): 09–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.46576/ijsseh.v3i3.2794.

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ABSTRACTBasically the nature of communication is any form of interaction among human beings. The two communication takes place in almost every aspect of human life. Every human living person is inherently free from waking up to sleeping, engaging in communication. It has been suggested in one study that 60% to 80% of people build up to communicate, as a result of communication as a determinant of the insan's biological qualities. Three so wide is communication to human relationships as a sign of how important communication is to life. Even communicating includes the most obvious needs as important as eating & drinking.Communication occurs as a consequence of social interaction. Society is at least 2 people who work with each other who, because they work together, cause social relations. We're basically in communication mode since we were born global. This act of communication was monotonous during his life process. Communication thus became the lifeblood of human life.6 Nir can be imagined what this global insan's & features of life would look like if there were only sporadic or almost automatic action of communication between one person/one group of people using the other mob.Keyword: hadith, target of communication.
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Grosse, Christine Uber. „Managing Communication within Virtual Intercultural Teams“. Business Communication Quarterly 65, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2002): 22–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/108056990206500404.

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As global companies increasingly rely on virtual teams to conduct short- and long- term projects, business students need to be prepared to manage the communication of intercultural teams. Communicating across cultures using technology can be a difficult task. It requires understanding the advantages and limitations of technol ogy and how to build relationships via technology. Virtual team members need to choose an appropriate communication channel for their purposes and be sure to balance distance work with face-to-face communication. Team leaders should encourage open communication and brainstorming, and avoid assignment of blame. Other strategies for success include: 1) develop a network of good relation ships built on trust and understanding, 2) show respect for other cultures and lan guages, and 3) understand how diversity strengthens the team.
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Supada, Wayan. „INTEGRASI CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS (CRME) DALAM PENERAPAN STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN“. Maha Widya Duta : Jurnal Penerangan Agama, Pariwisata Budaya, dan Ilmu Komunikasi 6, Nr. 1 (30.04.2022): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.55115/duta.v6i1.2030.

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The scipe of marketiing communication is devided into internal and external marketing communication. Internal marketing communication is carried out to build relationship between companies and the organizations within them, including shareholders, employess and stake holders in the company. While external marketing communications aims to build a corporate image and strong relationships between companies with other parties including consumers and the public at large. CRM is one of the strategies that can help maximize the objectives of marketing communications carried out by companies relating to products and services. The integration of the CRME model allows companies to manage relationships with customers so that an effective relationship management focus is achieved based on mapping of elements of IT, relationship marketing dan organizational climate.
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Roschuni, Celeste, Elizabeth Goodman und Alice M. Agogino. „Communicating actionable user research for human-centered design“. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 27, Nr. 2 (18.04.2013): 143–54. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0890060413000048.

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AbstractIn human-centered design, user research drives design decisions by providing an understanding of end users. In practice, different people, teams, or even companies manage each step of the design process, making communication of user research results a critical activity. Based on an empirical study of current methods used by experts, this paper presents strategies for effectively communicating user research findings across organizational or corporate boundaries. To build researcher–client relationships, understand both user and client needs, and overcome institutional inertia, this paper proposes viewing user research clients asusersof user research outcomes. This reframing of the crafting of communication across boundaries as a parallel internal human-centered design process we refer to as adouble ethnography.
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Rani, Fitri Muha, und Melva Silvira. „Strategies to Build Relationships with the Media“. Semantik: Journal of Social, Media, Communication, and Journalism 1, Nr. 1 (30.06.2023): 82. http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/semantik.v1i1.9209.

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Building relationships with the media is very important for public relations practitioners. Their success in carrying out PR tasks in order to reach the attention of audiences is largely determined by their understanding of strategies for building relations with the media as well as the intelligence and tactics of public relations practitioners in building relationships with media. Good relations with the mass media are built using the right communication strategy, namely the method used for smooth communication between public relations and the mass media. The good relations referred to here are good relations with media institutions and between public relations and journalists. A good relationship with the mass media is very important for public relations. Like an army going out to battle, he needs understanding and mastery of war strategy. Likewise with public relations practitioners, for the success of publicity, also requires understanding and mastery of strategies to build relationships with the media
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Ensign, Prescott C., und Maria Scopelliti. „QiaoLinx Inc.: assisting Canadian firms build successful business relationships in China“. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship 22, Nr. 1 (02.05.2020): 79–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jrme-11-2018-0060.

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Purpose This paper aims to present the challenges faced by a small startup as entrepreneurship and marketing intersect to influence the success or failure of the venture. The entrepreneurial marketing focus of the case provides a deeper understanding of the practice-based interface of these two disciplines. The case focuses on the vision of two entrepreneurs and how they use the value creation process of opportunity recognition, evaluation and development to design a consulting service for Canadian firms that want to do business in China. It also provides insight on the difficulty of creating, communicating, selling and delivering a new consulting service to the Canadian business community. Design/methodology/approach The case is based on extensive interviews with QiaoLinx Inc.’s founders, relevant others and secondary data including press releases, social media and promotional material. Findings The events, issues and questions presented to track the entrepreneurial actions and marketing process of a startup from concept to market to tipping-point. The case is intended to serve as an instructional platform that encourages deductive reasoning in analyzing and synthesizing the application of entrepreneurship and marketing theories. Originality/value This teaching case can be used in undergraduate or graduate courses in entrepreneurship, marketing, new venture creation and international business. Researchers, faculty, practitioners and students can use the case to engage in a discussion on the underlying theories of entrepreneurship and marketing.
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Sholihah, Umi. „Komunikasi Antarpribadi untuk Membangun Kedekatan Antara Relawan Komunitas Sahabat Anak Kanker (SAK) Malang dengan Anak Penderita Kanker“. Tuturlogi 3, Nr. 1 (09.11.2023): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.tuturlogi.2022.003.01.1.

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<p><em>Pediatric cancer patients often experience side effects from treatment, both physically and psychologically. The impact of this treatment, necessitates special assistance, which can be done through interpersonal communication to provide support for children with cancer. However, previous studies have not focused much on the closeness that ultimately builds on forms of interpersonal communication in the world of health. So, through phenomenological design, this study aims to determine interpersonal communication carried out to build closeness between volunteers of the Malang Cancer Child Friends Community (SAK) with children with cancer. Data collection was conducted by in-depth interviews with six informants who were SAK volunteers. The results of this study show that in general volunteers interpret the purpose of mentoring to build relationships, help, and comfort children with cancer. Meanwhile, in terms of the closeness of volunteers with children with cancer, volunteers interpret closeness based on the intensity of meetings, children's desire to meet volunteers, and volunteers' personal abilities in approaching children. Furthermore, in looking at the characteristics of communication, in general, volunteers recognize differences in terms of physical, psychic, and child maturity. So this condition requires volunteers to be more careful and patient in communicating with children with cancer.</em></p>
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Wang, Gang. „A Research on College Management Based on Building a Good Teacher-student Relationship“. Learning & Education 10, Nr. 2 (16.09.2021): 144. http://dx.doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i2.2311.

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Establishing a good teacher-student relationship is important to the development of society nowadays.However,under current status,teacher-student relationship is lack of communication.And students are afraid of the interaction between teachers and students.Even the classroom interaction can not have a relatively satisfactory effect.Therefore,this article aims to propose some suggestions on establishing a good teacher-student relationship.To build a harmonious teacher-student relationship,students’ initiative and enthusiasm should be improved,teachers’sense of responsibility and communicating ability should be enhanced,and build platforms should be built by colleges and universities.
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Williams, Jill Schlabig. „‘Know Your Customer’ Lunches Build Relationships, Goodwill“. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology 43, Nr. 6 (01.11.2009): 452–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.2345/0899-8205-43.6.452.

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Gold, David. „“But When Do You Teach Grammar?” Allaying Community concerns about Pedagogy“. English Journal 95, Nr. 6 (01.07.2006): 42–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.58680/ej20065006.

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David Gold describes the problems encountered in developing an English curriculum for a new private high school. By relying on current research on the teaching of reading and writing and by effectively communicating their pedagogy to students and parents, the two department members were able to build relationships to overcome resistance to nontraditional methods and show considerable improvement in student achievement.
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Romadlan, Said, Dini Wahdiyati, Hendri Prasetya und Ratih Novita Sari. „Building Interpersonal Communication Skills in the Digital Age for Vocational Students in South Jakarta“. PROMOTOR 6, Nr. 6 (19.12.2023): 702–7. http://dx.doi.org/10.32832/pro.v6i6.510.

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Interpersonal communication skills are a person's ability to establish personal relationships with others directly well. Amid the rampant development of communication and information technology today, interpersonal communication skills on the one hand are needed but on the other hand face challenges. In the digital age, people tend to prefer to communicate with others using social media rather than communicating face-to-face in person. People prefer using social media rather than socializing with others. As a result, interpersonal communication skills become undeveloped and inhibited. Among students, interpersonal communication skills are needed for self-development and soft skills, especially in building positive relationships with friends, teachers, family, and the social environment where they are. This Community Partnership Program offers solutions to build interpersonal communication skills among students of Al Falah Mampang Prapatan Vocational High School (SMK), South Jakarta. The results of this program show that students become more familiar with the concept of interpersonal communication skills, consider it important to have interpersonal communication skills, and are motivated to improve their interpersonal communication skills.
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Huyen, Nguyen Thanh. „Contrastive Analysis of Consonants in English and Vietnamese“. Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics 3, Nr. 6 (08.06.2021): 58–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.32996/jeltal.2021.3.6.8.

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Language is an intensely indispensable tool. It has tremendous functions in communication. One is communicating and conveying messages, thoughts and ideas, feelings, insights, and mental treasures and values of a communicative society. Also, it enhances and strengthens fellowships, companionships, relationships and economic and cultural cooperation. However, language is very indistinct, unclear and confusing. This contrastive linguistics analysis will compare the consonants between English and Vietnamese. Thus, the author synthesizes stored information from various sources to compare differences in consonants between English and Vietnamese in comparative points. Then, some implications and discussion would be drawn for teaching English pronunciation, aiming at helping English learners pronounce like native speakers. The findings show that there are significant differences between English and Vietnamese consonants. This paper is intended to help teachers and English learners review English and Vietnamese consonants to minimize mistakes in their pronunciation, accommodating learners to build their confidence to communicate in L2.
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Nicolae (Halep), Carmen-Georgiana, Mihaela Rus und Tănase Tasențe. „Institutional communication models and strategies adapted to New Media“. Ars Aequi 12 (13.04.2023): 190–208. http://dx.doi.org/10.47577/10.1234/arsaequi.12.1.223.

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New media has revolutionized the way that organizations communicate with their stakeholders. The traditional models of communication, such as mass communication, word of mouth, and direct mail, are no longer enough to reach today's audiences. In order to be successful in this new media environment, organizations must adapt their communication models and strategies to take advantage of the opportunities that new media provides. This paper will explore the various models and strategies that organizations can use to effectively communicate in the new media environment. The first step in adapting communication models to new media is to understand the various ways that people consume and interact with digital content. There are three main models for communicating with an audience online: broadcast, engagement, and relationships. Broadcast communication is a one-way communication model that is used to reach a large audience with a single message. This model is typically used when an organization has limited resources or time and needs to quickly disseminate information to a large group of people. Engagement communication is a two-way communication model that encourages people to interact with content by providing feedback, comments, and opinions. This model is best used when an organization wants to build relationships with its audience and create a dialogue. Finally, relationship communication is an ongoing communication model that focuses on building long-term relationships with stakeholders by providing timely, relevant, and personalized content. This model is best used when an organization wants to establish loyalty and trust with its target audience.
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Za'im, Putra Pramadita Fachruz, Retno Purwandari und Kholid Rosyidi Muhammad Nur. „The Relationship Between Intercultural Communication Apprehension and Therapeutic Communication of Nurses in Regional Public Hospital Ward“. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan 11, Nr. 1 (29.09.2023): 65–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.32668/jitek.v11i1.1096.

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Intercultural communication apprehension defined as fear or anxiety as a result of interactions with people from different cultural backgrounds. While therapeutic communication defined as communication carried out by nurses in communicating with clients to build interpersonal relationships. This research was conducted to determine the relationship between intercultural communication apprehension and therapeutic communication in hospital ward nurse. Correlational quantitative research design with a cross-sectional survey design approach used consisted of 98 nurse respondents determined through the total sampling technique. Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Appreciation (PRICA) questionnaire and the therapeutic communication questionnaire showed that intercultural communication apprehension level among nurses was mostly at moderate level with a total of 69 nurses (70.4%) while nurse therapeutic communication was mostly at good level with a total of 82 nurses (83.7%). The Kendall's Tau-B test showed that there was no significant relationship with a p value of 0.698. Communication anxiety level can be influenced by gender, and ethnocentrism. While therapeutic communication can be influenced by age, gender, culture and language, level of education, and length of work of nurses. Nurses' understanding regarding these factors is needed to avoid intercultural communication anxiety and to improve therapeutic communication that can affect the quality of health services.
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Triwardhani, Ike Junita, und Wulan Tri Gartanti. „Supportive Communication In Developing Housewife’s Entrepreneurial Of Home-Based Industry“. MIMBAR : Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan 34, Nr. 1 (19.06.2018): 61–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/mimbar.v34i1.3107.

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The role of women in the family is very important. In addition of taking care their household, women are also able to perform variety of other jobs, such as supporting the household economy by opening a home-based business. The effort to increase a home-based business’ success can be supported by the ability to build relationships with others. Supportive communication is a communication style at interpersonal communication level when someone wants to build a relationship. This study is based on framework of ethnography of communication and housewife’s entrepreneurial. Research method used is qualitative method with ethnographic communication approach. The subject of this research is housewife entrepreneurs of home-based industry. As home-based industry entrepreneurs, they always try to build relationships with employees, consumers, or suppliers as partners. Building and maintaining relationships to develop the business require good communication skills. Supportiveness becomes a key requirement of communication to develop the relationship. The supports are given by delivering a good motivation for self and business partner, developing creativity according to the typical of each relationship, and also improving communication skills in marketing the products.
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Purwanto, Eko, Mirza Shahreza, Selly Oktarina, Korry El Yana und Ade Rahmah. „Developing Life Skills through Effective Communication“. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 39, Nr. 1 (30.06.2023): 467. http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v39.1.5412.

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Effective communication plays an important role in improving an individual's life skills. In this article, it is explained that by honing communication skills, one can improve social and interpersonal skills, public speaking skills, the ability to work together in teams, the ability to think critically and creatively, and the ability to manage conflicts. Some strategies that can be used to improve effective communication skills include knowing the audience, using appropriate body language, avoiding the use of disrespectful or abusive language, and maintaining a positive and open attitude. In addition, there are some recommended recommendations, such as continuous practice in communicating, paying attention to body language and intonation, using polite language, listening well, and managing conflicts constructively. By following these recommendations, individuals can improve effective communication skills and gain benefits in their personal and professional lives, as well as build better relationships with others.
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Darmawan, Wawan, Ratu Mutialela Caropeboka, Isnawijayani und Desy Misnawati. „Analysis of the Implementation of Marketing Communication Management MyValue Application Building Customer Relations Hotel Santika Radial Palembang“. ARRUS Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 3, Nr. 3 (25.05.2023): 244–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.35877/soshum1753.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the application of marketing communication management for the MyValue application to build customer relations for Hotel Santika Radial Palembang. Done to maintain a more advanced competitiveness and the company tries to pay attention to relationships with customers. Efforts to build relationships with prospective customers and customers and companies are analyzed using marketing communication studies. The research method uses qualitative research methods. Sources of data using observation data and in-depth interviews with research informants related to research. The results of research on marketing communication management for the MyValue application to build hotel customer relations are carried out by optimizing marketing communications by implementing a promotional mix including advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing to achieve marketing success. And the implementation of the implementation of marketing communications indirectly forms a brand image that is attached to society.
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Leung, Derek D. V., und Paige E. dePolo. „TotBlocks: exploring the relationships between modular rock-forming minerals with 3D-printed interlocking brick modules“. European Journal of Mineralogy 34, Nr. 6 (01.11.2022): 523–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/ejm-34-523-2022.

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Abstract. Many rock-forming chain and sheet silicate minerals, i.e., pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas, and clay minerals, are built from shared chemical building blocks known as T-O-T modules. Each module consists of two opposing chains of vertex-sharing silica tetrahedra (T), which vertically sandwich a ribbon of edge-sharing metal–oxygen octahedra (O) in a T-O-T configuration. These minerals are both abundant and diverse in the lithosphere because T-O-T modules are chemically versatile (incorporating common crustal elements, e.g., O, Si, Al, Fe, and Mg) and structurally versatile (varying as a function of module width and linkage type) over a wide range of chemical and physical conditions. Therefore, these minerals lie at the center of understanding geological processes. However, their diversity leads to the minerals developing complex, 3D crystal structures, which are challenging to communicate. Ball-and-stick models and computer visualization software are the current methods for communicating the crystal structures of minerals, but both methods have limitations in communicating the relationships between these complex crystal structures. Here, we investigate the applications of 3D printing in communicating modular mineralogy and crystal structures. The open-source TotBlocks project consists of 3D-printed, T-O-T interlocking bricks, based on ideal polyhedral representations of T and O modules, which are linked by hexagonal pegs and slots. Using TotBlocks, we explore the relationships between modular minerals within the biopyribole (biotite–pyroxene–amphibole) and palysepiole (palygorskite–sepiolite) series. The bricks can also be deconstructed into T and O layer modules to build other mineral structures such as the brucite, kaolinite–serpentine, and chlorite groups. Then, we use the T-O-T modules within these minerals to visually investigate trends in their properties, e.g., habit, cleavage angles, and symmetry/polytypism. In conclusion, the TotBlocks project provides an accessible, interactive, and versatile way to communicate the crystal structures of common rock-forming minerals.
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Budiarti, Lina, Rena Feri Wijayanti, Shinta Maharani Trivena, Tri Yulistyawati Evelina und Kartika Indah Permanasari. „BIMBINGAN DAN PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN FEED INSTAGRAM UNTUK PENERAPAN RELATIONSHIP MARKETING PADA USAHA JASA ANALISIS DATA STATISTIK DI KELURAHAN MERJOSARI KECAMATAN LOWOKWARU KOTA MALANG“. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 8, Nr. 2 (15.02.2022): 46–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.33795/jabdimas.v8i2.123.

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ABSTRAK Kegiatan menjalin hubungan dengan pelanggan merupakan hal yang penting, tidak hanya sebatas ketika transaksi selesai dilakukan. Pemasaran yang menekankan pentingnya membangun hubungan dengan pelanggan disebut relationship marketing. Salah satu upaya untuk membangun hubungan jangka panjang dengan pelanggan adalah dengan berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan. Periklanan merupakan salah satu cara berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan dalam komunikasi pemasaran terintegrasi. Periklanan dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai media baik itu televisi, radio, surat kabar, majalah, internet, maupun melalui sosial media seperti yang populer dilakukan belakangan ini. Usaha kecil dapat beriklan dengan biaya yang relatif lebih terjangkau yaitu dengan beriklan melalui sosial media salah satunya melalui instagram. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengarahan tentang pembuatan feed instagram untuk penerapan relationship marketing. Kata Kunci: Relationship Marketing, Feed Instagram, Usaha Jasa ABSTRACT The activity of establishing relationships with customers is important, not only when the transaction is completed. Marketing that emphasizes the importance of building relationships with customers is called relationship marketing. One of the efforts to build long-term relationships with customers is to communicate with customers. Advertising is one way of communicating with customers in integrated marketing communications. Advertising can be done through various media, like for example, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet, or through social media as is popular lately. Small businesses can advertise at a relatively more affordable cost, namely by advertising through social media, one of which is through Instagram. This community service aims to provide guidance on creating Instagram feeds for the application of relationship marketing. Keywords: Relationship Marketing, Feed Instagram, Service Business
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Lee, Yeunjae, und Jeong-Nam Kim. „Authentic enterprise, organization-employee relationship, and employee-generated managerial assets“. Journal of Communication Management 21, Nr. 3 (07.08.2017): 236–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jcom-02-2017-0011.

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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts of perceived authenticity of organizational behaviors and types of organization-employee relationship (i.e. communal and exchange relationship) on intangible assets of organizations generated by employees’ communicative behaviors (ECBs) (e.g. megaphoning, scouting). Design/methodology/approach A web-based survey was conducted with full-time 528 employees working in medium- and large-sized companies in the USA. Findings Results showed that an organization’s authentic behaviors are positively related with employees’ perceived communal relationships, but not with exchange relationships. However, both communal and exchange relationships turned out to increase ECBs: positive megaphoning, negative megaphoning, and scouting. The existence of both communal and exchange relationships was more significant than having only communal relationships in terms of encouraging employees’ active communicative actions. Research limitations/implications By building links between employees’ communicative actions and its antecedents, perceived authenticity, types of relationship; this study contributed to the body of knowledge on exchange and communal relationship in the context of employee communication and extended the understanding of motivations of ECBs. Practical implications The findings suggest that employees’ communicative actions are highly facilitated by organizations’ authentic behavioral efforts and perceived relationship. To encourage employees’ information seeking and sharing behaviors, for organizational effectiveness, organizations should behave in authentic ways – be trustful, transparent, and consistent – and build both communal and exchange relationship. Originality/value This study first attempted to demonstrate the impacts of both communal and exchange relationships for organizations empirically in internal communication and relationship building practices.
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Solekhan, Muhammad. „Communication Ethics in Social Relationships Using Social Media Wisely in Islamic Values“. Journal of Modern Islamic Studies and Civilization 1, Nr. 01 (31.01.2023): 1–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.59653/jmisc.v1i01.1.

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The facts show that the etiquette of communication on social media needs to be built so that the relationship between netizens on social media can be harmonious and peaceful. This study discusses the etiquette of communication on social media according to an Islamic view and how to build a wise attitude in using social media. This study uses a sociological approach and the method that the authors use in this study uses qualitative methods. Communication ethics in Islam aims to form a wise attitude in social media. This attitude is considered capable of being a shield to guard against quality of information and maintain the stability of the media so as not to lose its direction. Thus, the message does not become a descendant class. The issue of communication manners on social media is regulated in the Al-Quran and Hadith. To build a wise attitude on social media, the following steps can be taken: using kind and polite words, disseminating useful information, not spreading lies or hate speech, correcting misinformation and providing advice.
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Windels, Kasey, und Mark Wilson Stuhlfaut. „Teaching Creativity: Experimental Evidence of Three Strategies for Teaching Industry Standards for Creative Excellence“. Journal of Advertising Education 21, Nr. 1 (Mai 2017): 13–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/109804821702100105.

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Creativity is a system of relationships between individual creators, culture and a field of gatekeepers who select and validate ideas. Within the cultural community of advertising, practitioners operate using informal and implicit rules, called creative codes, about what represents creative excellence as expressed through outputs, shared norms, language and awards. Students of advertising could benefit by recognizing and internalizing broader industry standards of creative excellence to build better portfolios, to be better prepared for interviews and to be more effective in their first jobs. This study evaluated three different communication techniques that educators can use to teach students about creative standards: explicitly communicating creative values, showcasing top campaigns, and comparing and contrasting advertising that has and has not won creative awards. The findings support the importance of these tools for educators.
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Bullock, William. „4 Strategies for effective risk communication following an emergency event or disaster“. Annals of Work Exposures and Health 68, Supplement_1 (01.06.2024): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/annweh/wxae035.007.

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Abstract The science of emergency response preparedness has advanced over the past 30 years, but the human brain has not fundamentally changed in thousands of years. Communicating OEHS concepts is a priority for all occupational hygienists – but how can you help workers, management, and the community better understand the importance of these concepts? Effective communication is a learned skill. Building trust and empathy are critical in any two-way conversation, and listening is often the most crucial aspect in effective communication. Having a well laid out plan is a critical element for any successful emergency response. Once the bad thing happens, it is difficult, if not impossible to earn trust within the community. Trust must be earned and part of your preplanning efforts. Preplanning must include elements aimed at developing a solid reputation and building trust within communities and/or among stakeholders. This talk will focus on the following elements of communication after an emergency event has occurred (using first-hand experience from train derailments in the U.S.): •the importance of effective communication and the relationship between engagement and outrage, •the importance of preparing a communication plan for when (not if) an emergency event occurs, •how companies/ organization can build trust and develop positive relationships before the emergency event occurs.
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Klimova, Tatyana, und Anastasia Rossinskaya. „Film club as a tool for developing the culture of experience among parents“. SHS Web of Conferences 98 (2021): 02010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20219802010.

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While observing the difficulties that parents experience in communicating with their adolescent children (for example, ignoring, misunderstanding, or underestimating the problems faced by teenagers, inability to build trust-based relationships, difficulties in discussing complex topics of interpersonal relationships, life choices, school problems, self-determination, etc.), the authors emphasized the need to search for methodological tools that can help overcome these problems of intergenerational communication through developing the culture of experience among parents. A film club for parents was chosen as a method. 30 parents of children (4–20 years old) watched a German TV series DRUCK (based on a Norwegian TV series SKAM) in Moscow from January to December 2020 offline and online. The functioning of this club was built over the methods of polylogue, non-judgmental interview, and amplification of sense. Observations, questionnaires, and interviews of the club members at the end of meetings allowed the authors to conclude the effectiveness of such a format for developing the culture of experience among parents and improving intergenerational relations. It was also proved that teen series have a great potential for developing the culture of experience among parents since they address topics relevant for teens and help observe the emotions and behavior of teens in a psychologically safe environment. Based on the study results, the authors developed methodological recommendations for organizing such film clubs and holding meetings for parents.
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R. Priya, D. Janani. „A Study Of Family Ties In The Novel The Lowland By Jhumpa Lahiri“. Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology 44, Nr. 3 (18.11.2023): 3399–401. http://dx.doi.org/10.52783/tjjpt.v44.i3.2046.

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True to the words of Michael J. Fox, Family is an important place to share love and care among the relations. Family relationships help the child to develop communication skills and builds trust and respect. The keys to developing healthy family relationships include making relationships a priority, communicating effectively and providing support for each other. Families vary in the expectations they hold regarding children’s behavior and this leads to differences in family relationships and communication styles. In the novel The Lowland, Jhumpa Lahiri portrays the life of two inseparable brothers Subash and Udayan and how their life gets changed when they grow up. Their ideologies are changed and as a result, Udayan becomes a naxalite and Subash takes up further studies at Rhode Island much against his brother’s wish. The novel depicts the relationships between the two brothers Subash and Udayan and between Udayan’s wife Gauri and Subash and between Gauri’s daughter Bella and Subash. Thus it is a sort of complicated family relationship that Lahiri portrays in The Lowland. The Lowland was a nominee for the Man Booker Prize and the National Book award for Fiction.
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Rihartono, Siantari. „Meningkatkan Pelayanan Melalui Public Relations yang Harmonis dan Humanis di Masa Pandemi COVID-19“. PARAHITA : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2, Nr. 1 (26.06.2021): 15–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.25008/parahita.v2i1.54.

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Public Relations is a strategic function in management that communicates to generate understanding and acceptance from the public. Some principles of a harmonious relationship during the Pandemic: Honest communication for credibility. Openness and consistency of steps taken to gain the confidence of others. Fair steps to gain reciprocity and goodwill. Continuous two-way communication to prevent estrangement and to build relationships. Evaluation and research of the environment to determine the steps or adjustments to be made. Improved service based on harmonious relationships can be done by an employee at the faculty in serving students so that long-term relationships are established. The service improvement can be done with the principles of a harmonious relationship by using the following steps needed for social harmony. The strength possessed by Public Relations is the basis of great optimism for its success in carrying out its duties, namely being able to build great trust from the public.
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Taylor, Maureen, Michael L. Kent und William J. White. „How activist organizations are using the Internet to build relationships“. Public Relations Review 27, Nr. 3 (September 2001): 263–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0363-8111(01)00086-8.

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Zhong, Shuaihao, Duoqiang Wang, Wei Li, Feng Lu und Hai Jin. „Burner: Recipe Automatic Generation for HPC Container Based on Domain Knowledge Graph“. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 (25.05.2022): 1–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2022/4592428.

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As one of the emerging cloud computing technologies, containers are widely used in academia and industry. The cloud computing built by the container in the high performance computing (HPC) center can provide high-quality services to users at the edge. Singularity Definition File and Dockerfile (we refer to such files as recipes) have attracted wide attention due to their encapsulation of the application running environment in a container. However, creating a recipe requires extensive domain knowledge, which is error-prone and time-consuming. Accordingly, more than 34% of Dockerfiles in Github cannot successfully build container images. The crucial points about recipe creation include selecting the entities (base images and packages) and determining their relationships (correct installation order for transitive dependencies). Since the relationships between entities can be expressed accurately and efficiently by the knowledge graph, we introduce knowledge graph to generate high-quality recipes automatically. This paper proposes an automatic recipe generation system named Burner, enabling users with no professional computer background to generate the recipes. We first develop a toolset including a recipe parser and an entity-relationship miner. Our two-phase recipe parsing method can perform abstract syntax tree (AST) parsing more deeply on the recipe file to achieve entity extraction; the parsing success rate (PSR) of the two-phase parsing method is 10.1% higher than the one-phase parsing. Then, we build a knowledge base containing 2,832 entities and 62,614 entity relationships, meeting the needs of typical HPC applications. In the test of image build, the singularity image build success rate reaches 80%. Compared with the ItemCF recommendation method, our recommendation method TB-TFIDF achieves a performance improvement by up to 50.86%.
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Maboee, Lerato Relebohile, Paulene Naidoo, Nisha Ramlutchman und Veena Parboo Rawjee. „The influence of social media use on corporate reputation at a higher education institution“. International Journal of Business Ecosystem & Strategy (2687-2293) 6, Nr. 2 (05.06.2024): 25–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.36096/ijbes.v6i2.514.

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The use of social media in organisations can assist in the creation and maintenance of a good brand, reputation and image largely due to the potential of developing interactive relationships with various stakeholders. This not only aids in building stakeholder relationships, but also in increasing an organisation’s visibility. The aim of this research was to assess how a higher education institution, specifically the Durban University of Technology (DUT) in South Africa, uses social media platforms to build and maintain a positive corporate reputation. Additionally, the research examined how the institution actively engages with their target audience on social media platforms. A quantitative methodology was adopted with a sample population of 180 students from the DUT. Data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires to students and analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25.0. Findings revealed that social media plays an important role for organisations as a vital tool to build and maintain corporate reputation online, as well as communicating effectively and actively with various target audiences. The research recommends that organisations prioritise investing in social media platforms and communicate effectively and actively with their audiences online.
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Supriyanto, Bambang, und Suharyanto Suharyanto. „Perancangan Jaringan VPN Menggunakan Metode Point To Point Tunneling Protocol“. Jurnal Teknik Komputer 5, Nr. 2 (01.08.2019): 235–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.31294/jtk.v5i2.5452.

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PT. Hail Otis Logistics is a Forwarding and Expedition Company that provides Custom Clearence Export and Import services as well as Shipping or Delivery from Partner Companies to Tanjung Priuk Port and vice versa. Currently PT. Hail Otis Logistics is sending company data using e-mail, so the company cannot yet ensure the security of the data sent. Due to the company's problems, designing a VPN is a means of communicating and transferring data securely and maintaining data validity. In this study VPN was built using the PPTP (Point To Point Tunneling Protocol) method to build a VPN network at PT. Hail Otis Logistics. Use PPTP because this method uses a protocol that allows point to point relationships that pass through the IP network. Results obtained in VPN development at PT. Hail Otis Logistics are VPN networks that can connect between headquarters and branch offices to transfer data safely. VPN development can provide security with encryption in every data communication.Keywords: PPTP, Network, VPN
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Pramistiyani, Aymelia, und Femi Oktaviani. „Kompetensi Komunikasi Pengguna Aplikasi Tinder Sebagai Media Pencari Jodoh di Masa Pandemic“. Communicology: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi 10, Nr. 2 (23.12.2022): 154–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.21009/communicology.030.02.

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This research is based on the communication competence of Tinder application users. Tinder application as an alternative media in finding a mate during the pandemic. Communication competence or a person's ability to communicate will build a trust in an ongoing relationship, even though this communication only takes place through chat media, it does not hinder the communication undertaken. The foundation in this research is interpersonal communication, interpersonal communication is considered the most effective in changing attitudes, beliefs, opinions and behavior of the communicant. The theory used in this research is Social Penetration Theory. The method used in this research is the researcher uses a qualitative approach with the case study method, the data collection technique in this study is in-depth interviews with Tinder application users. The results of this study that the communication competence of Tinder application users can be seen from how Tinder application users manage emotions in chat rooms, determine message content in responding to chats, and build interpersonal relationships through chat media. From these findings it can be concluded that a relationship can be built from a trust. Trust in communication using Tinder arises because of communication skills in the form of expressions, responses, and personal behavior and clear interpersonal information exchange.
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Thariq, Muhammad. „INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION ROLE FOR SELF-CONCEPT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES“. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences 1, Nr. 2 (24.07.2018): 181–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.33258/birci.v1i2.21.

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This study intends to know "How can interpersonal communication build family resilience in the face of increasingly tough challenges"? To reveal the reality of the authors use qualitative methods. To get the data, the author uses three techniques of data collection that is observation, in-depth interview and documentation study. The results of this study found that interpersonal communication plays an important role in shaping family resilience and strengthen the functioning of families facing increasingly severe challenges. Interpersonal communication between parent and child through the giving of statements such as "Know your family and remember who you are", "we live not alone" and "remember neighbors, remember family" can form self concept or character of child and family in society as do parents to the children / family in Neighborhood 1 Pasar 6 Kelurahan Tanjungsari Kecamatan Medan Selayang, Medan City, North Sumatera Province. There are positive family relationships and actions built on the basis of conversation, conformity, dependency and distribution of powers derived from parents and children as in families in Neighborhood I Pasar 6 Tanjungsari Village, Kec. Medan Selayang, so as to build a warm and supportive relationship that is characterized by mutual respect and care for each other. With the capital of interpersonal communication, the family can function in building relationships between families and social relations in the form of arisan aged 20 years more. Finally, the family communication (old family) upholds family secrets and restrictions on taboo matters.
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Korombel, Anna, und Olga Ławińska. „BEHAVIOURS OF GEN ZERS’ REPRESENATIVES ON SOCIAL MEDIA AS A BASIS FOR BUILDING ENTERPRISE-CUSTOMER RELATIONS“. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas Zarządzanie 22, Nr. 4 (30.12.2021): 115–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0015.6943.

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Building relationships with Generation Z on social media is becoming a challenge for present-day enterprises. The aim of the paper is to indicate the features of the activity of the representatives of generation Z in social media that enable the company to build relationships in order to achieve benefits.The study of Generation Z behaviour towards brands on social media is part of broader research conducted by the authors among students in Poland and Great Britain in 2020. The method used in the study was a survey, as part of which the CATI surveying technique was used. For analysis of the study material, descriptive statistics measures were used. The findings show which social networking portals are most often used by respondents of Generation Z, what benefits they then expect and what actions they perform most often when communicating with businesses on social media. Additionally, the strength of the relationships between the analysed variables and the respondent's gender was verified.
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Sorrell, Sydney A., Emalee J. Willis, Jane H. Bell, G. Tyler Lefevor und Samuel J. Skidmore. „“I’ll Give Them All the Time They Need”: How LGBTQ+ Teens Build Positive Relationships with Their Active, Latter-Day Saint Parents“. Religions 14, Nr. 3 (06.03.2023): 348. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rel14030348.

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Strong and supportive relationships with parents are key to promoting the mental health of LGBTQ+ teens. Overwhelmingly, studies have focused on ways to improve parental acceptance, largely neglecting understanding the parent–teen dyad as a unit and ignoring teens’ contributions to their relationships with their parents. To address this gap, we conducted 19 separate interviews with LGBTQ+ teens and their Latter-day Saint (LDS) parents (38 total interviews) to explore the ways that teens contributed to the development of positive relationships. Additionally, we explored teen-related factors that presented challenges to the parent–teen relationship. Thematic analyses suggested that LGBTQ+ teens engaged in several behaviors that benefitted their relationships with their LDS parents, including having authentic and meaningful conversations, fostering family connections, engaging in casual communication, being open about LGBTQ+ identity, and giving parents time and grace. Participants reported several common teen-related factors that presented challenges to the relationship, including communication and connection difficulties, challenges related to general development, and parents and teens avoiding LGBTQ+ and religious topics. Results suggest that while several of these factors may be relevant for parent–teen relationships more broadly, many were specific to LGBTQ+ teens with active, LDS parents. These findings highlight the ways that LGBTQ+ teens manage to foster positive relationships with their parents despite potential conflict between their LGBTQ+ identities and their parents’ religious beliefs.
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Abdurrahman, Alvin Gus, Chairun Nisa Dwi Putri und Irwansyah Irwansyah. „Implementasi Teori Penetrasi Sosial pada Pengguna Aplikasi Tinder“. JURNAL LENSA MUTIARA KOMUNIKASI 5, Nr. 2 (24.12.2021): 24–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.51544/jlmk.v5i2.1661.

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The Covid-19 pandemic has changed social behaviour in society. Especially in the process of building relationships with opposite sex, which is usually done face-to-face, is now turning online. This is the impact of the government's policy to limit large-scale social activities to prevent the development of the coronavirus. In 2020, the number of chat exchanges on the Tinder app increased by 23%. Nowadays people prefer to get to know others online before deciding to meet in person. Social Penetration Theory (TPS) can be used to analyse the process of communication and self-disclosure of an individual in building interpersonal relationships. This theory describes a person like an onion that has various layers in it because someone only provides general information in the early stages of a relationship then reveals more personal information when they get close and build trust. This research is different from previous work because it analyses TPS on Tinder application users during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to review TPS on Tinder application users by testing the main assumptions of the theory in relationship development and self-disclosure. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection is done by searching for articles journals with keywords TPS and the use of Tinder application to build relationships. The results show that the self-disclosure mediated by digital technology can limit the general and personal information shared by its users. The limitation of it lies in the ability to read non-verbal messages. Gender factors influence how individuals build relationships in the early stages. Men tend to approach women aggressively using jokes or funny statements, while women rely more on subtle cues. Future research can focus on the communication of Tinder application users at different age ranges. This research is expected to be input for research on online communication, self-disclosure and relationship development.
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Eger, Elizabeth K., Emily Pollard, Hannah E. Jones und Riki Van Meter. „Creating and Sustaining Service Industry Relationships and Families: Theorizing How Personal Workplace Relationships Both Build Community and Perpetuate Organizational Violence“. Behavioral Sciences 12, Nr. 6 (08.06.2022): 184. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/bs12060184.

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Service industry workers experience challenging labor conditions in the United States, including pay below the minimum wage, expected emotional labor, and harassment. Additionally, in part because they work long shifts in high stress environments in restaurants and bars, many build and form personal workplace relationships (PWRs). In 2021, we interviewed 38 service industry workers and managers during the COVID-19 pandemic where we examined occupational challenges they faced in the state of Texas, USA. Through our interpretive research, this essay showcases our inductive findings on how service industry workers and managers utilize communication to create and sustain PWRs. We identified how some PWRs are sustained through a unique form of occupational identification that cultivates a “service industry family”, which we term familial personal workplace relationships (familial PWRs). This extends past organizational communication scholarship on family to consider occupational identification. Furthermore, our research reveals that while PWRs may build communities through care and support, they also perpetuate organizational violence, like sexual harassment and bullying.
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Anderson, Erin, und Barton Weitz. „The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels“. Journal of Marketing Research 29, Nr. 1 (Februar 1992): 18–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/002224379202900103.

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Commitment in channel relationships is modeled as a function of (1) each party's perception of the other party's commitment, (2) self-reported and perceived pledges (idiosyncratic investments and contractual terms) made by each party, and (3) other factors such as communication level, reputation, and relationship history. A dyadic model represented by a simultaneous equation system is estimated with data from 378 pairs of manufacturers and industrial distributors. The results indicate that one type of pledge, idiosyncratic investments, has a strong effect on the commitment of both parties to the relationship. In addition, each party's commitment is affected by the perceived commitment of the other party. Finally, idiosyncratic investments signal commitment, affecting each party's perceptions of the other party's commitment.
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Baniya, Rojan, und Brijesh Thapa. „CSR Communication among Tourism SMEs through Their Websites“. Tourism and Hospitality 2, Nr. 3 (19.08.2021): 319–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/tourhosp2030020.

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Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in tourism are increasingly communicating their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives via their websites to build a positive image and promote customer relationships. This study examined such CSR engagement and communications by tourism SMEs in Nepal based on qualitative analysis of website content and in-depth interviews. Google search engine was used to select SMEs, and textual data were extracted from their websites. Following data saturation, a review of twenty-five websites was initially compared, and the obtained information was subsequently evaluated with information provided through individual interviews. Overall, CSR activities were largely practiced at a philanthropic level, and to some extent, at an ethical level. SMEs were primarily focused on activities related to social and environmental issues within the communities in which they operate. The results of this exploratory study provide an initial assessment of CSR among tourism SMEs in Nepal and could assist tourism associations/organizations with initiatives.
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Mohammed, M. L., und Yahaya Isa Mohammed. „Critical Examination of Service Quality and Relationship Marketing in Establishing Sustainable Long Term Customer Relations in Commercial Contexts“. IIARD INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 8, Nr. 3 (19.09.2022): 17–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.56201/ijebm.v8.no3.2022.pg17.26.

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Service Quality and Relationship Marketing compatibly build and improve customer relationships with the marketers in business environment. The Objective of this paper is critical examination of the interdependent nature between service quality and relationship marketing in establishing sustainable long term relationship with customers in business operations. The paper employed the use of secondary source to obtain information related to the topic. The facets of relationship marketing can be explored, with the greatest emphasis on internal services and marketing. Higher quality services came from continuous improvement, and intensive employee’s training and participation and communication, knowledge and understanding of customers, that built service and relationship culture in business organization. Business enterprise can successfully achieve its service quality delivery and relationship marketing through development strategy, creation of customers value , performance analysis and assessment, and management of information process by ways of targeting the “right” customers, at the right place, at the time and build relationships with them. Poor service delivery created gaps between service providers and receivers; such as Knowledge gap, Policy gap, Delivery gap, Communication gap, Tangibility gap. On the other hand higher services quality closed the gaps consistently to meet customer expectations and satisfaction. Thus, service quality served as resource for building relationship marketing. Offering solutions that meet customers complains. Offering quality package with competitive advantage in Marketing Operations, Creating and delivering specified service to target customers, at the right time, Adhere to consistent quality standards and value provision to customers. Offering high service performance to ensure acceptable costs operations function, Recruit, train and retain the best employees for internal services and marketing activity in every operation, Re-training and motivating employees who work well together in communication and interaction with customers to achieve both performance and customer satisfaction
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Shifrin, Susan, Florence Gelo und Anne Mitchell. „ARTZ @ Jefferson: How Arts-Based Experiences Support People With Dementia as Mentors and Aid in Dignity Preservation“. Innovation in Aging 4, Supplement_1 (01.12.2020): 842. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igaa057.3087.

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Abstract ARTZ @ Jefferson positions people with dementia and care partners as authorities about their lived experiences; arts-based experiences assist them in communicating with and mentoring health-professions students about those lived experiences. Since Spring 2016, over 100 students have been mentored by people with dementia and their care partners. Their first encounters take place in museum galleries, through facilitated conversations about works of art. Over the next six to eight weeks, students and mentors build relationships through group meetings and individual conversations. Post course surveys demonstrated that nearly 100% of students indicated their increased ability to value listening and listen to others, enhanced the healthcare provider/patient relationship, and prioritized patients’ life experiences. The majority of mentors noted that student interactions added to their quality of life, social engagement and sense of purpose. Preliminary outcomes suggest that arts-based experiences establish mutual respect and empathy between people with dementia and students.
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Liu, Brooke Fisher, Anita Atwell Seate, Ji Youn Kim, Daniel Hawblitzel, Saymin Lee und Xin Ma. „Relationships Are Built on Sunny Days: Uncovering Quiet Weather Communication Strategies“. Weather, Climate, and Society 14, Nr. 1 (Januar 2022): 223–36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/wcas-d-21-0096.1.

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Abstract This study proposes the concept of quiet weather communication and offers the first framework of quiet weather communication strategies tied to specific public outcomes (e.g., build and maintain organization–public relationships). Most of the risk communication literature focuses on severe weather communication. We posit that through defining and examining quiet weather strategic communication we can better understand how the weather enterprise can prepare communities for future severe weather. Through four virtual focus groups with 28 NWS and broadcast meteorologists, we operationalize quiet weather communication strategies (humanize the organization, provide weather education, share the love of blue skies, and showcase quiet weather trends). We then report meteorologists’ perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of each strategy and propose future directions for research on quiet weather communication.
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Kim, Yeonsoo. „Managing Negative WOM on Social Media: Impact of Accommodative Versus Defensive Strategies, Reputation, and Communication Style on Consumer Responses“. Korean Journal of Communication 1, Nr. 2 (Juni 2024): 139–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/kjc.2024.a932423.

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abstract: This study examined optimal strategies for companies managing negative social media comments, viewing these situations as public relations opportunities to build relationships and reduce negative word of mouth. Utilizing SCCT and attribution theory and public relations literature on two-way communication and relationship building, a 2×2×2 full factorial experiment was conducted with consumer samples. Results show that effective management of negative comments on social media can build stakeholder relationships and yield positive outcomes. However, the effectiveness of the response strategy depends on the company’s existing reputation. For companies with a positive reputation, a defensive strategy is more effective in reducing perceived responsibility, whereas, for those with a poor reputation, response strategy choice has minimal impact. Two-way communication enhances external attribution, which is especially beneficial for disreputable companies using a defensive strategy. External attribution positively influences trust and satisfaction, ultimately affecting corporate outcomes.
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Yuzakky Saputri, Intan Hamidah, Sukarelawati Sukarelawati und Ali Alamsyah Kusumadinata. „KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL DIADIK ANTARA ANAK DAN ORANG TUA TIRI DALAM KELUARGA“. JURNAL KOMUNIKATIO 8, Nr. 1 (28.04.2022): 55–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.30997/jk.v8i1.4913.

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Communication between children and stepparents in the family is dyadic interpersonal communication. Dyadic communication is a type of communication that involves the relationship of two people. Dyadic interpersonal communication will be effective if the communication builds a shared understanding based on an attitude of openness, empathy, a supportive attitude or a positive attitude, and equality. This study examined dyadic interpersonal communication between children and stepparents in the family. The author used a qualitative descriptive method. The researchers collected primary data from interviews with five children who have stepparents. The study found the four elements of interpersonal communication in dyadic communication between children and stepparents. The element of openness was the most crucial factor in dyadic interpersonal communication between children and stepparents because it was the beginning of the presence of other aspects of effective communication. In addition, open communication can build positive, equal, and empathetic relationships.
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Bee, Rachel Elizabeth, Julia Watkins und Ruth Barnes. „The Effects of Low-Fidelity Simulation on Students' Perceived Abilities to Build Therapeutic Relationships“. Journal of Nursing Education 62, Nr. 10 (Oktober 2023): 575–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20230815-09.

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Background: The combination of nursing student anxiety toward patients with mental health conditions, along with their unpreparedness for exercising active listening, empathy, and self-awareness in clinical situations, creates a barrier to achieving therapeutic nurse– patient relationships. Method: A quantitative quasiexperimental study with a one-group pretest-posttest design was used to determine whether a low-fidelity communication simulation laboratory would decrease nursing students' perceived anxiety levels toward mental health patients and increase students' perceived empathy, self-awareness, and active listening levels. Results: After completing the communication simulation laboratory, students' anxiety decreased significantly ( p < .001) and active listening increased significantly ( p < .001); empathy and self-awareness levels were relatively unchanged. Conclusion: Using a communication simulation laboratory effectively decreased nursing students' perceived anxiety levels toward patients and improved their perceived active listening skills. The findings of the study support the use of low-fidelity simulations to prepare students for psychiatric nursing clinical practice. [ J Nurs Educ . 2023;62(10):575–579.]
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Harahap, Nur Hasanah, Dinny Rahmayanty, Asmawati ‍‍, Angga Widyansyah Pratama und Rahmi Syarima Afdhol. „Effective Communication in Building Relationships Between Parents and Children“. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan 7, Nr. 2 (01.10.2023): 3699–707. http://dx.doi.org/10.33487/edumaspul.v7i2.7018.

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Effective communication between parents and children plays an important role in the establishment of healthy and close relationships within the family. This article examines the importance of open communication and understanding in overcoming the various challenges parents face in raising children. We highlight communication strategies that can help parents build strong emotional connections with their children, including methods of attentive listening, responding positively, and overcoming common communication barriers. By understanding and applying these principles of effective communication, parents can create a supportive environment for their children's development and foster harmonious family relationships.
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Muthoni Murimi, Catherine, und Dr Abel Anyieni. „EFFECT OF CORPORATE COMMUNICATION STRATEGY ON PERFORMANCE OF SAFARICOM LIMITED IN KENYA“. International Journal of Management Studies and Social Science Research 06, Nr. 02 (2024): 232–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.56293/ijmsssr.2024.4920.

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The Kenyan telecommunications sector has been undergoing rapidly varying environmental conditions in terms of the competition. With penetration of information and technology, the market has become a global village and the telecommunications companies are no exception. This study was conducted to establish the effect of corporate communication strategy on performance in Safaricom Limited. Diffusion of innovation theory supported the study. This study adopted census approach and the target population was 90 principal officers, 60 senior officers, 25 senior managers and 37 managers. Data was collected using structured questionnaires. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25.0 and descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used in analysis. Descriptive statistics showed that respondents agreed that corporate communication strategy affected performance at the Safaricom limited. Regression analysis showed that corporate communication strategy affected performance positively and significantly (β = 0.080, Sig. = 0.004). Results also showed that corporate communication strategy was positively and significantly correlated (r=0.293, p=0.006). The study concludes that by communicating openly and effectively, Safaricom can build strong relationships, address concerns, gather feedback, and foster a sense of involvement and trust among stakeholders. The study recommends Safaricom limited to capitalize on advertising its products since advertising can provide a competitive advantage by positioning a business as a preferred choice among competitors.
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Galvão, Tássia, Priscilla Rayanne e. Silva Noll und Matias Noll. „Perceptions, relationships, expectations, and challenges: Views of communication and research for scientific dissemination in Brazilian Federal Institutes“. PLOS ONE 16, Nr. 10 (14.10.2021): e0258492. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258492.

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Communicating Brazilian science still seems to be a challenge for journalists and researchers of public institutions of education and science. In this sense, this research aims to identify and analyze scientists’ perceptions regarding the work of journalists, the relationship between these groups, the expectations, and the challenges of science communication in two Federal Institutes of Education in Brazil. We conducted a mixed study in the qualitative stage with the participation of 30 interviewees, and in the quantitative stage, journalists and researchers answered a questionnaire (n = 242). Our results indicated that the work of science communication is not carried out properly in both Institutes and that there is a lack of articulated work among both journalists, communicators, and researchers. The relationship between these groups needs to be built jointly. In this respect, the biggest challenges are to institutionalize science communication, establish a science communication plan, and overcome internal relationship barriers. Our results may underpin science communication policies and policies for scientific dissemination both institutional or even national levels.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Galvão, Tássia, Priscilla Rayanne e. Silva Noll und Matias Noll. „Perceptions, relationships, expectations, and challenges: Views of communication and research for scientific dissemination in Brazilian Federal Institutes“. PLOS ONE 16, Nr. 10 (14.10.2021): e0258492. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258492.

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Communicating Brazilian science still seems to be a challenge for journalists and researchers of public institutions of education and science. In this sense, this research aims to identify and analyze scientists’ perceptions regarding the work of journalists, the relationship between these groups, the expectations, and the challenges of science communication in two Federal Institutes of Education in Brazil. We conducted a mixed study in the qualitative stage with the participation of 30 interviewees, and in the quantitative stage, journalists and researchers answered a questionnaire (n = 242). Our results indicated that the work of science communication is not carried out properly in both Institutes and that there is a lack of articulated work among both journalists, communicators, and researchers. The relationship between these groups needs to be built jointly. In this respect, the biggest challenges are to institutionalize science communication, establish a science communication plan, and overcome internal relationship barriers. Our results may underpin science communication policies and policies for scientific dissemination both institutional or even national levels.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

EL Fatich, Hervita. „Strategi Komunikasi Pasangan Tuli dan Dengar dalam Menjalin Hubungan Romantis“. Tuturlogi 3, Nr. 1 (09.11.2023): 24. http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.tuturlogi.2022.003.01.3.

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<p><em>Humans are social beings who cannot be separated from other individuals. Humans will always live side by side and communicate with other people. Interpersonal communication is needed by someone in order to learn about the external world and build relationships with other people, including the Deaf. The Deaf communicate by non-verbal or sign language. Communication also used by individuals to establish romantic relationships, in which there are communication strategies to solve problems. In this study, the method used is phenomenology to find out the communication strategies of deaf and hearing couples in establishing a romantic relationship. The results obtained are 1) Communication strategies that continues to develop in a more intimate direction, which begins with an approach process to recognize attitudes and compatibility with one another; 2) Communication gaps often arise in interpreting messages as the main obstacle in a process of communication between deaf and hearing couples; 3) Build trust between deaf and hearing partners by mutually disclosing information about themselves to their partners, because a sense of trust and comfort has arisen.</em></p>
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Husna, Syah Zanul, und Raissa Amanda Putri. „Implementasi Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Autisme Pada Anak Menggunakan Metode Naïve Bayes“. Journal of Information System Research (JOSH) 5, Nr. 1 (31.10.2023): 319–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.47065/josh.v5i1.4327.

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Autism is a developmental disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, thereby affecting a child's communication and social interaction abilities. This disorder poses a problem for children in communicating and forming relationships with their environment. As the number of individuals with autism increases, public awareness of autism remains very low. Additionally, most psychologists or psychiatrists are located in major cities, limiting access for rural communities. This leads to many parents struggling to obtain information about autism symptoms. The research method used is the naïve Bayes method, it can be drawn from the system is that it will generate the maximum score despite any disturbances in the provided data. The results of this research align with expert knowledge, suggesting that it can be relied upon to accurately diagnose autism based on the symptoms experienced by individuals. The aim of this study is to build an expert system that can provide information and solutions to parents regarding autism disorders based on their knowledge of the symptoms they experience, enabling users to diagnose autism in their children early on without incurring costs.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen
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